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01x04 - It's Not Gonna Break Us, Is It?

Posted: 08/09/23 07:54
by bunniefuu
Susie: Previously on the X Life.

It's tough being the mom, the manager.

We're gonna do two heaters

underneath the tent here.

There's a lot of times

where I just wanna be the wife.

Cory: Dude, I got to go to Australia in a week.

I'm bringing my girl,

and I'm about to propose to her.

Shut the f*ck up.

Cory: Nicole and me

have been through so much shit,

and I don't wanna lose her. I love her so much.

I want you to know I wanna marry your daughter.

It's about time.

Susie: Tonight on the X Life.

Cory: Before I leave to Australia,

I wanna put as much family time in with my kids.

Don't tell mommy we came here, okay?

- Okay.

- Mommy will get mad at daddy.

I don't even think I've ever just been his wife.

It seriously, like...


Honey, I wanna go.

It's just a lot.

And I can't do that.

I can't leave the kids.

Susie: What are you doing?

I've planned for the whole day

for us to hang out.

Everything revolves around Jeremy.

I'm just so f*cking over it.

(music playing)

Cory: You know about Australia, right?

Nicole: No. What about Australia?

The Con just got cancelled,

but there's another one that's even bigger,

like a crazy concert.

Girl: Dad, dad.

- And I want you to come

to Thanksgiving weekend.

So, I'm going to Australia,

Nicole thinks I'm bringing her out

there for a BMX event.

What she doesn't know is that I'm not.

I'm actually bringing her there

to ask her to marry me.

She's got no idea,

and I'm just really looking forward

to this whole trip.

So, on Thanksgiving,

we're not gonna be with the kids?

- No.

- Honey.

But we're gonna throw a big one.

I'll get two turkeys.

Throw a big one?

That's a big deal.

Cory: I know, but you're a big deal.

Oh, my gosh.

Obviously, it means a lot to me

that Cory wants me to go on this trip,

but it's Thanksgiving... I don't know.

I don't get it why I have to go to this

particular contest this far away for this long.

No, honey, I can't do that. I can't do it.

- No, I can't... Cory: We can go to Australia

and back (indistinct)

I can't do that.

It's too much, honey. I'm a mom.

That's my whole entire full

-time job.

I can't leave the kids.

Cory: I'm gonna propose to her.

It's like the biggest thing

that I've ever done in my whole life,

and I can't get this shit to get on a plane

and meet me on Australia.

Not... She doesn't know that it's gonna be awesome.

Australia, you got to come because it's gonna be fun.

You already got my ticket, right?


So there's no changing my mind, huh?


(music playing)

Here, just have some sparkling wine.

It's supposed to be champagne and orange juice,

but I ended... I got something different on accident.

- Oopsy. Denise: Yeah, it's a lot.

Susie: Knock, knock. Nicole: Come in.

Denise: Hi.

- Hi.

Nicole: I'm really happy that the girls

are coming over today.

They've never seen my house.

And it'll be really nice to be able

to tell them how I feel about going to Australia,

and just, kind of, someone vent to, you know.

- (indistinct) Susie: Whoa.

Nicole: Honey.

Muffins, strawberries, grapes.

Our muffins are none of your damn business.

Cory: Hi, Susie (indistinct)

- I'm feeling a Big Bear Cabin.

- What is this?

I just bought it for the (indistinct)

He's a... He's a lumberjack.

Babe, will you get London?

Cory: Okay.

So, what's going on?

Nicole: Cory got me a ticket,

and I'm going to Australia.

- I'm... Susie: You're leaving?

...leaving for seven days.

Seven days? Are you kidding me?

Who's watching the kids?

My mom's gonna come every day.

Oh, please, you know what,

they're gonna be so taken care of.

It'll be fine. They'll cry,

and then you'll have a good time,

and you can bring them back

a bunch of crap from Australia.

I just don't know how I'm gonna do it.

Denise: They'll be fine.

Just call every day and talk and...

They'll be good. You know,

it's good for them to sort of be,

you know, on their own without you

- and getting used to that.

- Yeah.

I definitely don't expect Denise to,

you know, understand where I'm coming from

about leaving the kids.

I appreciate her, you know,

kind of pushing me to go, and that's nice.

And I know she means well.

But she really doesn't know.

And she won't know until she has kids.

With Jeremy, I'm, like,

I'm being a mom and then I'm doing everything,

you know, for his work.

I don't even think have ever just been his wife,

because even before we got married,

I was already, you know,

running the whole show, doing everything.

- Yeah. Susie: You know?

There's no romance. It's sort of like...

No. You know, I'm so thankful that God has blessed Jeremy

with so many talents,

but at the same time, like,

I feel like we're just business partners.

It's really hard being the wife.

I feel like Jeremy's forgotten

what it's like to be romantic.

I want us to go and have fun

like how we used to

before all this career and business.

I wanna have fun.

You know, take me out,

show me a good time,

spend time with me.

Nicole: I'm like racking my brain right now,

trying to figure out what we do different,

and why, maybe, I feel like I have time with it.

I mean, at the end of the night,

we put the kids to sleep at :,

and that's our time.

And we stay up for... Until like :.

Susie: And you don't have like work left over?

You don't have to, like, go over everything?

No, no, because I don't do that part of it.

You have a huge responsibility.

You took on a lot.

You do a lot.

It's seriously like...

Suz. Oh, no.

Don't cry.

I'm just like really sad about it.

I can't even remember the last time

was that we even just, like,

did anything that didn't involve business.

- It's like we...

- Oh, Suz.

We, like, seriously go out to dinner

to talk about, you know, the next race or,

you know, what we're gonna do

with his sponsors next year.

It's like it's never...

About you two?

It's never us, you know?

Nicole: I think that you guys need to set aside,

like, three days a week,

and two hours of these days.

It may not sound like a lot,

but that's what a lot of relationships...

That's what they do. You know what I mean?

Like, when they get home from work

and they have dinner together.

Whatever it may be but that's what

keeps it going, you know.

Susie: After talking with Nicole and Denise,

I think that it's really important that Jeremy

hears it from me.

And that we figure out

a way to make some changes.

You're gonna have a great time in Australia.

- Yeah, I know.

- And if you need support,

I'm here, she's here.

And you, too, I'll come out and see you,

and call me anytime.

I just need some sleep.

If I get some sleep, I'll stop crying.

Denise: Fine.

- I'll be myself again.

(music playing)

Susie: Coming up.

I feel like we work together more than,

like, we're married together.


He just is a big kid.

You're grossing me out.

Trey, guess where we're going?

Before I leave to Australia, I wanna put

as much family time in with my kids.

Don't tell mommy we came here okay?


(music playing)

Susie: I'm over not having,

like, any time to hang out.

We need to do that again.

So, while I'm doing this,

you can think of something fun for us

to go and do this weekend,

a day


I really wish that Jeremy would just

take the initiative to recognize

how I'm feeling and come up

with a way to fix it.

Give daddy a kiss.


I feel like we work together

more than, like, we're married together.

Jeremy: Yeah.

I want to change that.

We haven't done anything together in a long time,

in a long day.

I'm over it.


Jeremy: (indistinct)

- You promised me

that you weren't gonna do that anymore.

Promise me that... Don't.

Really? Really?

Look, she's like, "Mom, stop (indistinct)

No, she's like, "Dad, you're grossing me out."

She can't even eat.

I want, like, one whole day,

no phone,

no friends.

No farting?

- You got it. Susie: Am I gonna have to put,

like, a reminder in your phone?

- No.

- Say that you don't make

- other plans?

- No.

Saturday is our day.

(music playing)

Cory: Before I leave to Australia,

I wanna put as much family time in with my kids.

It's really important to me to let my son know,

dad's home and his dad loves him.

What do you want to be when you grow up, Trey


Trey: Um...

You could be anything in the whole wide world.

Right now, what would you wanna be?

- BMX.

- No,

I don't want you to ride BMX for a living.

I want you to go to school

and be smart.

This sport doesn't pay that much money.

So, I need you to use your brain for a living

and not your body.

Trey: I want... Wanna be an army.

You wanna go to the army?

Trey: Yeah.

Cory: Over my dead body.

Trey: I wanna be in a t*nk.

Cory: As much as I don't wanna say it,

he's a lot like me.

And, boy, that's scary.

(music playing)

- These bumps?

- Yeah.

Do you think you can get over all of them?

- Yup.

- No, don't pedal.

Slow down.

Nice, feet on, feet on.


Son, you were riding on your testicles.

You know what those are? Those kind of hurt.

The two round things you have down there?

You can't sit on those things.

You might need it one day.

You understand?

- What?

- Your testicles?

- What are those? Cory: Your balls.

You're gonna need those. You can't sit on them, okay?

I'm gone so much, that when I am home

and I get to spend time with my son,

I wanna make sure we have that quality time, basically,

and I get to listen to him,

and see what he's thinking, and how his mind is working,

and what he's up to in his head.

And if I don't like, I can put my two cents in.

(music playing)

Okay. I'm done.

You wanna ride some more?

No, I'm tired.

(music playing)

Susie: You wanna go see grandma?

Come on.

Finally, Jeremy is giving me a whole day.

I'm so excited.

I'm getting things done.

And I got my mom to watch Savy.

I wanna do something romantic,

and spend time together,

and really, you know,

make the most of our one day.

(motor revving)

Susie: Let's go see what dada is doing.

(motor revving)

Susie: What are you doing?

Tedesco just called me.

I got to go sh**t photos real quick

- for an ad that's due. Susie: I planned

for the whole day for us to hang out.

You really gonna do this right now?

Jeremy: I have to.

No, I don't think that you do have to.

Jeremy: Huh?

- I don't think that

you do have to, Jeremy.

Well, babe...

it's my job. I got to go ride.

- I got to go sh**t photos.

- I know but you do your job

- every f*cking day, Jeremy.

- I know

but that's what I get paid to do.

Come here. I got to grab my bag still.

Susie: You know it's gonna be all day.

Jeremy: Just do some emails or something.

I'll be back in a little bit.

It's not gonna take me that long.

- I'll be back, all right? Susie: Nice, Jeremy.

Susie is definitely overacting a little bit.

Like, when you're on top of your game,

like, you're getting calls all the time to do stuff,

and most of the time she's cool with it,

and, like, she'll get over it.

You can't tell them no, one time?

I just promised them I'll go.

Like, I told them I'd be there.

And what did you promise me?

Same thing but it's not gonna break us, is it?

I'm sorry, babe, but I got to go ride.

Susie: I know but I just don't think that you understand,

like, how important this is for our marriage.

Like, when was the last time

that we got to hang out just me and you?

- I don't even remember. Susie: For a whole day?

It's, like, a whole freaking day, Jeremy.

Like, you have no idea how much, like, I need this.

Jeremy: I said I'm sorry. I don't know

what else you want me to say.

I'm sorry, all right?

I'll be back.

I have to do it, Suz.

Susie: I do get devastated when he changes his whole plan

and wants to go and do something else.

It's like... You know, the least

that you could do is just

do what we originally agreed on.

Everything revolves around Jeremy's career.

I'm just so f*cking over it.

Hey, mom, um, Jeremy decided that he's gonna go

and do a photo sh**t.

Woman: You okay?

Susie: He just cancelled on our whole day.

I'm over it. I'm not gonna...

I'm not gonna keep trying if this is what

I'm gonna get in return.

You know, it's not fair to you.

Like, you planned your whole day

to watch Savy for us, you know,

and then Jeremy just thinks it's no big deal,

like, he can just change it however he wants.

It's okay.

I'll just be here with Savy.

Okay, bye.

Woman: Coming up.

Cory: Don't tell Mommy we came here, okay?

- Okay. Cory: Mom's away,

she got the night off. Daddy's gonna bring the kids

to a place called The Kilt.

See what happens when mommy don't cook?


Well, I cleared my whole day tomorrow.

I have nothing going tomorrow.

It doesn't matter. It's too late.

I'm sick of relying on you.

I'm sick of waiting on you.

I'm not gonna do it.

(music playing)

Hey, babe.


You still irritated?

Susie: Yeah, I'm irritated. You know, it's like...

I realize now that if I need something

that I'm gonna have to do it on my own.

I'm not gonna sit around and wait for you.

Well, I cleared my whole day tomorrow.

I have nothing going tomorrow.

I planned my whole day for tomorrow already.

Jeremy: The whole day?

- The whole day.

I'm having my mom pick up Savy.

I'm gonna go to the spa and just chill.

I'm sick of relying on you.

I'm sick of waiting on you.

- I'm not gonna do it.

- I should've stayed,

- I know, but...

- It doesn't matter.

- It's too late.

- Well, you know how it is.

It always takes me a little bit to realize.

It's not like I just... I get it, you know?

Susie's definitely upset at me

for, uh, going ride in the photo sh**t,

which is understandable.

I understand I made plans with her

and I should've kept them.

I screwed up pretty bad this time.

Well, I'm sorry.

There's not much else I could say.

- Yup. Jeremy: I'm gonna go shower.

(music playing)

Cory: We're gonna go to dinner.

Say, "Bye, mommy."

- Bye, mommy.

- I love you guys.

Mwah, mwah.

Before Cory leaves for Australia,

it's just really important that

he spends a lot of time with the kids.

I mean, they really miss him when he's gone.

So... I mean, every little, you know,

hug and kiss, I mean, he take that with him.

Yup. Guess where we're going.

Trey: Where?

- Remember I told you?

Yeah. Sure am.

Sure am.

So, I gave Nicole the night off from the kids.

I'm leaving in the morning.

So, we decided to go out to eat,

little place called the Kilt,

throw AJ in the mix, have him with the little ones.

Say, hi.

- Hi.

- Say hi.

Yeah, it's okay.

Cory: He wasn't doing that. He gets a little shy.

He's a flirt.

He's a flirt.

He's got his daddy's genes.

I'll be right back, guys.


That's your girl.

You got to treat her special.

All you got to say is, "Can I get your phone number?"

- Can I get your phone number? Cory: Yes.


Cory: There she is. There she is.

- There she is.

- Here you go, babe.

He's got to ask you something.

- Go ahead.

- You wanna ask me something?

Go ahead. Ask me.

Cory: Dude. Woman: Not with your mouth full.

Cory: Wait, wait, put the chicken down.

Go. Go.

- Yes, Trey.

- Yay.

Yay, London, is so great, too.

Woman: Yay (indistinct)

Dad, dad.

Cory: I know you do.

AJ: Yeah.

Cory: That's amazing.

That is good.

Cory: Yeah, I'm proud of him.

He did good.

He didn't let me down.

He's off to the races with that shit.

He's, um... He gets it.

Yeah, I'm scared that... I'm almost kind of scared

that he's so good at it.

Everybody when we go home,

don't tell mommy we came here,

- okay?

- Okay.

Cory: Mommy will get mad at daddy.

And daddy's only looking out for you guys, okay?

Daddy would never come here if it wasn't for you.

(music playing)

Jeremy: Susie's definitely right about

needing more husband

and, uh, wife time.

We definitely need more time together

and get back how we used to be.

It definitely sucks when I bum her out.

So, I got to make it up to her,

and just make her realize why she's really with me.

My plan now is to put some effort in

and make her a good meal.

Hopefully she likes it.

Woman: Hello? Jeremy: Grandma?

Woman: Hi.

How the hell do I make a bake potato?

Luckily, I have Susie's mom

where I can just call her and ask her,

like, "Yo, how do I do this? How do I cook that?"

I'm like... I'm a fish out of water in the kitchen.

I don't cook.

(music playing)

Jeremy: Grandma.

Woman: Hi.

How do I, um...

Not grill vegetables but put them in the pan.

- Do I put oil in them? Woman: A little.

Jeremy: Grandma. Woman: Hi.

Jeremy: These bake potatoes aren't cooking.

What's a... What's a quicker way to do it?

(music playing)

Jeremy: I come to realize, like,

it's f*cking hard to cook a good meal.

Susie: I'm home.

- How's the spa?

Susie: You made dinner.

Jeremy: I tried to make dinner.

We'll see how it goes.

Susie: I was really surprised

to see Jeremy

had a full three

-course meal.

And the fact that he really took the time

to make it himself,

that was way better than any other nice restaurant

he could've taken me to.

Susie: So, was this hard?

- Yeah.

Now, I understand why you don't feel

like cooking all the time.

It looks so good.

- Does it? Susie: Yeah.

It looks really good. I'm impressed.

Jeremy: You make me feel good, babe.

Susie: Tonight, I'm so happy

that I just get to be his wife.

You know, it just reminds me

of the real reason that we're married

and, you know, we really are in love.

All right. Stop it.

All right. Take me to bed.

I'm ready to go to sleep.

All right.

I'm gonna hook you up.

- Let's do this every night.

- Jeremy: Yeah.

You can carry me to bed tomorrow night.

- So good. Susie: I don't wanna take turn.

Jeremy: That's the deal. Susie: No.

(music playing)

Cory: (indistinct) I'm not gonna lie.

Nicole: Yeah, well, now at this point, you're gonna be late.

So, you might as well just stay.

Cory: Let's just talk about, uh...

- You, leaving?


Nicole: So, Cory's gonna be flying out,

uh, a week before I am.

And he'll be in Australia.

So, I'm bummed.

I'm bummed about that.

I'm sad.

Don't go.


Don't go.

This is important.

I got big plans for us

and I need your support.

Nicole: Cory traveling and leaving

and, um, me just, you know,

being with the kids and by myself.

That is...

This is my life.

This is how it is.

Honey, it's gonna be worth it.

- You're gonna have fun. Nicole: Okay.

Cory: I got our whole lives figured out.

You do? Tell me about it.

Cory: It's so hard to see my baby sad right now,

and it's so hard for me not to say,

"Honey, don't be sad

because I'm gonna propose to you when you get there."

Nicole: I love you, baby.

- Love you.

I love you.

Nicole: Oh my gosh.


Bye, baby. I love you.

Nicole: Bye, honey. I love you.

Bye, daddy.

I'm gonna miss you guys.

- We'll miss you. Cory: I love you.

See you in Australia.

Trey: He's gone.

(music playing)

Denise: Next time on X Life.

I have meltdowns once in a while

but I'm entitled to them.

Nicole: I just think that I've had some reservations

about your relationship.

Denise: I didn't really appreciate the attack.

How could everybody else's boyfriend

show up on time and you're late?

Why is it like this?

It's not supposed to be this way.

Yeah, I don't wanna defend myself all the time for them.

Like, why are we even together?

Trey: Dad, where's the start?

- Oh, right here. Cory: Yeah.

Trey: Nanananan, nananana...

Cory: Whoa. Big air.

Watch my run, Trey. Ready?

Three flip. Whoa.



Slide down.