01x21 - Toby and the Stout Gentleman

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Thomas & Friends". Aired: 9 October 1984 – 20 January 2021.*
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British series Based on The Railway Series books that follows the adventures of Thomas, an anthropomorphised blue steam locomotive on the fictional North Western Railway on the Island of Sodor, and several other friends Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, and Toby.
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01x21 - Toby and the Stout Gentleman

Post by bunniefuu »

Toby is a tram engine
with cowcatchers and side plates,

quite unlike a steam engine.

He takes trucks from farms
to the main line and is always cheerful.

His coach Henrietta
has seen better days.

She grumbles,
remembering she used to be full

and nine trucks would rattle behind her.

Now there are only three or four.
Farms send their goods by lorry.

Toby is careful. Cars, buses and lorries
have accidents, but not Toby.

The buses are crowded
and Henrietta is empty.

A stout gentleman
stood on Toby's platform.

He was the Fat Controller
but Toby didn't know this.

"Come on, Grandfather!
Look at this engine."

"That's a tram engine, Stephen."

"ls it electric?" asked Bridget.

"Shh! You've offended him."

"But trams are electric!"

"This is a steam tram."

"May we go in it, Grandfather?"
They all scrambled into Henrietta.

(Bell dings)

"Hooray!" chanted Henrietta.
Toby did not sing.

"Electric, indeed!" he snorted.
He was very hurt.

"What is your name?"
"Toby, sir."

"Thank you for a nice ride."
Toby felt better now.

"This gentleman," he thought,
"knows how to speak to engines."

The children came every day.

Sometimes they rode with the guard.

On the last day,
the driver invited them into his cab.

All were sorry when they had to go away.

The Fat Controller and his family
thanked everyone.

- (Dinging)
- "Come again soon!" replied Toby.

They waved till Toby was out of sight.

The months passed. Toby had
few trucks and fewer passengers.

"Our last day," said his driver one day.
"We must close tomorrow."

That day, everyone wanted a last ride.

The passengers joked and sang

but Toby and his driver
wished they wouldn't.

"Goodbye!" said the passengers.
"We're sorry your line's closing."

"So am l," said Toby.

"Nobody wants me," Toby thought,
and went unhappily to sleep.

Next morning, the shed was flung open
by his driver.

"Wake up! A letter
from the stout gentleman!"

l mustn't tell you more
or l shall spoil the next story.
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