02x07 - Percy and the Signal

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Thomas & Friends". Aired: 9 October 1984 – 20 January 2021.*
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British series Based on The Railway Series books that follows the adventures of Thomas, an anthropomorphised blue steam locomotive on the fictional North Western Railway on the Island of Sodor, and several other friends Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, and Toby.
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02x07 - Percy and the Signal

Post by bunniefuu »

Percy works in the yard
at the big station.

He loves jokes
but they can get him in trouble.

One morning,
he was very cheeky indeed.

Hurry, Gordon, the train's ready!"

Gordon thought he was late.
"Ha, ha, ha!" laughed Percy.

Gordon thought how to pay Percy out.

Next it was James. "Stay here, James,
the Fat Controller is coming to see you.”

“Ah! The Fat Controller knows I'm a fine
engine. He wants me to pull a special.”

James's driver could not move him.

The other engines grumbled - they had
to do James's work as well as their own.

The inspector arrived.
“You can't stay here all day, James.”

“The Fat Controller
sent a message for me to stay here.”

“How could he? He's away for a week.”
"Oh!" said James. "Where's Percy?”

Percy had wisely disappeared.

When the Fat Controller came back,
he did see James - and Percy.

Both engines wished he hadn't.

One morning, Percy was careless.

“I say, I'm to take some trucks
to Thomas.

“The Fat Controller chose me -
he knows I'm really useful.”

“He wants you out the way,”
grunted James.

Gordon and James made a plan.
“We were talking about signals.

“We can't be too careful, but I needn't
say that to a really useful engine.”

Percy felt flattered. James said,
“Backing signals need extra care.

“Shall I explain?”
“No, thank you, I Know signals."

Percy was worried. "I wonder
what backing signals are," he thought.

“lll manage,” he puffed crossly
to his trucks, and felt better.

He came to a signal.
“Bother! It's at danger.”

The signal moved to show line clear.
It moved up.

Percy had never seen that before.
“But down means go, up means stop.

“I know, it's a backing signal!"
“Come on,” said his driver.

“You're going the wrong way!"
“But it's a backing signal."

Percy told him about Gordon and James.
The driver explained.

“Oh dear,” said Percy. "Let's go before
they see." But Gordon saw everything.

That night, the big engines
talked about signals.

They thought the subject was funny.
Percy thought they were being very silly.
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