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Barbie Mariposa and Her Butterfly Friends (2008)

Posted: 08/15/23 11:57
by bunniefuu







Bibble, what
are you doing?


Too excited
about visiting Dizzle
this morning?


What? Why would you
cancel your trip?

You were so excited.


You're worried that
you won't fit in
with Dizzle's friends.


Maybe I can help.
Come on.

Let me tell you
a story about
a good friend of mine.

Her name is Mariposa.

And she's
a butterfly fairy.

Mariposa lived
in faraway Flutterfield.

A distant realm
was completely cut off

from all the rest
of Fairytopia.


ELINA: Because it was
surrounded by Skeezites.

Ravenous beasts
who wanted to eat
the butterfly fairies.

Look it's a Skeezite.
Come on, Let's go!

I'm hungry for
a butterfly fairy.



ELINA: For centuries,
whenever night fell,

butterfly fairies
hid for their lives.

Until one day,
a magical fairy
named Marabella

filled the trees
with beautiful,
glowing flowers,

whose light would
never go out
as long as she lived.

Oh, the light!
Let's get out of here!

I can't stand the light!

ELINA: The butterfly fairies
made Marabella their Queen.

And every fairy
in the realm
was happy to forget

the world
outside their
protective city lights.

Well, almost every fairy.


WILLA: Are you
kidding me?


I thought you
were coming with me
to the party tonight.

I was going to, but...


You know me.
I'm not good
at parties.

I never know
what to say.

You could have just
hung out with me.

I get to hang out
with you here.

Come sit.
I wanna
show you something.

Oh, I'm sorry, do I have

"Skeezite snack"
written on my forehead?

I came to get you
away from the edge
of the light.


You'll be fine.

It's light enough, I promise.

Now look up at the sky.
What do you see?


My life, flashing
before my eyes.

Let's go.

Just wait.


WILLA: Whoa!

Beautiful, isn't it?

Sometimes I look for
patterns up there.

Like The Archer. See?

No. I don't see it at all.

You have to
connect the dots.

That's his belt.

There's his bow
and arrow.

WILLA: Oh, yeah.

You can see things
in the stars.

I imagine places
outside Flutterfield.

Places I've only
read about in books.


I can see why
you like this.

Oh, the light!
My eyes.
My eyes!

I don't see.
I take it back!

Come on.
You should
get to sleep.


You go ahead.
I'll go to bed soon.
I promise.

This time
I won't oversleep.


WILLA: You kidding me?



I didn't.

You did.

And we're gonna
be late for work.

Look out.
Hey! Flying here!

Mariposa. Willa.


Oh hi.

Great party
last night, right?

Yeah, terrific!

I didn't see you there.
What happened?


I just didn't think
I'd have a lot of fun.


You wouldn't understand.

I think I would.

I don't always feel
like I belong either.



Mmm-hmm. But I'll get
where I wanna be.

You can too.
Just stick with me.

Hi. Oh, it is so nice
to see you.


That was
really nice, but

no chance Henna
ever feels like
she doesn't belong.

She's Queen Marabella's


Willa, is that you?

Here we go again.

We're on our way.

You are here.

You are late!
MARIPOSA: I'm sorry.

I overslept
and then on the way

we were talking
with Henna...

Not interested.

There is a ball
at the palace tonight,

and we made a list
of everything we need.



To braid
in our hair.

It will look
so beautiful.

Uh-huh. But thistleburst
only grows
deep underground

in the nettle swamp.
It smells there.

And we are
worth it,
aren't we?

Of course
we are worth it.

Go, go, go.

We need you back
with everything,
as soon as possible.


As for you,

I need you
to shine my wings.

No, I need you
to perfume my hair.

And I need you to
polish my slippers.

And glitter my nails.

BOTH: And you
have to do it now.


I broke a nail.

RAYNA: You are on my leg.

You missed a spot.

I need these
wings to sparkle,

so the Prince
cannot help
but notice them.

But I thought
the Prince never
went out in public.

so when he does,

it will be to
fall in love.

With me.
Or me.

My turn now.

Why do you think
you'd fall in love
with the Prince?

He is a Prince.
He is special.


What happened?

I have absolutely
nothing to wear.

But, Rayna,
your wardrobe
is full of...

Of dresses that
are not befluttered.

How can I know
which one is the best,

until you beflutter
them all?

You have to
beflutter mine, too.

Okay, um...

MARIPOSA: Just a minute.


Come on, Mariposa!


Did you call
the Flutterpixies?

Hello? Your job.


Thank you.


I love it.
Oh yes.

I will look
gorgeous in this.

Can I ask
you guys

Do you ever feel,

I don't know,
like you
don't belong?


Why would we?

What do you do when it's not
enough to just be you?

You steal the me
you want to be.


(SIGHING) So long,
Queen Marabella!

Time for your servant
to get the respect
she deserves.


I want to
go in first.

No way!
I am going in first.

I can't believe
you actually
found thistleburst.

I can't believe
I didn't gag!

The whole place
smelled like feet!

Willa, Mariposa.
Don't go too far.

We want you around
if we need anything.



Hmm. Let me guess.

You wanna
sit this one out.

Do you mind
if I don't go in?

I'm just gonna stay
around the palace.

I'll see you
when it's over.

So I grabbed the rapscallion
and thwarted his evil plan,

rescuing Flutterfield
from the brink
of certain disaster.



At least it
would be, if it ever
actually happened.

It didn't?


Lord Gastrous
may be the Queen's
chief adviser,

but he's
never dealt
with anything tougher

than what to have
for breakfast.

Are you coming in?

No, thank you.

Okay, but remember,
I meant what I said.

Stick with me
and I can get you
everything you want.

Oh, thanks.


You dropped this.


Oh, thanks.


Uh, hi.

I think this is yours.

Oh, I'm so sorry.

I didn't mean to...
It's okay.

No. I'm such a klutz.

I just got so lost
in my book, and then...

Wait a minute.
Are you...

No, no. No, I'm not.

You are, though.

The book,
it's the same one
I'm reading.

Oh, the...
You're right, it is.

Do you like it?
It's my absolute favorite.

Really? Mine, too.

I've read it nine times.

Ha! Ten.

Wow! What do you
like best about it?

Well, it's not safe
to leave Flutterfield,

but when I read,
I get to visit
the entire universe.

Most butterfly
fairies I've met

aren't interested
in the rest
of the universe.

Are you here
for the party?

Sort of.

I work for two
of the fairies there.

I could have
gone in but...
I don't know.

I'm not really
comfortable at parties.

Is that awful?

Not at all.
I feel the same way.

You do?

I'm Mariposa.

Oh, I'm...


Like the hero
in the book?

Maybe that's why
I like it so much.

RAYLA: Mariposa!

Duty calls.

I hope I see you again.

Me, too.
RAYLA: Mariposa!

I have to go.


You found him?

No, Sir.
Nothing yet.


Who is it?
Mariposa. It's me.


what's going on?

I am so sorry.

I don't mean to startle you.
I'm not who you think I am.

I am Prince Carlos,
and I need your help.


You, search over there.

It is the Royal Guard.
They are after me.


For my own protection.

Orders from Lord Gastrous.

GUARDSMAN # : Hello! I need you
to open up, please.

Just a minute.


The Queen is very ill.

I believe it's
Illios poisoning.


But I thought
that poison
didn't really exist.

That is what
everyone thinks.

But Illios is
the only thing
strong enough

to make the Queen
as sick as she is.

Without an antidote,
we will lose her
in two days.

That's terrible!

For everyone.

Without the Queen,
the Flutterfield lights
will go out.

I have to insist.

One more
moment, please.

I am giving you a map
to the Illios antidote.

I have memorized it,
but if the guards catch me,
and I cannot get away,

I need to know
someone else can follow it,
and help the Queen.


Why me?

You are the only
other fairy I know

who understands the world
outside Flutterfield.

It has to be you.

GUARD: That's it.
I'm coming in.

Oh, hi!

Prince Carlos
was spotted
in this area.

Prince Carlos?

No. Hmm.

Thank you
for your time.

I'm sorry to have
disturbed you.


WOMAN: Poisoned?

MAN: Well, they think it's
poison. They're not sure.

WILLA: Everybody's
talking about it.

They say
the Queen's
been poisoned.

But nobody knows how.

Is anyone
talking about Illios?

WILLA: Illios?
What's that?

It's not supposed to
really exist...

WILLA: Queen Marabella
is sick with something real.

Nobody knows
if she'll even be okay.

You're late.
WILLA: Sorry.

We got a little distracted
worrying about the Queen.

Si, si.
But did you ever once think

what the Queen's
illness means for me?

Of course.
We weren't thinking.

You and Rayla
must be worried, too.

Yes, worried that
our attendants would not
be here to help plan

our "Get Well, Marabella"
party tonight.

Here's everything we need.

Now hurry!

More thistleburst.

As much as you can find.

We want our
whole house
to sparkle.

(MOCKING) "We want the
whole house to sparkle."

Go, go.


RAYLA: Mariposa, come here.

You have to get
our house ready.

We need
to glitterize
every inch.

And then...

Rayla, I have
the biggest scoop ever.

What? Tell me.

Prince Carlos

has been locked up
in the palace
for his own protection.

He's in danger.

That's so romantic.

Isn't it?

Hey! You have
work to do.

(SIGHS) Yes.

I think I do
have work to do.

The Prince
gave me this map.

The Prince!
The Prince!

Okay, you need to
spill, spill!

He needs me to
find the antidote

that will save
the Queen.

I want to see it.

No way.

So it's true.

Of course it's true.

Are you thinking
what I'm thinking?

We are going
to get the antidote.


You do not think someone
like you can be trusted
to rescue the Queen, do you?

Someone like me?

You will come
with us, of course.

To carry snacks
and things.

Flutter corn, fairycakes.
I will make you a list.

But we will be the ones
to save Flutterfield,

win the Queen's
undying gratitude,

and the greatest
reward imaginable.

The Prince.
The Prince.

I don't think
you understand
what you're saying.

The map leads
out of Flutterfield,

into Skeezite

We will just
make it back
before dark. Easy.

No buts.

Now pack our bags
and let's go!


ELINA: So the three fairies
set out to follow
the Prince's map.

They were a little nervous
when they neared
Flutterfield's edge,

but it was still daylight,
so it was easy to be brave.

This is it.
The last light
of Flutterfield.

According to the map
we need to go to the
center of the Bewilderness,

where we'll find
a white flower,
which must be the antidote.

We start off towards
the Cecitane mountains.

Beyond the lake,
that way.

I've never been outside
the city. Have you?

For the
greatest reward

For my soon to be husband,
Prince Carlos.

For hope.

For all of us.


Bibble, what are you doing?


You're protesting?

You don't think
they should leave?


You're right.
Leaving Flutterfield is scary.

But if they don't go,
all Flutterfield
could be destroyed.

Don't you think
there are some things
important enough to do?

Even if they're scary?

Uh, no.

Well, I think there may be.

Should I go back to the story?

Okay, then.

So, while Mariposa,
Rayna and Rayla
left Flutterfield...


This time,
it smelled worse
than feet.

It's not like
the toe jammiest,

"fungus among us"
of a whole bag of feet!




"Went to save
the Queen.

"Try to contact
Prince Carlos,

"he'll tell you



You called,
Your Highness?

Lord Gastrous,
I command you
to release me!

I'm sorry
but I can't
do that.

Nor can you command it.

As the Queen's chief adviser,

her power goes to me
when she can't rule,
not to you.

Which is exactly
what you want, is it not?

That is why you won't let me
go after the Illios antidote.

I swear, Gastrous,
if you are behind
what happened to my mother...

No, no, Your Highness,

I promise you,
I only want her
to be well.

But if the worst happens,

Flutterfield needs
you to be here,
safe and ready to rule.

Not off risking your life,
chasing a cure for a poison
that doesn't exist.

I'm sorry,
but I have
no other choice.

Lord Gastrous!


I hope you're
in better shape
than I am.

(MOANING) How can we
not be there yet?

Maybe if I had
held the map,
we'd be there.

You just wanted
to hold it

so you could
tell the Prince
you were in charge.

So did you.


We'll never get
anywhere if we fight.

We will never
get anywhere
no matter what.

It is almost dark.

Do you not realize
what that means?


ALL: Skeezites!


Maybe we should stay here.

All night?

If there's not
enough cover.
They'd get us.

Here, carry these.
They rely on smell.

If they smell
the flowers
and not us,

they won't know
we're here.


I smell
pretty flowers.



What are you?
Part Skeezite?

How did you know
to carry the flowers?

I like to read.

Okay, it looks like
soon we will come
to a fork in the path.


The map!

The map?


SKEEZITE: Butterfly fairy.


BOTH: Rayna!



Butterfly fairies.



Now what?

Where do we go?

I do not know.
All the landmarks
were on the map.


Along our route
was a picture
of a sun. A rising sun.

We're gonna
get you this time.

But it's dark.

No, the sun
rises in the east.

If the rising sun
is in our path,
we need to fly due east.


Great, now we just
need to find
where due east is.

Which we can
only do with a map!

SKEEZITE: Here we come!

Hey! Where did they go?


No, not with the map.
With the Archer.

The Archer in the stars.

It's a pattern,
a constellation.

His arrow always
points due east.

This way.

Come on little fairies.
Don't fly away.

We only wanna
eat you.

I mean, "meet you."

You mean, "eat you."

Oh yeah.


I think
we are losing them.

You are right.




What's that?

RAYNA: I do not know,
can we get inside?

We have to try.

Here we come!

RAYLA: We cannot make it.

Fly, hurry!


I don't know
how I'm gonna explain
this to the little lady.


Let's get
outta here.


"Try to contact
Prince Carlos," she said.

I don't even know
what he looks like.

How can I contact him?

HENNA: I brought
her favorite
brushes and ribbons.

She always loves it
when I do her hair.

I thought maybe
it would help.

(SIGHS) You're
a good friend,

HENNA: Has there been
any change?

The doctors
have found nothing.

The Prince,
he keeps talking about Illios.

You don't suppose
there's the
slightest chance in...


I wish as much
as anyone that
we could help the Queen.

But everyone knows
Illios doesn't exist.

Prince Carlos
is clutching
at fairytales.

Probably, but...

But, you're in charge.

If you think
it's wise to put
fairies at risk,

searching the world
for an Illios antidote,

you have
my complete support.

No, no.
It's ridiculous,
of course.

Perhaps you should
check in on the prince.

Oh, I will.

Minute you know
let me know.

The second.

Of course.

Not long now,
Queen Marabella.

And I will rule
all of Flutterfield.

Price Carlos,
I am Willa.
Mariposa sent me.

You prince,

me Will...




(GASPS) Mariposa!

GASTROUS: Prince Carlos!

Is everything okay in here?
I thought I heard something.

No. No, no, no, no.
Everything's fine.

Except, I was hoping
for a little fresh air.

Could you
open the doors?

But, Prince Carlos,
we must keep the door shut
for your own protection.

Just while
you are here.

You will be able
to protect me.

Of course!

We are doing
everything we can
to comfort the Queen.

But if you only
let me out
using the key.

Oh, we cannot
take the risk,
Prince Carlos.

I understand. But the key
on your belt can free me
to comfort the Queen.

It is more important
that we keep you safe.

I understand.

You do?

And I appreciate
you looking out
for my safety.

Well, it is my duty.
And one that I take
very seriously.

Of course.

Has there been
any change?

Not yet.
But I am hopeful.

It is your hope
that sustains us,
Lord Gastrous.

Thank you,
Prince Carlos.

Will you let me know
if there are any changes?

Of course,
Prince Carlos.
The second.

So you're the prince.

Please. My name is Carlos.

Hello, Carlos.

And you're
a friend of Mariposa?

I'm Willa.

Thank you, Willa.

You're welcome.

At last.

I must find
the antidote.

Oh, first we have
to find out
what Henna is up to.


She's the one
who poisoned the Queen.


I saw her
giving the Queen
a tonic.

She said she wants
to take over

Come on!

What is this place?


What was that for?

I did not
do anything.

Hey! I said
I did not do anything.

I know. I heard you.

So why did you hit me?

I did not.

You guys,
let's not fight.

We need to find the antidote.





HI. I'm Zinzie.
Zinzie, the Mewah.

You are the one
throwing seeds at us,
are you not?


Why would you do that?

It's funny.
You should've
seen your faces.


That's not very nice.

It's not?

Well, I wasn't trying
to be not nice.
I just wanted to play.

I don't see anyone in
the Bewilderness a lot.

And it gets
really Ionely.

Wait! Did you say,
"The Bewilderness"?

Sure, that's where we are.

ZINZIE: The Bewilderness.


The Archer.
You are a genius.



What are you doing?


Look. We need you
to take us to the center
of the Bewilderness.

But, that's such
a long way.
It's so dangerous.

Only a Mewah brave
and courageous enough
could take you there.

Zinzie, you like
flutter corn, right?

Flutter corn!

That heavenly crunch.
That delectable aroma.


A whole bag of it.
And it's all for you,

if you take us
to the center of
the Bewilderness.

Yes. Give me.
Give me, give me,
give me. Oh, give me.

Here you go.

Flutter corn!

ZINZIE: Oh, this is so good.


Want some? Kidding!
It's all mine.

Every little crunchy, sweet,
deliciously delectable...

Here we are.

This is the center
of the Bewilderness?

ZINZIE: Ha ha!

I don't understand.
There's supposed to be
a white flower here.

There is.
Right here.

That is the flower
from the map.

Maybe the antidote
is not a real flower.

Maybe it is this rock!

I don't think so.
I think this is another map.

we have to find
this mermaid,

and she can tell us
where the flower is.

But where
do we find mermaids?

I know. They live
in the Water Rose.

I can take you there
if you want.

And what
do you want
in return?

Flutter corn. Please.



Oh, flutter corn.

Mmm. Yum!


Hi, Henna.

Hi. How are you?

It's good to see you.

HENNA: Thank you.

Are you sure
it was Henna
who poisoned the Queen?


But we have been
following her for hours

and she has done
nothing out
of the ordinary.

I'm positive
it was her.

HENNA: Good bye.

Wait, wait.
Where is she
going now?

See? What'd I tell you?

Come on.

What is she
doing down here?

I don't know.
But I don't like it.

We must find out.

(NERVOUSLY) We must?

You promised us
butterfly fairy.

What are they
doing here?

we want
butterfly fairy.

Be patient,
my little ones.

Tonight, you will have
all the butterfly fairies
you can eat.

But I'm hungry now.

Me, too. Hungry now.

BOTH: We want
butterfly fairy.

The light.
Oh, oh, no.

Not the light.
Can't stand the light.

You were saying?

Nothing. Saying nothing.

Yeah. Not hungry.
Me not hungry.

What kind
of light was that?

I don't know.
But we must find out.

Shouldn't we get
Gastrous first?

No, he will not
believe me.

I need
real evidence.

We must wait
for her to leave.

Oh, goody.

ZINZIE: The Water Rose.

All the way down.

That's where
the mermaids live.

But how can we get there?
We can't breathe underwater.

Actually, you can.

BIBBLE: Uh-uh!



Actually, Bibble,
the seaweed you and I ate

isn't the only way
to breathe underwater.


It's delicious.

It is like
flutter fluff.

And this will
let us breathe

You betcha. Eat up.



Yes. Some of the stuff
that helps you
breathe underwater

tastes like flutter fluff.

That's true.
The seaweed was
pretty awful, wasn't it?

May I continue?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

So, they ate the reeds
and dove into the Water Rose,

swimming deeper and deeper
until they came
to an underwater realm.

we are here.

Where do we
find the mermaids?

Actually, looks like
we found you.

MARIPOSA: Wonderful.

We really need
to find the
Illios antidote.

Do you know where it is?


Will you tell us
where to find
the Illios antidote?

did you see
my new necklace?

It is exactly
the color
of my eyes.

CORAL: Like, when
my eyes are
this color, beautiful.

I'm sorry,
but perhaps
you don't understand.

The fate of
our entire city and
everyone we know

rests on us
finding this antidote.


Did you,
like, bring us
something beautiful?


Hermana, I think
I see where they
are coming from.

Why should they help us,
unless something
is in it for them?


So name it. Tell us
what you want and
we will make it happen.

BOTH: Conchal shells.

Conchal shells?

You can't take a shell
without waking
the Mini-Merfolk.

And if you wake them,
they'd scream
and wake the sea beast.

And guess what
the sea beast hates
more than anything?

Getting woken up.

We'll be waiting.

So how do we
do this without
waking them up?

I have an idea.

They're about
the right size, no?




ALL: Yes!




Don't cry. Don't cry.


ALL: The sea beast!



Does the shell
look better with my part
or across from my part?


I think I like it
better with the part.


Help us!

For the conchal shells.
Do it for the conchal shells.

They are beautiful shells.


Okay, let's help.



We are safe.
We did it!

Feel my hair.

I brushed golden star into it.
Like, you've never felt
anything so soft.


What about
the Illios antidote?

You said
you would tell us
where it is.

In the Cave
Of Reflection.

Head east,

and then enter
the monster's mouth!

A monster? For once,
can't we go someplace
without a monster?



What do
we do now?

I think
we have to trust
the mermaids.

Let's follow
their directions
and see what we find.

I'm glad
you guys
were here.

You handled
the mermaids
a lot better than I did.

It was easy.

They reminded us
of fairies
we used to know.

What is she
doing in there?

I do not know.
But we are running
out of time.

We cannot wait
any longer.

We can't go
in there now.

We have no choice.

Are you kidding me?

Oh, everyone knows
Illios doesn't exist.




Who would have thought

that a little Illios

and a little thistleburst

would give me
so much power.

Oh. Yeah.
A genius like me.

What a beautiful day
to become Queen.

Not if we can
help it. Come on!


WILLA: The Skeezites?

CARLOS: They are asleep.

Oh. That's fine, then.

What are you doing?

Evidence to show Gastrous.

He will have
to believe me now.


What are you doing?

We can use the light
against the Skeezites.


(MUMBLING) Butterfly fairy?



CARLOS: We will need
more thistleburst
than that.

Of course, we will.

I will find Gastrous.

And I will go back
to the swamp.

We have been
traveling for hours.

Maybe that's okay.

I mean, we've really had
enough monsters for one day.

And this one
could be even meaner
with long sharp teeth

and beady eyes,
and an evil sneer.

Like that guy.

RAYNA: The monster.

MARIPOSA: And its mouth
is the opening of a cave.

That's where
we have to go.

ZINZIE: Oh, so it's a rock
that looks like a monster.
That's much better.

For a minute there,
I thought

we were gonna have
to do something
really danger...



No. No, no,
no, no, no. No.

Yes. We can do this.

We've come this far.




MARIPOSA: The light.
It must be that way.

Come on.





Hey, I smell
butterfly fairies,
do you?


I got no sniff.
My nose is still
messed up from yesterday.


Wait a minute.


Hey, who did that?

You! You hit me!

What? I did not.

But you hit me.

Did not.

Are you calling
me a liar?

Are you
calling me one?

SKEEZITE # : Maybe.

SKEEZITE # : Well...

But you hit me.

SKEEZITE # : I did not.

Who did that?

BOTH: Hey!



We are gonna
eat you.





Oh. Hi.


That smarts.

Thanks, Zinzie.

Looks like
we owe you.

Well, I'll accept
payment in flutter corn.

The Cave Of Reflection.


What is this?

It tickles.

Just whack it
between your hands.

Watch where
you place
those mitts.

You could hurt someone.

You're a fairy.

The fairy. As far as
anyone trying to enter
my cave is concerned.

Would that be you?

It would.


Head count.
One, two, three,
four. No, too many.

One of you
stops here.

I'll stop.
The rest
of you, go on.

As you wish.


Maybe we should explain.

We're looking
for the antidote
to the Illios...


Don't speak.

Do you think
it is smart
to follow her?

This is where
the mermaid said
we had to go, right?


It's exactly
where they said
you had to go.

Hold up.

Did you just
answer yourself?

my reflection did.

Come on, it is not
that weird, is it?


You really think
you can avoid me
that way?


Now, two of you
can continue.

If I stop,
will she go away?

Only one way
to find out, right?

(GASPS) I will stay.

Rayla? What did you
do to my sister?

So impatient, this one.

You'll see
your dear sister again
if you succeed.

If we succeed?
What is that
supposed to mean?

It means this is important,
too important to leave
to a nothing like Mariposa.

Stop. I never said that.

Just ignore it.
It's some kind of test.

Was that advice from a fairy
too unsure of herself
to even go to a party?

The final choice.
Only one can continue.

Go. Think about the glory.
Think about the rewards.

Think about the Prince, huh?
You've waited for this.

You really want Mariposa
to get it all instead?

She's right.
Rayna should go.
She's somebody.

Fairies listen to her.
Stay behind.

You'll only fail
if you try.


No. Do not
say a word.

You are the one
who can do this.
I am sure of it.

I want to stay back.

So, your friends
have chosen you.

But did they
choose correctly?

And will you
choose correctly?

These stars
hide many things.

One hides
the antidote
you seek.

You have
a single chance
to choose.

But, how?

How can I choose
just one star?
There are so many.

Though now
you may not comprehend,
every riddle has an end.

Search your mind
for what you know,

and the answer
soon will show.

Wait. Patterns.

The stars always
make patterns.

There's the Unicorn.
And there's the Crown.

The Archer. There he is.

So, it's the Archer.
What does that mean?

The Archer
is a navigator.

You can guide yourself
by the way
his arrow points.

Like the way we got
to the Bewilderness.

Okay. So what does
his arrow point to now?

It points to nothing.

Try again.

Hmm. Maybe you're right.

But that star is
where the archer's pointing.

Which means
the archer isn't what
you're looking for.

That's a little star all
by itself that doesn't fit in
with anything else in the sky.

It's meaningless.

No. It doesn't fit in.

But that
doesn't make it
meaningless at all.

Of course it does.

No, every star
is there for a reason.

They don't have to fit in
with the other stars
to be important.

They just have to
be themselves.

And that star
is the one I need.


The antidote.

It was the one star
off by itself that
made all the difference.

You feel this
in your heart.

But it's time
you saw it in yourself.

What's happening?

My wings.

You and your friends
will be carried back
to Flutterfield.

Thank you.

Look at your wings.

they are beautiful.

FAIRY: It is time to go.

Good luck.

Lord Gastrous,
the remaining fairies
are now hiding

deep within
the root neighborhood.

Oh, thank you.

Please tell them
there is
no need to panic.

Even now doctors
are attending
to Queen Marabella.

Oh, we are
doomed, Henna.

I'm afraid
you may be right,
Lord Gastrous.

It looks like
we are about to
run out of time.

You must join
the others and hide
in the root neighborhood.

Oh, no.

I will be loyal
to the Queen
until the end.

You truly are
a good friend,

Lord Gastrous,
it's the prince.

Prince Carlos,
where have you been?

We have been looking
for you everywhere.

There is no time
for my explanation.

Perhaps it is Henna
who should explain.

Excuse me?

She is behind this.


You poisoned the Queen.

Oh, this is ridiculous.

Henna has done nothing
to hurt the Queen.

Then perhaps
she would like
to explain this.


I have no idea
what you're
talking about.

We followed you
to your lair.

We saw you
with the Skeezites.

We found the Illios.

You mean...

Yes, Gastrous,
this is all
because of me.


GASTROUS: How could you,
Henna? Flutterfield
will be destroyed.

We will all be eaten
by the Skeezites.

Oh, will we?


Time for your feast,
my little friends.

Butterfly very yum.


Give me, give me,
give me, give me!


The light. It hurts.


Fear not,
my little Skeezites.

One little light
cannot hold us all back.

How about ?




Hold your ground!

Guards, help them!


I don't feel so good.

You don't look
so good.


Hey, stop it!

How long
can we
hold them?

Admirable effort.
But you can't hold
us off forever.

So, when the Queen
succumbs to my poison...

MARIPOSA: Your poison?


You did this.
How could you?

Oh, come on,
Mariposa, you...


Get her!


We'll cover you.

You didn't think
I'd let you spoil
my plans, did you?

Henna! No!


In less than one minute,
the last of the Queen's
life force will fade away.

What are you
doing this for?

Why serve a Queen
when you can be one?

Why are you
fighting this,

You've never felt
like you belonged
in Marabella's kingdom.

But you will
in mine.

Join me.
Everyone will
have to love you.


You'll be adored
by every single fairy
in Flutterfield.


Yes, Mariposa.
Finally you will fit in...


I don't need
that anymore.



Too little,
too late,

Flutterfield is mine!



The light! The light!

My eyes!

Oh, my God!
Oh, my God.



Queen Marabella?



The last thing
I remember...



Your Majesty,
I can explain.

You know,
the funniest thing

No, not the light!


This isn't over, Flutterfield!

I will be back! Away!



SKEEZITE: Got to get away.
Got to get away.

Out of the way.
Get out. Hey!

I have a feeling
there's a lot
I need to know.

Can you help me?

Actually, I...

CARLOS: I can explain.

It's a long story.
But it all starts with
the bravery of Mariposa.

In thanks for
your great bravery,

I present you
with these gifts.

Thank you.

ALL: Yeah!


ELINA: And from
that day forward,

Mariposa always felt
she belonged in Flutterfield.

Having learned
the best thing
you can be is yourself.

The end.


Well, I don't know
if Zinzie leaves

Which reminds me,
don't you have to
leave to see Dizzle?

Oh, wait, that's right.
You're not going to go.


Really? You're not
worried about fitting
in with her friends?


Yes, you are the Bibble
who singlehandedly defeated
Laverna three times.

I forgot.

Bibble! Hi, Bibble.

Dizzle, hello!





Yes, Bibble,
they are Flutterpixies.




You're welcome.
