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02x06 - It's Better To Burn Out Than Fae Away

Posted: 11/02/11 01:29
by bunniefuu
Lauren: --I had on this ugly taffeta dress--

What colour? Please say sea breeze.

Sea breeze.

And my hair was three feet high.

I lay it out on the kitchen table, I iron it flat, and then hair I spray it -- and my date doesn't show.

Oh no!

Totally bailed.

So I go to the prom alone, and Andrew just shows up an hour later and he tosses-- a wrist corsage at me and says: My mom got this for you.

And then he got drunk in the parking lot with his buddies all night.

That is so romantic.

But I can't say I blame him.

'Cause your hair did sound pretty brutal.


Can I be excused? Thanks--

Can't believe you said that--

That almost went down my top--


Someone's gonna have to clean that up!

Sonny, you better have a damn good reason why you're painting my friend on this wall.


Life is hard when you don't know who you are.

It's even harder when you know what you are.

My love carries a death sentence.

I was lost for years.

Searching, while hiding.

Only to find that I belonged to a world hidden from humans.

I won't hide anymore.

I will live the life I choose.


That's ok.

You wanna stretch out?


Can I see you for a minute in the kitchen?

I think I seen a rat.

Hey! You guys having fun?

Kenzi, I know what you're thinking, but this is purely platonic--

Earth to Bo!

I don't care if it's platonic.

I don't even care if it's slutonic.

We are harbouring a fugitive--

From the Ash!

I know that!

So what are you going to do about it?

Something clever.

That I haven't quite figured out yet.

Look, I get it, ok?

You love having Lauren around.

But I just hope whatever it is you're feeling isn't going to stop you from dealing with this little situation we're in!

I liked it better--

Reschedule that meeting at William Morris.

And I need a dress for an awards show.

There she is!

The most beautiful creature God's poet ever penned-- and her boss The Morrigan.


Did we have a meeting with Vex scheduled today?

Yep! Sorry, thought I'd pop in for a bit a tete-a-tete.

What's on your mind?

Bit of a pickle.

Don't s'pose you'd know why one of your human artists would paint a rather naughty picture of me k*lling a Vampire we both knew and despised?

A Vampire I dispatched at your behest, may I add.

Right piece of nasty business, that is.

Shot of steel and silver to the face.

Scorpion Man was around since the Babylonian Empire -- and not to mention a personal friend of mine.

I don't suppose Jason is here right now?


Oh, Jason lovey!


It's just a painting, darling.

May I remind you

I have a 'human' reputation to uphold.

I own several clubs, I need liquor licenses,

I have a city council to keep happy!

Funny, isn't it?

Jason gets hold of top secret information and paints it for all the world to see.

I don't suppose you let something slip while he was slipping you something?

Vex, Vex, Vex--

If you forget your place, you could lose a lot more than your liquor license.

I would never--

If there is a leak, I will find it.

And Jason will get what he deserves.

When you do find Jason-- if it pleases you--

I would like to conduct the interrogation.

And I would like a dragon to heat my pool.


How could Jason do this to me?!

That mess is not going to clean itself up.


Do you think Vex is entirely happy with his station?

Well, he could move up in the world if you were deposed.

He might even try for your position.

Get your coat.

I need you to fetch something.

(on television) They've managed to survive for over two-hundred million years.


(knocking on door)

Hi! Are you Bo?

That depends--

My employer would like to know if you're free for a meeting.

Who's your employer?

Sweetie, your career had a serious case of E.D. before I took you on so I say it's time you show me a little love.

There's no way I'm signing away my royalties to you.


You should really reconsider this new contract.

It's all you've ever wanted.

Maybe I'll reconsider.

I's all I ever wanted.

I am so delighted you think so.


You had me double booked tomorrow, I had to shuffle my own appointments.

I'm so sorry.

Wow! And to think, if I had aligned myself with the Dark Fae you could treat me like that too.

Don't worry about her.

She's irreplaceable.

Having a Seniatta around when negotiating my artists' 'principles' is a must.

Besides, if I don't bust her chops once in a while she gets lazy.

A Seniatta?

An Italian Fae.

She can control a human's inner motivations.

I'll give you one as a signing bonus-- if you join the Dark side.

I really hope that's not why you brought me here.

No, and boring.

One of my rising stars is Jason Baines.

The human painter?

He's gone and k*lled a Dark Fae elder.

And painted some sensitive Fae information in public.

I need you to figure out what's going on - quickly.

Why me?

There seems to be a leak in my camp.

Not entirely sure who I can trust.

Since you're...alone -- you're all I have.

So find the boy and bring him to me.

I'm not in the habit of rounding up humans so they can be m*rder*d.

That's just the thing, isn't it?

I don't want Jason k*lled.

And why should I believe you?

I could never see Jason k*lled because--

I seem to have fallen in love with him.

I'd say don't take the job if I thought you had any intention of taking my advice, but since you don't--

Thank you.

There's a few things you should know about our tender-hearted friend The Morrigan.

She's a Leanan Sidhe.

The Country singer?

A Fae seductress.

She inspires artists and makes them great and feeds off their genius.

An evil muse if you will.

Convenient skill for an agent.

But, she eventually drives the artist mad and into an early grave.

Any self-destructive rock stars we know and love happen to have dated one of those Leanan Sidhes?

No comment.

Thanks, Trick.

Bo, this boy Jason has k*lled a Dark Fae-- he might be suffering a complete breakdown.

Which makes him totally unpredictable.

Well, this must be where the painting was.

Way to cover the evidence.

No one in the Fae world watches CSI?

I like Jason's tag though. His lines are awesome.

Oh, is little miss ragamuffin also patron of the arts?

Live on the street as long as I did you meet a lot of riff raff, and they all think they're artists.

I wish I knew who these other tags belonged to.

Maybe someone knows where Jason is.

Kenzi: Oh, balls.


I sort of know the massive a-hole that painted this one.

Well, do you know where we can find him?


Follow me.

There he is. Yo, yo! Tryst!

Oooh! Girlie!

I knew you'd come crawling back to me, one sec--

You dated that tool?


He bought me a hotdog once.

Then he ate most of it.

So-- You come back to make things right?

Cuz, uh, I started dating this girl--

No, you didn't.

We are looking for this guy.

You know him?

Pssssh. Know him? We was like brothers.

I used to spot for him.

All street artists have a spotter, in case the cops show up and you gotta book.

Have you... seen him lately?


Jason made it to the bigs.

Signed with some hot as balls agent lady.

Booked him some real legit shows.

Jay started making mad dolla bills.

Oh yeah?

He wised up and dumped your ass, huh?

Nah, me and Jay was tight.

He just started acting crazy all of a sudden.

Started doing stuff I ain't never seen before.

Like what?

One time he painted this pig in a cop's uniform on the side of a Paddy Wagon-- while Five-0 was still inside, yo!


No, Jason never even drink.

Makes me sad.

When he first hit the street I was his Artful Dodger, always keeping him out of trouble.

You never read Oliver Twist did you?


What kind of stuff he write?

Thanks, genius.

Hey, Kenzi!

When you gonna let me paint you, girl?

You know, Titanic style! All tasteful-like.

Hey! I tattooed yo' digits over my heart.

Over my heart!


Tell me you got some magical booze that can erase the last fifteen minutes of my life, please??

Yup. Tequila.

So, Jason is slowly going crazy thanks to The Morrigan.

Somehow he slipped away and now he's painting Fae secrets all over town.

But why?

Maybe he wised up-- his paintings could be a warning to other artists.

To not get involved with the Dark Fae?

That's a pretty lucid plan for a nut job.

Something just doesn't add up.

(phone ringing)

Oh God--

He did it--

He totally tattooed my digits over his heart!


Hey, I ran into my boy, Jason.

Where? Is he with you now?

Nah, tried to say hello, you know, reminisce.

But he felt like hitting me in the face with the butt end of a shotgun instead.

Where did he go?

Heading towards the west end.

We used to paint there back in the day.

An alleyway behind that new fancy people's hotel where they sell Oxygen tanks in the mini bar--

Great! Thank you.

Put Kenzi on the phone!

I broke my nose helpin' all ya'll--

I could use a sexy nurse, you know--




The man.

Man! If I step in one more pile of rancid filth--

Why can't street artists paint in the park or at the spa?

Is it time for your nap, my darling?

This is the third alley we've been in.

I was really hoping we would have found Jason by now so I could go home--

Be platonic with Lauren. Right?

OK, yes.

It is hard having her there and not taking advantage of the situation.

And meanwhile, Dyson's holed up with the most perfect specimen of Fae womanhood ever, and good for him--

And The Morrigan!

She's all in love--

She is kind of feeding off his brain, but, she's in love! None the-less!

And where am I? Trudging through old cabbage!



(shotgun cocking)

Kenzi, no!


There you are, my little crumpet!

Ah-ah-ah. It's not nice to point.

Now, let's see how you like it.

Vex! Let him go!

When are you going to learn not to interfere in Dark Fae business?

Maybe you just aren't seeing things for how they really are?

Excuse me, Vex. Dude.

Look, I know you're all powerful and you could probably take me down, too, but if you do, your boys are coming with me.

Let's have a chat. Fancy a shot?

First round's on me.

Are you ok?

The Morrigan--


Now -- why are you two messing with an ongoing Dark Fae investigation?

I was hired by The Morrigan to bring Jason in-- alive.

What were you doing?

I was just having a laugh with him.

Oh, that's such a funny joke.

How does that one end again?

With me interrogating that little piss-ant to find out how he knew very sensitive Dark Fae information.

Why not wait until I bring him to The Morrigan and you can question him then?


I'll let you in on a little secret: The Morrigan's afraid of me.

You see, I'm even more popular with Dark Fae elders than she is.

And she is just devious enough to orchestrate this whole mess to bring me down.

And how would she do that?

Well, she is Jason's muse -- pulling his strings.

But I tell you what.

You bring Jason to me so I can question him and I'll see to it that a very large sum of money makes its way into the pockets of your tight, tight pants.

I am not gonna help you m*rder Jason.

Oh--Blood oath. He won't die.

Just bring him to me so I can see if my suspicions are right--

See if The Morrigan has it in for me or not.

And then?

I'll hand Jason back and you can buy a place with walls.

You know, I wouldn't mind living pretty on Monsieur Freakshow's dime.

So what do you think?

Happened already or yet to happen?

Like, did The Morrigan k*ll someone or is she intending to k*ll someone?

I do not like this.

Why don't you go home?

I am gonna go and have a little chat with my new employer.

Good luck.

Let's cut the crap.

I know you did a real nice thing helping Bo against her mom.

But, you also spy-banged her for The Ash and broke her heart.

She really likes you.

So if you hurt my best friend again one day in the future, Anthropologists will find your skeleton in an unmarked grave with a massive, MASSIVE life-ending blow to the head by a totally awesome chick that rhymes with frenzy. Ok?

You know, I get the whole best-friend routine, I do.

But if you're trying to be the only human in Bo's life, you're not being much of a friend at all-- you're being selfish.

(knocking on door)

Can I help you?

Oh boy--

I love what you haven't done with the place.



I'm here for Lauren. Where is she?

Lauren?! Oh!

God, I haven't seen her in ages.

Is that so?

What's it like being someone's pet?

I do hope Bo keeps you on a very tight leash.

Humans have a tendency to run wild and make a such a mess of the place.

Some are so out of control they need to be put down.

Well-- There are more than a few Fae I would like to see put down myself.



This one--


Let her go!

That's why I love humans.

Whistle loud enough and they'll come.

You're overstepping your authority by attacking Bo's human, and you know it.

Put her down or what is left of the Light Fae elders will hear about this.

It is merely out of the thinnest wisp of respect for Bo and her territory that I haven't had you dragged out of here by your hair this very second.

Twenty-four hours, Doctor.

If you haven't wiggled your little rear end back home by then, your special research project goes dark.

I'll pull the plug and you can say goodbye--

I'll be there.

Very good.


Put her down.


I'm so sorry I brought my problems into your home.

Are you really going back to him?

Whoa, whoa, whoa--

He did what??

Ok, Kenzi, just sit tight.

Hello and goodbye. I'm out.

This job has become way too messy for me.


I have more important things to deal with right now than Dark Fae politics. And I won't help you put Jason into an early grave with your evil musing or whatever.

I wasn't aware of any politics.

Well, Vex certainly is.

He offered to make me rich if I brought Jason to him first right after he tried to make me poke my own eyes out.

Vex said that, did he?

Well, then--

I think it's perfectly reasonable that you walk away.

I accept your resignation.

Of course, if you find Jason, I'll give you the key to fixing Lauren's situation with The Ash for good.

You okay?

How do you do it?

Work for The Morrigan, day in, day out?

Oh, it's a great job. It's very high-profile, and I get to meet all kinds of interesting artists.

Evony can be hard on me, but she's just giving me the tools I need to make it.


"The Morrigan" is her title.

Evony is her name. Evony Fleurette Marquise.



I came to her looking for representation as a painter but she saw my real ability.

My ability to persuade the weak minded, my ticket to the top of the arts world.

You ever miss painting?

No. I was never very good.

Well, thank you for trying to find Jason.

I'm sorry you won't be continuing to work for The Morrigan and it was nice to meet you.

I decided to give it another shot.

Going after the kid full throttle this time.

You seemed so adamant--

Well, The Morrigan has some powers of persuasion herself.

She made me an offer I couldn't refuse.

Everyone ok?

We're fine, all things considered.

Where's Kenzi?

She drank some wine.

I think I have some really, really good news--

Bo, I appreciate everything you're doing for me.

I really do.

But I'm gonna go back to The Ash's Compound.

I can't let you and Kenzi take this kind of heat for me.

You might not have to go back for long.

What do you mean?

If I find Jason, The Morrigan will tell me how to free you from this thing that's tying you to The Ash.

That's really something.

Did she say anything else? Any specifics No, she wouldn't cough up any details.

But she gave me her blood oath.

And yet, you don't look as excited as I am--

I am. I guess--

We have no guarantees of how this will turn out--

I will not let anything happen to you.

I know you'll try.

But, tomorrow I'll be gone.

Maybe forever.

I need to know this isn't about getting over Dyson.


This is about us.

Come on! Get up!

UGH!!! Move it! Move the ugly booze!

Bo: Come on!


Go away.

I feel like a wet dog moved into my mouth and had puppies.

Kenzi, thank you so much for standing up to The Ash.

And r r trying to cover for Lauren.

You're a superstar. I owe you huge.

If they would have stayed two more seconds I woulda laid them down a massive beat down--

Russian Mafia style.

Where you going?

Actually it's where we're going.

We're meeting Hale at the Dal.

So come on, get up, get ready!

But you're buying me breakfast.

And Trick better have pancakes because momma needs serious carbs to soak up Senor Malbec.




You want some pancakes with your syrup?

One more word. One more word and I'm having Siren with my syrup.

You're getting nasty in your old age.

She fell into the bottom of 2 bottles of wine last night.


Check this out.


Oh my God, my headache is gone.

How did you do that?

I got skills.

Will you marry me?

Nah, you drink too much.

So how's your old buddy Dyson?

He's good. You know--

Working hard, hitting the gym--

And that pretty blonde?

Oh, uh... Ciara.

Yeah, yeah, she's around--

You know--


Yeah, that's awesome.

Listen, I wonder if I could borrow your police expertise for a moment.

I seem to be hitting one dead end after another.

How do you find someone who could be anywhere?


Sounds like you need to see The Eye.

The Eye?

Any relation to The Schnoz?

Just give me a sec.

Seriously, I feel so much better.

Gimme me pancake--

Number six, corner pocket.

Ok! I brought him and he's willing to help.

Now when you meet him-- just roll with it.

Roll with what?

The Eye's Fae.

He snoops for his own kicks.

Independently and not even close to legally.

Likes seeing into places that maybe he has no business seeing into, if you catch my drift.

Seeing how far into places are we talking here?

Dyson and I use his special brand of expertise once in a while for police work--

So we cut The Eye some slack.

But sometimes I just think the price is too high.


Big guy in the corner! Have fun!

Aren't you staying?

Naaah. I gotta work and--

I just got this back from the cleaner's.

Alright, mama bear--


Let's do this.

Bo: Hello?

Mr. The Eye?

(clears throat)


Ahhhh, ladies!

What a most delicious climax to my anticipation.

Though to be honest I am not accustomed to enjoining council until the second stroke of midday.

Um, it's two o'clock now.



My heavens the tall one is right.

Tis the bigger fool am I, for lost the track of the time I did whilst sieging the castle--


Might I interest ye fair maidens in some shared libation?

Buddy-- we are not into that.

But, um--


We are looking for this guy--

"EYE" see.


Because...I'm the eye.

As for remuneration I'm sure we will work something out that be of satisfaction to us all, yes?



Ta-ta--t-ta-ta! Not so fast!

What of my payment?

Well, what do you want?

What's her "sitch"?

I mean, doth she be single?

Ahhh, yes! She's totally single.

No, I'm not!

I just started dating someone.

Really, Kenzi??

What's his name, where is he from and what does he do for work?

A kiss!

One kiss, tender supple and spare.

A kiss-- oh yes!

A somber gentle kiss-- a souvenir of the affair.

Oh, wow--

That was beautiful.

I wish someone would write a poem like that for me.

Go for it, Kenzi, you lucky dog!

I can't, he smells like old pants!

Kenzi, Jason's life hangs in the balance here--

Now nut-up, sister!


Ah! Oh!

The sweet taste of nymph!

How seldom you find your way to me.

You must journey to the street of King to find the man you seek.

Well, we'll just be on our way--

Thank you.

Hate to see you go, love to watch you leave.

You know why I love working with you?

The glamour.

Who else gets to chase down a g*n-wielding Street Artist and make out with a perverted Cyclops?

No one. That's who!

Shhh. Keep your eyes peeled for Jason--

Why are you following me?!

Jason, I'm working for The Morrigan.

She asked me to find you and bring you back to her.


Your agent.


Evony sent you?

Put down the g*n--

And I'll take you to her.


I have something to do, something I have to do-- there's a beginning, a middle and an end--

We're nearing the end but I just can't see it yet--

I can't!

When I paint, I can't--

It's like I'm not here anymore--


I have to finish this.

(shotgun cocking)


Stop! Leave me alone!

Ok, we'll go! We'll leave you alone--


Looks like someone's entered the surrealist phase of his career.

Oh, it's ok. You're home now.

It's alright, it's alright--

Well, there he is.

Safe and sound, just barely, I might add.

Jason, would you go to your room.

I have some business to tend to.

Will you come see me later?

We'll see. Now, run along.

Let me just get what I owe you.

Actually, there's something else.

Let Jason go.

I know that you're in love with him, but this hold you have on Jason is k*lling him--

My God, you are naive, aren't you?

I'm not in love with Jason.

I knew that was the only way to get a bleeding heart like yourself to help me.

If I were to set Jason free right now, how would I find out how Vex put him up to all this?

And exactly what kind of a coup he's planning?

Here's the key to saving Nadia.

The deal was to save Lauren.

Yes, but in order to save Lauren, you must first save Nadia.

Who's Nadia?

She didn't tell you?

Nadia is Lauren's girlfriend.

Why didn't you bring him to me like we discussed?

He's locked inside now and I can't get near him!

We never had a deal!

I am never working with The Dark Fae ever again!

And why doesn't anyone ever tell the truth?!



She's gone.

Can I get you anything?

No, thank you.

I just want to take a hot bath and wash this day away.

I'm so glad this case is over.

Um, yeah... about that.

The case coming to an end and all.

I may have discovered something in Jason's paintings.


I'm so happy right now I could throw up.

See? These are two paintings that form one larger painting.

They're two panels of the same picture.

You're saying The Morrigan's gonna try and k*ll Vex?

Jason somehow found out about it, painted it all over the city, yup.

Doesn't make sense.

The Morrigan and Jason were in love, pillow talk, baby.

She let the goods slip while they were doing the nasty.

The Morrigan was lying about being in love with Jason so I would take the case.



And she wouldn't let something this sensitive slip--

Not to a human. She's smarter than that.

So did Vex really set this entire thing up to make The Morrigan look bad?

I don't know.

Someone is pulling the puppet strings.

But as much as Vex is a total creep I think he really did want to interrogate Jason--

Find out who told him those secrets.

I mean, he gave his blood oath.

Ok, ok... but if our mysterious puppet master got Jason to paint The Morrigan k*lling Vex--

Does that mean someone is trying to frame The Morrigan?

And topple her from power...?

By actually k*lling Vex.

So why did Jason have a total meltdown?

Actually, it was more than a meltdown--

It was like he was resisting something--

Fighting back--

Like someone was in his head trying to convince him--

Oh crap.

I whip people because they pay me.

Handcuffs, nipple clamps, angry yelling, sure-- but m*rder?

Sorry, darling, that's not my thing.

Vex has been a good client of mine for a very long time.

Yes, but haven't you always wanted to take your talent to the next level?

This is a logical leap for you.

Yeah, sure. Yeah, I'll do it.

When you think about it, it's a logical leap for someone in my line of work.

You'll be needing this.

Ah, yes. Come on in.

Do you, uh, fancy a glass of bubbly?

Oh, yes! Very nice--


You are a stupid, stupid boy who needs to be disciplined!



I'm so sorry, Mummy!

I have a surprise for you.

What do you think you're doing?

Have you lost your bleedin' mind?!


I don't want to hurt you lady--

Now step away from the pervert.


What kind of Fae is this?

The human kind!

Get my hands free!

Where's the key?!

In the purse!

God, I thought I had a lot of crap in my bag--

Kenzi! Hurry!

WELL, well, well!

Decision, decisions, decisions.

At times like this, one must always ask: what would be the most FUN?!

This one is innocent.

And what the hell are you wearing?!

Your plan to m*rder me failed.

And in a lovely little twist of irony, your friend the Dominatrix now finds herself in bondage.

I've had quite enough of your accusations--

No, no, no, not you--


Bo: We know you've been manipulating Jason.

Pitting Vex against The Morrigan, trying to frame her.

Do you understand the w*r you could have started?

You treated me like a dog!

All you do is take and steal!

You step on people's dreams like they don't matter Because nothing matters but your bottom line.

Well, I wanted to see you suffer.

For all of those poor artists that you ruined,

I needed you to suffer.

I was a painter!

And you took that from me!

And I just wanted to make something beautiful--

Bianca! No!


Let's not fight anymore.

It's a promise.

As always, I am your loyal servant.

You really must come to my club for piss up.

The full VIP treatment, on me.

I want four young men. Gorgeous.

As you wish.

Yes, it's me.

Can you send a cleaning crew up to my office.

My assistant's made a terrible mess.

How can you be so callous?

Why? Did something just happen?

You are sick.

Did you give Lauren the good news about her girlfriend?

I'm sorry I can't walk you out.

I seem to be--

Short-staffed at the moment.

This was not a good day.

Cheer up, Momma bear. Wasn't a total failure.

We did snag ourselves a door prize!

Do we really have to keep him tied up?

He's no different than a heroine addict.

We untie him now and he'll be right back at the teet-- so to speak.

Nope, this boy's got a one way ticket to hot bitch rehab!

We sneaky, sneaky.

Bring it back--


Weird not having the Doc here, isn't it?

Just when I was getting used to her.

What's up, babe?

Lauren stuff.

Did you get her pregnant?

I'm sorry.

What is it?

According to The Morrigan--

Lauren has a girlfriend.

Dude, I told her if she screwed you over again I was going to bash her brains in.

I don't know what to do.

I mean, save her from The Ash, obviously, but...after that--

Should I confront her? Should I be mad?

Do I even have a right to be mad?

I mean who is this girlfriend anyway--

And how come she's never once mentioned her?

I can't believe I'm about to say this, but I think you should give her a chance to explain.

Maybe she has her reasons, you know?

Hey, babe.

I just wanted you to know I'm working really hard.

I'm still trying to help you.

I promise.

If you could meet Bo you'd really like her.

She's such a good person--

She's so trustworthy.

And she has this big huge heart.

And she's strong--

She's so strong.

And she takes care of me.

Imagine that--


Somebody taking care of me for a change--