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01x12 - The Great Outdoors: Part 1

Posted: 08/16/23 02:44
by bunniefuu
♪ Hey, hey! ♪

♪ La la la la la ♪

♪ Hey, hey! ♪

♪ La la la la la ♪

♪ Chasing dreams
And making it happen ♪

♪ We can be anything
We imagine ♪

♪ In harmony, it's clicking
Like magic ♪

♪ It takes two! ♪

♪ When we're together ♪

♪ Double trouble
Rocking in stereo ♪

♪ Better buckle up,
Baby here we go ♪

♪ You and me ♪

♪ It's lights
Camera action ♪

♪ It takes two! ♪

♪ When we're together ♪

♪ It takes two! ♪


[George] Cock a doodle do!

-[gasps] I'm awake!
-[gasps] I'm up!


Was that a rooster?

That's my dad crowing
like a rooster.

He's been doing it
to kick off

our Robert's family
camping trips

for as long as I can

This family always entertains.

Turkeys, roosters,
what's next?


Attention, campers!

We depart in zero, zero

Zero, zero what now?

Oh, his twist on m*llitary time.

Means we're hitting the road
in minutes for the campsite

where there'll be nothing
but fresh air to whisk away

our creative rut and blow in
a sweet breeze of inspiration.

We'll come back relaxed, renewed
and with a brand new song!

Wow, five out of five.


I've been reading a ton of
online reviews

about where we're going.

But, your description
is the best one.

No wonder you've got
this city girl excited

to explore the great outdoors.

[puppies barking]

Come on, Dad.

Mom's on her girls trip
so she put us in charge

of the checklist.

OK, fine. Go ahead.

Even though I know
I've got everything.

-Great. Sleeping bags?


Grill, chili,

buns, hot dogs, s'mores?

Check, check, check, check.

And who forgets s'mores
on a camping trip?

I was doing this
before you were born.

Can we go now?

Uh, hi.

I was just about to knock.

Daisy! Ken!

I've missed you guys
so much.

It's been forever.
Hi, Roberts fam.

Sorry, we're late.

Not yet.

But if we're not on
the road in seconds

it might cost us
hours in traffic.

Unless you want a replay
of last time.

[all] No!

What happened last time?

Traffic jam.

Five hours, radio stuck on
the easy listening station.

It still gives me nightmares.


We just made it.

Three, two...

[all] Cock a doodle do!

Don't worry,
that's the last one.

So far it's my favorite part
of camping.

But a girl could use
a heads up.

You know, when you kids
were little,

we wouldn't be on the road
five minutes

before you fell fast asleep.

Now, look at you.
All grown up.

So, who wants to pick the
soundtrack for the drive?


Yes! Easy listening it is.

[upbeat music]

And there! We did it.

Not so bad, huh?

Honestly, way easier than
I thought it would be.

That means you're a natural.

And, since you're a natural
with the chili dogs,

can you help me prep dinner?

Give us a chance to have
some dad/daughter time.

Of course.

Except for chopping the onions.
That's all you.

I know. You hate crying
over condiments.

See you at the grill.

-Sisters only tradition?
-Making flower crowns.

-At our spot.
-[all] See you there?

I couldn't say no
to those faces,

even if I wanted to.

Which I totally don't.

Meet you after I help Dad,

Hey, Barbie. Can we talk
for a sec?

[both] Sure!

Right. Not me.


I'll get started on the lights.

Picture it, just you and me,
kayaking on our favorite lake.

Catching up on what I've missed
at school and the beach and...

I need to know everything!

You know I got some
juicy deets,

but I need
to get a jog in first.

Meet you on the lake path after?

Definitely! See you there!

Wow. You really are
a natural! And fast.

That looks...

Chic? Agreed.

I call it, camp couture.

She is way more into this
than I thought she'd be.

So, what are your big
camping plans?

Well, I was thinking we'd hike
Oak Tree Trail.

Just us?

Catch the view while you catch
me up on everything in New York.

[George] Barbie! You ready?

Coming, Dad!

That sounds great, Ken.

I gotta sous chef right now
but I'll meet you there later.

I have graham crackers,
chocolate, marshmallows,

onions and buns
but no chili and no hot dogs.


What happened to "check,
check, check, and check?"

Don't tell your sisters, or I'll
never hear the end of it.

Be back in zero, zero,

Everything OK?

Yep, he just forgot
some groceries.

Which is also a camping

Where you headed?

Sun Rock Trail.

It gets rave reviews online
and I've got sunscreen,

bug spray, snacks, my lucky
pen and a notebook.

So, when inspiration strikes,
I'll be ready.

Oh! Song writing at
Sun Rock sounds amazing.

Count me in.

Thought you had to meet
your sisters?

Oh, I do.

But my dad just said
he won't be back for an hour,

which really means two
at least.

So, I have plenty of time.

I'll go to Sun Rock with you,

then flower crowns
with my sisters,

kayaking with Daisy,
hiking with Ken,

grilling with Dad and...

That is way too many people
and way too many things

and way too little time.

What am I gonna do?

First, relax.

Second, lean into that Barbie
"Malibu" Roberts flexibility.

Maybe kayak with
Daisy and Ken?

You know, feed two birds
with one scone?

Except it's not birds
or baked goods.

It's two friends,
three sisters, and a parent.

Real people who asked me
to spend alone time with them

and I already said yes.

I can't let them down.

Yeah, but they'll understand.
Just call everyone and...

I got it! I'll pull a Brooklyn.

A who what?

OK. Total hours of daylight

divided by the number
of people and...

Bam! I've got the perfect
time sharing formula.

And my timer will tell me when I
need to go meet the next person.

I'll get to see everyone
for the same amount of time.

Totally fair and everybody
will be happy.

Ah, a Brooklyn,
cause schedules.

I'm impressed, and flattered.

But, are you sure this is
what you want?

Sure I'm sure.

Oh, but in order to stay
on schedule,

I think I'm gonna have to skip
going with you to Sun Rock.

Don't sweat it,
I'm fine going solo.

Me and nature have a lot of
catching up to do.

OK, Sun Rock, amaze me.

This is it?

Are you kidding me?

Five stars!

More like two, at best.


But I'm here, so do your thing
nature... inspire me.

[uncomfortable grunts]



No stars.

You ready for flower crowns?



But first, we have to discuss
something extremely serious.

[all gasp]

Should we stick with tradition,
or switch up our colors?

[all] Tradition!

I found dandelions!

Oh! What are you gonna
wish for?

Hmm. I wish...

-[phone chimes]
-What was that?

That? Nothing.

Just a reminder to not forget
things that I should...

[clears throat]


Hey, Chelsea. You should
make the first wish.

But whoever finds the flower
always makes the first wish.

I know, but sometimes traditions
are so traditional.

We should shake things up.
I'll be back.

Uh, is it me, or was that weird?

[both] Weird!

Barbie? You here?

Here! I'm here.

Just took a short cut.
Into a tree. You ready?

Yeah, except I'm not going
to be able to concentrate

until we get that tree branch
off your head.

And then, Scotty threw a pool
party without telling Joe,

on the same night!

Everyone at school called it
a "pool-tastrophy".

Ugh! Wish you'd been there.

Me too.

There is not a lot of pool-based
drama in New York City.


This place is taking me back.

Remember Big Blue?

Everybody teased us
about that old kayak.

But we crossed the finish line
first, and...

[phone chimes]

What was that?

My phone making phone noises.

Always dinging, right?
Ding, ding, ding.

Hey, did you stretch?

You know, after your jog,
stretching is really important

True, and I did miss
yoga class yesterday.

Plus, nature is way better
than a studio.

Let's do it together!

Oh, I don't want my dinging
to disturb you.

Not good for the hamstrings.

I'm just gonna...


I needed this.

[phone ringing]

Hey, how's it going?

Not bad.

I definitely see more
timers in my future.

How's Sun Rock?

No sun, the rock hurts, and it
looks nothing like the pictures.

Yeah, that's like, uninspiring.

You should go somewhere else.

I guess, but everybody
online seems to love it.

I'm gonna stick it out
a little longer.

Inspiration's gotta come
sooner or later.


Ouch, you OK?

Yep. Nature and I are just

really getting to know
each other today.

It hurts a little, but if I can
make everyone happy,

it's worth it!

Speaking of, gotta run.
Meeting up with Ken.

See ya!



Hey! What are you doing
with that?

That's my lucky pen.
Give it back!

[squirrel chirps]

Did you just say no to me?

[squirrel chirps]

Oh, no. You... bring that back!

Squirrels can't even write.


Last one up
doesn't get s'mores!


What took you so long?

I thought you forgot
how to get here.

Never. And watch out for...


Old Stumpy.

He gets you every time.



[both] I won!

We'll call it a tie?


Tie it is.

I'm telling you,
I won that game!

Uh, no.

We both reached
for the joker

at the exact same time,

[phone chimes]

I b*at you to it.
Chelsea has my binoculars.

You, she, what?

Every time we come up here,

we wished we had binoculars,

I'll just go get 'em
and be right back.

I got it.

Thanks. And sorry I'm late.

That grocery store line took
as long as a bad school recital.

Oh, but not one of yours, dear.

Yeah, nice try, Dad.


Alright, let's be honest.

Some of those kids
in the choir cannot sing.

Anyway, you won't believe what
I went through at the store.

And I was like, bro.
Those are my tomatoes.

That's when his mom showed up

and he finally let go
of my basket.

That was amazing... ly long
for a story about produce.

Who knew tomatoes were
in such hot demand.

They're the stars
of a good salad, honey.

[phone chimes]

Now, let's get these
on the grill.

How do you feel about cheese
on a chili dog?

Your sisters love it,
but I'm on the fence.

[phone chimes]

Where are you?
We're waiting.

It's time to make the crowns!

I know, I'm on my way.

-I'm just...
-[phone ringing]

Hey, all stretched out.
You close?

-I am, but...
-[phone ringing]

We really don't need
the binoculars.

You look fine.

I mean, the view looks fine
without them.

-It's not that, I'm just...
-[phone ringing]

Where'd you go?
It's chili time.

OK, be right there.

Uh, uh, uh...


Slow down, you little
pen thief!


I'm sorry, what's
happening here?

Are you giving me direction?

[squirrel chirping]


Now, that's worthy
of five stars.

OK, so I realize there's no way
you stole my pen to bring me

to this amazing place
that wasn't on the internet.

And, yes, I am talking
to a squirrel right now

who has no idea
what I'm saying.

But thank you.

Oh, don't move.

[camera shutter clicks]


[phone chimes]

[upbeat music]

[phone chimes]

[phone chimes]

[phone chimes]

[phone chimes]

[camera shutter snaps]

[branch snaps]



It is so good to see you!

Don't worry, we can be
lost together.

Um, yeah, not lost.

Oh, so just me then.

Any chance you can get us back
to the campsite?

Yep. That a-way.

That's the best news
I've heard all day.

So, wanna explain the lost
sitting on a log thing?

I was with one person,
then ding to the next,
then ding, ding, ding

until I couldn't remember
where I was going

or how to get there.

I should have listened to you

and just been upfront
with everybody.

By not spending time
with them together

I barely spent any time
with them alone.

Trying to pull a Brooklyn
was a bust.

Well, I am pretty special.

But seriously, you should
have pulled a Malibu.

You know, go with the flow?

Schedules, formulas,
they can be great

but they're not for everybody.

You gotta forge your own path.

Or else, and insanely
cute squirrel

will steal your lucky pen, make
you chase it through the woods,

and do it for you.

Is your pen OK?

I know how much
you love that one.

The point is, we both spent
almost the entire day

running around doing what works
for other people.

But not us.

It's all about balance.

Yeah, I love being there
for my friends and family

but sometimes I can't do it all.

And that's OK.

Plus, this trip was supposed
to be about me relaxing

and now I'm exhausted.


Yeah, maybe we should work
on your actual balance too.


Barbie! We were looking
for you.

I called, why didn't
you answer?

Where's your flower crown?

Why'd you keep running off?

Why didn't you come back
to the lake?

And we never finished
our card game.

Something better come up?

[all] What was up
with those dings?

Cock a doodle do!

Huh? It worked!

Malibu, weren't you saying
you needed

to say something you should have
said but didn't say

so now would be a good time
to say it?

Thank you, Brooklyn,
for that unique introduction.

So, I messed up today,

but it was only
because I made promises

that I really wanted to keep

because you all
mean so much to me.

Even thought I should have
suggested the whole two birds

one scone thing,
I thought my birds,

that's you, wanted
to keep their scone,

that's me, separate, so...

[Brooklyn clears throat]

Hmm. Rooster crow,
not easy on the pipes.

What I'm trying to say is,
I'm sorry.


This trip just isn't long
enough for me to spend

a ton of alone time
with everyone.

But, we can all hang
out together. I promise.

Except, what I really
need to do right now

is work on writing
a new song with Brooklyn.

Of course. We get it.

We're just sorry
you felt like

you couldn't
tell us that sooner.

-One hundred percent.

But, promise us we'll be the
first to hear your new song.

Now that's a promise
I can keep.

Good. Now,
if this is all settled,

can anybody chip in
with the salad?

Those beautiful tomatoes
aren't gonna slice themselves.

[all laughing]

I'll help, Dad.

Ken, any chance
you wanna kayak?

Absolutely. Remember Big Blue?

Come on, let's make flower
crowns for everybody!

That was the best rooster crow
I've ever heard.

Funny, cause it wasn't planned.

I just kind of went
with the flow.

For our final tradition
of the night... ghost stories!

[spooky laugh]


Oh, Brooklyn and I
will start off.

We will?

But we don't even have
a story planned.

Never mind.

[both] Once upon a time...

[spooky sounds]

[all screaming]

I think we're OK now.

Good, cause I think the s'mores
are calling my name.

[spooky sounds]


[all screaming]

[closing theme music playing]