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02x08 - Death Didn't Become Her

Posted: 11/16/11 02:57
by bunniefuu
Thank you for your help.

This bag... smells like feet!

We need to hurry, the guard could be back at any second.

Listen, I know you said that you wanted me to see Nadia, and I know that I said I'd be mature about this entire thing, but I just... I don't really feel it's all that necessary anymore, so--

Look, if someboby that I slept with and care about told me they had a girlfriend in a coma, trapped inside a top secret facility run by a society of uber-humanoids called the Fae--

I'd think it was a blow off.

I really need you to meet her.



She's so pretty. this.

Can't imagine what she must look like when she's up and walking around.

She has the most beautiful smile.

You know, ever since we got a lead all I can think about is finding a cure for her--


I guess the only thing left to do-- is figure out what this nail means.

The Morrigan never said anything else--

How the nail could "save" her?

No, and I get the feeling that even if she did know something, she'd take too much pleasure in torturing me to ever tell me.

Thank you.

For letting me see Nadia.

We'll figure this out. I promise.


Farewell and adieu--


Fair Spanish ladies--


What the hell do you think you're doin'?!


Life is hard when you don't know who you are.

It's harder when you don't know what you are.

My love carries a death sentence.

I was lost for years.

I won't hide anymore.

I will live the life I choose.

Wait, your husband was kidnapped?

Christoph died less than a week ago.

Donovan went to the cemetery this morning, the grave was dug up and his body was gone.

They desecrated his grave--

His memory.

What kind of a sick animal could do such a thing?

Did you or Christoph have any issues with anyone?

Any enemies?

Everyone loved Christoph.

Donny's my oldest friend, so--

I need you two to help me.

Please, find out what happened.

Of course. Anything, you know that.

Yeah, I just have to get out of a security detail.

It's not a biggie.

This is him--

Do you have any idea what he was wearing when he was, uh--


Leotards, tights and slippers-

Excuse me?

Christoph was one of the finest dancers in the world.

He was buried the way he lived.

I never got a chance to say sorry--

He just wanted me to be present--

Not work, but I yelled--

I made him drive to the theater by himself--

It took them 3 hours to get his body out of the wreck--

My partner was knocked out cold--

The sky started to fill up with dark clouds, there was a storm brewing--

A storm of thunder, lightening--

And Hale--

But then, the Behemoth let out a mighty howl.

He was ready to rock, so I looked that fool dead in the eye--

He only had one eye-- and I sang him to sleep until he was sucking his thumb like a kitten 'bout to wet the bed.

Yeah, I mean, what can I say, ladies?

I got a job to do, so I do it.

Dyson: Hale!


What's up, man?

I was just telling my friends here how we took down that Behemoth that time.

Oh yeah, that was back in the day.

We were lucky to have this, uh--

Sexy, singin' superstar along.

Hey, did I tell you about the new security detail I just pulled?

What? What detail?

The Glaive.

The Glaive! My man, Dyson, Protecting the Attorney General for all Fae kind.

The only problem is I can't do it.

Trick needs me to do something else.

So, I need to find someone, uh--

Smart, tough, competent, sexy wouldn't hurt--

Hey, ladies, you know anybody by that description?

Do you know anyone with that description?

I don't know, man, it's a big committment, twelve hours.

I'm your man.

Who else you gonna trust with The Glaive?

I don't know--

People say Sirens are sexy ladies sittin' side-saddle on a rock singing folks to their death, but uh--

He knows I'm as tough as they come! Yeah!


You know, I don't know.

Looks like you got your hands full here--

I don't wanna take that away from you--

I think--

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa--

Come on, man. Why you playin'?

You want this?


Alright, you got it!



Oh, and here she is--

Whoa, whoa, whoa--

I thought the Glaive was older--

What is she like a Fae Doogie Howser or something?

Well, the detail's not for the Glaive, per se, it's for her daughter, and--

She comes with instructions.

I bet--



Good luck!

"No booze, no boys, no rap music, no coffee--"

Got it.

Are you as boring as Dyson?

Excuse me?

Bo: Imagine coming to lay flowers and the man you love is gone--

I smell something.


I'm no grave digger, but aren't they supposed to go in the ground?

It's a hunting k*ll.

Shot to the head, throat's been slit to drain the blood before the heart stops so the meat doesn't spoil.

Never take me hunting.

Strange, though--

They've only taken the sweetbreads.

The delicacies--

So, we're looking for a flesh-eating Fae foody?

Or his butcher.


Who's Cheenoo?

Not a who. A what.

It's a type of Fae that only eats human flesh.

And you wonder why I never alligned myself with a clan--

Can't wait to meet this guy.

And the behemoth lets out a mighty howl--

And he starts running, he's ready to get down--


I was timing that entire dumb story to see how long it would take you to realize that I actually didn't care what you were talking about, but now, even that's boring.


Is there anything in the Fae world that can get that new doggy smell off tights?

What brings you down, Little Momma?

I was helping my cuz with his pit bulls at the doggie dentist--

Dude, there is not enough suction in that little tube for dog slobber--

And now I'm thinking, why not hook up with my bestie Succubus our way into the spa so momma can score herself a little rinse.

Who's this?

Big security detail I'm doing. Very high profile client.

He's babysitting for my mom.

And he won't let me do anything fun at all.

It sucks.

, does the trust fund Fae-by speak the truth?

I have very specific orders that I have to follow to the letter.

I'm not allowed to do anything.

You see this?

I'm telepathic so I don't need a cell phone.

But my stupid mom makes me wear a stupid tracking bracelet so she can track my whereabouts all the time.

That is a raw deal.

Yeah and when my stuff was gettin' messed up like that I hit the road and I ain't never look back.


Easy, Kenz--

Tori: What kind of Fae are you?

Light or Dark?

I'm not Fae, I'm human.

And you just come and go as you please?

I guess technically my BFF, Bo, claimed me but, yeah, I call my own sh*ts, sista.

That is so cool.

I've never met a claimed human that's just allowed to run free.

I'm so jealous.

Hale: Hey, hey, look, look--

I'm not saying that some of these rules aren't ridiculous and I'm not saying they're fair, Tori but this is important--

How important is it to ruin a young woman's chance at freedom?

The Glaive's instructions were clear.

Tori is not to drink or have fun of any kind.

I got a list!

Hale, bubby--

I got this.

I got this and I have your best interests at heart.

Trust me!

I understand the lady in captivity dealio.

We're just gonna have some fun,

Tori's gonna have a lovely time and Detective Hale is gonna come out looking like a hero!

Please, Mr. Hale, sir?

Please! Please, please, please, please--


A little fun.

But Kenzi, you have to be smart about this.

And responsible.

Dude! Those two words are, like, both my middle names.

And I'm not even drinking this month.

I'm on a cleanse.

I am so your fairy godmother.


Well, goodness--

You almost scared the life out of me.


Christoph, relax-

You're in such exalted company.

The finest lady marksman in the Old West--

A five-star General--

Genius, of the Italian kitchen--

I want to see my husband!

Don't be scared, dear boy--

I am a huge fan of yours.

And soon I'm sure you'll be a big fan of mine.

Isn't that right, everyone?

The fates have smiled upon me--

And now-- you will dance again.

♪ son: How you doing, Gary?

You been down to the cemetery lately You got a lot of nerve coming here, Wolf Boy.

You so much as lay a finger on me, and I'll eat it right off your Light Fae hand.

Hey, man--

I'm just here to borrow some sugar.

This is Bo's deal.

Do you know Bo?

She's unaligned.

Which means she's got the right to do whatever she wants to you.

Oh, and uh--

She's got a pretty wicked temper.

We used to date.

What happened to your finger there, Gary?

You not so good with the meat clever?

Oh, you know what they say--

Sometimes a flesheater's just too tired to get out of bed, go to the fridge--

Know what I mean?

(flesh tearing/ bones cracking)



What do you know about a Groundskeeper?

I run a respectable and legal--

Organic human-meat butcher shop.

Are you having an office party?

Is your Dark Fae son coming of age?

Looking for something special and easy to eat for your buffet table?

Well, look no further than Gary's Meats!

We got chops, liver, ribs, eyeballs, loins--

The Groundskeeper was m*rder*d, Gary, he had a family.

Humans are chosen by "farmers".

Now, these farmers watch and monitor these humans their whole life--

Living habits, eating habits, etc.

See, a vegan who works out 3 times a week oooh top shelf, baby.

But a smoker who sits at a desk all day "get yer red hots, here!"

I butcher what's brought to me and keep a portion of every body for myself Are you sure you don't anything about this Groundskeeper?

Anything at all?

I would be very grateful.

Maybe we could feed some of those other appetites.

Oh, baby--

I want to eat you up!

I want to bite your little cheeks off, and fry'em up in a little butter and cream come here--


You listen to me, Gary, if you don't talk, my friend Dyson here, he's gonna pin this m*rder on you anyway and as a condition of your life in human prison he's gonna make sure you get four square meals a day-- all vegetarian.


That Groundskeeper.

I butchered him--

Butchered him for a Lich--

Wow. Gary, you really should charge more for what you do.

Not a "lick"--

L-I-C-H. Lich!

Are you sure?

You know this Lich?

It's an ancient Egyptian Fae royal family.

They found a way to cheat death, keep themselves alive to feed their insatiable hunger for knowledge.

The Lich eats flesh to feed his body. but he lives to feed his mind.

He's bad news, Bo.


You don't expect me to give you anything on the Lich--

It'll be like signing a death warrant.

Tofu, Gary!

Tofu four times a day.

You guys didn't get this address from me--


I'm also sorta email dating this guy named Zak.

He's really cute and has really big arms but that's okay because he's tentative.

Uh huh!

Ok, little ladies! Ha-ha--

I think it's time to turn the music down--


People would like the usual easy-listening at The Dal.

You know?

Yeah, well I guess everybody else should have a really important mom.

I'm the Glaive's daughter, b*tches!


Hale: Hey, hey, you can't talk to the people like that--

Have you called my mother yet to check in?

Was I supposed to?!

Duh! You're my babysitter.

If you don't check in every three hours my mom craps her panties.

Uh oh!


You know, I'm gonna make the call, alright?

Uh, wait, wait, wait--

Kenzi, that's her last drink.

You got it, boss.

Embrace the pain, Christoph!

Every time you leap I can feel your quads burning that is not fatigue, it is your artistry begging to be broken, to be compromised but you mustn't let it!

Take five and towel off!

I'm sorry, this is a closed rehearsal.

We're here on behalf of the owner of the local way-station.

I'm sure it was just an oversight
but you and your party failed to sign in when you came to town.

Ah! What an absolute ninny I've been.

I am so sorry for the-- what was it you called it?


Yes, how well put, oversight--

Please give my regrets to Mr. Fitzpatrick MacCorieghan.

But I am leaving in the morning so I hardly think it will be necessary now.

My goodness, you are gorgeous.

Though, you, my dear-- are divine.

Yes, Ma'am! Yes!

No, no, no, Ma'am--

I did not mean to bother you while you were working--

Yeah, I can assure you, your daughter, she is having the time of her--

Ma'am, she is so bored out of her trees, Ma'am--

Uh, yes, as per your instructions.



This is one of those moments I wish working homicide, meant you got to do the k*lling--

I didn't realize times were so hard in this city that a Light Fae police detective and an undeclared Succubus had to stoop to delivering messages for a retired King.

I've always wanted to meet a Succubus.

I once traveled through the southern interior of Africa with the Dutch during the Boer w*r.

I tried to give General Viljoen some pointers.

But he was far too arrogant to listen.

I witnessed men do unspeakable things for a few pretty white stones
but what I searched for was so much more.


Such lust--

Power to k*ll with a kiss--

I know almost everything there is to know--

Yet I don't know what you feel.

Such uncontrollable passion, such burning desire--

You've taken the husband of a very good friend of ours and we'd like him back!


My deary me! Who?

Christoph. The dancer.

Hmmm? What's that Christoph?

Your marriage was technically over when you were pronounced dead.

The Dancer does have a point.

Christoph, come with us now!


He seems rather content, I should say.

Of course, I am such an interesting person to be around.

Which is why I would like to invite you, plus one, to my "New Acquisitions Exhibit and Wine and Cheese" this afternoon.

Well, I can't wait.


Light Fae being on the premises, bit of a Fae faux pas.

Don't worry--

I got a date.

Come on, Dyson--

Let's go before my "uncontrollable passion" makes me forget my manners.

I'll see you later.

Wait, wait, wait--

He's... eating Christoph?

No, he's eating humans, not Fae--

He ate the Groundskeeper, but Christoph is fine.

He's not fine!

He's up and he's alive which I'm having a little trouble reconciling at the moment!

And he's being held hostage by that!--

Easy, Donny--

Don't, Trick!


I want you two to stop talking and get Chris back.

What else can you tell me about this Lich?

Well, he's leaving town tomorrow, which doesn't give us a lot of time to get Christoph back or stop him from eating more humans.

In order to achieve immortality, some believe that the Lich puts his Chi into a phylactery--

A container for the soul.

You destroy the container, you destroy the Lich.

Of course, the truth is nobody really knows how the Lich was able to cheat death.

But, it's not a bad theory.

Was there anything around his neck?


Oh, wait a second--


There was this creepy painting of the Lich--

Back when he was younger and less fall-y apart-y, he was wearing this amulet around his neck--

Like a beetle--

Something about the way it stood out in the painting, it seemed--



Picture of Dorian Gray maybe?

The Lich's life essence is contained in the painting itself.

Destroy the picture and we'll know soon enough.

Well, that's exactly what I plan to do at his little show-and- tell.

Those under the Lich's power, their souls can't pass over.

They live a tortured existence.

We have to bring Christoph back and if there's any way bring him back alive, for however long that might be--

I know Donovan would love the opportunity to say a proper good-bye.

I will bring him back. Alive.

And make sure you bring yourself back alive.

These Lichs are notoriously ruthless.

Don't worry. I got back up.

Look, look, I'm only going to say this one time--

I need a very "hush-hush" APB put out on two young girls--

One, a 21-year-old blonde wearing a pink sleeveless top and a bad attitude, two, a blued-eyed pain in the--

She goes by Kenzi.

No, don't-don't use the names, okay?

I can't have certain people finding out--

My partner--

Yeah, epitomy of handsome, what's going on?

Uh, there's a Lich in town.

Stole one of Trick's friends from the grave, it's stressing everyone out--


Trick okay?

Yeah, you know, he's stronger than he looks.

How's things with Tori going?

Yeah. She's okay. Awesome.

Special little girl--

Makes me, uh--

Wanna have kids of my own.

So, so precious--

You lost her, didn't you?

Man! She just vanished!

Did she pull the old "you're supposed to phone my mother gag"?

How'd you know?

Did the same thing to me first time I looked after her.

Which is why--

I got a receiver for her tracking bracelet the last time the Glaive was in town.

My man!

My man--

So, thanks for getting Dyson to sneak me out of the compound we both know I could use the fresh air but--

You wanna tell me what's really going on?

Well, in addition to wanting you as my backup, I thought you should talk to this Lich fellow.

He's been everywhere, met everyone, and learned everything.

And I thought he could tell what the deal is with this little guy.

And we can get Nadia back to you.


All pretty.

You know--

Things have really been bleak for me these past few years--

And I don't know what I would do without--

Your friendship.

Are you sure you're okay with this?

Helping me with Nadia?


Ahhhh... Mademoiselles--

I'm so thrilled you could make it!


I have prepared the most wonderful show for you.

What is this show for exactly?

Oh, I have these little salons for myself all the time.

It's not enough to merely feed oneself physically, one must always nourish the intellect, feed the mind and soul as it were.

You see, in raising my dolls back from the dead, I get to experience their very specific talents.

I've "been" world class athletes, bloodthirsty generals, brilliant physicists--

A long life is only worthwhile if one can fill it with the extraordinary.

Let my festivities begin!

I was so right about this boy--

What are you girls doing?!


Oh, okay--


Can someone explain to me why you left the Dal without telling me?!

We totally forgot!

We're actually getting warmed up to go clubbing!

I totally heard that.

I didn't say anything.

I'm telepathic, you idiot!

Oh gosh--

I think that tequila I drank wants to get out and party.

You gave her tequila?

I tried to hide the booze!

But you heard her, she's a telepath!


Get it off of me--

Get it off me!

Okay, Linda Blair-- Okay... Let's get you horizontal.

Kenzi: Sit down, sit down--

It ain't right--

Ain't no dignity in getting puked on.

It's just--


Get it off me--

Oh, God--

Why do I have to touch it?!

Okay! Okay...


(pretending to cry)




Can I help you?

Oh, I was just--

Sizing you up to see if I had anything that might fit you.



Just get Tori sobered up, because if you don't the Glaive's gonna make garters out of my tender bits!

And I need my tender bits!

Makes me cry every time I hear this piece.

The artistry lays in the fact that even though the composer was German, I gave him the gift of inspiration from my own various travels through--


You know, I spent a few months in the Congo, with a medical group.

Congo? Dreadful place.

Well, it wasn't exactly a vacation--

I was there treating patients of an epidemic--

It was k*lling a Fae tribe.

You're the human doctor who found the cure--

Your Ash was very wise to snatch you up.

Lucky dog.

While I was there, my girlfriend, Nadia, fell into a coma. I haven't been able to get anywhere with a diagnosis.

The epidemic cure didn't work on her.

But The Morrigan gave me this, said it was a clue to Nadia's illness.


Do you know something?

I'm watching-- the show.

Out of the way, Trick.

Can't do that, Donny.

I don't want to hurt you, but I will if that's what it takes to get Christoph back!

Give me the dagger.


He was dead, Trick. I witnessed him dying.

And now, to know that that demon has him--

How can you expect me to just sit here?!

You of all people understand, I know what it's like to lose a loved one.

When my wife was taken from me--

I felt powerless too--

But running into a situation like this blindly and hot-headed will only make things worse.

You know of what I speak.

You know how I ended up here.

Be patient, friend. Bo is special.

If anyone can get Christoph back, it's her.

You know, I feel like we've really bonded.

I have learned so much amazing stuff about you and of course from you.

Isn't there some sort kind of agreement we could come to?

Find it in your big, several thousand year old heart to hand Christoph over to me?




Well, then I guess we'll have to do this my way.

This is your last chance, pal!

I've tried to be nice, but you just won't listen.

So, I'm going to free everyone and destroy you in one fell swoop.

Unless you release Christoph now .


Surely, you are bluffing.

Do you have any idea how many of the world's secrets I keep in here?!

Even you aren't that stupid.

I gave you a chance.




The Lich knows what his entourage is thinking.

He feels what they feel.

Trick said that the Lich puts his Chi in a vessel.

Well, maybe it's not "vessel" it's "vessels--"

The entourage--

I'll just suck the Chi from all of them...individually.

Easy peasy.


Leave it to me to bring a knife to a gunfight.

Take it easy--

Ladies and gentlemen of my entourage!

The show I have been waiting for my entire long existence--

(whispering) is upon us!

I have fed my need for intellectual pursuit--

I have felt the transcendence of musical performance--

But I still long... for something deeper.

Finally, that moment has arrived!

I will witness a Succubus FEED!

Feed! Feed! Feed! Feed! Feed!

This is far too good a performance for a matinee.

I know I said we should spend more time together, but this is not what I had in mind.

I'm sorry for acting like a turdhead.

You know--

Throwing up and stuff.

That's okay, sweetie pie.

It's all over now.

Oh no! Is this coffee?!


What is the big deal?!

(breathing slowly)



Oh, crap!

You will feed off this human!

No! I won't!

Bo, just feed off me a little bit, give him what he wants.

No! That will not be good enough.

The one thing that has always eluded me is true, unbridled PASSION!


You will suck all the life out of this human!

I have left enough innocent bodies in my wake--

I would rather die than live like that again.


(g*n firing)

I k*lled the Glaive's daughter--

I k*lled-- the Glaive's daughter!

Dyson trusted me, he depended on me--

This poor girl--

Who doesn't drink coffee?

I mean, it's just--

It's just coffee!

You have with for breakfast, or when you're sitting in a cafe pretending to write a novel-- it's not a drink! It's a hug!

She was in my care--

I'm gonna be Fae food--

Omigod, they're gonna lock me up with a crazy beast-- and watch as he eats me for breakfast!

Maybe with a coffee!


What'd you hit me for?!

Why didn't you tell me she couldn't drink coffee?!


You were the one that was all like: 'oh, please let Tori have a fun night-- she needs to be free!'

Because she did!

She wasn't living in a castle being guarded by an evil dragon, Kenzi! Her mom is just a jerk!

I had a job to do!

I know, I know--

I know, you're right, I screwed up. I'm sorry--

No, no, no, Kenzi--

Kenzi, don't do that, girl--

I just, thought she could use a night of fun!

You know?

I didn't know she was this psycho-chick that could break so easily!

Hey, hey, hey--

We'll figure this out, alright?

It's okay, Little Momma--

I'm sorry I didn't mean to be so mean.

I'm sorry I ruined your whole life--

Hey, don't exaggerate, It's gonna be alright. It'll be fine.



What are you gonna do?


If you don't feed I will k*ll you and then bring you back and feel for myself when we both go on a blind, lust-filled murderous rampage.

Bo, I can't stop the bleeding!

Just feed off me, please!

You can't use me--

I beg your pardon?

That's why you didn't just k*ll me right away and experience me like everyone else--

You can't!

What is this nonsense?

My Chi is my life force!

If you k*ll me, then it's gone forever!

If you raised me--

Then you can't experience my power--

You can only watch me do it.



Put the doctor on the table!

Bo: No! No!

The Succubus' petulance has made me hungry!

No! NO!


This is your last chance.

Surely, your lover's death would be better by your hand than by my blade!

Have it your own way, you stupid girl.



(demonic voice) I could be more powerful than all other Fae!

Everyone would kneel at my feet!

There would be no more Dark and no more Light--

There would be only me--


Bo: What happened?

What happened--

I don't know what happened--

But you managed to--

You sucked the Chi out of all of them-

All at once.



No! Oh, no--

Oh, Christoph!


Let me go--


You can't know the t*rture it's been.

Now, I can rest.

How about Buenos Aires?

No, I got cousin in BA used to drive me nuts when I was a kid-- only Siren I knew that was tone deaf--

Make your ears bleed--

I'd almost rather meet the wrath of the Glaive than see his face again.


I like pyramids. Do you like pyramids?


Hold on a sec--

I think Dyson said there was a Lich in town.

What's a Lich?

Our only hope, Princess--

The Lich: Ugh! Uh!

The nail The Morrigan gave us!

What does it mean?

Lauren's girlfriend isn't sick--

She's been cursed.

That nail is an African shaman's cursing nail.

Somewhere there is a piece of wood with Nadia's nail in it--

Remove it and she will most likely wake up.

Please, let me eat--

Sorry, Pal--

Life is off the menu.

No more humans for you.

I've experienced things you people wouldn't believe.

I felt the carnage as the Inquisition marched through Spain--

I felt the heat... from the flames
as Rome was burnt to the ground--

I felt--

I felt--

Come on--

So, what are you gonna do before Christoph fades?

We're going to our cottage on the lake.

Just me and him and our favorite place on Earth--

I wish you had more time with him.

Three days isn't a lot and again, that's only a guess.

He could die again as early as tonight, Donny.

When Christoph was dying, I begged for five more minutes--

This time, any time, is a blessing.

Thank you.

For a proper chance to say goodbye.

You're welcome, my friend.

Okay! Where's the Lich!

He's dead.



Oh, man!

I needed that Lich to raise this girl I was babysitting from the dead!

They're gonna send me to the catacombs!

You know what they do to Sirens in prison!

Hale! What did you do?


Okay, look--


Just, okay, hold on--



'Cause I'm allergic to coffee. It makes me pass out.

Oh my God!

But you had no freaking pulse!

Duh! Cause when I go into allergic shock someone has to help my second heart kick in.

Second heart?


Oh, thank you!

Second heart?


You got a second heart--

She's got a second heart!

Look, Tori--

I know we've kinda had our differences.

But if there is any way you could not tell your mom about the vomit, the booze and the coffee and the rap music, I'd be eternally grateful.

If my mom found out about any of this I'd be grounded for half a century--

I really like you, Kenzi.

You're a very spirited human.

Thank you.

How much, Detective?

Excuse me?

How much for the human?

I'll take fifty bucks and the promise that I never see her scrawny meddling ass again.

It's a deal.


This spirited human has a special place in my heart too, so I will have to respectfully decline.

Okay. Fine.

Anyway, thanks for a great night.

I, uh, actually had fun.

Thank you, Hale.

Thank you for not selling me to a psycho Fae socialite!

Silence, human.



Ah! You really need to figure out a better way to get me in here.

You know I've spent years looking for a cure to a disease she doesn't even have.

Who would curse Nadia, I mean, why would anybody--

Maybe think of this as a blessing.

We're one step closer to getting Nadia back to you.

That's good, right?