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Barbie: Skipper and the Big Babysitting Adventure (2023)

Posted: 08/15/23 09:22
by bunniefuu
It was just another

beautiful day

in our fair metropolis

of Malibu.

The good citizens

were free to live in peace,

confident their children

would be well taken care

of at...

SNC Babysitting.

Skipper, Navya and Chantal.

The greatest babysitting team

in the world.

But then, weird,

the Carmichael twins should have

been here 30 minutes ago.

The McDuffy kids

are late too!

The super secret emergency


Babysitting Squad,

the city needs your help.

Someone's turning the children

of Malibu into monsters!

Not cool.

Whatever diabolical super-bad

guy is behind this villainy,

you can count on us

to save the day, Mayor Chelsea.

Thank you, Babysitting Squad.

Oh, and you'll also have to do

all my chores for a month.

Chelsea! No ad-libbing!

This looks like a job for...

Skipper's Super Sitters Squad!

Oh, Jeeves,

is the babysitting mobile ready?


You made me the butler?

But you're

my most faithful butler.

Just say you're line.

Oh, mighty heroes of good,

I regret to inform you

that the babysitting mobile

is in the shop.

Plus you're 14

and can't drive anyway.

Then we'll just have to fly.

Sitter Squad is go!

The window was open!


at the beach,

an evil plot was unfolding.

Buy low. Sell high.

Buy low...

Sell high.

Buy low. Sell high.

My most diabolical invention

ever, the Adultifier, works!

Hey, why am I the bad guy

in this?

'Cause you won't pick up

your stinky socks

from our bedroom floor.

Come on, keep the story going.

Ugh. Fine.

Now, all those annoying kids

will be forced to do

adult things.

Like, save for retirement and

talk about the demise of DVDs.

I don't think so!

We've come to end

your fiendish plan.

You'll never take me!




Buy low...



I got you.


Ha ha!

Wah ha ha ha!





Oh, yeah!

And I was all, hu-ha-yah!

Take that!

And that's how we saved the day.

Skipper, the kids are asleep.

Oh, yeah, right.


Thanks for helping me

with their nap-time story.

It was fun.

I got to be mayor.

And as mayor, I ordered that

Stacie take me to get ice cream.

Hey, you're not really

the mayor.

But, I do like ice cream,

so okay.

Uh, you okay if I leave too?

I'm a professional babysitter.

Besides, Navya and Chantal

are due any minute.

Thanks for helping.

Okay. Good luck.


Oh, no, oh, no!

Shh. It's okay. Shh.

Let's not wake up the others.


I'm hungry.

I'm thirsty!

I'm a firetruck!


Um, okay, okay.

So, how about we be bear cubs

and hibernate, huh?

-Let's all be firetrucks!


Don't jump on that.

Please don't jump on that.

Oh, wait a minute.

Wait a minute!

Okay, um, woah, woah!

Oh, no, not that.

Okay, please, please,

please come back.

Stop, stop, firetruck. Stop!


Navya! Where are you?

I need back up.

Didn't you get the text

from Chantal?

Text? No, why?

Remember that dance

we invented?

The dog-cat?

Woof, woof!

Do the dog-cat.

Do the dog cat.


Deacon, put that down, or...

That'll happen.

Apparently, the Prime Minister

of East Slovakistan's daughter

had a cousin

who's neighbors sister

was at the party

when we invented it.

And now we're invited

to perform the dance...


-...all across the country!

The floor is lava!

Come on, no cushions!

Well, that's great, Navya,

but what about

our babysitting business?

We had plans

for the whole summer.

I know, Skip.

We hate to leave you like this.

You're the best babysitter ever!


Okay, I gotta go.

Have fun on tour.

Oh, wow, there's a lot of you.

Ah... okay. Uh, kids?

Who wants lunch?

I already made spaghetti,

it's on the...


Spaghetti fight!

Not spaghetti fights,

spaghetti lunch!


Oh, ho, ho.


Hi, parents, you're early.

This isn't what it looks like.


But that is exactly

what it looks like.


[overlapping voices

of discontent]

You're giving me

all the cookie dough parts?

You need them more than I do.

What are big sisters for, right?

Another cancellation?

No one is ever going to trust me

with their kids again.

I might be the worst babysitter

in the world.

And the nominees for worst

babysitter in the world are...

Zincenzio Dracula

for turning children

into part of his legion

for the undead.


Helga Von Bruler, for changing

all her kids into toads.

Hi, Mom!

Well, she knows what she did.

And, Skipper Roberts, for...

And the winner is...

Skipper Roberts!


Uh! Another cancellation!

That's my last client.

With no kids to sit,

I should just quit my business

all together.


we Roberts don't do quit.

We dig deeper.

Fight harder.

Stand up for what we believe in,

and Skipper I believe in you!

-Uh, thanks, I guess.

Besides, there's lots of other

stuff to do this summer.

Surf with Ken,

hang with my big sister.

Oh, about that.

A last-minute change,

I'm gonna be gone

all summer.

I'm planting trees

in the Amazon.

Oh. Okay.

Well, at least I can still boss

around the little sisters.

What is in here?

Chelsea, did you put your stuff

in my bag?


Okay, Stacie and Chelsea

are off to camp!

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

All this time when you said

camp, you meant camp-camp?

Like, sleep-away camp?

I thought you meant day camp.

My not so little girls.

They grow up so fast.

Do you need a hug from Darby?

She makes me feel better

when I'm sad.

I can handle it, Chels.

Come here, Darby.

So, everyone's going away

this summer except me?

Hey, we'll still be here.

But you're adults.

You're no fun.

Who says?

I've got an exciting

summer planned.

Organize the kitchen drawers,

weed the compost pile,

get the puppies de-fleed

and then...

Uh, I think Skipper needs this

more than you, Dad.


This is getting a little touchy.

Oh, come on.

You know you love it.

I'll be fine. Seriously.

Alright, troops,

then it's off to camp!

And you'll drop me

at the airport?

Hey, you've got this, Skip.

Don't give up.

You're a great babysitter.

Thanks, Barbie.

Have a great summer.


-Bye, Skip!

-Bye, Skipper!

-Have a good summer!

-We'll miss you!

See you when you get back.

I guess.



Hey, Ken!

Want to hit the surf?

Waves look pretty crunchy today.

Sorry, Skip! I'm on duty.

Aren't you supposed

to be babysitting anyway?

Well, I was until...

I don't want to talk about it.

How 'bout later?

No can do.

I'm on call 24/7.

Seriously? All summer?

All summer.

You never know

when a junior life guarding

emergency might strike!

Help! Help me!


Woah! Ah, oh...

My umbrella.

Watch out!

My sandcastle!

Watch out!

Watch out for that guy!

Hot sand, hot sand.

Come on, man!

-Oh, gosh.



Help me!

The tide is coming in!

Oh, no.

Help me!

Not on my watch!



Please, please,

no need to thank me.

But, the tide.

I still need help.

I can't reach my sandwich.

As you can see, guarding

the beach is a full-time job.


Okay. Well, have a great summer.

I guess I'm gonna go feel sorry

for myself

by eating too many smoothies

and French fries.


One sky high

Small French fry

One sky high

Small French fry

Pickles and onions

On the side

Pickles and onions

On the side

Do they make you sing?

Yeah, but I love it.

It brings me joy.

Like, my name.

-I'm Joy.



Cheese burger, onion rings

Soda and a pie

All for the low price

Of $5.55

Just a smoothie,

but you're really great.

Uh, you too!

-Excuse me, coming through.

-Excuse you.


-How rude!

I said excuse me.

Oh, ew, ew.

Look, it's you.

The younger

and less impressive Barbie.

Hello, Tammy.

I have a name, it's--

Of literally no interest to me,

thank you.

Now, listen carefully.

Make me a strawberry sunset.

I'm not done.

Hold the strawberries,

add peaches instead.


But instead use nectarines.

And only soft nectarines.

Then, instead of OJ,

I want freshly squeezed

tangerine juice.

No! Don't use that juicer!

It has to be hand-squeezed.

Isn't this a little much,

even for you?

Uh-uh. I'm not talking to you.

You're not talking to anyone.

You're barking orders.

OMG. So, yeah,

that's a mandarin, duh!

I said tangerine.

A tangerine.

Are you done yet?

Coming right up.

Ah! No, no, no... Ah!

Oh, my gosh,

I'm so sorry.


Let me guess...

Buh-bye now.

Hey. Are you okay?

Yeah. Thanks for sticking up

for me back there.

Tammy is literally the worst.

It's fine.

That job was never going

to get me a recording contract.

But I will miss singing.

I'm really into music.

Oh, me too.

But I don't sing.


That would be a cool

summer job.

if I had one.

It would be,

I was gonna babysit

but that kind of fell apart.


Looks like we both missed out

on finding

our dream summer jobs.

Ah! Ugh!

dream summer job?

Looking for your

Right this way!

If you like swimming,

surfing, cotton candy,

half pipes, full pipes,

this job has it all.

We are hiring!

Go to 1234 Watery Way

for an instant interview.

Don't walk, run!

If you have a jet pack, fly!

No way!

How lucky are we!

Woah! Ugh!

Maybe you're a little

less lucky.

OMG. I thought

I recognized that address.

It's the water park!

I love this place.

This is going to be

the best summer job ever.

For reals!

Chomp, chomp. Hi.


Or not.

Come on!

Where's your sense of adventure?


This place reminds me of that

movie where a bunch of teens

who work at a theme-park

find out their actually

test subjects

for a mad scientist experiment!

Yeah. But they end up

getting super powers.

How awesome would that be?

I hear the boss here

is a real monster.

Set the place up like this

to divide and conquer!

Keep us weak.

But I don't play that.

I'm Anna.

Skipper. That's Joy.

Hi! I like your earrings.

Thanks, I made 'em.

I'm not just here for a job.

I wanna see if the park

will carry my line.

And I want to not cry

with fear.



Uh, seriously?

Fine, I'll go.

It's just a job interview.

How bad can it be?



I'm here about the job.


Mini Barbie.

It's Skipper.

How are you running

a water park?

Isn't it obvious?

I'm just leadership material.

Wait, doesn't your dad

own this place?


That doesn't have anything

to do with it.

I've got loads of VIP ideas.

But we're not here

to talk about me.

So, tell me, Bipper,

why should I hire you?

Oh, come on.

You're my sister's

biggest rival.

We both know you'd never

hire me.


Something we can agree on.

Okay, okay, fine, yeah.

Move it all to the new account.

And close the old account.

Hi, sweetie, how's everything?

I wasn't calling you sweetie,

I was talking to my daughter.

By the way, what's taking

so long with the hiring?

And why are so many

people quitting?


Well, Daddy, it's just so hard

to find quality employees

these days.

What about her?


-No, Daddy, she's kind of blah.


What's your favorite color?


Favorite bird?

It's weird, but turkey buzzard

for some reason.

-And food?

-Yes, I like to eat.

-Great answers. You're hired.

See? Now that's how you do

an interview.

Bing, bang, boom.


Trust me on this one, she is

not good employee material!


That's where being

a good boss comes in.

They turn their employees

into a finely-tuned workforce.

Come on.

You're all hired, hurray.

This is your boss, Tammy.

Show up tomorrow at 8:00

and be ready to work.

No, Jerry,

you don't have to be here!

Get ready for the worst job

of your life!

Better not be late!


We did it!

I can't believe it! Yes!

And we didn't even have to do

a terrifying interview!

I have a good feeling about us.

Yeah, I'm not sure

I'm gonna show up tomorrow.

Wait, what? Why?

Tammy as a boss.

That's kind of a nightmare-type


Aw, there, there,

Mr. Big Evil Monster.

What's wrong?

It's Tammy!

I was one second late to work

and she yelled at me.

She's so scary.

I know I just met you,

but we're in this together now.

Yeah, you can't get us

all hired and not show up.

Okay, fine. I'm in.

But there is no way

I'm going to babysit monsters.

That's where I draw the line.

Expert dog walker for hire!

Oh, what a cutie!

Wait, it's not real?

Business isn't going so well

and I really need a job.

Oh, I know!

You should get one

at the water park.

They've got a doggy daycare.

Seriously? I love dogs!

You think they'd hire me?

They hired everyone else.

Oh, my goodness.

This is fantastic!

Working at a doggie daycare

is my dream job.

I'm Cheri by the way.

Hey, cute earrings.

Hey, thanks.

I'm Anna.

Skipper and Joy.

Oh, that's my mom.

I'll see you tomorrow!

Like I said, I've got

a good feeling about us!

You're late!

Uh, I'm one minute early.

It doesn't count

unless you're past these gates.

Hey! Stop that.

-Oh, hey!

-No, no, no, no!


-I don't think so. Too slow.

No! No!


Oh, yeah, baby!

Made it.

Doesn't matter.

I don't have a place

for you anyway.

We're all staffed up. Aww!

Not later, now!

That's your idea?

Bird leashes?

How's the new staff?

Doing great?

No! You're not doing great,

you're fired!

No, you're not fired,

I'm promoting you.

Why doesn't this girl

have a uniform?

-Uh, all positions are filled.


It's always good to have

an extra pair of hands around.

Look, the jewelry kiosk

is short-staffed.

Pick up a uniform

and go there today.

But, Daddy, you never listen.

You put me in charge and--

Great! Keep it up.

You're in charge.

No, you're not in charge,

you're the pizza delivery guy.

How long till you get here?

I'm famished!


Okay, how cute are we?

I know, right?

I wonder if we get a discount

on stuff.

You're not being paid to shop.

Listen up!

Okay. I just ordered these.

I got 'em for an absolute steal.

So we're giving them away?

No, you're selling them.

All of them.


And if you don't,

you're fired.

Daddy said I need to motivate

my employees,

so let's see how that works.

Ugh. Sorry for dragging you

into our feud.

No biggie, but that merch

is gonna be tough to sell.

I mean, what's this even

supposed to be?

We can do it.

We just need to get creative.

This is impossible.

They keep breaking.

I can't even give them away.

Yo! You want this?

Ah! Get away! Run, run!

I don't know

what you're selling!

Tammy has outdone herself

this time.

Oh! Oh!


Is this yours?

Oh, it's my fashion back pack.

I never leave home without it.

There's some cool stuff

in here.

I am liking that.

What if I just, hm...


Oh, I like that! Is it for sale?

It most certainly is!

Step right up people!

Come on, come on and get your

very own custom Anna originals.

Guaranteed to look great

and not to break.

-Oh, wow!

-That looks so cool!

Okay, I'll take this one.

-Thank you!


-I love it. It's awesome.

-Thank you!

-It's for my sister.


No way!

How are you doing this?

Big crowds!

Now, that's what I like to see.

What's our top seller?

These earrings? Anna made them.


-That's so neat!

Yeah, out of the earrings

I ordered.

Well done, Tammy.

And you, what else

do you suggest we sell here?

Uh, let's talk.

Yeah, so your plan

totally backfired.

But, it turned out great

for both Anna and you.

Just because my dad

thinks I'm a business genius now

doesn't mean you and me

are gonna have ice cream

and pajama parties!

Get ready

for your next assignment.

You're welcome.

Wait, what assignment?

Hey! What are you doing here?

I thought

you were on kiosk duty.

Tammy happened.

She transferred me here.

Just because she can.

She's trying to keep me

off-balance or something.

Oh, hi, can I help you?

Mom and our big brother

went on the Super Slider

but you have to be this big

to ride.

One, two, three.

You should always put out

even numbers.

Not odd.

It makes me feel better.

Like this?


My sister loves

everything even.

Two ice creams would be even.

So, would you each like

an ice cream while you wait?

Yay! Ice cream!

But we don't have any money.

Oh, no.

Well, then I guess it's free!


Free ice cream!

Free ice cream!

Free ice cream!

Did she say "free ice cream"?

No way!

Free ice cream, awesome!

Hey, hey, let's go get it!


-Free ice cream?

-Come on.

I got the ice cream!

I got the ice cream!

-I got the ice cream!


What the?

Free ice cream?

Are you nuts?

Who's paying for this?

Change my 2:00 to a 3:00.

Big crowd!

I love big crowds.

You're not gonna like this one.

They're giving away

free ice cream.

-Could I have a drink with that?

-Could I buy some fries?

Who's idea was this?

It was all her's.

You... are a genius!

Lure the customers

in with something free,

then whamo-blamo!

They end up spending a fortune

on other stuff.


After the crowd cleans,

feel free to close up early

and take the afternoon off.

A great job deserves

a great reward.

You can learn something

from these people, Jerry!

What? Ugh!

I got the ice cream!

I got the ice cream!

Aw, nuts.

That was so fun!

What should we do next?

Let's check out the Super Slide!



How's the doggy daycare going,


I am in heaven.

I actually get paid

to play with dogs!

It's like a dream come true.

But with more wet noses.

My dream is to play

a huge concert.

What about you, Skipper?

Well, it used to be running

a babysitting empire

with my best friends.

But, right now I'd settle

for unlimited nachos.

No, I don't want

to go to the pool!

You can't make me!

Okay, what's going on there?

That's where

the small kids wait.

I don't wanna...

Yeah! In your face!

I'm tall! I'm tall!

Let's go, Mom!

I'm finally tall!

Yes! Come on, Mom.

Keep up!

Stupid pole.

They're not tall enough

for the rides,

so their parents leave

them there

while they take their taller

kids on big people rides.

It's just not fair.

The little kids have no daycare

at the park.

I know what will cheer you up.

We got a letter today

from your sisters at camp.

An actual letter-letter?

Are we back in ancient times

or something?

"Dear Mom, Dad and Skipper..."

"Stacie and I are having

so much fun at camp."

"Darby also likes it too."

"Who knew there'd be

this many things

for a stuffed giraffe to do?"

"My favorite is this cool

gaming bus

that comes at night time."

"It's full of video games."

"It's supposed to be for the

big kids but Stacie figured out

the password

so we can sneak inside."

-Oh, amazing!


Don't tell them that!

Move over.

"Ignore that part."

"You know what it's like,


"Us big kids look out

for the little ones."

"Anyhoo, miss ya, love us."

Isn't it sweet?

Well, except the sneaking part.

That's the best part!

Oh, you two.

Can we all agree

not to put chewing gum

in the toilets anymore?

Aw, man!

Okay, team, the moment

you've all been waiting for,

The employee of the week is...

Oh, Daddy, you shouldn't have!

Skipper Roberts!

Huh? What?

Go, Skipper!

Go, Skipper!

Wow. This is cool!

I wasn't expecting this,


Uh, well, uh,

now that I have your attention,

I have a suggestion

for the park, if that's okay.


I'm all ears to hear ideas

from the employee of the week.

Tammy, take notes!

Well, I've noticed

that a lot of the kids

who come here are too small

to go on some of the rides.

Yes! Let's eliminate

the height restrictions.

Wait, that could be dangerous,

but it's edgy.

Young people like edgy.

Uh, yeah, I was thinking more...

What if we had a daycare

for little kids

so they'd have something

fun to do

while their parents

and the bigger kids

went on the rides?

Thank you.

I love that idea even more.

Much safer.

Tammy, get on her idea

while I get my picture taken

with the employee of the week.

Nice work, young lady.

You seem to be full

of VIP ideas.

I'm Skipper

and I'm full of ideas!

Nobody's that perfect!

There must be something mean

about her I can find online.

Huh? What's this?

So little miss perfect

isn't so perfect after all.

-Right this way.

-Where are we going?

To start work on your

"great idea."

Oh, that's the thing.

We don't even have to do

any work.

My sisters told me about this

video game bus we could rent.

It's like a rolling playground.

It would be great for a daycare.

A gaming bus, huh?

Like you know what's good

for kids!

Huh? Why would you say that?

"Skipper was irresponsible

with my children.

They still have spaghetti

stuck in their hair."


"And now, my son thinks

he's a firetruck!"

Ugh, my babysitting reviews.

Wait until I tell my dad

he's taking babysitting advice

from Malibu's worst babysitter.


Pee-ew. Why are we here?

Yeah, this was

the old kiddie pool

before the unfortunate

exploding toilet incident

of spring break 2013.

It is your job to clean it out.

And if I don't?

I'll tell my dad

his "employee of the week"

lost her last job

because it was a disaster.

But wait, I'm probably gonna

tell him that anyway.

Clean this up or quit, whatever.

Now, if you'll excuse me,

I have a daycare to open.


Cool! Video games!

Video games!

Welcome, go in, have fun!

Enjoy our new daycare service.

-Don't rush back!

-Bye-bye, Mommy!


For a small extra fee,

you can leave the little ones

here all day.

Woah, woah, woah.

I can't wait around all day.

I gotta get back

to the maintenance yard

for some repairs.

Well, how about

you put that on hold

while I go get the checkbook?

Will that work for ya?

If it's a big enough check,

it's yours for the year.


Hey! Give me that back!

Barbie! I need to talk.

Work is getting really hard


What's wrong with your voice?


Hey, Skip, what's up?

How's the summer job going?


Tammy's the boss

and she's just awful.

She's trying to make me

look bad or quit or something.

Ow! Ow, ow, ow!

Wow, um, well,

do you like your job?

Parts of it.

I've met some cool new friends.


And I have this idea

to open a daycare,

but I don't know

how to get past Tammy.

Oh! Bad money.

Bad! Ow!

Are you even listening?

Sorry, Skip.

It's kind of bananas out here.

Anyway, I know you can do this.

The thing about Tammy is...

Oh! No, no, no!



You know what?

I don't need Barbie's advice.

I can figure this out on my own.

I quit!


Oh, gross.

Give me some good news,


Daddy, Daddy!

I need the corporate checkbook.

-For what?

-It's a... surprise.

I don't like surprises

that cost me money.

It won't cost you anything

in the long run.

It will make money,

if you just...

Don't tell me. Show me.

Make it fancy.

sales pitch with visual aids,

I want to see a professional

-stats, perhaps a pie chart.

No, Jerry, you don't get pie.

Come on, already.

Where's my check?


No way!


What are you doing

with those?

We heard what Tammy's

making you do.

So we're coming to help.

Wow, you guys are the best.

But look at this.

Tammy stole my daycare idea.

Hey, friends!



-High score!

-Yeah! Awesome!


It's you! Come play.

Is there no adult in here

watching you?

Where's Tammy?

I don't know.

Who's Tammy?

Bet you can't beat

my high score!


This is the best!

Woah! This is awesome!

Do you know,

there's an even amount

of black and red checkers?

And, there's an even amount

of red and black squares.

It's the best game.

So many even numbers.

I'll play!

OMG. They have karaoke!


Hmm. Is anyone else chilly?

Okay, Daddy, as you can see

from this pie chart...


Mm. Pie.

...360 degrees of profit.

Nailed it.

Daddy... Daddy?

"Back soon.

Went out for pie!"

The bus!

No check, no games.

"Ribbons of Roses:

A Romantic Rendezvous

by Herrera Lovebucket..."

Who wants karaoke?

I've been waiting

For this all my life

Now's the time to shine

And we're gonna own it

You go, girl!

Let's play our

Favorite songs

Wow. She's good.


Have some fun

Give it up

Throw your hands in the air

It's a party now

I would rather be

There's no where

'Cause I've got

All my girlfriends...

Oh, where is he?

Where is he?

Where is he?

"Could this really be the end?"

It's true love.


-So good!

-Wow, Joy.

-You are... amazing.


Oh! Did you feel that?

Either Joy's music is really

magical or this bus is moving.

It's official, we're moving.

Okay, keep calm.

We don't want to freak out

the kids.

Freak out the kids?

-Oh, yeah!

-This is awesome!

What about us?

Where are we going?

I don't know, but I'm sure

we'll stop... eventually.

And then we'll just tell

the driver to take us back home.

Until then, we gotta keep

the kids busy, okay?

Skipper's Super Sitter Squad

is go.



Listen up, it's pretty much

been established

that I'm the best at this game.


-You wish.

No way.

Okay, then bring it.

She really knows

how to handle kids.


I wish she was my babysitter.

"Their eyes met.

His dark and brooding,

her's pools of starlight

ignited with anticipation."


she would learn the..."



Not bad, but not good enough

to beat to the champ.

Still undefeated.

Who's next?

I think we stopped.

We sure aren't

in Malibu anymore.

That must be the bus driver.

"Passion is forever."




-Don't go!

Now what?

Where did he go?


Are you missing a bus

and perhaps some kids?


Oh, this can't be happening.

Their parents will be back

to pick them up

literally any minute.

Alright, well you need

to tell them their kids are okay

and we're on our way.

Yeah, right, sure.


Drop me a pin

with your location.

I'll send my limo.

You need to get back here pronto

or I will be completely


I don't think

we can wait here.

It's too hot

and there's no shade or water.

Erica! Erica!

Have you seen my sister?

I can't find her.


Don't worry, Derek.

I bet Erica is playing

hide and seek.

So, you know

what we're gonna do?

We're all gonna go look

for her.

And the first one to find

her... wins.



Everyone, let's play...

Find Erica!


-Okay, Erica, ready or not...

Here we come!

One, two, three, four.



One cutie-patootie.

Erica? Erica!

Two cutie-patooties. Yay!

Even patooties.

Oh, another one. Three.

Where is four?

Need an even number...


-I see her!


What are you doing

out here?

I'm looking for... four!

Yes, I found four.

So, can we go back now?

Oh, sandstorm!


Oh, no!

Alright, everyone hold hands.

This is scary.

Let's go find an adult

and ask for help.

I won't let anything

happen to you.

Okay, Skipper.

We trust you.


What is taking so long?

Alright, Tammy.

Let's go down to the lot

to check out this bus of yours.

The bus. Uh,

but, I'm not finished

with my presentation, Daddy.

You see, Daddy, it all began

14 billion years ago

when the Earth

was but an infant planet.

A young girl's dreams

had yet to be dreamed.

It's over!

Phew, we made it.

Are we all here?

One, two, three... Yes!

But where is here?

Hey, look! An airplane!

Wow, look at the plane.

I want to ride

in the airplane!


-Kids, come back!


Look, come on, let's go!

Everyone, eyes up here!

The boss is in the house.

For too long,

the entrepreneurial skills

of professional clowns

have been greatly

under appreciated.

That is why I have developed

the first unmanned,

auto-piloted happy birthday

party plane!

Now, anyone who wants to have

their birthday party

on a plane can!

You can applaud now.

You must be the testers

for our very first flight.

Come in, we have everything

you can want inside.

Can I have some milk?

Except that.

I'll be right back.

You kids can't just run off

like that.

We're sorry.

This place is so cool!

Can we stay for the party?

told your parents where we are.

First, I need to be sure Tammy

Ugh. No bars.

One shouldn't be down.

That's not even.

We've been given the signal.

Oh, oh! I want to say it.

-Flight attendant...


...prepare for take off.

Why did that happen?

It won't open!

Yay! We get to fly in a plane!

Everyone, buckle up.

Thank you.

Welcome, test subjects!

I mean, volunteers.

Thank you for flying

Birthday Party Air.

For the best birthday ever,

dare to fly Party Air.

We go there!

I've gotta use

the bathroom!

It's so beautiful.

Okay, everyone.

You can unbuckle your seatbelts

because it's party time!

This is like

the best party ever!

Wow! We're up really

high now.

Higher! Higher! Higher!

Oh, I think

I'm gonna be air sick.

Oh, no!

Higher! Higher! Higher!

Um, sir?

We're about out of fuel.

I know! It's really expensive.

Please return your seats

to the full upright

and locked position.

Buckle your seat belts

and prepare for landing!

Why are we going down?



Faster, faster, faster!

Faster, faster, faster!


This is fun.

-We did it! We did it!

No one will ever laugh

at clowns again!

-Woah! Ugh!

Who left a banana peel

on the floor?

-I want to play airplane!

-I want to be a pilot now!

-I want to do it every day!

-Vroom, vroom...

Are you Bipper?

Tammy sent me.

Close enough.

Okay, everybody, let's go.

Come on, in, in, in.

Here's your milk!

Thank you.

Yeah! We get to test out

the new birthday plane!

Uh... Wha...?

And, uh, as you can see,

uh, profits will increase.

So, uh, the more money

we'll make.

You had me at profits

will increase.

Now, let's go see

that daycare/gaming bus.

Uh, wait, wait, Daddy.

We're not done.

That was just part one.

Are we there yet?

Not yet.

Are we there yet?

Not yet.

Are we there yet?

Not yet.

-Are we there yet?

-No. Maybe.


I think I'm gonna be limo sick.

Are you okay, Joy?

Woah, wait.

Why are we stopped?

And with the right investment,

gaming daycare centers

could become... a thing.

Where are you?

Their parents will be back

any second

and I can only stall my dad

so much longer.

It's L.A. We hit traffic.

But, we are by the beach,

so we'll just swim back.

Not funny.

Wait, the beach?

Get to a pier

and I'll send a boat.



Oh, okay.

But only because I've never

heard you say "please" before.

Ugh! I think I'm gonna be

sea sick.

You know, if we showed up late,

you could really get back

at Tammy.

That wouldn't be right!

What's important

is to get these kids

to their parents safely.

It's the babysitter's code!

This is spooky.

What's going on?

What happened?

I can't see.


Captain, what's wrong?

Shiver me timbers.

I be not expecting fog today.


Best to wait till it clears

so we don't get lost at sea.

We don't have time!

Look! Dolphins!

Hello dolphin friends!

-I was wondering...

-She speaks dolphin?

She is a really

good babysitter.

Could you help guide us back

to the water park?

We need to get these kids

back to their parents.

Sure thing! Follow us!

Follow them!

They'll take us

to the water park.

Aye, aye!

Avast, ye dolphins!

To the water park!

Joy threw up again.

And in time,

when the little kids grow up

and have their own kids,

they'll come back

to the water park

again and again and again

and again...

Can we just see this game

bus thing already?

Oh, no!

Free cookie?

Sure, who says no

to a free cookie?

Quick snack, then we go.

Where are you? 911.

Thank you!

Your kindness has saved the day!

Fare thee well Skipper.

You are truly

a great babysitter.

Leave me alone!

Hm. Good cookie.

Hurry, almost there!

Oh, uh, look!

Look! What's that?

Does that seagull

have a sandwich?

What? Sandwich?


Oh, come on, Erica.

You can count later.

Oh, no, your mom!

Skipper, over here!

Come on, Daddy, let's go see

the new daycare already!

So, where's the bus?

Uh, you just missed it.

I told you the presentation

was too long.

But look at all the satisfied

daycare customers.


Did you guys have fun?

So much!

We rode in a plane.

And a limo!

And then we went on a boat.

Oh, kids and their imaginations.

It was the best day ever!


Bye, Skipper.

You made an excellent point,


The water park could use

an area

for the little kids

to hang out.

But, I don't like

the game bus idea.

Too much overhead.

I think I'll stick with my pole.

You're making a huge mistake!

I ran the numbers.

The daycare idea will work!

Tammy, you've never spoken

to me like this before.

You've never listened

to me before!

You told me to step up!

Well, Daddy,

this is me stepping up!

The kids need this.

I am going to open

a daycare center, bus or no bus.

Taking initiative.

I like it.

Okay, you can open

a daycare center.

But you still can't have

the bus.

Good thing

we have something even better

than a game bus.

We do?

Of course.

And it's your idea.

Is it?

This place?

But it's a swamp.

You gotta look past that

and see the potential.


If we all work together,

we can clean it up in no time.

It's free, Daddy.

Alright then.

You've got your daycare center.

Uh... Uh-uh.

Boundaries, boundaries!

I'm proud of you, Tammy.

Oh, uh, a hug.

This isn't very business like.

It's not always

about business, Daddy.

We're family.

Not a chance!

What is it this time, Jerry?

Here you go.

-Oh, this is so amazing!


This is fun!

You must be this short

or shorter to play.

Woo-hoo! In your face!

Stupid pole.

Being tall is the worst.

Tell me about it.

Being short is the best!

Hard to believe summer's

almost over.

You're coming back

next year, right?

I mean, I could totally

run this place by myself,

but you're the one

who's great with kids, and well,

it was a lot more interesting

having you around.

Once you calmed down,

the job turned out alright.

And look what we did.

It's pretty cool.

Yeah, it is.

Nice work, sis!


Hey, what were you gonna tell

me that one time about Tammy?

Oh, I was gonna say.

The thing about Tammy is,

deep, deep down,

she is a good person.

She just needs a little help

remembering that sometimes.

Okay, who's ready to party?

You ready, Joy?

I've been ready all summer.

Just 'cause

They can't see 'em

Life is right there

In front of us

We'll make

The whole world see

'Cause when it's me

And my friends

When you're right

Here with me

'Cause when it's me

And my friends

When you're right

Here with me

As long as

I'm with my friends

'Cause I believe

In who we are


Ugh! Ugh!

Revenge will be mine!

Babysitting Squad!

Stacie, the movie is over.


Guess I'll just have to star

in my own movie.

'Cause when it's me

And my friends

When you're right

Here with me

'Cause when it's me

And my friends

When you're right

Here with me

'Cause when it's me

And my friends

When you're right

Here with me

'Cause when it's me

And my friends

As long as

I'm with my friends