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Barbie in the 12 Dancing Princesses (2006)

Posted: 08/15/23 09:17
by bunniefuu
And so, as chief emissary

of the majestic kingdom of Bulovia,

which is known for its abundance

of pears, potatoes and peasants,

I am authorised by my courageous king

and my magnificent queen

to hereby invite the princesses

of King Randolph to a royal gala.

We have invited princesses from

far and wide to this extraordinary ball.

- Papa, look what I found.

- You won't believe it.

Janessa, Kathleen, wait for me.

- As I was saying...

- A blue-winged beetle.

It makes a strange noise when it...

- See?

- Whoa.

- Oh, my.

- Your Majesty, as I was say...

Oh! Ugh!

Don't hurt him.

Quick, catch him

before he gets to the pantry.

Slow down, you guys.

Playing through.

Just be a second, Papa.

Your Highness,

I really think perhaps this is not...

Whoa. Delia!


Too much wrist.

- Those are your daughters?

- A few of them.

- Rambunctious, aren't they?

- Look, Papa.


Your daughters

are hardly proper princesses.

- I can't wait for him to meet Harold.

- Whoaaa!



Perhaps another ball.

Your Highness.

Princesses? Huh!

More like wild animals.

My turn.

Hello, Papa.

- Ashlyn.

- How are you, Papa?



- Papa.

- We're here, Papa.

- Fallon.

- Hello.

- Ooh, what's for lunch?

- Edeline, Delia.

We're absolutely, positively starving.

Hello, Hadley, Isla.

Hello, Janessa, Kathleen.

And Lacey.

There you are, dear.

Where is Genevieve?

Twyla, off the table please.

Sorry I'm late, Papa.

My 12 princesses.

Quiet, please.



- Quiet down.

- Shh!

It's been pointed out to me

that you could be doing more to be, um...

well, proper princesses.

Like what, Papa?

Well, uh, like, um...

Well, I...

Perhaps, uh... um...

The royal cobbler has arrived.

- He's...

- Here!

- Bye, Papa.

- Goodbye.

Wait. Girls!

They're just shoes.

Just shoes?!

Aren't they?

They're dancing shoes, Papa.

Bon apptit, Twyla.

- Derek, Derek, Derek!

- Do you have our shoes?

- Can we see?

- Was I supposed to bring shoes?


Maybe you can help me.

Oh, Derek, they're lovely.

You're amazing, Derek.

I'm glad you like them,

Your Highnesses.

I taught him everything he knows.

Yeah, right, Felix.

- Anything for me?

- Are you kidding?

He burned the midnight oil for you.

That'll do, Felix.

He's just a bird.

He doesn't know what he's saying.

Oh. Of course.

- Can you please...

- Tighten our shoes?

These are yours.

I hope you like them,

Your Highness.


Thank you.

- Thank you, Derek.

- Thanks, Derek.

You blew your chance, Romeo.

What chance?

She's a princess.

All we're missing is music.


Hey. Hey!

- You play?

- I...

I don't. Not really.

- Will you play for us?

- Please, Derek, please?

As you wish, Your Highnesses.

I love them,

but at times I don't understand them.

If only you were here.

You know what we should do?

Let's make a new pair of stilts.

- And extra tall this time.

- That's such a good idea.

Why use a closet

when the floor is closer?


Genevieve, is it the shoes you like?

Or the cobbler who made them?

- What are you talking about?

- Derek is so cute.

If you say so, Fallon.

Maybe the problem is

he's not a prince.

I don't care if he's a prince,

a king or an emperor. The truth is...

You are head over heels.

Don't be ridiculous.

Besides, he never notices me.

If I were paying attention,

which I'm not.

Genevieve's got it bad.

Good night, Thomas.


- Where's Harold?

- What is he? A spider?

- A scorpion?

- A snake?


A caterpillar.

My lady.


Thank you, Desmond.

Desmond, my things.




And the carriage, my lady?

Oh, we won't be needing it again.

Welcome, Duchess Rowena.

The king is expecting you.

Yes, he is.

- Heavens!

- The king doesn't have his own monkey?

Uh, no, Your Grace.

Well, they're quite popular this year.

Come, Brutus.

Rowena, good of you to come

on such short notice.

Happy to be of service, dear cousin.

I'm looking forward to my time here.

Come, meet my daughters.

They're waiting for you.

Ashlyn, the eldest.

- Welcome, Your Grace.

- Glad to be here, my dear.

Blair, the second eldest.

Is that mud on your skirt?

I was out riding.


Oh. Hello.

Yes. Hello.

Delia and Edeline.

- Your Grace.

- Greetings, Your Ladyship.

And to you.

- Fallon.

- Your Grace.

Can I hold him?

No, don't touch him.

He's quite rare.

And, um... well, um...

The twins, Hadley and Isla.

- Welcome.

- Your Grace.

The pleasure is mine.

And the triplets,

Janessa, Kathleen and Lacey.

- Hi, Your Grace.

- Hello, Your Grace.

- I picked this for you.

- Would that be paint?

In your hair?

And we're just missing Genevieve.

Right here.

Sorry, Papa.

It's nice to see you, Your Grace.

Thank you, Genevieve.

Tell me, are you often late?

I guess.

Well, uh...

Yes. But I'm working on it.

Well, you called me

not a moment too soon.

Your girls are

dreadfully unprepared for royal life.

I've asked Duchess Rowena

to take charge of your upbringing.

- But, Papa, we...

- No protests, please.

One day, you'll be responsible

for running the kingdom.

You need to be proper princesses.

Duchess Rowena will prepare you.

And it looks like

I have my work cut out for me.


Oh. A little scaredy-cat.

Are you kidding?

I come from a long line of ferocious tigers

from the deepest jungles of India.

Yeah, right.

You're about as ferocious as a flea.

Like this one.

- There's another. And another.

- Ouch! Hey!

Line up.

Things are going to be a bit different

around here now, starting with your attire.

Fans up.

- Blair, look alive.

- I'm Fallon.


Now flutter them like this.

Coy, feminine.

Lacey, you're creating a tornado.

- I'm Courtney.

- And I'm getting impatient.

Try again.

Just above your noses.


Well, that's a start.

Oh, look.


Desmond, remove this mess.

- I can't believe this.

- Where did all my books go?

It's not fair. My things

were fine right where they were.

- These bedspreads are awful.

- I miss all the colours.

It's eight o'clock.


Go, go, go!

Here you go, Lacey.


Late again? Hm.

You know bedtime

is now eight o'clock.

- Sorry, Your Grace.

- Yes.

Tardiness is a terribly

unprincesslike habit, don't you think?

I'll see everyone tomorrow,

bright and early. Happy dreams, girls.

She's so mean.

If Papa knew what Rowena

was really like, he'd change his mind.

I don't know.

He did ask her to be in charge.

Talk to him, Genevieve.

He'll listen to you.

Now, where did we leave off?

Bishop to queen three.

Hm. You're making me pay

for beating you last time.


You'll have to wait a little longer.

Rook takes bishop.

Oh! How did I miss that?

- Papa, I was wondering...

- If I'll go easy on you?

No. Knight to king four.

It's about Cousin Rowena.

- Charming, isn't she?

- Very, uh... stylish.

But she's changing everything.

She wants us to do everything her way.

- As I've asked her to.

- But we were fine before.

Oh, that's not what I've heard,


But perhaps you're right.

There's so much work to be done,

maybe I'm not the right one for the task.

What you really need

is an entire team, you see.

Tutors for protocol, diction,

language, etiquette, style.

It's exhausting just to think about.

I should go. Yes, I should.

No, Rowena, you mustn't.

My girls need you. I can't embarrass them

in front of the kingdom

by bringing in groups of tutors.

There's enough talk already.

Well, if you really think

I can be of service.

It's settled, then?

But, Papa...

You must listen to the duchess.

She knows what's best for you.

I don't want to hear

any more on the subject.

Yes, Papa.

I hate to see her upset.

Girls are so emotional.

What they need is proper guidance.

Here, dear cousin, try this tea.

Smooth and refreshing.

To your health.

He won't listen.

He thinks Rowena's helping us.

This can't go on forever, can it?

- At least tomorrow will be a good day.

- Will we have cake?

- Presents?

- A party?

It's your birthday, isn't it?

d Today it is your birthday

and we sing to let you know

d That you will be queen for the day,

whatever you say goes

Happy birthday, girls.

d We spin for you, Janessa,

and chass for you, Kathleen

d We pirouette for Lacey

and we bow before the queens

d We sing because we love you

and we sing to let you know

d That you will be queen for the day...

You're late.

Your Grace,

we were celebrating a special birthday.

That's no excuse. Until you learn

etiquette, the celebrations will wait.

But we were just dancing.

Mother made it a family tradition.

And sadly your mommy

isn't here any more, is she?

And I am responsible

for your upbringing.

Dancing is forbidden. Strictly forbidden.

And please don't sing. It's out too.

- But it's our birthday.

- A princess does not talk back.

No dancing until you know

how to act like royalty.

Where's Papa?

He's never forgotten our birthday.

We still have a present for you.

When we turned five, Mother gave

each of us a copy of her favourite story.

She had one made for each daughter.

"The Dancing Princess".

"So the princess danced

on each of the special stones,

then, on the 12th one, she twirled

three times and a secret door opened. "

Where did it go?

"She walked through a glowing light into

a magic land with trees of silver and gold,

flowers made of jewels. "

"Across the lake

was a golden pavilion. "

"The princess danced and danced

to her heart's content. "

"She wanted to stay forever,

but that was not to be. "

"The magic land vanished after the third

night. The princess was heartbroken,

until she realised she had brought

some magic back with her,

and it was hers to keep forever. "

- What kind of magic?

- How did she do it?

- It doesn't say.

- Whoa!

Kathleen, let me see your book.

Quick. See if you can match the flower

on your book to a flower on a stone.

- I found a match.

- Me too.

Me too.

- Here's mine.

- What does it mean?

I have a feeling... The story says

the princess danced from stone to stone.

Maybe a different order.

Oldest to youngest.

Where's yours, Ashlyn?












And Lacey.


Why didn't mine work?

I forgot something.

The princess twirled three times.

Whoa! Wow!


Who's coming with me?


Pinch me.

I'm dreaming.

Then I'm having the same dream.

- What do you think...

- That is?

Let's find out.

The trees are gold and silver.

It's just like in the story.


Look at all the flowers.

- Whoa!

- Look!

Oh, it's so pretty.

It's just like

Mother's dance pavilion.

I wish we had some music.

Did you see that?

Come on, Lacey, dance with me.


Something like this

always happens to me.

I thought

you were dancing beautifully.

Come on, let's wash it off.

- How did it...?

- I don't know.

I could use this all the time.

- Wow! I actually wore out my shoes.

- Me too.

- It's a sign, you know.

- Of what?

That we've danced enough

for one night.

We better go home

before Rowena finds out we're gone.

Oh, I hate to leave.

I could dance forever and ever and ever.

- Did you like your birthday after all?

- Yes.

Thanks, Genevieve.

Good night, girls.

Night, Twyla.

Good morning, ladies.

Good morning.

Oh, wide awake, I see.

We're fine, thank you.

Someone was up

way past their bedtime.

Desmond, wake them up.

That's better.

So, what exactly

were you doing last night?

- A visitor for the duchess.

- Yes?

A Mr Fabian is here.

Oh! Oh. Oh, yes.

Yes, I was expecting him.

I want answers when I return.

She's in a hurry.

And the king requests

his daughters visit him in his quarters.


Well, look who's here.

The wild bunch.

- Are you sick?

- No, just tired.

I didn't feel...

I didn't feel up to breakfast this morning.

Papa, you won't believe

what happened last night.

Last night?

Don't remind me.

We were supposed to celebrate your

birthday and I fell asleep. Inexcusable.

- Is it too late to give you your presents?

- No!

- Oooh, pretty.

- Thank you, Papa.

- Am I forgiven?

- Yes, Papa.


Not any more.

Hah! Pretentious swill.

Too soft.

Too hard.

Just right.

- Ouch.

- Oh. The tiger has a boo-boo.

Who said you could come in here?

Let me think.

Who was it?

Oh, yeah. Me!

Got a problem with that?

- What's going on here?

- Clear out, Brutus.

Make me.

Those don't belong to you.

Or you.

What do you think you're doing?

The princesses' dancing shoes?

Worn through.

The spoilt brats have been out dancing.

Do you know what this means?

Do you?


They're out dancing with princes.

Do you know what that means?

No, you don't.

You're still a monkey.

Marriage is what it means.

If princes fall for those pampered pretties,

my plans are ruined.

What's that?

What are they up to?

- Come in, Rowena.

- Oh!

So much commotion.

I thought you were unwell.

I am, but I love

when they sing for me.

Look how pale you are,

dear cousin.

That's enough for now, girls.

Out. Out, please. Please, out.

- But, Papa...

- Rowena's right.

I'm not feeling so well.

Some tea will help.

Papa, maybe you should call the doctor.

Good idea, Genevieve.

Eyes cloudy, skin clammy.

I sound like a fish.

Sense of humour intact.

Well, Your Highness,

if you continue to rest and take this elixir,

I believe you will recover shortly.

That's good news.

Allow me, Doctor.

I'll take care of everything.

Twice daily should do the trick.

Your Highness.

Now, you rest, cousin.

- Good afternoon.

- Good afternoon, Derek.

The princesses are waiting

in their mother's garden.

I've brought new shoes, as you requested.

Were the ones before not to your liking?

Not at all.

We just wore them out.

We've been out dancing.



three, and four,





nine, and ten,



A magical time.

Can you fix them, Derek?

- Is that gold dust?

- It's... a secret.

Oh. Of course.

I didn't mean to pry.

I didn't think you were prying.

It's just... Never mind.

Derek, may I ask you a favour?

Of course, Your Highness.

This morning, I saw Duchess Rowena

give something to a man, a Mr Fabian.

He was short with a beard

and he wore a blue coat.

- I'm afraid I don't know him.

- Would you find out who he is?

Without letting the duchess know.

I don't trust her.


Hey, hey, hey!

Watch the feathers.

Twyla, please.

- Lock her up and throw away the key.

- Felix!

Sorry, Your Highness.

- What are you doing?

- Me? The cat started it.


One, two, three,

four, five, six, seven,

eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve.


I'll see you all in the morning.

No excuses. Good night.

I said good night.

Good night, my lady.

I want to know where they go, to whom

they speak and when they sneeze.

Of course, Your Grace. My only reward

is your happiness, my lady.

Correct, Desmond.

- Is she gone? I thought I heard voices.

- I don't hear anything now.

Let's go.

A whole night

to forget Rowena and her rules.

What shall we dance to first?

- We love...

- Ballet.

- Good idea.

- Yay, ballet!

I wish we were dressed

like ballerinas.

We wish we had ballet music.

Who am I?

- The Duchess of Doom.

- You mean the Duchess of Don't.

Don't do this. Don't do that.

Don't, don't, don't!

He came a long way

to visit Duchess Rowena.

Mr Fabian?

You have me at a disadvantage.

You know my name,

but I don't know yours.

I've been asked to inquire

about your business with the duchess.

That's between me

and the duchess, isn't it?

I wouldn't want

to get my master angry.

The bird talks?

Last time somebody refused my master,

the fool was never heard from again.

- That's not true.

- Oh, you're right. They did find a shoe.


I'm just a simple apothecary.

I sell herbs, remedies.

That's all.

What did you sell the duchess?

I almost didn't sell her anything.

Everybody knows

she doesn't pay her bills.

This time, however,

she came through.

Small, but it's silver.

"Queen Isabella".

So, how much are you asking?

Oh, that's a laugh.

What do we have worth a silver goblet?

A talking bird might do it.

Derek? Derek?

You wouldn't.

What's wrong, Felix?

Nothing to say?

Uh... thanks?

- Let's go. We have a long walk.

- Where are we going?

We need to show

Princess Genevieve the goblet.

That will be a long walk for you. I hope

you made a pair of shoes for yourself.

Don't make me wish

I kept the horse instead of you.

Never mind.

Forget I'm even here.


Nobody came in or out.

I was here all night, Your Grace.


Good morning, girls.

A beautiful day, isn't it?

Rise and shine.

We have a busy day ahead of us.

Weren't these new yesterday?

Line up this instant.

Where were you dancing last night?

- Answer me, Delia.

- I'm Edeline.

I don't care.

Answer me.

We, uh...

we danced at a pavilion.

How did you get there? Blair?

- I'm Kathleen.

- So what?

The magic boat took us.

Please. How did you get out of here

without Desmond seeing you?

- The magic gateway.

- Magic this, magic that.

You're all lying to me.

You're the runt of this family.

Tell me the truth or you'll all pay.

- How can you talk to her that way?

- But... but it is the truth.

How dare you talk back to me?

You're no better

than common maids.

Maybe if I treat you like maids, you'll

change your minds about lying to me.

This morning

you shall clean the front garden.

- I want it spotless.

- But we were supposed to...

Talking back.

Now you'll scrub the steps as well.

We can't even sing

to pass the time.

- I don't understand why Papa...

- Won't listen to us.

How did everything get so awful?

At least the garden's done.

All that's left is the steps.

- Oh.

- I...

I didn't mean to.

I'm sorry.


- Want some company?

- Guess so.

I used to come here

when I was upset.

Why can't I be good at something?

Edeline and Delia

are good at sports,

Courtney's read every book ever written,

Blair rides her horses,

and you're the most beautiful dancer.

- I thought you'd say I'm always late.

- That too.

You probably don't remember,

but Mother always told us:

big or small,

there's a difference only you can make.

It's been a long day. We'll feel better

if we say good night to Papa.

I just don't understand

why I'm still sick.

Frankly, I'm not surprised,

with the burdens you carry.

12 of them, if you know what I mean.

12 burdens.

My daughters do worry me.

I must admit, I lose sleep over them.

But they're hardly burdens.

They're the best part of my life.

Could this day get any worse?

I ache all over.

- Did you see Papa?

- Not exactly.

Tired? Sore? Frustrated?

Now maybe I can hear the truth.

We told you the truth.

That ridiculous story? What else?

Flowers with diamonds on them?

Not all the flowers.

Now you're mocking me.

Apparently you didn't learn your lesson.

Tomorrow you'll clean the stables.

As for tonight, I'm locking you in.

Nobody's going dancing,

I promise you that.

- Papa would never lock us in.

- Your father is sick.

And who can blame him?

Taking care of you with your wild ways.

If you really want your father to get better,

you'll leave him alone.

I have failed you again, my grace.

- How may I redeem myself?

- We'll see, won't we?

If anybody - anybody - sneaks in or out,

alert me at once.

I never realised Papa

was so disappointed in us.

I heard him tell Rowena

that we're burdens.

- He did?

- That's terrible.

Everything's so wrong here.

Twyla has the right idea.

There's still one place we can go

where we won't disappoint anybody.

- We'll give Papa some time...

- To get better.

Maybe it's best if we go.

Nobody came or left, my lady.

Desmond, get in here.

Do you see any princesses?

Well, uh...

Neither do I!

But I never left the door.

Are you telling me they just vanished

into thin air? Find them!

The poor man. He's never been the same

since his Isabella passed away.

Ah, yes.

A broken heart.

Well, I should've realised.

In that case, medicine can't help him.

That's what I was afraid of.

Now, now. Don't give up hope,

Your Grace. I'll check in tomorrow.

Yes, please do.

Hello, sir.

May I see Princess Genevieve?

Haven't you heard?

The princesses are missing.

- Missing?

- This cannot be good.

I heard Duchess Rowena say

they've run away.

You, cobbler.

We don't need you today.

But I need to see Princess Genevieve.

I said, be gone!

Tell me you're going to leave.


This is risky.


You're crazy. If you're caught,

you'll be thrown in the dungeon.

If you don't pipe down,

we'll both be thrown in the dungeon.


She isn't here. Now let's go.

My shoe polish.

Over there, and there.


She walked in her own room.

But not everywhere. She started here,

where the polish is thickest.

You have got to be kidding.

Ten, eleven, twelve.

Twelve steps.

Her dance!


- What did you do?

- Two,

three, four,



weren't we paying close attention?

Wouldn't it be nice

if we had a dancing partner?

I wish I could dance

with a handsome prince.

I'd love to.

I wish I could dance with a prince too.

I wish that too.

This is what

you wanted to show me?

I'm aware the princesses are gone.

What on earth are you doing?

Wasting my time.

So there was a method

to your madness.

Princess Genevieve.

Derek? What are you doing here?

How did you find us?

A lucky guess.

You were right not to trust the duchess.

She gave this

to the stranger you saw.

Rowena's been stealing from Mother?

He gave up his horse for that.

You did?

Or is that just the bird talking?

Doesn't matter.

It belongs to you, not him.

I don't know what to say.

The spoilt brats

were telling the truth.

I wish I could see what's going on.

Will wonders never cease?

Get me some of those flowers.

One, two, three,

four, five, six, seven,

eight, nine,

ten, eleven, twelve.

All accounted for.

How very convenient.


Opportunity knocks.

Why would Rowena

steal Mother's goblet?

And give it to an apothecary?

We have to go home and tell Papa.

If we leave now,

we can never come back.

- Why not?

- Mother's story.

The princess only visited the land

three times before it vanished forever.

I can't imagine never coming back.

Maybe we can stay

just a little longer.

Rowena may not think we're proper

princesses, but we are princesses.

We can't turn our backs

when things get difficult. Papa needs us.

What's happening?

Smash them.

Smash them all.

That one next.

That one. And that one.

It's all disappearing.

And the last one.

- How will we get back?

- What are we going to do?

- My daughters, are they coming soon?

- Haven't they visited you yet?

Oh, I hate to say it, but your daughters

are not the most responsible girls.

I appreciate

all that you're doing for them.

I only wish I could do more.

Well, perhaps you can.

Would you ever consider

standing in for me?

Just until I recover.

I would do anything to assist you,

Your Highness. You know I would.

But who would listen to me?

I'm not the queen.

I, King Randolph,

hereby proclaim

Duchess Rowena to be queen

until I can resume my royal duties.

The royal seal.

Your Highness.

You can count on me, dear cousin.

What do you think happened?

I can't believe

a place our mother loved could trap us.

I wish to know the way out.

- We danced our way in.

- So we can dance our way out.

One, two...

Hm. It's not working.

Let me try.



That's odd.

What do we do now?

It seems so right.


You have to dance together.

Oh! How romantic!

What are you waiting for?

An invitation?

May I have this dance?

Of course.

Until the king recovers,

I am queen.

I've hired you to protect me.

- And the princesses?

- Traitors, you mean.

They've run away

in the king's time of need.

If you see them, which I doubt,

throw them in the dungeon.

As you wish, Your Highness.

Follow me.

Mother's dance pavilion?

I'm not surprised it leads here.

- I'll miss going there.

- We all will.

Let's find Papa.

Queen Rowena

has given us orders.


Capture the princesses

and throw them in the dungeon.

- And the king?

- He's sick and won't last the night.

How did this happen?

- Did they just say Papa was ill?

- We have to save him.

- What about Desmond?

- And all the new guards?

And if Rowena is queen...

We still have something

Rowena doesn't.

The power of 12.

What are we?



I'll bring the doctor as fast as I can.

Hey! Hey!

Come back here!

To the left. Left. Left.

My left. Yes.

Now straighten it.

Much better.


- We're here.

- Hey. Hey, you! Halt!

Cousin, I have your tea.

Oh, Desmond.


Come here!


Hey! Hey!

Let me out of here!

I wonder what's happening.

I think I should give this to Genevieve.

But she said stay right here

till she gets back.

It can't wait.

Lacey, no!

That's it, cousin.

The very last drop.

Dizzy. My head.

You won't be missed, Randolph.

At least, not by me. Ha ha ha!

Rowena, what have you...


Yes, you've ruled long enough,

haven't you?


- What did you do to him?

- What? How...? How did you...?



I'm sorry.

He won't be coming.

- What?

- He's locked up, Rowena.

Just like you're going to be.

Oh, you think so?

I wish for armour

to protect the queen.


I better warn them about Desmond.

What do you think you are doing?

- Ow!

- Oh.

Did that hurt?

What about this one?

No, not a purple one.

They're my favourite.

Owww! Aaargh!

Thanks, tiger.

Come on.

Get them. Get them!

Nice timing.


It's over, Rowena.



Over? Oh, really?

Not if you want to see your sister again.

Always the ringleader.

Why not give you

what you've always wanted?

I wish you would dance

forever and ever and ever!


What's happening?

- I don't know, my lady.

- I... I can't stop.

Coming, Your Grace.

Let go of me.

Let go of me!

I can't. We're stuck.

We're stuck. Ooh!

Why are you smiling? Let go of me.

Stop stepping on me! Get off, you big oaf.

- I can't.

- Let go of me!


Papa, can you hear me?

I think I can help him.

It's from the lake.

I took some after I scraped my knee.

It's working.



Oh! We thought we'd lost you.

It was Rowena, poisoning me.

How could I have been so blind?

We let you down, Papa.

We'll do better. Try to be more proper.


You are each special,

beautiful princesses,

and you'll do great things

in your own way,

just as your mother always told me.

Oh, my dear Lacey.

Where would I be without you?

- You lead because you're the duchess.

- Stop it! Let go of me. Ow!

- Oops. Sorry.

- Stop stepping on me.

Have you got two left feet?

Stop holding on to me!

- I can't.

- Wait for me!

- Get off! Stop holding on. Ow!

- Sorry.

- Let go!

- You're a lovely dancer.

You know,

I should've brought my other shoes.

You look really pretty.

Thank you.

We're here, Papa.

Hello, Papa.

Today is truly an amazing day.

Yes, Papa.

I'm finally on time for something.

d There's a place you can go

where your heart is free

d There's a rhythm

that's right for your soul

d Take a breath,

find your courage and make the leap

d Cos your feet

always know where to go

d And you dance and you dance

in an endless flow

d In the grace of a perfect design

d Stepping out of the dark

and into the glow

d And the whole world will see

when you shine

d You can shine

d Shine

d There's a beauty

already inside of you

d There's a difference

that only you'll make

d Every place that you spin

brings you somewhere new

d Finding hope

every step that you take

d And you dance and you dance

in an endless flow

d In the grace of a perfect design

d Stepping out of the dark

and into the glow

d And the whole world will see

when you shine

d You can shine

d Shine

- d Shine

- d Suddenly sparkling bright

- d Shine

- d Bathed in a magical light, you will

- d Shine

- d Sisters are there by your side

d Love will be your guide

d And we dance and we dance

in an endless flow

d In the grace of a perfect design

d Stepping out of the dark

and into the glow

d The whole world

will see when we shine

- d We will shine

- d Shine

d Shine

d And we dance and we dance

in an endless flow

d Stepping out of the dark

and into the glow

d Stepping out of the dark

and into the glow

- d We will shine

- d We can shine

d And we dance and we dance

in an endless flow

d Stepping out of the dark

and into the glow

d Stepping out of the dark

and into the glow

- d We will shine

- d We can shine

One, two, three,

four, five, six, seven,

eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve.


I'll see you all in the morning.

No excuses. Good night.

I said good night.

Good night, my lady.

I want to know where they go, to whom

they speak and when they sneeze.

Of course, Your Grace. My only reward

is your happiness, my lady.

Correct, Desmond.

- Is she gone? I thought I heard voices.

- I don't hear anything now.

Let's go.

A whole night

to forget Rowena and her rules.

What shall we dance to first?

- We love...

- Ballet.

- Good idea.

- Yay, ballet!

I wish we were dressed

like ballerinas.

We wish we had ballet music.

Who am I?

- The Duchess of Doom.

- You mean the Duchess of Don't.

Don't do this. Don't do that.

Don't, don't, don't!

He came a long way

to visit Duchess Rowena.

Mr Fabian?

You have me at a disadvantage.

You know my name,

but I don't know yours.

I've been asked to inquire

about your business with the duchess.

That's between me

and the duchess, isn't it?

I wouldn't want

to get my master angry.

The bird talks?

Last time somebody refused my master,

the fool was never heard from again.

- That's not true.

- Oh, you're right. They did find a shoe.


I'm just a simple apothecary.

I sell herbs, remedies.

That's all.

What did you sell the duchess?

I almost didn't sell her anything.

Everybody knows

she doesn't pay her bills.

This time, however,

she came through.

Small, but it's silver.

"Queen Isabella".

So, how much are you asking?

Oh, that's a laugh.

What do we have worth a silver goblet?

A talking bird might do it.

Derek? Derek?

You wouldn't.

What's wrong, Felix?

Nothing to say?

Uh... thanks?

- Let's go. We have a long walk.

- Where are we going?

We need to show

Princess Genevieve the goblet.

That will be a long walk for you. I hope

you made a pair of shoes for yourself.

Don't make me wish

I kept the horse instead of you.

Never mind.

Forget I'm even here.


Nobody came in or out.

I was here all night, Your Grace.


Good morning, girls.

A beautiful day, isn't it?

Rise and shine.

We have a busy day ahead of us.

Weren't these new yesterday?

Line up this instant.

Where were you dancing last night?

- Answer me, Delia.

- I'm Edeline.

I don't care.

Answer me.

We, uh...

we danced at a pavilion.

How did you get there? Blair?

- I'm Kathleen.

- So what?

The magic boat took us.

Please. How did you get out of here

without Desmond seeing you?

- The magic gateway.

- Magic this, magic that.

You're all lying to me.

You're the runt of this family.

Tell me the truth or you'll all pay.

- How can you talk to her that way?

- But... but it is the truth.

How dare you talk back to me?

You're no better

than common maids.

Maybe if I treat you like maids, you'll

change your minds about lying to me.

This morning

you shall clean the front garden.

- I want it spotless.

- But we were supposed to...

Talking back.

Now you'll scrub the steps as well.

We can't even sing

to pass the time.

- I don't understand why Papa...

- Won't listen to us.

How did everything get so awful?

At least the garden's done.

All that's left is the steps.

- Oh.

- I...

I didn't mean to.

I'm sorry.


- Want some company?

- Guess so.

I used to come here

when I was upset.

Why can't I be good at something?

Edeline and Delia

are good at sports,

Courtney's read every book ever written,

Blair rides her horses,

and you're the most beautiful dancer.

- I thought you'd say I'm always late.

- That too.

You probably don't remember,

but Mother always told us:

big or small,

there's a difference only you can make.

It's been a long day. We'll feel better

if we say good night to Papa.

I just don't understand

why I'm still sick.

Frankly, I'm not surprised,

with the burdens you carry.

12 of them, if you know what I mean.

12 burdens.

My daughters do worry me.

I must admit, I lose sleep over them.

But they're hardly burdens.

They're the best part of my life.

Could this day get any worse?

I ache all over.

- Did you see Papa?

- Not exactly.

Tired? Sore? Frustrated?

Now maybe I can hear the truth.

We told you the truth.

That ridiculous story? What else?

Flowers with diamonds on them?

Not all the flowers.

Now you're mocking me.

Apparently you didn't learn your lesson.

Tomorrow you'll clean the stables.

As for tonight, I'm locking you in.

Nobody's going dancing,

I promise you that.

- Papa would never lock us in.

- Your father is sick.

And who can blame him?

Taking care of you with your wild ways.

If you really want your father to get better,

you'll leave him alone.

I have failed you again, my grace.

- How may I redeem myself?

- We'll see, won't we?

If anybody - anybody - sneaks in or out,

alert me at once.

I never realised Papa

was so disappointed in us.

I heard him tell Rowena

that we're burdens.

- He did?

- That's terrible.

Everything's so wrong here.

Twyla has the right idea.

There's still one place we can go

where we won't disappoint anybody.

- We'll give Papa some time...

- To get better.

Maybe it's best if we go.

Nobody came or left, my lady.

Desmond, get in here.

Do you see any princesses?

Well, uh...

Neither do I!

But I never left the door.

Are you telling me they just vanished

into thin air? Find them!

The poor man. He's never been the same

since his Isabella passed away.

Ah, yes.

A broken heart.

Well, I should've realised.

In that case, medicine can't help him.

That's what I was afraid of.

Now, now. Don't give up hope,

Your Grace. I'll check in tomorrow.

Yes, please do.

Hello, sir.

May I see Princess Genevieve?

Haven't you heard?

The princesses are missing.

- Missing?

- This cannot be good.

I heard Duchess Rowena say

they've run away.

You, cobbler.

We don't need you today.

But I need to see Princess Genevieve.

I said, be gone!

Tell me you're going to leave.


This is risky.


You're crazy. If you're caught,

you'll be thrown in the dungeon.

If you don't pipe down,

we'll both be thrown in the dungeon.


She isn't here. Now let's go.

My shoe polish.

Over there, and there.


She walked in her own room.

But not everywhere. She started here,

where the polish is thickest.

You have got to be kidding.

Ten, eleven, twelve.

Twelve steps.

Her dance!


- What did you do?

- Two,

three, four,



weren't we paying close attention?

Wouldn't it be nice

if we had a dancing partner?

I wish I could dance

with a handsome prince.

I'd love to.

I wish I could dance with a prince too.

I wish that too.

This is what

you wanted to show me?

I'm aware the princesses are gone.

What on earth are you doing?

Wasting my time.

So there was a method

to your madness.

Princess Genevieve.

Derek? What are you doing here?

How did you find us?

A lucky guess.

You were right not to trust the duchess.

She gave this

to the stranger you saw.

Rowena's been stealing from Mother?

He gave up his horse for that.

You did?

Or is that just the bird talking?

Doesn't matter.

It belongs to you, not him.

I don't know what to say.

The spoilt brats

were telling the truth.

I wish I could see what's going on.

Will wonders never cease?

Get me some of those flowers.

One, two, three,

four, five, six, seven,

eight, nine,

ten, eleven, twelve.

All accounted for.

How very convenient.


Opportunity knocks.

Why would Rowena

steal Mother's goblet?

And give it to an apothecary?

We have to go home and tell Papa.

If we leave now,

we can never come back.

- Why not?

- Mother's story.

The princess only visited the land

three times before it vanished forever.

I can't imagine never coming back.

Maybe we can stay

just a little longer.

Rowena may not think we're proper

princesses, but we are princesses.

We can't turn our backs

when things get difficult. Papa needs us.

What's happening?

Smash them.

Smash them all.

That one next.

That one. And that one.

It's all disappearing.

And the last one.

- How will we get back?

- What are we going to do?

- My daughters, are they coming soon?

- Haven't they visited you yet?

Oh, I hate to say it, but your daughters

are not the most responsible girls.

I appreciate

all that you're doing for them.

I only wish I could do more.

Well, perhaps you can.

Would you ever consider

standing in for me?

Just until I recover.

I would do anything to assist you,

Your Highness. You know I would.

But who would listen to me?

I'm not the queen.

I, King Randolph,

hereby proclaim

Duchess Rowena to be queen

until I can resume my royal duties.

The royal seal.

Your Highness.

You can count on me, dear cousin.

What do you think happened?

I can't believe

a place our mother loved could trap us.

I wish to know the way out.

- We danced our way in.

- So we can dance our way out.

One, two...

Hm. It's not working.

Let me try.



That's odd.

What do we do now?

It seems so right.


You have to dance together.

Oh! How romantic!

What are you waiting for?

An invitation?

May I have this dance?

Of course.

Until the king recovers,

I am queen.

I've hired you to protect me.

- And the princesses?

- Traitors, you mean.

They've run away

in the king's time of need.

If you see them, which I doubt,

throw them in the dungeon.

As you wish, Your Highness.

Follow me.

Mother's dance pavilion?

I'm not surprised it leads here.

- I'll miss going there.

- We all will.

Let's find Papa.

Queen Rowena

has given us orders.


Capture the princesses

and throw them in the dungeon.

- And the king?

- He's sick and won't last the night.

How did this happen?

- Did they just say Papa was ill?

- We have to save him.

- What about Desmond?

- And all the new guards?

And if Rowena is queen...

We still have something

Rowena doesn't.

The power of 12.

What are we?



I'll bring the doctor as fast as I can.

Hey! Hey!

Come back here!

To the left. Left. Left.

My left. Yes.

Now straighten it.

Much better.


- We're here.

- Hey. Hey, you! Halt!

Cousin, I have your tea.

Oh, Desmond.


Come here!


Hey! Hey!

Let me out of here!

I wonder what's happening.

I think I should give this to Genevieve.

But she said stay right here

till she gets back.

It can't wait.

Lacey, no!

That's it, cousin.

The very last drop.

Dizzy. My head.

You won't be missed, Randolph.

At least, not by me. Ha ha ha!

Rowena, what have you...


Yes, you've ruled long enough,

haven't you?


- What did you do to him?

- What? How...? How did you...?



I'm sorry.

He won't be coming.

- What?

- He's locked up, Rowena.

Just like you're going to be.

Oh, you think so?

I wish for armour

to protect the queen.


I better warn them about Desmond.

What do you think you are doing?

- Ow!

- Oh.

Did that hurt?

What about this one?

No, not a purple one.

They're my favourite.

Owww! Aaargh!

Thanks, tiger.

Come on.

Get them. Get them!

Nice timing.


It's over, Rowena.



Over? Oh, really?

Not if you want to see your sister again.

Always the ringleader.

Why not give you

what you've always wanted?

I wish you would dance

forever and ever and ever!


What's happening?

- I don't know, my lady.

- I... I can't stop.

Coming, Your Grace.

Let go of me.

Let go of me!

I can't. We're stuck.

We're stuck. Ooh!

Why are you smiling? Let go of me.

Stop stepping on me! Get off, you big oaf.

- I can't.

- Let go of me!


Papa, can you hear me?

I think I can help him.

It's from the lake.

I took some after I scraped my knee.

It's working.



Oh! We thought we'd lost you.

It was Rowena, poisoning me.

How could I have been so blind?

We let you down, Papa.

We'll do better. Try to be more proper.


You are each special,

beautiful princesses,

and you'll do great things

in your own way,

just as your mother always told me.

Oh, my dear Lacey.

Where would I be without you?

- You lead because you're the duchess.

- Stop it! Let go of me. Ow!

- Oops. Sorry.

- Stop stepping on me.

Have you got two left feet?

Stop holding on to me!

- I can't.

- Wait for me!

- Get off! Stop holding on. Ow!

- Sorry.

- Let go!

- You're a lovely dancer.

You know,

I should've brought my other shoes.

You look really pretty.

Thank you.

We're here, Papa.

Hello, Papa.

Today is truly an amazing day.

Yes, Papa.

I'm finally on time for something.

d There's a place you can go

where your heart is free

d There's a rhythm

that's right for your soul

d Take a breath,

find your courage and make the leap

d Cos your feet

always know where to go

d And you dance and you dance

in an endless flow

d In the grace of a perfect design

d Stepping out of the dark

and into the glow

d And the whole world will see

when you shine

d You can shine

d Shine

d There's a beauty

already inside of you

d There's a difference

that only you'll make

d Every place that you spin

brings you somewhere new

d Finding hope

every step that you take

d And you dance and you dance

in an endless flow

d In the grace of a perfect design

d Stepping out of the dark

and into the glow

d And the whole world will see

when you shine

d You can shine

d Shine

- d Shine

- d Suddenly sparkling bright

- d Shine

- d Bathed in a magical light, you will

- d Shine

- d Sisters are there by your side

d Love will be your guide

d And we dance and we dance

in an endless flow

d In the grace of a perfect design

d Stepping out of the dark

and into the glow

d The whole world

will see when we shine

- d We will shine

- d Shine

d Shine

d And we dance and we dance

in an endless flow

d Stepping out of the dark

and into the glow

d Stepping out of the dark

and into the glow

- d We will shine

- d We can shine

d And we dance and we dance

in an endless flow

d Stepping out of the dark

and into the glow

d Stepping out of the dark

and into the glow

- d We will shine

- d We can shine