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Appleton Ladies' Potato Race, The (2023)

Posted: 08/13/23 05:21
by bunniefuu
Mabel. In you get.

Mabel. Car.

Mabel. Come on, mate.

Get in the car.

Mabel. Car!

Car! Come on, mate.

Come on, don't be a dickhead.


I know that it's a bit scary.

It is for me too.

But we're going home.

Hey? We're going home.

In you pop.

There you go. Good girl.

Good job.


Oh no...

Lately I've been

Trying to help myself out

Switching my brain

On and off again

Get some time away from me

- I want to shed my skin

-Two hours!

Leave an empty shell


Start a new life

Somewhere other Than here

Got all these Grand ideas

But everything I have is

Too heavy to hold

And everything I do

Feels out of my control

And everything I have is

Too heavy to hold

And everything I do

Feels out of my control

Lately I've been

Trying to sort Myself out...

Steady on.

We don't even have a doctor yet.

...rearrange all of

These thoughts

Bigger than me

I want to shed my skin

Leave an empty shell behind

Start a new life

Somewhere other than here

I'm always with you, my dear

Everything I have is

Too heavy to hold

Everything I do

Feels out of my control

Everything I have is

Too heavy to hold

I'm trying to let go

I'm drowning in Myself...

Grass for days, Mabes.

Rabbits to terrorise.

So much to sniff.

You're gonna love it.


Here we are, Mabes. Hey?

Got all these grand ideas

Everything I have is

Too heavy to hold

I'm trying to let go

Who coughed?

Wait outside

if you're going to cough.

Mrs Bunyan. Hello.

Surgery opens at nine, Dr


-I'm so sorry. -Well, you've

got a busy morning.

- Let's get moving.

- Thank you.

No animals in the surgery.

Oh, Mabel's a therapy dog.

She'll sit right here in the


No, she will not.

Bloody hell.

This is a doctor's surgery,

not a five-star rehab

in the Byron Bay Hinterlands.

- Therapy dog.

- Dr H said that she'd be fine.

Dr Holliday is on holiday

and I run the show here.

She can come in with me then.

Sit down, Billy Pope. Wait your

turn like everyone else.

Thank you, Mr Pope.

It's great to have you back

again, Dr Anderson.

Oh, cut it out. I'm Penny.

I'm so sorry that I'm late,


Hopefully, you won't be

waiting too long.

Come on, Mabel. Come on.


Mabel. Good name.

See this mole on my arm?

It's been there about three


Yeah, that's nothing to worry

about, but we'll book you in

for a full-body skin check in


- Could it be cancer?

- Oh, probably not.

But it's worth checking after

a lifetime of Appleton sun.

But there is a chance

it could be cancer?

It's best to rule everything



I don't want to take up

more of your time, Penny,

but there is one other thing.

Well, Miss Vaughn,

I am here for all the things.


it's going to be a big year

for baked goods at the show.

Are you going in the scone

competition this year

with your nanna's recipe?

And go against these?

No way.

Very wise.

What was it?

Put your potatoes down, love.

Have a stretch.

- We'll do plain sprints, no

weights. -

Aunty Barb, that's the last

thing I need to be doing.

Get a drink. Then sprints.

I'm not going to win

with these times.

Kazzy Pearce will be able to

beat me even if she's still


Stop that.

You're the greatest

female potato racer

the town's ever seen.

You'll get there.

Come on.

We can fit you in

around three, Gavin.

I've got a job at three, Mum.

Well, I don't know

what to tell you, son.

- Hi, Gavin.

- Where's Doctor H?

Ah, he's on long service leave,

so I'm here taking his place

for the next few months.


Ah, Kazzy Pearce.

So, I'm due in two weeks, right?

The potato race is in four.

Your sister's not

beating me again, got it?

Got it.

But there's some risks racing

so close to having a baby.

Yeah, why don't you

take that over there

and put her over by the books?

- Do you know about prolapse?

- Yeah.

Of course I know about

prolapse. That's what I'm here


Okay, good.

So, what undies do you



To hold everything in me clunge.

Like, surely there's some

prescription undies?

Ah, yeah. They're called

prolapse support garments.

- But they're pretty expensive.

- I can't pay through Medicare?

I've got a health care card.


Here, take a look.

Three hundred bucks! f*ck me


So, what's the computer

situation here?

There is no computer situation


You and Dr H do everything by


Always have.

What if the hospital needs

something quickly?


A fax machine?

We have a system. It's worked

perfectly well for 30 years.

Dr H mentioned I'll probably be

here longer than his holiday,

didn't he?

He did.

So, I'm going to need

a computer, okay?

Righto. Do what you like.

Heard there's a new doctor in

town and she's a massive


Heard the local hairdresser

still uses streak caps

and is a massive slut bag.

Streak caps? Foils forever.

Dr Anderson, if you won't

be needing me

- for anything else...?

- No.

Are you making Joan

call you "Dr Anderson"?

Of course not. Mrs Bunyan, you

can't be calling me Dr


It's weird.

I'll be calling you Dr Anderson

while we're here.

- So long. Bye-bye.

- Bye.

Still a bundle of fun,

your mother-in-law.

She's all right.

Did you know they don't use

computers here? Not one.

I don't use a computer either.

You're a hairdresser.

- Hey, put that back.

- I need it.

- Ah, you don't need a speculum.

- I do.

You can administer

your own pap smear?

Yeah, maybe.

I love a pap smear.

- You're mental.

- You are.

So, speaking of,

are you going to try again?

Ah, I have about half an egg


I've told you,

you can have some of mine.

It's not meant to be.

I'm looking forward to

Elliott's party. Are you


No. Thank God for Aunty Barb.

Thank God for Aunty Barb.

I'm going to book you in

for a treatment next week.

You're a mess.

I'm telling you, she'll get


Joan! She'll be here any minute.

- I don't care if she hears me.

- Well, I do.

I want her to feel welcome.

She's had a rough couple of

years. Go easy, hey?

So disappointing

that man got her promotion.

Yeah, it was so unfair.

Oh, I can't believe she'll be


And just in time

for the Appleton Show.

Maybe she can help

with show business.

We're all right with show


Ethan? You decided what show

bag you're getting this year?

Aunty Barb, I'm 19.

I have an apprenticeship

and I make me own craft beer.

Never too old for a show bag,


Have you told Elliot about the


No, I didn't.

I thought we could tell him

tonight together on his


What, Nanna?

Well, we'll have to run it

in front of the committee...

We are the committee.

The Cold Chisel tribute band...

Bold Sizzle.

They like to use a local

support act, so we gave them

your demo...

- And they loved it!

- Of course they loved it.


What do you say to your nanna

and your Aunty Barb?

I'm bloody stoked. Thank you so


Happy birthday, darling.

Your first paid gig,

and on Appleton Race Day.

- It's paid?

- You bet it is. 250 dollars.


Oh, look.

- Here's the food.

- One of the best ones. Whoo!

Why are they all broken?

It's true. The doctor's back in


Hey, Mark.

How's my beautiful boy?


Your beautiful boy

needs his nappy changed.


- How long are you here for?

- Don't know yet.

How are you going?

Don't know yet.

Righto. So everyone's out the


Come on. Let's go get you


Phooey! Phooey! Yuck!

- To the...

- Did you want...?

- No!

- You don't want it.

Pass it, Bob.

Here's our girl.

The woman of the moment.

- This is for you.

- Aunty Pen. Really?

- Here at last. -It's

Elliot's birthday, Aunty Barb.

He is the man of the moment.

But our girl, she's back!

Only for a few weeks.

Happy birthday, sweetheart.

Oh my God!

Thank you so much, Aunty Pen.

It's a telecaster.

This is huge!

Goodness me, so shiny!

Can't wait

to hear you play it.

You won't have to wait long.

This darling, Penny, has a gig

at the Appleton Show.

- Wow!

- Come on, Aunty Barb.

Love, how are you settling in?

I can't believe you're staying

in an Airbnb

when Barb and I

have still got your room.

- Didn't want to impose.

- Family don't impose.

Family can definitely impose.

Okay, why are we not eating

Aunty Barb's potato salad?

Let's get going.

Mark! Dinner!

- Where is Mark?

- You're so welcome.

Gosh, this is the best.

This is my dream guitar.

Well, he told me that

it might be your dream guitar.

Look at this.

- So nice.

- Sounding good.

Thanks, Aunty Pen.

Oh well, I might get going

'cause we've got another busy

day tomorrow, hey, Mrs Bunyan?

Take some cake for your morning


I will.

I wish you could stay forever.

I really do.

What's so great about the city?

It stinks.

The traffic, you don't know

your neighbours...

I'd like not to know my


There's people on dr*gs.

There's people on dr*gs

at this very table, Aunty Barb.

And what about living five


from an actual

Westfield shopping centre?

And the musicals.

Appleton Theatrical Society

did a fabulous production

of Grease last year.

- Fabulous.

- Mmm.

They did.

Well, on that,

I've been thinking about this

for a while, and...

I think I might want to move


Like, Dr H's holiday

might be a trial.

- Really?

- Oh!

- Sweet.

- Awesome.


Yeah, I sold my place in Sydney.

- What?

- Oh my God.

- You sold your place in Sydney?

- Yeah.

That's a big move, Pen.

Yeah. I mean, I always thought

that I would come home


Did you know about this?

I can help you with the boys.

And how is being a country GP

going to be enough for you?

I can tell you,

it's different every day.

You couldn't get out of this

town fast enough when you

finished school.

Why are you being so weird

about this?

- I'm not being weird.

- You're being weird.

You are.

What? Don't take all the cake.

Yeah, I'll take as much as I

want to.

-Girls! -It's not your cake.

It's Elliot's.

- Well, I bloody made it.

- Oh!

Ah ha!

You did not. Aunty Barb? Huh?

Well, I did I did all the piano


Did you stick

these liquorice logs on, did




See? It's going to be so fun

having me back.

Good night.

- Bye, darling.

- Bye.

G'day! Billy Hindmarsh with

you from Appleton FM,

and it's three weeks now

until the Appleton Potato


It's been timed pretty

perfectly with the harvest,

and right about now,

those potatoes are coming

out of the ground,

and they're getting put

in those sacks

to be carried by

our fine potato athletes.

So, good luck, fellas.

And the ladies.

You look like you might be a

cappuccino drinker, Mrs Bunyan.

No, thanks. Moccona will do me


I thought it might be nice for

us to have an espresso machine


because we both go through

a lot of coffee

and they're very easy to make.

Ha! I don't need another job.

Thank you.


I'm headed to Nikki's for lunch.

You've got a patient in 20



Penny Anderson, I'll be coming

to see you next week about this


Come and see me this arvo,

Sharon. We can fit you in.

Thanks, love.

Be careful of that

finger if I was you, Shaz.

I hear she's back here

'cause she sliced into

someone's brain

and made them an idiot.

Cut the crap, Denise.

Sure no one's sliced into your

brain? Made you an idiot?

Look, Aunty Barb,

obviously, you and I

would have to be on Survivor.

Both athletes. We've got grunt.

- A lot of grunt!

- Grunt.

Nikki's a genius.

She won't do you wrong.

Can I book you in for 4:00 p.m.?

Whereas, um, Penny,

it's a different story.

- What did I miss?

- Okay, bye.

So, if you had to be on a

reality TV show, what would it


- Oh, I wouldn't be on any.

- - Oh, that's not the game!

Why do you never play

this game properly?

You have to be on one.

You could be on the Bake Off.

You make wonderful scones.

Oh, what about one of

the dating ones? Come on.

Would you go on

one of those dating ones?

- I don't need to.

- I don't want to.

And I can't do anything

that would be remotely

interesting for anyone watching

reality TV.

Oh, but you're so good

at being a mole.

You are heaps better at being a


Okay, being a mole is

a talent I have.

I will admit that.

That's why I'd be great

on any of them.

Speaking of being a mole,

how do I get you-know-who to

agree to some computer


- Penny!

- Sorry, Aunty Barb, she is...

Joan's stressed at the moment.

Try her after the show.

You training for

the potato race, Penny?

Oh, no way.

I'll just wait until the Monday


for all the back, hip,

and ego injuries

to come flooding into the


Has Nikki roped you into it?

Well, you're not a true local

until you've run in the potato


- That's what Nikki says.

- Rubbish!

I am a proud sixth-generation

potato racer.

Penny is the only one in this

family that doesn't get the

potato race.

It is not that I don't get it.

I just have no interest

in putting a sack of potatoes

across my shoulder

and running around an oval.

Here, can you put these

in the surgery?

Why hasn't Mrs Bunyan put them


Because she doesn't mix show

business with her medical work.


I hate to be this arsehole,

but you've got a typo.

Of course you found a typo.

It's printed now.

I don't want to see it.

Don't show me.

- It's pretty significant.

- Show me.

Like, how did none of you

pick that up?


$200. There's a zero missing.

Ugh, as if.

Well then, there's one too many

on the blokes'.


The blokes' prize money is

$2,000 and yours is 200?

200 bucks is all I need.

Buys me a train into the city

and a ticket to a musical.

Sorry, if I win, that is.

If Rania wins, she will be...?

Oh, I'm taking my daughter,

Miriam, to Sydney

to climb the Harbour Bridge.

Two-hundred bucks won't get you

up the first pylon.

Okay. I'll tell her.

Your patient's waiting.

Oh, um...

Nikki, that's crazy.

Like, this is... this is crazy,

and I can't believe that

you would think that it isn't.

We'll be talking

more about this after work.

No, we won't.

You were very quiet through

all of that, Aunty Barb.

I've tried a few times

to get some more from the kitty

for the ladies' race,

but... never had any luck.

I can't believe

I didn't notice it before.

Righto. These are done.

What is it?

Why is the prize money

for the potato race

$2,000 for the blokes

and 200 for the women?

Blokes' race is a much bigger


Right. Why?

More history. They carry more


Men's race gets more sponsors.

But isn't that unfair?

-How? -Isn't sport supposed to

be equal?

It's not.

Yeah, but it should be.

Take it up with the committee.

Aren't you the committee?

Billy Pope,

Dr Anderson will see you now.

- G'day doc.

- Hi, come on through.

Mr Pope, you're on the


Did you know about the prize

money for the potato race?

Back in my day,

you raced for the honour.

Do you think your grandad ran

for the prize money?

Come on. He was the greatest

champion the race ever saw.

I don't think he ever took home

a dollar for it.

You know Nikki beat his record

two years ago?

So it doesn't bother you that

the ladies' race

doesn't have the same prize

money as the men?

Love, it would bother me if it


Um, we need to get

your blood pressure up.

So, it might be

your Parkinson's medication.

Let's try taking just one

Mirapex at night before bed.


Are you in a rush?

I just can't afford

a double appointment.

Look, no disrespect,

but can't be talking potato

racing while the clock's


- We bulk bill, Mr Pope.

- Not for double appointments.

Well, today we do.

Ladies' race just isn't the


Sorry love.

- Yes, that's good.

- Thanks, Maria.

Hey, Gavin.

Who are you training

for the potato race this year?

None of your business.

Are you training any women?

Why do you even care?

I want to know the difference

in, you know, skill.

And I thought you would be the

one to know about that.

Don't even know why

they want to race.

They're not built for it. They

can't carry the same weight.

They can't run as fast. They...

they cry if they trip over.

Gavin! That's completely bull S

and you know it.

The ladies' race

has its own brand of special.

May not be as fast or as heavy,

but it's just as glorious.

Which is why the prize money

should be equal.

Chicks want everything that's

ours these days.

That's what's bull S.

Love it when Gavin pops in.

He's like a sunny day

after a week of flooding.

- Okay. Thanks.

- Cheers.

How much longer are you working?

Well, until I pop, mate.

Yeah, you're about to pop.

Can't you rest?

Yeah, it's funny, the money

tree out the back of me house

has stopped bloody growing.

Can you believe it?

Speaking of money,

what is with the blokes getting

paid two grand for the potato


- and the women get...

- Yeah, and we get 200.

Yeah. What are you having?

Oh, ah, um, sausage roll

and tomato sauce,


a vanilla slice, please.

Yeah, I'd be stoked with 200


It was no hundred bucks

a few years ago.

Someone has to do something

about it.

Yeah? How?

Six bucks 80.

Hello, Aunty Barb.

- Hello, Mrs Bunyan.

- Hello, darling.

How nice to see you here.

I've come to talk about the

prize money for the potato


It's not on the agenda.

Can you add it to the agenda?

It's 4:59.

Um, I didn't realise I...

Can't it be part

of general business, Joan?

It's 5:00 p.m.

I call this meeting of the

Appleton Show Committee to


Present are

Joan Bunyan, president.

Barb Brickner, secretary.

Yep. Apology from Billy Pope,

committee member in charge

of entertainment.

- Flu?

- Yep.

Apology from Billy Pearce,

food and beverage.

Hope the flu doesn't get

all the Billys.

Apology from Billy Morton,

committee member in charge

of the potato races.

Don't know what's happened to


The bastard didn't even

bother texting.

- Catch you later.

- G'day. Yeah.

To middies and schnitties.

To schnitties and middies. Yeah.


- See ya.

- See ya.

Item number 17,

food and beverage.

The refugee's action

group wants to put up a stall.

Some of the refugees want

to share their food.

Bloody hell, Barb.

This is the Appleton Show,

not the multicultural festival.

Don't put that down.

I've never tried Syrian food,


and they want to do it

for a gold coin donation.

Isn't that lovely?

Rania wants to put

the locals out of business

by offering up free food?

Rania wants to be part

of the community.

Meet people, make some friends.

If you've got the choice

between a jacket potato

for 15 bucks from Tracey,

and a goat curry for a dollar,

what are you choosing?

It's show day, Joan.

I'm eating it all.

Righto. Back entrance

of the pavilion.

-Can I ask about the plan

for... -Not general business


Item number 33.

The potato race.

30th year of the ladies'


The debacle of '91, we had no


Personally, I'm quite proud

of the debacle of '91, Joan.

I'm proud the show survived it.

All those in favour

of Cheryl Abbott's

potato sack fashion competition

"Hessians on the Field" say



General business.

Any member of the public

wants to raise a concern

with the committee?

Oh, me!

I want to raise a concern.

Penny Anderson, member of the

public, wants to raise a


Noted. Penny Anderson,

what is your concern?

-The prize money for the potato

race. -What about it?

The men get $2,000,

and the women get 200.


It's unfair.

- Says who?

- Says everyone.

Have any of the ladies running

in the race mentioned this to



Your sister, the current

Appleton Ladies' Potato Race



But there is equal prize money

pretty much everywhere now.

Not in rugby league, not in

cricket, not in AFL. And why?

Because they're not up to

the men's standard.

Once they get the crowds

and the skills,

maybe they'll deserve it.

I would like to propose that

the show society

does the right thing and makes

the prize money equal.

How? Got any ideas how we're

going to get the extra 2,000

three weeks out from show day?

Surely you have a reserve.

We do not have a reserve.

-Sponsors? -Sponsors are locked

in and paid.

Fancy asking them

for more money, Barb?

No, I do not.

Sorry, Penny. Sponsorship's

hard enough to get as it is.

I just think the prize money

should be equal

and we should do something

about it.

Righto. Any other general


This meeting

of the Appleton Show Committee

has ended at 6:59 p.m.

Here, can you pass it

to me, Aunty Barb?






Look at her, Mabel-cakes.

She's a potato-racing goddess.

You know what?

Mrs Bunyan can get stuffed.

This is bigger than her. Hey?

It's bigger than her.

What was it, Aunty Barb?


Ugh, that's garbage!

Darling, you're two weeks away

from your fortieth birthday.

Your times are going to get

slower. Let's do some weight


I've been doing weight training.

I've been doing

everything you told me.

I just want to win

one last time.

I don't want it to end yet.

Okay, well, let's go again.

There's no easy way to

Way to say goodbye

There's no regrets

I've followed your footsteps

But I got to find my own


Ooh, ooh, I'll be

Ooh, ooh, I'll be brave...

Hey, do you like this?

"Appleton Ladies' Potato Race

Prize Equality.

Let's mash the potato ceiling."

What do you think? Yeah?

Shall we?

Not bad.

It's time for me

Now or never

It's time for me

Now or never

- Hi.

- G'day.

You always told me

How far I could go...

Yeah, go on.

Yeah? Pop it.

Thanks, Kazzy.

Ooh, ooh, I'll be

Ooh, ooh, I'll be brave...

Oh, Doctor. You've got

the results of my test?

-Miss Vaughn, everything's

fine. -Oh.

I'm actually here to ask

if you would like to donate

to the Appleton Ladies' Potato

Race prize equality fund?

I'm not one of those feminists.

-Do you think women should

vote? -Yes.

And do you think that people

should pay the same amount of


for your scones as they would

for Billy Pearce's scones?

They should pay more.

Mine are much better.

Congratulations, Miss Vaughn.

You are a feminist.

Oh, goodness me.

At my age?

So, I'm taking donations of

anything from ten cents


Yes, all right. Just a minute.

How's $20?

That would be wonderful, thank


Through the open field

And I look to the sky

And follow the voice

That carries me

'Cause it's time

For me...

Hello there. Would you like to

donate to the Appleton


- No.

- ...Potato Race.

Hello there. Would you like to

donate to the Appleton Ladies'

Potato Race?

It's time for me

Now or never

Piss off.

Okay then, thank you.

It's time for me

Now or never

You heard how Pen's going

with the fundraising?

Ugh, it's just, it's so Penny.

To just come in and try and

change something without asking


I mean, without asking me.

Not even, what, two weeks

after she gets here?

You don't want more money?

I just want it to be like it is.

I don't understand why she

needs to make a big shit show.

I feel so embarrassed.

- We never...

- See? There you go.

She's making you feel


I should be.

How did I not change this


Aunty Barb, there would be

no ladies' race without you.

$200 prize money?

We should be doing better than


We don't run the race for

the money, Aunty Barb.

We run it to feel the thrill of

the crowd in the grandstands.

The pressure of

the potatoes on our backs.

The burn as you round

the third corner,

dust flying up in your mouths.

The mud making you feel like

you're running through cement.

The pump of the sack on the

ground at the end as winner.

See? It's not about the money.

Hey, darling.

- Anyone put any notes in?

- Not that I saw.

Nikki. Can't you help me?

-An endorsement from the

champion? -No!

-You're being so dumb. -You

just put in the money yourself.

You make about 500 an hour.

I wish.

You could fund both races

with that coat, Pen.

I have thought about this.

It needs to come from the

community or it means nothing.

And before you ask, no, we

can't split the men's prize


I won't be asking you

that. Can you imagine?

We can't take anything

away from the men,

but we need to make it equal.

But it's not equal.

- How are you, Gavin?

- It's not equal.

-Well, you may think that,

but... -I know that.

- How many races have you run?

- Hardly the point.

'Cause I've raced eight

and I've coached 12,

and I'm telling ya, it's not


Have you actually ever put a

50-kilo sack of potatoes on

your back?

- No.

- No.

This race is a tribute to the


And it's men, believe me...

That carted them sacks

from the fields and the sheds

to the trucks and the shops.

I am fully aware of

this town's history.

- My whole family...

- Right.

So you know then that it's not


so why are you wasting all our

time with your lezzo bullshit?

Come on. Gavin?

Oh, piss off, Bob.

It's because of limp-d*ck

fucks like you

that women in this town

don't know their place.

- Gavin!

- It's not equal!

So take all your leftie

bullshit back to Sydney where

it belongs

with all them other fuckwits

and h*m*.

That's enough. I mean it, Gavin.

That language?

It's appalling language.

You should start thinking about

walking home.

- I'm not going anywhere.

- Come on, Gavin.

No one wants the cops

up here tonight.

Just go!

- I'm so sorry, Uncle Bob.

- You've got nothing to be sorry


What he said, that was...

It's nothing I haven't

heard before, love.

He's so angry that boy. So


This kind of shit, Pen. See?

It brings out the ugly.

Aren't you meant to be

on a beach in Noosa?

It is she!

The student has returned from

her time in the world to her


Oh, but she's so sophisticated.

Gone is the teenage acne

and the ill-considered glasses.

He sees her transformed into a

woman of substance and style.

But, um...

she's developed a penchant

for trouble-making.

You've been talking to Mrs


You've made my life very hard

with your manilla folders.

My dear, it's a battle your

teacher wasn't equipped to


I don't like computers much


So when are you coming back?

I'm quite enjoying my freedom

from lancing the boils off

Appletonian bums.

How are you finding it?

- I like the work.

- Mmm.

Can I help ya?


If you pull it

from here, gently,

you won't have to put

so much arm into it.

- How's Nugget?

- At the vet.

- Is he okay?

- Of course.

He's such a charming horse, the

vet just likes having him


You know everyone thinks you're

mad, riding Nugget to the


The word you're actually

looking for is "eccentric."

Well, Aunty Barb tells me

where he chooses to relieve

himself is the talk of the


I don't know your Aunty Barb

as well as I should.

She, um... she never gets sick.

- She's the best.

- Of course.

She raised you.

When I came to town,

I think the only person

who made me feel welcome

was Lucy Vaughn.

She brought in a butter cake

on my first day.

She brought me scones.

Dr Penny Anderson,

change is hard for all of us,

especially in a country town.

You're a local treasure now.

So how did you do it?

I stayed.


And won't be long

before there's a soccer field

named after you.

Or... maybe the potato race

track at the showground.

For the potato uprising.

Please don't retire.

Can't we run the surgery


There's no way I'm hanging


while Joan learns

how to use booking software.

Yo, Nickhead.

Pen, Eddie's eaten

some of Mark's weed.

- Oh shit.

- Shit?

N-no not necessarily shit,


W... how much? How is he?

I think he's a bit


Okay, I'll be, um, I'm on my


I shouldn't have left him with


Of course you should.

He's his father.

He's a real mess at the moment.

Can't find any work since he

got laid off, and he just...

he just doesn't know

what to do with himself.

Except smoke cones. That's one


How are you paying the rent?

I was doing more shifts at the


As well as running a salon

and looking after the kids.

Hello. Oh, he's looking good.

All right.

I don't want you worrying

about money.

I'm always worrying about money.

- I can help you with it.

- No!

- It's nothing to me.

- I said no.

When can we take him home?


Flowers all grown

In the deadbeat sun

Flowers got cut

And the damage was done

You took it for granted

Went on the run

Flowers grew back

When the rain poured down

But now you've come back

To the paddock

Waltzed through a gate

That I thought I'd shut

There are reasons to be

And reasons to go

I'm gonna tell myself that

Good things will come

Good things will come

Couldn't get to sleep

Memories uncut

How the time has passed

And all the people I loved

You've lived the same

Amount of minutes

As I have too

Flowers grew overwhelmingly

Without you

But now you've come back

To the paddock

Waltzed through a gate that

I thought I'd shut...

-Donate for potato race

equality? -No, thanks.

-Donate for potato race

equality. -No, not today.

- Hi.

- Hey!

Donate for potato race equality?

- No.

- No thanks.

Good things will come

Good things will come

Why force it, control it?

The light goes where it


Why force it, control it?

The light goes where it


Why force it, control it?

The light goes where it


Hey. Good girl.

I'm glad things are

working out for you, Mabes.


It's an Airbnb, Elliot.

Someone does it for the owner.

I'm the someone, Aunty Pen.

You're old enough for coffee,

aren't you?

- Old enough to, ah, take it

black. -

How's school?

It's okay.

I've been asking how's school

and you've been saying

"it's okay" for 12 years.

How are we going to communicate

when I finish that final exam?

What are you going to do

when you finish?

Mum and Dad

think it's stupid.

That I'll never earn a living.

Oh, well, they just

want you to be safe.

Aunties, on the other hand,

want you to enjoy things.

I'd like to write music

for movies and TV and stuff.

So how do you do that?

Well, there's a composition

course in Sydney,

but even getting the audition


Okay, well, you get yourself

the audition

and I'll help you with the rest.

- Really?

- Yeah.

Well, is there anything else

you need done around the house?

Can I see your rate


Mum says that helping each

other is part of what it is to

be in a family.

Mmm, wish she felt that way

about the potato race.

You need to up your game with


I don't know how I can do

anything more.

Yeah, something simple.

Like, just write that down to do.

- Aunty Pen, meet Miriam.

- Hi.

Hi. You're Rania's daughter,

aren't you?

We need to set up a GoFundMe


Right. I'm going to need you

to get me the following.

Photos of you.

Photos of the potato race.

Maybe of your mum.

Old photos of Appleton.

-There's a bunch of those

inside. -Great.

Get your phone,

take photos of the photos,

and Airdrop them to me.

-Okay.-I'll dig through the

family Facebook

- and find some of Mum racing.

- Let's get to work.

Hi, I'm Elliot.

I just turned 18,

and I live in Appleton.

We had our town's biggest

moment before I was born

when we were the 1992 Tidy Town.

This is my mum.

She's the Appleton

Ladies' Potato Race champion.

This is my Aunty Penny.

She's the local doc,

and she wants to change

the prize money so it's equal.

And we're live.

Can I see?

- I just sent you a link.

- Oh.

- Should be...

- Yeah, you sent it.

Okay. Great.

Hi, I'm Elliot.

I just turned 18

and I live in Appleton...

That is very cute.

...biggest moment before I was

born when we were the 1992

Tidy Town...

- We tried.

- Facebook as well.

This is my mum.

She's the Appleton

Ladies' Potato Race champion.

Look at her. Isn't she awesome?

Here's the thing.

The men's race gets $2,000

and the women's race only gets


Let's do it.

Let's raise the money.

Oh, look, we've got someone


- That's awesome.

- Oh my gosh.

- Aw, 20 bucks.

- I've got someone here too.

- Oh.

- Oh, look, we got another one.

- Oh my gosh. It's happening.

- Yeah.

Mum! Mum!

Yeah? I'm busy.

Where's your potato sack?

- It's in the boot. Why?

- Can you get it for me?

What? Why?

What are you doing?



You having your dinner in your


Nah, Mum. I'm coming out.


Hey. Watch it. Geez.

Ah, thanks, Mum. This looks


"Thanks, Mum.

This looks great."

- Beer?

- Thanks, Mum.

"Thanks, Mum."

Hey, I think it's a bloody shame

what Penny's trying to do

to you and this race, Mum.

Don't you think, Mark?

Shut up.

Good chops. Love your chops,


"Good chops.

Love your chops, Mum."


Is that Dr Anderson?

Who's this?

It's Luke Pearce.

She's about to have the baby.

She can't move. Can you come


Oh, right.

Yeah, no, I'll be, um, ten


I'll be five minutes. Five, if

I can.

Yep. Okay.

- Let's get you to the hospital.

- There's no time.

Get a look under there.

Kazzy, can you move to the

bed? - Mummy's all right.

I can't move a muscle

out of this position.

Okay, Luke. You have to help.

- Help me get Kazzy to the bed.

- Yeah.

Come on, babes.

You can do it.

Just up here. Almost there.

I'm right here, babes.

- I'll be just over here.

- Up, up, up, up.

You can do this.

We're here for you.

All right, I reckon you got

one or two more pushes.

Geez, you reckon?

When the next surge comes,

I want you to give it

everything, okay?

I... forgot...

how... much... this...


Well done. You did it, Kazzy.

You've got a beautiful healthy


Good job.

It's a girl.


Hello, little one.


What's Penny short for?


Nah, that's rank.

Let's call her


We can call her Jazzy,

'cause it rhymes with Kazzy.

- It's cute, hey?

- That is so cute, babes.

Oi, don't forget to pack

me support pants, Penelope.

We've got a race in two weeks.


Come on, girls.

Stop being a pair of soft cocks

and come and meet your baby


Here. Come on. Look.

Yeah? Come on.

Say hello to your sisters.

Say hello to your little family.

Just ten

days until the show now.

The potato racers are going to

be stepping up their


to make sure they've still got


and, of course, the question

on everybody's lips

is who will win this year's


- It's that time of year

again... -

Elliot, I need to go.


What's up, Eddie?

Mum, can I come to training?

I need to go right now.

Great, I'll put these in the



Fucks sake!



Oh, hey, Sharon.

How's your broken finger?

I was expecting to see you last


Yeah, well, you won't be seeing

me again any time soon.


Don't need your politics

shoved in me face.

You know,

doctors shouldn't be political.

Like school teachers and the


Thanks, Sharon.

See you next time.

I hear someone wonderful

brought a baby into the world

in a tiny caravan last night.

Uncle Bob, I've made a big


No one wants this, and I've


I've upset everyone.

Maria, can you

take over here, please?

Sure, Bob.

Come on, darling.

Love, since you've been doing


I've been doing a bit of

research with your Aunty Barb

about pay in women's sport.

You all get the rough end

of the pineapple for sure.

It's not good enough in footy

and it's not good enough in the

Appleton Ladies' Potato Race.

I just did it for Nikki and


I know, love.

And now Nikki's

hardly even talking to me.

She hates me.

She could never hate you.

Yeah, she could.

Potato racing is a big deal

in the hearts of

a lot of Appleton women.

I know! I'm married to one.

You keep going, love.

I'm proud of you.

Popular girl.

It's probably just council

again complaining about the


Uncle Bob, look.

Oh my God.



Mabes. Look.

Look at all these donations.



We are up to 15 hundred dollars.

Check that out.

TikTok numbers: 1.3 million

views, 900 K likes, 100 K


What are people saying?

Never read the comments.

- Why not?

- Because they're usually awful.

- Oh.

- GoFundMe, we've made $10,000.

- Whoa!

- It's going up really quickly.

Wow. We could make 20 grand.

But we only need to make it


What would we do with more than


Make it the world's richest

potato race for women.

Show this town that even if

they don't care about equality,

the rest of the world does.

But I only meant and said

on the GoFundMe

this year's race.

So, let's...

cut it off.

Cut it off.


A small town in regional

New South Wales

is getting a roasting

as a local woman fundraises

to make their potato race equal.

I just thought it was unfair

that the men's race gets $2,000

and the women's race gets 200.

Donations have poured in

from around Australia

and the world,

but some in town are spitting


The men's and the women's

race just aren't the same.

Okay? We don't need this shit.

Yep. Too right.


have poured in from all...

G'day! Billy Hindmarsh with

you from Appleton FM.

Five days to go to the show,

and let me tell you,

I'm hearing the competition's

really hotting up

for the ladies' race.

All this media attention has

fired up people from all


Hello, Appleton Supermarket.

Barb speaking.

Is this Barb Brickner?

Barb Brickner, yes.

Would you like to make a

comment about the potato


No, I don't have a comment

about the race.

Well, we were just


Thank you.

Are you on the Facebook?

Facebook, Joan.

We can't have you

sounding old-fashioned.

I am bloody old-fashioned.

Have you got the Facebook?

Of course. What is it?

Bring up the Appleton Community


Apparently, it's kicking off

all over the Facebook.

Bloody Penny.

What is it?

Kylie Pearce has written,

"That B-I-T-C-H should

stick to pap smears

and let the locals do

the potato races."

And look what your

Gavin's saying about my Penny.


Who's Ainslie Parker?

I don't know

any bloody Ainslie Parker.

Mark said there were trolls

on that page.

Maybe she's a troll?

This one says he's going to

find us,

clock us to death with potatoes,

and chuck us over the falls

in the sacks.

Christ. What are we going to do?

We'll have to call an

extraordinary general meeting.

Penny's raised a lot of money.

Too much, apparently.

So what?

She shouldn't be rewarded for

that. For breaking the rules.

Well, she has,

and we can't just ignore it.

Righto. Extraordinary general

meeting tomorrow night.

Can't be tomorrow. Everyone

will be at Nikki's fortieth.

Can't be Sunday. Heritage

Tomato Club are in the hall.

Well, it'll just have to be


- The day before the race.

- Righto.

Put a notice on the Facebook.

Yes, Barb speaking.

Hi, Barb, this is Gail

from the Southern Daily.

No, we don't have a comment

to make at the moment.

Oh no, I understand. But

we're just putting together a


No, I don't want to be

part of the story.

Yes, well, surely,

it's a community issue.

Thank you. Bye.

- Time.

- Um...

Two minutes 50?

Give it to me. It can't be.

I'm sorry, Mum. I dropped it.

- Ethan, for f*ck's sake.

- Sorry.

Why can't you do anything


All right, let's go, girls.

Not too late to beat them girls.

Piss off, Gavin.

A lot of money at stake now,

so I'm hearing.

I'm not going to dirty race.

You Andersons and your dirty


There's nothing dirty

about having a strategy.

I'm not into a strategy

that hurts other potato racers.

I want to win fair and square.

Ready. Set. Go.

Against them?

Good luck, Nicola.

This is so much heavier

than I thought it would be.

A thousand bucks of your

winnings and I'll make sure

that you'll win.

I said piss off, Gavin.

It's 7:45, love.

I'm going to head off to the


Do you think you can manage

without me today?

I think so, Barbie.

You think you'll be all right

for Nikki's party later?

Oh, I'm sure.

You rest up, love.

- Another one?

- No, I'm all right.

- Come on.

- I can't.

- Soda water.

- Yeah.

- Cher from Clueless.

- Bingo.

- Woo.

- You girls

all look absolutely


And you are...?

I'm Dennis Lillee, the greatest

test cricket fast bowler of all


Dennis Lillee?

Christ Almighty, Uncle Bob.

How old do you think I am?

Okay, he retired

from test cricket in 1984,

but his legend lives on.


Oh my God! Mermaid! I love it.

Happy birthday, Nikki.

What, we're both Madonna? So


Let's dance, Nikki. I love this


Your hair.

Born to be queen

Conquering everything

So, boys, bow down to me

Bow down to me

Like royalty

The crown fits perfectly

Call me "Your Majesty"

'Cause I was born to be


Oh. This.

Oh, yeah

Set the wheels in motion

And watch them turning round

I want to sail

Across the ocean...

Don't you remember this part?

I've grown weary of this


Take the pressure down

'Cause I can feel it

It's rising like a storm

Take hold of the wheels

And turn them around

Take the pressure down


In this city full of danger

We lead our separate lives

Come on.

And I was frightened

By a stranger

With desperation in her eyes

Wake me up after

the sunset...

Yeah. That's cool, huh?

It's not like any of these


actually come to my house

or anything.

It's all what Bob calls

keyboard warriors.

When are you going to

go back to work?

Bob actually prefers it there

by himself.

Nikki. Nikki!

There you are.

- Are you having a good time?

- Having a great time.

Good. Here's your present.

How much did this cost?

It's your fortieth.

Yeah, but I buy myself

a ticket to a musical

with my potato race money.

Well, now you don't have to,

and you can take someone

and stay in a nice hotel.

That one's just around the

corner from the theatre.

Why didn't you just

put the money that this was

into the potato race, and we

could just stop all the drama?

Ugh, you're such a dickhead.

- What? I'm the dickhead?

- Yes, you are.

You are the dickhead.

It's not fair that you work

harder than everyone else in

this town

to just scrape by.

I wanted the prize money to be

equal so you would have some

more money.

I don't need your money.

I don't need you

putting 50 bucks in my wallet

every time you come over.

I don't need you buying my kids

expensive presents

or, or, or putting rent

into my bank account.

I need you to f*ck off

and leave me alone.

And I'm sorry that I had three

kids and that you couldn't have


I'm sorry that your life

has fallen apart in the city,

and I'm sorry I married

your boyfriend.

But he's turned out to be

a drunk anyway,

so I guess you won that one too.

Yeah, don't blame me

for the shitty decisions

that you've made with your life.

Oh, now it comes out.

Don't blame me

because you were too scared

to leave this place

and have an actual life

and risk doing something

that you actually liked.

Like, you're a loser, Nikki,

and a dumb loser.

A loser who would sacrifice

getting some more money in a

potato race

so she doesn't beaten

by actual competition.

There you both are.

Come in for cake.

Happy birthday to


Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday, dear Nikki

Happy birthday to you


- Hip, hip...

- Hurray.

- Hip, hip...

- Hurray.



no, no, no. No, no. I'll be


Let's eat cake.

Can I say something?


Happy birthday to my wife,


It was a surprise,

us building a life together,

but somehow we've done it.

Things were rough, mate,

I was doing odd jobs,

and this one day I get a call

to install some basins

at the hairdressers,

and, bugger me,

Nikki's there doing

her apprenticeship, and...

...shit bricks, somehow she'd

gotten even more beautiful from



She asked me if I was training

for the potato race.

Training became the highlight

of me week.

And then Ethan came along,


And here's to Nikki.


I'm proud of the family

she's kept together.

Ethan with his apprenticeship.

Elliot going to Sydney for his


Eddie surviving putting

the wrong thing in his mouth.

We're a lucky family.

And that's what counts.

Happy birthday, Nikki.

We all love you.

We love you Nikki.

Aunty Barb, can you take me


Come on, love.

See you at home.

- Thank you. Good night.

- Night.

Come on.

You're officially bananas.

I like to ride down the road

in the middle of the night.

Feel the Appleton chill on my

face. Dream I'm a bushranger.

I think I'm going to go

back to Sydney.

You've had a rocky start.

No, I was cruel to my sister


I was so cruel.

She probably deserved it.

No, she didn't.

And Aunty Barb's hardly

getting out of bed,

and I've got Joan starting

computer training after the


and it's already giving her


Like, actual anxiety.

Joan Bunyan, a person you know

thinks mental illness can be


with an alarm clock

and a walk up the hill.

Like, I came back here

to be with my family...

All I've done is hurt them.

Come and pat Nugget.

I'm all right for now, thanks.

Pat Nugget.

It'll make you feel better.

I promise you.



Patting Nugget is rather lovely.

I just don't deserve

to feel lovely right now.

You know, when Graham and I

first got here,

we decided we weren't going

to hide what we were,

even though Appleton is...


We lived here together,

we went on runs together,

joined the footy club together.

We even went in your beloved

potato race together.

Graham nearly beat your Pop,

as it happens.

People couldn't stand us.

Thought we were flaunting

our lifestyle.

The surgery was pretty much

empty for the first six months.

It took time,

but people eventually got used

to us.

Then, they loved us

because we're so charming.

You'll be loved too

in exactly the same way

in a good 15 or 20 years.

What I'm saying, dear student,

is that people here need you.

And maybe you need them too.

Come on.

Off we go.

G'day! Billy Hindmarsh with

you from Appleton FM.

Well, tomorrow is the big day.

The one day of the year

we're all looking forward to,

the Appleton Show,

and, as expected, locals are

going to face tough


from women all over the state.

This year's Appleton

Ladies' potato race...

Shh, shh, shh, shh.

All right, shh. Shush, everyone.

Be quiet, please. It's... shh.

It's 5:00 p.m.

I declare this

extraordinary general meeting

of the Appleton Show Committee

to order.

Present are Joan Bunyan,


Barb Brickner, secretary.

Apology from Billy Pope,

committee member in charge

of entertainment.

Apology from Billy...

Never mind about them, Barb.

Those bastard Billies are never


We are here to discuss

the Appleton Ladies' Potato

Race fundraising campaign

where $12,000 has been raised


...without permission from

the Appleton Show Committee.

On the agenda to speak

are Gavin Bunyan...

...and Dr Penny Anderson.


Bloody ridiculous amount of


even if it was for a sport that

women could do properly.



put the money into a kitty

and support this race

into its future.

After Saturday's race, at least

three of the boys will need


Pay for it.

Thank you.

This, this race kicked off

in the early 1900s

to celebrate the blokes...

Ooh, God forbid,

to celebrate the blokes

that did all the hard work.

They didn't, yeah,

they get the profit

from a good potato yield,

but they got the glory of

showing everyone how strong

they were.

How athletic they were.

And then...

and then someone, yeah,

comes along and tricks us

into letting the chicks run as


And, and, hey,

and now, now, they want

the same prize money,

but they don't even do

the same amount of work.

It's bloody bullshit.

- Language!

- No.

The ladies' race,

I'll finish on this,

the ladies' race is a sideshow.

Don't waste good money on it.

Gavin Bunyan.

Go home! Boo!

- Penny?

- No, Joan!

I'd like to say something

in response to Gavin, please.

But your name isn't on the


I just put it on the agenda.

Hello, everyone.

Barb Brickner nee Anderson here.

Fifth-generation potato racer.

I've always loved the race.

Something about the speed,

the strength, the potatoes.

Let's keep it moving, Barb.

30 years ago,

I got sick of watching my pop

and my dad

and my brothers do the race

so I got dressed up as a bloke

and I did the race myself.

Kev Bunyan got wise to me

just after the third turn.

I remember that.

He tried pulling me off.

But I kept going.

I showed everyone that a lady,

I mean, a woman,

can run the potato race.

Here's me winning

the inaugural Ladies' Potato

Race the following year.

But, I didn't have the guts

back then to ask for equal

prize money.

But I do now!

Do it, Joan.

We need to do it!

Righto, righto.

Penny, you're up.

After that,

we'll take a public vote on it.

I drive home past the footy


where a whole heap of mums are

coaching kids playing soccer.

And I drive past the shops

where the women are buying

the dinner for the night

that they will probably

go home and cook.

After working all day and

feeding their kids at night,

a whole bunch of them

train for the potato race

as if it was the Sydney Marathon

or the Olympic

hundred-metre freestyle.


And we dare to pay them

a fraction of the prize money

for running the exact same race,

the exact same distance,

on the exact same day


Front of the exact same crowd?

I don't think so.

It's the 21st century.

Come on.

Kazzy Pearce just had a baby

and she's running in it

on the weekend.

Look at that board up there.

Who's name is on it

more than anyone's?

My sister.

Nikki Anderson Bunyan.

Now, if she was a bloke,

her ten years of winning

would have bought her a new car.

So we need to make this

the richest potato race

on earth tomorrow

for the women to right a great

Appletonian historical wrong.

Ten thousand for the winner

and the rest divided

between the place-getters.

Let's show them that the

Appleton Ladies' Potato Race

is running into the future!

Everyone present is allowed a


Raise your hand

if you think the money should

not go

to the ladies' race on show day.

Raise your hand

if you think it should.

Tomorrow's Ladies'

Potato Race

will be the richest

in Appleton history.

She's gone and done it.

Well, it's a

beautiful day here in Appleton

after the usual foggy start.

We have the perfect day out

for you.

It's been a great

potato season this year,

particularly good for the

reds and the Dutch creams.

We're not far away from the

start of our annual potato


and in the women's event,

will Nikki Bunyan keep her


Not long to go now.

Do you feel

The weather changing?

The clouds are getting heavy

They're holding you down

Holding you

Do you see the colours


They seem less saturated

You're coming down

So good.

You're coming down

You're boring...

- Hey, Rania.

- Goat curry?

- Yep.

- Makes you run faster.

Sorry, sorry.

That's pouring through your

blood While you're dancing in

the crowd

Do you feel it?

Do you feel it?

All my friends are high

While I'm alone

In the coloured lights

Strangers overnight

I guess that candy

Just hit you right...

How are things

looking for the race?

Don't know if I feel like

telling you, you bloody


- Filled up in half an hour.

- Terrific.

Nikki was right.

Every CrossFit bimbo

between Bowral and Boggabri.

Brisbane too, I reckon.

Many of the local girls?

Kazzy. Rania's daughter,

Miriam. Nikki, of course.

Is that those Billys up

there in the commentary box?

They haven't done

a bloody thing all year,

and now they sit up there like

they're Richie Benaud?

Not today. Not this race!

It needs to be a lady

in the box today.

A lady who knows all there is

to know about the potato race.

- No, Joan.

- It needs to be you, Barb.

Come on.

All my friends are high

While I'm alone

In the coloured lights...

Well, the stakes

certainly are high

for the girls this year

in the Appleton Ladies' Potato

Race there, Bill.

Well, the stakes are

always high, Bill,

in the Appleton Potato Race.

The men's race.

Yes, isn't that

the truth there, Bill?

And I tell you what,

I wouldn't mind winning ten Gs.

You might finally shout a round

of schooners there, Bill.

Yeah, righto.

I might do that. I might.

Get out.



Ugh! Bloody women.

We'll just check the bags,

then we're ready to go.

Yeah, I'm hitting, like,

around two minutes, usually.

-Excuse me, are you Nikki

Bunyan? -Yeah.

As in, ten-time champion of the

Appleton Ladies' Potato Race?

Yeah, that's me.

Oh my God, can I please get a


Can I get one too?

- Please.

- Yes.

Oh, thank you. Oh my God.

Oh my God.

While the competitors

are making their way to the


for this year's Appleton

Ladies' Potato Race.

It's hard, mate, 'cause your

shoulders don't want to admit


but your boobs are your best

friend in the potato race.

Think of them like talismans.

They're, like,

lighting the path to victory.

It's the mistake

everyone else makes.

They forget about the

importance of upright boobage.

Pow! Pow!

Oh! Did you get the Ns on the


I didn't think you guys would

do that. Look at you all.

Yeah, just...

- Line up, girls.

- Everyone, line up.

- Here we are.

- Got to be careful.

- Good stuff.

- Where's Penny?

- She's over there.

- She's over there.

26. Get it? You ready?

Is she racing?

- Looks like it. Get out there.

- Go, Mum.

- All right. Thank you.

- Go get them, babe.

Go, Mum. Woo.

And now they're

loaded up with sacks,

heading to the starting line.

What are you doing?

Well, you're not a true local

until you run a potato race.

You don't have any training.

You will hurt yourself.

I'll be right. Go win that ten



Hey. I'll do you, love.

Come here. I'll load you up.

There you go. I got hers. I got


You got that? All right.

Two seconds. Okay.

Smash it. There you go.

Good luck.

Should be good.

Bloody love the ladies' race.

On your marks.

Get set.

And they're off to a good start.

Nikki Bunyan out in front.

Just ahead of Kazzy Pearce.

Penny Anderson bringing up the


The rest standing nicely.

Nikki Bunyan's out in front!

Behind her, Miriam Hamid

and Kazzy Pearce.

Going well. Going well.


Something's happened on the


It's potatoes!

One down. Two down!

It's carnage!

Potato carnage!

But the race goes on.

Nikki Bunyan still in front.

Keep going. Miriam, keep going.

Nikki Bunyan stops.

Nikki goes back.

Miriam and Kazzy power on

ahead of the pack.

What are you doing?

- Get up!

- Piss off.

- Get up.

- It's ten grand!

- Get up.

- Get back to the race.

We're going to share your bag

across both our shoulders.

We are finishing this race.

Okay. You hold onto me, okay?

Oh, here she comes.

- You're such a dickhead.

- You're the dickhead.

They're about to cross

the finish line.

It's Miriam Hamid!

And she's done it!

Miriam Hamid takes it.

Miriam Hamid takes the race.


The richest Ladies' Potato Race

in Appleton history.

Here they come.

Nikki and Penny

cross the line, last place.


I'm so sorry that I


and I'm, I'm sorry that I


I tried to take over

something that...

Don't be dumb. I am so sorry.

Look how wonderful this is.

It's like a real sport now.

It's the best thing ever, Pen.


Oh, what is this?

Okay, you know the last in a

race gets a wooden spoon?

In a potato race, obviously,

it's a potato masher.

Thank you.

Gavin Bunyan, can you

please report to the marshals?

Gavin Bunyan.

And also, your mother

would like to speak to you.

You're in big trouble!


Feel it falling off

Like clothing

Ethan! Come on!

Taste it rolling on your



See the lights above you


Oh, and breathe them

Deep into your lungs

It was always simple

Not hidden hard

You've been pulling at the

strings Playing puppeteer for


And you've had enough

But the search ends here

Where the night is totally


And your heart is fierce

So now you finally know

that You control where you go

You can steer

So hold this feeling

Like a new-born

Of freedom surging

Through your veins

You have opened up a new


So bring on the wind

Fire, and rain

It was always simple

Not hidden hard

You've been played at a game

Called remembering your name

And you stuffed it up

But the search ends here

Where the night is totally


And your heart is fierce

So now you finally know

that You control where you go

You can steer