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01x01 - It Takes Two

Posted: 08/16/23 02:37
by bunniefuu
♪ Hey, hey! ♪

♪ La la la la la ♪

♪ Hey, hey! ♪

♪ La la la la la ♪

♪ Chasing dreams
And making it happen ♪

♪ We can be anything
We imagine ♪

♪ In harmony, it's clicking
Like magic ♪

♪ It takes two! ♪

♪ When we're together ♪

♪ Double trouble
Rocking in stereo ♪

♪ Better buckle up, baby
Here we go ♪

♪ You and me ♪

♪ It's lights
Camera action ♪

♪ It takes two! ♪

♪ When we're together ♪

♪ It takes two! ♪

[instrumental music playing]

[holding a long note]
♪ Ahhhhhh ♪

Thank you, that will be all.

Acceptance notifications
for the Handler Arts Academy

fall semester will be made
by phone today at : PM.

Um, excuse me!

We just want to make
extra sure

that you've got two
Barbie Roberts on your list.

Cause we're both named
Barbie Roberts,

which is kind of confusing,
so we came up with nicknames.

I'm Brooklyn, she's Malibu.

-'Cause that's where we're from.
-I mean, what are the odds

that two people
who share the same name

would bump into each other
at the summer program?

Literally, Brooklyn took
a nosedive right off the stage.

-I felt so bad.
-It wasn't your fault.

It seriously wasn't.

But Malibu thought it was
and went home,

so then I had to go all the way
to California to get her back.

Which was so sweet. Anyway,
we totally became best friends.

And performed together at
the final spotlight showcase
in Time Square.

Did you see it? You probably
saw it. It was amazing!

So we're both really hoping
we can stay here full time.

And make our musical dreams
come true.

Notifications are at : .

Auditions are the worst.

It's all about the practice
and preparation.

The rest is out of your hands.

They didn't seem to like
our backstory at all.

You don't think they'll take
points off for that, do you?

Don't sweat it.
Everybody's a critic.

[Malibu] What about sending
a muffin basket?

-Bad idea.

Someone could have
a nut allergy.

What about balloons?

Ever heard of the saying,
"less is more"?

Whoever said that
clearly didn't appreciate

the power of a good shoe.

I know!

A fruit bouquet!

Malibu. We can't send a
gift to the selection committee.

It's against the rules.

Please. Who doesn't
love a pineapple sunflower?

Remind me why
we're packing?

I mean, why would they move us
to a different room?

Uh, well, for starters,
your parents are already
on their way here

to move you back home and
have no idea what's going on.

Neither do yours!

Everybody knows you can't jinx
an audition by talking about it.

And we've got to be out of
the dorm room tomorrow,

if we don't make the cut.


Do you seriously think
they'll say no?

"Thanks, but no thanks?"
"Nice try, see you later?"

Then what?

We're supposed to act like
this summer never happened,

go our separate ways?

Never see each other again?

Dearest Brooklyn,

it's been years since
our show stopping duet

in Time Square.

Yet, it still holds a fond place
in my heart.

My beloved friend Malibu,

memories of the friendship
we shared

are what sustained me
in my times of loneliness.


And what about all of our plans?

Our hopes?

Our dreams!

We can't just give them up!

Dear Brooklyn, big news!

Just got a new gig,
and getting rave reviews.


Bravo girl!

Guess we're both doing great.

Got cast in a new role and
my classical dance training

is wowing the critics.


No. We are not doing this.

No more negative thinking.

Right, we're gonna
get in together,

because we're us!

Starting right now, this room
is a no drama zone.

How can you guys look so calm
at a time like this!

Our entire future is being
decided at this very moment.

Let's just start saying
our goodbyes right now,

get the tears over with

so I can quietly slink
into the sunset.

Did you just say slink?


Rafa, sunset isn't for hours.

And notifications
aren't until : .

It's only...

[all scream]

[cell alarm ringing]

[all] Gato! Shh!



OK, right.

Thank you.


We got in!

Gotta call my folks!

-You can't!
-No way!

Don't let her!

Sorry, sweetheart,

but you'll be out on your own
soon enough.

Too soon!

That's why we want you home
for high school,

so we can all be together,
as a family.

Ooh! Great news, Honey!

We're so proud of you.

But the dorms' a deal breaker.

But you saw us perform!

Brooklyn and I are
an amazing duo.

We've got so many dreams
and we're just getting started.

We understand, Barbie,

but you'll have plenty of time
for a music career later.

After high school.

But I'm already here,
rooming with Malibu.

It's the perfect set up.

Barbie, living in the dorms
for a few weeks over the summer

was one thing,

Malibu is from out of town.

But you already have a perfectly
good place to live in the city.

It's called your room.

[both] But!

[all] We're sorry, Honey,
our answer is final.

We'll see you for dinner.

Alright, ladies!

Who's up for some
truly epic celebrating?

Let me see a show of hands!

Why no hands?


We've got a problem.

Major problem.

My parents said no to the dorm.

Mine said no to everything.

I mean, yeah, I know I sprung it
on them at the last second,

'cause of the whole jinx thing,
which is totally real.

But now they expect us
to just break up?

We can't! We're a team.

Then what?

Forget our dreams like they
never even mattered?

-[Rafa] Ahh!

I've got you.
You're safe now.

Theres gotta be something
we can do.



When my parents say no,
it's a no.

Who am I talking to right now?

'Cause it's sure not the Barbie
Malibu Roberts I know.

She never gives up.

Like, ever.

Even when it makes
no sense.

Even when she's out of her mind,
like a rabid squirrel.


This is our future.

Are you really gonna go down
without a fight?


I am not.


My parents, your parents.

How do we change their no's
into a yes?

Presentation of pros and cons.

May I direct your attention
to chart A, section B,
paragraph two.


Too dull.

Lock them in your
family's camper

for the entire school year?

[door locks]

Probably against the law.
Strike that.

Definitely against the law.


We find my parents jobs
in New York City,

so they move here and live
happily ever after.

Not practical.
Or possible.


But New York is the greatest
city in the world.

Give it up for NYC!


I mean, it's a cool place
but Malibu's got...

Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Beaches, sunshine, kale.

I know.

But if we can make your mom and
dad fall in love with this city.


And prove to them that it's like
no place else in the world,

then maybe
they'll let me stay.

And if we can convince my
parents to let us live together

at our house...

Problem solved.

We'll start tonight when
your family comes for dinner.

And if nothing works,
we lock 'em in the camper!

There's gotta be a loophole!

George, Margaret,
great to see you again.

And actually hear you.

Very true, Simone.

With all that cheering
in Time Square,

having an actual conversation

with you and Kel
was impossible.

Ready for "Operation Roomies"?

Let's do it!

[music playing]

[both] Woah!

Kitty cat!

Skipper, look!

Chelsea, Stacie!
Be gentle!

[both] Aww!


Her name is Etta,
she's very shy.

[both] Woah!



That looks good!

Thank you, ladies.

Barbie, I mean,
Malibu made the snacks.

I'm still getting used
to those nicknames.

Same here.

It sure was great to have help
in the kitchen.

Anytime, really.
Anytime at all.

It's great having so many
people around.

It's usually so quiet here.
Too quiet.


We just had dinner.

These are our godchildren.
Jackson and Jayla.
They live next door.


Ignore him. He's gross.

Our dads are watching
a boring movie

and said to come
bug you instead!

They also said you'll probably
want to have

a little "chat" with them later.

Sorry about all the commotion.

We're used to it at our house.

You're so lucky.

Sometimes I wish I had
a bigger family.

I distinctly remember you saying
you loved being an only child.

[laughs nervously]

When did I say that?

Last night, when we came over
for charades night.

Right after you told us
to get lost,

cause there's no such thing
as charades night?

I don't think I said that.

[on phone] Get lost, there's no
such thing as charades night.

Ugh. I'm so glad
I'm an only child.

Oh, that's OK, let us!

Isn't that thoughtful of her,

It's like she's
not even a guest.

And, I take up
no space at all.

We all set for tomorrow?

Got the whole day

Let me grab my phone
and show you.

[Skipper] You're trying
to make the grownups

change their mind
about school.

-We weren't born yesterday.

Guys, this is way bigger
than school.

It's my dream.

What if we don't like
that dream?

Like the one where I was a giant
ball of cotton candy.

Stacie was a clown
and she ate me!


Barbie, we've been together
our whole lives

and now you want
to change that?

We're sisters
and I love you.

Nothing will ever
change that.

But Brooklyn and I,

we're building something
special right now.

Please tell me
you understand?

Only if I have to.

Fool proof itinerary.

Operation "We Heart New York"
is a go.

Then, the top of the Empire
State Building

where you can see the whole city
for miles.

And the majestic Statue
of Liberty.

That is quite a schedule.

Dad, it's the Big Apple.

You've gotta take a huge bite!

[instrumental music playing]

[shutter snaps]

[shutter snaps]

[music continues]

[music continues]




[music continues]


[music continues]

-[tires screech]
-[announcer beeps]

Ladies and gentlemen,

we're experiencing
a delay on the track.

Should clear in about...
two hours.

[passengers groan]

[instrumental music playing]


[horse whinnies]

[music continues]

[both screaming]

[boat horn blaring]

Ladies and gentlemen,

we're having mechanical

Repairs should take about
two hours.


So, greatest city in the world,
am I right?

Didn't you just love it?

All I know is that the sooner
we get back to California,

the better.

Our squirrels aren't rude.

And I'll take traffic over
the subway any day of the week.

Honey, we're gonna
get the camper.

Time to pack up

and get this family back home
where it belongs.

Our squirrels aren't rude,
they're go-getters.

That's just a fact!

Got your text! What's up?


They hated our squirrels.


Focus, B.

We've got to find a new way

to show them how important
this is to us.

That's it!

[Brooklyn] What's it?

We put on a show!

Make it about how much staying
together means.

How we can't imagine
not being us anymore.

Ooh. That's deep, girl.

But writing and rehearsing
takes time. Which we don't have.

You know, when I was just
a nanito...

-Here it comes...
-...Me Abuela used to
tell me life is beautiful,

but it will not be easy.

One day, trouble will arrive
at your door,

and when it does,
there is solamente,

one thing to do.

Stall! For as long
as you can.

That's what your grandmother
used to say?

The translation might be
a little iffy,

but yeah, pretty mucho.

My sisters can help.

Call your parents, we'll keep
'em busy with mine.

"Operation Stall" is a go.

If it was good enough
for your Abuela,

it's good enough for us.

[instrumental music playing]

[no audible dialogue]

[no audible dialogue]

[music continues]


[music continues]

[all exhale]

I think we're ready.

Honestly, how can two girls
have so much stuff?

And why is everybody
on break?

Since we're doing all the work,
would somebody like to explain?

Yes, we would.

So, if you guys could just
follow us to your seats...

It's show time!

[instrumental music playing]

Coming here was
a dream come true.

But we had no idea
it would be the start

of a brand new destiny.

Oh, look, it's the girls
who brought down the house

in Time Square!

Sign my shirt!

-Me too!
-Oh, can I get a selfie?

You are too kind!

But we didn't do it
for the fame,

or the attention.

We perform because
we love it.

Because we believe
in ourselves.

Our only wish is that we can
keep making music.

Keep making new dreams
come true

and do it together.

[both] Because we can't imagine
life any other way.

[instrumental music playing]

♪ Please let us stay ♪

♪ It's just the start
Of our adventure ♪

♪ There's no way we'll let
You down if we're together ♪

♪ Oh, no
There's no going back ♪

♪ After us
After us ♪

♪ Who's got harmony
Like that? ♪

♪ Answer us
Answer us ♪

♪ We'll never
Be the same ♪

♪ Since we became
Best friends ♪

♪ Yeah, you know
There's no going back ♪

♪ Oh oh oh ♪

♪ After us ♪


-What do you think?

Well, I think you've
been running

your parents ragged
all afternoon.

And making plans
behind our back.

Which is not the way we
do things in our family.

Ours either.

Now, Barbie, we know
you're growing up

and want to make your
own choices,

but we'll never stop worrying
or trying to protect you.

It's our job.
Which we love.

But knowing when
to step back isn't easy.

And even though you might
not understand why,

sometimes parents
have to say no.

But sometimes,
they get to say yes.

Especially when they've done the
kind of outstanding job we have.

-The best.
-No question.

-Nice work.

You mean it? I can stay?

How could we break up
such a talented team?

And Malibu can live with us?

Well, she does make
a mean appetizer.

Our home is Barbie's home.
I mean, Malibu's home.

I may never get
the hang of this.

[squeals of delight]

Just a few conditions,
young lady.

You call us, every day.

And not to mention, come home
for vacations and holidays.

And Barbie, I mean, Brooklyn,
is always welcome.

I see what you mean.

[squeals of delight]

[both] Yes, yes, yes!

[George] Now, I hate to break up
the celebration,

but it's time for the California
Roberts to hit the road!

The camper's been stolen!

More like towed, George.

There's no parking after : .

And the impound lot will be
closed till morning.

[both] Sleepover at our house!


[closing theme music playing]