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Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus 3-D (2005)

Posted: 08/15/23 09:38
by bunniefuu
Happy Birthday!



The princess is missing!
The princess is missing!


There are easier ways to introduce yourself.
Here, let me help you.

Oh, don't be afraid.

Don't tell me you're cold.

A cold polar bear?

Do you have a family?

Well, now you do.
My name's Annika.

And I think I'll call you... Shiver.

Annika? Is that you?

- Ah... Mother!
- Oh! You're safe, safe!

- What happened? We've been looking
everywhere for you.
- I'm fine, Father, really.

We were worried sick. How many times
have we told you, don't leave the castle...

without our permission!
- It was just skating.

- Again?
- Well why do you always worry so much?
Nothing's going to happen to me.

- A bear?
- I made a friend. Isn't she adorable?

Ooo... such a cute little face.
But it could bite you, or scratch your eyes out.

And the germs?
Have you even thought of all the germs
it might have?

This is what comes from leaving the castle.

Well what do you want me to do?
Sit in my room all day?

- Yes!
- I'm not a baby anymore.

We know, we know, it's just that...

I'm sorry. Your Mother and I can't take this
constant worrying. Our job is to keep you safe.

And there's only one way to do that.
No more ice skating!

- What? I love skating.
- It's for your own good.

Father? Mother, please!

It's not fair! You don't
understand anything!

You're ruining my life.

How could they do this to me
on my birthday?

I never get to have any fun.

They worry about every little thing.

I see you're as upset about this
as I am.

Come here, you.

Somebody's having fun on my birthday.

Why not.
Shiver, what do you say we go to a party?

Is it alright?


- Your Highness?
- Hello. What's your name?

- Eric.
- Well, Eric, will you skate with me?

Oh, please, don't stop.

No! Annika.

She is the most beautiful girl in the land.

So, gorgeous, where have you
been hiding?

Who are you?

- Come on. You're not serious.
- Sorry to burst your bubble.

Beautiful and fiesty.
Love it. Allow me to introduce myself.

- Wenlock. Your future husband.
- Husband?

I'm offering you the once in a lifetime
opportunity to be my bride.

Your bride?

Let her be!

Well, well, what's it been? , years?
How's royal life these days, Pops?

- Leave us alone, Wenlock.
- Please, please spare her.

Are you telling me what to do?
Have you forgotten what happened to
your other daughter?

Other daughter?

Go, Wenlock, now. You already
have a wife!

I did. Three, in fact. One more beautiful
than the next but so annoying.

Time to move on. And here's
the lucky girl.

- I don't think so.
- Eh... wrong!

But you get one more chance.

- Petrify them!
- No, stop.

Petrify them all.

- Stop! You can't do this.
- Funny, I just did.

So here we are, the bonus round. Marry me and
I'll set them all free, or you can join them.

- Tick-tock, tick-tock.
- Grab on!

Chase her? Women chase me.

You'll be back, Princess. I'll give you three
days before my spell becomes unbreakable.

Marry me by then, or they
stay like this forever.

And forever is such a long time.

- I have to go back. I have to stop him.
- You can't. Nobody can.

- Why not? Who is he?
- Wenlock. A wizard who takes what
he wants, when he wants.

- There has to be a way.
- Not while he has his wand.

Wenlock stole it from a powerful sorcerer
and with it, he's invincible.

- Please, turn around.
- I can't let him hurt you.

Who are you? What-Why did you save me?

I-I'm a friend.

We'll be safe through here.

- Where are we?
- Cloud Kingdom.

She's back. Brietta's back.
Do you see her? 'Cos she's back, back, back!

Somebody's with her.

- Hi, Brietta. Hi, Brietta
- Hi. We wondered when you were
(yawns) coming home.

- Hi, girls. A little past your bedtime, isn't it?
- Yeah, isn't it great?

Come on, she's waiting for you.

- Your Highness.
- Brietta, you've brought visitors.
What is it, what's happened?

Wenlock, again!

Annika, this is Rayla, the Cloud Queen.

Pleased to meet you, Your Highness.

What did Wenlock do this time?

My parents, everyone, he
turned them all to stone.

And if I don't marry him in three days,
he'll never turn them back.

I'm so sorry.

Come with us.

We missed you, Brietta.
We couldn't wait to see you.

I missed you too.

I'm sorry Wenlock came back.

- Are you warmer now?
- Much. Thank you.

- And thank you for the beautiful dress.
- You're welcome.

We've never had a real person here before.
Except for your sister, of course.

My sister?



- You're my sister?
- Yes.

But how? What happened?

It was Brietta's birthday too.

Wenlock appeared out of the blue.

-State your business, sir.
- Simple. I'm here to marry your daughter.

- You see, I only take the very best.
- Ridiculous! Go!

- Are you telling me what to do?
- Guards!

You'll see I'm not "horsing around".
Give her wings and a tail!

No smile? You didn't lose a daughter,
you gained a pet.

Your parents tried everything to break
the spell, but they couldn't.

Brietta couldn't bear to see them so unhappy,
so she left.

And found refuge with us
here in Cloud Kingdom.

- But why didn't Mother and Father tell me?
My own sister?
- I guess they didn't know how.

Why didn't anyone else tell me?

They kept it secret.

When you were born, Mother and Father moved
to the farthest corner of the Kingdom.

and built a new, stronger castle.

They were terrified that Wenlock would
come after you, and he did.

So that's why they were always so worried.

I have to save them, tell them I'm sorry.
Will you help me?

I'm sorry.
I have no powers over Wenlock.

Oh, there has to be something I can do.

- What about a wand of light?
- Shh. You know Brietta doesn't like
to talk about it.

- A wand of light?
- It's nothing. It's just a myth.

Brietta, please, tell me.

A wand of light has the most powerful magic of all.
Even more powerful then Wenlock's.

That's great.
Where do we find it?

- It isn't found. It's built.
- How?

From a measure of courage,
a ring of love, and a gem of ice
lit by hopes' eternal flame.

That's only three things.
We can do it.

It doesn't exist. I've tried for years.
It's hopeless.

It's only hopeless if you give up.
Come on, Brietta, we can do it together.

Come on, come on, come on, come on.

Is it time already?

Time for what?

They do this every sunrise and sunset.


I'm going to build a wand of light, Brietta!

Sometimes I forget what I used to be.

Then my crown reminds me of
all I once had.

And will have again.

- Come with me.
- But, it won't work.

We can do it. I know we can.

- Well...
- Great. Where do we start?

The deepest, darkest part of
the Forbidden Forest.

I wish I could do more to help you.
But I can offer you this.

-Ring the bell if you need us.
- Thank you, Your Highness.

- Yes, thank you. Ready?
- As I'll ever be.

- We'll miss you.
- Come back soon.

Good luck.

- How far is it?
- Not far enough.

Nobody goes into the Forbidden Forest
unless they have to.

I want everyone talking about my wedding.
The event of the year.

So do I serve chicken?

Or fish?

But you can never go wrong with beef.

Tender, but why scrape. I mean,
people will think I'm cheap.
We'll have all of them.

What's this?

That's better.

Clean this up! What do you think this is?
A pigsty?
In two days I'll have a new bride.

Maybe this time I'll have a wife
who won't disappoint me.

Over there.

Looks like the perfect place to find
a measure of courage.

Here we are. The deepest part
of the forest.

I've seen enough. What about you?

Don't worry. Uh, probably just the wind.

Keep your eyes open. Don't miss a thing.

What are we looking for?

Uhh... we'll know it when we see it.




I need to get her.

Something's coming.

Don't move.

Looks like you took
a wrong turn, Princess.

Really? I hadn't noticed.
Think you could get us out of here?

Tell me, who's bright idea was it to come here?
Only fools come to the Forbidden Forest.

And yet, you're here.

But I'm not swinging from a tree.

- Thank you, sir.
- Sir? The name's Aidan.

I'm Brietta and I guess you recognized
my sister, Princess Annika.

Sister? I can see the resemblence.

I don't see her.

- Who?
- My bear cub.

- Let me guess, your cousin?
- Funny.

Where does this go?

- To big trouble.
- Can you take me there?

- Forget it. Your cub's gone for good.
- Fine, don't show me. I'll find her myself.


- Is she crazy?
- Apparently.

Come on.


Don't worry. We're getting out of here.

Mmm more lunch. Ollie like lunch.



Ollie love lunch.

Nice and warm? Well we can't stay
or we'll be stew! Come on.

- Eww, gross.
- I like onions.

Oh, poor Ollie. Maybe after you eat us,
you won't be so scrawny.

Scrawny? What 'scrawny'?

You know: weak, puny, skinny. I don't
even know how you call yourself a giant.

Now, the Goliath down the road? He's a real giant.
Big and strong. Compared to him,
you're just a weakling.

Weakling? I no weakling!

Well, he snapped a log in two with
his bare hands.

Like that?

Ollie strong.

You can do that. But the other giant
ripped a door right off its hinges.

Look at that.
What else? What else can he do?

- Nevermind, you can't do it.
- Ollie can. Ollie can do anything.

Well, the other giant can tie himself to a post
with a huge chain, lock it up, then break free
with a single breath.

Ha! That's nothing!


Who's the strongest giant now!

Come back here! Ollie want lunch!

Goodbye, Ollie!

Ollie lost lunch.

Oh, you're alright! And you have Shiver.


What are you doing here?

I was going to rescue you. Again.

But you beat me to it.

How did you do it?

- Some giant encouragement and a little ribbon.
- A ribbon? That's it?

- You're braver than I thought.
- Annika, hold it higher.

- It's your exact height.
- I guess so.

Your exact measure.
A measure of courage.

A staff. We did it!

Ok, ok. Now, we have to find
the second piece.

- "A gem of ice, lit by hope's eternal flame."
- You actually think you're going to build
a wand of light?

- And your point is?
- It's just an old fairy tale.

- Did you see what just happened?
- Ok, that was a little weird. But nothing's
normal in this forest.

That's no wand of light. You know why?
Because it doesn't exist.

- Well, thank you. Anymore helpful comments?
- Nope, that about does it. I'm going home.

- You live around here?
- As a matter of fact.

- Huh, I'm not surprised.
- Wand of light. Go ahead, knock yourselves out.

Oh! He's such a mule.

- But cute.
- I didn't notice.


Your sword. Where did you get it?

- I made it.
- You made it?

Don't sound so surprised. Some people
actually pay for my work.

I... we need your help.

Forget it.

When we have the three parts of the wand, we'll
need somebody like you to put them together.

- Like me.
- Skilled.

I'm busy.

Please, Aidan, I don't have much time. I
only have three days to save my parents.

I... I made a mistake and I need
another chance.

Another chance?

I'll pay you for your services.

All the gems you can carry!

Please? I need another chance.


- That's it.
- You mean we traveled all night for this?

What kind of gem dealer is he?

Ok, it doesn't look like much, but he's a...

Whoa there, fuzzball!

Ferris calls himself a 'trader of
fine objects'. I call him a thief...

but if there's one thing Ferris knows,
it's jewels.


Anybody home?

How can I help such a lovely young lady?

Drop the act, Ferris.
We're here on business.

- Aidan! It's been many years, my friend.
- I didn't know we were friends.

- Are you still harboring a grudge?
- Are you still selling things that aren't yours?

- So, what are you in the market for today?
- A rare gem.

You've come to the right place. A gift for the lady?
Do I hear wedding bells in the future?

- No!
- No!

- You've got the wrong idea.
- You're way off.

We're looking for something special.
"A gem of ice, lit by love's eternal flame".

I may have heard of it.

- And?
- I may not.

Which is it?

Perhaps a trade with refresh my memory.
Let's say, a sword.

It's not for sale. But I have these.

They're nice, but who would want these.

- So, you're not interested?
- No, no, I didn't say that.

Here's what I know: Last year, a
stranger stopped by. Odd little man.

He boasted about finding a rare diamond, blue
as ice, which he buried in a treasure chest.

What about the rest?
"Hope's eternal flame"?

He claimed he protected the chest with magic.
He marked it with a red flame.

- Blue ice... flame?
- Wait a minute. You wouldn't pass up
a gem like that, Ferris.

Why didn't you dig it up?

The next day, the man
was turned to ashes.

He left this. Here, take it.
I don't want anything to do with it.

Come on, Aidan, we don't have much time.

Paws off the merchandise!

If I'm reading the map right,
then, it must be this way.

- Brietta?!
- I-I'm fine.

It's nowhere. I don't understand.

- Listen. I think that...
- Don't.

It's a wild goose chase. We
should never have trusted Ferris.

We just haven't looked hard enough.

I'm going to find it. I have to.
My parents, our people.

- It'll be dark soon. We need to camp for the night.
- We only have one more day. I'm not stopping.

And what about Brietta? She's
exhausted. She's carried you for hours.

That should take us through the night.

You look beautiful, Princess.

But, you don't want to lose that.
It means everything to my sister.

Come here, I'll keep you warm.

Only one day left.


- Amazing.
- Our last day.

Our last hope.

- Brietta, yes, that's it!
"Hope's eternal flame".

What says "hope" more than the dawn?
And the gem. See how the sun shines on the ice?

The gem of ice is somewhere up there.
I can feel it.

And can you 'feel' how to get there?

- Ready?
- As we'll ever be.

You came.

You sent word, didn't you?
It better be worth my while.

Where'd you get them?

I'm having a hard time remembering.

- Does this jog your memory?
- Yes. Now I remember.

I'm pretty sure it was the Princess
with a fool called Aidan.

What's she doing way out here?

Oh, it's still a little fuzzy.

On a mission to find some rare gem.
Something of ice, and what was it, oh fire.

- A gem of ice that lights hope's eternal flame.
- That's it.

A wand of light. She actually thinks
she's going to build a wand of light.

- Anything else?
- Nope, I'm done.

- Yes, you are. Level him and step on it!
- No, please no!

Ha! Step on it? Now everyone
can walk all over you.

My bride-to-be has
wandered a little too far.


Follow the sun.

I feel something.

What do you think it says?

"Beware! Take only what you need,
but never from greed."

- Where'd you learn to read that?
- You pick up a lot of things in
The Forbidden Forest.

Follow the light.


- Oh, thanks.
- Anytime.

Shiver, wait!

"A gem of ice, lit by hope's eternal flame"!

"Take what you need,
but never from greed".

We only need one. Let's go.

Aidan, don't! The warning.
You can't be greedy.

I know. I read it.

- It's ok.
- Done. We're out of here.

Oh, I should have known. Shiver, no!


Brietta, you're brilliant!

Okay, fuzzy.

Now all we need is the ring of love.

- Where do we find that?
- I'm not sure.

And we're running out of time.

Maybe I could forge one.

Hot enough yet?

Not any hotter than it was seconds ago.

I can't help it.
We have so little time.

I don't get it. Why didn't the
cavern collapse when you took a gem?

If it wasn't greed, why do you need it?

Once, I did something foolish.
Now maybe I can set things right.

My parents trusted me with all they had.

I thought I could make more.

Before I knew it, it was all gone.

I couldn't face them.

How could they forgive me?

So I left for The Forbidden Forest.
Nobody would ever find me there.

You didn't believe in a wand of light.
So, why did you come with us?

You sounded so sure. "A
second chance", you said.

Maybe if I pay them back, they'll see me again.

What are you doing?

Metal, for the ring.

No, Aidan. Use this.

- But you'll never get it back.
- Let me use my sword.

It's our kingdom, our parents.
I want to do it. I love them.

A ring of love. Nobody said the
ring had to be for your finger.

It's all there!


It's ready.

- It's beautiful, Aidan.
- The question is, will it work?

How will we know?

- You!
- Me?

The wand of light will break the spell.

Do you really think...?
It's been so long.

Wand of light, I wish from the bottom of my
heart to break Wenlock's spell over my sister.

I don't believe it.

- You're back.
- Annika, thank you. Oh, thank you so much!

- It looks good on you, Brietta.
- Thank you, Aidan.

And you too, Shiver.

We can do it, break Wenlock's spell.
Let's go home.

But Annika, we're miles away and...

You can't fly anymore.

The Cloud Queen! Please, Your Highness,
send us some horses.

Hi Goldy, recognize me?

Aren't you beautiful.

So, this is where we say goodbye.

- What about Wenlock?
- I can handle him. I've got everything I need.

We wouldn't have this without you.

- I think I should...
- I know. You've waited so long.

Right. Yeah.

I'll miss you too, fuzzy.

Goodbye, Annika, Brietta.

- I owe you, Aidan.
- Be careful, all of you.

- Showoff!
- Slowpoke!

Let's go!



Such a touching scene.

You hurt her! How dare you?!

She got in the way.

You'll pay for this!

Destroy him! Destroy Wenlock!
Make him pay. Destroy him!

Oh no, wand of light!

- It worked before!
- Did you really think you could beat me?

Okay, okay. Release my
parents and the others.

I'll marry you.

I knew you'd change your mind.
They all want me sooner or later.

- But we do have a problem.
- What?

I don't want you.

After what you just pulled!
"Destroy! Destroy Wenlock!"

You're like all my other wives... annoying.

For me? How thoughtful. And
now, what to do with you.


Any last words?

Hm, guess not.


Where's Annika?

We'll never get her out.


What happened?

Annika... she's buried.


Annika can you hear me?


I never should have left you.

- She's so cold.
- We're almost there.

- What is this place?
- My old home.

- Awake yet?
- No. Not a word.

Please wake up.



Right here.

It's almost sunset?


I need to get the wand of light.

But it's with Wenlock. His
palace is surrounded by sheer ice.

We'll figure it out.

- But, the griffin. It's impossible.
- Whoa, hold on, Brietta.

I know. There's always hope.

Your Highness, may I ask
you for one more favor?

The mighty wand of light.

Make them work double-time!

I said, "double-time"!

Come on.

Wand of light... make them work like bugs.

Wand of 'rubbish'.

I knew it. Just an old wives' tale.

That's it. Really, really, really slow. We'll
delay the sunset to give Annika more time.

Any slower and I'll fall asleep.

Lilac beat you to it.

Thank you, Cloud Queen.

This is the place I told you about.

- You were right. A sheer drop.
- And that's why Wenlock won't suspect a thing.

I didn't have a lot of
time, but they'll do the job.


Keep the horses ready.
We'll see you soon.

- Promise?
- Promise.

It's going to be a wild ride. Stick
close to me and you'll be fine.

Well I hope I can handle it.

Guess he can.

What are you doing down here?


I'm guessing Wenlock will keep
the wand somewhere near him.



All clear.

This way.


Worthless trinket.

What's he doing here?

Okay, Shiver, let's find the wand.

Got it!


That's it. We can't
slow the sunset anymore.

Wenlock's spell will last forever.


The ice gem's gone.
We'll never get it back.

How about this one?

You did it!

A party? And you forgot to invite me?

I thank my lucky stars I didn't marry you.

You must have been terrible to your wives.
A tyrrant!

I was a wonderful husband.
They were annoying.

If I had the wand of light, I
could make life better for everyone.

Pathetic. You still believe in
this piece of junk. Give it to me!

- I believe the wand of light will save us all.
- I said, "Give it to me"!

All of us.

For the love of my family, and my people,
I ask you to break all of Wenlock's spells!

Destroy her!


Oh no! No! No...

How did you do that? How?
It was useless.

True, when used in anger.
I learned that the hard way.

This simply can't be happening.

Hurry, you're free now.

Thanks for your help. But we
have a little unfinished business.

Now, let's talk about this. Don't be
hasty! Ah-hah, we were married once, remember?


Everything's gone! Gone!

- Not us, Wenlock.
- Not us!

I want my nails buffed and polished.

- And that's just the beginning. Now paddle.
- Double-time.

I said, "Double-time"!

You're home.

Not a scratch or a bump?

What about Wenlock?

Oh, he won't be bothering us anymore.
Trust me.

Are you ready for a surprise?

Brietta? Is that really you?




It was Annika. She never gave up hope.

- We owe you so much.
- No, I owe you...

an apology, for saying such terrible
things and then sneaking out.

We should have told you the truth long ago.

Let's just call it even.


Oh, Aidan!

I'm sorry, Father. I was so foolish. I
lost all the money. I couldn't face you.

Aidan, we will always love you.

I lost hope... till...
Father, there's someone I'd like you to meet.

- They sure look happy.
- They do.

Will you keep this safe, Your Highness?

I would be honored. It will be
the first star you see each night.

Come on, come on, come on!

I'm trying.

So I could try, "Ollie quite
enjoys a delicious luncheon."

- Or perhaps, "Ollie relishes a midday repast". Or...
- No, let's stick to the script.

- "Ollie like lunch" is fine.
- years of theatre, and this.

Scene . Take . And action.


Who gave Shiver the gems?

Take . And action!

Cut! Arleen, are you alright?
Yeah, I'm okay.

Just get the bear off the camera.

- First positions please!
- And mine is

Got it.

Roll camera!
Wait for action, please.

Let's reset, we're losing the light.

Are you alright?

Oh yeah, yeah I'm fine.
I'm just a little winded.

Cut! Cut!

- We're still sh**ting here.
- Oh, I see.

Ollie's going to lunch.

Please wake up. Please.
I need you.

Please wake up.



Okay. I'm okay.

Please wake up. I need you.


Let's cut the line.
It's not working for me.