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02x12 - Masks

Posted: 12/14/11 16:40
by bunniefuu

Someone's up early.

Rise and shine, my new mantra.

You got something special planned?

My Aunt Vera, you know the one with the man-hands-

She's having this big, "Stariy Noviy God" party.

You know all the "borscht" and "pirogi" and "vareniki" that a girl could ever hope for-

Sounds, uh, festive.

No one's ever really used "festive" to describe our family gatherings.

More like noxious, semi-psychotic, deviant, but never festive-

You know if you're not doing anything I could swing you an invite.

My cousin Yura will be there and he's been dying to meet you.

Didn't he just get out of jail?

No, that's Pavel.

Yura is the one that works as a mortician's apprentice.

Yeah and once you get past the smell of embalming fluid he's actually kind of fun.

Maybe some other time.


I'm off to my run.

Okay, well stay on the shoulder of the road and don't forget to hydrate!

And avoid small, bite-y dogs!

She's totally clueless. We're on.

So what's next on the agenda? t*rture?

I was hoping you'd be ready to go back to work.


You lock me in a dungeon for four days I'm supposed to be so grateful to be let out that I just head back to the lab as though nothing happened?

You've forgotten your place here.

I just refuse to play anymore.

I'm gonna pack my things and take my chances with the Morrigan, because she seems to know a hell of a lot more about Nadia's condition than you do. punishment will be swift and severe.

As severe as five years of indentured servitude?

We seem to have got off on the wrong foot this morning, Doctor.

Well, that will happen when you lock someone in a dungeon.

I called you up here because I have some information about Nadia.

I read the journals of the former Ash,

I discovered who ordered the curse on Nadia.

It was The Ash himself.



It's obvious really.

He needed a cure for the outbreak that was ravaging the Fae, and he saw you as someone who could provide that.

He pulled you into the fold and kept you there.

It was a lie.

I worked night and day for the Ash.

I don't condone what he did but you're just gonna have to put that behind you now.

Oh and what? Continue working here?

I'd rather burn the place to the ground.

That wouldn't bring you any closer to Nadia's recovery, now would it?

Besides I believe I've located the Shaman who placed the curse on Nadia.

He's in a village in the Congo.

I can go there, talk to him.

No, it's not that simple.

This one's Dark Fae.

Lauren, I will do everything in my power to help Nadia, but for now I'd appreciate it if you just cleaned yourself up and go back to work.

Life is hard when you don't know who you are.

It's harder when you don't know what you are.

My love carries a death sentence.

I was lost for years.

Searching while hiding.

Only to find that I belonged to world hidden from humans.

I won't hide anymore.

I will live the life I choose.

Just the kind and generous man I wanted to see.

How much you need?

Now that you mention it I'm trying to raise funds for the most kickass hors d'oeuvres you've ever wrapped your sweet tongue around.

I prefer cash but I'll take credit cards or money orders.

Cool put me down for ten.

Ten will get us a bag of chips and some generic brand salsa.

Come on man.

This is Bo's special special day.

You're right-

I'll give her the ten.

Well played.

I'll put you down for a ten-ski.

And you're still getting the cake, right?


I'm on it.

Trickster, I can still count on your for the hooch, yeah?

Like I told you yesterday and the day before that, and the day before that, I got it covered.

I'm sorry, I just don't wanna forget anything you know?

I still got the decorations and the ice and the cups and the band-

The band?

Yeah dude. This soiree's gotta rock!

You know there's nothing too good for my-




Kenzi: Um-

How was your run?

Oh like everyday. A grind.

Yes but everyday you still do it, isn't that the definition of insanity?

Hey Hale. What's new?

Uh...same old. You know.

You got any big plans for the weekend?

There's this um, club opening tonight, so I thought I'd check that out.

Bo: Oh, cool.

What about you Trick?

You're looking at it.

Barkeeper's job doesn't end until the taps are dry.

How about you?

Uh, nothing special.

I thought maybe I'd give Lauren a call.

Haven't talked to her in a while so thought I'd see if she'd get shore leave for a night.

(phone ringing)

Ah! Speak of the devil!





I take it not Lauren?

It was Lachlan.

What did he want?

He wants to see me.

Lemon and sugar?

I'm good, thanks.

Why am I here?

Always so impatient.

You've got to learn to enjoy the moment, Bo.

Or life will just pass you by.

You called me here to preach fortune cookie philosophy?

No, I called you here because I have some information regarding Nadia.

You have my attention.

I've located the Shaman that put the curse on her.

I thought you might pay him a visit, persuade him to remove the nail and lift the curse.

Why me?

The Shaman is a Dark Fae mystic known as Tshombe.

Lives in a small little village in the Congo.

Since you are unaligned and have a certain personal interest in the matter, you are the perfect candidate for the job.

I appreciate you telling me.

Oh and there's one other thing-

Oh, here we go-

It's so simple yet very very critical.

You can never tell Lauren that you're doing this.

Why not?

Because the nail can only be removed if the person making the request has got complete and utter selfless love, which is then exemplified by performing a life-changing favor for someone without them ever being aware of it.

I don't make up the rules but you must accept this as fact, or you will not be successful.


I don't need credit for helping a friend.

I only care about the results.

Can I at least see Lauren before I go?


She's in the middle of a very critical analysis now and can't be disturbed.

So, how exactly do I find this Tshombe?

That's my travel agent-

I'll call ahead and make all the arrangements.

(speaking Russian)

What was that all about?

My cousin Dima is helping me out with the party favors.

Party favors?

Every chic party hostess gives her guests a little gift.

What would that little gift be?

Dima's getting me a load of digital cameras fresh off the boat from Japan.

The guests can snap away tonight then I can make Bo an album of party pics.

I really don't want to know the answer, but I've gotta ask-

How is cousin Dima acquiring these cameras?

You got the cake!

Oh, my God!

Uh huh-


Hey roomie! What's up!

I just gotta grab something upstairs!

The girl's focused.

Yeah, when she gets like that it usually means trouble.

Hey, hun-buns, where are you off to?


Africa?! As in the dark continent?

With your sword?

Is there something you want to tell me?

Kenzi, I can't really talk right now, okay?

Well, are you gonna be home for dinner?!







You must be Bo.

I'm Bashira Falak Manar.

But you can call me Peggy.

So Peggy, how exactly am I getting to Africa?

Plane? Train?


Oh no-

We reserve that mode of travel for our human clientele.

For you, I fold the earth.

You seem confused.

No, I've just never-

Oh no no, of course you haven't.

I'm the only Fae travel agent in this area sanctioned by the Ash.

In conventional travel you move towards the destination.

Here, the destination moves towards you.

In the blink of an eye.

You merely stand still and the earth is displaced under your feet.

Well, is it safe?

Safe is such a relative term, I mean, there are the normal risks, headaches, swelling of the joints, severe nose bleeds and in some very limited cases, death.



Accident waiver-

Simply sign at the bottom and initial it here, here, here and of course here.

Oh, if you're concerned about your loved ones, I offer very attractive travel insurance.

It's easy on the wallet and pays excellent death benefits.

I'm good. Thanks.


So what now?

Happy trails.


I'm here about a cursing nail.

That you put into a block of wood.

Are you okay?

Thank you child-

I am nearing the end of my journey...

You are here on behalf of a cursed soul.

Yes. A woman named Nadia.


These nails were placed here for a reason.

Aren't Shamans supposed to be healers?

Do you have any idea how much pain you've caused these people's families?

Every time a person is cursed, it shifts the fortunes of others.

Who is to say the world is not a better place-



Pull it out.

The one who ordered this curse...paid handsomely.

Someone paid you to put a curse on her?

The former Ash of your region.

The leader of the Light Fae made a deal with a Dark Fae Shaman?

The Light do not mind compromise.

When they feel the ends justifies the means.

Cursing Nadia insured that Lauren would do everything in her power to find an antidote to the Fae fever.

And because of that several hundred Fae were cured.

How much to pull out the nail?

The Goddess Ama possessed a sacred healing mask and gave to a revered Shaman.

In Mali.

Two years ago it was stolen.

Find it.

Bring it to me.

Where do I find it?

It was stolen by a Preta.

Last I heard it was hiding somewhere in Madagascar.

You must hurry.

I do not know if I will survive the night.

(rock music playing)



Great! Thank you guys!

I will definitely be in touch.


(Kenzi groaning)


Hey, I'm here about the, uh...



Little Kenzi from next door?

What's it been like fifteen years?

Sixteen years and three months.

Not that I was actually keeping track-

Come in!


Where have you been?

Where did you go when you moved away and why didn't you call me?!

Uh, Seattle, Reno were six.

Dude, for the longest time I had myself convinced it was an alien abduction.

Close. It was my mom.

So, uh, is this... all yours?

Yeah, um- You know I share it with my roomie-

It's actually her birthday.

"Very exclusive party gig..."

"High profile, low pay."

Very exclusive, yeah...

So have you found anyone yet?

I have now.


Kind of early for ya-

Coffee or beer?


It's been that kind of morning, has it?

Ciara's house shopping.

Ahhh...I see.


Five thousand square feet on two acres of land.

6.5 million.

All that and a beautiful girlfriend and you're stressed out?

You know most men would give at least one appendage to be in your shoes.

I know.

My friend, at some point you're going to have to sort out your emotions.

That's what I've been trying to do ever since Ciara came back into my life, Trick.

Actually you're been struggling with them since you came back from the Norn.

I need to know everything you can tell me about something called "a Preta."

If you're planning a Preta hunt I suggest you bring along some back up.

Preta are extremely greedy creatures.

Driven to satisfy their desires but unable to fulfill them.

Some have insatiable appetites but can't swallow food.

Others have unquenchable thirst but when liquid touches their lips it evaporates.

Others still have overwhelming sexual urges but-

Fae-ED, I get the picture.

This Preta has an unstoppable lust for treasures.

He was stealing valuables in Africa.

Sounds like he could be your man.

Well, do you have any idea where to find him?

Madagascar is a big place and I don't have a lot of time.

His last known location was in the catacombs under the First Christ Church in Sambava.

You know I've heard a lot of stories about people going into Preta dens but no stories about people coming back out.

Are you scared?


You have to offer the Preta a trade.

Something of value.

Well, I don't have anything.

Take this-

Oh, Trick, it's beautiful.

It was my wife's.

Your wife?

How come you've never told me about her before?

I will. In time.

Oh, Trick, I could never take this.

I'm sure she'd approve.

I don't know what to say.

You've already said it.

Good luck.

I really appreciate you helping me with this.

Ah, I had nothing better to do today.

Besides, what are friends for?

Come on let's go get us a mask.

How many people are coming to this party?

About a dozen.

By the size of this box looks like you have enough cameras for the whole block.

Well, if there happen to be a few extras, I'm betting they catch a few Rubles on ebay.

What do you say?

We split the profits seventy-thirty?

Officer of the law?


Dude, you drive a hard bargain.

What the-

Uh, so where's the lens?

Dima got the wrong box!

You can't really blame him, now can ya?

It's kinda dark out there on the docks.

In the middle of the night.

Dude, what am I supposed to do for party favors?!


Give them a creepy cat.

No! This is a disaster!

Ah, it's not so bad.

We have cake!


Yep, just looking at it makes my mouth happy.

Ah, don't you-

Bo will never miss a little icing-

Mmmmm. Mmmm-

What's wrong?


A worm!

Oh, my God, I just had a worm in my mouth!

I'm not happy!

I should have known an organic Fae bakery would use worms.

They probably got lady bugs in there too.


Lady bugs?



We need two tickets to Sambava, the Catacombs at First Christ Church.






That's us.


Madagascar's beautiful this time of year.

Honey moon?

Business trip.

Oh! Touchy subject.

Would you like a window or an aisle?


Little Fae travel humor.

Listen, Peggy, we are in a big hurry.

Well, fasten your seatbelt.

That's quite impressive.

And efficient.

Would have been a crappy place for a honey moon.

You're here to trade-



You've been busy.

It's my nature.

To steal?

Yes, and endure the t*rture of not being able to enjoy the spoils.

Merely looking at a Bernini should bring pleasure.

But my satisfaction is purely tactile.

I need to caress the art, feel its exquisite lines to have any sense of joy.


Once I obtain an object and bring it back to my den, I can never touch it again.

Then why steal all this?

THAT is my fate.

I hope one day my affliction will be gone.

And when it is I will bathe myself in jewels and gold and silver.

Sounds uncomfortable.

What have you brought to trade?

Place it on there.


The sand... is very dangerous.

It retains the same destructive quality as my touch.

The bracelet in exchange for what?

The healing mask.

Said to be from Ama.

I know the one.

Hey, babe-

I'm sorry I haven't been here to see you for the past few days it's just been... kind of busy and you know-

Why am I lying to you?

Truth is The Ash held me prisoner.

I guess we've both been prisoners for the past five years, huh?

But maybe that's all gonna change soon.

I don't want to get my hopes up but there could be a light at the end of the tunnel.

And maybe someday real soon you'll wake up from your long sleep-

And maybe I'll get to hold you again.

The mask.

Retrieve it and the trade is complete.

It's a trap.

Not a trap.

Merely part of your quest.

The most cherished treasures are the most difficult to come by.

Danger only increases one's appreciation for the prize.

I already appreciate the mask plenty.

You have the bracelet just give us the mask and we can be on our way.

I set the terms.

By the way, the piles are the remains of the last people that came to trade.


I'll go.


I have to do this.

Bo wait-

This material doesn't disintegrate.

It's the same as your robe!

Dyson: It's not affected.

Try this, I think it will give you a safe path.



We've got a problem.

That isn't fair!

My terms.

Here's mine-


Bo, cover yourself!

You choose to take those and leave her behind?

That's not our deal.

The deal's off!

They can't hurt me.

That isn't the point!

My treasures!

Not the Michelangelo!!!

I've got it!

Then let's go-

Trick's bracelet!

Bo, what are you doing?! It's gone!

It belonged to his wife.

I have to bring back something.

Okay come on, let's go.


♪ You dream a young girl, you're dreaming a world ♪
♪ where you're haunted soul survives ♪

♪ The camouflage breeze the glorious seas, ♪
♪ this bone dry land's still alive. ♪

♪ But you're holding every moment ♪
♪ like it's about to be stolen away. ♪
♪ And you're closing every door I walk up to, ♪
♪ hoping to stay. ♪

♪ It's alright, alright, alright. ♪
♪ It's okay ♪

♪ I'll wait ♪
♪ I'll wait... ♪

You're staring.

I'm just listening. Intensely.

Isn't that what I'm supposed to do?


It's weird. Sitting here with you.

I think it's karma. Or kismet.

Or some other K-word that means we were meant to meet again.

Maybe but- it's still weird.

I mean you were the cute little girl next door who used to dance around all day in a tutu with a big pink bow in her hair.

Well, you were the cute older guy next door who would sit on his bed and play guitar in his underwear.

You did not see me in my underwear.

Fruit of the Loom. If I'm not mistaken.

Uh, well, it was hot in there, we didn't have air conditioning so-

Yeah, I can't believe you spied on me.

Hey, what can I say?

I was a precocious six year old in love.

I don't mean

I just mean-

You mean you were six.


So are you seeing anyone now?

Seeing as in dating?

As in a quasi to serious relationship-

Yeah. Just like that.

Not to sound like a total loser, but um... no, nothing even remote...



No, I haven't found my soul mate yet.

That's...too bad.

Number? Don't!

Someone's a bit jet lagged-

I need to get back to the Congo right away.

Do you need assistance with hotels or rental cars?

Just there and back!

Thank you. Very much.

I could not have done this without you.

I always wanted to see Madagascar.

Good luck.

Can I interest you in our frequent flyer plan?

If you sign up today you start collecting points and look, you get a free t-shirt.

Maybe next time.

I just need to get back to the Congo-

No, no, no, --

Are you okay?



I saved your life.

Now save Nadia's.

By honoring our pact you now have the power... to remove the nail.

No, no, whoa-


You have ended the curse on Nadia.

You do not have the power to remove other nails.

Those nails can only be removed-

No one has ever done that before.

Well, maybe no one's ever been this motivated to right your wrongs.


You have no idea what you are doing!

Yes, I do!

I'm freeing innocent people!

Not all the cursed are innocent people.

Not even by your standards.

This one is a violent man who beats his wife and children.

This is a traitor who lead his soldiers into battle where they were slaughtered.

None of these curses were made lightly.

Each one has a reason.

You have no right to be judge and jury.

And what makes you believe that you have a right?

Maybe we just have to agree that neither of us has the right.



No, that'll be fine.

I'll have my lawyers look over everything in the morning-


Alright, thanks-

Alright bye-

How was your day?

It was good.

Catch any bad guys?

No, but I uh... taught one a lesson.

How was your day?

I bought a new house.

I thought you were just window shopping.

I was but I fell in love with the third place I saw and there were five offers on it.

I had to pay a little over asking price, but I couldn't resist, it's-

It's a modern. Concrete, glass, bamboo floors-

The sunlight pours in and it looks like heaven.

Huge barbeque pit and gigantic master suite with his and hers walk-in closets and-

Sounds fantastic.

I just hope you love it as much as I do.

And I was able to get the mask from the Preta, deliver it Tshombe and pull out Nadia's cursing nail.

So, you've had a busy day then?

Was I successful?

I believe you know your way back up to Nadia's room.

This time you don't have to arrive in a body bag.


Thank you. Lachlan.

Thank you for making all of this possible.

Try to keep that in mind in the days to come.




(music playing)


Happy birthday, Bo!

Awww, thank you.

Kenzi: Hi!


Happy birthday! Are you shocked?

I'm totally shocked.

Um there's someone I want you to meet-

Nate, this is Bo. Bo, this is Nate.


Kenzi's told me a lot about you.


Yeah, she said you were the big sister she never had, but she always wished for.


Could you get the birthday girl a drink?


Thank you.

Happy birthday.

Thank you.

Happy birthday girl!

Thank you.

Thank you for all of this.

It was nothing.

He is cute!


Happy birthday, Bo.

Oh, thank you-

Hey you-


Happy birthday.

Oh, Dyson, you didn't have to get me anything.

But what are friends for, right?

It's a...a knife.

I figured since your last one is a pile of sand in Madagascar, you could use a replacement.

Well, a girl can never have enough sharp pointy objects can she?

It's perfect. Thank you.

Hey, you.

Happy birthday.


Hey, I'm Dyson.


Hale: Hi-

Excuse me-

I'm Hale- Nice to meet you.

Hi. Trick- It's a pleasure-

Hi. Nadia-

Lauren: Bo?

Oh, hey-

Wow, so Nadia's here.

She's awake and ready to party.

It's incredible.

Five years under the dome and she wakes up like it was yesterday we were in Africa.

If you hadn't have gotten the cursing nail from The Morrigan we would never have known the problem.


I got you something.

You didn't have to.

Blades for my Cuisinart?

They're "shurikens."

Strange, I know, but what do you get the woman who has everything?

Well, steel death stars of course.

I worry about what you get mixed up with and I just want to keep you safe.

You don't have to worry about me.

You've got other things to occupy your mind now.

I should get back-

Thank you.

Happy birthday, Bo.


Oh, Trick, I am so sorry-

About what?

The bracelet. It was destroyed.

But for a good cause, right?


That bracelet brought my wife years and years of happiness, and now it's bringing happiness to others.

Go ahead-


It's an antique walking stick.

And not a comment on my age I hope.

Elegant...and yet... practical.


It's a w*apon.

And you had it monogrammed.

A very long time ago.

It was hers? Your wife's?

Now it's yours.

Do me a favor and keep it close.

You never know when you might need it.

Thank you.

Happy birthday, Bo.

Thanks, Trick.

I understand birthday wishes are in order.

I'm sorry...I don't mean to be rude but do I know you?

From an admirer.

An admirer?



A fancy-er.

Thanks for clearing that up.

Yeah, happy to be of service-


And it's not a w*apon.

Don't be so sure.

I was told to pass on the following message: Read the inscription first.

I can't really-

What is it-

Yeah, happy birthday-

Kenzi: Good morning, sunshine!

I got you a java jolt.

Double shot, three shugs just the way you like it.

Get that sexy heart a pumping!

Thank you very much.


And thank you again for last night.

I mean, that was so thoughtful, Kenzi.

I especially liked the cat décor.

So, was yesterday jam-packed with headline news or what?

Yeah it was fairly eventful.

Says the blue ribbon award winner of this year's understatement award.

You jetting off to Africa?

Which I totally need to the deets on by the way-

Dyson and Ciara buying a mansion with walk in closets bigger than this whole place-

And Lauren's lady love finally awakening from the...curse of the poison apple...


You reunited with your childhood crush.

And can we please talk about Mr. Tall Dark and weapons of mass destruction handsome?

Oh yeah, who was that guy?

I assumed you knew him.

No, I've never seen him before.


Tres mysterious-o.

Oh my God, I almost forgot your birthday present.

Hmmm let me guess-

A knife?

Maybe a p*stol?

Dude, you wanted a w*apon?

I saw a really cool pair of brass knuckles but I thought they'd be kind of impersonal.

Well, you would be right.

Open it.

Oh, wow-

This is amazing.


Talented lad.

I'm happy for you.

I want to be happy for you too.

I know.

Oh, wow-

Thank you.


How's the patient?

She's good.

She checks out completely.

It's astonishing.

The Ash: No.

It's Fae.

I am extremely grateful to you.

And I honor my promise.

Nadia's life in exchange for my recommitment to you.

And from now on-

The necklace... stays on.
