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02x15 - Table For Fae

Posted: 02/01/12 05:44
by bunniefuu
Kenzi: Bo Bo?!

Senora, I'm home!



Kenz-- Maybe she's still sleeping.

Yeah, but she'll wanna see us--

I mean, she's been all by herself for the past week.



'Cause it sounds to me like Bo's got company.

Why don't we go out the back, Jack.


I'm guessing that was the grand finale.

I know this cool little place that has the best blueberry muffins. Ever.

Sounds good.


I'll take two.



Uh, uh...mystery birthday bracelet guy, right?

Kenzi. Kenzi's...

Uh, Nate.


Nice to meet ya.

Ryan. Good to meet you.




So, how was the, uh, how was the trip?

Cut too short, so we gotta go back out.


Bo: Hey, Ryan, who are you talking to?





I didn't think you guys were gonna be back until tonight.


My last gig fell through, so we figured we might as well--

See you all in a few hours!

Well, that was awkward.

Do you think I should have asked them to join in?

And awkward just got creepy.

No, 'cause that could be really fun.

Are you saying what we did right now was not fun?




Not fun.

Not fun?

Like...splendid... astonishing... educational.

Mmmhmm, well, that just tells me that I still have a lot to teach you.



Hey, Tony--

Hey, I can't talk, I got a thing--

Are you for real?!

Help me--

Whoa-- Whoa, whoa, whoa-- What the hell?


Hey, hey--



It's me...Cole.



What? No way.


This is messed up.


Life is hard when you don't know who you are.

It's harder when you don't know what you are.

My love carries a death sentence.

I was lost for years, searching while hiding.

Only to find that I belonged to a world hidden from humans.

I won't hide anymore.

I will live the life I choose.

Kenzi: Bo...?

Are you done playing doctor?

Kenzi, get over here!


Finally, a long overdue reunion.

I am so sorry about earlier.

I didn't realize you guys were coming.

I didn't know you were either.

Ha ha.


The, uh, lovely voicemail you left me?

Lachlan's champion, some evil thing coming for us?

I'm sorry I was so distracted before you left, but Lachlan had just dumped some pretty heavy stuff on me.

Do I need to go and finally kick his Ash-y ass?

Actually, I think he and I are on the same side.

I'm...sorry-- I thought you just said that Lachlan, that massive a-hole... is on our side.

It's pretty confusing and I will tell you all about it, but first, how was life on the road with Nate?

Just god-awful. He's such a drag.

I can't wait to get to know him.


What about you and Mr. Orgasms before OJ?



He's, um...

Well, he's, uh...uh--

Oh, are you blushing?!

What in the world could possibly make a succubus blush?

I've got to get to know him better.

Why don't the four of us go out for lunch?

Like a double date?


Why not?

Good food, good wine, good conversation.


Just like grown ups.

It'll be fun.


I'll set it up!




Hands where I can see them.

Hands, now.


This little guy right here?


Fits inside a cell phone, can take out an entire city block.

Cool, huh?

Well, there's nothing like a guy who enjoys his work.




I was thinking we should go out on a date.

I was thinking the same thing.


Yeah and a client of mine, he's got this great vine yard in Napa.

I think this weekend--

Well, that does sound tempting, but I was thinking more about going out with Kenzi and Nate.

Your roommate--


And her boyfriend.

Well, don't sound so excited.


You're right. Napa can wait.

Well, good, because this human is my best friend.

Oh, your BFF!

Well, then... I really wanna meet her.

Are you sure?

Yes, it'll be fun.

Think about it, humans at lunch.

Instead of humans for lunch.



I was kidding! I was kidding--

Are you sure?

Sort of.


I keep telling you that this bogus arrest is never gonna hold up.

And I keep telling you to shut up.

It was entrapment.

Entrapment means that you were persuaded.

Nobody persuaded you to con sixteen-year-olds into jacking cars.

You can't prove that.

You have nothing to hold me.

Jack, are you all right?

Dyson: Jack is under arrest.

This is my son, I need to talk with him.

You can speak to him after he's been processed.

Dad, I'm innocent--

I said, I wanted to speak with my son.

You'll want to remove your hand!

I need five minutes alone with my son!


How about a whole night in a cell?


Let go--

You have no idea, the trouble you just bought yourself.

Hale: Let's go.

What the hell are you thinking?

What, like he's not asking for it?

His kid's running an underage auto theft ring!

So you take it out on his old man?

I'm tired of these people thinking they're above the law.

Look, you're tired a lot lately, so--

I'm fine.


Because another problem just landed on our desks.

Some old man died of a heart attack.

Yeah, and?

And he had strange wounds on his neck, and his dental records match those of a 22 year old backpacker.

Now I'm thinking it's Fae, but it's nothing I recognize, so I was gonna go down to Trick, see if he knows.

Good for you.

You're not coming?

Dyson, my office. Now.

Guess not.

I'm sorry we didn't get a chance to talk sooner.

I'm just glad we're talking now.

In the coming days, open communication is gonna become increasingly important.

We have to make sure that we align our strategies--

Uh, I was told that you were down here.

Am I interrupting?

We're just chatting.


Something came across my desk that smells Fae.

Cole Masters, 22 year old backpacker from London.

He died this morning... looking like this.

That is some hard living for 22

The wound could indicate a Serket.

But that's highly unusual behaviour.

How so?

Serkets usually thrive on giving life, healing--

Uh, restoring vitality and youthfulness.

k*lling goes against everything they stand for.

With all that's been happening lately, it would be good to get the specifics on this.


I can handle it.

I think it would be best if Bo handled this one.

Whatever the Blood King says.

Here's all we've got, including last known address.

Great. I'm on it.

And I looked up that place Ryan's taking us to for lunch, it used to be a neighborhood bar and now you've gotta make reservations three months in advance.

The menu is insane and the prices are ridic.

He is paying, right?

I mean, since he picked the place.

Yes, I assume he is paying.

Good, because otherwise Nate and I would have to share a side salad and a glass of water.

And I'm not a sharer.

Now I know what teen spirit smells like...

We're friends of Cole Masters'.

Did you know him?

Um...why don't you talk to Tony?

He's up there.

Bo: Tony?


How you doing?

Man, I don't have a clue.

So, you were the one who found Cole?

Yeah, I didn't even know that it was him.

He was old, but he was still young, you know?

Were you guys close?

Uh, we met a while back--

Yeah, um, we just kinda kept running into each other.

Like backpackers always seem to, you know?


We were gonna meet here then, uh, go on to Amsterdam.

But Cole never showed.

No, he did, he showed on Sunday, with this chick that he met in Costa Rica.

Was she his girlfriend?

Girlfriend, no. More like a leech, she was always trying to hit him up for money.

She's one of these girls who says that she's authentic, but all she wanted to do was party.

Here, this is her and Cole.

Is she here? Can we speak to her?

She took off.

You can talk to her if you can find her.

Okay, well--

If you see her again, you get her to call me, okay?

She's not gonna be back.

She's in the wind.

Like the rest of them.

What does that mean?

Over the last month, there've been three or four backpackers who've checked in here, and then suddenly disappeared.

Yeah, but they're backpackers, they travel--

No, but they didn't have the cash.

I don't know...maybe they just got homesick.

You lose track of people on the road, you know?

Yeah, I'm sure you do.

Okay, thanks, Tony. You take care, okay?

Kenzi: Thanks, man.


Hale, turns out this thing with Cole is not an isolated case.

Sounds like some Fae has a taste for young vagabonds.

Well, that's too bad.

Yeah, okay, I'll talk to you later.

What's too bad?

Don't you dare tell me that Ryan is cancelling lunch.

No, it was Hale.

He got a hit on Delphine's credit card.

Turns out she boarded a bus last night for San Francisco.


So, what can we do?

Well...I guess I'll head back to the hostel and see if I can turn over any new leads.

But, not until after lunch, right?

Because a girl's gotta eat and it would just be rude to cancel.

Yes, after lunch.

K, heading over to Nate's.

No snacking!

Not on food anyway...


I got your suspension papers on my desk.

What the hell got into you?

The man grabbed me, Garrity.

Last I heard that's called assaulting an officer.

That man happens to play golf with the Mayor and--

So what? A membership at a country club and a low handicap make you above the law?

No, but it does give him some very powerful friends, who decided to drop the charges against his son.

You gotta be kidding me--

Do I look like I'm kidding?

Thanks to you our six month investigation of the car-jacking ring is back to square one.

That is not my fault.

You tell the Mayor to grow some balls--


Next time I see him, I'll be sure to pass that along.

And tell him it came from you.

Don't bother, I'll tell him myself.

Like I said, suspended! Pending a full investigation.

Are we done?

Use the time to cool off.

Look, our friends are coming, okay?

Just check your book.

Ryan "something and Bo--

I'm sure it's right there.

I'm sorry but without a name, there's nothing I can do.

Uh, Kenzi--



Hey, I'm sorry we're late.

Valets, you know, they keep fighting over who gets to park my car.

What do you drive?

Oh, depends on the day of the week.

Marissa, hi--

Mr. Lambert, great to see you again.

These are some very special friends of mine, Bo, Kenzi, Nate.

Pleasure to meet you.

She's gorgeous.

Thank you.

Your usual table?

Lead the way.

I hope you guys are ready for a fantastic meal.


Ah! Can I just say your boyfriend is awesome!

I'm like one jewelry case snap away from giggling like Julia Roberts.

I know, he's pretty great, right?

Kenzi: Hot damn, I'm gonna start with the lobster...oh, wow...

With the lobster puffs and then I will have the lobster rolls and please, please, please, let there be... Yes!

I will finish with the lobster ice cream.

Thank you.

Actually, I took the liberty of ordering for the entire table already.



The chef's a close personal friend of mine.

He's gonna take care of us, don't worry.

Besides, we'll be so drunk by then, we'll barely notice.

I like the way you think.

Marissa, we're gonna need wine, and lots of it.

Do you have the '49

Richebourg Grand Cru?

Tell me yes.

Oh, I'm so sorry, we ran out.'re breaking my heart here, sweetie.

I was there when it was bottled, it is unbelievable.

Okay, we'll take a bottle of your best champagne and we'll order the wine later.

She's beautiful.

She is.

And she's one of us.




Uh, guys, I know it's, um...kinda cheesy, but I would like to propose a toast.

Here's to new experiences and new friends.

Here, here--



A toast with water--

Nate, I am looking forward to getting to know you.

It's a hundred, right?

That's right.

You just relax.


So, by the time that I get back, this guy is so drunk--

He's so drunk--

That he's passed out on the stage.

Yeah, Nate had to finish his whole final set with him just lying there.

I don't get it--

Why didn't you just call security and have him removed?

I don't know, babe, why didn't we call security?

Security, well, uh, there's actually only fifteen people there, so...

Wait, this whole story that you've been telling was about a gig for fifteen people?

Actually, for Cedar Rapids on a Tuesday that is, like, amazing.

No, I don't doubt that--

Actually, how's this possibly worth your time exactly?

How much money could you have possibly made on that?

A $100 maybe--





Hey, Richie Rich, it's not about the money.

No, Nate is doing what he loves.

Totally! That-that's great!

But, I-- Listen, I have no doubt that you'll be successful at it one day.

I think it's pretty fair to say that Ryan's a little out of touch with the indie music scene.

Was I being a jerk?

Yes, you're being a jerk.

I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything by it.

No worries, man, you should come out to one of my shows some time.



Bo: Food, great!

Ryan: Great!

Okay, so the ritual with these things, put them all in your mouth at once
and let the flavors overwhelm you.

Is this skunk?

Oh, just wait 'til you try it.

Go, go, go!

Okay, so? Thoughts?


It tastes like something crawled in the food and died.

That's because it did! It's tripe!

Cow stomach lining!

Stomach lining?

I thought I'd challenge your taste buds a little bit.

I will tell you what's been a challenge.


(phone ringing)

Oh, hey, Tony--

Wait, slow down--

I'll be right over.

Guys, I'm sorry, I have to go, but I just got a lead on a big case--

I don't wanna break up the party, stay, have fun and get to know each other.

No, actually, we're about done here--

No, Kenzi, please, please just stay.

Ryan: Just--

Talk to Marrisa, she'll bring the car around front.

I'll be there in a moment.



Look, I know this was absolutely no fun for you guys, and I'm sorry. It is totally my fault.

I never should have ordered the food for you, never should have chosen such a pretentious restaurant.

I was just trying to impress you guys.

And make Bo happy.

So, please do me a favour, stay.

Order a few drinks, maybe something to eat.

Lobster rolls, thank you.

Lobster, yes--

And, I have a surprise for you.

I've arranged for a friend of mine to drop by, she's an agent.

She can open some doors for ya.

What do you think?

Uh, are you kidding me? That would be awesome.

Ryan: Great!

Anything for friend's of Bo's.


Can you believe this?

A face to face meeting with an actual agent?

That's incredible.


Yeah, incredible.

What are we doing here exactly?

I'm here for a case, you can wait outside if you don't like it.

No, no, no, it's fine. I'm dying to watch you work.

Come on--

Hi, thank you for coming back.

Where is she?

You just passed her on the way in.


Delphine, wait!

Oh, we're running now.

Who are you?! What do you want from me?!

Relax, okay?

We're not gonna hurt you, we just have a few questions.



That's amazing.

Who are you guys?

We're friends of Cole's.

We're just trying to figure out what happened to him.

I'm so sorry--

This is all my fault.

I just-- I wanted to go see the Brandenburg Gate, in Berlin, you know?

But we didn't have enough money.

And then we heard about this place where some of the other backpackers were going.

What kind of place?

A clinic.

They do medical testing in exchange for cash.

Cole thought it wasn't safe.

But, I kept pushing him.

I swear, I had no idea that anything would happen.

And then...

Then he died.

Why didn't you just call the police?

I got scared.

I figured if I left, I could put this all behind me.

But I couldn't.

I had to come back and warn everybody.

Where is this clinic?

Do you think this is edible?


You know, I'm definitely feeling better about our man Ryan now.

Here, have some cheesecake.


Is this agent coming?

Well, why would Ryan lie about that?

I don't know, because he likes messing with people?

He got us to eat cow from the inside out!

His loss, because we just racked up a grand on his credit card.

Seriously, you gotta try some of this--

But I'm so full.

Oh, just one little bite...


Kenzi: Mmmmm--

Oh my God, can we get, like, six more of those to go?

Well, hello.

You must be Ryan's incredibly talented friend.

This is where the backpackers are coming for quick cash?

Not exactly like I pictured it.

Have fun in St. Barts, we'll see you again in a couple of weeks.

Hello. Can I help you?

Yes, hi--


We're new to the neighborhood and we saw your sign.

So nice of you to stop by.

Well, you know you can never be too rich, or too pretty.

Right, sugarplum?


Uh, is this some kind of spa?

Well, actually, we like to think of ourselves more as a rejuvenation clinic.

A place where people can go to feel good about themselves.

What kind of treatments do you offer?

A wide variety, but our most popular by far is our one of a kind anti-aging treatment.


Well, I would like to hear more about that.

That's right, gotta keep her looking young.


Well, it's an old, old, old family recipe.

Guaranteed to add years to your life.

Well, what's in it?

See, I'm only asking because I'm concerned about medical testing.

Is it tested on animals, or humans?


No, nothing like that.

Well, where does it come from?

Is it all natural?

The best thing would be to call back and make an appointment.

Well, actually, I'm free right now.

Unfortunately, we're booked up for weeks.

I see.

Well, um, thank you for your time.

You'll never guess who just came in.

Ryan Lambert.

And I think he had that unaligned succubus with him.

Well, what did they want?

What do you think they wanted?

They were asking questions about the treatment.

All because you let that little backpacker escape.

I'm sorry, Hessa--

It's too late for that now.

I sent them away, but I guarantee you they will come back.

And when they do, you need to be ready.

I'd be willing to bet that I've made the careers of half the people on your iPod.

That's amazing.


That's amazing.

First thing we need to do is raise your profile.

Appearances, mash-ups--

Get that cute little face of yours out there for the whole world to see.


We can work out the details later.

But you have to want this.

Ryan: I do. Totally.

I've waited my whole life for an opportunity like this.


Then we can go to my office and sign the paperwork.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait--

Uh, Kenz, what's wrong?


You know, don't you want to hear him play, so you can really appreciate the awesomeness of his talent?

Oh, honey, I can tell he's talented just by looking at him.

Yes, but he is incredible live.

Oh, isn't she so cute.

She just wants what's best for you.


Go fetch your guitar.

But be in my office in an hour, don't be late.


Stay with me.

I feel like a martini and I hate to drink alone.


Who can say no to that?

Kenz, I'll catch you later?


Well, that was fun.

Like hell--

That is my boyfriend and you can't have him.

Oh, wow, such fierceness.

I have chills.

But I'm afraid you're mistaken, sweetheart.

Didn't you just see him run out of here all pink-cheeked and excited?

It seems to me he's already said yes.

Oh, no, that wasn't a yes. That was a confused maybe.

We'll see.

I don't think he's going to let a contract get in the way of what his heart desires most.

Oh, I'm sorry, buttercup.

But that's just the way our world works, you know that.

I get what I want and you... get left behind.

Well-- so much for the clinic, huh?

You know, if we hurry we can make it to Napa by morning.

Have you ever seen the sun rise, from a balloon over the Napa Valley?

It is gorgeous.

Hessa was lying to us. She's hiding something.

Maybe. What are you gonna do about it?

I'm gonna go back in and take one more look around, okay?

Just five minutes and then we will do something fun.

I promise.





(phone ringing)


I'm waiting for this call--

Five minutes--

Take five, only five or I am leaving without you!

Mr. Odinga, how can I be of service?

Hale: Sir!

You got a minute?

What's up, Hale?

Look...I know Dyson can be a pain in the ass sometimes, but he's a good cop.

Is he?

Seems to me, he's got issues.

He's had a tough time lately.

Well, we all got problems.

Doesn't mean we can take them out on anyone we want.

I know, but, Sir, Dyson and I, we work well together.

We have the best arrest record in the division, can't you cut him some slack?

I'll keep him in line from now on.

Seriously, you're gonna put your badge on the line for this joker?

'Cause next time he screws up, it's gonna be on you.

And I'm not gonna be able to protect you.

I'm aware of that.

Alright, suit yourself.

I'll recommend Dyson be reinstated.

Hope you know what you're doing, Detective.

Any chance for a walk-in appointment?

Then tell me what the hell's going on here.

Told you she'd be back.


Well, don't just stand there, prep the table.

We've got ourselves a new donor.

Hessa: Don't bother.

I made sure they were extra tight.

So, classy operation you've got going on here.

Let me guess, you're both Serkets?

How well informed of you.

I have to say it's a pretty shaky interpretation of giving life.

Of course we give life.

To those who pay.

The rest, well... they serve a different purpose.

Supply for your demand?

Are you on board with this?

k*lling innocent kids so that trophy wives can fit their bikinis better?

It wasn't always like this.

We used to just--

Take a few years at a time.

Shut up, Lana!

My poor sister... so soft-hearted.

Take care of her.

But she's Fae.

Just do it. don't want to do this.

Lana, let's just talk about this, okay--


There's gotta be something you'll take in his place, perfume? Tequila?

My cousin just obtained a truckload of "Spanks" at a very, very good price.

Are you done trying to postpone the inevitable, little girl?

You as the leader of the Dark Fae, you could have anybody, why does it have to be Nate?

I see something in him.

Besides, I think he could be really great if his little groupie girlfriend would stop trying to shackle him to the human world.

Give me a break, you're just trying to mess with me.

I admit, that's an amusing side benefit.

Especially given your relationship with my favorite succubus.

Bo has nothing to do with this.

This is about me and Nate.

And I intend to get him out of this.

Name your price.


Darling, you can't afford me.

Whatever it takes, it's worth it.

Anything I want.


Except, you know, can we please stay away from the whole first born area?

'Cause I really don't think I want to go through with the screaming and the-- you know...

How 'bout this?

You'll owe me.

Owe you.

Owe me.

One favor, collectible at my discretion.

Whatever I want, no questions asked.

Either that, or I'll just go meet with Nate right now.

And believe me, I intend to take full advantage of the client-agency relationship.

Fine. Deal.

Wonderful! I guess I'll be going.

I leave it to you to tell him that he wasn't good enough for the big time.

Enjoy that.


That's it...

I made this myself.

It emits a sonic pulse that totally fries the brain of its intended victim. But it's quick and painless.

At least I think it is, I haven't really had a chance to test it.


Let her go.

That was a wise choice.

You all right?

Yeah, I'm good--

Give it back.

No-- No, no, no. Them first.

What? Uh--


You look amazing and all, in fact, I'm finding out that I'm curiously attracted to older women right now, but come on--

What, what, 'cause they're human?

Is that-- Give them their years back now!

I don't think so.

You know, I may be older, but I can still kick your ass.


I'm afraid you've misread the situation, my dear.

For one thing, we're Dark Fae, and for another--

So is he.

So what?

So he's never gonna side with an unaligned succubus to save them over members of his own clan.

Nice try.

But Ryan doesn't play that game.


They haven't really done anything wrong, have they?

I mean, with the humans--

Other than maybe a sloppy feed.

Are you kidding me right now?

I've been trying to tell you--

Is this some kind of joke?

You-you don't have a side, I do.



In case there was any further debate.


Lana, let's go.

What about them?

Finish the job.

What you should have done in the first place.

But once again, this is all your fault.


She runs you like a servant, huh?

Lana and I have been together our whole lives.

She knows her place.

How do you put up with it, Lana?

Constantly being told what to do, never living your own life--

Haven't you had enough?

Oh, for God's sakes, I'll do it myself--

What are you doing?

I should have stood up to you years ago.

Have you lost your mind?

Lana...let's talk about this, okay?

No more talk!

I'm your little sister.

You're supposed to take care of me.

But instead you made me drain those kids, so you could get rich.

Thank you.

I wasn't strong enough to do that by myself.

You are now.

Let me fix you.



Them first.

I think this worked out just fine.

Stop talking.

I just don't get it.

I showed up and she wouldn't even see me.

Well, you know these showbiz types, one minute it's black, the next minute it's white--

Yeah, but she was so into me at the restaurant.

It doesn't make sense.

It's my music, isn't it?

It's bad.

No. No, it's not.

Don't think that. Don't ever think that.

Then what?

Then what, because I've been waiting for years for a chance like this, then it comes along and I--

I blow it.

Without even knowing what I did wrong.

Babe, you are gonna get a bajillion chances to turn down people who want to make bank off your awesomeness.



Trust me. I know.

Okay, but in the meantime, you have dodged a b*llet.

I mean, come on, she was gonna turn you into some lip-synching dance monkey.

Next stop, the "tween" crap awards.

I'm really sorry.


It's not like you had anything to do with it.

I just gotta wear it.

We need to talk.

What's up?

Your boy toy sent The Morrigan to sign Nate.


After you left.

I barely managed to get him out of it.

What did you do?

I had to promise her some giant favor, to be named at some terrifying future date.

I am so sorry, Kenzi.

Yeah, well, Nate almost got talent-sucked into oblivion.

I can't believe that Ryan would do this!

Why is he even talking to her?

Isn't that, like, illegal or something?

Actually, no.

Ryan is Dark Fae.

And you knew that?

Look, I'm gonna take care of this.


I'm gonna go over there right now and rearrange his parts!


Tell him you're through, right?

Bo, come on--

You know I like it when you're getting your hunger all hitched up, okay?

But, this guy is obviously bad news.

I know!

I know.

That's what makes this so hard.

Guess who suddenly walked into the station all terrified and gave himself up?

Jack Everett.

Well, I guess he had a change of heart.

Oh, you think so?

'Cause I think someone just talked him into it.

We had a chat.

You used your wolf, didn't you?

Why would I do something like that?

Where's your head? Huh?

It's not enough to break human laws, you gotta go break Fae laws as well?

I didn't use my wolf.

Not that it's any of your business.

Oh, the hell it isn't any of my business.

I put my ass on the line to save your job!

Garrity reinstated you because of me!

I didn't ask you to do that.

Tell me, what were you gonna do?

Get fired?

How were you planning on explaining that one to the Ash?

That's the thing, Hale.

I'm done explaining myself.

To anyone.



Thanks for calling.

And thanks for deciding to come.

I've got something for you, just--

Ryan, I'm not in the mood.

Kenzi told me about The Morrigan.



I was trying to do her boyfriend a favor.

You know that Evony makes people's careers, right?

Yeah, until they die.

We all have to die sometime!

Nate's an amateur guitar player!

He plays two-bit coffee houses for fifty-five bucks a week!

Evony could have him selling out Madison Square Garden in six months! You don't think he'd want that?

Well, that is not your decision to make.

It's not yours either!

I gave the kid an opportunity.

Who are you to say what's best for him?

It's not just that.



You were fine letting those sisters walk!

I'm Dark Fae.

I made my choice of clan a long time ago.

I stand by that choice.

You, on the other hand, you're free to choose.

You can choose Light, or Dark whenever it suits you.

Which I think is really awesome, by the way, if you'd ever actually do it.

What is that supposed to mean?

You call yourself unaligned, and yet you spend all of your time with your light Fae friends.

You never really give Dark Fae a chance.

And I think somewhere, way deep down inside, that you think Light are good and Dark are bad.

I know what I think.


The Dark treat human like property.

Yeah, and the Light don't, right?

Yet Lachlan puts your good friend, Lauren, in a prison cell for days.

I know about that.

And you today, you manipulate someone's Chi to make your job easier--

Isn't that like playing with your food?

I think it is.

Listen, I'm not judging you.

I am into you.

No matter what you decide.

But, I would really love to know what would happen if you just let go.

Of everything.

Except me.


I am trying very hard to stay mad at you right now.

You're gonna have to work a little harder.

I want you to forget Lachlan...


Just forget about Light Fae and Dark Fae--

Forget about making a choice.

This is about you and me.

And her.

Hello, again.

I wanted to get you a present.


Well, it's a good one.

No rules.



Thought you'd never ask.