20x03 - Young g*ns: Come Hell or High Water!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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20x03 - Young g*ns: Come Hell or High Water!

Post by bunniefuu »

[narrator] Previously on
Hell's Kitchen: Young g*ns[/i]...[/i]

Start now.

[narrator] The chefs were tested[/i]
on dishes that were enhanced with alcohol.[/i]

It was an individual
challenge with a lot on the line.

The chef with the worst dish
will hand me their jacket.

I didn't come here to go home.

[narrator] While most of the men stumbled...[/i]


I'm not a fan of pink chicken.

Big, little, medium, scruffy.

[narrator] Twenty-one-year-old Steve[/i]
from Virginia impressed.[/i]

[Ramsay] It's cooked beautifully.

[narrator] On the Red Team,[/i]
it was Brynn from Rhode Island,[/i]

also , who received high praise.

-That is delicious.
In a[/i] Hell's Kitchen first,[/i]

Chef Ramsay awarded both.

Steve, really good job.

-[narrator] And...
-Brynn, well done.[/i]

[narrator] ...punishment Passes.[/i]

But Chef Ramsay wasn't done...

Two worst dishes
belonged to Matthew and Ava.

[narrator] ...as he sent the first chef[/i]
of season packing...[/i]

Ava, give me your jacket.

[narrator] ...ending her short stay[/i]
in[/i] Hell's Kitchen.

At the opening night dinner service...

Marino, for the th time,
open Hell's Kitchen.

[man] Oh!

[narrator] ...the Red Team[/i]
had vegetarians Emily on meat.[/i]

No. That one's dead.

[narrator] And Josie on fish.[/i]

[Kiya] I don't have
a problem with vegetarians.

I just hope it doesn't end up
affecting us down the road.

[narrator] But that didn't slow down[/i]
the Red Team at all.[/i]

Lovely, cooks. Well done, yes.

[narrator] Megan and Kiya helped drive[/i]
the Red Team to the checkered flag.[/i]

-[woman] Good job, girls.

[narrator] The Blue kitchen[/i]
started off strong...[/i]

Beautiful carbonara. Let's go.

[narrator] ...thanks to Antonio[/i]
and Kevin on appetizers.[/i]

This is gonna be so delightful.

-[Trenton] Good job, dude.
-[Antonio] Thank you.

[narrator] Despite Matthew sneaking[/i]
a meat thermometer into the kitchen.[/i]

It's not funny, Matthew.

What's taking so long?
We're getting hungry.

[narrator] He and Payton[/i]
were off on temperatures all night,[/i]

and the Blue Team went down for the count.

Ice cold. Come here, all of you. Quickly!

Holy shit, they're getting kicked out.

[narrator] The Blue Team[/i]
nominated the meat station.[/i]



-[narrator] ...ultimately, it was...

[narrator] ...ending Matthew's dreams[/i]
of becoming head chef[/i]

at Gordon Ramsay Steak
at Paris, Las Vegas.

And now the continuation
Hell's Kitchen.[/i]

Get out here, Blue Team.

What really pisses me off
the most is that we're all good.

-I mean, there's a reason we're all here.
-I was so mad.

All right. Let's... We're all done with it.

Let's continue on.
Tomorrow's another day. We can do this.

[Jay] It's definitely some
things still wrong on the Blue Team,

and I'm not ready to go back
to Kansas City right now.

I still have a lot to prove,
not only for myself but for my city.

Tonight definitely gave me a wake-up call.

Ready to bounce back.

[Emily] I was like, I literally was
tearing up when he was talking to you guys

and how you were... I, like, was in...

[Brynn] That's the fight he wants.

That was... Yes. I'm proud of you.

I wanna feel bad for these boys,
and I want to be there for them,

but, on the other hand,
Red Team could just totally relax.

The jets on the heels of your feet.

[Victoria] Oh, yes!

Wait, let's all compare feet.

I got cankles. That's all I got.

I got cankles and a bump.

-[Brynn] Can we not do this?
-I have friends who sell pictures

-of their feet online.
-What? For how much?

On that note,
I'm leaving this conversation.

[gags] It's so gross.

Do they really, like, actively?

So you just take pictures
of your feet, like that.

-That's so weird.
-They'll be like,

"Put your big toe in a grapefruit."

-My sister got offered bucks...
-That's weird.

...to let some guy suck her toes.


Is this what ladies talk about?
This is interesting.

[Keona] People who get into it, seriously.

Like, they do weird shit.

Like, they'll pour maple syrup
on them b*tches.

[Emily] Why's that attractive?

-Men are weird.
-Yeah, men are weird.


[intense dramatic music]

[narrator] The chefs are now[/i]
hoping to put their best foot forward[/i]

as they know morning time
is challenge time.

-Good morning.
-[all] Morning, Chef.

Good to see you all.

Over the last seasons,

we have done well over challenges.


And every challenge was with a purpose.

I can evaluate your palate,
leadership, creativity,

and based on what I saw last night,

your next challenge will really
test your attention to detail.

The first challenge ever done
Hell's Kitchen[/i] way back in ,

Lift off your domes.

Cleaning and prepping squid,

attention to detail put to the test.

As a vegan, immediately, I am emotional,

so... um, this will be fun.

I decided to bring this challenge back,

but this time, you won't just be judged

on breaking down the mantle.

You'll be breaking it down the entire way,

the whole squid, understood?

-[all] Yes, Chef.
-Let me show you how it's done.

Right, gather round.

So, squid. First off,

take off tentacles.

You take out the backbone, yeah,

-the cartilage, yes?
-[all] Ooh.

[Ramsay] Just literally
come all the way down.

I'm not going through it.

[Keona] Chef Ramsay's
breaking this squid down

in literally . seconds. I cannot even...

[Ramsay] There's no ink burst anywhere,
and that's how you clean a squid. Clear?

-[all] Yes, Chef.
-[Ramsay] Good.

I hope he doesn't want us
to do it that fast,

because I don't... I don't know about that.


Chefs, are you ready to prove
that you have the attention to detail?

[all] Yes, Chef.

I'm definitely feeling like
this is an easy challenge for us.

All we got to do is just fillet
some squid and break that down.

That's nothing.

One more thing:

[engine turns over]

We need some squid.

-[Keona] Can we swim?

Holy crap, that's an aquarium!

-[woman laughs]
-[Ramsay] That's right.

-[Brynn] Chef.
-[Victoria] Oh, my goodness.

What a beautiful day to take a dip.

Should you run into any trouble
inside that t*nk...


-[all cheering]

[woman] Oh, yes!

-Good morning.
-You well?

-I'm ready.
-Oh, Marino's such a clown.

I don't know if I'd be able
to trust Marino with that t*nk.

You know, he has a total dad bod.

Now, listen carefully.
Marino's here on standby

to give you mouth-to-mouth.
[chuckling] Oh, Jesus.


Ew. No. No.

[Ramsay] The first team to bring me

perfectly prepped squid

wins the challenge. You ready?

[all] Yes, Chef.

[Ramsay] On your mark, set, go.

[narrator] In today's attention-to-detail[/i]
squid challenge,[/i]

each chef must jump into the water t*nk,

retrieve a squid, and break it down.

The first team to break down
squids flawlessly wins the challenge.

-[Ramsay] Let's go.
-[Keona] Come on, Brynn.

Time to get down and dirty.

[woman] Yeah!

[Antonio] I'm the first
to dive into the t*nk and grab a squid.

Kind of feeling like
Crocodile Dundee that shit,

and grab it with my mouth.

[Keona] Get that squid!

[Brynn] There's sand at the bottom,

so I'm just, like,
blindly reaching my hand at the bottom.

You feel something squishy,
you grab it, and you don't let it go.

[Ramsay] Well done. Off you go. Good girl.

[Alex] The Blue Team
hasn't won a challenge yet.

I want to win. We have yet to see Vegas.

Let's go! [echoes]

Let's go! Come on, Blue Team.
Red Team, cheer them on. Let's go.

[woman] Come on, Josie.

I'm gonna get through this,
and I'm not gonna throw up

and I'm not gonna run away.

The girls are undefeated,

and we're gonna keep it
that way all season long.

[Keona] Yeah, Victoria.

Go on, stir that up.

Big, deep breath. [Claps]
Wait, wait, wait! Steve! Jesus Christ.

I never really learned how to swim,
but I learned how to float.

Marino, stand by.

Let's go, nice, clean squid.

Good. We've all got squid. Let's go.

[narrator] Now that each chef has[/i]
fearlessly retrieved their first squid,[/i]

everyone is officially moved on
to the meticulous cleaning process.

[woman] Come on, guys!

So I was the first in the t*nk,

and that means I'm a couple
steps ahead of my team,

the same with Antonio.

Who's gonna be first? Come on.

I need to do the squid!

-[woman] Good job, Brynn.
-[man] Good job.

Let's go. First one up, then.

Let's have a look.

Antonio, super fast.

Pretty sure I got it all right.

I'm making sure everyone knows,
send up good ones.

Don't send up bad ones.

That's not clean. That's still on there.

-That's still on.
-[Antonio] That comes off?

That needs to come off. Not a clean squid.

-Yes, Chef.
-[Ramsay] Let's go.

Go and get another one.

I was more concerned about
getting everything done fast and quick,

and, I mean,
that was the wrong mindset, obviously.

[Ramsay] And we have Brynn.

Yep, that's one and done. Well done.

-Thank you, Chef.
-One. Let's go.

Go and get another one.

I'm so ecstatic.

[Ramsay] Let's go.
Ladies, we have one-nil. Let's go.

Come on, guys.

Antonio fucks us over.

You can't take something to Chef Ramsay

if it's not good enough,
so we're already f*cking down.

[narrator] As Antonio flounders...[/i]

Nicely done. Nice. Nice. Well done.

[narrator] ...the rest of Blue Team[/i]
picks up the slack...[/i]


Beautifully done. Well done.

Go, go, go. Go. Steve.

Beautifully done. Well done.

...sliding them straight into the lead.[/i]

-Three to one.
-[woman] Let's go, ladies!

Come on, ladies. Let's go. Speed up.

Stick your knife in the middle, split it.

I'm looking around making sure, you know,

we got one almost ready to go
so we can come back strong.

[Ramsay] Keona, beautifully done.
Well done. Go.

[narrator] But as some well-cleaned squids[/i]

sail in from the Red Team...

[Ramsay] Well done.
Good job, Kiya. Great job.

[narrator] ...the tides shift once again.[/i]

-[Ramsay] Victoria, well done. Good girl.
-Thank you, Chef.

[Ramsay] Ladies pulled it back.
Well done, ladies. Let's go, guys!

[Jay] This once again, man,
it's very close competition,

so I'm moving fast as I can right now.

Let me go. Let me go. Let me go.
Somebody got to step up. Let's go!

[Ramsay] Jay, we good?
Great job. Well done.

[narrator] And now both teams[/i]
dive into the t*nk once again...[/i]

[Ramsay] Trenton, thank you. Well done.

[narrator] Delivering squid[/i]
after perfect squid.[/i]

Kevin, cleaned and scored. Well done.

Clean, clean, clean. Well done!

That is a beauty, young man.
Well done, Steve. We're a tie.

[man] Let's go!

[narrator] Victoria and Kiya[/i]
on the Red Team[/i]

and Trenton and Sam on the Blue

deliver their second perfect squids.

[Ramsay][/i] Well done.

While Brynn is impressing
Chef Ramsay with her third.

[Ramsay] Beautiful job.
Well done. Let's go.

Jesus Christ, whose crack's that?

[woman laughs]

Here we go.

Well done, Antonio.
How many, your second or third?

It's your first one?

I can't make stupid mistakes.
It was time to bounce back.

-[Ramsay] Good job.
-Thank you.

Well done, well done.

Oh, okay, well, that's cool. [Stammers]
That's right there. That's it.

[woman] Come on, ladies.

That is super clean. Great job. Well done.

-Let's go, ladies.
-[woman] Come on, ladies!

Guys, you're in the lead. Let's go.

I didn't realize we were behind.

We got this, girls. Like, let's go.

And that is clean, clean, clean.
Well done, Megan.

And that is super clean. Well done.

-[Keona] Come on, so close!
-It's - . Come on!

Ladies, one more to go.

Shit, we got to get back.
We got to get back.

We can't stop now.

Now I'm sick and tired
of having the girls win.

[Ramsay] Make sure it's clean.
Let's go. Make sure it's clean.

Whoa! Steady, steady, steady.

[tentacles squelch]

Come on. Come on. Come on. Let's go.

[narrator] It's Chef Ramsay's[/i]
attention-to-detail squid challenge,[/i]

and both teams are neck-and-neck in a race

to break down perfect squids.

-[woman] Come on!
-[Ramsay] It's - !

[narrator] And Emily,[/i]
a line cook from New York,[/i]

scrambles to deliver what her team hopes

will be the challenge-winning squid...

Come on, come on, come on.

[narrator] ...assuming Antonio[/i]
allows her to.[/i]

-[woman] Go!
-[Ramsay] Let's go. Make sure it's clean.

Whoa, steady, steady, steady.

Back of the line. Get back in the line.

I'm praying in my head
that this is the fuckup for her.

Please, Lord Jesus,
just let it be, let it be, let it be.

Please, please, please,
let this be a good squid.

Let's have a look.

And we have...

clean, clean, clean.

Ladies, congratulations.

-[women cheering]
-Well done.

[Marino blows whistle]

-Well done.
-[woman screams]

[Kiya] Hell yes. We won, like, again.

Like, undefeated still, undefeated champs.

Ladies, what a performance.

You won today's squid race,

and now you're in
for a heart-racing reward.


Because today,
you're going off-road racing!

[all cheer]

All of you will be
heading shortly to SpeedVegas

to zip around
the beautiful Las Vegas desert from there.

You'll feast on a very delicious lunch
catered by BLT Steak.

[all] Whoo!

[Ramsay] Now, Blue Team,

while the ladies are trucking
around the desert,

you've got some trucks in your future too,

because today is seafood delivery day.

You'll be breaking down
over pounds' worth of squid,

clams, and shrimp.

Now, for the first time this season,

the Punishment Pass is in play.

-Yes, Chef.

[Ramsay] Are you gonna use that pass

to choose between
a fast truck in the desert

or a delivery truck?

I'm gonna save the pass, Chef.

Okay. Why?

It's gonna get much worse,
and I'm gonna wanna save it.

Love the attitude.
Come on, then, head back in. Get changed.

-[woman] Thank you, Chef.
-[woman ] Whoo!

[Kevin] This sucks, man.

Straight up, f*ck them. f*ck the Red Team.

[all cheering]

Ugh, if I had to break down
pounds of squid right now,

I would be so pissed.

I'm so grateful that
that's not gonna be me,

so...[laughs] Sorry, boys.

[Victoria] Yaaas, queen.

[man] Damn!


[man] Oh, my God. f*ck.

It seems like we're just on
a huge losing streak.

Like, it just seemed like
the guys cannot get a break.

-Come on. Just hop on it. Hop on it.
-[Antonio] Let's go.

You think too much.

[narrator] While the Blue Team[/i]
starts breaking down the squid,[/i]

the Red Team gets
to use their time off to go off-roading.

[engine roars]

Oh, my gosh.

-What's going on, guys?
-[all] Hi!

[man] Welcome to SpeedVegas.

You ready to get in the trucks?

-[all] Yes!
-Cool. Let's do it.

[energetic music]



I'm gonna make this car, like, my bitch.


Like... [imitates squealing tires]

[Kiya] Whoo!


I have side-by-sides at home,

drove four-wheelers my whole life.

[Victoria] Whoo!

SpeedVegas was lit.

I have never been in anything
like a Baja truck.

I was like, "Ahh!"


Life is great.

Thank you, Chef Ramsay. Whoo!

[narrator] While the Red Team[/i]
is riding out their reward,[/i]

The Blue Team is feeling a little seasick.

[man groans]

[man] Oh, damn it.

[man sighs]

I might have spoke too soon
when I said pounds ain't shit.

[Antonio] Anybody feel non-confident?

Speak now or forever hold your peace.

Yeah, if you don't have any questions,

then you should be able to pump
yourself up, you see what I'm saying?

Everyone's f*cking feeling
perfect about service tonight.

If you don't know anything, say it now.

All day, Antonio's been on some
real hard confidence shit,

but the only bad squid
throughout the entire breaking down

was Antonio, and he f*cked us all over.

We could have ran away with the finish.

Do not f*cking serve raw shit.

That's gonna get them over the edge.

[Sam] I would say Antonio is trying
to establish himself as a leader,

but now, while doing this punishment,

I really wish he'd shut up.

Would much rather have
fixed the problem right now

than f*cking do
what we did last night again.

[woman] Oh, cheers!

To our victory!

[Brynn] Chef Ramsay!

Chef Ramsay has us eating
his fillet from BLT Steak.

It's so soft in the middle.

It just, like, melts into my mouth.

The steak was worth all those squids.

-Wagyu beef.
-[angelic music]


I feel like every time we do this,
we just keep, like,

bonding with each other, and I...

Well, the boys get to bond.

Well, the boys get to bond over squid, so...

[woman] Yeah, they bond the hard way.

They're probably drinking
a squid smoothie right now.

[whimsical music]

Chef Ramsay asked me
to make you guys lunch.

This can't be good.

A nice calamari sandwich,

little bit of maple mayonnaise,

little bit of hot pepper paste,

maybe a little fish sauce.

I'm definitely not ready to eat this shit.

I don't even like squid.

I don't know how I'mma get this shit down.

This is f*cking horrible.

[Santos] Please enjoy your lunch.

[Trenton] f*cking down it. Let's go.



-[Antonio] See that shit?

-[Trenton] Oh, shit.

Everybody's about to puke or is puking.

It's like chewing bubble gum.

It just never ends,
never ends, never ends.

I'm not gonna lie.
That calamari with the sauce...


[Trenton] Dude.

I can't eat that. I can't even swallow it.

Take one more bite
and we'll call it a day.


[plate rattles]

[narrator] With the Red Team[/i]
back from their reward...[/i]

All right, guys, let's get a good service.

[narrator] ...and the Blue Team[/i]
finished with their punishment,[/i]

both teams are now preparing
for tonight's dinner service.

-[Steve] What's up?

[Jay] Can you run me through

so I can make sure I'm good?

This goes with the...

-Duck, duck, lamb, lamb.
-Duck, duck, lamb, lamb.

Uh, scallops...

-[Jay] Lentils go with?
-[Steve] With salmon.

-[Jay] Salmon?
-[Steve] Yes.

Jay keeps asking me
questions about garnish.

[Jay] Steve, can you come here
one more time?

What's the Swiss chard for?

-[Steve] Swiss chard is for duck.

Which is the easiest station,

so it should be the one
with the least questions.

Are you good, Jay?

Huh, one more time.

Sorry, he stopped me. Um...

So that's, like,
a super huge red flag right off jump.

Ladies, please. Good.

-We good, gentlemen?
-[all] Yes, Chef.

Let's hope it's redemption, yes?

-[all] Yes, Chef.
-[Ramsay] Yes?

-Sì,[/i] Chef.

Open Hell's Kitchen, please.

[speaks Italian]

[intense dramatic music]

[narrator] Once again,[/i]
Hell's Kitchen is the place to be[/i]

and the place to be seen in Vegas.

[all] Cheers.

[narrator] And there's a variety[/i]
of interesting characters[/i]

filling up the dining room

and orders are already being placed.

[stammering comically]
New York strip steak,

and... and... and no bacon.

[narrator] Tonight, in addition[/i]
to the classic menu,[/i]

Chef Ramsay has added
a squid-ink tagliatelle with seafood...

[Jocky] Just remember not
to make a mess all over the place.

[narrator] ...to be served tableside[/i]
by Morgana for the Red Team[/i]

and Steven for the Blue Team.

First ticket. Gentlemen, let's go.

Four covers, table two.

Once special app tableside,
one beet salad, two scallops.

-Heard? Let's go.
-[all] Heard!

-[Kevin] Two scallops.
-Two scallops.

The first ticket is always very crucial.

That's what sets the tone for the night.

Put those scallops in, please.

They're not smoking yet.

I hear scallops, and I'm like, "Well,
f*ck, I'm gonna get those right on."

[dramatic music]

I'm trying to stay ahead.

Trenton, go check with Steve how long.

Hurry up. Let's go.

How long, Steve?

Um, about five minutes now.

Five minutes, heard.

How long? What did he say?

-[Trenton] Five minutes, Chef.
-Five minutes.

So look at me, Blue Team.

He's five minutes away from serving that,

so why the f*ck are scallops in the pan

when they take two minutes?

[tense music]

You gotta communicate
with that station, okay?

Communication, Chef.

Come on, guys. f*ck me.

Oh, God. Here we go.

f*cking hell. Come on, guys. Please?

[narrator] While the Blue Team[/i]
tries to course correct[/i]

after Kevin's false start,

the chef's tables are arriving.

After you.

[narrator] James Beard Award winner chef,[/i]
Nancy Silverton,[/i]

will be dining in the Blue kitchen.

If we get behind,
would you mind helping me?

-I don't mind.
-Thank you.

And Michelin-star chef Curtis Stone[/i]

will be dining the Red kitchen.

I like this, girls versus boys.

-[tires screech]
-Hi, how are you?

-How are you?
-Hi, Josie.

-[Curtis] Nice to meet you.

Chef Curtis is a really good-looking guy.

Thank you for dining with us tonight.

Thank you for being here.
We really appreciate it.

-Thank you so much.

My boyfriend already
knows that I'm in love

with Chef Curtis, so I think...

You know what?

I'm not even gonna finish that sentence.

Two covers, Curtis Stone.

Fire now one tartare,
one scallops, please.

-Heard? Let's go.
-[all] Yes, Chef!

-Is that enough?
-[Keona] You should be good.

Okay. How long scallops?

Scallops about a minute.

We have to hit the ground running strong.

Scallop, I could walk in about .

But, like, I don't want to be
told to, like,

screw off by Chef Ramsay
on my first ticket.

We're not losing that winning streak.

Walking scallops.

-[Ramsay] Beautifully cooked.
-Flip 'em same way. One and done.

[narrator] Thanks to Megan's[/i]
scallops and Kiya's beef tartare...[/i]

Thank you so much.

[narrator] ...the Red Team[/i]
is off to a smooth start,[/i]

while the Blue Team is still
trying to get their first appetizers out.

-Three minutes.
-[Kevin] Three minutes.

Let's start these scallops.

[Kevin] I learned from my mistakes.
It's all about timing.

Timing is so crucial.

I mean, it's like the main thing.

Make sure you watch those scallops.
They need to be flipped.

[Kevin] Yep. Thirty seconds.

Scallops, where are they, please?

[Kevin] Coming out.

[dramatic music]

Here are the two orders of scallops, Chef.

[Ramsay] Beautifully cooked.

[Kevin] Keep it up, guys.

[narrator] As Kevin bounces back[/i]
with perfect scallops...[/i]

[Ramsay] Service, please.

[narrator] ...appetizers are leaving[/i]
both kitchens at a steady pace.[/i]

-I like it.
And the diners...[/i]

-Really good.
...can't stop raving about them.[/i]

Oh, my gosh.

[narrator] Or at least most of the diners.[/i]

[whimsical accordion music]

[Morgana] So now I'm starting the seafood.

Put the clams in,
and I'm putting in shrimp.

The mimes, they really just,

like, bother me,
like... like, psychologically.

You... You, sir?

You said two?

I just don't understand them.
Why would you do that to yourself?

Why would you not talk?

Um, I will stick it right here for you.


It's weird. It's f*cking weird.

[narrator] With most of the appetizers[/i]
successfully served from both kitchens,[/i]

Chef Ramsay is happy to move on to...

[Ramsay] Entrée: two Wellington,
one New York strip, one lamb. How long?

-Five minutes, Chef.
-Five minutes.

I'm definitely feeling confident right now

that I can be able to attack
this garnish station

and be able to call back a ticket,

especially after puking all my
dang brains out earlier in the day.

-You get that pan going for the lamb?

-You want the large one?
-Yeah. Large one. Hot.

I got some meat. I, uh...I'm excited.

Meats is all about finesse.

This is the time to step up.

Let's go. Let's baste.

Me and Alex, we gonna k*ll it.

Two Wellington,
one New York strip, one lamb.

-How long?
-Two minutes out, Chef.

[Ramsay] Two minutes, thank you.

It's not hanging out.

Salmon and lamb.
Salmon and the lamb garnish.

-Salmon and lamb garnish.
-[Kevin] There's no salmon.

It's the New York strip
and beef Wellington.

-How long, please?
- seconds, Chef.

Don't slice it till we're ready.

Where's the garnish?

I've got no garnish.

You see this? Oh, f*ck off.

See? He hasn't even got the f*cking
garnish on. Come here. Come here.

-Focused on the wrong thing.
-[Ramsay] Come here.

-Come here, you!
-[Jay] Wow.

All of you, come here.

[flames whoosh]

[narrator] It's an hour[/i]
into dinner service,[/i]

and Jay and the Blue kitchen...

Where's the garnish?

I've got no garnish!

...has garnered Chef Ramsay's attention.[/i]

You see this? Oh, f*ck off.

See, he hasn't even got
the f*cking garnish on. Come here.

Focused on the wrong thing, Chef.

[Ramsay] Just come here.

-Come here, you!
-[Jay] Wow.

Come here. What are you focusing on?

I was looking at the wrong ticket.

[Ramsay] What is going?

-[Jay] We got two Wellington...
-Two Wellington...

-[Jay] One strip, one lamb.
-You're not ready with the garnish.

I got all of the other garnishes.

I forget the Wellington garnish, Chef.

-Can you hurry up, then?
-[Jay] Yes, I can, Chef.

Come on, guys. Pick it up, please.

-[all] Yes, Chef.
-[Alex] We got this.

After getting yelled at,
of course, it sucks,

but you can't beat yourself up.

It's time to put my head down,
attention to details, do it.

[drum sound]

Let me know when you're up to the pass.

[Jay] Got you.

[Alex] Jay come on.
You're on
Hell's Kitchen.[/i]

You know, you came here for a reason.
You need to push yourself.

Like, hopefully this setback
doesn't mess up the meats.

-Come on, garnish.
-Coming through.

-[Alex] You got this.
-Take that Wellington.

Wellies walking.

Garnish is up for Wellies, correct?

-[man] Yes.
-Yes, Chef.

[Antonio] Lamb is right behind.

New York strip right here, Chef.

[Ramsay] Nicely cooked,
the New York strip.

Good job, fellas. Good job.

All right, guys, breathe, breathe.

-[Alex] Communicate.
-Let's go.

-[Ramsay] Service, please.
Despite Jay's garnish goof-up,[/i]

the Blue Team recovers
to get out their first entrées...

-[man] That's good.
-[/i][narrator] ...while in the Red kitchen,[/i]

the women fight to maintain
their momentous start.

Two New York strip, one duck, one salmon.
Five minutes to window, yes?

-[all] Yes.
-[Ramsay] Let's go.

Garnish, if you are on top of everything

and you're talking, it's a fun station.

Remember, ladies, talk, talk, talk.

You guys, it's two New Yorks,
one duck, one salmon?

I think one halibut's fired right now.

One halibut and one salmon is fired.

Wait. What?

I don't think that's right.

-Up next?

No, I want to know
what's on fire right now.

What's fired right now
is a salmon, a halibut, and...

Oh, no. Uh, wait. What was called again?

[Brynn] Minute and a half out, salmon!

Salmon's going with halibut, yeah?

-[woman] Yeah.
-I can walk with halibut?

Walking with halibut garnish as well.

-Walking with halibut.
-I got it. Thank you.

-Actually, yes.

No, I got you. No, I got you.

[Emily] Halibut garnish.

Ladies, come here. Quick!

We started off brilliantly.

We're going now two New York
strip, one duck, one salmon.

A halibut comes out. What's happening?

-[all] Miscommunication, Chef.
-Are you calling back the order?

-[all] Yes.
-[Ramsay] Why have we got halibut?

-Wrong order.
-[Ramsay] Let's go.

Salmon, duck, two New York strip.
Let's go!

-They're so frazzled...

...that they can't even remember
what the order is.

If we lose tonight, it's gonna
be all about communication.

Emily, how long's that garnish?

-Which garnish?

Duck garnish is ready to go.

Walking salmon now.

Do I have garnish for two New Yorks?

I'm walking now.

[dramatic music]

Beautifully cooked, Victoria.

-Thank you, Chef.
-[Ramsay] Service, please.

[narrator] With the Red Team[/i]
properly communicating once again...[/i]

...Chef Ramsay wants[/i]

to make absolutely sure

that the Blue Team is in sync.

Every time I call out a ticket,
I need a response together.

[all] Yes, Chef.

Six top: two halibut, two Wellington,

one chicken, one duck. Sing it.

[all] ♪ Two halibut, one Wellington[/i]
Two chicken, one duck ♪[/i]

Hey, fuckwit: two halibut,

two Wellington, one chicken, one duck.

[all] Two halibut, two Wellington...

[all stumbling]

[Jay] Two halibut, two chicken,

-one Wellington, one...
-[Ramsay] No!

Two halibut, two Wellington,

one chicken, one duck.

-[Ramsay] Repeat.

[all] Two halibut, two chicken...

Oh, my God. f*ck me.

-Two halibut.
-Holy shit.

Two halibut, two Wellington,
one chicken, one duck. Repeat!

[all] Two halibut, two Wellington,

one chicken, one duck.

Two halibut... Wait, what was it?
Two halibut.

Two halibut, two Wellington,
one chicken, one duck, Chef.

That's the six top. How long?

-I got eight minutes on it.
-[Ramsay] Eight minutes?

We just spent the last
six minutes f*cking singing.

Six minutes to the window.

-[all] Yes, Chef.
-[man] Six minutes!

[Payton] Six minutes!

Two salmon, two Wellington, one lamb,
one New York strip. Call it back.

[all] Two salmon, two Wellington,

-one lamb, one strip.
-[Ramsay] How long?

-Six minutes on salmon.
-[Ramsay] Six minutes?

-Let's go!
-[all] Yes, Chef.

We need to be singing all service.

We decided tonight,
Chef Ramsay's gonna be our conductor,

we're gonna sing to him all night.

[all] ♪ Two salmon, two Wellington ♪[/i]

♪ One lamb, one strip ♪

[Brynn] Two minutes on salmon.

[woman] Walking now with salmon.

One minute on proteins.

-[Brynn] Let's go, ladies.
-[woman] We got it, girls.

-Lamb and New York are walking.

Walking salmon to the pass.

[Ramsay] Go, go, go, go.

Beautifully cooked. Let's go.

Let's go, Red Team!

[Brynn] We've found our groove.
We're pumped.

I think winning is in my blood,

and it's in the Red Team's blood tonight.

-We got it.
-[Brynn] We got this.

[narrator] While the Red Team[/i]
is coming together in perfect harmony...[/i]

Yeah, it's very good.

[narrator] ...one chef on the Blue Team[/i]
is completely out of rhythm.[/i]

Chef, what ticket are we on right now?

Oh, no, f*ck off.
He's asking what ticket we're on.

I mean, really? What's going?

[all] Two halibut, two Wellington,

one chicken, one duck.

-Weren't you the best chef in Kansas?

I saw the YouTube video.
Weren't you number one?

-Yes, Chef.
-How about being number one tonight

and quit f*cking around, okay?

-I'm a good cook.
-Show me.

-I want to see it!
-Yes, Chef.

Bounce back, baby. Bounce back.

Yeah, I'm hot.

Two hallies, two Wellie,
a chicken, a duck.

-How long on the next?

[Antonio] How long do you need?

-The two hallies.

[Alex] Chicken's right here.

[Alex] Antonio is just working
Wellington and duck.

I'm doing the chicken.

A ten-year-old can cook
a chicken, you know?

Like, it all comes down to timing.

Yo, I'm ready with
these halibuts, okay, guys?

[Antonio] Walking Wellies.

Look at the pass, guys!

To the pass, Wellies.

The halibut? I'll walk the chicken.
I'll walk the chicken. Right here.

[Ramsay] For f*ck's sake.

Hey, all of you, come here.

All of you, come here. Come here.

Where'd they go?

[Nancy] Oh, wow. That's a bad sign.

[door slams]

Oh, wow.

-[dramatic music]
-[wood crunches]

[narrator] It's an hour[/i]
and a half into dinner service,[/i]

and Alex's undercooked chicken...

[Ramsay] For f*ck's sake.
All of you, come here.

[narrator] ...brought the Blue kitchen[/i]
to a screeching halt.[/i]

Oh, wow.

[Ramsay] It's f*cking raw.

-Where's the drive?
-Right here, baby. Right here.

Baby, what do you mean, f*cking baby?

You're acting like babies,
you're cooking like babies,

and you're all standing there
like a bunch of idiots!

Can we get our shit together,

walk back in there with some dignity,
and some f*cking passion?

-Is that clear?
-[all] Yes, Chef.

Let's go.

[Antonio] Let's go, baby.

And if I hear you call
one more chef a baby,

I'm gonna get you a f*cking diaper.

It's not "baby," okay?

Yes, Chef.

[Nancy] If I wasn't wearing this dress,

I would actually go in and help them.

If you don't think the chicken's right,
let me know.

We all got to know
how everything is cooked.

This right here is nine minutes,
nine minutes.

Nine minutes.

I'm not happy with what
happened with that chicken.

That is the absolute
most embarrassing thing

and unacceptable thing
that I have ever done,

and that can't happen again.

A little redemption. Let's go.

That duck is good to go.

All right. We gotta walk this.
I need your two chickens.

I need the two chickens.

-[man] I'm getting them.
-Come on, Blue Team.

-Double-check them.
-Two chickens behind me.

-Antonio, bring them!
-[Antonio] Yes, Chef.

Two chickens ready to go. Let's go.

-[Antonio] Chickens.
-[Alex] Behind you.

[Antonio] Yes, Chef.

-[Alex] This is hot, Chef.
-[Ramsay] Of course it's hot.

-Listen, muppet, it's a kitchen.
-Yes, Chef.

It's not a fridge.

-Yes, Chef.
-f*ck off, will you?

Oh, my Lord. Hey, Blue Team.

[dramatic music]

Come here, all of you.

Two halibut, two Wellington,
one duck, one chicken.

-What's missing?
-Two chickens.

-Two chickens, Chef.

[Ramsay] f*ck.

Chicken's totally undercooked.

It's that raw, even Curtis
can see it from over there.

Come on, guys. Even a front-of-the-house
guy can cook it better.

Get out, all of you!

Not again. Like, what the...

Every f*cking table.

What are you doing?

Talk to me! What are you doing?

At ten, you should be able
to cook a chicken breast.

Every f*cking station didn't
even get out of the gate.

I'm done. f*ck off out of here

and have a meeting and come up
with two individuals

that you think your team could do without.

Get out!

[Kevin] f*ck.

[narrator] As the Blue Team heads[/i]
back to the dorms raw with defeat...[/i]

[imitates Porky Pig]
That's all, Blue Team.

[narrator] ...the Red Team[/i]
finishes up their last entrées.[/i]

Coming behind, everybody.

We got it, ladies. We got it.

[Ramsay] Beautifully done. Go, go, go, go.

-[woman] Oh my gosh.
-This is orgasmic.

[narrator] And completes the strongest[/i]
"Young g*ns" dinner service so far.[/i]

-A really strong finish. Well done.
-[all] Yes, Chef.

-Thank you, Chef.
-Good job, ladies.

The chicken's what sent us home,
that chicken.

I personally... Every single
time when I asked someone

and you guys thought it was okay,
I thought it needed a lot more time.

Alex needs to be up for elimination.

He didn't communicate,
and he let a raw chicken walk.

But there's also other stations
that are miscommunicating

and trying to rush orders.

I mean, garnish.

In my defense,
I also took communication from that meat.

-I know I f*cked up,

but I don't deserve
to be up for elimination.

I didn't cook raw chicken tonight.

I'm not giving up whatsoever.

All right,
this is gonna have to be a vote.

[Alex] This'll have to be a vote.

I'll nominate myself first.

Meat was my station as well,
so I got to be up there with you.

Antonio is this "f*cking leader,"

but he nominated himself.

Moving forward, what's your vote?

Jay. I have to say Jay and you.


I say Jay and Antonio.

Why me, though?
I didn't understand. What did I...

You even nominated yourself, bro.

The first thing you said was,
"I'm gonna nominate myself."

-No, I did not say that.
-Antonio, you said you nominated yourself.

I didn't nominate myself.
I said we're gonna vote...

That's what I heard.

No, I didn't say I nominated...
I said, "So we gotta nominate."

No, I did not nominate myself. No.

No, all I said was,

"Let's take a vote.
Who are we gonna nominate?"

You watch. Go back and watch that shit.

I'll nominate myself first.

It was my station as well,
so I got to be up there with you.

I heard...I heard, "I nominate myself."

That's what I heard when we first started.

I'll be honest.
I understood that as well, man.

I mean, if, I guess,
you want me to go home, that's cool.

That's not what I'm saying.

Antonio said, "I nominate myself."

Then he got super defensive.

So in that case alone,

I don't know if I can trust him.

This is nothing f*cking personal.

Do we got to sit out here
and sing f*cking "Kumbaya"?

We know what we came here for.
People will go home.

Be on your toes when we're out there,
because none of us are safe.

[intense dramatic music]

[dramatic music]

Blue Team, have you reached a decision?

[all] Yes, Chef.

[Ramsay] Thank God for that.

-Yes, Chef.

Blue Team's first nominee and why?

Chef, our first nomination, uh, is Alex.

Alex, why?

He's taken responsibility
for the last piece of chicken

that went out that was raw.

-The Blue Team's second nominee?
-Our second nominee is...


[Ramsay] Why?

Jay seemed to be
struggling on the garnish station.

Certain points, when we were
ready with our proteins,

um, he didn't have garnish working.


Jay, Alex, step forward, please.

Hurry up.

I am not in a f*cking
good mood tonight for bullshit.


why was it so difficult tonight?

Communication just come
from the meat station.

It was messing me up,

and I definitely came
just a little unprepared today.

Is that right?

The meat station screwed
the garnish station tonight?

It became really
overwhelming once the chicken,

you know, started becoming ordered in.

Can you cook chicken?

Yes, Chef, I can cook chicken.
I know I can cook chicken.

Behind you is an array of talent
that could easily identify

if the chicken's cooked or not, right?

Yes, Chef.

Did they also tell you it was cooked?

Yes, I communicated with them
and asked them as well,

-and they agreed.
-Oh, my God.

What you're saying,
nobody behind you can cook a chicken.

-Yes, Chef.
-Who told you it was cooked?

Uh, Antonio.

[Ramsay] Antonio. Oh, my God.

Antonio, f*cking come up here.

[tense music]

I didn't touch that chicken, Chef.

So who told Alex the chicken was cooked?

Whoever pulled them.

Names, please.


Trenton. Come up here, you.

What the f*ck is going on?

You told him the chicken was cooked?

-Absolutely not.
-[Ramsay] Oh, my God.

Chef, I... [stammers]

-Oh, my Lord.
-So I fired the chicken.

He was behind. I put the chicken in.

I'm going in my office for seconds.

I want to come down
and you f*cking tell me the truth.

[dramatic music]

"Chickengate," f*ck.

[grinder whirring]

I'm going in my office for seconds.

I want to come down,
and you f*cking tell me the truth.

"Chickengate," f*ck.

Who checked the chickens?

I never... I didn't touch the chickens
once they came out of the oven.

-Who touched the chicken?
-Who brought it to the pass?

-[Antonio] It never got touched.
-Who took them?

I know I sure f*cking didn't.

Alex, did you take 'em to the pass?

Sam, I'm pretty sure you ran the chicken.

I didn't put 'em to the pass
'cause I put 'em in front of you.

-I'm sure I had you run the chicken.
-Remember, who ran it?

-I guarantee you, you ran the chicken.
-[Brynn] Just own up to it.

[Antonio] Yeah, this is ridiculous.

Jesus Christ.

-He's coming.

Oh, boy. This is not normal.

Let's start again.

Alex, who told you the chicken was cooked?

[dramatic music]


Sam. Oh, my God. Sam, come up here, you.

Yes, Chef.

So you told him the chicken was cooked?

I did not touch the chicken.

I pulled it from the oven,
and didn't touch it.

You should have touched it.

If you pull it...

-I agree.
-[Alex] ...you should touch it.

I didn't feel comfortable
that that was cooked.

How about this, Alex?

Keeping f*cking control of your chicken.

Yes, Chef.


So now we've got
to the bottom of "Chickengate."

You opened up the oven, pulled them out,
didn't even think of checking them,

-and handed them to Alex.
-Yes, Chef.

Oh, my Lord.

Now that is teamwork.


Trenton, back in line.
Antonio, f*ck off back in line.

Sam, don't commit
to something you're not in control

and you're not prepared
to follow through with.

-Yes, Chef.
-Back in line.

[tense music]

Alex, ten seconds.
Why do you think you should stay?

I think I should stay in Hell's Kitchen
because I came here for a reason

and I'm not backing down.

I know that I have a good fight in myself,

and I want to keep learning
from you, Chef.

Jay, ten seconds. Why should
you stay in Hell's Kitchen?

Chef, you know that I have a voice.

You know I have drive.
You know I have skill.

Communication was
definitely a little bit off.

I had a rough day,
came in a little bit unprepared,

but I definitely picked myself up

and definitely was speeding up
and getting ready to go.

My decision is...

[dramatic music]


Take off your jacket. Your time is done.

[wistful music]

You know, if you can't
get the garnish right,

you've got no chance
becoming my head chef.

-[Ramsay] Thank you.

-[Jay] Thank you.
-Good night.

[tense music]

[Jay] I'm definitely pissed off right now.

You know, at least I was
honest about my mistakes.

I think Alex should have been
the one going home tonight,

but this is definitely not the last
time the world's seeing Chef Jayaun.

I'm gonna go home, and I'mma bounce back.

I'mma keep moving forward
and do what I'm meant to do: cook.

-[Ramsay] Alex.
-Yes, Chef.

Have the confidence to stand
by your own technique,

and more importantly,
don't panic under pressure.

-Yes, Chef.
-[Ramsay] Is that clear?

-Yes, Chef.
-Back in line.

Now piss off.

-Yes, Chef.
-Yes, Chef.

Wrong way, Alex.

Holy f*ck.

I'm not trying to make
any enemies on this team at all,

but I'm very annoyed with Sam.

I felt like he was
only thinking about himself.

But the past is the past,

and we just have to move
forward together as a team.

Ladies, good night.

Good night, Chef.

Keep it up or you're going
to the Blue Team.

[Kiya] Oh, God.

The f*cking Blue Team need
to get their shit together.

Constantly sounds like nobody knows
what the f*ck's going on.

Moving forward, Red Team
is definitely gonna k*ll it.

[Sam] No, I need, like,
five seconds before I lose my shit.

Right now, I'm feeling pretty
pissed off and rather furious.

Alex just played the blame game,

calling three other people up with you.

Alex needs to own his station
and own the product that he's cooking.

I'm dead set that Alex is going home next.

[Ramsay] After watching Jay[/i]
struggle so badly on garnish,[/i]

I decided to assign him
to a different station:

the train station.

[dramatic musical flourish]

[narrator] Next time on[/i] Hell's Kitchen...[/i]

I do not feel okay right now,
and I wasn't even on that team.

It's like, come on, guys.
Honestly, like, I want some competition.

-[narrator] Will the men's losing streak...
-No. Hey. No. Look at me.[/i]

This is like a new pain
I've never felt before.

And it hurts. It hurts so f*cking much.

This is grim.

-This is the worst part of my life so far.
...crush their ego...[/i]

...beyond repair?[/i]

[Ramsay] There's no magic in here.

[pounding table]

I wish we were on the Red side.

[narrator] While the Red Team[/i]
tries to deal with Brynn's ego...[/i]

I don't want to be a dictator
in the kitchen.

Dude, there's no point in talking.


[narrator] Next time...[/i]

I am so angry.

[narrator] ...on an egomaniacal[/i]
episode of[/i] Hell's Kitchen.

[Brynn] Wait! No![/i]
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