20x13 - Social Media in Hell

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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20x13 - Social Media in Hell

Post by bunniefuu »

[narrator] Previously on
Hell's Kitchen: Young g*ns[/i]...[/i]

Chef Ramsay treated the chefs
to a surprise performance...

-It is black-jacket time.

[narrator] ...that led[/i]
to a surprise announcement.[/i]

[Ramsay] There are seven of you,

and there's only five jackets.

Sorry. Two of y'all
are gonna have to go home,

'cause it's not gonna be me.

-Run away.
Each chef had to create a dish[/i]

using randomly selected ingredients.

Oh, my Lord. Start now.

I know I'm one of the best chefs here.

I can do this.

As of now,
this is the most important day of my life.

[narrator] The first chef[/i]
earning a black jacket was...[/i]

-[Ramsay] Trenton.
...followed by...[/i]

-[Ramsay] Brynn. Well done.
-I am now a part of the elite club.

[narrator] Remaining chefs competed[/i]
in[/i] Hell's Kitchen's version of craps...[/i]

Steve's choice. R.

[narrator] ...using all[/i]
of the same ingredients.[/i]

They each had come up

-with something special.

-[Ramsay] P.

-[Ramsay] T.

B. Bluefin tuna.

I've never worked
with bluefin tuna before.

-[narrator] Kiya...
-Have you cooked much tuna?[/i]

No, Chef. First time ever.

Tuna's cook beautifully.

[narrator] ...and Megan's tuna...[/i]

You've cooked the tuna absolutely spot on.

[narrator] ...earned them each[/i]
a black jacket.[/i]

Thank you, Chef.

[narrator] For the final challenge[/i]
of the day...[/i]

Tonight, I'd like to bring
you all back to your roots.

[both] Hey, Steve.[/i]

[narrator] ...Chef Ramsay wanted Steve...[/i]

Hi, Emily.

[narrator] ...Emily, and Antonio...[/i]

Good job, Antonio.

[narrator] ...to cook a dish[/i]
inspired by their family.[/i]


[narrator] In judging, the remaining three[/i]

did not make it easy for Chef Ramsay.

-But this is tough.
-[/i][narrator] In the end, it was...[/i]


[narrator] ...and...[/i]


[narrator] ...who were sent home,[/i]
awarding Steve...[/i]


This is the best moment of my life.
I'm not gonna lie to you.

[narrator] ...the last black jacket...[/i]

I feel like I made it.

[narrator] ...and cementing the final five[/i]

to compete for the head chef position

at Gordon Ramsay Steak, Paris Las Vegas.

And now, the continuation
Hell's Kitchen: Young g*ns[/i]...

You have a whole bottle of champagne?

-Shut up.


[upbeat music]

[Brynn] Ooh! Yay!

New pots.

What is that?


"A top-notch chef
deserves top-notch cookware."

"Please enjoy
your brand new All-Clad cookware."

Thank you, Chef! We love you.

That's, like, hard.

They're all hard, Steve.
None of them are soft.

No, this one's good.

Steve, I'm telling you, it's not right.

Oh. Oh, my.

Oh, my.

I told you.

I'm stubborn at times, Brynn. I'm sorry.

You have to know this about
your future husband.

I know.

Steve and I have
the funniest relationship.

Like, the flirtatious stuff has, like,

escalated within these past weeks.

-[both laughing]
-You two stuck together.

Love in the air?

-Yes, Chef.
-[Ramsay] Yes.

Whatever you want to call it.

Gonna be that divorced
couple that sleeps with each other.

That's fine.

If y'all get married,

you have to have Gordon marry you.


"Do you, Steve...

"...take Brynn to be
your lawfully wedded wife?"

I do, Chef.

[Brynn] What the f*ck
is happening out there?

I'm kind of oblivious
when it comes to, like,

people liking me,
'cause I'm really not used to it

'cause I'm so annoying.

"And do you, Brynn, take Steve

to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

Yes, Chef!

I don't know how much he jokes around.

Hopefully, like, he's, like,
genuinely a little serious.

I'm full of surprises.
I'm just letting you know this now.


[dramatic music]

Good morning.

[all] Morning, Chef.

Let's go.

When I was your age, as a young chef

in the middle of Paris
getting my ass kicked,

I learned very quickly that food

not only needs to taste great,

but needed to look great as well.

Nowadays, a couple of photographs

taken from a guest's telephone

can make a restaurant go viral instantly.

I want to show you some dishes of mine

that have been designed
to attract customers.

-Holy hell.
-[Ramsay] Top row,

we have this beautiful poached rhubarb

with an incredible sorbet.

-Beautiful poached lobster.
-Wow, that's good.

-[Ramsay] Lamb cutlets.
-That's good.

-[Ramsay] Delicious poached peaches.
-That's good.

[Ramsay] Poached halibut with king crab.

-Stunning, right?
-Yes, Chef.

Gorgeous. I mean, works of art,
but they're so simple.

Today, in your first
individual black-jacket challenge,

I'll expect visually stunning dishes

that taste as good as they look.

-[all] Yes, Chef.

Good. Your minutes starts now.
Let's go.

[dramatic music]

[Steve] Let's see what we have in store.

Chef Ramsay's telling us to basically make

a work of art on a plate.

So I'm gonna go
with a whitefish just because

it's something that's easy
to make pop on a plate.

But I'm not gonna lie,
I'm a little intimidated.

Grabbed everything fast.
Know what you're doing?

-What are you gonna do?

-Make, like, a little glazed carrot purée.

I'm making a pan-seared scallop

with a glazed carrot purée.

I'm just getting into my own zone
and loving what I do.

It's not hard.

What makes these plates f*cking pop
is simplicity.

You got a dish in mind?

Um, I'm thinking, like,
a citrus-marinated duck.

-Some sweet potato purée.

-That's what I got right now.
-Love it.

This is definitely
a challenging challenge.

We're all in black jackets,
this is the big leagues.

It's definitely a higher caliber.

There's really not any room for error.

Out, out, out, out, out.

-Uh, Kiya.
-I'm doing the KISS methods, Chef.

Keeping it simple, stupid.

I really hate plating.

I hate it with a passion, a dying passion.

I honestly have no skill with it,

which is funny because
I'm a very artistic person.

But plating just throws me off.

-I'm just trying to figure out...

Exactly. What can you do with it?

Uh, yeah. I don't know.

Pretty sure Kiya's gonna struggle,

just because,
you know, being from Barrelville,

she didn't get a lot of exposure

to beautiful food like this.

[Santos] Twelve minutes.

I doubt, you know, mom was using tweezers

to put f*cking garnish on a plate.

So you have everything up?

Yeah, I got everything on my pass.

I don't see many other people
ready to plate.

Seven minutes left.

[Trenton] I'm just excited
I got seven minutes

to plate this dish,

and really focus on making
sure it looks perfect.

The tongs.

I was gonna put
the blood orange on top and go that way.

I have decided to individually pick

the little clementine
and blood orange crystals,

like, one by one.

And this shit is hard.
Like, I tried using tweezers.

Them b*tches exploded the little pods,

so literally only a psychopath
would choose to do this,

and maybe that says something about me.

Five minutes, guys. Right?

Chef Ramsay will love
these individual little pods!

Two minutes.

Let's go.

[Ramsay] Twenty seconds remaining.

Come on, ladies. Come on, Brynn.

Finishing touches now. Let's go.


nine, eight, seven,

six, five, four,

three, two, one...

And serve.

Well done.

You guys clearly got the message.

They look so good.

I'm gonna snap off some pictures.

Would you mind?

Jump in, please. All of you.

Selfie time. Let's go.

[upbeat music]

Do you know what, they look that good,
I'm gonna pop off some photos.


[Megan] He's just such a dad.

He's not some, like,
angry chef all the time.

It's just nice to see
the other side of him.

-Happy with that?

-[Ramsay] How good does that look?
-[Kiya] Best plate

I've done so far, Chef.

-Yours looks good.
-Thank you.

[Kiya] Nice criss cross on how you cut.

These are really popping.

You guys made me do this.

Oh, boy.

You know, now that
I've got these pictures,

I've just suddenly thought of something.

I'm gonna post your dishes live

right now on my social media feed...

-[Ramsay] ...to my . million followers.

I don't really even know
what to think about that, honestly.

It's f*cking nuts.

We are live.

That's gone out there
to . million followers,

and their votes are gonna
factor into which dish

is the best in today's unique
first black-jacket challenge.

Seven point five million, million people

are gonna be rating our dishes,

so it's out of our hands.

It's out of Chef Ramsay's
hands at this point.

So fingers crossed.
Public, please like my dish.

-Awesome stuff.
-[Ramsay] Come on.

Today, we have a phenomenal guest judge.

He is a world-renowned chef,

cookbook author, restaurateur,

and he's been awarded
the title of LA's best chef.

Please give a warm welcome

to the amazing Ludo Lefebvre.

[grand orchestral music]

-Hello, Chef. How are you?

Chef Ludo. Definitely a really,
really talented chef.

-Hello. Good?
-[Ramsay] Very good.

Welcome back. Good to see you.


Huge to have him here with Chef Ramsay.

Any of you guys speak French?

[speaking French]

[jaunty music]

That means, like,
I don't speak French in French.

Ah, bon.[/i]

Okay. It's okay. I speak a bit English.

Okay, ça va.[/i]

Well, today, Chef Ludo and I
are gonna taste all your dishes

and score them each
on a scale of one to five

for a possible ten points per dish.

Also, my . million followers

are ranking which dishes they like most.

Those points will be added
on to Ludo and my score.

-[all] Yes, Chef.

First up, Brynn.

-Let's go.
-Oh, Lord.

Black jackets, these don't come easily.

We earned these,
and so I feel like I have a lot to prove.

So I was like,
"Okay, Brynn, don't mess up."

"Don't mess up."

Here you have a pan-seared scallop,

and underneath is a coconut sauce.

Visually, Chef, what do you think?

I think it's beautiful visually.

Very clean, colorful. I like it.

-I love the sear on the scallops.
-Thanks, chef.

Cauliflower. Good choice.

Chef, dig in.

[dramatic music]

Wow. Good flavor.

I love the crunchiness of the cauliflower.

Well balanced.

-Seasoning's on point.
-[Brynn] Thank you.

You got enough sweetness as well

from the scallop.

Chef, time to score.

Out of five, what would you like?

-I give a four.
-[Ramsay] Four.

Yeah, I would give it a five
if you put it on a different plate.

You got white on white, a no-no.

That's a very strong four.

-Thank you.
-Good job.

-[Lefebvre] Bravo.
-[Ramsay] Bravo.

Eight points. Well done.

[Brynn] This feels really nice.

Right now, I'm in first place.

Hopefully it stays that way.

Next up, Steve, please. Let's go.

Describe your dish.

I have a blood orange
and fennel-poached haddock,

and it's got a glazed-vegetable ragout

and a cauliflower and turnip purée.

Also got a blood orange beurre blanc.

So, visually, you got a lot
of white going on.

You need to enhance that.

I would've changed the color of the plate.

Yeah, the haddock is cooked well.

The orange, it's very good,
but you don't have enough.

Purée could be a touch finer.
It's a bit grainy.

-Chef, out of five, where you going?
-[Lefebvre] A three.

Yeah, it's a fair point.

Yeah, I think so too.

-Three as well.
-Thank you, Chefs.

Good total score. Six.


Kiya, let's go, please.

[Kiya] I tried to make it pretty,

but pretty to me isn't really,
like, food pretty.

-Thank you.
-You're welcome.

I'm just hoping that mine's not,
like, the bottom.

[Kiya] Yes.

[narrator] While Chef Ramsay's[/i]
social media followers[/i]

are weighing in on the presentation...

Thank you.

[narrator] ...Kiya is worried[/i]
she's made a poor impression[/i]

with guest judge Ludo Lefebvre.

-More color's better.
-More color.

Makes sense for your dish.

Good choice on the plate.

-Great choice.
-Yeah, great choice.

-[Ramsay] Good.
-[Lefebvre] Good plating.

[exhales] Whoosah.

Explain to Chef, please.

So underneath is a yellow
cauliflower purée.

And then I seared the haddock
in a brown butter.

[Lefebvre] Let's try.

When it glistens like that,

you saw Chef flaking away
there like that, look.

-[Lefebvre] Look at this.
-[Ramsay] Beautiful.

[Kiya] Thank you.

Score, Chef, out of five, please.

-I give you four.
-Thank you.

You know, I wanted more
finishing on there.

So I'm gonna give it a three.

Good job. Seven out of ten.

-Good job.
-Thank you.

Right, next up, Trenton. Let's go, please.

[Trenton] I'm looking at others.

This was out of their ballpark, honestly.

Petite food, small plates,
that's where my heart is.

So I have pan-seared scallops

with glazed carrot chive flour,
pomegranate and dill.

You win me already with your dish

because it's so colorful.

It's so well plating.

-[Ramsay] It pops.
-Yeah, good job. Good job.

[Ramsay] Dig in, please.

-Purée is what?
-[Trenton] It's a glazed-carrot purée.

-Everything is well balanced.

I would say it's almost a perfect dish.

Thank you.

-Yeah, great balance.

Chef, where we going on marking?

I give a five.

Chef, I completely agree.

-Five. Excellent. Good job.
-Good job.

Like, that's his number one. For sure.

My pleasure.

God, that means so much.

A perfect score. Like, wow.

Next up, Megan, please. Let's go.

[Megan] I'm a little nervous because

both chefs are loving Trent's dish,

but I'm confident in my dish,

and I think mine's just as good.

So for you, I have
a pan-seared duck breast.

It's a sweet potato and ginger purée,

and then a little pomegranate salad

with a citrus vinaigrette.

Good job on the visual for the duck.

-Looks beautiful.
-Thank you, Chef.

I like when people
show the skin like that.

It's elegant. Cooked beautifully.

-Thank you, Chef.
-Really beautifully.

Love the pomegranate.

To have the confidence to put that on.

Yes, Chef.

It's almost also a perfect dish.

Perfect dish. I agree.

-It's a five.
-[Megan] Thank you, Chef.

-Hands down.
-Thank you, Chef.

[Ramsay] Chef?

-Five too.
-Five too.

Thank you so much, Chef.

Five and five is ten.

Very good dish.

[Ramsay] Well done.

What a perfect timing to have you cooking

with that level of finesse.

Wonderful surprise, right?

I'm pretty impressed about your skill.

As young as you are, bravo. Good job.

Excellent. So the online
votes have been tabulated.

The public have spoken.

Let's find out how you scored.

Let's start off with Brynn.

Chef and I gave you a total of eight.

Social media gave
you a score of three points.

-You finished third.
-[Brynn] The public has spoken.

Not that I completely approve
of the public's decision,

but I guess we're all critics now,

now that we all have phones.

[Ramsay] Next up, Steve.

We tasted your dish
and gave you six out of ten.

Social media scored your dish...

in fifth place.

-That earned you one point.
-Oh, okay.

Total score of seven.

[Steve] You know, it's fair.

I'm not necessarily upset.

I'm just gonna take the criticism

and apply it to the future.

[Ramsay] Next up is Kiya.

Chef Ludo and I gave you
a total of seven out of ten.

Social media scored your dish...

In fourth place.

Two points.
That gives you a total of nine.

Not getting dead last is nice,

but getting second to last
isn't any better.

So now we have two of you.

Trenton and Megan.

Chef and I gave you both perfect scores.

Social media are gonna decide the winner,

because Chef and I can't.

[Megan] I get the sense
that Trenton doesn't think

I'm a strong cook, so...

you know, I'm just ready
to kick his ass, honestly.

The Chef who got
the most first-place votes

from my social media followers,

congratulations goes to...


-Thank you so much.

First, black jacket yesterday,
and getting number one today,

so that is f*cking amazing.

Young man, you finished
with a perfect score of .

Megan, . So close.

-Trenton, how you feeling?
-Feel amazing, Chef.

-And so you should. Megan, a close second.
-Yes, Chef.

-Extraordinary, right?
-Yes, Chef.

Runner-up is never good enough.

-Thank you.
-Good luck.

-Bye, guys.
-[Megan] So, you know,

I'm coming back
with a vengeance, for sure.

Well, Trenton, today
you're headed to Hell's Kitchen.

[all snickering]

Not this Hell's Kitchen, of course.

The one down the street
at Caesars Palace, Las Vegas.

-All right.
-[Megan] Oh, snazzy.

Trenton, you will receive
a very special VIP private tour

from Hell's Kitchen and head chef

-and Season 's winner, Michelle Tribble.

After that VIP tour at Hell's Kitchen,
you'll head over to Rao's.

Famed owner and restaurateur,
Frankie Pellegrino,

knows meatballs better
than anyone in the country,

and he's sharing
the family secret with you personally.

That's amazing.

-Absolutely, Chef.

[Ramsay] You should be.

This guided tour of Hell's Kitchen

and Rao's meatballs master class

is for two of you.


Who would you like to take with you?

[dramatic music]

I fully do not expect Trenton
to take me on this trip,

because that is not who he is as a person.

If anything, he's definitely taking Megan.

-Ready to go, Steve?
-Oh, really?


Wow, Steve. Excited?

-Yes, Chef.
-There's another surprise.

A big, big, big, big,
gift waiting for you in the dorm.

-I'm ready.
-[Ramsay] Okay.

Say good-bye to the girls.

-Bye, y'all.
-Bye. Bye.

Aw, Trenton, bro, thank you.
That was a shocker.

Oh, shit. What's it gonna be?
What's it gonna be? What's it gonna be?

You're a cool dude, Trenton.

Maybe I'll get over the fact
that you fart in your sleep.

-[Steve] Let's see.
-Oh, my God.

-[Steve] Oh, wow.
-[Trenton] Oh, my God.

That's a lot of stuff.

-[Trenton] Oh, my God.
-[Steve] Good Lord.

-Coffee maker.
-Coffee makers.

[Trenton] Oh, my God.

Thank you to OXO for
the incredible coffee makers.

I am thrilled.

-Holy shit!
-That's gonna make some fire coffee.

Today, we received
a huge crate of peppercorns.


But the problem is,
those silly delivery guys

got them all mixed up together.

So I need those peppercorns separated.

Now, once they're all sorted,
grind them up by hand

with your own mortar and pestle.

It is boring work,
but it needs to be done.

-[both] Yes, Chef.
-[Ramsay] Let's go.

Hello, welcome in.

-I'm Michelle.
-Pleasure. Trenton.

-Nice to meet you.

Steve, nice to meet you.

Welcome to Hell's Kitchen.

Let's take a tour of the restaurant.

So this is our open kitchen.
We have our Blue team here.

We have, of course, our Red team,
just like on the show.

Fun fact: we sold ,
Wellingtons since we've opened,

and these guys work really,
really hard to make sure

that everything's up to standard.

Hell's Kitchen over at Caesars, is...
it's thumpin' in there.

It's just so much energy.


[Megan] This is just rude.

This peppercorn picking
is getting to all of us.

Who the hell thinks of this shit?

We're just a little deflated right now.


Would you have taken Trenton
with you if you won?

f*ck no.

[Kiya] If you win...

-Oh, absolutely.
-For sure.

This just lit a fire in my ass.

I'm coming back for some vengeance.

[Frank] Congratulations. Welcome to Rao's.

For you to make it to the top, my man,

that's a big deal.

-It's been good.
-Lot of hard work?

-Oh, yeah, yeah.
-Patience, perseverance.

-[Trenton] Absolutely.
-Keep punching it.

Talk about hospitality.
This guy gets it. He knows it.

Well, I'm kind of sharing some of
my secret meatball recipe with y'all.

We have beef, veal, pork,
minced garlic, and parsley.

I'm gonna show you
how we put that all together

and make some magic meatballs.

Man, I love meatballs.

You gotta fold it in,
like you'd be doing a dough.

We're gonna roll it together.

Keep going. Let's get it nice and tight.

So look at that. Isn't that beautiful?

-That is.
-Nice, golden brown.

They're gonna be about % cooked.

Then once we absorb
some of the excess oil,

into the sauce and let it cook
for another minutes.

So now...

-[Trenton] Oh, yeah.

This is good balls. Oh, my God.

That's the best meatball.

An extravaganza of flavor.

[dramatic music]

[Kiya] Trenton, do you still need
corn on the grill?

[Trenton] Yeah.

Listen, you gotta wash this, okay?

[Trenton] Yeah, you got it.

I'm working on the Red side now.

-[Kiya] Why does apps need tongs?
-[Trenton] No reason.

It was like a learning curve
setting up the entire service.

How much were we parbaking?

-Two minutes...
-I wouldn't do

a bunch because she doesn't like

a shoemaker way.

I'm just, like,
pissed because there's multiple things

that I'm telling Trenton not to do

for Chef Christina's side of the kitchen.

You keep dumping the ice out of this?

Yeah. There's not supposed...

She doesn't like any ice in this.

You're not on the blue side
of the kitchen.

You're in Chef Christina's kitchen.

[Christina] Who set up pizza station?

[Trenton] I did.

[Christina] We're open
in ten minutes, dude.

I don't know what this lack
of sense of urgency is.

Tonight, it's a big night. This is it.

Brigade needs to work together.

I can't say Red Team, Blue Team anymore,

but I can say black jackets.

Let's go.

-Si[/i], Chef.

Open Hell's Kitchen, please. Let's go.

[speaking Italian]

[dynamic music]

Tonight's dinner in Hell's Kitchen[/i]

is one of the biggest events
on the Vegas Strip.

I'm excited. This is great.

[narrator] As guests enjoy[/i]
the Hell's Kitchen museum...[/i]

Oh, that's lovely.

-There's the man, huh?
-Serious face.

I'm already hungry.

[narrator] ...and the opportunity[/i]
to be served[/i]

by Chef Ramsay's final five.

Imagine every station you've got,

running it like a head chef.

-Yes, Chef.
-That's the secret of black jackets, okay?

[narrator] With all orders coming[/i]
out of one kitchen...[/i]

Everybody's gonna do great.

We're gonna be on top of our shit.

[narrator] ...tonight will be[/i]
a night to remember...[/i]

Cheers to the black jackets.

[narrator] ...as the black jackets[/i]

face another big test.

Okay, here we go, guys.
Good luck to all five of you.

Vocal and highly communicative, yes?

-[Ramsay] Six-top at table .

Two beef tartare, two scallop,
two risotto, two carbonara.

-[all] Heard, Chef.

Who's in charge of the apps?

-[both] We are.
-[Ramsay] That's right. Thank you.

When you get black-jacket status,
need to become a new person,

like right then and there.

-[Megan] Seven on riso?

Heard that.

You have to strive for perfection.

Kiya, check in with her.
Taste each other's.

Teamwork, yes?

Megan and I are gonna be,
like, the dynamic duo.

[upbeat music]

[Ramsay] Engage, you three. Call it back.

-[Kiya] Yes, Chef.
-Kiya, how long on those risos?

One minute out.

-Lobsters are good.
-Taste that real quick for me, please.

[Ramsay] Beef tartare.

Kiya, I'm walking these up to smoke, okay?

Black jackets, we are moving now, yes?

-[both] Yes.
-Let's go.

[both] Yes, Chef.

They're, like, synced up.

Has a little too much bite still.

-Pick it up. Let's go.

Yes, chef!

It's powerful.

They're just kind of flowing
back and forth.


[Kiya] Okay, I'm gonna walk my carb.

They're, like, Meg and Kiya,
the wonder twins.

-You wanna combine?
-Yeah, I'll combine.

Okay, sweet.

Risotto, let's go.

Walking riso, right now.

Hot pan, Chef.

Delicious risotto. Let's go!

Yes, chef!


This risotto is very good.

[Ramsay] On order.

Entrée, two halibut,
two lamb, two New York strip.

-Heard, Chef.

Yes, Chef. Oh.

We're sending entrées. Engage now.

Don't screw it up. Let's go.

I'm gonna drop my first two
halibut in, like, two minutes.

[Steve] Heard. Dropping my steaks.

[Brynn] Heard.

[dramatic music]

You good, Brynn?

I'm good with... What?

Get in the game, Brynn. Switch on.

Decisive and clear. Let's go.

-You okay?

-Anything I can help you with?
-[Brynn] Oil that pan?

I got it, I got it.

I want more composure from you tonight.

-Yes, Chef.
-[Ramsay] Yeah?

You're up against it in here.

-Yes, Chef.
-Big, deep breath.

Yes? And we absolutely
prioritize and focus, yes?

Yes, Chef.

[Ramsay] Three, the six-top.

-Yes, Chef.
-Call it back.

-Call it back.
-I could tell Brynn was getting flustered.

Three minutes on the two halibut,

two New York strip... No.

She needs to focus,
especially this far into the competition.

You don't have time for anxiety
and all that.

You've made it this far.

You just gotta be confident
within yourself.

Three minutes on the two halibut,

two lamb, two Wellington.

There's no Wellington on that six-top.

No answer.

Might as well talk to myself.

There's no Wellington on that six-top.

-[Ramsay] Thanks.

-Thank you, Chef.
-[Ramsay] Come on.

I'm not even running the section,
and I know what's going on there.

I don't know. I'm just... I'm in my head.

That's the sign of a panicked chef.

We are not panicking.

Let's go.

[dramatic music]

Three minutes on the two halibut,

two lamb, two Wellington.

There's no Wellington on that six-top.

-Yes, Chef.
-[Ramsay] Thank you.

That's the sign of a panicked chef.

We are not panicking. Come on.

Two lamb, two New York strip, two halibut.

Thank you.

I want to be Chef Ramsay's protégé.

Gently on the halibut. Let's go.

-[Brynn] Yes, Chef.
-[Ramsay] Gently.

The position that I'm in
right now, it sucks.

Ninety seconds for the six-top.

-That good for you?
-[Steve] Heard.

Yeah, that's good for me.

I'm not going down without a fight.

Walking halibut now.

[Steve] Heard, halibut.

Lamb is following.

-Now get up.
-Yes, Chef.

I want to hear the voice.

-Where's the Brynn?
-It's here, Chef.

Bring it out, open up.

-Let's go.

Nicely cooked, that halibut.

Good, Steve. Meat heavy tonight.

-Well done. Come on.
-Thank you, Chef.

My mother's not dead,
she's in the kitchen.

Oh, my God. That looks wonderful.

On order. Four covers, table one.

Entrée, two halibut, two Wellington.

-[all] Yes, Chef.

-[Ramsay] Fire on all cylinders.

-[Ramsay] How long for the halibut?
-Three and a half.

-Garnish, three minutes to window, yes?
-Yes, Chef.

Trenton, run it through.

The entrées? What's going?

-Two halibut, two Wellington, chef.
-[Ramsay] That's right.

[Kiya] Trenton has been solid
the entire competition,

but whenever you have
people thrown on stations

they're not necessarily used to,

that shows you how they're
gonna handle stressful situations.

[Ramsay] Trenton, this is your moment.

Get in front with garnish.

-Let's go.

Wakey-wakey. Let's go.

Engage, engage, engage.
Eyes left and right, yes?

-[Kiya] Yes.
-[Ramsay] Eyes on the prize. Let's go.

Heard. This is the final sprint,
and the only way out is through the fire.

f*cking hell. How'd it get on fire?

Trenton tonight is like a boat sinking.

You're burning there. Yeah, burning.

Let's go caramelize, not burn.
Big difference.

-That's not...
-Come on.

And the captain not realizing
there's a hole in the bottom of the boat.

Walking halibut now.


-[Ramsay] Garnish to the window.
-[Trenton] Yes.

[Ramsay] Nicely cooked, yes?

Nicely cooked, that halibut.

Okay, let's go, garnish.

No answer. Garnish?

I'm dressing the Wellington. Let's go.

[Trenton] You have good days, bad days.

-Days where everybody fucks up.
-You should be up first. End of story.

-Say yes or no.
-Yes, Chef.

That's it. f*ck off. Let's go.

[Trenton] If you don't think
you're ready to be pushed down

and have everything falling around you,

and just not being able
to pull yourself back up,

then you aren't ready for this.

Where's the mash?

-Young man?
-Yes, Chef.

-Yes, Chef.

Yeah, today! Thank you!

[Trenton] I love what I do.

Every day, I strive
to be better and better

-and better and better.
-[Ramsay] Service?

You know where you're going, yes?
Thank you.

-[Marino] Buon appetito.
-Thank you.[/i]

Dig in!

-It's perfect.
-How's your halibut?

It's so flavorful.

On order. Four covers, table two.
Entrée. Two halibut, Wellington.

-[all] Yes, Chef!

Are the Wellington in?

Wellington's going in now.

Come on. Some urgency!

Let's go! Don't fall asleep, Steve!

[Steve] Heard, Chef.

After my performance
in this morning's challenge,

I kind of have to show that I belong here.

I'm ready to k*ll it.

First round of wellies is resting.

You spoke to yourself.

-You didn't talk to me.

Engage with me, study me,
look at me in the eyes,

and f*cking stare me out.

Chef Ramsay wants you
to look somebody in their soul

and tell 'em like, "Six minutes!"

Look at me. Time, yes?

And Steve just can't do it.

Chef, Wellington rested?

-Wellington is resting.
-That gives me confidence.

Yes, Chef.

I'm projecting my voice
to the best of my ability.

How long do you need, Steve?

-My Wellington's resting.
-I need three minutes.

Three minutes is perfect.

-Steve, I wanna hear you. Let's go.
-Yes, Chef.

Do I need a megaphone? I don't get it.

Steve, I'm two minutes out.

-No answer.

You talk to me all the time in the dorms,

and then we get into service
and you're like,


-[Ramsay] Steve and Brynn, haven't heard.
-Steve, walking in seconds.

[Steve] Heard, seconds.
I'm slicing my Wellies.

Behind, coming down.

Walking Wellingtons.

[suspenseful music]


Steve, urgently. Come over here.

Oh, God. What did I do now?


[suspenseful music]

Steve, urgently. Come over here.

Uh, Wellies are on point. Nice and pink.

-Yes, Chef.

I've got medium and medium well.

-I need pink Wellington.

-You got two more?
-I've got two more.

Let's go! Don't look so shocked, Steve.

Are you walking?

I'm walking my Wellington right now.

It's like a fire under my ass.

-The magic is in the pinkness.
-Yes, Chef.

It makes me want to do
even better to impress him.

-Yes, Chef?

Nicely cooked, the Wellington.

-Heard, Chef.
-[Ramsay] Service.

-[man] What's the verdict?

-[man] Oh, wow.
-This is really good.

Last table, guys.
I want it going out like the first table.

-Walking garnish.
-[Ramsay] Good. I'll take it.

Walking my Wellington now.

-Walking with the salmon.

[narrator] With a few hiccups behind them,[/i]

the final five work together...

Great job, fellas.

[narrator] ...to end their first[/i]
black-jacket service on a good note.[/i]

-All good? You're happy?
-Excellent. Excellent.

[Ramsay] Look at me.

That was a black-jacket-worthy service.

Did it feel good for you?

-[all] Yes, Chef.
-Well done.

[all] Thank you, Chef.

[dramatic music]

It finally happened.

The Young g*ns were firing
on all cylinders.

Did you notice a difference?

[all] Yes, Chef.

Now the bad news.

The competition must go on.

You need to come up with two nominees

that you feel are not ready
to become my head chef

and my next protégé.

Get back to the dorms
and think about everything.

-[all] Yes, Chef.
-Get out.

All of you, good job.

-Thank you, Chef.
-Thank you, Chef.

The hardest decision
we've had to make thus far.

You've got to dig deep down
to the dirty bits of it,

all the little things people have done.

In the end, somebody's got
to go home tonight.

I feel like we can all
kick ass in service,

and we all can kick ass
in certain challenges,

but, like, can you see yourself

running a massive-ass restaurant

in the middle of Las Vegas?

I... I feel like that's
what it boils down to.

Yeah, I feel like ever since
I've been here,

I've grown tremendously.

-[Kiya] Well, me too.

But like who do you think
is the lowest two?

I think Brynn, honestly,

because just the anxiety att*cks.

You start crying in the middle of service.

I just think mentally you're not ready,

and I just feel like I just don't see you

running a restaurant on the Strip
in the middle of Vegas.

Why I'm frustrated about me

'cause I know now it's a mental game

'cause y'all think I'm a strong cook

because I am a strong cook.

I feel like if me having anxiety
was really an issue for him,

I wouldn't be wearing a black jacket now.

I feel like I won't go home today

because I have been able to get
through these mental issues.

And, Steve, like,
I think you haven't stepped up,

but you're super solid.

Do I see you running a restaurant

with how reserved you are?

I don't see that.

Like, every night I've said
you got to be louder,

and that's been a problem
all the way across the board.

I just think you're quiet.

I was pushing it out there
today during service.

But it's just like I really
only feel the need to speak up

when I need to.

I'm super shocked that Trenton chose me.

You know, he got a little behind today,

so, yeah, it's kind of unusual for garnish

to be the quietest person.

We should look into that.

Kiya, I don't see the finesse.

I don't see the finesse.

Now I have a slight problem.

Don't act like I can't learn

because clearly I've learned something
this entire process.

My plating, if you're talking
about my finesse on plating,

like, that's bullshit.

I feel like Trenton puts himself

on this f*cking pedestal
that doesn't exist.

He thinks he's above all of us,

but really, it just makes him
look like a little bitch.

Now like I'm leaning towards
f*cking Trenton.

He did not perform tonight.

This night, that was
the worse service I've worked,

but we're basing it all
the way across the board.

Like, I look at her plating
and I don't see progression.

She's f*cked up the past four challenges.

You guys have worked with her.

Have you seen her grow?

I definitely want to backhand Trenton.

I have seen her adapt...

Or punch him straight up in the face.

...but have you seen her grow?

I'm a pretty strong person.

I could just break his nose
if I really wanted to.

I'm talking to you and you're gonna listen
to what I have to say.


I would like to reiterate the fact

that I literally came
from knowing nothing,

besides what my mother
has put on a plate for me

in front of my face, and teaching myself.

I'm... I'm to this point with all of you.

So don't tell me I can't learn finesse.

Where... where... Like anybody else
have any f*cking input?

[Kiya] What this whole
conversation comes down to is, like,

if you were cooking in a restaurant,

would you rather have somebody
like Steve running it,

or somebody like me running it,
or somebody like Brynn running it?

[Megan] It's really hard
when you have good people.

[Trenton groans]

-[Ramsay] Megan.
-Yes, Chef.

First nominee and why, please.

Our first nominee is Brynn, Chef.

-[Ramsay] Brynn?
-[Megan] Yes, Chef.


We just feel she has a lot to learn

and a lot to grow into.


Second nominee and why.

Our second nominee is...

We came to the consensus, uh...

Megan, I need a voice.


[suspenseful music]

[narrator] After the first[/i]
black-jacket dinner service,[/i]

Chef Ramsay has asked the final five

to nominate two chefs.

Their first nominee was...

Brynn, Chef.

Second nominee and why.

Second nominee is, uh...

Megan, I need a voice.


Steve, Chef.


[Megan] It was really, really hard, Chef.

We just feel, um, communication has been

an issue across this competition.

Very tough, indeed.

Brynn, Steve, step forward, please.

-Okay, Brynn.
-Yes, Chef.

An amazing journey.

You have this bump of anxiety
that you get over.

Then when you're settling down,

it's almost like a different Brynn.

-Yes, Chef.
-What is the issue?

Ooh, sorry.

I'm young, so I'm still learning a lot.

Um, but you know, it is that self-doubt.

I get that little anxiety,

but I get over it, I get through it.

And the more experience you have,

-the shorter the moment of anxiety.
-[Brynn] Yes.

So tell me, truthfully,

why should you stay in Hell's Kitchen?

[Brynn] I have been learning so much.

I just need to keep working on it,

which I am daily, weekly, monthly.

I'm so hungry for this position,

and I know that this is the one challenge

that I have to overcome.

-Yes, Chef.

You've been one of the most
consistent chefs

in this competition.

The finesse you hold

is extraordinary for a -year-old.

You cook with confidence,
and you have the swagger.

If there's one thing
that I doubt right now...

it's the voice to back up the cooking.

Tell me, honestly,

why do you think you should
stay in Hell's Kitchen?

Um, from a young age,

you've been, like, one
of my biggest inspirations,

and learning from you has kind
of been, like, one of my goals.

And, like, to be your protégé,

and to be molded into that great chef

is kind of what I'm looking for.

Yeah, I could be more vocal.

I'm working on it,
but I'm stable up here as well.

Just, like, mentally I'm a rock
when it comes to this.

Sometimes when you shut down internally,

it gives the impression
that you don't care.

How can you turn that around?

I don't really know how to do it,

and I'm kind of hoping that
you can teach me how to do it.

This is really tough,

but this competition is coming to an end.

I wish I could have five protégés.

That's not the way it works.

My decision is...


Take off your jacket.

[somber music]

Young man,

there is no doubt in my mind
that you're going to have a great career.

Let's get that clear.

Your attitude has been solid,
you never complained once,

and you've come back fighting
time and time again.

After this competition is done,
my door is still open.

-Thank you.
-[Ramsay] Okay?

-In fact, keep your jacket.

Okay? I don't want it.

-Thank you, Chef.
-[Ramsay] Take care, Steve.

Thank you for being such
a worthy competitor.

Thank you for having me.

[Steve] Bittersweet.

I came here to learn as much as possible

from Chef Ramsay.

Show me your second gear now,
and show me your third.

-Let's go.
-[Steve] Yes.

I definitely feel like I learned so much.

Every minute I need to hear from y'all.

Every... every... Every seconds
I need to f*cking hear it.

[Steve] Chef Ramsay has definitely boosted
my confidence a whole hell of a lot.

Your control cooking fish
and meat is perfect.

-Thank you.
-Shrimp and grits?

My grandmama's favorite.

The final black jacket chef is Steve.

[Steve] I definitely had a good time.

Season , Hell's Kitchen[/i]

Gordon Ramsay's mad 'cause[/i]
We gave him raw chicken[/i]

[Steve] I'm grateful for the experience.



[Steve] Overall, Hell's Kitchen
has meant the world to me.

I know I made Grandma proud.

You know, she's the whole reason I'm here,

so I know she was looking down
watching the whole time.

And I know she's happy, so that's cool.

Young lady?

-Yes, Chef.
-[Ramsay] Back in line.

Spot mistakes and come back
with a solution.

Leadership is the sign of a great chef.

-Is that clear?
-[all] Yes, Chef.

It is very, very close between you four.

Get ready to dial up that volume.

[all] Yes, Chef.

-Good night.
-[all] Good night, Chef.

How do I now prove to the other chefs

that I am a force to be reckoned with?

The moment that I stop doubting myself

is the moment that
everyone needs to start worrying,

and that moment's about to happen.

[Trenton] There's only four people left,

and I feel very good
about the next few days.

I got to keep my head right,

and kind of keep moving forward,

and may the better man win.

[Ramsay] Steve still has a lot to learn.

Unfortunately tonight,

he learned that silence
in the kitchen isn't golden.

It's goodbye.

[dramatic music]

[narrator] Next time on[/i] Hell's Kitchen...[/i]

Tonight, each of you will run your brigade

to show me you're ready to be head chef.

-[all] Yes, Chef.
...the final four face off[/i]

in their toughest dinner service yet.

-Study the ticket...
-Yes, Chef.

-...[/i]run your brigade.
-Yes, Chef.

What is on there that we'd never serve?

I don't know, Chef.

I'm just f*cking up every other ticket.

[narrator] But will the pressure[/i]

be too much for one chef?

Don't beat yourself up.
You're better than that.

So what's your count now? Wake up!

[narrator] And when one chef[/i]
lets the power go to his head...[/i]

-I'm gonna say four, Trent.
-Tell me your real time.

Trent is being so aggressive right now.
He needs to just chill out.

-[Trenton] Yes.

[narrator] ...will Chef Ramsay[/i]

be able to take back control
of his own kitchen?


[narrator] Next time[/i]
on a shocking episode...[/i]

Do you not realize
what he just gave to me?

-[narrator] ...of[/i] Hell's Kitchen .
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