01x07 - Day 7

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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01x07 - Day 7

Post by bunniefuu »

NARRATOR: Previously

on "Hell's Kitchen."

On the heels of

Chris's elimination,

Chef Ramsay sent a message

to Michael and Ralph,

the most experienced chefs.

With some of

your experience, I

thought it'd be a little bit

more refined and less sloppy.

NARRATOR: They will have

to do more to impress him.

And know that

Chris is not here.

Did you get the message?

- Loud and clear.

NARRATOR: Then, Chef Ramsay

gave the teams their biggest

responsibility yet.

The menu is yours.

NARRATOR: The red team

worked well together.

How about scallops?

Oh, yeah, scallops are great.

NARRATOR: While Ralph took

total control of the blue team.

I've got my main--

braised salmon.

I'm not big on salmon.

I think halibut's great.

NARRATOR: The menus were

new, but unfortunately,

the story was the same.

Scallop is way undercooked.

You blew it.

Pay the consequences.

That's not my hair, chef.

Do you know what

the feedback is?

Understand it and f*ck off.


red kitchen, Jimmy

struggled with the starters.

I'm not serving that.

NARRATOR: Causing tension

with him and Michael.

You didn't throw

away my little wontons

did you there, fatty?

NARRATOR: In the blue

kitchen, Andrew couldn't

deliver on Ralph's halibut.



Are they coming now, please?

It wasn't about to get

done in four minutes.

It's not technically possible.

This has turned out

to be a nightmare.

Switch it off.

I'm closing it down.

NARRATOR: Chef Ramsey declared

the blue team the losers.

Jessica, nominate one person.

Ralph, I'm not nominating you.

NARRATOR: Jessica stuck to

her plan and nominated Andrew.

But Chef Ramsay had

a plan of his own.

- Ralph.

- Yes, Chef?

Step forward.

The The two stood their ground.

I don't take

responsibility for that dish.

Andrew was responsible for

preparing a dish, spot on.

That dish wasn't me.

It wasn't mine.


Give me your jacket.

But Ralph, you're

not untouchable.


the continuation

of "Hell's Kitchen."

On her second attempt

to get rid of Andrew,

Jessica finally succeeded,

but it was a close call.

I'm happy that you're here,

Ralph, genuinely and truly.

RALPH: I'm happy that I'm here,

just to be honest with you.

I know you are.

Ralph and I have always

had a good relationship.

We've been getting on

really, really well.

Yet, at the same time, I know

that he's my competition.

Just because you put Andrew up

there doesn't mean that's what

the decision was going to be.

I didn't make the stock,

I didn't burn the rice.

There wasn't anything

that he touched

that didn't turn to shit today.

Well, all I'm going to say is

it's wasn't about the halibut.

I mean, if we lost three

services and the guy's

been up three times,

do the math, man.

This is easy arithmetic, one,

two, three strikes, you're out.

Hey, Ralph.

You truly do deserve to be here.

You're a f*cking

amazing cook and you

teach me something every day.

Right back atcha, sweetheart.

So unfortunately, you know,

working hard and trying

to help people is

coming back to backfire

on me the last two days.

If Ralph would've been chosen

to go home, I would have been,

you know, really happy.

He's my number one concern

that I think about every day

when it comes to

winning this game.

So what have I learned?

Let somebody die?

But if you do try hard

to help somebody out,

you can get smacked for it.

I just want these days

to go by already, man.

I'm just so tired of this.

You know, I should just be

home with my son, man, just

going to work and, you know,

hanging out with my sisters.

I don't even want to look

at a pan, or a pot, nothing.

NARRATOR: With the realization

that they've made it

into the final

five, the chefs are

about to learn that the

competition is changing.

Look at you.

Five of your left.

It's becoming very clear

that soon, one of you

is going to win your

very own restaurant.

But now, your lives

in "Hell's Kitchen"

is about to change in a very

dramatic, significant way.

Because now, for

the first time ever,

you're competing head to head.


Yes, Chef?

Step forward, please.


Thank you.


We are no longer going

to be blue nor red team,

but we'll be all one

team wearing black.

Here's your jacket.

Well done.

RALPH (VOICEOVER): Our success

will depend on every individual

doing the right thing.

- Jimmy.

- Yes, Chef?

Step forward, big boy.

I've got here one,

amazing, clean jacket.

I'm only going to give it to

you if you promise to keep

those f*cking plates clean.

No more Dirty Bowl Jimmy.

Oh, no.

No, no.

Dirty Bowl.

- No more.

- Congratulations.

- Thank you, Chef.

- Well done.

Thank you very much.

Thank you.

I'm proud of you all.


You are "Hell's

Kitchen's" five finalists.



Kitchen" has been

the most grueling

experience of their lives.

But for this brief moment,

it's time to celebrate.


This is exciting!

Congrats, everyone.


We're the five finalists!

The Fabulous Five!

I've earned my black stripes.

I'm a black belt now, see?

I'm feeling pretty

proud of myself.

I symbolized it as

a medal of survival.



I didn't get no love.

Now it's down to

one final color,

one final series of challenges.

And there's going to

be one, final winner.

We're The Fabulous Five.

OK, guys.

This is your first

individual challenge.

Exciting challenge.

Table side.

NARRATOR: Chef Ramsay believes

serving table side adds

excitement to the

dining room and takes

pressure off the kitchen.

So here is my

exotic fruit flambe.

NARRATOR: For this first

individual competition,

the aspiring chefs must recreate

Chef Ramsay's flambe dessert.

Now, first thing,

nice hot pan.

We're going to make a caramel.

NARRATOR: Using simple

ingredients of sugar, butter,

fruit, and liqueur, a

flambe adds a bit of flair

to the dining room.

Most important,

burn off the alcohol.

OK, flambe, mambe.

I don't know what he

was talking about.

But I watched him intently.

And then we have an

exotic fruit flambe,

peaches, mango, and banana.

Straight forward?

Yes, Chef.

Now, the winner's

going to enjoy

a very exciting trip with

me out of "Hell's Kitchen."

And the losers, the

front of the house

needs a really good clean.

So you're going to

clean this afternoon.

Is that clear?

- Yes, Chef.

- Ready?




contestant must load

ingredients onto their cart.

Jessica, Elsie, your cart.


to their station,

and prepare their dessert.

The Chef will judge

them on flavor,

taste, and presentation.

Dear, oh dear, oh dear.

It was definitely


like a bunch of people all

going after everything at once.

OK, guys, one minute's gone.

I've never, ever

flambeed before.

I'm just trying to

remember all the steps

that chef Ramsay demonstrated.

Elsie, have you

done this before?


My sugar burnt right away.

And I had this black pan.

I'm just like, that sucks.

Just one minute to go.

Serve when you're ready.

Come on, Jimmy.

I've had problems with dirty

plates with the Chef Ramsay,

and I'm going to show

Gordon that I'm really

not just a Dirty Bowl Jimmy.


seconds to go.

I started rushing, going

too fast, I dropped my mango,

and it splattered.

seconds to go.


Put your flambe in front of

you, please, on the side.


Michael, how did you find that?

I dropped my mango

and made a big mess.

Caramel's nice, not too

much alcohol in there.


presentation-wise, it looks

like Jimmy's plate, dirty.

Chef Ramsey made some

comment comparing me to Jimmy

because his plates

were always so dirty.

I was embarrassed.

- Ralph.

- Yes, Chef?

Caramel's got a nice color.

Thank you.

- Very good.

- Thank you, Chef.


you forgot to dust

the fruit in the icing sugar.


Yes, chef?

Have you done this before?

Once or twice in my life.

Unfortunately, I've got

raw sugar on the banana.

So you didn't take the

caramel far enough.

Elsie, nice, light

color on the caramel.


Caramel tasted really nice.

Clean plate.


- Yes, Chef?

Have you made one

of these before?

- Never, Chef.

- Never.

First flambe made?

Yes, Chef.

Mango, warm in the center.


Very nice, Jimmy.

Thank you, Chef.

It's a choice between

Jimmy's and Elsie's.

Well done.

The winner is Jimmy.


Well done.

Well done.

Thank you, Chef.

I won the exotic fruit flambe.

It feels pretty damn good.

I'm really happy

because, you know,

I showed Chef Ramsay that,

on a one to one challenge,

I actually could do it.


Yes, Chef?

Because you're the winner,

you get to pick one of them

to come with you.

Right now?

Right now.

I'm going to have

to go with Michael.



CHEF RAMSAY: Fantastic.

The reason I picked

Michael to go with me

is because he nominated

Chris and Elsie.

Jimmy had such a wonderful

night and he's working so hard.

And I just couldn't put him

in that position tonight.

It really, really, really,

really pissed me off.

I was second in line and picks--

I've got to pick Michael.

Jimmy and Michael,

go and get changed.

The rest of you, as you

know, the dining room is

not as clean as it should be.

I really want it scrubbed

down, immaculate,

just like your kitchens.

Yes, Chef.

CHEF RAMSAY: Let's go.

Well, I lost again.

When am I going to

ever win anything?

You know, obviously,

I'm not going to win.

And I'm not ever going to get

that face time with the chef

that I would love.

So it sucks.

I'm a little bitter.

Make sure everything's

polished and it looks good.


One chair down, to go.

NARRATOR: While Jessica, Ralph,

and Elsie are left behind

for a hellish task,

Jimmy and Michael

head off with Chef Ramsay for

a heavenly reward, a helicopter

tour of Los Angeles.

This is where we can live.

Jimmy, we've got houses right

next door to each other.



It was all unreal.

I've never been up in

a helicopter before

and to see it over such a

beautiful city was intense.

All right.

Did you like that, Jimmy?

[inaudible] not the same.

Why did Michael get to go?

Because Jimmy's an

ass kisser, that's why.

Yes, I'm my own

little Cinderella.

Is that JP?

We look down,

there, Jean Felipe's

down there with two waiters with

their champagne, and caviar,

and I felt like I was

at a movie or something.

Elsie, that's f*cked up

Jimmy didn't take you, man.

I'll be the first one

to admit, I'm pretty

pissed at that whole decision.

RALPH: And he gets in trouble

in service all the time,

you're in there helping him.

- He's a punk.

- Cheers, Jimmy.

- Cheers.

Thank you, guys.

Thank you.

This man just

said thank you to me

after he's called me a fat

f*ck God knows how many times.

It made me feel so good inside.

You're the man, Jimmy.

And it was a clean plate.

It was a clean plate.

Let's not get over excited.

It's only one plate.

Jimmy had the biggest

smile on his face.

And this was Jimmy's prize.

I mean, he deserved it.


Nothing but a pleasure,

I'll tell you that much.

You, too, man.

You see, the way

I figure it, Jimmy

felt the need to invite

Michael because he

felt he owed him one.


What he doesn't know is

that Michael got rid of Chris

because Chris was

his biggest threat.

He didn't put Jimmy on the line

because Jimmy would have gone.


It's all strategy, people.


Where'd you go?

- Helicopter ride.

You went up in a helicopter?

That's awesome.

I've always wanted that.

Then we headed downtown and

landed on one of the buildings

down there.

Stop it!

When we landed, they

were standing there holding

the caviar and champagne.


And we got out and

we ate champagne.

We drank the whole

bottle in five minutes.

I thought it to be a

wasted trip on those two.

Maybe a little bit of

envy, but not like Elsie.

Do not touch me, Jimmy.

You gonna be a bitch

about me not choosing you,

I don't really care.

I mean, this is a competition.

This morning was

a little bit somber.

You know, nobody was really

speaking to each other.

It definitely is a little tense.

There is only going

to be one winner.

I mean, we all knew that,

but now that it comes down

to the last five, it's crazy.


Good morning, chef.

Hey, guys.

NARRATOR: Chef Ramsay

has asked the sous chefs

to oversee preparations for

tonight's dinner service.

He was impressed with

the team's own dishes

from the previous dinner

service, so impressed,

he's serving them again.

All right, pretty

much what we did

was combine both teams'

menus from the other night

and fancied it up.

I'd be lying if I said that

I didn't feel a little lost.

But then, when, all was said

and done, all I got to do

is, you know, pull

aside Chef Mary Anne,

and just say, OK, just

tell me what I need to do.

Make sure to pull a tub of the

fish stock out of the freezer.

Michael, when you did the

filet, did you pan roast it

or did you do it on the grill?

Uh, I pan roasted, chef.

And I've got about a

zillion of them, too.


OK, guys, two things, please.

Tonight, I've decided

to serve the Caesar

salad and my exotic fruit flambe

in the dining room, table side.

One of you is going to be

responsible serving live,

in front of the customers.


Yes, Chef?

You won the

challenge yesterday.

You were the best at table side.

So you are going to choose

one of your colleagues to go

to the dining room right now.


Sorry, who was that, Jesus?


He didn't make it

to the final five.


Yes, Chef?

Right now.

Since Elsie was the second

best, I'll choose her.

So you're choosing Elsie to go

to the dining room, table side?

Yes, Chef.

- Elsie.

- Yes?

You and I are

going to go throw

a quick Caesar salad together.


This is Jimmy's strategy.

It could very well

be his way of saying,

let me put it out

there in the fire

so hopefully she'll

f*ck up and go.

I wouldn't put it past him.

Caesar salad.

Easy peasy.

So into a bowl.


Little pepper.

Would you like some anchovies?


Table side service,

it's a very classy thing

to do at the table.

And it brings that interaction

with the waiter or chef close

to the table.

Together, nice, onto the

plate, very straightforward,

Caesar salad.

NARRATOR: While Elsie gets the

finer points from Chef Ramsay,

the other four

aspiring chefs are

getting ready to try and

serve an entire dining room.

Don't let that lobster

get the best of you, Jimmy!

You want to try to sear

all your sides on this, Jess?

You're too hot.

It's only one kitchen

serving the entire dining room.

It's double the

workload, so it's going

to be a huge challenge tonight.

OK, guys, two seconds, please.

Just line up quickly.

Two seconds.

Minutes away from opening, yes?


Scott and Mary Anne,

I want to see these guys

are like on their own.

Out of here.

Take the night off.

NARRATOR: This will

be the first time

that the aspiring

chefs will not have

the support of the sous

chefs during service.

No sous just in the kitchen?

That affects everybody.

You know, everybody's got to

stand on their own delivery


Nobody's going to have any help.

Set up our sections.

Keep the place nice and clean.

Elsie, in the dining room.

Let's go.

Yes, Chef.

NARRATOR: "Hell's Kitchen" opens

for its seventh time with more

at stake than ever before.

Well, the good thing is

that you came early tonight.

It's always a good thing

to arrive early in "Hell's

Kitchen" because you

have a better chance

of being served at the end.

Elsie, who's a table side,

a Caesar salad, for starter,

one the flambe for desert.

[interposing voices]

Are we ready?

Yes, Chef!

Let's go, yes?

We're the best of the best.

We're down to a dynamic team.

And hopefully, in

a perfect world,

it will be nice to complete

a full night's service.

Can you help me?

I'm going to be a little

underwater over there.

I know.

Keep an eye on that

for me, will you?


everybody has to perform.

If I can help

anybody else, great!

But if I can't, I just can't.

NARRATOR: Without the

sous chefs to rely on--


NARRATOR: The kitchen

is off to a good start

with Michael and Ralph

getting the first starters out

in record time.

Right behind you, Chef.

CHEF RAMSAY: Service, pick

up table nine, please.

On your right, Chef.

OK, let's go.

Oh my God, it's good.

NARRATOR: While the

customers are enjoying

the kitchen's appetizers,

Elsie is busy preparing

her first Caesar salad.

And do you know what I forgot?

My bowl.

That's just lovely.

I'll be right back.


Elsie, you should be in

the dining room right now.


Quick as you can.

Just another crazy evening.

For you.


I think that was the first

time she's ever made a salad.


Right now, four

minutes to the hot plate.

Four filet steaks away.

Three medium, one medium well.

Three medium, one medium well.


That's right.

Four minutes to the hot plate.

OK, Chef.

OK, everyone's wanting

meat tonight, yeah?

Yet, why aren't we

selling any fish?



That's what I'm telling you,

to sell some f*cking fish.

NARRATOR: With so many

orders for filet mignon,

Jessica, working on

the meat station,

will have her

biggest test to date.

Um, what do I

have to [inaudible]??


Yes, Chef, I'm on it, Chef.

What do I have to finish my--

OK, we'll pass [inaudible].

There's an awful lot

of smoke in there, Scott.


It looks like

something's on fire.

NARRATOR: minutes

into service, food

is reaching the pass

faster than ever before.

Ralph, you're going to

start dressing as well, yes?

- Chef?

- I can't dress everything.

Do you understand?

- Yes, Chef.

I'm going to share the plate.

Being asked to join

Chef Ramsay at the pass

is a huge compliment for Ralph.

Now we're cooking

properly, yes?

All right, Jessica,

I'm concerned

about all these ducks going on.

Oh, for f*ck's sake.


OK, light's gone out.

Yeah, tough shit, yes?

Candles on the table,

nice and romantic.

And all those women out there

won't see their double chins.

I can't see.

What's going on

with the lights?

Hey, will you find

out where my balls are?

We're hauling ass,

and all of a sudden,

you know, the lights go out.

- We can work through the dark.

- Yes!

Just eat plenty of carrots.

Let's go.


And you know,

I didn't really even notice.

It didn't even faze me.

You really didn't look

like it didn't faze

anybody in the kitchen at all.

There we go.


Away now, yes?

Three lobster, two

filet, one duck.

Just under four minutes

on the hot plate.

NARRATOR: Jimmy is trying to

balance halibut and lobster

on the fish station.

Halibut and lobster now.

Two minutes, Chef.

- [inaudible]?

- Yeah, it's right there.

And after that, I

need three filet, yes?

Four Four minutes,

five minutes, Chef.

Yeah, not even.



Where's the lobster?

I don't know.

Is the lobster on?

It was on, yeah.

I don't know.

It was sitting there.

NARRATOR: In his attempt

to keep his area clean,

Jimmy mistakenly

threw out his lobster.

I'll make another

one real quick.

It was sitting there, Chef.

During the heat of

the moment, things

definitely do get misplaced.

You know, I lost the lobster.

Stall the table.

We've got not lobster.

I'll get another

one real quick.

Where is the lobster going?

I had cooked it, Chef.

I don't know where it went.


NARRATOR: Meanwhile,

in the dining room,

Elsie is making the rounds

with her table side.


Here you are.


and Jean Philippe is making

sure her customers are happy.

How is everything?

I've never had a Caesar salad

where they have the stems.

Usually they have

the leaves torn up.

I don't really like it.


[inaudible] is fine.


What, did your mom cut

the crusts off your bread?

OK, Elsie, do you know

what you've got there?


You have there a pain in

the neck, a gentleman who

wants his lettuce to be cut.

You cut his salad

like a little baby.

He just wants to be an

interesting jerk, and he's not.

And you cut his

salad like a big boy.

I'm going to put it

back on his plate.


Would you-- you'd like

your lettuce cut up?

I can do that for

you if you'd like.

Not a problem.

I'll be right back with it.

Mr. Lettuce Cutting.

I started to cut it, you

know, and I felt like--

I remember cutting my

son's meat for him.

You know?

It took every bit of me not to

say something really sarcastic.

But you know,

service with a smile.

It's no different than

requesting your steak

medium-rare versus well-done.

If it's how you like it,

it's how you like it.

So it doesn't hurt

your feelings, does it?

Not at all.

Not at all.

NARRATOR: An hour and a half

into service, the kitchen

is in high gear.

And for Jessica, filets are

proving a little too popular.

Three filet.

Two medium, one medium-well.

Where's the rest of my filets?

Hey, I have no more filets.

Do you have any more

filets over there, Ralph?

Chef Scott out a

bunch out there for me

and now I can't find them.

Hey, this is kind of big.

Michael, I don't have any

more filet mignons back there.

And I have a bunch of orders.

Scott said he put some in there

and they're not there anymore.

Will you take a look?

I don't see filet in here.

Let's go.

Two filet, One medium, one rare.

Three lobster, with one duck.

[inaudible], yes?


Three lobster, how long?

I'm having a problem.

Chef Scott and I

put the extra filet

packets in that refrigerator.


I don't see them anymore.

No, don't say that to me now.

Surely-- Jess, why do you

want to give us big attitude?

I'm not.

I've got to go back out

there and f*cking tell them.

Unfold your f*cking

arms right now.

And don't dare start getting

f*cking chippy, or lippy,

or f*cking pissy with me.

We've got a massive problem now.

And we've got no

f*cking filet steak.


I've got in order.

How many have you got?

Listen, I'm trying to

tell you, Scott and I

put them back there.

How many have you got?



I hope you're f*cking joking.

Can we just send this food here?

Get back on your section!

Now talk to me.

I'm trying to talk to you.

Hey, what's this?

I'm trying--

Get back on your section!

I'm here.

OK then, little

ol' missy, what

do you suggest for the

other that's on order?

What What I'm trying to

suggest, Chef, is that they

must be somewhere here.

And I'm going to

try and find them.

OK, well, disappear and

f*cking look for them then.

NARRATOR: While Jessica

wonders where her steaks are,

Michael seems to

know where to look.

Do you know what?

It's the way you just

don't care about it.

The way--

- I do care about it!

You do?

You're not even sweating.

You're walking around--

- I am, too!

I'm reall upset about it!

[inaudible] f*ck upset about it.

Oh, come on.


I got steaks!

Yeah, well get her.

Yeah, where is she?

She's gonna come

back on the line.

I got it.


What a f*cking pile of idiots.

Thank you.

I don't think

anyone sabotaged me.

I would hope not, but Michael

definitely wants to win.

The thought crossed my mind.


It's clear you've given up.

I've not given up.

Well, work at it!

I am working at it!

Well, then do some things.

I am.

I have no idea what

the f*ck I'm doing.

Can someone come and

help me because I'm

f*cking up to my ears in shit

and I'm getting screamed at.

Why don't you come

over here to desserts?

Let me fire these steaks.

Let me help you here.

Great, now my

duck is overdone.


mysteriously solved

the case of the missing meat.

Meanwhile, Elsie prepares

to move on to flambes.

So two flambe on

table ten, yeah?

Oh, I don't know [inaudible].

Hey, you know what

I would love form you?


Can you go back and get a bunch

of pans from the dishwashers?

I can't now.

I've got to make this

flambe right now.



Thank you.

Thanks a lot.


Jessica wanted

me to get her some

pans and I was like,

no, I'm not getting you pans.

I have flambes waiting for me.

A little Grand Marnier.

Fire it up.

It's not working.

Sorry about that.

Fire it up.

There we go.


I don't want to continue

to put alcohol on that.

Coming right up.

OK, is it flambeed

and everything?

Here you go.

I'm sorry about that.

Ladies first.

Ladies first.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Thank you very much.


I don't think she's

ever prepared a Caesar

salad or this dessert before.

I never did see the

flambe part of this.

Here you are, enjoy.

Oh, my goodness, thank you.


hours into service,

with Michael at

Jessica's meat station

and Ralph working alongside

a Chef Ramsay, the kitchen

is working well.

Ralph Things looking

beautiful there.

Ralph is a very safe individual

to have in the kitchen.

Something that makes you

feel good when you're running

the place, because

you've get someone

like him on the left hand side.


and / on the hot plate.

Two halibut, two lobster, yes?

- Yes, Chef.

- Let's go.

Where's your risotto?

No answer.

Where is your risotto?

- I don't have it on.

I'm getting it on now.

Oh my God almighty.

NARRATOR: Earlier,

Jimmy lost a lobster.

Now, he's messed up the risotto.

And Chef Ramsay has had enough.

I'll get it for you, Chef.

I'll have it ready.

f*ck me, it's the

customers, big boy.

I'll have it ready for the

customer in and / minutes.

Do you think I

enjoy this right now?

I know.

This is f*cking painful.

I'm sorry, Chef.

Jimmy, you've got

to relax on the--

really, relax on

the-- why are you

putting that sauce on there?

Why are you putting the

chicken stock on there?

It's a fish [inaudible].

Why are you putting

that over there like that?

It's not--

I saw you over there.

I saw you going--

I did do it.

You're right.

Listen, listen,

don't f*cking start

showing your fat mouth at me.

Are you-- hey, look at me.

So I'm asking you, why

you're putting f*cking

fish stock on f*cking risotto.

Get it off!

Because I think it's a bit

bizarre that you finished it,

and you get a ladle of

fish stock like that,

and you put it on the risotto.

So I'm asking you and

you refuse to tell me.

Then you will open

your fat f*cking mouth.

So why is it on there?

I'm sorry, Chef.

Start the table now.

He just poured fish

stock on the risotto.

Now, Ralph, I'm waiting

on three lobster.


I want to risotto relaxed.

And I turn around, Ralph--


And he's pouring fish

stock, [inaudible]

fish stock on the risotto.

Then he started shouting at me.

Get it on the stove, young man.

And what I am, I'm

embarrassed about it.

Because I'm amazed

that you've done it.

Now you want to

get chippy with me.

NARRATOR: At this point, Jimmy

might be regretting that he

didn't put himself in

the dining room instead

of Elsie, who is

now serving flambes

as fast as she can fire them.

- Here you go.

- Thank you.

Thank you so much.

For madam, I apologize

for the wait.

- Oh my god.

- It's good, right?

Very good.

- Wow.

- That's delicious.

Is it good?

- Yeah, that's delicious.

- You're welcome.

You're welcome.


CHEF RAMSAY: Half that,

Jess, you've got two filet,

one duck, one lobster, yes?

Here's one more lobster.

One filet coming on

top of that, yes?

One filet halibut, one lobster,

two filet steak, normal.

Is it on route?

Yes, Chef.

Why isn't the fish in the pan?

Why isn't the fish in the pan?

I'm trying to do f*cking

both at the same time!

What do you want me to do?

Come here, you.

Come here, you.


What do you mean, no?

I'm trying to both of

them at the same time--

Just calm down.

Just calm f*cking down.

I'm trying to do

both at the same time.

Are you about to crack?

Is that what it is?


No, I'm not going to--

No, OK?

Don't f*cking shout at me.

- Yes, Chef.

- What are you going to do?

- I'm going to [inaudible]--

- Calm down.


While I'm standing here pissed

off, what about those f*cking

customers there then?

Yeah, I'm trying to--

Talk to me

properly, or f*ck off.

Is that clear?

- Yes, Chef.


Get the fish in the pan.

- No, Chef.

Get it in the pan.


Oh, for God's sake.

Jessica, what are you doing?

Shut it down, yes?


And I'll tell you why I'm

going to shut it down.


Because two individuals

let me down here tonight.

You were one of them.

And you were the other one.

And you think that is bad.

I'll tell you what.

If you're ever going to make

it, you're going to have to take

a lot more pressure than that.

Shut it down.

Tell the customers I'm

closing the place down.

NARRATOR: Chef Ramsay

has shut down the kitchen

minutes early.

He expected a lot more

from the five finalists.

Well, it was nice knowing you.

Holy f*ck.

Oh dear.

That was hard.

But let me just say, for

the first half of service,

you made me very proud.

Boy, oh boy, were we on song.

Then we broke down.

Then the communication stopped.

And we didn't accomplish

a fully booked service.

And that pisses me off.


Yes, Chef?

You've been down for

the last couple of weeks.

And tonight, really

proved you're worth.

Ralph, thing's

looking beautiful there.


Thank you, Chef.

I want you go back to the

dorm and come back with two

nominees for elimination.

Because one of you

are going home,

Nominate me.


I'm tired.

Seriously, I

wouldn't be insulted.

Seriously, please.

It's so exhausting.

It's just like, let's

just get this over with.

As things progress,

things are going

to get more and more hectic.

You know, I'm not as

quick as they are.

I'm not going to

be able to keep up.

I don't want to

slow you guys down.

That's it?

You're done?

Because if it's that you

don't want to slow us down,

that's a bullshit excuse.

I didn't finish

any of my crap.

You know, whenever you asked,

[inaudible] for the rice stuff,

I hadn't done that.

That's a legitimate excuse.

I just want to

say that this is

a very difficult [inaudible].


It's been a f*cking fun ride.

I'll tell you that much.

It's going to be a

tough decision for him.

Ralph's a really good guy.

I had nothing but

good talks with him.

I'm going to be

extremely disappointed

if I do leave tonight.

And I've really busted my hump.

It doesn't look good.

Ralph's your boy,

though, you know?

We'll see.

You could've put him

up there the other night.


I could have.

We'll see if he does

tonight, you know?

I'm not nominating you.

You ain't gonna

put me up there, man.

No f*cking way.


We'll see.

It'd be nice if Ralph

would nominate me

because I didn't put his

ass on the line, you know?

And I've had several

chances to do that.

I didn't do it because we kind

of always had an understanding.

Jessica's great.

We've been partners.

We've been teammates.

You know, we sleep in

the same room together.

Right now, the

game is individual.

I'm going to have to

change my game accordingly.

Good luck to everybody.


Yes, Yes, Chef?

Have you decided

on your two nominees?

Yes, I have, Chef.

First nominee and why.

My first nominee is Jimmy.

Tonight through service at the

point where the pressure was

on, and he had to be putting

the dishes and the food

to the hot plate, and a

momentary distraction of him

talking back you

caused us to lose

valuable time during service.

And whenever you lose time in

service, you can't recreate it.

Fair point.

Second nominee and why.

My second nominee is Jessica.


Tonight, during service,

there was a point

where it became a

hindrance to the team

as far as being able to

execute tables and plates.

Jimmy and Jessica,

step forward, please.

One of you is

going to be leaving

"Hell's Kitchen" shortly.


Tell me why you think

you should stay.

I believe, over the

past couple of weeks,

I've been a team player.

I've busted my hump.

But tonight, when I had

my scuffle with you,

that was just uncalled for.

And I apologize for that.

Less than hours,

you were flying high.

Yes, I was.

Thank you for your honesty.

Thank you, Chef.


Yes, Chef?

Just tell me why

you think you should

stay in "Hell's Kitchen."

Well, Chef, I think

I've been an amazing team

player since we've been here.

In terms of tonight, it was

definitely a rough night.

And, you know, I was extremely

disappointed with myself.

But you know, I'm

going to try hard,

putting my best foot forward,

and learning how to do this.

So I have to eliminate

someone from "Hell's Kitchen."

Why isn't the--

I'm trying to cook and

do both at the same time!

What do you want me to do?

- Come here, you.

Come here, you.

- No!

Can I just send

this good here?

Get back on your

section and talk to me.

- Hey, hello?

- I'm trying to talk to you.

- What's this?

- I'm trying--

Get back on your section!

My decision is--

Jessica, you fought back.

Jimmy, you didn't.

You're out.

Give me your jacket.

And leave "Hell's

Kitchen," please.

And remember one

thing, be extremely

proud of how far you got.

- Yes, Chef.

- You've done bloody well.

Thank you for everything.

Appreciate that.

- And I mean that that.

- Thank you, Chef.

- Keep your head up high.

Will do.

It deserves to say up high.

Yes, Chef.

Good job.


Bye bye.


I have had no regrets about

coming to "Hell's Kitchen."

If anything, it's

broadened my horizons.

It looks like a

dehydrated camel turd.

Yes, sir.

That looks like

a dog's dinner.

Get it in the bin.

Oh, no.

No, no!

Dirty bowl!

Don't Don't touch your hair!

- I'm sorry.

- Don't touch your face!

I'm sorry.

Jimmy, you look

delicious as a blonde.

Jimmy, start dancing

like a ballerina.


You're the man, Jimmy.

And it was a clean plate, too!

I'm definitely not

giving up on my dream

of restaurant [inaudible].

Chef Ramsay said to

keep on moving forward.

And it really meant a

lot coming from him,

because this is what I

really want to do in my life.

Very tough.

Go and get some sleep.


I made it through.

And I'm absolutely

ecstatic about it.

I'm definitely going to bounce

back from this nomination.

It's unfortunate

to see Jimmy go,

but the truth is, in

order for me to win,

Elsie, Jessie, Michael,

have to be eliminated, too.

Everyone's going to try to

do their very best to make

themselves come up on top.

And if there's a little

backstabbing involved,

it's going to get ugly.

We're all living on sort

of like this fake happiness

with everybody

where, at any moment,

it seems like

somebody could snap.

Each and every one of

these contestants now

have to start emerging

as individual talent.

This is when we really

start to find out who can

handle the heat and who can't.

Clearly, tonight,

Jimmy couldn't.

[music playing]
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