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02x07 - The Offer

Posted: 08/15/23 08:07
by bunniefuu








It's me.


DR. PRASAD: The brain
is complex and beautiful,

and it's delicate, which
is why it needs protection.

The human skull is hard. Really hard.

KIM: So to fracture it...

Isn't easy. It takes a lot of force.

How many separate fractures
of Jalil's skull were there?


The result of seven separate blows?


Each of those seven blows...


When would Jalil have
lost consciousness?

After the first or
second blow, I believe.

So five or six blows to the head

were administered to an unconscious man?

DR. PRASAD: Looks that way.

Can you tell us about Jalil's cheekbone?

Completely shattered.

How would that feel?

Bone pain is the worst kind of pain.

Any doctor will tell you that.

What are the words?
Profound and shocking.

He would have known.



Would have known what?

He would have heard
the crack in the bone

and felt it each time... eight times.

What is that?


Thank you, Doctor.





N-No questions, Your Honour.



He was in a bad way.

I mean a very bad way.

- Can you describe that?
- Dark.

He just sits there
drinking and drinking.

Nobody can get near him.

It's a toxic combination,
alcohol and anger.

What was he angry about?

His partner's dead with an iron nail

through the back of his head,

and the guy that kills him
walks out of court a free man.

That's hard. All right?

And for Johnny? For Logan?

what do you do with a thing like that?

Where do you put something like that?

What was he drinking?

Shot after shot with IPA chasers.

How drunk was he?

He was inebriated. I
was worried about him.

And when did you leave?

minutes after Lieutenant Brannigan.

If you were so concerned
for Logan's well-being,

why did you leave him there?

I'll always regret that.

I thought that Wayne
would look after him.

All right? He's good at that.

But you want to know the real answer?

You can't help him
when he gets that way.

Try to talk to him, he just
gets angrier and darker.

He's untouchable.

Stepping in would be like taking the lid

off the pressure cooker.

I mean, it's got to come off,

but you don't want
to be the one to do it

because anything can happen,
and it's gonna be expl*sive.

Thank you.



What time was it when you left the bar?

About : . With Gallagher.

You remember that? The... The time?

- Yeah.
- Why?

I just did.


- You drove home?
- Yeah.

Were you drunk?

- No.
- Were you sober?

I wouldn't drive if I weren't.

So we can rely on your
testimony being accurate,

precise, and complete, is that right?

- Absolutely.
- Excellent. Excellent.

How long to drive home?

- About minutes.
- So, home before : .

- Sounds right.
- Mm-hmm.

What did you do when you got home?

I called the lieutenant.

Where was he when you called him?

He was at home.

Why'd you call him?


Is... Is there another way?

I, uh...

I felt a little unstable.

I wanted to talk it out more...

the verdict and... and what it meant.



It's okay. Take your time.


Listen, man, you got to understand.

There were cops that wanted to
turn in their badge that night.

I could give you a list of names now

of colleagues who'd lost their
lives in the line of duty,

and that night, after that
jury did what they did,

I wondered what all the families

of all the fallen
officers would be thinking.

He's a good listener, Brannigan?

Among other things.

You all look up to him. Is that right?


For what? For moral guidance?



When you left the bar
that night with Gallagher,

did you go straight to your car?

- Yes.
- Where was it parked?

'Round the back.


You see anyone on the way to your car?


- Nothing unusual?
- Nothing.

No contact with any other
vehicles on the way to your car?




Why would I?


It's a good question. Why would you?


♪ Chicago ♪

♪ Where the dollar and blue
collar go hand in hand ♪

♪ City of Dreams so big ♪

♪ Nightmares don't stand a chance ♪

♪ A concrete paradise where roses grow ♪

♪ See the smile from a child ♪

♪ Light up the Magnificent Mile ♪

♪ And melt the coldest snow ♪

♪ This is home ♪

♪ Find the brightest minds
on these dark streets ♪

♪ See the heart and soul
on these old blocks ♪

♪ Where we grow, we call it the Go ♪

♪ 'Cause we don't stop ♪


Beyond angry, and getting angrier.

And you?

Moses Johnson k*lled Michael Rossi.

And now he's at college in California

on a track scholarship.

I don't know. It still
feels like a travesty.

So God knows how Johnny Logan felt

on the night of the verdict.

Thank you for your candour.

When did you leave?

Same time as Frater.

Where was Frater's car parked?

Next to mine, around the back.

So you walked with Frater to your car?

Yes. Were there any other vehicles

outside the front of the bar?

I-I'm... I'm not sure.

Any contact with anyone
else or anyone else's vehicle

on the way to your car?



Did you or Frater go back to the
Low Bar in the hours following?


Uh, no.

Thank you very much.


The whole grid? That's
a lot of mouths to feed.

I'll introduce you to my connect.

Product will be no problem.

Buy from them, hit me
off with a broker's fee.


That shit sound a little too good.

What you got up yo' sleeve?

You got "them people"
waiting with fed charges?

Not at all.

Then why the flip?


Why so generous with us?

They finna build a
Whole Foods right here.

Seem the world changing all around us.

Five years from now, though,

this will be a whole new situation.

I feel that.

But in the meantime, there's
paper to be made today.

Tomorrow not promised.

It's a whole new breed out
here in these streets, G.

Young'uns don't honour they flags

the way they used to when
me and you was shorties.

'Hood full of cliques and baby gangs.

Kids k*lling each other
over social-media bullshit?


It's not good for business,
any of that fracturing.

Way better off for me going legit,

dealing with one man than
a hundred baby cliques.

That's you.


You the man.

You got the energy for
all this street shit.

I've done my time.

I'm out.


We'll be in touch.






I saw him walk out...
I assumed he went for a smoke.

He didn't come back.

That's the last I saw of
the accused until today.

How long have you been
the owner of the Low Bar?


What'd you do before that?

I was a police officer.


Who was the owner of the bar before you?

Gerry Spencer.

- Cop?
- Yes.

What's the percentage of customers

who are police officers?

All of them.

What car do you own?

A Tesla.

Nice. Bought it new?

- Yes.
- Expensive?

You thinking of getting one?


I've been a public defender
my whole working life.

I-I can't afford a car like that.

But you can?

Business is good. There's
, cops in Chicago.

Most of them like to
have a drink after work.

All of them know the Low Bar.

Without the goodwill of the CPD,

you wouldn't have a
business, let alone a Tesla.

They're great people.


FRANKLIN: We've been
hearing that my client

was pretty drunk that night.

I was gonna have to
take his keys from him.

Was there a tab for the drinks?

- Yes.
- In whose name?

Lieutenant Brannigan.

But he... he went home early.

He left it open after he left.

It was that kind of night,
and he's that kind of man.

Mm. Tab for who?

His guys.

Frater, Gallagher, Logan.

- Yes.
- Yes, I... I got it right here.

Frater and Gallagher,
were... what's the word?

Were they, uh, uh, "inebriated"?

- What... What's funny?

That's kind of lawyer language
right there... "inebriated."

[CHUCKLES] Not the way

you and your cop buddies
talk to each other?

We're a little more blue-collar.

Mr. Wayne, how much
for a single Jameson?

$ .

- IPA?
- $ . .

$ . .

Can you confirm all
the drinks on this tab

are single sh*ts and bottles of IPA?



Brannigan left early... sober?

- That's right.
- He had a couple drinks?

A few. sh*ts.

Frater and Gallagher were
all fit to drive home?


So let's be liberal here and say,

legal driving limit,
three, four sh*ts apiece?

Sounds right.

And you had a couple of
drinks on the lieutenant?

- Yes, a couple.

So that's sh*ts
between the four of you.


And, er, times $ ... bucks.

What's the total on the tab?

$ .

$ .

So Officer Logan

had $ worth of whiskey and beer.

Don't... Don't... Don't...
Don't worry. I've done the math.

That's sh*ts and IPAs

between when he arrived at :

and when he left the bar at : .

That's units of alcohol in two hours.

Now, you... you've been behind
the bar for years now.

Have you ever seen somebody
put away that much alcohol

and walk out the door?

He'd be dead, wouldn't he?

I don't know about that.

You don't know about that?

The science there.

Well, why don't we just rely
on your years of experience

and your good old blue-collar
common sense, Wayne?

[CHUCKLING] You know what I'm saying?

Come on, man. A-answer the question.

Somebody's lying here, Wayne.


Look, I know you... you can't say,

what with your Tesla and your solidarity

with the good old boys in blue,

but so let me make this easy for you.

I'm not saying somebody's lying.

I'm... I'm saying y'all all are lying.

It's like y'all got together beforehand

and worked out what
the story was gonna be.

What lie? What story?


The bad apple was shit-faced,
members of the jury.

Shit-faced and crazy.

It grieves me to have to say it,

but this new culture of
openness and integrity at the CPD

makes me have to do it...

"Johnny Logan can be
relied on for nothing!

He's a rotten, stinking r*cist pig.

Me and the boys were
all very sober the night

Moses walked into the promised land,

and we can be relied on to
remember everything that happened,

and you can be sure we are
entirely credible witnesses."

Your Honour.

Your witness asked me a
question. I'm answering it.

Did I leave anything out, Wayne?

Uh, M-Ms. Pearson?

You better spell it out, Counselor.

If you're going where
I think you're going,

Ms. Pearson and her witness

are entitled to know what's coming.

I think you were all
there when Jalil was dying.

I think you let him die.

I think you did what cops do...

you covered up for a brother officer

until you realised you
couldn't stand it up,

so you cut him loose.

And so there he is...

the poster boy for police brutality,

taking all the sh*ts for a rotten,

stinking r*cist pig of an organisation.




WOMAN: Would all parties
in the case of [INDISTINCT]

come to Court One, please?

He's playing fast and loose
with the rules of evidence,

and that's fine as
long as he understands

I can fight dirty too.

Wow. Is that all you got, Kim?

A word in the ear of the white woman

sitting next to the scary Black guy?


DR. WEN: Measurements taken of fractures

to the cranial portion
of Mr. Watts' skull

were consistent with those
of the front sight, barrel,

and butt of the p*stol

presented to the medical
examiner's office for analysis.

A black Glock .

Is this the w*apon you examined?

Yes, it is.

We were able to retrieve
trace amounts of blood,

tissue, hair, and bone fragments.

All of these samples were exact
matches to Jalil Watts' DNA.

Swab samples from the
p*stol grip were also tested.

What did the results show?

The samples from the g*n match

the DNA profile for Officer Logan.

Thank you.

How much time between Mr.
Watts sustaining his injuries

and the arrival of
the g*n at your office?

Uh, I believe six weeks had passed.

It was actually days.

Where was the g*n recovered from?

A curbside sewage drain.

A citizen saw the g*n and
called the authorities.

How would you describe the
overall condition of the w*apon

and the quality of the DNA

you were able to extract from it?

The w*apon itself was in
good working condition.

The quality of DNA is
not really an issue.

Either it exists or it doesn't.

Wouldn't it be unusual for a w*apon

that's been in a sewage
drain for a month and a half

to be submitted to your office
in good working condition,

yielding readable DNA samples?

It's, uh, certainly not the norm.

Would you agree that it's
far more likely that the g*n

was recovered, sealed, and
stored to preserve the DNA,

and then later presented to
your office for examination?

Why would anyone do that?

That is a good question.



Logan was a drinker.

And he drank on duty.

He kept miniatures in the car with him.

He has a problem.

Tell us about the night of
the Moses Johnson verdict.

We'd been ready for the city to go up.

If the verdict had gone the other way,

we had intel that was telling us

the whole show was coming to town.

By which you mean what?

Rioting, fires, looting.

So when the "not guilty" came back,

in one sense it was good news.

Did you talk to Lieutenant
Brannigan that night?

- Yes.
- Who called who?

Oh, not on the phone. I
went to see him at home.

Do you remember what time that was?

It would've been around : .

- Anyone else there?
- No.

But he was taking lots of calls.

From... ?

His guys wanting to talk.



Have you and Brannigan

talked about your
testimony for this trial?

What do you mean?

Yesterday, for example, did
you and Brannigan discuss

what he's already said on the stand

and what you're going
to say on the stand?

Of course not. That's not how it works.

- You wouldn't do that.
- No.

Why not?

It would be wrong.

What kind of wrong?

"Contempt of court" wrong.

The whole system stops working
if witnesses prime each other.

It's the opposite of clean justice.


And you would never
do a thing like that.


Thank you.




Yeah, I'm coming.


I'm coming.

What... No.

- No! No!
- No, wait, wait, wait!

You need to know
something! It's important!

- No!
- Yo, hey, man!

Please! Hey, it's important.

It's important.


- Have we met before?
- No.

You do that to my son and you have
the nerve to show your face here?

Hell of a nerve.

What, you come to plant more dr*gs?

I'm sorry, my younger son isn't
here for you to t*rture him too.

No, I'm sorry. You're right.

- Norma.
- "Norma" what?!

It's f*cked up.



Listen to me.


[SIGHS] Alright.

Brothers in the force stick together.

We share things with each other.

I'm sure you can understand
and appreciate this.

Mm. Looking at you, all I see is blue.

Look, the night of the verdict,

one of the brothers pulled over
a car for running a red light.

Lieutenant Brannigan was
driving the car, and...

Now, cops, we don't ticket each other.

We just wave each other on, but...

The brother noticed that
there was another man

passed out in the passenger-side seat.

So when Brannigan drove away,
he called in a license plate.


The car was registered to Johnny Logan.


Johnny Logan beat
Jalil Watts to death...

and Brannigan drove him home.







Did you lie on the
stand at Moses' trial?


I want to hear you say it.


We all did.


The g*n?

Mm-hmm. Yeah.

What if he would've been found guilty?

That's the question I've been
asking myself all this time.

And your conscience is all of a
sudden getting the best of you?!

It's the reason I'm here right now.

It's okay, it's okay. Hey, hey, hey.

All right, all right, all right.

Um, that brother cop.

Now, is he willing to testify?

I don't know.

Well, what about you?


Okay, um...

Were you at the Low Bar
the night, um, Jalil died?

- No.
- Why not?

Because I knew that I
wouldn't feel like I belonged.

You wouldn't understand.

Being a Black cop?

Nobody loves you. Nobody.

Before you pass judgment,
ask yourself this...

Do we need more Black
officers on our streets,

or fewer?

Okay. So, listen, um...

You bringing and giving this to us,

is that so it's not coming from you?

What we doing?


Tell Franklin Roberts
what I just told you.


Only, he can't know it came from me.

Or else I'm not safe.


Can I trust you with this?


Yeah, of course. Yeah,
man, of course, you can.







Step through, please.




You okay?

What's wrong?




There's something you need to know.








Hey, baby, where you been?


I've been thinking about forgiveness.

Yeah, how do you mean?

That cop, what he did to my family.

God says I should have it
in my heart to forgive him.

Can you?





And that feels... not good.

You know?

I hate that, that I can't.

Feels almost as dirty as hating him.

k*lled us once with what
he did to our family,

and now asking for forgiveness,

it's like he's k*lling me again.

Get in here.

Come on. Get in here.



Come here.

Lay down here.

Is there, um...

Is there anything you
want to tell me, Norma?






LEONARD: Yeah, well, let's hope so.

WOMAN: Hurry up with those steaks.


MAN: Well done.






- WOMAN: Counse...
- Oh.


All rise.


FRANKLIN: We've been ambushed.

This evidence was not disclosed
to us during discovery.

This evidence didn't
exist during discovery.

Do you want to argue
relevance, Counsellor?

Happy to listen.

Would there be any point?

Like I said, happy to listen.


My ruling is that Ms.
Pearson may play the video.



This is not going to be easy to watch.

hell did this happen?

Believe me, I wouldn't ask you to do it

if it weren't essential.

If you need me to stop at any
time, just put your hand up,

and we can take a moment.



- JOHNNY: Hey!

Turn... that... off.

You police?

Yeah, I ain't breaking no
law, so f*ck and f*ck you.





- Oh, God!




It's okay. We're done.

Jury out, please.




Okay. Let's clear the court.

MAN: Cold-blooded!

MAN # : All right, calm down.


MAN # : Step outside!


JUDGE EVANS: I'm keeping
your client in custody

until the courthouse is clear.

It's for his own safety and for
the security of the building.





NICOLE: You haven't told him?

You've seen how he
is, the state he's in.

I can't trust him to keep it to himself.

And who knows who might get to him.

It's too big, Nicole.

It's a kind of professional
lying, though, isn't it?

Doesn't matter.

What wouldn't you do?

For the big prize?

Who would you not sacrifice?

Everybody wants me dead.

And you made it so.

Everybody... my people, you people.

We can get you back to the church.

No, no. I'm not going back there.

I've thought of that.






What's up, Lou?


I'm in C- .

Okay. I'm A- .

I appreciate you coming
through for me like this.

years ago, you saved
me from this place.

- Kept me out of here.
- Was it years?

- Yeah.
- It feels like a week.


Yeah, thought I was going downstairs

for the rest of my life.

You made a difference.

There you go.

So it's two days.

- Two days.
- Two days.

And, uh, I'll make sure I top it off.

Use that super unleaded
for me, if you don't mind.

- Ohh.
- I got K on that engine block.

- What?
- And retirement's callin'.

Time for me to move on.

You, uh... You heading down South?

Yeah, I got a little
place outside of Natchez.

Gonna do a little fishin'
and a lot of day-drinkin'.


Thought you'd be doin'
the same 'bout now.

Oh, no, no, no. I... I...

I got a little bit more work to do yet.

- I see what you're doing.
- You do?

Don't worry. I'm the
only one that see it.

What you see, Lou?

Police reform? That ain't it.

Deeper than that.

See, the way I see it,
one giant web of complicity

to keep the Black man down.

- Yeah.
- No, we got to get serious.

There's a threshold of seriousness,

and we got to get over it.

years on, this man's still
proud of the public defender

they gave me that day.

I see where you going.

Don't stop, Franklin Roberts.

Bless you, brother.


- God keep you.
- And you.

[CHANTING] No justice, no peace!

No justice, no peace!
No justice, no peace!

No justice, no peace!
No justice, no peace!

No justice, no peace!
No justice, no peace!

No justice, no peace!

You okay?

Nobody saw us leave.


Look, I'm no lawyer,
but we don't seem to be

doing a whole lot in there.

You a boxing fan?

JOHNNY: What is this?
What are we doing here?

FRANKLIN: October , .
"Rumble in the Jungle."

Kinshasa, Zaire.

Ali-Foreman, rope-a-dope, yeah.

This is our rope-a-dope, Johnny.

Early rounds, prosecution's coming at us

with everything they got.

sh*ts to the head, body sh*ts.

You know, he used to...
he used to sit out front,

right... right there.

People used to walk by and
say, "Good morning, Champ."

He used to love that.

I used to take a
detour home from school,

walk by,

staying on the sidewalk on
the other side of the street.

I-I never got the
nerve to come over here.

He never seemed to notice me.

One day, he called me over here.

I came across.

He said, "I want to apologise
for being so shy to talk to you.

Would... would you like to
share a glass of lemonade?"

Me and the Champ.

You know, he won that title
back at years of age,

and he had no right to have it.

And he did it by doing
things his own way.

Everybody leaves out
a part of that story.

What's that? What part?

Ali caught Foreman in
round three, and he...

he caught him again in round four,

and once more in round... round six.

Nobody mentions that.

Maybe because it doesn't fit
with the story of the story.

You didn't notice?

We caught 'em.

They just don't know it yet.

JOHNNY: You got eight rounds in you?

Do you?



Who the hell you think you are?

Hey, Miss Norma.

Can I get you a scone or somethin'?

Whatever it is you want with
my son, it ain't gonna happen.

You came here for an explanation.

I got one.

Come on, sit down.



I can't compete with the
flash or the fast money,

but what I will do is
die to protect my kids

just to make sure they
don't end up like you or...

Like Speak? I agree with you.

I'mma be real straight up with you.

I want to exploit your son. Sure I do.

I want to exploit the
f*ck out of his potential

because I see that he could be somebody.

He ain't no gangster.

Oh, we agree on that too.
But you ain't hearing me.

I'm paying for his schooling
so he can make me money,

so he can make himself money,
so he can make your life better.

And all of it legit.

But more than that.

I am done with white people
and what they do to us.

You should know that
better than anybody.

We need to police ourselves.

We need our own businesses
for our own people

run by our own people.

Whisper it, what we really need?

The Republic of South Side Chicago.

And I grew up on st and Prairie.

Ain't no such thing as
somethin' for nothin'.

You been over there lately?

They got lots ain't
nothing but a patch of dirt

going for over $ , .

Now, in the right
garden, your boy Joshua...


... ain't no tellin'
what he could accomplish.


Don't hold him back, Miss Norma.


♪ South Side of Chicago ♪

♪ South Side, Chicago ♪

♪ Don't you know, I'm from
the South Side of Chicago ♪

♪ I'm from the South Side of Chicago ♪

You had the only copy of that video.

That's right.

So how did it... ?

We leaked it.


So the prosecution would see
it and show it to the jury.

The jury...

The jury hates me. They
thinks I'm a monster!

Round seven.


Foreman caught Ali
with a big right hand.

He knew it was a good punch.

It felt like a good punch.

And George knew what
a good punch felt like

and what it did to an opponent.

So when Ali leaned in
and whispered to him,

"Is that all you got, George?"

the big fella knew exactly
what he was dealing with now,

and it wasn't normal.

And the fight was over right there.

I'll see you in the morning.









The defence is asking for
a do-over, Your Honour.

He's already
cross-examined this witness.

That was before the state made the video

the centrepiece of their case.

In light of the new evidence,
I-I just have new questions.

New questions?

Just one or two.


- No tricks, Counsellor.
- No.

- Short and sweet.
- That's me.


♪ But resignation come with
bonuses and recognition ♪

♪ So we gon' break into
stores on Magnificent Mile ♪

♪ And if we gotta go, let's
go to prison in style ♪

♪ Cops killin' kids and
stayin' out of jail ♪

♪ But Bobby Shmurda
can't even catch bail ♪


♪ So it's , , , , , ♪

♪ Now I got everybody
yelling out, "f*ck " ♪

♪ , , , , , , ,
, , , , f*ck ♪

♪ , , , , , , ,
, , , , f*ck ♪


A good working man's shoe.

Would you please step down from
the witness stand, Lieutenant?





How many other cops at
the Low Bar that night

were wearing vintage Doc Martens

from a little store in Camden Town?


Sit down, Lieutenant.


Lieutenant, I'm going to need you

to return to the witness stand.



Will you look at the
timecode on the video?


What time is it?


: .

: .

You told us you were at home then.

And your deputy chief told
us he was there with you.

And your brother officers
Frater and Gallagher told us

you went home way before : .

So which is it, Brannigan?

Can you be in two
places at the same time?

Or did you bring your
people all the way down here

to lie to this jury?



♪ This Chicago ♪



♪ This st Street ♪

♪ This Chicago ♪
