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01x07 - It'll Never Change

Posted: 08/09/23 07:56
by bunniefuu
Woman: Previously on X Life.

Nicole: Yes.

- Yes.

- Yeah.

You got to really think at some point

this relationship's got to go somewhere,

- you know.

- Yeah.

Am I talking to you?

big fight broke out.

You can't talk to the mother of my kids like that.

I have no problem.

Just be happy.

Man: Tonight on The X Life.

Should I get an assistant?

Hello. I'm your assistant.

Pierre: My assistant has been slacking.

My boss is an assh*le.

I don't think we're ready to get married right now.

Cory: Mom, tomorrow is the engagement party

so I'm inviting you.

My mom is just crazy

for f*ck's sake.

(music playing)

Nicole: You smell good.

Susie: I do? Nicole: Yeah.

Or is it Jeremy's again?

It's Jeremy's clothes.

- Totally. Nicole: I think that's so funny.

I love that.

Susie: So?

- How am I? Susie: Tell me, how are you?

- Tell me everything.

- I'm engaged.

Okay. So what do you think?

Oh, it's beautiful.

I think it's perfect.

I've never seen you

be so passionate about someone,

or so caring, or loving, or just...

- Yeah. My family... Susie: He's your best friend.

He's my best friend.

- So...

- It can't get better than that.

Finally after long years,

for me to see, you know,

her get what she's always wanted,

I'm so happy for her.

We're gonna have to do an engagement party.

I think... Yeah.

That'll be fun.

Susie: Who are you thinking

- we should invite? Nicole: I don't know.

You think that Cory's mom would come

to the engagement party?

Well, I sure hope so.

The last time I saw Cory's mom,

uh, a huge, uh, blowout fight happened,

and it got really heated.

I have never in my entire life

had a fight like that with anybody.

I've never done anything to her.

The woman is mad that I have her son

and that he is occupied

with his children and me.

That's the thing.

I'm really worried about the wedding

and having his family, you know,

it'll just embarrass me.

There are so many things left

unsettled between me

and his mom that,

it could ruin our engagement party

and possibly our wedding

when that time comes.

The whole part of your engagement party

is to celebrate with the people

that have supported your relationship

- throughout the years.

- I don't know if Cory's mom

necessarily has though.

If Cory wants her there

I would never tell him no.

So, um, I'm just gonna leave it up

to Cory, you know.

I think that's perfect.

Nicole: And if the right decision

is to have his mom there, then,

well, it should be interesting.


(music playing)

Pierre: Can you help me with this dish?

Denise: I love that you need my assistance

on everything.

When I do stuff, I don't ask for your help

except for with the dogs.

Pierre: Oh, my God.

- When you do stuff,

you need an assistant.

That's a great idea.

Should I get an assistant?

What do you need an assistant for?

Dishes or laundry.

Go to the bank.

Denise: I go to the bank.

I'm bringing your dry


I'm the one that shops

- for the food. Pierre: Oh, dry


When you need to dry


I'm the one who does all that shit.

You need an assistant?


Here you go.

I'm your assistant.

Pierre: Well, my assistant has been slacking.

I'm kidding.

My boss is an assh*le.

- No.

- You're acting like

you're not taking care of here,

because there's dishes in the dishwasher.

Pierre and I are not equals

in our relationship.

No way.

The fact that he is financially supporting me,

we're not on equal playing field.

He's above me and I'm down here.

I was thinking maybe eventually

you could help me put together some pictures

like a little portfolio to show.

I'm gonna try to pursue the makeup thing.

No answer?


I love it.

I just want to have a passion

the way that Pierre does,

but, you know, I'm interested

to see what the hell he would do with himself

if I wasn't there to hang out with him every day

and I just don't think

he would like the attention

taken off of him.

I don't know what to say.

- Uh...

- Wonderful.

All right. All right. Sorry.

I love my relationship.

Pierre: All right.

- Love talking to myself.

Pierre: All right. All right. All right.

I'll leave you alone.

I'll take the dogs out for a walk.

(music playing)

Nicole: So are you super excited

- about mommy and daddy?

- Yeah.

Nicole: What are you excited about?


Isn't that cool?

Do you know what's so cool about it?


I'm gonna have the same last name as you.

You know what we're gonna be?

The Nastazio family.


It's so, so cute

telling Trey that we are gonna be

the Nastazio family.

He's actually getting to the age where he gets it.

So, this moment telling him, it's really, really special.

It's a really special, special time.

Cory: Hi, hi, kids. Nicole: Oh.

Look who decided to join the family.

Cory: Hi everybody.


when did you get Jessica Simpsons hair?

Nicole: Honey, seriously?

Cory: It looks so good on me.

That actually kind of doesn't look so bad.


It fell.

You, um, notice anything different?

Nicole: Oh, Cory's hair.

He... That...

He doesn't... That doesn't surprise me.

He does stuff for a reaction.


There's always hats and beanies.

If you did anything like this

before we... Our wedding day,

- that would be a problem. Cory: Oh, my God.

She likes it, honey.

How was your day?

Nicole: Um, I met with Susie

and she wants to throw us

an engagement party. We just need to tell them

- who we want to invite. Cory: My mom.

Nicole: That's funny that you say that.

I was just joking, but,

- uh, yeah.

- I was thinking,

like, how's that gonna happen?

Cory: You look great by the way.

Nicole: Honey.

Cory: Absolutely phenomenal.


Nicole: Are you listening?

Why should I have any say

over whether or not your mom or your sister

comes to our engagement party or wedding?

That's completely and totally up to you.

Cory: Well, you know, do we want a nice time?

Nicole: Well, yeah. But I find it hard,

uh, to believe that she could actually come

and be totally normal and sincere and genuine.

I don't think she's capable of that.

- Careful, Trey.

- Yeah. But then

at the same time, I worry

about you and how you feel,

and how it probably hurts.

Cory: I wanna give my mom a chance

to be part of my life, but with that said,

it'll bring a whole shitload of drama.

She hurts me when she's causing problems.

- That hurts. Nicole: I just don't want you

to regret later on down the line

that we didn't have your mom

at some of the most special moments

in both of our lives together.

I don't want you to regret that.

I want it to be completely your decision

and so I'm gonna leave it up to you.

I'm just going out of my mind.

You know, I want my mom to be there.

I want my girl to be happy.

I want them to get over it.

And that's, like,

trying to make a dead horse get up off the ground.

What do you do on a day like that?

(music playing)

Woman: Coming up. Nicole: Do you see

wedding bells in your future anytime?

- It gonna look like that.

- I'd probably smack

the shit out of Pierre.

We're just not like that.

It's a big party. She's gonna have

her whole family there, and I'm gonna have nobody?

Does it hurt? Yes.

You know, it's my mom.

I don't even know why I asked her to come.

(music playing)

Denise: Hi.

Susie: Hi.

Nicole: Cory has that hatty.

He wears it everywhere.

Denise: Congratulations.

Thank you.

I'm really excited to go

over to Susie's house

and hang out with the girls,

have some wine, relax,

and kind of get my mind off

of what's going on with Cory's mom.

Denise: How was Australia? Nicole: It was good.

Denise: Yeah? Nicole: Yeah.

Denise: What did you guys do?

Nicole: We went to the beaches

and just kind of walked around.

Went to the cliffs, and that's where he proposed.

- So... Denise: I am so happy

for Nicole and Cory's engagement.

But it makes me sad

because I'm just on a different place

with Pierre.

So do you see wedding bells

in your future anytime soon?

- No. Nicole: How are things going?

Denise: Right now, I just don't think

our relationship's stable enough.

I see how happy you and Jeremy are together,

and what a good daddy he is, and how Cory is.

You know, when I go home with Pierre and I go...

We're just not like that, you know?

Well, Denise...

Denise: I know he loves me. I know he does.

I know he loves you. Nicole: Yeah. He does.

- I see it.

- Yeah.

Denise: I don't know if it's the love

that I want sometimes.

Nicole: Are you guys like jumping on the bed together

and like hugging each other

and be like lovey, lovey?

- No? You know, it's like that.

- I'd probably smack

the shit out of Pierre if he came near me.

I want my coffee in the morning

and then I'll f*cking go onto you.

Susie: There's times when Jeremy irritates

the crap out of me, but then there are times

when he walks in the room and I get butterflies.


Susie: Maybe that's the feelings you get

when you're with the person you're meant to be with.

He used to be so much fun

when we first get together.

We would, like,

we would laugh for hours

and, like, we go and do stuff together

and, like, now it's, like...

- What keeps you guys together?

- A part of it,

it's just that we've been together for three years

and the scary thing of changing my life.

You know, in other times, I'll be quite honest with you,

I think I'd love to have a f*cking apartment in New York,

be single.

Not have a man in my life for a while, work on my career,

you know, and just figure out what Denise wants.

Nicole: So if he was totally ready

and he proposed to you?

I'd probably say no.

You would say no? Denise.

(music playing)

Denise: Talking to Nicole and Susie, you know,

it's really making me think

that Pierre and I are really not ready to get married.

Jeremy and Susie as well as Cory and Nicole,

there's just this bond there, like,

that I don't feel like Pierre and I always have.

They're a team. It's their money.

Their house. Their life.

I want that with somebody.

I wanna feel, like, that it's my house too

and it's my life too.

And that, you know, I'm not just so lucky

to be a part of it.

- I love you. All right. Susie: I love you.

Denise: Bye, baby. We're... Nicole: Bye.

Susie: Okay. Drive good.

Nicole: Okay.

(music playing)

Cory: Hello?

Woman: Hello? Cory: Ma.

Woman: Who is this? Cory: Your son.

I wanted to tell you that your son

is engaged

to be married.

Now, the engagement party,

I want my mom to be there.

She's the only one in life

that I'm really, really married to without a ring.

Now, bringing Nicole as my lady,

I got to let them both feel

that they're both on the same pedestal

without pissing the other one off.

Tomorrow is the engagement party.

So, I'm inviting you.

Mom, I only have you as a family on my end.

So, it's gonna be a big party.

She's gonna have her whole family there,

and I'm gonna have nobody?

Woman: I'm not doing it.

Cory: Whatever. Whatever. I'm done.

I'm done with this phone call.

Okay. Bye


Oh, wow.

It'll never change, like...

Nicole: That must be so frustrating.

Cory: I'm asking her to come to our party,

just be my supportive mom and come

and, like, you know, but no.

No way. I don't even know why I asked her to come.

Does it hurt?


You know, it's my mom.

My mom is just, um, crazy.

For f*ck's sake.

Woman: Coming up.

I can't let another day go by

without telling you that I wasn't not your friend

and I wanted to ask you if you could be my best man

at the wedding too.

(music playing)

Cory: Stephen Murray is my best friend.

I'm going over to his house right now

to, uh, tell him that I'm finally getting married.

What's up my man?

Hey, long time no see.

No shit, boy.

Yeah. How are you?

- I'm doing good.

- Whoa.

I met Stephen in the year .

We became best friends.

You know, we made a lot of money together,

um, we were going through our prime,

and then he entered the Detour

about three, four years ago now.

And then boom,

he broke his neck.

Paralyzed from the neck down.

The boys are getting big, huh?

Yeah, man.

Stephen is, uh, pretty much the only family

that I have left right now.

He had seen me go through many of women.

He knows that this one was the one.

He's noticed since day one

so I just can't wait to tell him.

I went to Australia.

Stephen: Australia?

Cory: I asked Nicole to marry me in Australia.

You're kidding.

Dude, of all f*cking times, huh?

Dude, congratulations.

Cory: Thanks, man. Stephen: I'm stoked for you.

Cory: Yeah. We're having an engagement party

and, uh, my mom and my girl aren't getting along,

you know, that is, my mom is crazy.

So, none of my family is gonna be there.

So I'd like you to be there.

Come support us because you know it's, like, uh...

- Of course. Cory: You're all I got left.

Now that we're talking about engagement

I wanted to ask you if you'd be my best man

at the wedding too.

- Of course, my man. Cory: You've seen me go through

so many different women

that I want you to be there

at the end of that freaking aisle with me

when I actually say goodbye.


That is goodbye to that many women.

I want you to witness that.

Stephen: I wouldn't wanna change it,

this world of mine because...

man, life is so precious.

Cory: Well, I asked Stephen to be my best man

but there's one last thing that bothered me

that I had to get off my chest.

Back when the accident with Stephen happened,

you know, it really,

really messed me up bad.

It's not every day that your best friend

in the whole wide world breaks his neck

doing the same thing you do for a living.

So, I just had to disappear.

I couldn't live down the street from him anymore

and visit him on a daily basis,

and then go... And then go train,

and then visit him and then go train.

I always just get flashes of him in his life now,

and it really, really, um, affected me.

I just couldn't act like it didn't faze me,

because, uh, I'd be lying.

To tell you the truth, um...

what I really wanted to tell you, dude,

is after your accident,

I moved away because,...

uh, me and you are the same kid.

We grew up together.

We rode together.

We pushed each other hard.

We did everything.

There was no me without you.

I know I haven't been around as much as I should've been,

and I just can't let another day go by

without telling you that,

you know, I wasn't running,

I wasn't not your friend.

I was just... When you got hurt,

a part of me got hurt for life.

To be honest, I was...

I was just...

It took a while for me to understand, like...

But I'm here now.

I'm back.

I love you, man.

It's so hard for me.

It's got to be a million times harder for you though.

I can understand that now, like,

as times gone by,

you have no idea

when I (indistinct) to get you,

throwing your way in.

You know, that's... This is my life, man.

And I'm here to inspire anyone

in any way I can.

I love you more than anything.

I needed to let him know

that I need him in my life forever

and that I never...

I never meant to leave him out of it.

I'm just happy that me and my friend

got to have that talk

and put that behind us.

I'm wicked, um, stoked for you.

- And, uh... Cory: I love you, dude, so much.

- I'm glad we had that talk.

- I appreciate that.

- All right, my man. Cory: I love you.

Stephen: All right. Congratulations, man.

I had to get back home and change,

because tonight is a big night,

my engagement party.

I'm so pumped up.

You only get married one time

so here we go.

Baby, guys like me don't have nice clothes.

Nicole: Just for certain things you should at least have one.

Like, I've only wore, like, a nice shirt for a funeral

- and, like, in one wedding. Nicole: Oh, man.

Cory: Never mind, honey. I'm gonna work it out.

(music playing)

Man: Yeah. This is real professional.



Cory: I did it, honey.

Nicole: What?

Cory: Honey.

Nicole: What? Cory: Call me Big Nut.

Nicole: What are you doing? You can't wear that.

- Are you f*cking kidding me? Cory: Wait.

That's the shirt I just got you?

Cory: Yeah. This is my big day too, you know.

Nicole: Cory, I can't believe you did that.

You can't wear that.

Why couldn't you just keep the sleeves

and wear those jeans?

I would've actually been okay with that.

Cory: This is to die for.

This is to die for.

(music playing)

(indistinct chatter)

(cheers and applauses)

Oh, wow.


Woman: Wow. Cory: Yeah.

We did it.

Walking to that room with a bunch of people there

that really love us,

and just being there to support us,

meant the world to me, you know.

Can you believe it?

It feels good to have good people in your life,

you know, I have a couple of my boys there

but, um, they were all pretty much Nicole's side

of the family and friends.

Even that, you know, felt good.

I just wanna say thank you

to everyone in here for coming.

You guys are all are closest friends and family,

and that's why you're here.

We love you.

(cheers and applauses)

Nicole: It is a really special moment for Cory and I,

and it's all the people that have supported us.

And that's a tough thing to do,

to support a couple that is so off and on,

and up and down.

So, it's really a happy feeling

to see all those people in one room.

Woman: Who's the other guy? Woman: Yeah.

Larissa: Oh. As we all know,

Nicole and Cory haven't always had the easiest road.

I mean, they've had more drama than some soap operas,

but the one thing that's always remained for them

is that the love that they have is,

it's unparalleled.

I mean, you guys have a chemistry and...

Wait. What's unparalleled mean?

That's a rare one for me.

Larissa: You didn't bring your dictionary?

I told you.

Oh, my God. Oh.

Larissa: You're awesome people.

And I can honestly say,

I am just so happy to have Cory

be officially part of our family.

Nicole: I really wish for Cory's sake

that his mom would've shown up.

But I'm just thankful that Cory has my family,

and that they support him and us,

and he'll always have them.

So, I'm thankful for that.

You know what? I'm gonna make it...

I'm gonna make it kind of short.

Me and Nicole, we've been through more

than I bet anybody in this whole world.

It's crazy, like, you know,

there's always those movies you watch where the,

you know, there's that couple, they get to marry,

and it's, like, the best movie ever seen.

And that's our movie.

And I'm just happy that she stuck with me

with all the dumb shit I've done,

and I'm gonna make it up to her,

and, um, it starts now.

Woman: Next time on X Life.

Man: And the race is on.

Jeremy: You can't ride a dirt bike forever,

so I'm just trying to set up something to do later on

that's a little bit safer than what I'm doing now.

Man: ...number... Coming around thus far.

- Oh no.

- Oh, shit.

Cory: For me, I need you to apologize

because you said nasty things

to my fiancee.

I'm not gonna say I'm sorry.

You flipped...

and said everything...

The most horrible things anybody

has ever said to me in my entire life.

Cory: I went in the house to grab my own family

and I just lost it.

Get out of here.

Nicole: Cory... Woman: Do it again, bitch.

- I'll put you in hell.

- Ah.

We're having secrets now?

Cory: He's really not that good at it.

- I was...

- No.

Cory: ...figuring you were gonna...

He was gonna ruin everything

for the big surprise, you know.

Because I just had a couple extra minutes in my day,

and I figured, what the heck?

Couple extra minutes in your day?

Right. It took... It took five hours.

- It was... It was terrible. Nicole: Yeah, honey.

And I needed you here with Londyn.

Well, what about, uh, taking Trey's school notebook bag?

Nicole: Honey.

- And no lunch.

Nicole: My mom told me that.