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05x06 - 11 Chefs Compete

Posted: 08/12/23 17:07
by bunniefuu
NARRATOR: Previously

on "Hell's Kitchen."

Lacey, you're now

on the men's team.

Yes chef.

NARRATOR: The women were

thrilled to lose Lacey.

Lacey is the Blues

Brothers problem now.

NARRATOR: But the men

weren't thrilled to get her.

There's no time for

non of this crying.

We can't handle dead

weight, we aren't looking

for another [inaudible]


Asian fusion challenge

Andrea's assertiveness--

Wait stop, we're

not done looking here.

NARRATOR: --rubbed her

teammates the wrong way.

Wait, back up,

back up, back up.

Andrea, seriously,

just shut the f*ck off

NARRATOR: But the red

team did pull it together.

Blue, or the Red?

NARRATOR: And won the challenge.

I'm going to have

to go with my ladies

NARRATOR: Lacey blamed the

loss on her new teammates

You guys didn't let me do

anything today, just like they

didn't let me do anything.

I've worked with people

like Lacey, it's a cancer.


dinner service--

Guys I'm going in like

a minute and a half.


the garner station

she impressed everybody.

You're doing a

great job now keep

it together, keep going Lacey.

NARRATOR: The same

wasn't true for Jay.

Jay, no entrees has left this

kitchen in nearly minutes.

NARRATOR: Who collapsed

on the meat station.

I f*cked up

everything, everything.

NARRATOR: In the Red kitchen

Andrea crumbled on the meat.


the wellington?

They b*rned them.


What are you doing?

Pile of s .

I'm screwed.

NARRATOR: And Colleen

couldn't figure out desert's.


know that's raw pastry

with a raw pair.

No chef.

Oh my God, switch

it f*cking off.

NARRATOR: With no winning

team, Giovanni, and LA

each nominated a

teammate for elimination.

Jay, Andrea.

NARRATOR: But chef Ramsay

had something else in mind.

Back in line.

Colleen, here you've had

five services, Madam,

and all five of them

have been shocking.

Take off your jacket and

leave "Hell's Kitchen."

Yes chef.

NARRATOR: And with that Colleen

walked out of "Hell's Kitchen"

and left her dream of being

head chef at Borgata hotel in,

Atlantic City, behind.

[theme music]

NARRATOR: And now, the

continuation of "Hell's


LA: We just lost our

cheerleader, dude.

Red team is going

to miss Colleen.

We lost our spirit,

and she was the mom.

I knew I made

the wrong decision.

I hold no animosity

whatsoever for that decision.

Bro when I said

your name I like--

It was the right decision.

I expected LA to

put me on the block.

I got what I deserved,

I'm going to say it over,

and over again, I got

what I f*cking deserved.

- You all right?

- Ha.

Just got to motivate you.

Motivate is not even close,

It puts a fire under my ass.

Being up on the

chopping block was

a very humbling

experience this evening,

but it's not going

to happen again.

[sad music]

J, you all right?

Yeah I'm good.

Sorry I had to

make the decision.

No, no, it's all good.

It's all good.

I'm glad your staying, man.

I really am.

Goal is to win the challenge

and to win another service.

That's it.

I enjoy your company,

man, I think you're

a great guy, and a great chap.

Thank you Gio.

J: I thought about my

wife, thought about my son.

I'm here for a

purpose and a reason,

I've never failed like that.

It's disappointing.

Not f*cking up again son.


miserable dinner service.

Chef Ramsay has a special

message for one of the chefs.

GORDON RAMSAY: Good morning.

Good morning chef.


Yes, chef?

I was slightly doubtful to

begin with, but your shining.

Don't stop.

No chef, I won't.

Our next dinner service will

be very, very, special event.

For the first time,

in "Hell's Kitchen,"

we are open for a bar mitzvah.


Those are my people chef.

Those are your people.


We're doing a bar

mitzvah, all right.

This is great.

Explain what a

bar mitzvah means.

It signifies, in the

Jewish religion chef--


--a boy entering

into manhood, chef.

I am so happy.

I've catered so

many bar mitzvahs.

They're so much

fun, people dance,

they break glasses,

L'Chaim, all this stuff.

So tomorrow night should

be your best ever service?


In order to

accommodate our clients

needs it's our job as

chefs to take their dishes,

and turn it into

something special.

We're going to do that

for our bar mitzvah boy.

To give us a little

more insight,

and tell us what he likes,

here are two of the most

important chefs in his life.

Please say hello to

his mother Brenda,

and his grandmother, Sally.

GORDON RAMSAY: Nice to see

you, thank you for coming.

And his favorite food is?

He loves my hamburgers.

Chicken soup, and

brisket of course.

This was his first

food, and he loved it.


BEN: Little grandma,

with the poofy hair.

All I wanted to do

was go up and give her

a big hug on her smushy cheek.

OK, here is your

next challenge.

Each team will

create a hamburger,

a brisket, and a chicken soup.

I'm looking for you

to take those dishes

to a completely new level.

Is that clear?

Yes chef.

minutes starting from, now.

NARRATOR: For this

challenge, chef Ramsay

has provided fresh

ingredients, so the chefs

can create fine dining

versions of the bar mitzvah

boys three favorite

dishes, chicken

soup, hamburger, and brisket.

I got the brisket guys

All right let's do

it, a Kobe burger.

ROBERT: I didn't even

hear the other two dishes,

I wanted that burger.

I know how to make them, and I

know what makes a tasty burger.

Can I do that burger?

That's fine, chicken soup.

NARRATOR: By having the chefs

transform everyday foods

into gourmet dishes,

chef Ramsay is

testing their

ability to innovate,

and to think on their feet.

- How's the brisket?

What are you guys

going to do with that?

We're going to barbecue it.

COI: I know what

kids like, I mean,

I'm not going to say

what all kids like

because I don't know all kids.

Basically I don't

want to know all kids,

but I knew what I

liked when I was .

minutes gone.

I'm assuming you've done

upscale Jewish cuisine before.


Loving you right

now Ben, loving you.

BEN: I've got a good,

solid foundation,

of cooking knowledge in

the kitchen to begin with,

but you know, I'm Jewish

I should be able to do

the Jewish food good.

We gotta sear in

the brisket right now.

We got it.

This is my time to shine,

we're cooking for my people,

[singing jewish tune]

NARRATOR: While the Blue team

has put their faith in Ben,

Carol believes in her hamburger.

Guys I can do a

really fantastic burger

stuffed with blue cheese.

Do you think blue is going

to be good for a kid though?

CAROL: I've definitely

made a burger

stuffed with cheese for both

of my kids, and they eat it up.

I would I would make it

a little bit more mild,

maybe some goat cheese

maybe will mellow it out.

Goat cheese doesn't

mellow anything.

What about Monterrey jack?

CAROL: I don't know

what Andrea's doing.

Personally I'm ready to

take a needle and thread

and just sew her

f*cking lips closed.

But he said transform it

into something fine dining.

I don't think you

should use blue cheese.

ANDREA: It's tough

to be around Carol.

Her stubbornness, it kind

of affects everybody.

I'm going to cook

that burger to medium,

does everyone agree

that that's a good temp.

- Mid well.

- Yea, mid well.

Yea, I'm going to do medium.

LA: Carol seems

like she's always

got this chip on her

shoulder, and she just

can't get rid of it, she's

always got that like I'm

better ho, ho, ho.

[cat noises]

minutes left, yes?


J: It was nonstop

for minutes.

Boom, boom, boom, mirepoix,

got to get that stock going.

Bing, bing, bing, fresh pasta.

Boom, boom, boom just strain

it over here, bing, bing,

you put it in there, you

got your other mirepoix,

boom, boom.

J put on a show today.

Last minute guys.

Lace, it's go time.

Keep going Lace, good effort.

- Oh, good God.

BEN: All I got to say

gentlemen is hava nagila.

GORDON RAMSAY: Six, five, four,

three, two, one, and stop.

Are we happy with the dishes?

Yes, chef.

I won't be judging

these dishes.

I brought in a very special

judge, our guest of honor,

Max the bar mitzvah boy.

Let's go buddy.

I was a little bit nervous.

Kids years old,

you know, we might

have gone a little bit too

fancy with a couple of things.

NARRATOR: The team

with the most dishes

chosen by the bar mitzvah

boy will win the challenge.

First up are Andrea and

Giovanni, with their versions

of chicken soup.

Little sip, and pass

it on to mum, and gran.

Giovanni explain

to Max, please.

We made a traditional

chicken soup,

we put some fresh

pasta, fresh vegetables,

we made little rice balls.

I say it's excellent.



We have a spring chicken

soup, it is indicative

of you coming into manhood.

It is chock full of

spring vegetables

and there is some

homemade pasta in there,

and it's topped with

fresh pea sh**t.

It's very good.

I love the way gran digs deep.

Turns it upside down, digs

deep, she knows how to eat.

COI: Oh, I was terribly

happy to see bubby.

She loved our soup and she just

can't eating it, and eating

it, and eating it,

and I was like yes

we got the soup challenge.

OK we got two more courses.

Good lady.


Which one would

you like to choose?

The Red team or the Blue team?

I would have to

say that my friends

would enjoy that one more.

The Blue team.

Excellent, okay good.

NARRATOR: The chicken

soup was the right remedy

for the Blue team.

Right, brisket,

let's go please.

I've made brisket quite a few

times and it's just delicious.

OK Ben, the theory

behind the brisket.

And I'm Jewish

also, came up in a

conservative Jewish household.

So, you know, sort of took

me back to making brisket.

You know, you have got

to be kidding me right now.

Shut up, and move on.

GORDON RAMSAY: How was that Max?

It was pretty sweet,

and I like that.

Little sweet,

little schmaltz added,

it was a little

combination of the two.


to Max exactly what

you've done, please.

We raised our brisket, and

threw a cherry barbecue sauce

over it.

That's very good.

Which one.

Is it from the Red kitchen, or

is it from the Blue kitchen.

On this one I would have

to go with the Red team.

GORDON RAMSAY: Red team, good.

BEN: Coming from

the Jewish faith

I thought that my food

would be, you know, spot on,

I really did.

One each.

It's down to the burger.

NARRATOR: With the team's tied,

it's the battle of the burgers.

Carol's blue cheeseburger,

versus Robert's Kobe beef



CAROL: Robert

pulled off his dome

and immediately all

I saw was miniature,

greasy looking, little

fries, and a burnt burger.

And I was like, yeah I hit

this one out of the park, baby.

This is prepared with Kobe

beef, all I was thinking about

was you becoming a man, and

you deserve a man sized burger.

GIOVANNI: Of course

Robert can make a burger,

we know he can make a mean

burger, look at him, you know.

I mean he's eaten a few

burgers in his life.

Maybe one or two, maybe three.

And Max, how was that?

I thought that

was very excellent.

OK Carol would

you explain, please.

What we've done is we've taken

a trio of lamb, veal, and Kobe

beef, and stuffed

it with a little bit

of blue cheese crumbles.

And on top you have

some sauteed onions

and portobello mushrooms,

with a little bit

of white truffle oil.

She loves the hamburger.

Max, tough decision.

It's definitely gonna be hard.

Which one?

Is it from the Red

team, or the Blue team?

To show you're

becoming a man these are

a little more grown up flavors.

That is a homemade, sun

dried, tomato mayonnaise.

Hand cut french fries.

Threw a little cayenne pepper

on there for a little bite.

Green apple aioli, and the

tomatoes that are on there--

That's the best burger

you're going to get.

Hey, stop trying to manipulate

him, it's his decision.

That's right

OK buddy, under no pressure

whatsoever, which one?

Go with your taste buds.

NARRATOR: It all comes down to

which burger Max likes best.

On the Red team the hamburger

was very good, the cheese

in there wasn't that good.

I definitely like the Blue team.


excellent, congratulations,

well done.

ROBERT: I'm so excited

that we won the challenge.

I'll be like.

PAULA: Carol was stuck

on doing the blue cheese.

We didn't want her to do that,

but she didn't listen to us,

and that was, f*cking,

just aggravating to me.

Bye, Max.

Bye, Max.


for Max, and mum, and gran.


Lacey, well done.

I've organized for all

of you, something unique.

You're off now to Skin

Haven spa to relax all day.

Thank you chef.

Quick, off you go.

DANNY: I'm down

for some massage,

or something like that,

but, I don't know,

I've never been no

salon, or whatever it is.


Losers, what a shame.

Lost on the burger.

Whose idea was the cheese?

It's mine chef, my

kids love lots of cheese.

Blue cheese is forceful,

it's hardly delicate.

ANDREA: The blue

cheese in the burger

was so f*cking ridiculous.

I suggested a couple of times,

what about a different cheese.

Maybe some goat cheese,

maybe will mellow it out?

Goat cheese doesn't

mellow anything.

Whatever, you make an ass out

of yourself for not listening.


you've got one hell

of a tough day ahead of you.

All of you will be

helping transform

this room into the dining room

for tomorrows bar mitzvah.

That is a lot of work.

Yes, chef.

GORDON RAMSAY: Off you go.

Get me to the spa, son.

NARRATOR: As the Blue team

heads to the spa for a day

of pampering, back

in the dining room,

Max's mom lets JP

know he'll be working

with someone to plan the party.

This gentlemen's

very recommended.


Bonjour, darling.

Oh, here he is now.

NARRATOR: Someone he

knows all too well.

JP, hello, it's

so good to see you.

I'm so thrilled to be back,

are you thrilled to see me.

All right, be well, we'll

see you tomorrow night, okay?

Great party.

Thank you.

You, listen.

You are not interfering

with my job.

I respect your boundaries.


I do.

Leave my thing for me, and

then you do your little thing.

My little thing

will be so happy.


Oh here they come.

Ladies, ladies, ladies.

We've done a few parties

in the past with Francisco.

I'm so excited to be

here, this is so fabulous.

Wait until you see

what we're making.

We are going to go up, up,

and away with beautiful

balloons all around.

It's going to be so festive.

Oh Francisco is just

fabulous all the way around.

We have twinkly centerpieces

on all of the tables.


COI: It's the way he talks, it's

the way he dresses, everything,

he's fabulous.

We are going to make this the

most beautiful sports arena.

I'm gay, that

dude is parade gay.



Let's get to it.



women get to work--

I'm imagining that

this is my facial.

NARRATOR: --the men

are busy relaxing.

J: Personally, J, has

never had a facial.

J really doesn't spend his

money on stuff like that.

Ah, fabulous.

Ah, my face feels

wonderful, can't you tell?

I think, I think,

I look again.

You ain't a man until you use

the loofah, for straight up.

Yo, it's nice to get

pampered a little bit.

NARRATOR: While the Blue team

enjoys their relaxing reward,

the Red team's punishment

has them in pieces.

Do you want to set it in

the middle of the parameter?

The dance floor was kind of

confusing, and nerve wracking,

because everyone wanted

to go their own way.

Hey guys, we need

to decide which

way our grains going to go.

Can we take a

look at the border

and see how the border locks?

No, no look, it's still

going back that way.

ANDREA: Carol,

every time she opens

her mouth it drives me insane.

This is not supposed to be

here, you see what I'm saying?

Either way still

it's not lining up.

Andrea and I have not

gotten along from day one.

We fake it, and we both

know we're faking it.

All right, why

don't, somebody else

put this where it

needs to be, I'm having

like five different directions.

CAROL: She feels that

she is the leader

and will not budge

down from that.

That rubs me the wrong way.

We're not right.

Yea, I mean, I get that.

Oh yea, this is awesome.

Thank you.

It's very satisfying

knowing that, you know,

I'm on a new team,

I've had a new start.

I'll just show both teams

that, you know, I can do this,

I deserve to be here.

You guys are fun.

- Yea?

A little more fun

than the Red team?

Oh hell yes.

Guys, we have a, we have

a circle in the middle.

This is a basketball court.

Oh my god.

Light just came

on in Andreas brain.

No the light's been on.

PAULA: Carol and

Andrea bickering

like a bunch of

b*tches creates more,

and more, and more, headache,

and more, and more, attention.

The light in my

brain is flashing

And that's just

f*cking pisses me off.

Oh my Lord.

Watch your fingers.

It just feels good to hammer.

Just pretend it's someone

you really don't like.

CAROL: I'm not going to

let her intimidate me.

She wants a w*r, she's

going to get one.

NARRATOR: While the Blue teams

reward has brought them closer

together, the Red

team's punishment

has pushed them farther apart.

[balloon pops]

There you go.

Opa, opa, L'Achim.

I love it when people wear

sunglasses inside a building.

That was so like, years ago.

Take them off.

Let's go get in the hot tub.

Let's go get in

the hot tub, guys.

I'm still feeling

a little stiff.

LACEY: I was really

trying not to giggle

like a little schoolgirl.

Did you hear Lacey?

Come on guys, the hot

tub's waiting for us.

LACEY: From my experience

with the Red team

on "Hell's Kitchen," I really

like sticking it to them.

I can say that I had a

service where chef Gordon

Ramsey said I was shining.

That's pretty good.


team celebration

is short lived, as it's

soon back to business

for the aspiring chefs.

You ever been to a

bar mitzvah, Giovanni?


NARRATOR: Because tonight is

the first ever bar mitzvah

in "Hell's Kitchen," in addition

to Chef Ramsay's regular menu,

tonight's menu will

feature the men's

winning chicken noodle soup,

and their Kobe beef burger.

Is the bar mitzvah

the chair deal?

Yeah, it's kind of like

the Jewish signature move.

Crazy Jews.

NARRATOR: The women's beef

brisket, with cherry barbecue

sauce, will also be featured.

Can I help you

with that brisket?

Yeah, absolutely.

I can definitely use another set

of hands whenever you're ready.

All right guys, lets go.

Two seconds please.

Ladies, let's go, quickly.

OK, tonight is a very,

very, special night for Max.

More than any other service

ever in "Hell's Kitchen,"

we have to complete tonight.

Yes, chef.

Look at it out there.

The dining looks absolutely

fantastic, well done.

COI: I did not know that "Hell's

Kitchen" could look so pretty.

OK, let's going, yea?



evening, welcome.

Welcome to "Hell's Kitchen."

Do you really

need to have it on?

Well don't you like it?

It's basketballs.


It's such a nice

restaurant, oh my God.

How are you tonight?


guests settle in--

Me, I'm going to start with

the butter lettuce salad.

NARRATOR: --both teams

are ready to make

this an unforgettable evening.

All right guys, Blue

team, are we ready to go?

- Let's roll guys.

- Let's do it.

Round one, ding.

Ladies and gentlemen,

boys and girls, our man

of the hour, Mr. Max Reuben.



Look at that little pimp.

GORDON RAMSAY: Okay great.

Back at stations, lets go.

Here we go, yes?


taking his seat--

Coming over, hot, hot, hot.

NARRATOR: --Andrea is ready

with her first appetizer

from the Red kitchen.


Andrea, come here.

More mushrooms in there.

Back in the pan,

it's not good enough.

It's a risotto, not

a risotto with one

bit of mushroom in there.

Hurry up.

Yes chef, yes chef.

Do you guys want me to make

risottos on this side as well?


CAROL: Andrea is not

working as a team,

and she didn't want

my help, and there's

no room for the possibility

that she may be wrong.

Don't throw the

risotto away, just

get some mushrooms in there.

I got it chef.

What I need to

do is just f*cking

relax, cook the way

I know how to cook,

and stop being stupid about it.

That's what I call a

mushroom risotto, yes?

Yes, chef.

Mushroom is plentiful, yes.

- Absolutely, chef.

- Andrea.

Yes, chef?

You'll come back now, ya?

I know, I will chef.


Piss off, go on.

NARRATOR: With Andreas

risotto finally making

it out to the hungry diners--

--the bar mitzvah boys

mom has a request.

The mother just came to

see me for the hora dance.

Ladies, OK, so for the

second part of the punishment.

Go out and hold Max in the

chair for the celebration dance.

Let's go.

Lift the chair you donut.

PAULA: Max was lifted up in

a chair by a bunch of girls.

I'm sure he felt like a king.

That's probably the

last time that's

ever going to happen to him.

Here's your

advantage right now.

Make sure you're going to be

ready for the first couple

of tables.

You could feel

the balance going,

you can see Max's face

like, oh my God, oh my God.

Don't drop him

There will be

hell to pay if we

drop the poor guest of honor.

I was very upset that I

couldn't be a part of the hora.

You know I'm Jewish,

seeing Max up

in the chair brought

back some pretty nice

memories of my bar mitzvah.

I was like OK,

are we done yet?

Okay, let's go.

We gotta get back

in that kitchen,

like you called out

orders and they're

like, oh yeah by the way.

GORDON RAMSAY: OK, let's go.

NARRATOR: While the

Red team returns

to work in the kitchen--

Four soup, two

salad, let's go.

NARRATOR: --the Blue team is

concentrating on pushing out

their appetizers.

One soup, two soup, go.

Let's go, go please, yes?

Salad, where is the two

salad, one no dressing.

Right now chef.

Where is the one

with no dressing.

J, where's the one

with no dressing,

they've both go dressing on.

You've got to wake up and

grab responsibility young man.

Yes, chef.

ROBERT: Apparently

the appetizer station

was just a bit much for J.

I'm absolutely

gobsmacked that we

could fall behind with a salad.

Two salad, one no dressing.

Yes, chef.

You're screwing up big

time, what's the matter?

I don't know chef.

My God, when he

calls you out and he

starts screaming at you--

- J!

- --it's intimidating.

- Snap out of it.

Yes, chef.

NARRATOR: An hour and

a half into dinner

service, all the appetizers

have been served.

But chef Ramsay will

allow no entrees

to leave the kitchen until the

guest of honor has been served.

Max's table, two burgers

medium, two normal.

Yes, chef.

Four minutes to the window.

Coi's getting more burgers.


Where has Coi gone?

The burger's not on?

COI: I did forget.

I forgot, which

happens all the time,

people forget all the time.

I'm working on it chef.

No, Coi.

You forgot them.

You're right chef.

I know I'm f*cking right,

you're the one who's wrong.


starts Max's burger

a little behind schedule,

but fortunately he's

distracted by the games

in the dining room.

I'm a little rusty.

NARRATOR: And Max isn't the

only one who's distracted.

JP, you want to play with me?

No, you're not playing.

The kids are playing.

I was just taking a few sh*ts.

No, but yes, but

the kids, the kids,

the balls are here for the kids.


If you need me I'll

be right over here.


the Red kitchen,

Coi hopes that cooking

perfect burgers will

make up for her forgetfulness.

These f*cking

burgers are sticking.

I don't know what happened

I was doing so well,

next moment in my face, boom.

It's going to be all right.

Just hold your sh*t together,

stop messing with them so much.

That's f*cking rare, girl.

f*cking, get up.

Come on, Coi.

You stack a f*cking patty on

top of a bun, some mushrooms,

it's not rocket science.

Oh God, he's not going

to serve any of this.

Ladies, you'll hurry up, yes?

It's Max's table.

I'm hungry.

Go, go, bring them

up bring them up,

bring them up, go, go, go, go.

These burgers are cold.

NARRATOR: Coi has brought

the guest of honors burger,

to the pass.


them, they're stone cold.

For f*ck sakes.

Come on, Coi.

It's Max's table.

Yes, chef.

Help her out, why is no

one talking to each other?

LA: I went over there to help

her, and she's, kind of like,

stuck in her zone.

You gotta communicate, you

gotta work with us as a team.


part cooking them,

and they're still

coming out could.

Sorry, chef.

When I pulled them of the

grill they were so hot.

I would blink, and

they were cold.

Where's the burger's?

The burger's ready.

Holy crap, yea, well

at least they're hot.

Table , sorry

about the delay, yes?

God bless a bar mitzvah.

NARRATOR: Now that Max has

finally received his entree,

all of the other

diners can be served,

and Danny is ready

with his first burgers.

Two mid well plain, two mid--

You got sh*t under the

plate, please be careful.

Just look.

Yes, chef.

Yeah, no but look.

I don't f*cking care.

Plates were clean

in my station,

and when I was sending them down

the line again get garnished,

they were getting dragged

through all kinds of sh*t.

Check your plates,

where you're working,

Danny, all the sh*t's

getting stuck underneath.

Yes, chef.

BEN: Attention to detail is

everything in this business,

and Danny, who was a pig,

filthy mess over there.

GORDON RAMSAY: Danny, look.

You gotta wipe down, Danny.

You gotta wipe down before

you put a plate on top.

It doesn't get dirty.

Yes, chef.

NARRATOR: While Danny

tries to clean up his act,

over in the Red

kitchen, Coi has brought

her brisket to the pass.


more mash than I have beef.



Yes, chef.

CAROL: I did see Coi

struggling a lot,

and I wanted to help her so bad.

No wonder you're

so slow, you're

working on top of each other.

Spread out.

Yes, chef.

COI: I was swamped with way

too many people around me,

and I was this close to blowing

up, and telling everybody

to step the f*ck back.


couple of more slices of beef.

Why is it you all

are breaking up?

You're going to

cut like this, OK?

I'm cutting like this.

No, get this f*cking--

I told you not to cut like this.

No, it works better.

LA: When Coi gets

under pressure,

she just gets frustrated.


beef two burger.

Oh my God, come on ladies.

NARRATOR: While Coi tries to get

the meat station under control,

Lacey has hers well in hand.

GORDON RAMSAY: Dear, oh dear.

NARRATOR: Or does she?


- Yes, chef?

Come here.

The beef is so cold,

look, touch it.

It sat there too long.

Yeah, sat there, yeah right.

I've served half the table.

Hurry up.

The beef is cooked, so all

we have to do is reheat it.

Yes, chef.

Why don't you

turn this up, Lacey?

I didn't turn it down, Gio.

For God's sake woman,

we're reheating beef.

Lacey was in charge of

reheating the brisket.

We need something

to put it in.

Oh my God.

Slice it, and

put it on a plate.

It's not that difficult.

Where's my Kn*fe?

Where's the beef?

It's coming, chef.

I need a beef.

Where's the beef?

ROBERT: Where's the

beef, where's the beef?

I'm looking for the old

lady from the Wendy's

commercials, man.

Where's the beef?

Where's the f*cking beef?

NARRATOR: It's two hours

into the bar mitzvah party,

and the Red team is

struggling to push

out the last of their entrees.

How long on those burgers?

Four minutes.

Four minutes why so long?

Yeah that shouldn't

be four minutes,

those should be just

about ready to go.


medium, one normal.

Those fries

gotta get seasoned.

Do you need me to

season those fries?


She wanted to pull

fries out of the basket,

when the table wasn't going

to go out for four minutes.

Four burgers, three

medium, come on.

You got the fries?

Yes, they're not ready.

I asked, and I didn't

see it getting done.

I've never wanted

to punch somebody

so bad in a kitchen before.

Like dude, get the

f*ck off my station.

You know what Carol,

f*ck you, no more help.

NARRATOR: There may be

trouble in the Red kitchen,

but out in the dining

room, all is well.

And it's almost

time for dessert.


Oh no.

You stupid, you.

I saw that cake

fall to the ground,

and I was like, oh sh*t.

You turned around so fast.

You call me, I

turn around, no?

Let's not make a scene.

That's it, man.

I've just had enough of you.

No, no, no, it's OK.

What is OK?

I'm so sorry.

Stop touching me.

This is ridiculous,

this is ridiculous.


going to be OK.

I saw JP just give

him an ass whipping.

Tinkerbell, he

probably enjoyed that.

NARRATOR: While it

looks like almost no

one will be enjoying

the bar mitzvah cake--

Come on let's get

these dessert's out,

and we're good to go.

NARRATOR: --the teams

must now rush to get

desserts out to the guests.

Dessert's, let's go.

OK three fondant,

and three crisps.

Behind, coming down the line.

We have to complete service

for this bar mitzvah tonight,

or there is no choice.

Come one, I need one

more fruit, let's go.

- Yes, chef.

- Right here.

We worked good as a team,

we had good communication.

Lacey, be careful baby.

I got you I got you.

Everybody flowed, everybody

helped each other out.

So good.

Out of this world.

NARRATOR: Although it

was rocky, the chefs

did complete dinner service.

I'd like to say,

Max congratulations

to your bar mitzvah.

We've arranged a very, stunning,

little surprise for you.

[globetrotter theme]

No way.

No way.

Ladies and gentlemen

the Harlem Globetrotters.

DANNY: Unbelievable, the Harlem

Globetrotters come running out.

It was awesome.

I saw those guys come

out, and I was like, yes.

I remember when them guys when

they were on Scooby Doo, man.

GLOBETROTTER: Come here, Max.

Come on up here, Max.

Hey look, hey look.

We want to teach

you some tricks, OK.

Here we go, Max, this is

what I need you to do, OK.

And since this is a

party, I want you to take

shake a little bit like that.

ANDREA: To see the smile

that was on his face,

that is just so special.

His cheeks were as

red as my jacket.

GLOBETROTTER: Turn around, shake

it to left, shake it to right.

CAROL: Did chef

Ramsay just laugh?

He's a real person, just

like the rest of us.


going to join the magic circle

with us, but first, you have to

look like one of us, all right.

LA: Max will never forget this

night for the rest of his life,

he'll be telling his

kids, kids about this.

Well at my bar mitzvah I had

the Harlem Globetrotters,

I was at "Hell's Kitchen."


ladies and gentlemen.

NARRATOR: With the guests

leaving the party happy,

both teams are

ready to clear down.

And one chef is ready

to clear the air.

I didn't mean to snap

you about those fries.

Do you need me to

season those fries?

- No.

- You got the fries?

Yes, they're not ready.

Andrea was just trying

to make other people

look bad because she did so bad

in the risotto station tonight.

He was yelling for those

four burgers for forever,

and they were just sitting

there in the basket.

She had just told me four

minutes, and that's why.

I mean, I'm not going to let

fries sit for four minutes.

I didn't hear that, and

I saw no action on it,

and that's why I

was freaking out.

Oh I wanted to

punch you in the neck.

She wanted to punch me in the

throat, I mean what the f*ck.


NARRATOR: After their best

dinner service so far,

the teams have left chef Ramsay

with a difficult decision.

Finally a successful

service, yes?

Yes, chef.

Not perfect, but we did make

Max and his family very happy.

But I still have to

send one of you home.

Across the board both

teams were pretty even,

so I'm basing my decision on

performance, more importantly,

the level of fight back.

The level of determination

throughout service.

Not for five minutes,

not for minutes,

but throughout

the whole service.

And that's why the winning

team tonight is the Blue team.


Yes, chef?

You did bounce back

more than anybody.

On the back of that

performance goes back upstairs

and think about two

nominees for eviction.

Yes, chef.

You've got some

serious thinking to do.

Now piss off.

CAROL: I'm just confused,

just absolutely, confused.

He picked our weakest

tonight as the strongest.

I'm in shock.

When he said her

name I was like.

Was he not in the

same kitchen we were?

Did he not see what

really went down tonight?

I'm f*cking pissed off.

Chef Ramsay's going

to pick Andrea who's

f*cked up on a lot of services.

That's f*cking bullshit.

If you and I go

up there, both of us

can get to express

the way we feel

about Andrea's performance.

What he didn't see.

It's got to be

both of us, though.

Not just one of us that says it.


I want you to know that what

you said was inappropriate.

About the fries?

About wanting to

punch me in the throat,

that was just inappropriate.

Well I'm sorry

you feel that way.

Telling somebody that

you're going to punch,

you wanted to punch

them in in the throat--

That was meant to be funny.

--is not professional.

I'm treating you

like a coworker.

I feel sorry for

your coworkers.

I don't regret what I

said even though, you know,

she's going to put me up

on the chopping block now

because of it.

You do something to piss me

off, I'm going to tell you,

I'm not going to feel

bad for it at all.

You were sh*t on the risottos,

you were sh*t on the burgers.

So you feel like everywhere

I went tonight was sh*t?

No, I'm just

saying you definitely

had problems on the risotto.

I don't think there was

anybody that out shined

the other, I don't

think there was anybody

that was weaker than the other.

We're all like this, flat lined.

Apparently my team doesn't

think I'm the best, or worst.

I mean, I'm just like

scratching my head.

Like are you serious?

It's just confusing,

it's a really

confusing situation to be in.

I really, honestly, have

no f*cking idea girls.

OK, Andrea.

Yes, chef?

Have you made your decision?

I still don't know if

I've made my decision, chef.

It's just kind of hard to stand

up here and point fingers, when

I can pretty much be reflecting

those reasons upon myself

as well.

Are you f*cking mad?

If I give you the responsibility

of going upstairs,

and nominating two members

of your team for elimination,

I expect that commitment.

Is that clear?

Yes, chef.

First nominee, and why please.



Yes, chef?

f*ck the mind games,

this is not funny.

First nominee.

My first nominee,

unfortunately, is Coi.


There's just been a

couple of performances

that weren't quite up to par.

Second nominee and why.

My second nominee is LA.


There seems to have been

% from LA, not %,

and it seems like she is

performing as a line cook,

and not as a leader

in the kitchen.


Yes, chef?

Why do you find it so funny?

Because I've given

% every service,

every challenge, and...

Coi, LA, step forward, please.


Yes, chef?

Why should you stay?

You haven't seen the

best of me yet, chef.

I mean this is my life.

I'm not very loud, I just got

to get in there the next time,

and I got to do it.

I got to show you that

I'm in it to win it.

- Coi.

- Yes, chef?

Why should you stay

in "Hell's Kitchen?"

I've been a wonderful team

player every single time

that we've had a challenge.

I've been in the front,

motivating my team.

I'm always first, I'm always

doing, and helping my team.

OK, my decision is--


I feel like Andrea

was the worst tonight.



Are you playing a mind game?

Honestly feel like

she was the worst.


Yes, chef?

So who performed the

worse this evening?

Honestly, Andrea, chef.



Carol, who had the

weakest performance?

Chef I believe Andrea

struggled tonight.


Yes, chef?

Who did have the weakest

performance in the kitchen


Um, in my mind chef, I

would say it was probably Coi.

The person leaving

"Hell's Kitchen" is Coi.

Take your jacket off, and

leave "Hell's Kitchen."

I feel Andrea should

be here right now.

I'm angry for the fact that

she wasn't seen as the worst,

I don't feel like I

should be going home.

Tonight was good,

but it wasn't perfect.

Tomorrow's another day,

fresh start, fresh attitude,

and a fresh commitment.

Now f*ck off to bed.

LA: I'm going to go in there

tomorrow, whether it's prep,

or service, and I'm going to say

I finally got something to say,

you guys want me to be a leader.

Here I am, so f*cking listen.

CAROL: Andrea was,

by far, the weakest

link in our kitchen tonight.

He singled her out as the best.

I definitely need to watch

out for her in the future.

LACEY: The Red team

are a bunch of b*tches.

I'm not on the Red team

anymore so they can't focus

all their anger at

me, so now they're

going to do it to each other.

ANDREA: Everybody was very

quick to point fingers at me.

I'm f*cking pissed off about it.

It was uncalled for.


this competition began,

I though Coi was going to

be a really strong chef,

but tonight she was

exposed when she couldn't

even cook a bloody burger.

NARRATOR: Next time,

on "Hell's Kitchen."

Andrea and Carol's feud erupts.

You can't even

f*cking admit when

you've done something wrong.

I'm just feeling like you

had your worst service ever

and you're pushing

blame on to me.

I'm about to lose

my f*cking cool.

NARRATOR: Lacey calls it quits.

If I fight with anybody

right now, I'm leaving.

You're what?

Lacey if you've got

to go, then just go.

NARRATOR: And this time

it might be for real.

Ugh I hate you guys.

She needs to be a

chef of some psycho ward

so she can get

some free therapy.

NARRATOR: With the head

chef position at Borgata,

Atlantic City, at stake--

Hey, bozo, sauce!

NARRATOR: --Chef Ramsay

is demanding perfection.

I'm watching you

like a f*cking hawk.

I know you are, chef.

NARRATOR: And anyone

who stands in his way--

I want you out.

NARRATOR: --will pay the price.

It hurts when someone

goes at you like that.

NARRATOR: It's every

chef for himself.

Who cooked the rice?

Blue team.

The Blue team?

NARRATOR: You'll see

things, and hear things--

Come one more

sauce you silly cow.

I think he called me a cow.

NARRATOR: --you never

thought you would.

I will hang up my coat

and become a cr*ck whore.


most expl*sive--

Get out, out, out, out.

NARRATOR: --"Hell's

Kitchen" yet.