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Pee-wee's Big Adventure (1985)

Posted: 08/12/23 07:59
by bunniefuu









Look out, Mr. Potato Head!


Morning, Speck!

Me too. Come on.
Let's get some breakfast.

Come on.




Mad dog!


Hello! Ha, ha!

Ow! Heh-heh-heh.



Good morning, Pee-wee.

Good morning, Mr. Breakfast.

Can I have some Mr. T cereal?

Okay. Ha, ha, ha!

[IMITATES MR. T] I pity the poor fool
who don't eat my cereal!



Here, Speck.

Well, I'm off.

You be good.

Good morning, Mr. Crabtree.

Good morning, Pee-wee.

I'm going to water my lawn now.



Good morning. I'm here.

You're the best bike in the whole world.


Brush, brush, brush. Brush, brush, brush.


- Morning, Pee-wee.
- Hello, Francis.

Today is my birthday, and my father said
I can have anything I want.

Good for you and your father.

So guess what I want?

- A new brain?
- No. Your bike.


What's so funny, Pee-wee?

It's not for sale, Francis.

My father says everything
is negotiable, Pee-wee.

I wouldn't sell my bike
for all the money in the world.

Not for a hundred, billion,
million, trillion dollars.

- Then you're crazy.
- I know you are, but what am I?

- You're a nerd.
- I know you are, but what am I?

- You're an idiot.
- I know you are, but what am I?

- I know you are, but what am I?
- I know you are, but what am I?

- I know you are, but what am I?
- Infinity!

- No, I'm not, you are.
- You are.

- No way!
- No way!

- Knock it off!
- Knock it off!

- Cut it out!
- Cut it out!

- Shut up, Pee-wee.
- Shut up.

- Why don't you make me?
- Why don't you make me?

Because I don't make monkeys,
I just train them.

Pee-wee, listen to reason.

- Come on!
- Shh.

I'm listening to reason.

- Pee-wee!
- That's my name, don't wear it out.

Remember the first time I saw your bike?

You were riding past my house...

...and I came running out to tell you
how much I liked it even way back then.

I love that story.

You'll be sorry, Pee-wee Herman.


I meant to do that.



My good friend, Pee-wee!

Hi, Mario.

Are you just browsing today, Pee-wee?

Well, sort of.
I wanted to stock up on some supplies.

Help yourself.

How do you like school, Billy?





I got some new items
you might be interested in.

Box for Pee-wee.

New, improved, squirting flower.


- Fake blood, or is it?
- Eck. No.

Super stink b*mb?

Have some.

- Shrunken head?
- No.

- Regular size?
- No.



- Trick gum?
- Okay.

Headlight glasses?


And direct from Australia,
the boomerang bow tie!

Come in red?

I'll be right back.

- Hi, guys.
- Hey, Pee-wee.

- Hey, Pee-wee. What's up, man?
PEE-WEE: Hi, Chip. How's it going?

All right.
Is Dottie still working on your bike?

No, had it back couple of days already.

What's she doing to it?

I can't really talk about it.
You know, James Bond kind of stuff.

Yeah, that Dottie,
she's really radical with bikes.

- Hi, Pee-wee.
- I say we cruise, dudes.

It sure is getting hot in here.

It's steamy.

I'm sweating.

So is my horn ready yet?

Yeah, it's ready.
It should be loud enough for you now.

Where is it? Let's hear it.

Wait. I wanted to talk to you first.

You are talking to me.

No, I want your undivided attention.

Look, Pee-wee, this is important.
There's something I want to ask you.


- I...
- Mm-hm?

I want to know if you'll do something.


I want to know
if you'll go someplace with me.

Like where?

The drive-in.

Look, Dottie, I like you.

Like. I like you.

- That's the thing. I like you too.
- Dottie!

There's a lot of things about me
you don't know anything about, Dottie.

Things you wouldn't understand,
things you couldn't understand.

Things you shouldn't understand.

I don't understand.

You don't want to get mixed up
with a guy like me.

I'm a loner, Dottie. A rebel.

So long, Dot.






Are you the owner?

Oh, yes. That's me.
They call me Chuck.

Is there anything I can do?

We're losing valuable time!

Set up a dragnet.
Comb the whole area. Hurry!

Look, buddy, I'm afraid we can't consider
your bike being stolen a police emergency.

If it doesn't turn up, then come down
to the station and fill out a report.

That's the best we can do.
Come on, let's go.

- Where you going, Pee-wee?
- To find my bike.


What exactly leads you to believe
the Soviets were involved?

- Well, I know that...
- Look. Let me be honest with you.

Hundreds of bikes are stolen every month.

Very few of them are ever recovered.
We just don't have the resources.

You're saying you can't do anything.

My bike means everything to me.

I knew the police wouldn't help.

Do you know what I would do
if I were you?

- What?
- I'd retrace my steps.

I parked my bike
and when I came back, it was gone.

Well, can you think of anyone
who might have wanted to take it?

Everyone wanted my bike.

This morning, right before it got stolen,
Francis offered...


- I want to see Francis.
- Francis is busy.

- Busy doing what?
- He's having his bath.

Oh, really?
Where are they hosing him down?

Me again! Ha, ha.


Oh! Hey!



Help me!



Still want to buy my bike, Francis?

What would I do with that old relic?
I can have any bike in the world.

Ha, ha! You don't want it anymore
because you already have it!

Tell me where it is before I lose
patience with you, Francis.

Help! Help!

Help, Dad!

Go ahead and scream your head off!

We're miles
from where anyone can hear you!


Are you all right in there?

Francis, what's going on in there?

I wouldn't sell it to you
so you stole it!

I swear it wasn't me! Help!

Francis, we're breaking the door down.


Pee-wee. Pee-wee!
What in heaven's name is going on?

Have you lost your mind?

- He's a thief! He stole my bike.
- You liar!

I swear I didn't do it, Dad.

That's a serious accusation
to make, Pee-wee.

Do you have any proof?

Well, not exactly.

Pee-wee, the Buxtons are not thieves.

Just look at him.

He couldn't have stolen your bike.

We've been setting up
his birthday train set all day.

Gee, I guess I was wrong.

We don't have to involve the authorities
in this matter, do we, Mr. Buxton?

I mean, it was a simple mistake
and I'm really sorry.

Well, I still think
that you owe Francis an apology.

And then I want to see
the two of you shake hands.

I'm sorry, Francis.

Here. Would you care for some gum?

Would you care for some, Mr. Buxton?

- Oh!
- Spearmint or fruit?

Fruit, please.

Well, goodbye.


You do believe me, don't you, Dad?


Pee-wee, how are you ever going
to pay a reward like that, huh?

It's simple.

Whoever returns the bike
is obviously the person who stole it.

So they don't deserve any reward!

- Come on.
- Where are we going now?

On the air.

DJ [ON RADIO]: Well, that was
some story, Pee-wee.

And with the kind of reward money
you're offering...

...I'm sure a lot of our listeners
will be out looking.

PEE-WEE: Oh, and my name's engraved
on the back of the seat.

That's Pee-wee Herman. P-E-E...

That does it.

He just won't let up.

I've changed my mind.
I don't want the stupid bike anymore.

Well, a deal's a deal.

So fork over my money
for lifting it for you, Buxton!

Here. And take the bike with you.
Just get rid of it!

That'll cost you extra.

See you later, sucker.





Good. We can finally start the big meeting.

Dottie, Chuck.

Let's begin, shall we?

Shall we?

This box contains over bits and pieces
of information.


Exhibit A. A photograph of the victims.

My bike and me.


Exhibit B.

Another photograph.
What's missing from this picture?

It's just me, without my bike!

Is there something you could share
with the rest of us, Amazing Larry?

Exhibit C. The horn I was picking up... Chuck's Bike-O-Rama...

...when my bike was actually stolen.


Exhibit D.

Jimmy, what is this?

- Too late! Chip.
- It looks like a pen.

Exactly. I bought this pen one hour
before my bike was stolen.

Why? What's the significance?
I don't know!

Exhibit Q.

A scale model of the entire mall!

"X" marks the scene of the crime.

These arrows here
show the exact position of the sun... the hour of the crime.

Jupiter was aligned with Pluto!

- The moon was in the...
CHUCK: Pee-wee!

Please save your questions
until I'm through, Chuck!

Well, when will that be?

A long time we wait.

We've been here
for over three hours now...

...and I'm not sure if any of us can see
what all this is supposed to mean.

Supposed to mean?
Supposed to mean?


I think everyone here knows
what this is supposed to mean.

When you've gone over something
again and again...

...and again and again... I have...

...certain questions get answered.
Others spring up.

The mind plays tricks on you.
You play tricks back.

It's like you're unraveling
a big cable-knit sweater...

...that someone keeps knitting...

...and knitting and knitting...

...and knitting and knitting and knitting!


...let's go up and get some fresh air,
all right?

- What for?
- Because it's hot in here.

Hot? Who's hot?
Feels just fine to me. I feel just perfect.

In fact, I can't remember
when I've felt quite so cozy down here.

Pee-wee, I think I could get Chuck
to give you a good break...

...on one of the bikes in the shop.

I don't want some other crappy bike.

- Pee-wee, listen, if you want my help...
- I don't want your help!

I don't need the police
and I don't need you.

I don't need anybody!


Hey, man, you're new to this turf.

We don't take kindly to strangers
who come around here.


Cash only.

No cards, no checks.

You got cash? Yeah? Come in.


Let me take your jacket.


All right. You want to wear a wet jacket,
it's all right with Madam Ruby.

Now, for $ I can tell you a lot of things.

For $ I can tell you more.

And for $ I can tell you everything.

Tell me why I'm here first.

You're here because... want something.

Now, let's see...

...what Madam Ruby sees.

I see...

...a bicycle.

Yes! Is it okay?

It's okay, it's okay.

Where is it? Can you see it? Where is it?

Where is... Where is it?

Somewhere else. Somewhere far away.

But where?

The Alamo.


The Alamo.

In the basement.

I'll never forget you.


Thanks a million. I've been trying all day.

- The name's Mickey.
- I'm Pee-wee.

How about some music?

Morelli is armed and dangerous...

Ahh. Forget the music.

Let's just enjoy the scenery.

What did you do?

Well, I lost my temper,
and I took a knife and I...

You know those little...

..."Do not remove under the penalty of law"
labels they put on mattresses?

- Yeah.
- Well, I cut one of them off.



I got a real bad temper.

Boy, I always thought
that was the dumbest law.

You said a mouthful.

Life can be so unfair.

You telling me?


Okay, okay.

Jesus Christ.


So at first I tried to go through
legal channels. But the cops, ha!

Think they were any help?
They just gave me the runaround.

Yeah. That's when I decided
to take the law into my own hands.

The law.

The law. The law!

- Well, this is it, kid.
- Wait.

I got an idea.

What's going on, Officer?

We're looking
for an escaped convict, ma'am.

We heard all about it on the radio.
Right, honey?

Have you seen this man?


Boy, I've seen better heads on boils!
Ha, ha, ha!

No, I'm sure I'd remember this face.


Would you mind
stepping out of the car, ma'am?

No, not at all, Officer.

- Some sort of problem?
- No problem at all.

I just wanted to take a quick look
at that cute little outfit you have on.

Why don't you take a picture?
It'll last longer.


You have a nice day.


What's it like in the big house, Mickey?

It's not so bad.

You get to lift weights,
watch TV, write up appeals...

...take long showers, lift weights.

You get used to it.




Mickey, wake up! Wake up!


Holy smoke!


- But...
- Out!

It wasn't my fault.

Look, kid, I like you. I like you a lot.

That's why I can't drag you into this.

I'm bad, Pee-wee.

Now, you don't wanna get mixed up
with a guy like me.

I'm a loner. A rebel.

Déjà vu.

See you in the promised land.

Arrivederci, baby!


I'm in the middle of nowhere!

It sure is spooky out here.


Probably just a dog.





Where's those headlight glasses?



Thanks for stopping.

Some night, huh?

On this very night...

...ten years ago...

...along this same stretch of road... a dense fog just like this...

...I saw the worst accident I ever seen.

There was this sound... a garbage truck...

...dropped off the Empire State Building.

And when they finally pulled
the driver's body...

...from the twisted, burning wreck... looked like this!


Yes, sir.

That was the worst accident...

...I ever seen.

I get off right up here.

Have a nice day.

Be sure and tell them
Large Marge sent you.


Large Marge sent me.


Did you say Large Marge?

She just dropped me off.

That's impossible.

Large Marge, she's...

It was years ago...

...on a night just like tonight.

Why, tonight's the anniversary.

Worst accident I ever seen.

But that means the Large Marge
I was riding with was...

Her ghost.


Don't you mind them.
They're just superstitious.

My wallet's gone.

I think you've worked off
that tuna platter and milk shake.

And here's a little something extra.

Thanks, Simone.

Well, that old highway's a-calling.

Gotta move on.


I beg your pardon?

I said that I always have trouble
with goodbyes.

The French say, "Au revoir."

Au revoir.


Before you go,
will you come watch the sunrise with me?


Do you have any dreams?


I'm all alone.

I'm rolling a big doughnut
and this snake wearing a vest...

No, not that kind of dream.

I mean a dream you dream about
all the time...

...and it keeps you going,
dreaming about it...

...hoping it will come true.

Did you ever have a dream like that?

To find my bike.

My dream is to live
in the city of eternal love.

Paris, France.

You'll get there, Simone.

Oh, I don't know.

Why not? What's stopping you?

Well, Andy, for one.

PEE-WEE: Who's Andy?
- My boyfriend.

He's real jealous.

He flunked French in high school...

...and thinks that everything over there
is set up to make guys like him look dumb.

PEE-WEE: Well, I bet if he knew how
important it is to you, he'd change his mind.

No, he won't.

Simone, this is your dream.
You have to follow it.

I know you're right, but...

But what?

Everyone I know has a big "but."

Come on, Simone.
Let's talk about your big "but."

I don't know.

Simone, you can't just wish and hope
for something to come true.

You have to make it happen.


I've been waiting for somebody
to put it to me like that for so long.


- Andy!
- Andy!













Care for a sardine?

No, thank you.


Name's Jack.

[SINGING] She'll be wearing pink pajamas
She'll be wearing pink pajamas

She'll be wearing pink pajamas
When she comes

Oh, we'll all go out to meet her
When she comes

When she comes

Oh, we'll all go out to meet her
When she comes

When she comes

Oh, we'll all go out to meet her
Oh, we'll all go out to meet her

Oh, we'll all go out to meet her
When she comes

The day I left
The weather it was dry

The sun so hot
I froze to death

Susanna, don't you cry

Flies in the bottom of shoo fly shoo
Flies in the bottom of shoo fly shoo

Skip to my lou, my darling


Jimmy crack corn, and I don't care
Jimmy crack corn, and I don't care

Jimmy crack corn, and I don't care




Hi, and welcome to...

...the San Antonio Department of Parks
and Recreation official Alamo tour.

My name is Tina.

Excuse me, Tina,
but could we go straight to the...

I tell you what. Let's hold all questions
until the end of the tour. Okay?

- But I...
- Thank you.

This mission, the Alamo, from
the Spanish word for "cottonwood tree"...

...was established in the year .

That was the same year
that our lovely city was founded... the Spanish expeditionary force
on the site of an Indian burial mound.

This is one of my personal favorite parts
of the tour.

Please say hello to our residents,
Pedro and his wife, Inez.

Inez is holding a clay pot
that she seems very proud of.

She has carefully detailed it
with lots of paint and glaze.

And Pedro is working on an adobe.

Can you say that with me? Adobe.


We are now in the kitchen
of the Alamo women.

Here they are preparing many
culinary delights of the Southwest.

Do I hear someone's stomach growling?


The mainstay of the Alamo diet is corn.

Corn can be prepared many ways.

It can be boiled, shucked, creamed...

...or in this case, dried.

Corn can also be used to make...


Do we have any Mexican-Americans
with us today?

Well, buenos días.

Buenos días.

Yes, there are thousands and thousands
of uses for corn...

...all of which I will tell you
about right now.

Upon this battlement, in ...

...two hundred Texas volunteers...

...including such heroes as Davy Crockett,
Bill Travis, and Jim Bowie...

...fought off an onslaught
of Mexican troops...

...under the command of
General Antonio López de Santa Anna.

At this time, I'd like to conclude our tour.

And I mean it. You all have been one of the
greatest groups I have ever worked with.


Okay. Are there any questions? Yes.

- Where's the basement?
- Excuse me?

Aren't we going to see the basement?

There's no basement at the Alamo.


Bus leaving for Austin.

Departure from Gate in five minutes.

Please prepare to board.

- Now departing from Gate . All aboard.



Pee-wee, I'm on my way to Paris.

Andy and I had a big fight after you left.

You were right, Pee-wee.

I'm making my wish come true.

I'm off to Paris! Thanks.

What's wrong?

Bus , leaving for New York City... departing from Gate .
- Oh, that's my bus.

- All aboard.
- Come on.

Guess what.
The Alamo was built without a basement.

Oh, I didn't know that.

Neither did I.
They don't tell you that stuff in school.

It's something
you just have to experience.

Don't worry, Pee-wee.
I know you're gonna find your bike.

All aboard.


Well. Bye.

Good luck, Pee-wee.
I just know you're going to find your bike.

Au revoir.
Au revoir, Pee-wee.

Au revoir, Simone.


- Bike-O-Rama.
- Hello, Dottie? It's me, Pee-wee.

Where are you calling from?

- Texas.
- Where?

Honest. Listen, I'll prove it.

[SINGS] Stars at night
Are big and bright

Deep in the heart of Texas

Wait. Don't hang up.

There's something
I have to talk to you about, Dottie.

It's about the other night.

I owe everybody a big apology.
Especially you.

I didn't mean what I said, Dottie.

I know you didn't.

Hey, there's somebody else
who's been worried about you too.



I know. I know.

I forgot.

All right, Speck.

All right, Speck! Put Dottie back on.


...there's something I want to say.

I've learned something
out here on the road, Dottie.


And, Dottie, when I get back, will you...

What, Pee-wee?

Will you still help me find my bike?


All right, Pee-wee.

There's something else
I wanted to ask you about too, Dottie.

What is it?

Could you wire me a bus ticket?
I'll pay you back. Honest.

All right, Pee-wee.

When you get back,
we can settle up at the drive-in.



What? I couldn't hear that last part.

The connection just got really bad.

Thanks a lot, though.

Okay, bye, Dottie.

Sorry. You missed it by five minutes.


Next up is a local favorite...

...number , Lloyd Fletcher,
riding Volcano.

MAN: That's you, cousin.
PEE-WEE: Uh-oh.

And away he goes!


Look at him go!

Looks like he's going
for a new San Antonio record!

My God!
He may be going for a new world record!



That was some fancy riding.
Let's hope Lloyd is okay.

Hey, kid, what's your name?

I can't remember.

Where you from?

I can't remember.

Can't you remember anything?

I remember the Alamo.



What? I'm sorry, operator.
I can't hear you.


I'm trying to use the phone!

Did anybody tell you that this is
the private club of the Satan's Helpers?

Nobody hipped me to that, dude.

- It's off-limits!
- Oh.

Well, my mistake.

Guess I'll be on my way then.

Excuse me.

Excuse me. Excuse me.

I barely touched them!

- I say we k*ll him!
- Yeah!

- I say we hang him, then we k*ll him.
- Yeah!

MAN: I say we stomp him!
- Yeah!

- Then we tattoo him!
- Yeah!

- Then we hang him!
- Yeah!

- And then we k*ll him!
- Yeah!

I say we let him go.



I say you let me have him first!


Wait. Don't I get a last request?

Why not?



Break dance!




Thanks a lot, dudes.

- I hope you find your bike, man.
MAN: Yeah.





The uniquely customized bicycle...

...was presented to child star
Kevin Morton... Warner Bros. Studios
in Hollywood, California.

Congratulations, Kevin.

Thanks, Mr. Hawthorne.

A bike like this is every boy's dream.


Excuse me, sir. Do you have a pass?

Oh, no, I'm sorry you can't enter
without a pass, sir.

Excuse me.

So the other fellow said, "What do you
think I got down here, a duck?"


A duck!

Excuse me.

Could you tell me
where I could find Kevin Morton?

Uh, gee, I don't know.

Marla, do you know what stage
Kevin Morton is working on?

- Yeah. It's Stage .
- Thanks.

All right. I want to go once again,
right away. Everybody back to positions.

Right. Can we get the wardrobe lady
on the set?

Can you pull these cables
a little bit back from here?

Thanks a lot.

And makeup. Hair, standing by. Good.

All right, that was great.

What I want to do now,
is I want to do one more...

...and we pick up the pace a little bit,
all right, Kevin?

You know, Jerry, I would love to except, how
can I when she is just so late on her cues?

Now, just a minute!


Please, Marion, please.

I don't have to take that, Jerry.
Especially from that little...

Kid! He is just a kid, Marion.

Even a kid can be courteous, Jerry.
I'm going to quit.

- Please, Marion, I am pleading you.
- I swear it, I am going to quit.

All right, Jerry. Okay, but I have had it!

Well, is everything straightened out?

We are ready whenever you are.

Doesn't it look like I'm ready?
I am always ready!

I have been ready since first call!
I am ready!


Quiet, please! This is a take!

Settled. Roll, please. Speed.

- Action!
- Action.

Goodbye, Mother Superior.

Goodbye, Rusty. And God bless you.

Thank you, Mother Superior.
I want the orphanage to have my bike.

No, Rusty.

You sold a lot of magazine subscriptions
to earn that bike.

But I want to give, Sister.

I have just received the two best parents
a boy could ever hope for.

Oh, Rusty, you are an inspiration to us all.

I'll say.

I'm going to start a paper route right now.

Hey! Stop that nun!

Remember me? Let's go!





Whoa! Surf's up!

Ho, ho, ho! Ho, ho, ho!

Merry Christmas!

Yeah, action. Action!




- No evil, don't you lay no evil
Down on me

You're gonna burn in hell
Speak no evil

Don't you think no evil
Don't you play with evil

'Cause I'm free
You're gonna burn in hell

Hear no evil, don't you see no evil
Don't you lay no evil

'Cause I'm free
Burn in hell

How's it going?

I'll burn in hell





Come on. You can help me. Come on!

Don't panic.

No pushing, no shoving.

Move in an orderly fashion
towards the front exit.

Let's go. Come on.

Stay! Stay!

Listen up, everybody. Sit.


It's okay.

Go on! Run!

Rats! Come on! Go! Hurry up!

Go on, hurry. Go on.


Come on, let's go.




Son, are you all right? Can you hear me?
Can you hear me?

There's still a few more fish inside.

This boy is a hero.

This boy is under arrest.

I can explain everything, Mr. Hawthorne.

Call me Terry.


...Warner Bros. Thinks your story
would make a fantastic movie.

My story. A movie?


Yes, Mr. Hawthorne.

- My bike!
- Pee-wee!

- Dottie!
- So... we have a deal?


BOY: Hey, Pee-wee.
- Hi, guys.

- Pee-wee, can I have your autograph?
- Come on, Pee-wee.


...refreshment time.

Here's your chilidog, Terry.

Thanks, babe.


Pee-wee! Over here. Look! Box seats!


Pee-wee, this is Bob, Luke,
Skinny, and Milton.

Boys, this is Pee-wee!

Snow cones.

I never met a movie star.

- Howdy.
- Honored.

What did they pay you?

Nice to meet you.

Let's take a breather, Dottie.

The X- needs to cool down.

I'm a little overheated myself.

Come on over here, P.W.


I gotta get to a phone.


Great so far, Pee-wee. Action-packed.

One soda.

One foot-long.

Hold it.

Good try, Pee-wee.

Look, Mickey.

Have you got any message for Room ?
The name is Herman.

P.W. Herman.

No, nothing right now, Mr. Herman.

I'll be in the bar.


- That's fantastic, Pee-wee.
- Thanks.




Here. I brought you guys French fries!


Hey, my big scene's coming up, you guys.

All right!

Paging Mr. Herman.

Mr. Herman, you have a telephone call
at the front desk.



Yes, I understand.

That was the President again.

I've got to steal back the X- ...

...before the Soviets find the secret
compartment containing the microfilm.

The future of the free world
is riding on this one.

- I'm going with you.
- No, Dottie, it's too dangerous.

I invented the X- , P.W.
I'm going with you!

All right, let's go.

You are such a pushover.

I know you are...

...but what am I?

- Hey, congratulations, Pee-wee!
- Thanks, Chuck.

- Hi, P.W.
- Hi, Dottie.

How's the X- ?

It's cooled down. But I'm heated up.

Where's my candy, P. W?

I forgot.


Pee-wee and I go way back.

When exactly did you become
blood brothers?

Oh, I don't remember the exact year.

And you say you taught Pee-wee
to ride his bike?

Yes, I remember the day I took off
his training wheels.


This is the bike.

Hey, how about a picture of me
sitting on it?

I don't think that's such a good idea.

I don't think that's your decision.

If it wasn't for me, none of this would
have happened to you, right, Pee-wee?

Well, sort of.

Then it's okay if I sit on it.
Right, Pee-wee?

Come on, Pee-wee, everybody's waiting.



Good. Now, everyone, gather around.

Let me show you
some of the more high-tech features.


I don't understand.

You don't want to get mixed up
with a guy like me.

I'm a loner, Dottie. A rebel.

Come on, Dottie. Let's go.

Let's go. Don't you want to see
the rest of the movie?

I don't have to see it, Dottie.

I lived it.