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01x01 - Sacrificial Soldiers

Posted: 08/12/23 07:10
by bunniefuu





What in the f*ck is he doing?

You see that guy at my

11 o'clock, 200 meters out?

Maybe he was sick the day they taught tactics.


Wait. What is that?

[JOE] Looks like he's dragging something.

[TWO CUPS] Mm-hm.

What is this guy doing?


[BOBBY] You trying to get shot?

It's my plant.

What happened?

[ISABEL] I'm blown.

You think you're blown or you know you're blown?

I'm blown.


She saw the cross.

The cross. What cross?

My cross, the

What f*cking cross?

On my side.

On my ribs.

From when my brother died.

A tattoo with his name

And a cross

Does everyone know or just her?

Everyone. They're hunting me now.

You in the compound?

I'm under it.

We're on our way.


[BOBBY] What in the f*ck is this guy doing?

[TWO CUPS] Can we just sh**t this fucker?

I mean, Bob-O, what the f*ck are we doing here?

He's not armed.

We move now! Her cover's blown!

[JOE] Chief, we gotta roll.

It's det cord. sh**t him!




[MAN] Suppressing fire now!

Get on that 50!



- [g*nf*re]

Hawg 3-3, this is Alabama 2-7

with an immediate CAS request, over.

[MAN] Alabama 2-7 this is

Hawg 3-3, send it.

Hawg 3-3, control type 2.

g*ns only on target from the overhead.

Enemy pax in the open.

270 degrees for 100 meters,

marked by yellow smoke.

Danger close on my command.

Pop smoke!

[MAN] Smoke out.

Cleared hot.


Get your team ready to move.

[BOBBY] Sam. Let's go! Come on.

[MAN] I'm coming over!


[MAN] Your side! Your side!

- [MAN 1] Six o'clock.

- [MAN 2] Two o'clock! Two o'clock!





[ISABEL] I can hear them.

They're coming.

They're coming!

I'm going to mute you.

I need a f*cking ETA.

We're here. Heavy resistance.

This won't be quick.

Bobby, no bullshit, can you get her?

I'll never say no.

I have to make a decision.

You understand that?

Roger that. We're gonna

fight 'till you make it.


Sir, I have a problem.

An HV asset is compromised.

I have a team approaching the location.

Please advise.

[MAN] Are you in contact with the asset?

- I am.

- Now?





Nevermind. I know what to do.


Maintain altitude at 500 meters.

Do not engage.

Roger that. Holding in place.


[JOE] Reaper 1-4, this is Alabama 2-7,

set position for


[WOMAN] Reaper's ready.

Confirm tally target.

Reaper is tally target.


Cleared hot.

w*apon away.


Holy shit.

[expl*si*n IN DISTANCE]







Yo, Cruz, whatchu got?


[g*nf*re ON TV]

You get me a shake?

You said burger. That's what I got.

I texted you burger.

Then I texted you shake.

- Bitch, can't you read?

- Don't call me bitch.

But you are.

Dumb f*cking bitch.

Working for seven dollars an hour.

Hey, how much you make tonight?

- 500.

- I won't shake my ass for money.

Bitch, I'm a dancer.

Bitch, you're a f*cking stripper.

What the f*ck you call me, bitch?

- Yo, chill!

- And a f*cking hoe!

Train your bitch, m*therf*cker.

- f*ck's wrong with you?

- Oh, you taking her side now?

What the f*ck is wrong with you?

Attractin' all the dogs

But work for me ♪

Workin' me She workin' me ♪


Urgently It be urgin' me ♪

Just let up the top And

close the curtain, please ♪

I'm sorry.

Goddam right you sorry.

Go to f*cking bed.

She just popped the Perky

Say I hurt her knees ♪

She hurtin' me, Wrist

strong, Hercules ♪

She hurtin' me, Wrist

strong, Hercules ♪


Need to trade that

bitch for a new model.


New model and less miles.

Ain't that the f*cking truth.




Where you goin'?



Where you goin'?

I don't know.

What the f*ck happened to you?

You don't shake your ass no more?

Shaking your ass is how we f*cking met!

Now you sling burgers

and you think it's noble?

Don't drink, won't smoke, won't f*ck.

Like, what the f*ck is wrong with yo


I'm gonna f*cking k*ll you!





Somebody f*cking help me! [SCREAMS]

Somebody help me!

No! No!

Is there a problem?

Problem's between me and her.

Not anymore.

Now it's between you and

the United States Marines.

Life boils down to a few decisions.

You are now facing one of them.


You okay?


You do that to his face?

I cheated. I used a frying pan.

In w*r, if you aren't cheating

you aren't trying.

I been at w*r my whole lifespan.

Well, you came to the right place.



That'll do, Cruz.

It's not gonna get any cleaner.

I can get it cleaner.

It wasn't that clean when it was new

I can get it cleaner.

They here for you?




He's saying you assaulted

him, is that true?

I assaulted him back.

Fair enough.

I recommend you file a restraining order

first thing tomorrow.

Then we have an actionable

response if he comes near you.

What about tonight?

I can take you to a shelter.

I'll take my chances at the park.

I know your chances in the park.

They aren't good.





Men. Your minimum

standards is 3 pull-ups.

Your recommended standard is 15.


Your minimum standard is a

twelve second flexed-arm hang.

Recommended standard is 3

pulls ups. Any questions?

I want to be in that line.


Because I can give you

fifteen right now.


- Yes, sir.

- Sergeant.

I work for a living.

So do I, Sergeant.

And I'm telling you I can

give you fifteen right now.

Prove it.


That's nineteen, recruit.

You wanna break a record for me?

Yes, sir.

Stop f*cking calling me sir.

Yes, Sergeant!

- Come on, come on!



Look at me.

Stand straight.

Tuck that ass, we ain't

at the f*cking beach!

Attack everything they

throw at you just like this,

and there's no stopping you.

I must be reading this wrong.

You're not, sir.

99 percent on her ASVAB score?

She got 99 percent on her PT.

On the men's scale.

I want to talk to her.



You're not enlisted yet.

No need to salute me.

Sorry, sir.

Don't be sorry. Have a seat.

Your test scores are unusual.

Once every five or so years unusual.

I'd park you in psy-ops,

but your PT test

No woman has done this.

Most men don't.

Twenty-two pull ups, 114 push ups

in 3 minutes, and you ran an

eight minute mile and a half.

The standard is fifteen.

I ran the 800 in high school, sir.

Threw the javelin. Won state in both.

I'm aware. Did my homework on you.

What I don't understand is

why you didn't go to college.

Why are you here and not

achieving all the things

that these tests say

you should be achieving?

Mother died in junior year.

I just stopped caring.

Hated myself. Hated the world.

And I treated myself like it.

- Father?

- Who knows? I don't.

So no family.

One brother dead and one in prison

if you call that family.

What does the word "Marine" mean to you?

I don't know.

Then why are we talking?

Why are you here?


I was being hunted and I

pushed through these doors

and a Marine was there

and he protected me.

He offered me a chance

So you do know what it means.

We are the strong. We protect the weak.

We are merciless in that endeavor.

Is that an endeavor you wish to pursue?

Yes, sir.

There's 1.4 million active

duty personnel

in the armed forces.

They all do their part.

But there's not a thousand among them

that we can call on

that make a difference.

I think you could be one of those few.

But it means walking away from the life

that you lived up to this

point and never looking back.

That life is over.

I have no life, sir.

You do now.



- [JOE] She was compromised.

- Compromised how?

Her mark walked in on

her bathing and saw


Saw the tattoo of a

cross beneath her armpit.

A tattoo?

Yes, sir.

You didn't think to check

your operative for tattoos?

I asked her if she had

tattoos and she said no.

And you just took her word for it?

Would you rather I strip

searched her in the barracks?

That's exactly what I

Regulations forbid me from doing that

f*ck's sake, Joe.


Stop acting like this is

your first day on the job.

Walk us through your decision

to call a drone strike.

!sis members had her in custody.

You knew this how?

I heard it through my sat phone.

- You had a CAG team en route.

- Two. And my team.

And you still ordered the strike.

There were more than forty !sis fighters

at that location prepared

for our as*ault.

At best, it takes my team an

hour to secure the location.

And during that time

I God damn guarantee

they've strip searched her

and made a home movie we

don't want on the internet.

She was dead either way.

I chose to protect my team

and the sanctity of our operation.

Check the next one for tattoos.

Every inch of her.

f*cking assh*le.

Debriefs are unpleasant

for a reason, Joe.

I can assure you his debrief

will be that and worse.


What next?

Go to Bragg. Make another one.


It's not your fault, Joe.

She lied to you.

I trusted her.

I know better than that.

Twenty two years-old.

Her whole life ahead of her

and I just dropped a m*ssile on it.




You say you don't like

them but I've never

seen you try them.

I've tried them.

Honey, grits don't have a taste.

They taste like whatever you put in it.

And I put cheese in it

because you like cheese.

It's not the taste. It's the texture.


Oh! Oh my God

You're so big.

Let me see you.

No phone call?

Thought I'd surprise you.

Well, you achieved your goal.

You hungry?

Yeah. Yeah.



I hate it when she's here.

Hey. We don't say that.

Finish your meal.

You, finish whatever it is

you're willing to eat.

When you call first,

I can download you on

what they've been doing.

Then they aren't ambushed at dinner

and you have something to say.

I didn't know I was coming back.

Thought about staying at Bragg,

calling tomorrow, but

You don't need permission to come home.

I'm just trying to make

the landing softer.

Yard looks nice.

You're staying fit out

there in the desert, I see.

Who said desert?

Just a guess.



You seeing anyone?

No. Not really.


Just You know. To feel something.


That's what I meant by not really.

You're right. I should've called first.

Then everyone knows

how to play their role.

How long you staying?

Not long.


Well, they say love is all you need.

That's not a saying,

baby. That's a song.

If your theater is the Middle East,

I have seven that could

work, but this one

f*cking pipe hitter, this girl.

She's from Mexico, Jack.

Father's Syrian, mother from Jalisco.

- Muslim?

- Catholic.

How's her Arabic?

Clean. Done four language courses.

Keeps up with it good

- She did a tour in Afghanistan?

- Two.

She was Force Recon before we got her.

H.A.L.O. jumps in country.

Passed S.E.R.E. school on her first go.

She's a f*cking gangster.

She's a f*cking door kicker.

f*ck am I gonna do with

a door kicker, Jack?

She's got a brain.

She tested top ten percent

on the officer's scale.

She's been in insertion

training for six months.

I'm telling you.

I don't like my assets

picked for me, Jack.

See for yourself.


Manuelos, Hastings. In the pit.

Sergeant Hastings.

- Give him a helmet.

- I don't need a helmet.

You're gonna need a helmet.

Yeah, we'll see about that.





[HASTINGS] Like fighting

a f*cking raccoon!

[CRUZ] Told you you needed a helmet.

f*ck you!

At ease, Manuelos. I'm not an officer.

Who are you with?

Special Activities.

You wanted your chance, so here it is.

- When?

- Classified.

- Where?

- Classified.

I'm not done vetting you yet.

I was vetted before they

let me in the program.

Not my program.

When the Lioness team was first formed,

we just needed female soldiers

to frisk and interrogate

female insurgents.

We can't have a man running his hand

over some Muslim teenager's groin.

What it has evolved to

What we do now is locate the

wives and the girlfriends

and daughters of these

high-value targets,

and we place an operative close to them.

The operative makes friends with them.

Earns their trust.

Leads us to the target,

and we k*ll the target.

Some might consider that cruel

and outside the lines of what's just.

What do you think?

I think if you ain't cheatin'

you ain't tryin', ma'am.

You got any tattoos?

No, ma'am.

Prove it.

All of it.


Lift your arms.

What are those?

From cigarettes.

Turn around.

Those are from an extension cord.

Should answer your question

about how much pain I can take.

And this should tell you

how much indignity.

This is how you get off?

Knock yourself out, lady,

I can stand here all f*cking day.

You'll do. Get packed.

We leave 0600.


Asmar Ali Amrohi.

One of the leaders of the

Iranian backed militia in Iraq.

- He's a target?

- He is the target.

- Who's my mark?

- Daughter.

They have money.

She's young so she likes to spend it.

Where can you spend it in Baghdad?

You can't. You spend it in Kuwait.

Is that where we're going?

It's where we're starting.

You're not married?

Hey. We don't do that.

I'm not your friend and you aren't mine.

Getting real tired of you telling me

what we are and aren't gonna do.

Get used to it, because

that's our relationship.

Then turn the f*cking plane around.


You'd like to be in charge, is that it?

With your years of experience?

I'd like to know you.

I'd like to know the person responsible

with saving me if my cover is blown.

If your cover's blown

there is no saving you.

That's what this job has taught me.

You have to save yourself,

then we come get you.

You can trust me to do that.


[MP] IDs all the way around.

Yeah. You'll get mine.

Fair enough.

- Just for me?

- Just you.

There's a cantina down the hall.

Rest of the team is gonna meet us there.

And a cafe in case you're hungry.

You have a cafe?

More importantly, we have a cantina.

Do you have a mirror under there?

I know this Vegas magician

shit you're pulling.

[BOBBY] I'm just good.

Chief, she's cheating at cards again.

And what am I, 0 for 7, 0 for 18 now?

Stop cheating, Bobby.


Yeah, because next time

I win you're cleaning

the f*cking toilet is what you're doing.

How do you drink that with

no ice in this f*cking desert?

This is for cooling off.

And this is not.

Just drink beer like me.

Get both at the same time.

Then I'll look like you.


That our little sparrow?

The one and only.

Hey, if you're here to purify the water,

it's right around the corner.

Thank you very much.

Thank you for your service.

Just f*cking with her.

I'll introduce you around.

This is our QRF team leader, Bobby.

This is Two Cups, that

over there is Tex,

- Randy, and that's Tucker.


Why Two Cups?


[BOBBY] We went to Thailand on leave.

And he drank two cups

of something and tried

to f*ck everything.

- It was horrible.

- And we mean everything.

How many beers is that?

Just so I know where to sit.


- Texas, huh?

- New Jersey.

When he shaves his beard he, uh,

he looks like Matt Dillon.

Don't get it.

He starred in the movie "Tex."

Still don't get it.

So your name's Cruz, huh?

What's that from?

Not a nickname.

Want a beer?

Water please.


When do we start?

His family keeps an apartment here.

We have eyes on it.

When she moves we move.

Where does he stay?

That's the million dollar

question you're here to answer.

Let's see that.

I don't trust anyone who

doesn't get drunk with me.

When's our wake up?

Uh, we wake up when we feel like it.

That's when we wake up.

- Welcome to CIA.

- Welcome to the team.

Here we go.

I think I'm in love.

[RANDY] Don't hurt yourself.

I'm a f*cking Marine.

What did you expect?

[BOBBY] All right, then.

Come on, you want in?

Hey, listen she cheats at cards so much.

Shut the f*ck up.

Watch your six, I swear to God.

Hey, Tuck, can I borrow some money?


Let's go.

There's clothes in the closet.

Something cute, stylish [GROANS]

Take this blue purse. The Chanel.

Meet us in the briefing

room in 15 minutes.




Yeah, I'm coming.

Now. She's on the move.

What is your name?

Zara Adid.

Where are you from?

Where the f*ck are you from?

I was born in Boston but my

parents were born in Abu Dhabi.

What are you doing in Kuwait?

- My cousin.

- Uncle.

Uncle. f*ck.

I'm taking a semester off school

and staying with my uncle.

What does your uncle do?

He's a producer for Al Jazheera.

Moving on foot now. Salhiya market.

- Three blocks ahead.

- You know what she looks like?

I know what she looks like.

- Look at her again.

- Wait, I don't know her name.

You're not supposed to know her name.

- You haven't met her yet.

- This is too fast.

- We need to slow down.

- Too late for that.

I don't know what I'm doing.

I don't know anything about

her or who she's with.

Look at me.

You're not supposed to.

What if you say her name

or you say something she hasn't

told you about herself yet?

You're blind on purpose.

Up ahead. On the right. Get ready.

I get out first. Do not follow me.

Do not look at me. Understood?

Say it.

I understand.

Wait! f*ck. I don't know where I'm going!

Relax. Louis Vuitton.

Fifth store on the left.

Go there now.




- American.

- Yeah.

It's, uh beautiful.

Wishful thinking.

A woman can't buy jewelry for herself.

Why not?

Because it doesn't mean anything.

It has to be given to you.

You're pretty enough to know that.


If you wait for an American

man to buy jewelry

you'll never have any. [LAUGHS]

You have family here?

My uncle.

Here to find a husband?

Well, with that face it won't take long.

But you American girls and make up.

No subtlety.

It's okay, we go down to Estée Lauder.

It's across the street.

What's your name?

If you don't want my help that's fine.

Just trying to be nice.

Zara. Adid.

Aaliyah Amrohi.

- This will be fun.

- Yeah.


She's in.