01x05 - Day 5

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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01x05 - Day 5

Post by bunniefuu »

[music playing]

NARRATOR: Previously,

on "Hell's Kitchen."

Shut it down.

Shut the place down.

Close it down.

NARRATOR: After three

consecutive dinner disasters--


NARRATOR: Chef Ramsay guaranteed

safety to the team that

served all of its diners first.

We need to prove to ourselves

what we're capable of doing.

NARRATOR: Both teams

struggled at the start.

It's crap!

Start the table again!

NARRATOR: Andrew had

problems on the garnish.

Nothing is coming out!


with his mouth.

Yes, Chef.

No, Chef.

Here you go, Chef,

on the window.

NARRATOR: Both teams

turned it around.

Jessica, very nice wellington.

Thank you, Chef.

Elsie, Wellington's spot on.

NARRATOR: But for the blue

team, it was short lived.

I want three

[inaudible] risottos.


red team accomplished

a first in Hell's Kitchen.

The final ticket.


all of their diners.

Jimmy, start dancing

like a ballerina.

Move it.

Good job, red team!

I'm proud of myself.

And the guys are proud of me.

NARRATOR: Although, it was

obvious the blue kitchen lost,

it wasn't obvious who would

be doing the nominating.

The blue team has a new,

talented cook, Jessica.

NARRATOR: Jessica nominated

her good friend Mary Ellen

and nobody's friend Andrew,

confident he would be leaving.

But Chef Ramsay

had another idea.

Mary Ellen, take

off your jacket.

You're leaving Hell's Kitchen.

NARRATOR: And now the

continuation of Hell's Kitchen.

The contestants

retreat to the dorms

after an unexpected elimination.

The blue team has lost

two nights in a row

and they are down a

second team member.

Jessica's plan to get

rid of Andrew backfired.

She didn't expect to sacrifice

her friend, Mary Ellen.

Are you OK?

I know it's hard for you, baby.

Come on.

It was very hard for

me to nominate her.

I didn't think that Mary

Ellen was going to be cut.

I really thought it

was going to be Andrew.

Do you know what?

He should have been gone.

Oh, f*ck!

That's f*cking bullshit.


Having Mary Ellen made

me feel safe on the line.

You know, but Andrew doesn't.

What else are you

gonna do, you know?

It's not your fault.

NARRATOR: Although Andrew

wasn't sent home this time,

he knows he is far from safe.

I feel like I'm misunderstood.

I feel like I get picked on.

You know, I'll admit that.

This is the most hostile

environment I've ever

worked in, and that is hell.

Where's Andrew?

I don't know.

Hopefully he's

praying some place.

There's only so many things

that you can do for somebody

before they have

to help themselves.

At the end of the

day, in the kitchen,

you can really tell who's

doing it and who's not.

And Andrew's not.

That guy, boy, if he

hasn't seen God yet--

He's probably in

psychotherapy right now.

I'm still doing

something right.

I'm still doing something right.

I'm still doing something right.

I'm doing something right.

Because I could have

survived the line, because I

shut my f*cking mouth tonight.

I sucked it.

Move f*cking up.

NARRATOR: "Hell's Kitchen"

started with aspiring chefs.

Now the dreams of

only seven remain.

With the numbers

dwindling on the teams,

individuals are trying to

shine in front of Chef Ramsay.

Good morning, guys.

Good morning, Chef.

You guys are bonding.

But each and every team is only

as good as its weakest link.


- Yes, Chef?

Who's your strongest link?

I've got to put myself

out there right now

as a strong link in the team.

You know, I'm working hard.

I know what to do.

And I get it done.

So I nominated myself.

Somebody thinks

different, give me a call.

And who's your weakest link?

I think all things

being considered,

Andrew would have to be

our weakest link presently.

To be called out like

that, I mean, that was crap.


Yes, Chef?

Who's your strongest link?

I believe I'm the

strongest, Chef.

Michael's very talented.

He's got a lot of

kitchen experience.

But I think I've

been around the block

a little more than he has.

And, you know, at this point,

I do feel I'm the strongest.

I love the way

you put yourself

forward like that

on that platform,

that executive platform.

And who's your weakest?

I think Jimmy is the weakest.

When Chris mentioned I was

the weakest link on the team,

it gets me a little

riled up, you know?

And I'm going to show him

that the weakest link can

go from the bottom to the top.


It's clearly obvious,

not all of you

want to have a fine

dining restaurant.

So tomorrow night,

we're throwing

away the existing menus.

Tomorrow night, Hell's Kitchen

becomes a Pasteur restaurant.

In the kitchen with me now.

Let's go.

Put the two Italians on

one team, cooking pasta,

we're gonna rock it, man.

OK, guys, here we go.

NARRATOR: With the most

successful dinner service

behind them, Chef

Ramsay has decided

to create a whole new menu.

But first, a lesson on the

finer points of making pasta.

Fresh pasta.


Ramsay demonstrates

how to properly make pasta.

The ball of dough must be

precisely rolled out to fit

the width of the machine.

It must be continually fed

back through the machine

to get it to the

correct thickness.

So feed it through.

OK, Chris.

Yes, Chef?

Arms out, please, Chris.


Arms out.


There you go.

And then--

- Lovely.

Now look at him now.

What handsome, f*cking bugger.

There we go.

CHRIS: Thank you.



Four of you on the red team.

Three of you in the blue team.


Yes, Chef?

You're sitting

out on this one.

Understand, you've got

minutes to toll as much pasta

as possible to my standard.

The winner, the most amazing

prize this afternoon,

beautiful treat.

Red team on my right.

Blue team on the left.

Set up.

I'll tell you when to go.

Chef Ramsay had said

one of your teammates,

you've got to hold the

pasta out, arms like this.

And Michael wanted me to do it

because he figured, you know,

I was so big and,

you know, I guess,

strong enough to sit there

with my arms like that.

Are we ready?

Yes, Chef.

Ready, steady, roll.

Let's go.

You've gotta work it.

Work the edges.

Work the dough.


machine do the work, yes?

I got it, I got it.

Roll it [inaudible].

Turn it nice and

slow and steady.

NARRATOR: The teams

must constantly

keep the machine floured so

the dough doesn't stick inside.

Careful, Andrew.

You jam that machine,

Andrew, we're in trouble.

There you go.

There you go, Elsie.

Each one of us

kind of just trying

to flour our hands together.

And I'm holding

on to the machine.

And I'm flouring.

It was just so incredible.

Are we ready

for any spaghetti?

Right here, Chef.








Come on!

NARRATOR: Once the

pasta is cut, it

must be hung to dry without

sticking or clumping together.

- Three minutes to go.

- Get it on.

Come on.

Spin this thing.

CHEF RAMSAY: Who wants the prize

to get out of Hell's Kitchen

this afternoon.

There was so much adrenaline

trying to get that pasta out

that I didn't feel my arms.

I was just trying to

move as fast as I could.

Jimmy, you look f*cking

delicious as a blonde.

I totally wish I could have

jumped in and helped out.

The only utensil that

I had was my mouth.

Come on!

Come on!

Come on!

Come on!

Just slice it and get rid of it!


Red team, come on!

And eventually,

just, it started

wearing on my shoulders.

And it hurt like hell.

One minute to go.

Ten seconds to go.











Good job.

Good job.

Good job, red.

OK, teams.

Time to see what's staying in

and what's going in the bin.

Blue team first.

NARRATOR: Only pasta

that meets Chef Ramsay's

standards will be counted.

The team whose pasta

weighs the most will win.

Not bad.

That's in.

And this, here, is all

crinkled and one big blob.

You know that from going in?

Of course.

That's in.

That is nice.

That's in.

Blue team, . pounds.

NARRATOR: Now it's time to see

how the red team weighs in.


Now that is immaculate.

That's definitely in.


That's very nice.

Blue team.

You finished a . .

Red team, you're on . .

It was really

down to the wire.

What is that?

We can't cook that, yeah?

That is uncookable.

Another big knot.

Pull that out.

That's nice.

Red team, you're on . .

Blue team, you finished on . .

So one left.

My worry is with this, the

bottom is lumped together.

That is usable.

Red team.

. .


Holy shit.

Blue team, . .

Red team is the winners.

That a boy.


Come on!

You got clumps all

over that pasta!

I know, there are clumps

all over that pasta.

Congratulations, red

team, you're going out,

the most amazing

time this afternoon.

Enjoy it.

Thank you, Chef.

Blue team, we've

got a fully booked

restaurant tomorrow

night, and as

part of your punishment, Scott!

Where's the dough, please?

Here we go.

Take a look at that.

Start rolling.

Our pasta looked good.

It was pretty.

It was separated.

It was fluffy and beautiful.

Theirs looked like crap.

My grandmother would

never serve this.

Yeah, my grandmother would

never serve that either.

Would never serve that.

That's like the biggest clump.

Be a good loser.


Start rolling.

Damn it.

You know, I'm sick of losing.

I'm sick enough of not

going on the field trips.

It's not fun.


That was just too tight.

Where are we going?

Who cares?

We're going out of here.

I'm very excited about

winning this pasta competition.

The fact that it was as close

as it was made it even sweeter

to see the blue team just start

calling shenanigans on us,

you know, saying our

pasta wasn't good enough,

that they should have won.

Bye, guys!

Goodbye, gentlemen, ladies.

I think we're

getting the shaft.

Every time.

Have fun!

NARRATOR: In keeping

with the pasta theme,

Chef Ramsay has arranged

a special outing

for the red team.

This is my first

time on a Gondola.

I'm very excited.

We're going to go do

it up Italian style,

a little wine, a little

singing, and some relaxation.

[music playing]

This is nice.

Hey, guys, here's

to not making pasta.


Here's to red team.

Poor Ralph.

He's missing out.

My grandmother wouldn't

serve that pasta.

Well, Chef Ramsay would.

It's f*cking crazy.

I'm infuriated.

Do you want to know the truth?

I'm aggravated by this

whole f*cking thing.

[music playing]

Right now, the blue team is

probably trying to wash off

coats of flout off their body.

Ralph's got flour

caked in places I

don't want to think about.

Losing back to

back up back hurts.

Yeah, it does.

We could be here till

: in the morning.

Welcome to Hell's

Kitchen, my name is Ralph,

I'll be your tour guide.

Red team, we earned it.

We earned it.

Good wins today and yesterday.


NARRATOR: The blue

team has completed

all the pasta for tomorrow

night's dinner service.

The red team is now returning

from a relaxing outing

and Michael quickly

gets back to business.

How's it going?

You know, it's going.

Did you have fun?

You know, it was all right.

You guys worked your ass off.

Definitely frustrated myself.

You know what I mean?

Michael wants us very badly.

He plays the shy,

sweet boy, you know?

I think Michael is the most

manipulative in the group.

I think he'd still k*ll

to win the restaurant.

I hope you guys don't have

any resentment towards me.

We don't have any resentment

towards any of you guys.

I don't.

I'd love to see it to

the end where me and you

shake hands and battle it out.

Yeah, no doubt.

We gotta figure there's

always that chance

that you go strategy-wise

and put me up on the block.

MICHAEL: Like, I don't want to.

Thanks, man.

MICHAEL: Just remember, man,

you've got a friend in me.


everyone else sleeps,

Michael retreats to

begin a nightly ritual,

a conversation with himself.

Michael hasn't been

Michael since day one.

Michael's been

quiet, and watching,

and thinking, and plotting,

and manipulating, and waiting.

I do not give a shit

about anybody right now.

I have to concern

myself with myself.

I will this, Chef Ramsay.

I've got everything

on the line for this.

[music playing]

Good morning, guys.

Good morning, Chef.

So tonight, Hell's Kitchen

becomes a Pasteur restaurant.

And you know what?

We're fully booked.

In fact, we're double booked.

Two sittings, a full

house, times two.

One team will cook and

one team will serve.

And then we'll turn around

and the other team will cook.

And the other team will serve.

And the objective, of

course, is each team

to serve the entire

restaurant in two hours.

So there should be no

complications, right?

Yes, Chef.

Red team, you won the

challenge yesterday.

Let me know an hour before

service whether you would like

to cook first or serve first.

Yes, Chef.

Are we ready?

Yes, Chef.

Let's go.

Someone's going home

with that team tonight,

I'll tell you that.

NARRATOR: The teams will

have the rest of the day

to prep a brand new

pasta menu consisting

of three starters, three main

courses, and three desserts.

You've got to have a look.

Rather than thin

them out on there,

there's a better way, look.

Left to right, right to left.

So they sit on there nicely.

Yeah, that's good, Chef.

I think we were doing

it the other way--

Plus, that way, the

pasta takes twice as long

to cook like that.

Doing a full

service by ourselves,

there's definitely some

added pressure put on us.

It's definitely not

going to be easy.

But you know, I do

have a lot of faith

in the red team at this point.

Hey, we got no weak links

on this team, you guys.

I cannot wait.

I'm cooking pasta.

I mean, I've cooked enough

freaking pasta in my lifetime

to last me two lifetimes.

Don't forget for a

second that it's w*r.

I don't want to go home today.

NARRATOR: It's an hour before

the first seating and time

for the red team's decision.


Red team, have you

decided, first,

are you going to cook or

are you going to serve?

We said we were

going to cook first.

So red team's cooking first.

Blue team, Jean-Phillipe's

waiting for you

to show you your tables.

Is that clear?

Yes, Chef.

Let's go.

NARRATOR: Tonight, each

seating will last two hours

and have guests.

For the first seating,

the red team will cook

while the blue team serves.

And don't you forget,

tonight, you'll have to go fast.


first time, Chef Ramsey

will be evaluating each

team on their performance

in both the kitchen

and the dining room.

Let's do that.

, in the middle,

closest to the door.

NARRATOR: On the blue

team, Andrew and Ralph

have serving experience,

while Jessica has

never served the tables before.

When I get the

food, am I supposed

to carry it on a big tray?

Yeah, and then, if

you need my help, just--

How do I know--

am I going to put

it down somewhere?

Because I don't know

how to do that shit.

So what you're going to

do is come and grab me.

NARRATOR: As Hell's Kitchen

opens for the fifth time,

it will be the first time

that one kitchen will attempt

to feed an entire restaurant.

It's good.

[inaudible] in there.

It's nice and clean.


dining room, Ralph is

already turning on the charm.

What are we going to talk

about tonight for dinner?

You didn't get the menu did you?


The maitre d in this

place, hell's kitchen.

What do you suggest?

Ralph, what do you suggest?

I'm gonna tell you what

you're going to have.

How about this?

We don't even need menus.


Do you like-- have you

ever been to Tuscany?

- It's on my wish list.

- OK.

I'm going to take

you there in a bowl.

I like people.

I like making them smile.

It's why I do this.

- Do you like that?

Do you like that?

- Sounds good.

Do you like that, too?

I'll get three of those.

There we go.

NARRATOR: Meanwhile,

in the red kitchen,

Jimmy is quickly pushed

out the first starters,

hoping to score some early

points with Chef Ramsay.

Look at the bowl, Jimmy.

Jimmy, look at the bowl.

Get it back.

Come on, Jimmy.

Come on.

Don't you dare start

acting like a slob.

Hey, and can I have it clean?

Jimmy, the plates

look dirty, Jimmy.

I actually think you're

doing this on purpose

now, to get a reaction.

JIMMY: I'm not, Chef.

It's not possible.

It's not possible.

Way is the food?

- Yes.

- Yes?

Don't say, uh--

- I'm sorry, Chef.

Where's the soup?

Right here, Chef.

Just go.

Oh, no, no, no.

Dirty bowl.

Oh, that's coming off the bread.

NARRATOR: One hour into the

first seating, the red kitchen

is finally getting most

of their starters out.

I need to come over, but

I'm going to go like this

so I don't screw that up.

The kitchen apologizes.

Can I get my silverware?


NARRATOR: Now, Chef Ramsey

is awaiting the main courses

from Elsie and Chris.

Michael, Elsie,

Chris, Jimmy, One hour

gone, and we're not

even halfway yet.

- Yes, Chef.

- I'm just so confused.

I don't what's going

on with what anymore.

OK, let's go,

short ribs, lasagna,

spaghetti, [inaudible].

Two minutes?

- Four minutes, Chef.

- Four minutes.

Maximum four minutes.

Yes, Chef.

Let's go, yeah?

We shouldn't be waiting

for the lasagnas, sorry.

These lasagnas cook themselves.

Are they in the

ovens, the lasagnas?

All of them, yeah?


- Yes?

I need it moving.

d Because all I can see

is just you prepping it.

You're like a little

maid, just prepping it,

but nothing's actually

happening on the stove.

I have to say, red

team, these main courses

are not coming out, OK?

Yes, I'm waiting for the

entrees on table , please,


- , yes?

And , as well, yes?

- Yes.

and in that order.

Yes, thank you.

Two tortellini,

main course two ribs.

Dessert, we'll probably

going to want cheesecake.

- Yes, Chef.

- Go.

Two tortellini away.

Oui, Chef.

Forget the f*cking executive.

Yes, oui, Chef, just

tell me yes or no

and cut the toss pot

bullshit oui, Chef.

Yes, Chef.

Let me get some

food out here, yes?

Yes, Chef.

You know, I got a target

on the back of my head

because I come in here

saying I'm an executive chef.

Well, unfortunately, that's

what I do for a living.

I'm an executive chef.

I'm sorry.

No matter how f*cking--

arrogant you want to be,

look at these main courses.

Yes, Chef.

And we're just

standing over here, yes?

Yes, Chef.

Chris, I suggest

you try harder, OK?

Because nothing's

happening here.

Look at all these

f*cking tickets.

My God, look at it.

NARRATOR: There's minutes

left in the first seating

with the blue team on the

floor and the red team

in the kitchen.

Elsie and Chris have slowly

pushed out their main courses.

Tonight, Michael has decided not

to come to their aid, instead,

he is focused on impressing

chef Ramsay with his desserts.

Desserts, Michael, how long?

Oui, Chef, right here.

Right behind you.

OK, good.

Servers, please.

Michael, thank you.

In the past, I had

definitely done a lot of work

for the other people.

But I can't keep helping people

in order for them to survive.

Go, please, JP.

NARRATOR: With minutes left

in the first dinner service,

the red kitchen is

headed for disaster.

I want the food

off the hot plate

now so we get some

customers served, yes?

- Yes.

- Thank you.

NARRATOR: So out on the

floor, Jessica takes

matters into her own hands.

Would you like a tortellini?

Is the main course

going to come first?

If I were you guys

and you're hungry,

I would eat one of

these if you're hungry.

There was only

about minutes left

and I was handing out random

entrees because at that point,

I just wanted to make

my customers happy.

I know it's--

I know.


This table, my table--

CHEF RAMSAY: Jean-Phillipe!

It's not mine.

You're standing

there, taking applause.

What are you signing

f*cking napkins?

Come on.

Get your Belgium

bullocks over here.

Get me the blue team, please.

Oui, Chef.


, , , , , , , , , .

Where is Jessica?

Yeah, Jessica!


Two hours and five minutes,

the kitchen is closed.

In one hour's time,

we're going again.

Move your ass.

Yes, Chef.

OK, red team.

Come here.


That's two hours.

And I'm surprised that

the f*cking main courses

aren't coming out faster.



Clear down, yeah?

Switch off.

I'm not happy.

I am not happy.

I'm not happy either.

Elsie, I am not happy.


NARRATOR: The first

seating is over.

And the red kitchen

failed in their mission

to complete service.

As for the blue team's

service in the dining room--

Thank you!

All right, have a nice night.

You, too!

I'm surprised that

you're still around

and that you're actually

working at this restaurant.

NARRATOR: It seems like

they had mixed reviews.

All right.

Now let's f*cking win this.

Let's f*cking win

this f*cking thing.

NARRATOR: The restaurant will

reopen for the second seating

in one hour with the blue

team cooking and the red team

serving new guests.

Meanwhile, Michael

is trying to figure

out how to overcome his team's

bad performance in the kitchen.

You know, I'm going to

run them out of lasagna.

You know exactly

what they're low on?

What's that?

You know what they're low on?

Yeah, bust them, man.

We're going to try

to do everything

we can to blow blue team down.

I know what they're low on.

I know what they're

going to be hurting on.

Lasagna, hands down.

It's a pain in the ass to make.

And so we're going to try

to shove as much of that

down their throat as we can.

NARRATOR: While the

red team is conspiring,

Ralph is feeling the

burden of only having three

cooks in the blue kitchen.

This is the garlic you use

for the linguine white clam

sause, not this garlic.

So let's just get

rid of tat altogether.


I'm trying to

show you the f*cking

way to do it and your f*cking

[inaudible] stepping in it.

All right, we don't--

I don't want to go in

front of the f*cking guy,

have him f*cking yell at me

at the end of the f*cking day.

None of you want

to go home, right?

So if we lose, no one goes home.

- I know, Ralph.

But don't get--

Ralph, just use

the sliced garlic.

[interposing voices]

Let me tell you something,

was that easy, Andrew?

Was that f*cking easy?


Is that f*cking easy?

I wouldn't be f*cking

hearing the f*cking

shit I've I've heard for

the past f*cking five days.

All right?

Just do me a favor.

You f*cking listen.

You want to give me

some f*cking lip?


- I'm not giving you lip.

I'm just saying don't freak out

over the f*cking chopped garlic

that I had.

- Hey, hey, you know what?

This ends now.

No more bullshit in the kitchen.

All right?

I think Andrew sometimes is

a little [inaudible],, you know,

that's thick headed in Italian.

I think he asks a

question but he's not

ready to receive the answer.

NARRATOR: As the doors open

for the second service,

the red team puts

their plan into action.

How are you doing tonight,

ladies and gentlemen?

What can I get you

for you if you entree?

I do recommend,

off of here, lasagna.

I really fell in love with that.

It's very good.

We want two meat lasagna.


- Lasagna?


Love it.

Love it.

You say that!

Oh, yeah, it's delicious.

OK, come on.

I'm good.

Thank you.

All right, blue team, an order.

One tortellini main

course, four lasagna,

one spaghetti of clams.

- Yes, Chef.

- Thank you.

I'm going to have the lasagna.

You can't go wrong.

Blue team, an order.

Three lasagna, one

spaghetti of clams.

It looks like they're

pounding us with lasagna, huh?

It was clear that the red

team tried to sabotage us.

We just had so many orders

of lasagnas coming in.

You know, they're playing dirty.

All right, Ralph, how long?

Right now, Chef.

Three soup, two

tortellinis, please.

I'm about half

way right now, Chef.


straight up [inaudible] please.



Yes, Chef?

When you're giving

me the plates,

you're splashing with

tomato everywhere.


And life could be a lot

f*cking easier, you know that?

[inaudible] splashed


Yes, Chef.

Look at me.

Yeah, I'll send them back now if

you want to be a f*ck with me.

Do you know that?

- [inaudible]

You're getting the pan,

you're frying the tomato,

and it's splashing the f*cking

plates, and we can't clean it.

There's no need to fry

the ass off of that.

You just need to

hear it up nicely.

And when you go to

the plate, don't

f*cking splash it because

I'm fed up with cleaning it.

Yes, Chef.

Because you're just banging

out as if you don't care.

And you told me you

do f*cking care.

I do, Chef.

So care then!

All right.

NARRATOR: Although Ralph, the

self-proclaimed strongest link

on the blue team, struggles with

Chef Ramsay's high standards--

- Ralph!

- Yes, Chef?

One bean soup,

one spaghetti away.

Yes, Chef.

NARRATOR: He manages to get

most of his starters out.

Sorry it took so long.

NARRATOR: minutes into

the second dinner service--

Where's Jimmy?

NARRATOR: And Jimmy's

hard work on the floor

produces an unappetizing

side effect.

What can I do

for tonight, miss?

What's going on?

I don't know.

You're sweating.

Oh my God.

I'm sorry about that.

Are you guys in trouble?


I'm getting yelled at.

I'm getting pissed.

Where is that fat f*ck?

Wipe your sweat.

I'm trying.

I'm sorry, I'll [inaudible].

CUSTOMER: All right, Jimmy.

He's kind of

sweating like a bore.


Oh, look at him.

f*cking hell.

What was he doing?

He's like an inflated

turd in a f*cking cloud.


Come on, big boy, let's go.

NARRATOR: Though he's struggling

to keep his customers happy,

Jimmy is still working

hard to make an impact.


Your last time, Ralph.

We're going all up now.

Go , Jimmy.

Hurry up.


I want everybody

together, please.

Hurry up, Jimmy.

I just want to

have a quick word.

- , please.

- Yes.

is here.

This is .

Yeah, I need all three of you.

Where's Jimmy?

OK, this is , this is .

Jean-Phillipe, serve it.

Serve it!

I want him here now.

OK, tortellini and a

soup, madame, monsieur?

- Two tortellinis.

- Two tortellinis.

OK, we have a problem there.

Can you go and see

Gordon with the tray?

Let's go.

What's going on here?

I need one more tortellini.

What do you mean

one more tortellini?

I brought it to the

wrong table, the last one.

What is going on?

, I had gotten the

two tortellini before.

Where have they gone then?

They ate them at

the wrong table.

Oh, come on.

No, I just want four

tortellini from you, Ralph.

And nothing f*cking more.

Where have those

two tortellini gone?

, Chef.


f*cking pathetic.

Go for a walk, lose some weight.



Jimmy, stop touching yourself.

JIMMY: I'm just

scratching my head.

Stop it.

Don't touch your hair.

- I'm sorry.

- Don't touch your face.

- I'm sorry.

I have the rag in hand.

Stop touching yourself.

I'm sorry.


All right, I'm sorry.

NARRATOR: With minutes

left in the second seating,

the red team's strategy

to push the lasagnas

has taken its toll

on the blue kitchen.

And they are way behind

on their main courses.

Hardly any main courses

have gone out, yes?

Main courses, how long?

- Four minutes, Chef.

Four minutes.

This is slow.

- Three minutes, Chef.

- Yeah?

I hope so!

We've got to put it up.

We've got to get it

to these tables up.

Right now.

It's the difference

between winning and losing.

Chef Ramsay?

Yes, Elsie?

Do we know how long

for table ten's lasagna?

Table ten's entrees.

They are being assholes.

Where are the short ribs?

No answer.

- Right here.

They're right here, Chef.

Andrew, look, I'm

trying to control this.

I just need an

answer from you, yes?

Chef, everything's coming

to the hot plate right now.

Yeah, well--



- Yes?

Get them back, please,

until the table's complete

so we can go together, yes?

I can't--

Jess, you're coming with

the lasagna, aren't you?

I'm talking to

f*cking Jessica.

They can't serve that

until you're ready.

Yes, Chef.

So I just need you

two talking together.

I'm one minute away,

I'm seconds away.

And try to come

together, please.

And that looks like

a dog's dinner.

I'm going to fix that.

I hope you're

going to fix that.


- Yes, Chef.

Help him.

This is a f*cking nightmare.

NARRATOR: With minutes left

in the second dinner service,

the blue team has sent up very

few of their main courses.

And the customers are

anxious and want answers.



You can't just yell.

You have to go over there.


I say something to him?


I'll ask him.

Chef Ramsay?

- Yes, sir?

- Hi.


I want to be really nice.

Yes, OK.

But why does it take so long?

We've been waiting for

an hour and a half.

I'm so sorry.

I can't really do much

about right at the moment

because we're so

far in the shit.

What's your big worry?

- We're hungry!

Yeah, I heard that.

Anything else?

I'm just trying to be

straight up with you.

I'm just trying to be

straight with you, as well.


Feedback is always a best.


Anything else?

- No.

- No.

You have a good night.

Yeah, thank you, you

lose some weight.


Hey, you got off easy.

Can I have the short rib?



Look at that.

Touch the plates.



That looks like a

dog's dinner, yes?


Far too much sauce,

not enough pasta.

Just touch the plates first.

- They're cold.

- Cold plates.

- Hot plate.

Shut the f*ck up all three

of you, before one of you

wear one of these.


There's your lasagna.

And I want that table again.

All right, Jessica

and Andrew, come here.

Yes, Chef.

Right now, yes?

one, two, three,

four, five, six,

seven, eight, nine, , ,

, , , , , tables

to go.


Yes, Chef.

Get your team here now.


Shut it down, yes?


Two hours is gone.

Blue team, Andrew.

Ralph, Jessica, that

was not impressive.

Switch it off.

Clean down.

NARRATOR: The second

dinner service is over.

And the experience of Hell's

Kitchen as a pasta house

has turned out to be

a huge disappointment.

Now, Chef Ramsay must take

into account the performances

in both the kitchen

and the dining room

to decide the losing team.

There's been a very

difficult decision to make.

We made a lot of hard work out

of something very, very simple,


And the stats are here

from the customers.

Red team, you actually served

more food than the blue team.

Blue team, you actually

left of your diners

with no main courses.

But according to

the food you served,

it was actually rated

higher than the red.

Your service was good.

Service on the red

team, well, I don't need

to say much about that, do I?

It was pretty dismal.

And you had one more

person in there.

This is the hardest

decision I've had to make.

And the losing team

tonight is the red team.


Yes, Chef?

You actually managed to

get all starters out.

But unfortunately, every plate

you sent up to the hot plate

was filthy, dirty.

And your service was shocking.

So you won't be nominating.

Michael, you took

care of that desserts.

Feedback, outstanding.

I want you to nominate two

of your team for elimination.

I'll see you in minutes.

Michael, come back

with your two nominees.

And one of you will be

leaving Hell's Kitchen.

Uh, Michael, like I

said to everybody else

before, if it's me, it's

been nothing but a pleasure.

Chef Ramsey really harped on me

about the dishes being clean.

And you know, that will weigh

as a big factor in Michael

choosing who he

wants to nominate.

You all right, babe?


Need another hug?


I'll give you a hug.

It's been great.

I don't know if I'll be able

to keep up with all this.

No, but--

Elsie, don't think like that.

You've been doing

an amazing job.

I came here telling

them the truth.

I am clueless about

this whole scene.

I'm kind of stuck, you know?

Like, with people

that I have to choose.

What would you do if

you had to pick one?

I mean, if it was me, I'd have

to go Jimmy, Elsie, you know?

Like, bottom line, Jimmy

was crap on the floor.

It's so hard.

I don't know what

I'm gonna do, man.

With Elsie, she's, like,

breaking down out there.

And I was trying to bang

out her lasagna, you know?

I don't know what to

tell you, Spidey Mike.

It's a touch choice, you know?

All right.

Let's go do this, man.

I know what to do.

- You know.

This isn't a hard decision.

I want to win.

And you know, they're your

friends, but not really.

The more people that go

and I'm still around,

it's the better for me.

NARRATOR: While the blue

team survived the lasagna

conspiracy, the

red team will say

goodbye to one of their own.


Yes, Chef.

Do you have you two

nominees for elimination?

Yes, Chef.

I do.

First nominee and why, please.

My first nominee is Elsie.

During the service tonight,

she was really flustered.

She's one person that

really stuck out to me.

So my decisions were

based upon that.

Elsie's really evolved.

And I'd to hate to have

to nominate her, but I do.

Second nominee and why.

My second nominee is Chris.

I'd love to see it to

the end where you and me

shakes hands and battle it out.


- Yes.

- Wow.

Jimmy had such a wonderful

night and he's working so hard.

And he plows through.

And you know, I just couldn't

put him in that position


So you chose Chris for

his performance tonight?

Yeah, you know,

well, I chose Chris--

you know, yesterday,

he said he was

the strongest link in our team.

Who's your strongest link?

I believe I'm the

strongest, Chef.

If he really is, he'll be

with us tomorrow to kick ass.


Yes, Chef?

You've been a b*llet dodger,

a b*llet swallower, well done.

Thank you, Chef.

Elsie and Chris

step forward, please.


Yes, Chef?

Just tell me why you should

stay in Hell's Kitchen.

I've come here with little

knowledge of what it is to run

an establishment like this.

But through it all, I've

learned a great deal,

and I've put my

best foot forward,

and I have not stopped

working hard for my team.

Thank you.



Tell me why you think you

should stay in Hell's Kitchen.

Well, Chef, I just think that

my work ethic, and my devotion

to my team, and my hard

work will prove to pay off

Hell's Kitchen in the long run.

Tough decision.

- Elsie.

- Yes?

- I need it moving.

- Yes.

Because all I can see

is just prepping here.

You're like a little

maid, just prepping here,

but nothing's actually

happening on the stove.

Two tortellini away.

Oui, Chef.

Cut the toss pot

bullshit, oui, Chef.

Yes, Chef.


Give me your jacket and

leave Hell's Kitchen.

Thank you.

I was an executive chef.

I worked real hard to get it.

And I'm not ashamed of it.

I belong there.

I belong to be the

last one standing.

So Michael took

the easy way out.

OK, listen, and listen hard.

When someone constantly

tells me how good they are

and constantly self-promotes

but doesn't deliver the goods,

that pisses me off.

So he's gone.

Six of you left,

three on each team.

Get a good night's sleep.

And once again, be prepared

for anything and everything.


I've just never

been through anything

this stressful in my life.

I've bored kids.

It wasn't this bad.

Chris was

definitely my biggest

competitor on that team.

This is a competition

and there's one winner.

Michael, tonight,

pulled the strategic move.

Maybe it's not experience

that wins this race.

I'm just trying to do

what I can to survive.

When you come to the kitchen

and announce that you are

an executive chef, you

expect a little bit more

than what I got from Chris.

He's been telling

the world that he

has that amount of

knowledge, that he should

have been times better.

[music playing]
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