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01x05 - The Dishes and The Dogs

Posted: 08/09/23 07:55
by bunniefuu
Denise: Previously on X Life.

Denise: Pierre... Pierre: Yes?

You don't want (indistinct)?

No matter how hung over I am, I usually suck it up

and stand there and support him a hundred percent.

I brought your mom's cross for good luck.

Thanks for bringing that.

Cory: You know about Australia, right?

Nicole: You're gonna be gone for how long?

Cory: Two weeks.

- Don't go.

I'm super bummed that Cory is gonna be gone for so long.

I'm gonna miss you, guys.

See you in Australia.

Man: Tonight on The X Life.

I don't know that you would come

to go watch me do anything.

All I want from Pierre is for him appreciate me.

Maybe next time you have a skateboard tournament

I'll show up at the end.

Pierre: I'm sorry I showed up late.

I was disappointed.

I just thought you would be there.

(music playing)

(music playing)

Denise: Come on we go, we do a read.

Well, this is just fabulous.

Pierre: So, I'm in Tehachapi to skate the MegaRamp

at Woodward West for the first time.

The MegaRamp is the biggest, sickest ramp in the world

and you need to be a really experienced vert skater

to be successful without getting hurt.

How far does it go up?

Like, where's the top?

Please? If you would.

I love when you ignore me.

Pierre: I'm just, kind of, go get my board

- and just warm up. Denise: Well, I'm just too old

- for you.

- All right.

Denise: So, it took us four hours to drive out here

and, you know, it's just a very long drive

and I'm just looking forward to going back to the hotel

and spending some quality time with Pierre.

I'm gonna go, uh, hitchhike on the road.

See if maybe, you know, I get kidnapped.

Are you gonna go skate that giant ramp?

It's not like you love me.

You know, I'm extremely supportive

when it comes to what Pierre does

and, you know, proud and happy that he's here to skate

the MegaRamp, but I just hate when asks me to tag along

and then completely ignores me.


(music playing)

Man: Whoa.


(dog barks)


Don't embarrass me.


-oh. Uh


(cheers and applause)

Are you done?

No more.

(music playing)

(birds chirping)

Nicole: Hi.

Did you have a nice nap?

Now, it's time to hook up to Skype

to talk to dada.

Cory is in Australia

and it's just me and the kids.

I get sad when he's gone

and I know the kids are too, so.

You wanna get dressed?


Trey, calm down. That's too hyper.

But this is definitely, you know, this is our life.

This is how it is.

Cory: Hello?

- Baby.

Hold on, honey.

Say hi.

Trey: Dada.

- Hi, Trey



Nicole: Do you see us, honey?

This thing makes me look ugly and shitballs.

Nicole: Oh, honey, the kids.

- Hi. Nicole: Oh, babe.

Hi, Lala.

Nicole: Oh, she misses you, honey.

Look at...

Hi, Lala.

Now, that's funny...

Nicole: Dada, stop, stop, stop.

Can you stop please?

If I have to ask you again

you're gonna get in trouble.


Don't you wish you were home?

You look good when you're mad, baby.

Nicole: You always tell me that.

Cory: You look pretty when you're mad.

Oh, honey.

Cory: I can't wait till you get here.

We got our whole life figured out

as soon as you get here.

Nicole: I can't wait to see what you're talking about.

Cory: Kiss me really. Kiss me right here.

I wish the kids were out of the room,

- so I can tell you...

- I knew you would.

- Bye. Nicole: Bye, I love you.

Bye, Trey. I love you, Lala.

Give daddy a kiss.

Give daddy a kiss.

- I love you, babe.

- I love you.

(music playing)

Pierre: So, what do you feel like doing?

Oh, I wanna skate again tonight

in the indoor park.

Denise: I hate you. I swear to God.

I figured with the season being over,

we would be spending more time together

and that he would be focusing on us more.

And, you know, I wanna be able to spend some time with him,

but instead we're once again skateboarding

and talking about skateboarding.

And it's just not always that fun for me.

You know, I sat there, I was patient.

I didn't complain. I had nobody to talk to.

You could've actually came up to top on the MegaRamp

- and watch from the top. Denise: I watch you

all the time.

I don't know if that you would come

to go watch me do anything.

You tell me to go F myself.

Pierre: Are you actually doing a mud run on a...

Yeah. I know I think you're gonna come to that are you?

Pierre: Yeah, I wouldn't miss it for anything.

Denise: That means a lot to me that Pierre

is going to come and support me at the mud run

and he's gonna have a great time seeing me

do something for a change

and him being on the sidelines cheering me on.

So, I... I'm so happy that he's coming.

Pierre: Do you smell that?

I think she pooped inside the room.

Well, you wanted to bring the dogs here.

Pierre: Yeah, I really think she did.

Where'd you poop?

Denise: Now, so much over here.

- Oh, like, oh, she smells.

I think... I think she ate it.

Look Denise, come here.

Smell that breath.


Pierre: She ate it.

You have, like, mints or something like that?

Denise: No. I'm not...

I can't give her gum.

Pierre: Oh, I got, uh, wet wipes.

Denise: But that's a baby wipe.

Pierre: Zoey, come here.

Denise: Oh, my God, Zoey.

Pierre: That's what you get for eating poop.

- Hold on. Denise: This is why people

wanna know why we don't have any kids because look.

I think... I think it's better now.

Denise: If we had kids, they would be eating their own shit.

Pierre: Are you kidding me?

- I don't wanna deal

- with any more shit. Pierre: Kids don't do that.

Denise: Like, this is enough poop.

(music playing)

- I'm gonna die. Man: Okay.

Robert's my trainer

and somehow he talked me into doing this f*cking mud run

with a bunch of other people from the gym.

It's a k run.

You're actually running over muddy hills

and going through obstacle courses.

It seemed like a good idea when I said yes,

but, I'm, kind of, questioning that now.

We're winners.

We're going for number, dude.

We're not messing around.

Woman: That was the prize?

- I don't know.

Robert: Like right now (indistinct)

Denise: Oh, are we going?

Is it time?

Man: Ready.

Five, four, three, two, one.


(music playing)

Man: That's it. There goes the beginning

of our (indistinct) race.

(indistinct chatter)

Denise: Doing this is a way to prove to myself

that I can have my own thing and that, you know, I'm strong

and this is not something that's in my comfort zone,

believe me. It's gonna be crazy.

(indistinct chatter)

I'm gonna die.

Man: Yeah.

(indistinct shouting)

Robert: Yeah.

Running through the finish line,

I was so proud of myself that I stuck through

and I didn't quit.

It's all over. It's all over.

Denise: So, I'm looking around for Pierre

and I don't see him anywhere.

He's absolutely nowhere to be found and it was...

It was really sad to me.

And, you know, uh, I just...

I don't even know what to say.

Denise: Coming up.

I'm just so sick of you belittling everything.

I'm sorry that I don't f*cking ride around

a skateboard like a g*dd*mn monkey all the time.

I deserve someone that when they f*ck up,

they say they're sorry.

Never right, never good enough,

it's stupid, it's lame.

You don't even acknowledge me,

you walk away with Robert.

(indistinct chatter)

Denise: So, I'm looking around for Pierre

and I don't see him anywhere.

He's absolutely nowhere to be found and it was...

It was really sad to me.

And, you know, uh, I just...

I don't even know what to say, you know, it's disappointing.

Thank you for, uh, making me do that.

I told you, you might not like while you're doing it,

but give it a good minutes.

Woman: I need to take picture.

- (indistinct) Woman: You did so good.

- Nice little, uh...

- Mud.

- You want a corndog?

- No.

Dude, where were you today?

Pierre: So, yeah. I showed up late,

I really screwed up

and I'm pretty pissed off on myself

I wasn't there on time.

Denise: Kind of a bummer. Maybe next time

you have skateboard tournament I'll show up at the end.

Pierre: You know what? They had me parked, like,

so freakin' far.

Denise: How can everybody else's boyfriends show up

on time and you're late?

Pierre: I had to pick up Jessica this morning.

Denise: Go with him.

(music playing)


Trey: Hey, what?

You're getting dressed, babe?

- Do you see her clothes?

- No.

Nicole: You don't see your clothes right there?

Oh, yeah, I do.

Isn't that what you wanna wear?

- Yeah. Nicole: Okay.

Cory's in Australia and it's just me

and the kids which is a lot.

It's almost like I'm a single mom a lot of the time

when he's out of town.

(child cooing)

Hold on, honey. I know. I'm coming.

(makes noises)

When he's out... Out of town, it's, you know,

two against one.

And it can be hard sometimes,

so, I'm like a total stress case,

so getting Trey to school on his first day.

It's an important big day for him.

Londyn's, you know, being fussy and I have to,

you know, take care of her and her needs.

(child cries)


Honey, honey.

There's nothing we can do about it.

It's a sacrifice that we all have to make.

It's my / life.

There's no way around it.

There's no nothing.

That's my life.

- Uh, Trey


- What?

Nicole: Did you forget something?

You have to wear an underwear.

- No. Nicole: No. That's...

You have wear to underwear with jeans, Trey.

Come on. My little commando boy.

I know daddy taught you that, but...

(child cooing)

(music playing)

Woman: Where's our little mud runner?

Pierre: Denise.

The flowers were on sale.

Denise: Where's my food?

Uh, breakfast is in there.

So, hey, Denise, I know we got there late,

but hey, thanks for waiting for us.

Nicole: You know, I'm just so sick of you

belittling everything. I'm sorry that I don't f*cking

ride around a skateboard like a g*dd*mn monkey all the time,

you know, like, "Oh, you're just so much better."

- I don't...

- Like a g*dd*mn monkey?

Like, I don't do stuff like this normally.

Why couldn't you just be, like, "You know what, Denise?

I get it," like,

I ran through this obstacle course

that I've never thought I could do.

I was almost throwing up from it.

Pierre: If it's such a drag, why did you even do it?

Denise: I wanna go lay down for a minute. I hate you.

Pierre turning the situation around made me angry.

He made it about himself and turned it around

to where it was my fault and it wasn't my fault.

I deserve better than that

and I deserve someone that when they f*ck up

they say they're sorry.

I don't want excuses, you know,

he's not years old and I'm not his mother.

Give me a break a little bit, okay?

- I know you think...

- I have some flowers for you.

- And it smells...

- Everything that's supposed

to be good is always...

Why is it like this?

It's not supposed to be this way?

And I can't do anything.

It's never right, it's never good enough,

it's stupid, it's lame,

I thought you would be proud of me?

Pierre: I am. I was sorry I showed up late.

And, uh, I was, kind of, I felt bad.

And then I got there you don't even acknowledge me,

you walk away with Robert.

I was disappointed. That's all.

Disappointed that weren't there.

I looked up and I was looking for you

and I just thought you'd be there.

And it just made me sad. That's all.

Denise: Coming up.

I can never ask for anything.

Like, for instance I walk the dogs twice

and I go "Pierre, can you maybe do the dishes?"

The dishes and the dogs is, like, be happy

that that's the problem.

Uh, maybe it's just different, I don't know.

Nicole: It's a different... A different, kind of, love.

(music playing)

Nicole: Hi.

- Hi.

I'm hung over.

Nicole: You are?

- And sore from the mud run.

- Oh, I'm sure.

- Ooh.

Denise: I thought I was gonna die in the middle of it

and my knees and cut to shreds

from crawling through the mud.

- Wait, you had to crawl? Denise: Uh


- I thought it was just, uh... Denise: I had mud in my ears,

up my nose, there's mud everywhere.

Wow, that's sounds amazing...

- Yeah, that sounds a bit... Denise: And then I, kind of,

got, um, yeah.

I was a little disappointed because Pierre

didn't make it on time. He didn't show up

until, like, minutes after I had finished.

- And he... Susie: Until you were done?

- Yeah.

- Well, did something happen?

- Was it an accident? Denise: No.

He just can't get out of bed and he kept saying,

"Well, you didn't wake me up,"

and I'm, like, "I'm not your mom."

- Oh, wow. Denise: This is what bothers me

instead of apologizing and just saying,

"You know what? this time I'm sorry,

like, you're right, I screwed up."

And he started going on about it again

trying to turn it around and I was,

like, looked at me, and say you're sorry?

If I'm wrong I say I'm wrong.

I have no problem admitting that.

That's what his problem is.

He just can't admit it.

Because God forbid he's wrong.

Nicole: Why do you think he's that way?

Denise: I think he feels like because he does pay

for everything, you know,

that I can't ever ask for anything.

So, like, for instance, like, if I made dinner, right?

And I'm walking...

I walk the dogs twice and I go "Pierre,

can you maybe do the dishes because I'm tried

and I wanna just take a shower?"

- Uh

-huh. Denise: And he goes, yeah,

and then doesn't do it and then, like

- yells at me two days later. Nicole: Oh, dear.

And he goes, "You can't even do dishes."

Nicole: I definitely understand

why she was super bummed out about Pierre not showing up,

I mean, I totally get that.

I would be bummed out too,

but walking the dogs

and doing the dishes

and that's one of her biggest complaints

in the relationship, I don't get that.

I don't know what else your responsibilities

are with him. Like, I don't know

what else he expects from you.

- Right.

- You know what I mean?

Like, the dishes and the dogs, like,

be happy that that's the problem.

(music playing)

Denise: I can't ever ask for anything,

like, for instance he goes,

"You can't even do dishes."

The dishes and the dogs, like,

be happy that that's the problem.

I don't even give Cory a hard time about the dishes

- or anything like that.

- Yeah.

You know what I mean? I just don't.

Because that's... To me, that's my responsibility.

And then for him to go and make the money

- and provide the house... Susie: Uh, yeah.

And provide the groceries

and you know what I mean? Take care of us.

Denise: They're taking it too literally.

I just want him to be appreciative

of the things that I do do for him.

You know, and they think that I'm being a bad girl

for it because I'm not just happy

with whatever he decides to give me.

Relationships don't work that way.

I don't want you to get the impression

that I'm some, like, spoiled person that's, like...

The point is, is that as, you know,

girlfriends and wives of extreme athletes,

we take care of the kids, you go grocery shopping,

I'll send out an email if he wants to,

I clean the house and that is my job

and I take full responsibility for that.

And in return,

he supports me ...

A million percent.

And so, that to me is fair.

Susie: For you, yeah, yeah.

- It's a fair... It's a fair...

- It's a fair trade. Susie: Fair trade.

- Maybe it's just different...

- It's a different...

Definitely a different kind of love.

- Yeah. Susie: Yeah.

Nicole: I know it's funny.

(music playing)

Pierre: ...give a f*ck? Denise: I don't know.

Pierre: Oh, the funny part to me is that

she's being very quick to judge.

- I just feel like ever... Pierre: It's, like, you...

Everything I do is wrong.

The mud run is wrong.

- You turn out into something... Pierre: What?

Doing the mud run, like, with Robert, like,

that turned into something negative, like...

I was just, kind of, bummed that, um, I know I was,

kind of, g*dd*mn late, but then you ran away

and I was, like, all right. You ran away.

Denise: But it's like everything I do is, like...

Pierre: And I was...

- It's like, I'm never allowed

to, like, feel anything because I'm wrong.

If I'm upset about something I'm wrong.

It's, like, I'm getting judged all the time and, like...

Pierre: By who?

- By everyone.

Like, you, like, uh, her, like, you know,

I'm just starting to lose...

It's like I don't... I don't want this,

like, uh, I don't wanna defend myself all the time.

Like, why do you have me in your life for

and, like, why are we even together?

- Well, obviously...

- Whoa.

Denise: ...I'm a horrible girlfriend,

- I'm a horrible person.

- this is being a turnaround

on me, like, I'm the one

- that said something. Denise: No, it's not.

- Because I obviously didn't... Denise: I know you're agreeing

- ...say something.

- Denise: like, I know...

I know, I know you agree that I know...

Pierre: No, I don't completely agree.

I don't want you to be just like a housewife

or anything like that.

So, I don't know,

I just feel like sometimes

you could try a little bit harder

around the house, you know.

Denise: Between talking to Nicole at the bar

and then Pierre, you know, I...

At this point, I just don't even know

why Pierre is with me.

It's, like, I don't seem to do anything right

and I'm just getting sick of everything

always being about Pierre's feelings, you know.

What about me? Like, am I not here?

What's wrong with wanting to feel, you know,


Pierre: Next time on X Life.

Is a prenup gonna guarantee a certain amount of sex

that I'd be getting?

- You're truly stupid.

- Oh, damn.

Let me see the size of the ring and then

- we'll figure that out later. Pierre: Oh, (indistinct)

Cory: Welcome to Australia, honey.

I just wanna propose. It's such a big deal,

f*ck... Oh, shit.

Say yes to being my wife for the rest of your life.

Are you kidding me right now?

Man: Hmm.

(music playing)

Man: Watch out. (indistinct) guys.

Oh, shit.

(cheers and applause)

Man: There you go.

That was pretty good.