01x08 - Day 8

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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01x08 - Day 8

Post by bunniefuu »

NARRATOR: Previously

on Hell's Kitchen--

Hell's Kitchen

is about to change

in a very significant way.

NARRATOR: It was down

to the final five.

- Thank you.

- Jacket.


the first time,

it was every chef

for themselves.

This is your first

individual challenge.

NARRATOR: The finalists competed

in a table side challenge.

The winner is Jimmy.

NARRATOR: The win gave Jimmy his

high point in Hell's Kitchen.

Then, in the dining

room, Elsie survived

her table side service.

- Wow.

NARRATOR: Meanwhile--

Hey, hello?

What's this?

Get back on your section!

NARRATOR: Things were turning

disastrous for Jessica.


It's clear you've given up.

I have not given up.

Well, work at it!

NARRATOR: And it wasn't

much better for Jimmy.

So I'm asking why you're

putting f*cking fish

stock on a f*cking risotto.

Get it off!

NARRATOR: And after

taking the wrath

of Chef Ramsay for weeks--

Why is the fish in the pan?


finally had enough.

Why isn't the fish in the--

I couldn't f*cking do

both at the same time!

Come here, you.

Come here, you.



Jimmy, Ralph turned

things around for himself.

- Ralph.

- Yes, Chef.

Well, tonight really

proved you worth.


Thank you, Chef.

NARRATOR: And Chef Ramsay

asked him to nominate two

for elimination.

Have you decided

on your two nominees?

Yes, I have, Chef.

My first nominee is Jimmy.

NARRATOR: Then Ralph had to

choose between his biggest

rival, Michael,

his closest ally,

Jessica, and homesick Elsie.

My second nominee was Jessica.


You're out.

Give me your jacket.

NARRATOR: And now the

continuation of Hell's Kitchen.

After Jessica's worst

dinner service ever,

she is relieved to still

be in Hell's Kitchen.

No worries, Ralph,

I don't hate you.

- I love you, little one.

- I know.

It's OK, Ralph.

Don't worry, I know

you feel guilty.

I was out there for a

reason tonight, you know?

And hopefully I'm going

to learn from this.

If I'm to stay, I

need to prove myself.

I truly do have a

one in four chance

of winning my own restaurant.

NARRATOR: Now that it's

down to the final four,

these chefs know that the

only one that can rely on

is themselves.

I came here and I didn't

exactly feel confident enough.

But now, I feel that I am

a pretty good contender

to winning this competition.

- Congratulations.

- Thank you.

You earned it.

Thank you.

I do create friendships,

but my friendships don't mean

more to me than winning this.

Three people between

me and my restaurant.

It's f*cking huge.

The game officially

started tonight.

Do I think myself to

have a good chance?

I have to.

Do I think myself qualified?


So every day, I wake up,

I'm going to be thinking

about trying to win this thing.

Good morning, guys.

Good morning, Chef.

Everyone's so

serious this morning.

Now there's four of you here

standing in front of me.

And just look how close

you're getting now.

The bar's been

raised even higher.

And it's getting harder.


Our next challenge.

This is a challenge I give to

every new cook that I hire.

You're going to be cooking

from a bowl of leftovers.

It's about maximizing

food cost and no waste.

NARRATOR: The individual

chefs must create a dish using

leftovers that includes

beef, chicken, macaroni,

parsnips, and red wine.

This test is going to separate

the average to the talented.

The winner of this challenge

will do what every chef

in America would love to do.

You've all got minutes.


- Yes.


Let's go.

NARRATOR: To ensure

originality, Chef Ramsay

has spread out the group.

Jessica and Michael will be

cooking in the blue kitchen

while Ralph and Elsie will

be in the red kitchen.

Do you have any

ideas yet, Jessica?

They're coming to me, Chef.

They will be judged

on presentation,

taste, and creativity.

In other words, how they

maximize the ingredients.

Try to use all the

ingredients, yes?

Are you done with

that chicken stock?

I am the leftover queen.

When you are feeding

a family of six,

you learn to utilize

leftovers really well.

Looks like I'm going to

make some chicken soup.

Think about what I said,

Elsie, Ralph, no waste.

What we've been

taught here is not

to overload with

too many flavors,

but really use flavors wisely.

Turn your pan on.

Get some heat in the pan.

My mom was the

inspiration for my dish.

She's always, like,

throwing stuff together.

She was always making

up crazy casseroles.

Let things work and move.

Chef Ramsay really wanted

to make a point for us

that we can make great

things out of just scraps

to create new dishes.

OK, Michael, seven minutes.

You got that?

Yes, Chef.

Ralph, he's got

all these pans going,

and I'm just throwing in my

stuff, you know, into my pot,

making my chicken soup.

That's five minutes, guys.

I made a saute of

chicken drumlets.

I had the things nailed.

One minute, Michael.

I was thinking about taking

the chicken off the bone,

but all of the sudden, it

was, like, one minute left,

I was like, you know,

I don't have time.

I feel like I'm

missing something.

All right, guys, stop

and plate your dishes.

That's it.

No more time.


Right now.

NARRATOR: Chef Ramsay

believes the key

to any successful

restaurant is utilizing

leftovers from the previous

night's dinner service.

Now it's time to see

what the aspiring chefs

have come up with.


Yes, Chef.

Reveal what you've done.

I did a beef stew and a

berries and cream desert, Chef.


Pass over your dish, please.

Thank you.

First one.

It actually looks a mess,

but it tastes delicious.

Next dish.

The presentation, zero.

The flavor, good flavor.

Not bad.

The chef definitely

reacted nicely to my dish,

he said it good flavor.

I thought I did well.

- OK, Michael.


Tell me what you did, please.

I have a pasta here.

And then I have chicken wings.

Thank you.

So a pasta dish.


This is the

opposite to Jessica's.

It actually looks quite

nice, but doesn't really

taste as nice as it looks.

Oh, man.

And very dangerous leaving

those chicken bones in there.

Very dangerous.

It was the little

details like keeping

the bone in the chicken.

I knew that it would come

back to haunt me and it did.

So a bit of a

let down, that one.

OK, Ralph, tell me

what you did, please.

Chef, what we have here is

a saute of chicken drumstick.

It's accompanied by some

on the fly pommes lyonnaise

with a natural thyme sauce.

Looks like something just

came out of a restaurant.


Presentation wise, spot on.

The flavor, not bad.

Unfortunately, the raw onion,

it's very, very crunchy.

I'm not a fan of utilization

of the ingredients,

barely one third.


Yes, Chef?

Reveal your dish.

I made a traditional chicken

soup, my hangover special.

Cut up some potatoes.

Leftover chicken soup.

Great for hangovers.


A little hot sauce on that,

and you're good to go.

All these people have

tarragon, and they're

using all these fancy,

you know-- yeah,

this is, braised beef with blah,

blah blah, blah, blah, blah.

And I've got chicken soup.

There's certainly

enough portions in there

to feed a family of six.


First thing I'm nervous

about is the color.

It looks like something

out of a sewage canal.


That's delicious.

Thank you, Chef.

A real hearty, and

warm, substantial soup.

Thank you, Chef.

Four very interesting dishes.

I have to say, within

minutes, not bad.

The person winning

the challenge today

is going to do something very,

very different, very exciting.

It doesn't happen that

often, especially in cooking.

That person is Elsie.


Thank you.

I'd pay for that dish.

Thank you, Chef.

We've got an exciting

morning tomorrow morning.


Very exciting.

I'm thrilled.

Don't forget your knives.

I won't, Chef.

Let's go.

When you think of the

practical side of Elsie's soup,

/ of the tray was used,

so all those leftovers

were cleverly utilized.

In the middle of a

very busy restaurant,

you could quite easily sell

, portions of that.

NARRATOR: Elsie has

once again proven

that talent and creativity

can impress Chef

Ramsey more than experience.

Elsie, did you keep your soup?

I want to try it.

I totally thought I won.

I mean, he said great

things about my dish.

I also had dessert on my dish.

Elsie didn't and Elsie won.

He wasn't crazy

about that veal stock.

It does look like a sewer.

So it sucks.

I'm a little bitter.

You know, I'm definitely bummed.

Can we get some of that soup?

I guess the one

thing that annoyed me

the most was the fact that both

Jessica and Ralph, at the end

of the challenge,

said, let me taste

your soup like they

really couldn't

believe that it was good.


- It's good?

- Yummy.

There was a little

bit of jealousy there.

They're pissed.

They came up with all these

fantastic, fancy dishes.

And I made chicken soup.

NARRATOR: With Elsie having

been on the winning side of five

challenges, the others are

getting tired of her success,

especially Ralph, who

hasn't been rewarded

with a trip outside the

gates of Hell's Kitchen

since he arrived.

I was disappointed.

I know that my dish

looked the best.

Nobody likes a

sore loser though.

RALPH: We got a

big day tomorrow.

I've got to be up

and ready by : .

I wonder what you're doing.

I don't know.

With my chef jacket.

Not so much fun if you ask me.

Well, it depends on

what I'm going to do.

It beats prepping,

I'll tell you that.

What's that?

I said, it beats prepping.

I haven't won a challenge

since I've been here.

I feel like I got robbed.

You know, bad for

Ralph, good for Elsie.

She's going to go play with

somebody with her knives


Uh, good for her.

NARRATOR: It's : AM and

Elsie gets ready for her reward.

She has no idea

where her chicken

soup is about to take her.


morning, Elsie.


- Yes.

Got your knives?

Yep, got my knives.

Still don't know

where we're going?

Don't have a clue.


I wish you'd tell me.

After you.

I will do in a minute.

In we go.

Something very, very exciting.

We're actually going

to a television studio.

We're going to do a

segment on "Good Day

Live," on national television.

No, we're not.

A cook [inaudible].

I'm going to

cook on television?

You're going to

cook on television.

It's a breakfast show.

It's national.

It's going across

the whole of America.



Can I have a drink now?

The most important

thing about this

is just to stay in control.

Just don't yell

at me, that's all.

Just don't burn the risotto.

Elsie, what the f*ck is that?

I won't.

I won't.

I won't.

I'm going to watch it

very, very carefully.

There you go.

Here we go.


NARRATOR: While Elsie arrives

at the studio, for the losers,

it's a full day of prep for

tonight's dinner service.

Go and get yourself set up.

You guys still don't

know what it is, right?

I have some guesses going on.

What are your guesses?

Well, I don't know, she's

bringing her chef jacket

and knives.

Maybe going--

Cooking for the governor?

I don't know, I

wouldn't want that gig.

I'm afraid I have a very

good schnitzel recipe.

CHEF RAMSAY: To the right, OK.

Make up.

Oh, dear.

I don't like make up.

How are we?

Yeah, I feel

like a movie star.

You know?

This is my five minutes of fame.

Hey, I'm going to grab it

and run with it, you know?

NARRATOR: It's just

minutes before, Elsie,

the mother of six, makes

her talk show debut.



minutes, everybody!

We're two minutes away.

We're away.

Add [inaudible].

Take two seconds

from there, please.

Jessica, just throw the rest of

those in there and then I just

and then I just need you

guys for two minutes.


You, too, Ralph.

You're not nervous, right?

This is live television.

All right.

No, I'm not nervous at all.

Really, seriously,

it's nothing.

Why does everybody

keep telling me that?



Nothing to be nervous about,

it's just national television.

PRODUCER: One minute.

How far away are we, guys?

He's going to

tell me then to go?

- Yes.

- OK.

Right here, Michael,

Jessica, Ralph.

Come see.

Just watch.

- Els, ready?

- Ready, Chef.



You don't look nervous.


Three, two--

Oh no.

Oh no.

Oh, yes, welcome back to

Good Day Live, everybody.

Our next guest is one of

the world's top chefs,

England's own Gordon Ramsey.

When Scott brought

us over to the bar,

there is no doubt

in my mind what

we were going to be looking at.

What we're going to

do, we're going to make

the most amazing risotto.


Come here, babe, and take over.

Show us how it's done.

- Hi, Elsie!

Hi, Elsie!

Because I suck here.

Good morning, ladies.

HOST: Good morning, Elsie.

I would much rather it had

been me, but it was her, so

be it.

ELSIE: Here, we're

sweating up the shallots.

Just making them nice and warm,

and getting them all coated,

because it's going

to be in the risotto.

This is the kind of dish you

don't want to leave unattended.

HOST: Why?

Because, I mean, the risotto

dries up very, very quickly.

HOST: Generally,

how long does it

take to make a proper risotto?

- Less than minutes.

- Yeah, I'm pissed.

And now I want to win.

And, you know, the fact

that she just keeps winning.

It just creates bitterness

with everybody, that's all.

HOST: You seem very cool, Elsie.

What's up with that?

- I am.

I'm a pretty cool person.

Elsie is a little older, and

you know, so are those women,

so I think she got that kind

of bond as far as that goes.

How's she doing?

She's doing very

well, very well.

You know what?

I won yesterday's challenge.

HOST: Way to go, Elsie!

ELSIE: Thank you.

HOST: Now we're cooking!

SCOTT: It's time for you guys

to get back in the kitchen

get ready for dinner service.


Go Elsie.

Thanks, Elsie.

Bye, Elsie!

If I were, you know,

the other contestants,

I would probably

be a little jealous

that I got my few minutes of

fame on national television.

I did it!

I did it!

I did it!

And I didn't crack.

NARRATOR: While Elsie

celebrates her success, back

in Hell's Kitchen, they

are hardly celebrating.

The next challenge, we

should all make chicken soup.


Uh, don't get my pissed off

about it again, Michael.

Sewer water soup.

With the bone on it.

With the bone on it,

soggy wet, in the soup.

That's f*cking unappetizing.

Should have made her

eat one of those things.

Oh, snap.

Right now, while Elsie's

over at the studio

making hobnobbing with

everybody over there,

we're putting the

axe to the grind.

Myself, Jessica, and

Michael are doing the work

of five people as three.

I'm going to make a risotto now.

She's on TV and I'm

cooking her risotto.

You gonna carry her tonight?


You know, I me and

Ralph, we sort of

joked about not carrying

Elsie because a lot of people

have been doing a

lot of stuff for her.

The truth is, what

station you're at,

you're freaking

responsible for that.

So tonight is definitely

put up or shut up for Elsie.

Good Day Live!


It's k*lling me now!

Yeah, I should

have won it, Ralph.

If you look at

what I made, I won.

k*lling me, Jess.

Yes, right.

Hey, Jess, what

are you going to do

if Elsie's in the weeds

tonight in the garnish station?

JESSICA: If what?

RALPH: Elsie's in the weeds

in the garnish station.



- Hi, guys!

- Hey, Chef!


Hi, guys.

Hey, Elsie!


Did you see her?

JESSICA: We did.



As a matter of fact,

we did tune in.

What'd you think?

It was excellent.

Did you learn anything?

Don't lose challenges.

Don't lose challenges because

you might get some TV action.

Fantastic Fantastic.

Elsie, I think you

did a great job.

I wish it was me, but

I'm so happy it was you.

One more thing, second

part of the prize,

you get to choose who's on what

station for tonight's service.

Don't tell me now.

Think about it

and tell me later.

Have a good think.



Let's get cracking.

Back to the real world.

Elsie, there's

risotto over there.

Do you want to check it for me?


Ha, ha, ha.

It's weird, you know?

I'm trying to read the

vibes, but I'm also not,

because if I care too

much about the vibe,

it's just going to bug me.

Was that a good

experience this morning?

No, one was bitter at you or

hated you or anything for that,

you know?

- Huh?

No one was bitter

at you or hated you.

There was no resentment

for anything.

You want to know what I think?


I think that Chef judges

each one of us differently.

He has different expectations

out of each one of us

based upon our skills,

like, obviously he

expects something

more for me than what

I gave him or I would have won.

And you came through with what

he was expecting from you.

And you won.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

NARRATOR: Even though

the competition has now

become a contest between

four individuals,

in Chef Ramsay's world, the

customers always come first.

OK, guys, two seconds, please.

Yes, Chef.

Very quick, in a minute from

now, customers are coming in.

And we have got to complete

a fully booked dining room.



Who's on the starters?







That would be me.

You're on the fish?

I'm on the fish.

Good choice.


- Yes, Chef?

You're on meat,

busy, busy, station.

We are a team.

Yes, you're judged individually.

We are a team.

Tonight is the night

where you're going to be

tested more than ever before.

Keep that at the

back of your minds.

Remember, one of you are

going home this evening.

Let's go.


Sections set up?

- Yes.

We know what we're on?


Kitchen opens its doors

for the eighth time, customers

are less willing to accept

long waits or subpar food.

I would love the mushroom--

The mushroom [inaudible].

Thank you.

Thank you.

I'll have the lobster bisque.

I need some orders in

here, otherwise-- yeah?

We've become mediocre again.

Let's go, yeah?

- OK.

Thank you.

On order.

[inaudible] table .

Two [inaudible].

Caesar salad, one

lobster bisque.

Yes, Chef.

Main course, two lobster,

one halibut, one filet.

- Yes, Chef.

- Filet requested medium well.

After that, one penne,

one bisque again.

I got a--

After that, one

penne, one bisque again.

Yes, Chef.

I need an answer, Jessica.

Yes, Chef.

I get very nervous.

This first table is blind.

No one's talking to me.

Everyone's gone quiet and

there's no communication.

And this is the first table.

NARRATOR: Coming off her

worst dinner performance--

I have no idea what

the f*ck I'm doing.

Can someone come and help me?

Because I'm f*cking up to my

ears in shit, and I'm getting

screamed at.

NARRATOR: Jessica is desperately

trying to redeem herself.

- Jess!

- Yes?

Come here.


Penne is shit.

The salad's all pushed

up to the front.

There's nothing down here.

- I'll readjust.

And it looks disgusting.

All right, Chef.


Penne, you send again,

because the salad is shit.

You've got one minute

to redo the salad.

Otherwise, I'm going to

throw the bisque back.

Got it.

Sorry, like I said earlier,

we're going to be busy,

but I'm not slopping out.

Right, Chef.

Now that looks like pig shit.

Keep it together, Little.

Caesar salad.

How is this being plated?

Just like that?

How's that being plated?

MICHAEL: Do you have cheese?



into dinner service,

with the help of

Michael and Ralph--

Hey, Little.

NARRATOR: Jessica is finally

getting the starters out.

CHEF RAMSAY: Plate , go.

Service, table six.



though the customers

seem to be enjoying their food,

Mm, that's good.

NARRATOR: Chef Ramsey

is looking for a way

to speed up the kitchen.

Holy f*ck, just back

off for two minutes.



All of you.

Now, yes?

Right now.

Quick, just two seconds, yes?

I'm going to tell you something.

Yeah, that first hour,

we're sucking hard, yeah?

We go in an hour,

and it's pathetic.

I'm really pathetic.

You're just clamming up.

I'm talking to you, but

nothing's coming back.

It's not good.

Now, you've all

been around to each

and everyone's section, yes?



Right now.

You, move over there.

Let's go.

You, move on to the meat.

You, move around, yes?

I decided to switch

stations to make

sure that the fish,

meat, and vegetables

communicated together.

Now, listen to me.

Can we communicate?

Yes, Chef.

Yes, you're individuals, but

we are running a restaurant.

We need some team spirit here.


Yes, Chef.

I don't want any fish

or meat on the hot plate

unless we're ready

to go together.

Chef Ramsey came up with

yet another great idea.

What it does is it

separates the knows,

and the know, and the not knows.

I'm starting to know

what's going on, yeah?

Thank you.

Communication again, yes?


Right here, Chef.

Very nice, Ralph.

You got it.

NARRATOR: An hour and a half

into dinner service, the chefs

are starting to get out

some of their main courses.

Oh, that looks good.

All right.

Definitely, this

chicken's good.

What is going on?

NARRATOR: Back in the

kitchen, Elsie is trying

to adapt to her new station.


where's the penne?

Right behind you.

I'm going to make

the penne right now.

And why are you doing

Elsie's penne, Michael?

Because I don't

know how to do it.

I'm taking the penne.

I'm gonna put it at my

station so you worry about it.

No, I don't want you to

put it on your station,

just show me one

time how to do it.

I don't want to feel--

Like I said, everything

I put here is all me.

I've never done it.


a pile of idiots.

I'm fed up with this now,

because this is a joke.

Stop what you're doing.

Jessica, on fish.

Ralph, on vegetables.

Elsie, on starters.

Michael on meat.


Let's go.

- Yes, Chef.

Yes, Chef.

When you change

stations in the middle,

it really put a

wrench in the night.

And you know, everything just

becomes crazy and overwhelming.

I said it was going

to be the toughest test.

Come on, keep it up.

Step up here, hopefully

we can make it.

NARRATOR: Jessica, who didn't

fare so well on starters,

is now on the fish

station, still

hoping to impress Chef Ramsey.

After that, I've got

three filet, one lobster.

But that lobster's

on route, yes?

I need more time

on my lobster.

It's not cooked in the middle.

It's a really big lobster.

Right, Michael,

stop the filet.

Do you understand?

I need to stop it straight away.

All you're shouting

out there is,

I need more time for lobster!



I need a time!

Three minutes.

Will it be ready

in three minutes?

I hope so, Chef.

Oh, come on.

f*cking hell.

Two filet, medium.

JESSICA: I think that was

just on the outside, Chef.

As I test on the

inside, it wasn't.

Yeah, well, yeah.

Just, look, this is better?


So take that back, re-plate

them, get the risotto

in-- listen, for you now.

Do you understand?

Because I'm fed up with it.

Can't have risotto all the way

around the plate, properly.

Because that looks like

[inaudible] dog's dinner.

And you've got far too--

way past now to start

serving me slop.

All right, Chef.

NARRATOR: Almost two

hours into dinner service,

it appears that the

final four have taken

an embarrassing step backwards.

Cheers to no meal.

- Appetizers only!

- Yeah.


NARRATOR: They have yet to

serve over half their diners.

And I'm trying to do my best.


To making sure that

you get your starters,

main courses, and dessert.

Thank you.

So there is still hope.

Yeah, OK.

I'm going to give

them minutes.

NARRATOR: Meanwhile, Elsie now

finds herself in the weeds.

- Yes?

- Yes, Chef.

Hey, Jess, what

are you going to do

if Elsie's in the weeds

tonight in the garnish station?


You going to

carry her tonight?


Ralph, where's the

rest of this sauce?




I don't know why I even

ask so many damn questions.

CHEF RAMSAY: Where is the

lobster bisque and the veloute?

Yes, it's coming up.

It's with the Caesar salad.

Now, send the Caesar salad.

Oh, come on, Els.

Give me some feedback.

- One--

I'd take starters.

Two bisque, one veloute.


It's on the same table, Elsie.

OK, sir, I'm going to

plate this right now.

I called it out.

You said, yes.

I sent the salads.

Hurry up!

God damn it,

this f*cking place.

Here you go.

Yeah, that's nice.

Here we go.


I'm a mess, what

can I tell you?



I called out the order to--

shut up!

I could have the order

to go at the same time.

You told me yes.

Two bisque, one veloute,

three Caesar salad.

I sent the Caesar salad.

Then comes one

bisque, one veloute.

It's two bisque, one veloute.

I want one bisque

right now, yes?

Yes, Chef.

Right now.

With some love and some

care if you really want this,

you know?

Yeah, because you're dressing

that as if it's your last thing

you'll ever touch

in Hell's Kitchen.

Come on, Elsie.

I know you can do it.

Yes, sir.

But if you communicate with

me and stay on a level, Els--




And listen with me.

We get it together.

- You got it.

You got it.

- OK?

- Yes.

- Come on.


Yes, Chef.

Two minutes from there, yes?



Stand over here.

The table.

Six starters.

I heard three Caesars.

That's all I heard.

So why didn't

you check with me?

- That was my mistake.

- If you check with me.

I'm going to get

you through this.


That's interesting.

What, the private one on

one instead of the screaming?

Yeah, totally.

You wouldn't be standing here

if I didn't believe in you.

Come on, you've got to get

it together, sweetheart.

OK, I'm going to

get it together.

I'm going to walk around this

hall and back into the kitchen.

Big, deep breath.

One minute out there.


- Yes?

And when you come back,

you come back to me.

Yes, sir.


You know, right now, I

feel like a total outsider.

And no one said a f*cking

word to me the whole night.

They just pushed me to the side.

I don't want to talk anymore.

Yeah, she's on the verge.

You can see that.

Where's Elsie?

Where's Elsie?

OK, what's the next up?

- Elsie.

- Yes?

When you're uncertain in

your mind, you talk to me.

And I'll come back to you.

Yes, Chef.

The minute you don't talk

to me and you're confused,

we're in trouble.

- Yes, Chef.

NARRATOR: Three hours into

dinner service, the kitchen

has only managed to get out

half of their main courses.

Many customers are fed up.

I mean, it's

such a nice place.

I mean, I would think that

we would get something.

NARRATOR: And other customers

got more than they expected.

What's the complaint?

We found this

piece of wood, there.

OK, let me point Chef out.

And it could have

been dangerous, yeah?

I'm happy you

didn't swallow this.

I don't need that

tonight, believe me.

No, no.

What is that?

A little piece of wood.

Yeah, f*cking hell.

Come here.

Bring that to me.



Without any lip,

just keep it shut,

the customer's found a big

piece of wood in their lobster.

That's not bullshit.

No one's exaggerating.

It's a splinter in

the lobster, OK?

Very well.

Stupid idiot.

NARRATOR: Despite the four

strongest chefs remaining,

this has been one of

Hell's kitchen's worst

dinner services.

And that brings an all

too familiar sight.

No, forget the wine.

I don't care.

Let's go.

Come on.

I'm out of here.

Bye, Hell's Kitchen.

All right, we can so do this.

We can [bleep] out and I

can go to bed good tonight.

That's all I care about,

getting service out.

Oh, yep, just tell me

what's wrong with this steak.

It's upside down.

Upside down.

It's upside down.


Again, [inaudible]

f*cking chef.

Give the kitchen, Jean Phillipe.



Come here now, yeah?

Yes, Elsie.

You're pissed off.

You should see what goes

through my mind right now.

How many tables have walked out?

Two tables, sir.

I'm not agonize

pain any longer.

And if you think I'm going

stand here for the next hour,

busting a gut, to get the filet,

to get the halibut, then to get

the [inaudible],, then to get

the chicken without a sauce,

then to get the sauce

without the chicken.


I've had enough.

Shut it down.


Mr. Belgian man.

I just give a little

excuse to them,

just tell them why the f*ck

we're not sending out food, OK?

Because that's amateurish.

That's really

f*cking fantastic.

Another service not

f*cking completed.

No way, you guys.

That was clearly nothing

to be proud about was it?

No, Chef.

That was worse

than I expected.

I don't know how you

guys are feeling,

but last service was

better than that.

Of And for the first time

ever, I actually felt we were

cooking against each other.

And to succeed in

Hell's Kitchen,

you have to succeed as a team.

But no one came together.

So no one is going to nominate.

And no one has got

the right to nominate

anyone for elimination.

Because you don't deserve to.

The spirit was missing.

Get back to your dorm.

I'll have my own

decision shortly.


Listen, I did

the worst tonight.

And I'm realistic.

Well, we caught heat when

she moved into the starters.

And she got buried in there.

That's what it was.

And she went on

all three stations.

That slowed us down.

RALPH: You know, but that's--

MICHAEL: No matter what your

skill level is, you're still

responsible for your station.

Elsie just couldn't get her

steaks together tonight.

She couldn't work

that starter station.

You know, she just sucked.

It's a lousy feeling being

somewhat of an outsider.

You know, Ralph, and Michael,

and Jessica, obviously,

got it together today.

And, you know, I

knew in the morning

there was some tension

from winning the challenge.

It's so disheartening

when he talked about no one

being good enough.

All four of us have the

chance of going home tonight.

You know, when you are singled

out to nominate somebody,

you know that you're not

going home that night.

And now I don't

have that security.

And it's really hard

to deal with right now.

I got to dig deep.

You can always do better, man.

That's the whole idea.

Every day that I've been here,

I've done my share of the work

plus somebody else's.

Does that mean anything?

It don't mean nothing.

There is no telling what

the f*ck is about to happen.

That's a tough one tonight.

I've made my decision.



You look distraught.


I am.

It's frustrating.

You cannot carry a whole

kitchen on your back.

You did a lot of

good things tonight.

Clearly, not enough.


Yes, Chef?

Step forward, please.

Performance was terrible.

Tell me why you should

stay in Hell's Kitchen.

You know, I started off a

little iffy with the starters,

but I did pull it together.

And then it was rough.

Changing stations was rough.

I think, on the line,

I'm getting stronger.

But it has been getting harder.

And the pressure's

been getting harder.

But I'm ready to work

extremely hard to stand up

with the big boys on the line.


Step forward, please.

Do you feel you got the right

kind of support from the team


Because this is

important for me now.

I felt extremely

disoriented in the kitchen.

I was not prepared.

I can't blame anyone

else but myself for it.

A lot of dishes, I wasn't

aware how to put together.

And, you know, maybe I should

have taken time to study that.

Did you feel you

got the support

from three of your colleagues?

Yes, I did.

Tell me why you should

stay in Hell's Kitchen.

It's been a great experience.

I mean, it's a lot

more than I expected.

I mean, I've worked really hard.

It's all I've ever

promised, getting here.

I mean, I don't have

any magic potions.

There's a lot that

I just don't know.

But I am a hard worker.

And I am definitely

a team player.

I've given it my

best since day one.

Thank you.

Now it's time for me to decide

who's leaving Hell's Kitchen.

All you're shouting

out of there is,

I need more time for lobster!

Young lady--

- Yeah?



I need a time!

You wouldn't be standing here

if I didn't believe in you.


You to get it together.

I am.

The person leaving

Hell's Kitchen is Elsie.

You've made a lot

of people happy.

I'm very proud.

You've gone a long way.

And for a woman

who has never spent

an hour in a professional

kitchen, you impress me.

Thank you.

And behind that,

you touch my heart.

Thank you, Chef.

I appreciate it.

Give me your jacket.

Thank you.

It's been great.

Keep smiling.

I will.

You light up the

place when you smile.


I'm proud of you.

Thank you.

We all are.

You did a great job, Elsie.

I have no regrets.

This has been the most exciting,

hellish experience of my life.

Can you just explain

to me what it is?

Tacos with turkey meat.

We won because why?

Because we know what?

He was gone!



Congratulations, red team!

I'm going to kick

some ass if it's

the last f*cking thing I do.

CHEF RAMSAY: Interesting.

Oh, you're good.

I did it and I'm

proud of myself.

And the guys are proud of me.

It's a good feeling.

You deserve to

be here, seriously.

I did it!

I did it!

I did it!

ELSIE: Coming into this,

into this it was a long shot.

And then I got as far as I did.

I didn't win the restaurant,

but I won nonetheless.

Jessica, rejoin your team.

That's a tough one tonight.

We have got to get it together.

And tonight, we

lost that spirit.

And I so need that

spirit coming back now.

There's potential

within all three of you.

And congratulations on

getting to the final three.

But come back and

prove why you're here.


JESSICA: Now that we have the

three of us, we can do the job.

And we need to pull together

as a team, because ultimately,

that's what working

on the line is.

RALPH: Am I happy

that Elsie's gone?

Well, if that means that

I'm still here, yeah.

Of course I am.

MICHAEL: I just really

need to whoop some ass.

You know, just be a boss.

Just do what I got to

do to win this thing.

CHEF RAMSAY: Now that we're

down to the final three,

what I'm looking

for, personally,

is flair, creativity,

great imagination, and more

importantly, individuality.

Because it's now when they

really have to start excelling.
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