01x18 - Coal

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Thomas & Friends". Aired: 9 October 1984 – 20 January 2021.*
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British series Based on The Railway Series books that follows the adventures of Thomas, an anthropomorphised blue steam locomotive on the fictional North Western Railway on the Island of Sodor, and several other friends Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, and Toby.
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01x18 - Coal

Post by bunniefuu »

Henry was feeling sorry for himself.

Sometimes he felt he had
no strength to pull trains.

"l suffer dreadfully and no one cares."

"Rubbish, Henry," snorted James.
"You don't work hard enough."

The Fat Controller said,
"You cost too much.

"Your new parts
have done you no good.

"We might have to get another engine."

This made Henry and his driver very sad.

The Fat Controller was waiting for Henry.
He had put on overalls.

Henry started
but his fireman was unhappy.

"Henry is a bad steamer," he said.
"His fire doesn't give enough heat."

(Feeble puffing)

Henry tried but it was no good. He came
to a stop outside Edward's station.

"Oh dear", thought Henry.
"l shall have to go away."

All he could do was go onto a siding

and Edward took charge of the train.


The Fat Controller asked the fireman
what was wrong with Henry.

"The coal is wrong, sir.
We've had a poor lot lately.

"Henry's firebox is too small to cope.
We need Welsh coal."

"lt's expensive
but Henry needs a chance."

"James will fetch some."


When the Welsh coal came,
Henry's driver and fireman were excited.

They put large lumps of coal
round the edge of the fire

and smaller lumps in the glowing middle.

"You're spoiling my fire,"
complained Henry.

"Wait," said the fireman.
"We'll have a roaring fire."

When Henry reached the platform,
the water was boiling nicely.

"How are you, Henry?"
"Peep-peep! Fine!"

"Have you a good fire?"
"Never better."

The Fat Controller warned,
"Don't push him."

"Henry won't need pushing, sir.
l'll have to hold him back!"

(Happy whistling)

Henry had never felt so well.

He wanted to go fast,
but his driver wouldn't let him.

"Steady," he said.
"There's plenty of time."

They arrived early. Thomas puffed in.

"Where have you been, lazybones?"
asked Henry. "l can't wait. Goodbye!"

"Whoosh! Have you ever seen
anything like it?"

Annie and Clarabel agreed
that they never had.
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