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Barbie and The Three Musketeers (2009)

Posted: 08/15/23 09:41
by bunniefuu
I know it's crazy
But I am not afraid

A country girl
in a different world

Trying to find my own way

I know that I can be

Whatever I can dream

All for one

It's true

I'll show you what I can do

Pure heart
Clear mind

Fighting for what's right
every time

I'm strong now
And that's how

I know it won't be long now

All for one

One for all

All for one

One for all

All for one

One for all

En garde,
Monsieur Scarecrow!

You cannot defeat me!

For I am a musketeer!

Dinner and a show.

Corinne's getting
better every day!

Soon we'll be


More like mus-catastrophe!

Well, Miette, I must say,
you do have flair.

Thanks, Alexander!

Tell me again what it was
like to be a mus-cat-eer horse?

Did you live at the castle?
Did you ever save the prince?

Ah! That was
a long time ago.

You need a bit more height if
you want to stick that landing.

I'll get it next time!

You're determined,
just like your father.

And I'm going to be a
musketeer like him, too.

Being a musketeer
is a serious job.

And it can be
very dangerous.

I've been waiting
my whole life for this.

I'm now,

and we agreed that when I
turned , I could go to Paris

to be a musketeer.
To be a musketeer.

I know.

Then I suppose
you'll need this.

It's a letter
to Monsieur Treville.

The captain
of the musketeers?

He was a friend
of your father's.

I've asked him
to look out for you.

And here are crowns.

I wish it could be more.

But, Mother,
you need the money.

You'll need
it in Paris.

And I want you to take
Alexander. He knows the way.

Oh, thank you!

Let's eat, and then
off to bed with you.

You've got
a big day tomorrow.

I think
that's everything.

Goodbye, Mother.

You can let me go now.

Do I have to?

You must be brave.

Remember what your
father taught you.

"True courage is... "

"Is pursuing your dream even when
everyone else says it's impossible. "

I'll make you
proud, Mother!

You always do.

Wait for me!

Come, Miette.
We're going to Paris!

Take a look around

Take a walk downtown

Wondering if what you have
been telling me is true

That I've been living large

Should accept
that it's too hard

Forget about your dreams, girl

No, you wait a minute

'Cause I've opened my eyes

I'm making my way, you see

Doing after disbelief

Jumping in
and giving it everything

There's nothing left to prove

To anybody else but me

So go right ahead
and call me crazy

'Cause I'm making my way

You bet I am
Making my way

Does it freak you out?

I am fierce and proud

Doing it with style, baby

Who's the fool now?

I finally sifted through
useless attitudes

Ain't nobody
pushing me around now

I know who I am

I'm making my way, you see

Doing after disbelief

Jumping in
and giving it everything


There's nothing left to prove

To anybody else but me

So go right ahead
and call me crazy...

Faster, Alexander! Faster!

It's just as I remember.

I'm making my way

This life is a maze...

Today is the day
I take Paris!

This life is mine

It's mine

Excuse me.

Can you watch
over my horse?

I suppose there's room for one more.

I'm Serge.
I work at the castle.

Pleased to meet you, Serge.
I'm Corinne, from Gascony.

It will just be for a
couple of days. Thanks!

I'm gonna be a musketeer!

She's gonna be a musketeer?

Good luck with that!

Don't worry, Alexander.

I'll visit
as soon as I can!

I'll be fine.

You look after
our girl Corinne.

I will!

Whoops! Pardon me.
Coming through!

You'll have to do
much better than that!

I'm just getting started!

Au contraire,
I believe you are finished!

Is there anyone brave
enough to challenge me?

I, sir. I am going to
be a musketeer, too!

The little girl
wants to be a musketeer.


En garde!

Why don't you
run along

and leave the musketeering
to the big boys?

I have a letter
for Monsieur Treville.

He will make me a musketeer.

Just tell me
where his office is.

Hmm! Over there.

Perhaps he will need
your help cleaning it!

Where do you
think you're going?

To be musketeers!

Corinne's got a letter and everything.

We've come to protect the Prince.

Prince Louis?

My master is the regent.

He is in charge
of protecting the Prince.

He certainly
doesn't need any help

from any itty-bitty
kitty like you!

Hey! That's mine!

Give me my letter!


Always a pleasure
to see you, Philippe.

And you as well,
Monsieur Treville.

You must come and
visit me at the chateau

once Prince Louis is king.

I will have plenty
of time on my hands

when I am no longer
looking after him.

You've done a fine job
as regent, Philippe,

and Louis is now
ready to be king.

Young lady,
are you lost?

Certainly you have no business
with these roguish musketeers.

I'm not lost, sir.

I have come here to speak with Monsieur
Treville about becoming a musketeer.

Well, that's
a good one, my dear!

As if a girl could ever possess
the proper skills to be a musketeer!

Your dog has my letter.

Brutus! Please give
the young lady her letter.

Good day,
Monsieur Treville.


You'll have to leave.

Monsieur Treville!
I must speak with you!

I have a letter
of introduction.

Come with me.

Thank you, sir.

You knew my father,

Ah! D'Artagnon.

He was a brave
and noble musketeer.

What can I do for you?

Well, I want
to be a musketeer!

Being a musketeer requires
more than just desire.

It requires
the proper training.

I have trained
every day at the farm.

And it requires
years of experience.

Every musketeer must
first serve his country

and perform brave
and noble acts

before becoming a musketeer.

I know I can do it.
Please give me a chance.

It is a privilege
to protect the royal family.

One that is not
taken lightly.

I'm sorry,
you're just not ready.

But if you ever need
anything, please come to me.

Thank you,
Monsieur Treville.

Well, Miette, this day sure
isn't turning out as I'd hoped.

I told you you're not
needed around here.

Say bye-bye, kitty.

We're not going anywhere.

Oh, yeah?

Stop that! Shoo!

Miette! Wait!

Excuse me.
Pardon me.

Oh! Excuse me.

It's perfect.

Just needs a few
trims here and there.

Miette! Wait!

And voila! Magnifique.

Mangy beasts!

It's a crime
against fashion!


Don't mess with the dress!

"That which we call a rose

"By any other name
would smell as sweet"

Excuse me!

That was exceedingly rude!
I shall not stand for it.

Oh, dear!


My bow!

Where did it go?

I'll get you!

Okay, but you're going
to have to stand in line!

Hey! Wait!

You're fired!
And don't ever come back!

Who are you?

Corinne, madame.


You'll do.


I'm Madame de Bossé.
What brings you here?

I was chasing after my cat
who was being chased by the dog

that stole my letter to...

To Paris.


I came to be a musketeer.

You, a musketeer?

There are
no female musketeers!

Not yet, but it's my dream.

Dreams are for sleeping.

Never mention this
nonsense again.

I appear to have an opening.
Do you want a job or not?


Yes, Madame de Bossé.

Then follow me.

Is that a speck of dust?

Goodness, Héléne!

If you weren't the only one who knows
where everything is in this castle,

I'd have fired
you long ago.

Here, madame.

Thank you.



These are your late
and messy coworkers.

Viveca, Aramina,
Renée, meet Corinne.

I should fire
the whole lot of you,

but with the Prince's Masquerade
Ball coming up in a week,

I can't afford
to lose anyone else.

So instead you
will be working late.

Now get to work,
all of you!

Rose breaker!


I'm so sorry. Really.

If there's anything I can
do to make it up to you...

She should wash all the
draperies in the ballroom.

No, she should dust
every book in the library.

Wait! I have the
perfect job for her!

You missed a spot!

No cats in the castle!

And stay out!

Well, good night.

Do you not have a place
to stay, Corinne?

No, but I'm sure Miette and
I will think of something.

We cannot allow this poor girl
to roam the streets at night

at the mercy
of strangers.

That would be most tragic.

I insist she stays with us.

I don't know...


We do have an extra bed
now that Constance is gone.

Do you have
any money, Corinne?

One week.

Then it is settled.
You will stay with us. Come.

I need to take care
of something.

I'll meet up
with you later.

What do we know about
this Corinne, anyway?

Aramina, everyone
seems nice to you.

I don't trust her.

She's just another country girl
who won't last a week in the city.

I thought you might
need this, Renée.

Good night, Miette.

Corinne, I just
wanted to say...

Thank you.


It flies!

And they said
it couldn't be done!

Philippe! Where
are you? It flies!



It's all right.

Never speak to the Prince.
You do not exist!

Is he not
the dreamiest?

Aramina, you think
every boy is dreamy.

Louis, we need to talk.

Cousin! Did you see that?

I have developed a prototype balloon
that floats suspended in the air!

Just think how this discovery
will work for my flying machine!

Oh, Louis! You know man
will never be able to fly.

Not yet,
but it is my dream.

Future kings don't
have time for dreams.

We need to finish up the plans
for your birthday celebration.

Philippe, you're still regent
another few days until I'm ,

so you're in charge
of the details.

My flying machine
can't wait.

We heard a crash!

Are you all right,
Your Highness?

This chandelier
barely missed the Prince!

I demand to know
what is going on here.

Check the rigging. There must be
a fault in the suspension cables.

Make sure this
doesn't happen again.

Yes, sir.

Girls, clean this mess!

"What light through
yonder window breaks?"

Is this not the most
beautiful thing?

A broken chandelier?

It does have a, je ne
sais, sparkle to it.

Hmm. Looks like
the rope's been cut.

Corinne, where did you
learn to move like that?

Promise not to say
anything to madame?

I've been training
to be a musketeer!


So have I!
Me, too!


Why didn't you
say so before?

I thought you would laugh
at me. A girl musketeer?

Ever since I was a little girl,
I've dreamed of being a musketeer!

As have I.

Just think,
rescuing the Prince!

And musketeers
are so very chic!

And their blue tunics
are incredible.

Musketeers rock.

Come with me.

A secret passageway.

Why are we here?

Yeah. Where are
you taking us?

You ask too many questions.

We've arrived.


What is this place?

This is the old
musketeers' training room,

from before they moved
to Treville's training ground.

It's been forgotten
but to a few.


You think you can
be musketeers?

Prove it.


You just need
the proper accessory!

What my dear friends lack

is a little grace.


Teach me to do that!
Me, too!

And me!

Hmm. You have much to learn.

I will teach you, but only
if you do exactly as I say.

We will.

We begin.

Being a musketeer
is more than fighting.

It is a noble privilege
to protect the royal family.

I can teach you
the necessary skills,

but only a member of the royal
family can appoint you musketeers.

Take your positions!

Prime! Seconde! Tierce!
Quarte! Quinte! Sixte!

In my day, no one thought
a girl could be a musketeer.

People still think that.

You must prove them wrong.

Prime! Seconde! Tierce!
Quarte! Quinte! Sixte!

You will work
together as a team.

If one fails, you all fail. Begin again.

Forward! Back!
Forward! Back! Forward!


Are we musketeers yet?

Meet me here,
same time tomorrow.

I don't know what went wrong
with the chandelier, sir.

Accidents do happen.

But this accident was supposed to
finish the Prince once and for all!

I am sorry, sir.

Tell me.

Is it just that my dreamer
cousin is to be king,

while I am stuck
as next in line?

But with one
small accident,

I will take my rightful
place on the throne.

Tomorrow, Louis will be working
on his flying contraption.

See to it that he doesn't
make it to his coronation.

I will not fail you again,
Your Highness.

or the next "accident"
could be yours.

Just as in yesterday's test, the
hot air is inflating the balloon.

Today is the first
of many tests

to observe how this tethered hot
air balloon reacts to the elements.

And soon,
man will be able to fly.

His first flight
will be his last.

Everything appears
to be in order.

I'm truly floating on air!

Locustella fluviatilis!

Glorious day, isn't it?
This is fantastic.

Whoa! Whoa!


This is a good time
for a graceful exit.

Your Highness!

Someone! Help!


Hold on!

Do I have a choice?

Tree! Ascend!


Try increasing
the heat, I think!

Why did you launch it if
you don't know how it works?

I didn't launch it!
Turn up the heat!


Are you all right?

I think so.


To whom do
I owe my thanks?



Your Highness.

Since you just saved my life,
why don't you call me Louis?

I never thought I'd see
France from the clouds.

My whole life,
it's been my dream to fly.

Everyone told me
man couldn't fly,

but sometimes you must
pursue your dreams.

Even when everyone
else says it's impossible.

I could spend all of my time inventing,
but in a few days, that will be over.


Once I am king, there will
be no time for such fancy.

Just because you have
your feet firmly on the ground

doesn't mean you can't
keep reaching for the sky.

Look! There's the castle.

We're running out of fuel!

I'm going to have
to bring us down.

Do you know how
to land this thing?

There's a first time
for everything.

Too bad we can't
stay up here forever.

It's like anything
you wish could come true.

What is your
wish, Corinne?

I want to be a musketeer!

You can't be serious!
Girls can't be musketeers!

Let me go!

What's wrong?

How is it that a prince can
envision a man flying in the air,

but not a girl as a musketeer?


Sire, are you all right?

It looks like I'll have to
take care of this matter myself.

Parry! Counter-parry!

It is a conversation
between the blades.


Girls can't
be musketeers.

You are late.

And after I just saved
the Prince's life.

You saved
the Prince?

Oh, that is so romantic.

I was cleaning
the turret windows

when his flying contraption
went out of control.

His flying

I thought he was
just doing tests.

He was. But the ropes must have broken.

Or they were cut.
Just like the chandelier.

I found this near
the chandelier rope.

I think
it means something.

Yesterday the chandelier,
and today his flying machine?


What you are suggesting
is very serious.

We must tell
Monsieur Treville!

Or the Regent.


Until we have proof of a plot
against the Prince, we trust no one.

Keep your eyes
and your ears open.

You must be prepared
for anything.

The Prince may be
in grave danger.

Alexander! Alexander!

Miss Miette.

To what do I owe the
pleasure of your company?

Last night, Corinne and her friends
came home and told tales about training.

They parried,
and thrust, and...

What is it, Miette?

I wish I could train, too.

But I can't go back
in the castle

or Madam Bossy
will throw me out.

How will I ever become a
mus-cat-eer if I can't train?

All the training in the
world won't help you.

Soon, my master will be king.

And as his loyal
royal dog,

my first task will be to see to it that
you're banished from France. Bye-bye.

You don't scare me.

Oh! You mustn't
miss your training.

But how will I get in?

Now, there's a secret passageway
just behind the stable.

No one will see you
enter or exit the castle.

Thanks, Alexander. See you.


We are so ready!

I cannot believe
you bested Madame Héléne.

Nothing can stop us.

Let's celebrate.


What are they doing?

Whatever it is, they don't
want anyone to know about it.

That's the last one.

The gem matches.

That's the knife that was
used to cut the chandelier.

Now what is he up to?

These are the perfect
party favors

for the sword dance
at the Masquerade Ball.

The Prince won't
know what hit him.

Did you see that?

The Regent's men are planning to
sneak weapons into the Masquerade Ball.

We've got to warn the Prince.

I am placing musketeers in the ballroom

and at key security points
throughout the castle.

I will have men stationed
outside at every entrance.

They will ensure that no
weapons enter the castle.

that I am leaving the
Prince's safety in good hands.

You will not
be at the Ball?


I am leaving for my chateau in the
morning. Mountain air, you know.

Wonderfully bracing.

Well, you can count
on the musketeers.

Believe me, I am.

Open the door!

What are you doing
here at this hour?

We must see the Prince.

I have warned you, you are
never to speak to the Prince.

Now, go home at once!

The Prince is in danger.

The Prince has
Monsieur Treville

and the Regent
looking after him.

He doesn't need help
from four meddling girls.

We are not leaving
without seeing the Prince.

I forbid you from entering the castle.

Now if you know
what's best you'II...

What is the
meaning of this?

We must speak
to the Prince!

And why, pray tell?

The Regent's men are
plotting against the Prince.

Ah, I see.
You're delusional.

How do you know
about this plot?

We saw it with
our own eyes.

And heard it
with our own ears.

What proof
do you have?

Inside those crates
are weapons.

Weapons to be used
at the Masquerade Ball.

We heard his men
talking about it in town.

Open the crates,
you'll see.

Looks like decorations.

Because they are decorations

for the Prince's sword dance
at the Masquerade Ball.

As you can see,
they are harmless.

Oh, look at moi, I'm going
to overthrow the Prince!

There are swords, real ones.
Open the other crates!

Corinne, you must stop
this foolishness.

But we saw them. They are
plotting against the Prince.

You've got to do
something about it.

Yes, yes. Thank you for your concern,
but you really must leave now.

Escort them from the castle.

Monsieur Treville, you said if I
ever needed anything, to come to you.

I extended you that courtesy
because I knew your father.

But what would your father
say if he saw you now?

Stay away from the Prince, the
castle, and the Masquerade Ball.

If you do not, I will have no other
choice than to have you all arrested.

You are all fired.

If you ever step
foot in the castle,

you will be thrown
in the dungeon forever.

This is the worst
night of my life.

No one believes us,
we've lost our jobs,

we've been banned
from the castle...

And we smell like garbage. Oh!

So much for being musketeers.

What are we gonna do?

We're all going to go back to our
homes and forget about all of this.

No. We can't leave.

There's still a plot
against the Prince.

Yes, and Treville and the
musketeers will handle it.

But it's what we've
been training for.

Why can't we protect
the Prince?

Because we'll be sent to the dungeon
forever if we step into the castle.

But we're the only ones
who know about the plot.

We have a noble duty.

And we're ready, we've trained
to protect the Prince.

Everyone thinks
we're wrong.

But we know
we're right.

Maybe Corinne is right.

It would be dramatic, returning
from exile to save the day!

Who knows the castle
better than we do?

We've cleaned every
inch of the place.

The guards will be at
the door waiting for us.

So we'll need costumes,
so we're not recognized.

That's right!
It's a masquerade ball.

No one will recognize us wearing these.

We'll need four costumes.

Viveca, think
you can handle it?

They'll be the most
beautiful gowns at the Ball.

They must be functional.

But of course.

We'll need new weapons, ones
that blend in with our costumes.

Renée, can you handle that?

On it.

Everyone does know
how to dance, right?

I'll teach you.

Oh, this is wonderful. I always
wanted to go to a royal ball

and save the Prince.

Are we in?

I'm in.
I'm in.


All for one
and one for all!

A little sparkle?

What are the chances

That we'd be here today

Different girls
from different worlds

Trying to find our own way

Now we're the perfect team

Sharing the same dream

Don't try to stop us

Or keep us down and out

Power of four
Forever more

And now there is no doubt
Answering the call

Breaking down the wall

All for one

It's true
It's true

Together we know what to do

Strong hearts
Strong minds

Fighting for what's
right every time



We'll never be divided

All for one

One for all

We may look beautiful

We may be dutiful

But don't be fooled
by our finesse

We're here to save the day

Come on, en garde, touché

We're no damsels in distress

Don't mess with the dress

It's time. Let's do it.

All for one...

And one for all!

We'll never be divided

All for one

One for all

Another ball.

Your last...

As prince.

Your next will be as king.

I suppose that's true.

Doesn't make these things
any easier, though.

Are you sure you can't
stay for the ceremony?

Oh, you are grown up now.
My job here is done.

I'll miss you.

Well, I'll never be far
from the castle.

Return now
to the back entrance.

Yes, sir.

Here it is, sire.

The Prince's sword dance
is about to begin.

All will have pretend
swords. All except us.

Your men are ready?

Ready, sire.



Let's do it!


The ballroom is this way.

The Countess de Winter!

He is announcing
everyone's names.

Just don't give
your real one.

Lady Barb E. Cue!

Duchess Ivana Partee!

Abbie Birthday!

Countess Hedda Lettuce!

Just try
to blend in.

I had mine
made in Italy.

Mine was made in China from
the Emperor's finest silk.

We've got the prettiest
gowns at the Ball.

Where did she get that?

Eyes and ears open.

Ladies and gentlemen!

His Royal Highness,
Prince Louis.

There he is!

He is most handsome.

We're here to protect the
Prince, Aramina, not date him!

The Prince's sword dance!

The ceremonial
sword dance.

Keep your eyes open
for the real sword.

Prince Louis.

He's going to choose me!

No, me.


Get out of the way.

Good evening,
Your Highness.


May I have the honor?

Uh... Sure.

Look at Corinne.
Isn't she the most dancey...

Uh, the danciest...
You know what I mean.

You look so familiar.
Do I know you?

Uh... No, Your Highness.

Are you certain? Perhaps
we met at another ball?

In Vienna?

This is my first ball.

I see.

Perhaps we met
in the country?

Definitely not.

Tell me,
what is your name?


Care to dance?

So you say the Barb E. Cue
family comes from Italy?

Uh, yes. As do our
cousins, the Pepperonis.


Got to go!

Shall we get
some punch?

But the dance
isn't over yet.

May I cut in?


Sorry! I'm not
much of a dancer.

Excuse me.

Begin the fireworks.

Begin the fireworks!

Begin the fireworks!

Her sword is real.
Someone, stop her!

The real villain
is getting away.

And these men
are all in on it!

We're not going to let
them get away with it.

Let's do this!

All for one!

And one for all!

You burden us
with your doubting

Behind your blue disguise

You think you know
what it's all about

Now listen to our reply

You say our dreams
are impossible

You say we'll never do

But now my friend
we've realized

We're gonna sh**t through

Your shoe is untied.

We're here to stay

You can't fool me.
They don't even have laces.

We're unbelievable

Those boots
are so last season.

We're so unbelievable

When you burden us
with your problems

You talk behind our back

But now it's really clear

To everyone that
pink's the new black

I was having
the best time dancing.

But this is even better!

Now my friend we've realized
We're gonna sh**t through

And show you

We're here to stay

The power of four
will blow you away

We're here to stay

We're unbelievable

Gotta be
quicker than that.

En garde!

We're so unbelievable

We're unbelievable

We're unbelievable


Leave her alone!

Who's going to stop me?


En garde, dog!
Prepare to lose!


Ah! No, please don't!

Wait! I'm not
done with you yet!

Who are you?

Philippe! I thought you
left for the chateau.

I turned around as soon as
I heard there was trouble.

What is this place?

It's a secret passageway,
built for the king's protection.

Follow me.

Two against one?

Hardly seems fair.

Don't mess with the dress.

Mind if I borrow this?

E string's a little flat.

A mess? On my floor?
Clean this up!

They're everywhere!

Where's the Prince?

I thought you
were watching him.

The passageways!

There are miles
of these passageways.

Which way do we go?

We'll find him. I
know we will. This way.


You know, if the cables were
cantilevered at a more oblique angle,

the bearing weight would
double. I must try that.

How is it that you knew
about the plot against me?

I told you,
my men alerted me.

You said you turned around as soon
as you heard there was trouble.


But you were already at
the dance when it happened.

Louis, there's no escape.

Apparently, the big boys
could use a little help.

You untie them. I'll keep
looking for the Prince.

Believe us now?

There's the guy
who tied us up!

Ahh! Get away!


Some royal dog you are!
More like a big scaredy dog.

Hey, stop!

he's getting away.

Not if I can help it.


You did it,

No, we did it,
brave mus-cat-eer!

Where is he?



That's right, cousin.

A "dead" end.

All these years I advised you,

only to be suddenly tossed
out the day you become king.

You're no king, Louis.

You're just
a starry-eyed inventor.

I never asked
to be king, Philippe.

Which makes it
all the more reason!

I should be king. Not you!

You again, blondie?

You will never be king.

You just couldn't
stay away, could you?

Not when I knew what you
and your men were up to.

Actually, your persistence
is quite useful.

When you couldn't finish
off the Prince at the Ball,

you came up here
and had one final battle.

Unfortunately, I was too
late to help the Prince.

And when you lunged for me,
I had no other choice

than to send you off the roof
to your tragic demise.

Lady Barb E. Cue! Catch!

Nice story. Too bad yours
won't have a happy ending.


Still believe a girl doesn't
possess the proper skills?

Are you all right?

Yes, I am. And you?

Look out!


Arrest him!

You did it!

No, we did it!

And to think
I trusted you.

Does this mean I won't be invited
to your birthday party next year?

I want to see the faces of my rescuers.



Your Highness, those girls have
been banned from the castle!

Is this true, Corinne?

Yes, Your Highness.

Then this is
a serious offense.

Arrest them immediately!

After what you've done, you
girls don't belong at the castle.

Your place is with
the musketeers.


We did it, Alexander.
We're mus-cat-eers!

Indeed, Miette. Indeed.

Yes, madame?

Not a speck.

Yes, madame.

My little girl's
a musketeer.

I knew you'd do it.

Thanks, Mom.
Thanks for believing.


Um... So to celebrate
the coronation,

would you perhaps like to take
another balloon ride with me?

That would be...

Musketeers! We have just received
word of a plot against the king!

We'll have to take
that balloon ride later.

Right now, I've got
somewhere else to be.

All for one
and one for all!

What are the chances

That we'd be here today

Different girls
from different worlds

Trying to find our own way

Now we're the perfect team

Sharing the same dream

All for one
Who knew

Together we know what to do

Strong hearts
Strong minds

Fighting for what's right
every time



We'll never be divided

All for one

One for all

Don't try to stop us

Or keep us down and out

The power of four
Forever more

And now there is no doubt

Answering the call

Breaking down the wall

All for one
It's true

It's true

Together we know what to do

Strong hearts
Strong minds

Fighting for what's right
every time



We'll never be divided

All for one

One for all

We may look beautiful

We may be dutiful

But don't be fooled
by our finesse

We're here to save the day

Come on, en garde, touché

We're no damsels in distress

Don't mess with the dress!

All for one
You, too

You, too

Together we know what to do

Strong hearts
Strong hearts

Strong minds
Strong minds

Fighting for what's
right every time



We'll never be divided

All for one

One for all

All for one
It's true

It's true

Together we know what to do

Strong hearts
Strong minds

Fighting for what's
right every time



We'll never be divided

All for one

One for all

All for one

One for all

All for one

One for all

All for one

One for all

All for one

One for all