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02x11 - Can't See The Fae Rest

Posted: 12/07/11 10:21
by bunniefuu
It is insanely gorgeous.

So buy it.

It's also insanely expensive and therefore staying on that side of the window.

Come on who deserves it more than you?

Okay, you could go in there, and you could charm the pencil skirts off all those snooty clerks and snag that coat for free but you don't.

Because there's things I like better than stuff.

You really think that those loaded ladies in there have a better life?

That depends, does boinking your ex make for a better life?



Oh Kenzi, what a treat.

Hi Ciara!

...How are you?

Great! You?

We're good!

Bo, I never had the chance to properly thank you for saving my life during the body snatch debacle...

Really not necessary.

But it is...

Can I treat you to lunch?


Oooh, sorry.

Kenzi's not feeling so good.

I'm sorry I just had some really bad salami--

Some other time then...


Okay, so you're not a saint.

Did you really wanna have lunch with her?

Totes. I mean, she probably eats somewhere expensive and... pay for it but hey if my bestie's got problems with her...

I don't have "problems" with her.

I just don't feel like hanging out with her, she's not my friend.

...Do I not know what the word "problems" means?


Let's go.



Rusty! sh**t girls just got here, don't miss 'em...

Sweet party, bro!


Just the warm up! Wait'll we hit Ibiza!

Oh my god, your room is a-ma-zing.

No, you are.


Give me this.


Don't move a muscle.

Bit of a selection for you here.

I got ribbed "for her pleasure"?

Something in a leopard print maybe?

Or cherry flavour...

Mmm cherries...




Life is hard when you don't know who you are...

It's harder when you don't know what you are...

My love carries a death sentence...

I was lost for years...

Searching while hiding...

Only to find I belonged to a world hidden from humans...

I won't hide anymore.

I will live the life I choose.

Absolutely, sir.


We were all over it..

Okay, you got it.

Chief's on our ass, tell me the k*ller left a signed confession?

Yeah sure.

It's in that box of Cubans.

I got me some bad déjà vu about this.

Third body, two weeks.

Lot of commonalities.

All vics twenty-something, k*lled at home, wealthy.

Asphyxiation, crushed bones, internal bleeding...

That girl worth a look?

As a suspect?

Ain't no way she did it. She's half his weight-- and fifty-percent of that is champagne.

Look man--

This is starting to smell funny to me.

And I'm not even a wolf.

Definitely Fae.

Fae serial k*ller?

Murdering humans. And getting real sloppy.

He's not even feeding on them.

We need to make a connection.


Lucky for us, "Cam" scheduled his every waking moment.

Hell of a life, too-- wall-to-wall parties in Rio, Dubai, Paris..

He's got a few in town this week too...

Thought we could get some intel.

Those parties will be serious A list.

And we can't crash them, we've already been made at the scenes.

We weren't who I was thinking of..

The parties are insane, ladies.

One word: hot-tubs.

That's two words, dinkus.

Okay okay--

Hot tubs filled with Cristal.

Those are five really good words.

They cater with celebrity chefs.

Fly DJ's in from all around the world.

Oyster bars, vodka tastings, huh?

Swag bags worth more than my car...

I'm gonna marry these parties is what I'm gonna do.

It does sound like fun and we could always use a little fun.

AND, a clothing allowance.

But don't these people know each other.

How do you figure we fit in?

We send you to prep school.

Hook you up with someone to talk to.

Someone who's dialed in to the young money crowd.

Okay sounds good.


We don't have time for this.

Bo, I will make time to help you.

A guest list for the party you're going to.

Fully notated with advice and juicy detail on each guest.


You should try this on.

Oh, that's okay.

I'm-- dressed.

Humour me...?

One in her size, please?

Who's this guy?

Russel Cooper, he's the host.

"Derek Hurst-- ask about boat."

True sailor, lives and dies by the wind.

Act interested, and he'll nearly insist on being your boyfriend.

"Ian Morton-- don't ask about boat."

Technically it was his father's.

But technicalities don't matter at the bottom of the lake.

"Lita S - play up your interest in fashion".

She does accessories.

Very exclusive....

Come to think of it there was some "chatter" about her and the first victim.

She's gorgeous, single, and spent a lot of time on a custom piece for him...

People thought they were knocking custom boots...

Could you just take a few minutes to try it on?

I love this window into your world.

And Dyson's.

He can be so impenetrable.

Plus, every time I offer to buy him a dress, he turns me down.

I'll try it, but I can't let you buy it for me, okay?

Nonsense -- it's for Dyson's work.

Sorry to go on about him it's just you know him well and--

Can't hear you! The dress is over my head!

Oh no thank you but the canapés look charming, Russell.

Someone gave me the name of a "charming" caterer.

You're welcome.

I brought you a little gift.

Because the host is always the most important decoration...

A signature Lita 'S' belt.

Because - what is it I always say...?

Handmade, artisanal items set a man apart in a pre-fab world.

I'm gonna put it on right now.

For "battle".

You would be making my night.

Oh hi!

Okay, I say we start with the whiskey bar, then raw bar, then gift bags.

Or - gift bags, desserts, vodka tasting whatever--

We need a strategy pronto.

Yeah to investigate.

I did not go shopping with Princess Grace just for the makeover.

But Lita S is here somewhere.

What if there's a free boot bar?!

I'm sorry.

Do I--

You must be Russell. Hi.

And you are?


I'm very pleased to introduce you to my friend.


Thank you, Bitsy.

Hi we live upstairs.

That right?

Saw you were having a 'do, thought we would come say hola or etc.

You look a little more downtown than my other neighbours.

Aren't you charming, darling.

Nothing hotter than a girl who's a little dirty around the edges...

Want a tour?

She'd love one.


I got a bar fridge in each bathroom, fully stocked.

With snacks.

'Cause that's the best place to eat food.

I knew I liked you.

I knew it.

Thank you.

Have we met?

Placing faces isn't my forte.

I wish someone would invent an app for that.

I'd buy it.

I'm Clive.

Or as my friends call me -- C3PO.

Human-cyborg relations.

Clive it is.

You a friends with Russell?

I like to think I am.

He invested in my software company.

So that's why you're all able to have this much fun.

You're tech guys.

A few of us.

Speaking of tech - wanna see something cute?

I'd love to.

My brother just sent me photos of my new niece.

"Steven Arianna".

After the original genious, of course. Steve Jobs.


My brother's the dork in the family.

Cute baby.

I'm Lita.

Oh Lita S. I heard you'd be here.

Oh? I'm flattered.

And I'm in the market actually for a truly special pair of boots for my very best girlfriend.

I wish I could help.

But I don't really have any lines for women anymore.

But if you have any men you'd like me to dress, let me know.

I was telling someone about this beautiful cover, how it warms the chill technology spreads.

May I...?

Clive, did you know Cam Ferguson?

I did, I was at the party that night.

I don't really want to talk about it.

Apologies, I need to excuse myself.

And that's how I made my first mil.

No bigs.

So Cameron, the dead guy...

Were you his business partner?

He was like a brother to me.

I can't believe he's gone...

Hey you -- ever seen Isabella's book of artistic nudes?

Gosh, mister, no!

I'll show you.


That box is Balinese.

I love Balinesia!

Hey, is this by Lita S.

I heard she's here tonight...

Good, good friend, she actually made me this belt.


Wanna meet her?

If you insist.

And if you could arrange a one-on-one that would be cool.

What are you doing?

Did you roofie me up the side of my head?


Creepy way to cop a feel, man--

Oh my god.

Oh man... Oh!

Great, just what every girl needs.

A matching set of dead guys.

Aren't you dead?


Are you?


But he is.


You wanted to see me.

Do you know what this is Doctor?

A Peri.

Endangered Fae of ancient Persian origin.

Yes, I know.

Such exquisite little creatures.

Until they swarm, and then they're more like k*ller bees.

Bees with the voices of angels....

I know what a Peri is, Ash.

I did an autopsy on one for you a few weeks ago.

What this?

...You asked for a quick turnaround.

On a full autopsy which I want you to do now.

I'm having a hard time.


I have new evidence about what happened with Nadia.

Well I want you to do the report again...correctly.

Now off you go.

I'm running low on patience.

And I got hit on the head, Sergeant Hard-ass!

Haven't you heard of victim's rights?

Your Sunday paper?

Your rap sheet.

Or the rap sheet for some of you.

Kenzi Williams, Kenzi McAdams, Kenzi Rogers.

Also, Rhino Levine, Ninotchka Alexandrovich and Toni Soprano.

...Yeah, that last one was a bit of a boondoggle.

But it wasn't my fault!

Big mix-up at the passport office.

Try again.

Mine was a troubled youth, officer.

I'm sorry--

The orphanage...

And then I became a governess for a Mr. Rochester...


I have a holding cell, and a dead guy.

I've also got a mouthy girl with quite the record.

You wanna do the math...?

Chief needs to see you, Rossy.

Thanks for softening this one up for me, all right.

Oh thank-Hale.

I gotcha, little mama.

But try to give me something to tell them.

What'd you see before you got K.O.'d?

Some privileged mo-fo trying to impress me out of my girdle.


A desk, Persian rug, books of "artistic nudes".

What else?

A wooden box--


You look in it?


Sticky notes, paper clips.

Cough drops.

A business card holder by Lita S.

Good job.

Alright alright--

I don't like dead people.

You want some?

I'm not really hungry.

Thank you.

...I am Maganda.

It means "pretty of the forest".

I'm Bo. It means...well Bo.

Are you here as a witness for the m*rder?

I witness all.

From beneath a tree.

You live in the park.

My home is lost.

I'm sorry.

...I'm not gonna have much to tell them when it's my turn.

Did you see something?

Moon of silver.

Owl seeking God.

Snake with the face of lady.

Beautiful face.

Long dark silk down her back.


You're up.


How's Clive doing? Is he going to be okay?


But he got it worse than Kenzi.

Maybe the k*ller is more determined to hurt guys.

Maybe, take a look at this.

Floor plan of the victim's place.

Kenzi and the vic are here, in the office.

Clive comes down the hallway, to use the bathroom.

Where are you?

In the kitchen trying to pretend I'm not dressed like Succubus Barbie.

It is a different look for you.

Ciara picked it out.

You look nice.

Where's Lita at this point?

Lita who?

Lita S.

She's some kind of designer, lifestyle consultant, something...

As far as I can tell, she's been at every party.

She's not on my witness list.

But your squad cars were there within minutes.

She's not the kind of girl who could walk away unnoticed.

She probably blended right in.

No one noticed anything out of the ordinary.


Somebody did...

You think Lita's Fae?

Maybe? Some kind of snake-shifter?

All the products Lita makes are real snakeskin.

Wallets, shoes...

She uses her own dead skin to make her stuff?

Very green of her.

Kenzi saw a snakeskin case on Russell's desk before he died.

One of the vics had snakeskin shoes.

You need to talk to her again.

Oh no, I'm not her type.

Except in a snake-toying-with-a-mouse way.

She really likes guys.

Handsome guys with more money than brains...

You're saying I fit that description?

You've got the handsome part down.

So I go undercover...

Act moneyed?

Yes ...And you bring Bo.

What, who does what?

Lita's a predator she'll love chasing him with you right there.

I have met her so I guess I could say Dyson's my brother.

Go with fiancé.

Bring out her fangs.

Not a great idea.

We've done it before.

It's just things were pretty different then.

I know, but we're all friends now.

The three of us. Right?

Let's do it.

You sure?

I trust you.

Poor Wendell is so smart at finance.

But all he ever wears is this exact same suit.

Every single day, you have twenty versions!

Darling please I also have my golf shirts.

Which I wear for golf.



May I just?--

Your fiancé didn't mention how handsome you were...

What I want to do is bring out the natural man from within you.

There's a wild animal in there somewhere.

Oh, there is.

I sat on a few boards with Russell Cooper.

He always looked impeccable and I knew that was due to you.

You knew Russell?

Oh, how awful, I've just remembered something I'm double booked and I need to run.

But we came all this way are you trying to lose customers?

We know you're Fae Lita.



I'm okay, I'm okay, just go!


My home!

Don't touch!

Got her!


You spit on the wrong guy.

The Ash's guards have her sedated.


She's in the dungeon.

That was an impressive tackle you made back there.

What can I say, I'm a snake charmer.

Find anything?

Just that you can make a k*lling selling handmade snakeskin items.

Oh wait cancel that, I just found something.

Something good?

A client list.

And our last victim is on it...

So is the one before that.

Go back.

Heinze... That can't be.

Who's Heinze?

He's a Kobold.

Ex-navy, retired.

And definitely not Lita's "type".


Thanks for agreeing to meet Clive.

I'm Detective Hale.

You might remember Kenzi?

We got our heads bashed in together.

We're practically engaged.

But I thought you were "Kimmy".

That's my middle name.

She's got a few of those.

I need to ask you about Lita S.

I see her at parties all the time.

She ever threatened any of you?

No! Never!

Everyone always wants her around she was like having a mirror ball at your party.


I guess I was a little in love with her.

But now Russell's dead, and Cam, and Neil...

What if I'm next?

Dude, buck up.

She's locked up, and you're safe.

Or my name isn't Kenzi-Kimmy.



Sure I know Lita.

Whatta lady!

Wouldn't mind her walking my plank, know what I mean?

Were you a client, Heinze?

I don't live up in that air, honey.

Wanna buy something nice for your girlfriend here, Dyson?

I got these ivory bangles, from darkest Africa.

She's my colleague.

Not to mention the global ban on ivory.

Ah, just joking you.

They're plastic.

She asked you a question.

How I knew Lita?

Used to sail stuff around the world for people, now I sell the stuff myself, exotic goods, sent from the four corners.

Handicrafts, Miss Lita calls them.

Sends lots of her clients to me for things that're "unique".

Humans -- those poor sods are always looking to buy things that make them feel special.

What does she get out of it?

She gets a wee cut of my sales.

...Also, a steady supply of rats from the ships.

For her snacks.

I'm a trustworthy guy.

Eh, Tricksy?

Unless a Kobald is bound to you, don't leave your stuff lying around.

That's not fair now.

We don't care about any of that.

We just care about some recent human deaths.

Take a look at these.

Never seen them.

These boys were k*lled by Fae hands.

Probably Lita's.

Would you look at the time?

I've got an antiques show to set up for.

You'd be surprised at the old stuff you can talk humans into buying...

Okay I know that Kobalds are shifty.

But that was over the top.

Just me..?

(phone rings)


...On my way.

The snake's awake.

It's time to play...

Were you angry with them when you k*lled them?

No I loved them and their credit cards.

Then why'd you run?

I thought you were gonna bust me for selling my skin.

Yeah, shedding your Fae DNA all over the human world.

The Ash didn't like hearing that.

The Ash can bite me.

Are humans going and getting their boots and shoes tested to see if they contain Fae DNA?

Please they can barely do them up.

One last time why did you k*ll them?

I didn't.

You expect us to believe a snake?

I'm innocccccent!

You gonna do that in The Ash's house?

I don't think so, put them away.

Put them away!

Danger Ciara one o'clock!

You wanna fake food poisoning, let's go with chicken wings?

Know what?

I might actually be starting to like her.

Okay you need to get laid.

Ha ha ha, but not by Dyson. Dyson and I are done.


We are soo done.

But he obviously has great taste in women.

And Ciara's smart and funny and she's ballsy.

Oooooh my god, isn't she sooooo perfect.

Why don't we just blow up an air mattress and invite her to move in?

You are jealous.

Who's jealous?

Nobody at this table.

Obviously we're all waaay-super-uber mature.

Did you hear they got Lita?

I came to buy you some champagne.

But you don't sound too enthusiastic.

Bubbly? Are you kidding?

She's ecstatic!

I'll get the champers!

Trick says that Lita is a Mama Wata.

A snake Fae.

I knew one once and they do tend to like expensive trinkets.


So here's my question.

The guys were crushed to death.


But when confronted Lita spat poison.

You're right that's the way a Mama Wata would operate...

It's not a python it's a poisonous snake.

Okay christen thee the good ship Drunkypop!

Don't pop the cork.


We have the wrong Fae.


(phone rings)


Clive you gotta watch out!


Slow down.

We got the wrong Fae man.





Clive are you there?

We tracked the GPS in his phone.

He's dead.

Same kind of k*ll. No witnesses.

His computer tablet was smashed and his body was crushed.

Dude, keep the gory details to your gory self?

That poor little nerd-nik.

He was a sweet guy.

I'm starting to feel like some kind of black widow.

You meet me at a party and - bam you're cooked.

It's not your fault, Kenz.

There's someone out there who's lost it.

And we had the wrong suspect.

Yeah, about that, Fae Sherlock Holmes and Fae Watson.

What the hell?

You wouldn't know quality if you fell off a frigate and drowned in it!


Ladies, my goodness look at us.

Evening, Heinze.

Need anything?

Just having a chat with these fine ladies.

Try it out, me-lady.

I know you're not soliciting in my establishment.

Would I do such a thing?


How much?

Eighty-nine ninety-eight.

What? The wood's from Bali.

I have to recoup my costs somehow.

Would that be endangered wood from Bali?

Out, Heinze.

Trick, I got a lot of stuff I gotta sell and fast.


Off the stool, Lalie. It's leaving.

But it's so comfy my bottom feels like it's come home!


It's quality stuff!

You want to try one too, Trick?

Or you want a cut? I can do that.

Gute nacht, Heinze.

You want a four poster bed or a cutting board, you know who to call...


Someone is k*lling tiny, endangered Fae.

Harmless, defenseless Fae.

I believe so.

And based on the evidence that you provided, we have at least three Peri deaths... by electrocution.

It doesn't make sense.

I agree.

And I have a theory.


But I need your help first.

With this.

A cursing nail.


And I have reason to believe it's related to Nadia's state.

I have to get her out of that coma.

You think she's cursed?

It fits.

I've done everything you've ever asked of me.

I think I've earned the right to ask for one thing of you.

Surely there's something you can--

I wasn't The Ash when she was cursed.

If, indeed, she is I can't help you.

But you're The Ash now.

You have all the powers of The Ash.

Just grant me top-level clearance, for research and documents.

The Old Ash kept journals, religiously.


I cannot go on like this.

You can, and you will.

Come back when you've composed yourself.


Because nothing is worth this life.

I will not be your servant anymore, I'll take Nadia
and we will leave.

How on Earth will you manage that?

No! Please!

Please! Please!

Ash I beg you please!

Please Ash!

Do we have The Old Ash's journals in archive?

Bring them to me.

Being on Lita's client list is still a risk factor.

Those boys all dress the same. Play at the same places.

Like the same things...

It's not enough of a connection.

I'm telling you, what if I met the first two victims and I didn't know it.

I keep popping up!

You're being crazy.

But someone keeps popping up.

The crazy homeless lady?

We picked her up in the park near Russell's.

Maganda. She was there when we chased Lita out of her office.

Those locations are close.


Didn't think the Po-po believed in those.

We don't.

Wait a minute--

Bo, what was in her cart?

Random stuff.

A lot of tchotchkes.

Salad bowls, wooden trays, men's jewelry boxes, That kinda stuff.

The box from Russell's desk is gone.


She took it? That's what she wanted?

Trick you got any ideas about this?

She's a Batibat.

A What-i-what?

Each of them belongs to one tree.

And one tree belongs to them.

They're generally peaceful.

But the problem starts when you cut down a Batibat's tree.

Every sliver is part of them.

They won't let any of it go.

To the point where they'll k*ll to get it back.

Their rings are their history, their diary.

Someone and I think I might know who--

took a Batibat's tree, and it got made into items your victims owned.

The wood feels good.

It feels like home.

So she compelled to k*ll them to reclaim her home.

Like a mother seeking a lost child.

It's instinctual.


Almost animal.

She needs every piece back.

Great, wicked guys but what is she looking for here?

Stay calm.

We're here to help.


We know it's been you all along.


She'll crush him!

Won't work, she's lived with birdsong all her life...


Good one, though.

Stay with us, D!

What here is hers?

Heinze was trying to sell wooden things.

He was desperate--

He was trafficking her wood.


He was limping.

His cane!


Maganda, look what I got.

Bo! My vault!

Come on, here Maganda.

Come on.

That's it, that's it.

Come on tree hugger.

Come with me.

We gotta get Heinze and the rest of her wood.




Well, she's certainly a rather focused individual.

That's admirable...

Open the door!

Thought you'd try to run, Heinze?

I don't know what you're trying to pull here.

I was off to the Bahamas, you can't just abduct a guy.

(banging on door)


Oh no.

Oh yeah.

You took her tree Heinze, what'd you expect?

I didn't know.

I didn't know it was a Batibat's wood!

You gonna tell me you left your cane by accident too?

I didn't want any more boys to die.

I figured you'd know what to do...

Bah you were saving your own skin.

Maganda? We have someone here. The man that bought your tree from the poachers.

We know he had it cut and made into things he was selling.

He's gonna get it back for you.


No! Wait!

That's impossible!

I sold most of it already.

Hundreds of items!

People won't give it back for free!

Like I said, you're gonna get it all back for her.

It'll take months!

The cost'll ruin me!

And what about what's happened to her, huh?

What's happened to those guys who bought stuff from you?

Maganda, It's going to take a little bit of time, but he'll do it.

You have to stay in custody while he does okay?



Hundreds of years, my tree.

Waltzing with the clouds, waving to the rain.

Every leaf grew in my heart.

It was my home.

It was my heart.

It was a castle for my grandchildren.

And now it's gone.

I'm so sorry.

It won't be the same - but your tree will be yours again.

Oh, no that's okay.

I don't need a hug.

Looks great.

Fits you like a glove.

Sadly, I don't have a rich hipster party to wear it to tonight.

Me neither.

Do you have a minute?

For you? Always.

Ciara, you're smart and you're genuine and you have an awesome swing with a fireplace poker.

I try.

You also seem to be kind of lonely.

And kind of hurt.

Am I that obvious?

I don't want to talk about your boyfriend.

I can't claim to understand him now.

If I ever did.

But if you wanted to make me your friend?

You succeeded.

You deserve to be happy.

Thank you.

Talk to Dyson.

Be direct.

I'll see you around.

Hey, beautiful.

This looks like trouble.

That depends...

Will you sit with me?

Of course.

I'm good with trouble.

I'm mad about you, Dyson.

Wild, crazy, mad about you.

I feel as though I've waited lifetimes for this.

I have, actually.


Just remember how long I've known you.

I won't be easy to fool.

And I don't want to be a fool.

I don't want to stay and clutch at something that will simply never be there.

So I need to know.

...Will you love me back?

I will give you everything that I can.

Do my very best to make you happy.

You already do.


She looks so happy.

Yes she does.

We'll keep her here, while Heinze does his duty, and the police case cools down.

May take a number of years.

She did m*rder humans.

She has to pay for it in some way.

Eventually, we'll ship her back to the jungle with her goods.

Thank you, Lachlan.

I really appreciate it.

Not at all.

If the Light Fae are happy, then I'm happy.

Their lives are more important to me than anything else.

...Okay, sure.

I will do anything to protect our people.


I trust you know the way back upstairs?

I've a few little things to do.

Yeah... Thanks again.





I beg you, please?