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04x04 - Immortel

Posted: 08/07/23 06:23
by bunniefuu



- Michel, what's going on?
- No, Hélène! Don't go! Stay here!

- Let go of me!
- Hélène!

Philip! No! No!

I'm sorry. Niels, are you coming?

I was inattentive for just a second,
and when I turned around, he was gone.

You cannot leave without shoes.

It would be good if
you were more attentive.

Niels has come unexpectedly
five times this month.

I cannot handle unexpected events.

- What is "unexpectedly"?
- It means it's bad.

Absolutely not.
It means “occurring without notice".

Even if Ms. Nielsen is your sister,
you can't.

What do you say?

I will not come unexpectedly anymore.
I promise you.

One must put their shoes on.


Really? Strange manners.

- I like her strange manners.
- Yeah? Put on your shoes, let's go.

- Raphaëlle.
- Astrid, we have an emergency.

I wouldn't be able to find my house
if I lived here.

- They're all the same.
- Absolutely not.

They are not all the same.
They look like each other.

- It's a figure of speech.
- Ah.

So, you need to say "they look alike".

It is also a figure of speech,
but the right one.


- Are you ok?
- No.

I do not know how to handle
the situation Niels puts me in.

- He keeps coming to see you?
- Yes.

It's disconcerting.
He always does it unexpectedly.

I do not know how to deal with
the unexpected events.

- He's a kid.
- Exactly.

Children are people I struggle
to find the right register with.

They are unpredictable
and do not respect any social convention.

- You're not wrong.
- Yes.

Well, what do we have here?


- Hello, Astrid.
- Hello, Captain Perran.

Several local residents
identified the victim.

This is Philippe Marchand.

We looked into the registry,
nothing to declare: an ordinary citizen.

He must have pissed someone off though.

Hello, Astrid, Coste, Captain.

I'll know more once we get him back.

- Hello, Dr. Fournier.
- Hello, Astrid.

I counted six wounds.
Stabbing, at first glance.

- Do we have the m*rder w*apon?
- Not yet.

A team is working on it,
combing the neighborhood.

It rained.


It rained yesterday evening.

With the blood clotting and rigor mortis,
I'd say he died between and am.

- If it rained, it was before the m*rder.
- Exactly. There.

It rained.

The rain.
It leveled the sand and left traces.

Like small waves, see?

Except there.

Seems something is buried and they tried
to smooth out the sand with their hands.

They didn't try to hide
the m*rder w*apon very hard.


Commander, we found this in a dumpster
half a mile from here.

It matches.

Come, something is buried here.
It's not the m*rder w*apon.

A USB key.

I don't understand.

Philippe was an ideal husband,
an exemplary father.

Everyone loved him.

He was often away for work, but...

He was so present when he was there.

What was his job?

He was a salesman at Technomedic,
they sell medical equipment.

He had just been promoted.

He managed an important department
in the entire northern region.

Do you think your husband
could have hidden things from you?

I don't understand.

- Maybe troubles he didn't tell you about.
- Bullshit!

He was stabbed!

Of course he was in trouble! f*ck!


- Sorry.
- No.

It's been complicated with Sacha lately.

So with this...

Are you Sacha's mother?

No, but I might as well be.

His mother abandoned him at birth.
He was when I married Philippe.

Do you know why your husband
went out in the middle of the night?


I didn't even hear him get up.

- I don't remember.
- But you were there, remember?

- So, what about the USB key?
- Empty.

But we found
the victim's fingerprints on it.

He did bury it.

I tried everything, I checked the ROM,
tried a lot of encryption, nothing.

The only bytes on this key
are the partition.

- There's another mystery.
- Meaning?

I contacted Technomedic, the company
the victim was supposed to work for.

There's no Philippe Marchand in the staff.

If his wife isn't lying,
he's the one who lied to her.

So he's a mythomaniac,
like Jean-Claude Romand?

Philippe Marchand did not k*ll
his wife or his son.

It gives a good motive to his wife,
if she found out that he was lying to her.

He's not a medical director,
what does he do then?

He must be in debt.
We should start there.

Dr. Fournier is asking us
to join him at the MRI.

There seems to be a problem.

Let's go see Fournier, then.

We finished taking samples on the w*apon.

This is indeed the m*rder w*apon,
the wounds match.

A classic kitchen knife,

that can be found
in many Scandinavian kitchens.


Then, we pulled fingerprints
and DNA from the knife.


And what?

They belong to the victim.

He touched the knife before the m*rder.

Or the k*ller snatched the knife from him,
and he was wearing gloves.


The victim's genetic material
is mixed with the blood.

It seems the victim
handled the knife himself...


- It's su1c1de.
- su1c1de?

Six s*ab wounds? Fournier, you're joking.

It is all the more strange that,
according to the report,

one of the first s*ab wounds
touched the heart.

- There.
- Yeah. It's not possible.

So this guy allegedly
stabbed himself six times.

Then, he got on his legs

to go throw the knife m away,
in a trash can?

Not his legs.

His feet.

That is what the reports say.

Well, the reports are wrong.

They unveil facts.

If something is wrong,
it is our interpretation of the reports.

- Thank you, Astrid.
- You are welcome.

Norah, please tell me something rational.

I don't know if it's rational.

I followed the money, you were right.
There are issues on his bank account.

- Is he broke?
- Not really.

The account his wife mentioned
is in the red,

but all payments come from
another account in his name.

- And?
- He was very rich.

There are millions in his account.


- How much?
- Tens.

Transferred by a certain Isaac Laquedem.

He's an entrepreneur.

He runs a company
specializing in biomedical called Itax.

Great. Send me the address.

- OK.
- Thanks.

What are you hiding from us?


He is dead, he cannot answer.

Welcome to Itax.

Good morning. That's the lady over there.

Commander. Good morning.

Dino Moretti. Welcome to Itax.

I do not have much time, sorry.

If you don't mind,
get straight to the point.

All right.

- I want to see Mr. Laquedem.
- I doubt that.


- You don't know Isaac Laquedem?
- Not personally, no.

Nobody knows him.
He cares about his anonymity.

Itax is a company
at the forefront of biomedical research.

Isaac Laquedem has opened
incredible doors in the field of research.

We write the future here.

We think he's linked to a m*rder.

Could you take me to his office, please?

He has no office here.

He runs the company remotely.
Only I can meet with him.

Now, you will listen to me.

This man was m*rder*d,

and we think your boss
is connected to his death.

So, he better grant me
an interview quickly,

or I'll get him into
more trouble he's ever had.

What is it?

Do you know this man?


This man is my boss.
This is Isaac Laquedem.

Are you sure?

%, yes.

We compared your husband's schedule
to that of Isaac Laquedem.

- They're the same person.
- It's unthinkable!

You're saying he had another family?
Other children?

No. Doesn't seem so.

He had just created a very tight boundary

between his private and personal life.

Sometimes I felt like
he was hiding something.

He was very secretive.


I even thought there was another woman.

I turned a blind eye
for fear of losing him.

I can't believe what you're telling me.

Nobody knew he was the boss
of a big company.

Neither did his wife nor his son.
Or so they say, I have my doubts.

Even his company didn't know
where he lived.

He made complex financial arrangements

in order to hide his true identity
from official documents.

How did he manage that?
His firm raises millions.

Moretti represented him
to the executive board.

And he only spoke with others by phone.
When he did.

We need to determine why
he maintained this cult of secrecy.

I could understand protecting his family,
but to this extent?

It must have cost him.

So he must have had things to hide.

What kind of guy was he?

Anonymity made him into
some kind of legend.

A sort of biology genius who left

the traditional research community
to open new paths.

While working in his start-up
specializing in advanced biology,

he promoted transhumanism.

For him, science was the ultimate answer:

to sickness, to aging,
even to death itself.

And his alias, Isaac Laquedem:
not a coincidence.

How so?

Oh, you're right!
I didn't even think about that.


Laquedem, it's the name of
Alexandre Dumas's "wandering jew".

And he's an immortal being.
Good job, Norah.


But now we have to differentiate
between reality and legend.

We need to look into his wife.

They were married for eight years.
I'm certain she inherited quite a jackpot.

Several million euros.
Some were k*lled for less.

They're searching the victim's place
to find more clues.

We need to look into Itax too.
It's a company that makes a lot of money.

- That's a lot of suspects.
- We have a suspect.

- Hello, come in?
- Hello.

- We have a culprit?
- We have a suspect.


- Hello.
- Hello.

Hello, Astrid.

Desoxyribonucleic acid never lies.

Is it Philippe Marchand's DNA
or someone else's now?

Both, Captain.

The DNA on the knife
is not Philippe Marchand's.

It is his twin's.

- Philippe Marchand had a twin?
- That is what I said.

So he's Laquedem?

It's a bit more complicated than that.

Since , we can differentiate DNA
from two monozygotic twins.

Then, with Ast...

Miss Nielsen's advice,
we pushed the analysis further.

I found a case from
at the Criminal Documentation

where this technique was used
in order to differentiate

monozygotic twins in a r*pe case.

I think that it is a rational explanation

to the paradox raised by
the results of these analyses.

The problem wasn't the results,
but our interpretation of them.


In sum, it's the same DNA but not quite,

so we have a twin of Marchand
who's a m*rder*r

and roams around freely.

There is a problem.

According to his civil status,
Philippe Marchand has no twin.

He has no brother at all.

For the administration, he's an only son.

- It is a problem.
- Yes indeed, it's a problem.

We have to keep searching. There.

Isaac Laquedem and Philippe Marchand
are the same person,

but one ghost twin remains to be found.


Philippe Marchand's parents are dead.
They won't help us.

We found no trace of a twin.
Maybe he disappeared at birth.

We need to look into
the maternity hospital.

I'm working on the elements brought back
by the search at the victim's house.

They found a prepaid phone
hidden in Philippe Marchand's bedroom.

On it, someone wants to meet up with him
at am at the playground.

Texts are few
but his interlocutor told him

"I've found out the truth."

He constantly asks who they are
and they don't respond.

Someone was blackmailing him?

Something even stranger:
in analyzing further,

forensics found the twin's DNA
everywhere in Marchand's bedroom.



- Bye.
- Bye, Astrid. Let me see, Norah.

Where are you going, Astrid?

She's gone.

- Hello.
- Hello.

My step-mother isn't here.
I'm alone with Camille, my girlfriend.

No worries. You're an adult, right?

You can answer my questions.

I'm sorry for how I acted last time.

I can only imagine
what you're going through.

Do you want something to drink?

Did you know your father had a brother?

A brother?

I think you're mistaken.

- A twin brother.
- A twin brother?

What the hell?
I would known if my father had a brother.

It seems he came into this house.

You live here, don't you?

I'm often at my girlfriend's house,
but yeah, most of the time I live here.

Last week,
Hélène spent a few days at her mother's.

I was at Camille's.

- My father stayed here alone.
- Okay.

We're gonna check his schedule then.

My father lied about everything.

Now there are twins.

I used to trust him
but turns out I didn't know him.

Here we go. The clinic's records.

But I have to warn you:
every file past isn't digitized.

Philippe Marchand
was born on July th .

So it must be here but I don't know where.

It should be between and .

- Yes, I agree but...
- Between June and August.

Yes, but I barely come here.
I don't know where to begin.

Between the rd and th.

Dermatology, dermatology, dermatology.

I know.

We have to go eight rows from here.
, , , , , , , .


It is very messy.

I found it.

Could you make
a copy of this file, please?

- Yes, of course.
- In its entirety.


Thank you.

- Hey.
- Hey.

- What's up?
- I'm good. You?


I wanted to tell you...

If there's something
between you and Norah,

know that it doesn't bother me,
on the contrary, I'm happy for you.

No, not at all, nothing's happening,
we get along, that's all.

- Okay.
- But thank you.

You're welcome.

Anything new?

Yeah, I started working on Itax.

Our victim's transhumanist ravings
didn't stop on social networks.

What, did he move on to practical work?

Let's say he continuously tried to
compel the ethical committee

to get an authorization
to test on animals.

What kind of tests?

Genetic stuff, like Nutty professor?
A five-legged lamb?

We don't know, we'd have
to get access to the research file

and go through eight years
of science university, so no way.

We won't get any answers
from Philippe Marchand's emails.

All sensible emails are encoded.

Philippe Marchand was born alone.

There is not a trace of a twin in
the archives of the maternity hospital.

I asked for a full copy of the file.

- Careful.
- Thanks.

It states that Philippe Marchand
was born with a rare genetic condition.

- Müller's ataxia.
- Yes.

- What is that, Müller's ataxia?
- A rare genetic condition.

Müller's ataxia is an incurable
degenerative genetic disease

of the peripheral nervous system.

There are many symptoms
which impact motor ability first,

then vital organs,
causing either cardiopathy or asphyxia.

And what's the matter, doc?

Well, with Müller's ataxia,

Philippe Marchand
shouldn't have lived past .

And yet he died at years old.

And according to his relatives,
he was in great shape.

What are these?

These are Philippe Marchand's
encoded emails.

But I have yet to decode them.

Encoded is not the adequate term.
The adequate term is encrypted.

Do you know your way in cryptology?

Cryptology and enigmatology
are two conjoined domains.

I studied some encryptions.

And I dove head first because of coding.
I'm quite good at it, too.

Except for this one,
I can't seem to crack it.

"Dove head first".

Have you tried a substitution cipher?

And asymmetric cryptography,
but it didn't work either.

- It could be a Vigenère cipher.
- I agree.

But to decrypt such a coded message,
we need the key that was used.

The key. We need the key.

Bravo, Lieutenant Mansour.

- Nico.
- Where is the key?

The key found in the sandpit
in the playground on the crime scene

the USB key.

Easy with the drawers.

Here, but may I remind you
that there is nothing on it.

We don't have to look on it.
We have to look at it.


You're incredible, Astrid.
The serial number!

An -characters alphanumeric list

that can make a perfect key
for a Vigenère cipher.

- Cool!
- You speak too loudly.

- What cipher?
- Vigenère cipher. She speaks too loudly.

She types too loudly too.

He always changed the decryption key.
That's why it was with the victim.

Hence, with Lieutenant Mansour,
we could only decrypt the messages

sent by Philippe Marchand
from the last days.

All addressed to the same person:
Dino Moretti.

The director of Itax.

What were they talking about
that needed encoding?

- Encrypting.
- Encrypting, yes.

Marchand found the framework
of the research too narrow,

so he wasn't afraid of
stepping outside the lines.

Apparently, he was working on
a secret project called Antigone.

Messages don't go back far enough
to know what it is exactly,

but it seems related to genetics.

Could that be why
he was sent those messages?


"I've found out the truth",
the truth about the Antigone project?

- Anything tangible?
- Nothing much.

We have an email mentioning
a Parisian clinic

that could be involved in the project,
the Clairvoix Clinic,

but we have no doctor, nor specific ward.

Okay Captain, go check it out.

Coste, I'm calling the DA,
we're gonna sift through Itax.

Police! Stop.
Step away from the documents, thank you.

Where's Moretti?

Got it, thanks.

- Police!
- Hey, what's all this?

Care to explain
those emails with Philippe Marchand?

What is the Antigone Project? Uh?

- Yeah Nico?
- Raph, I found the Antigone project.

Ah, great news.
The gentleman is coming with us.

Yeah, no, not great, not really.

Something's wrong?

Antigone is not only a project.

It's also a name.

The clinic isn't aware of it.
Everything went behind their back.

Who's this baby?
Philippe Marchand's daughter?

- No, it's trickier than that.
- Explain it, I'll try to keep up.

- Itax helped the parents for an IVF.
- Okay, I get it so far.

Before implanting the embryo,
they intervened on her DNA

to modify the genome.

Like with GMO.

Antigone is a genetically modified child?


Both parents have
a rare and congenital condition

and this gene was not transmitted
to Antigone thanks to us.

Great, congratulations.

- Thank you.
- Should we talk about complications?

Because your manipulations
didn't only affect the good genes.

It's true there were some complications
during the pregnancy.

The subject has some malformations.

Stop the bullshit!

We're talking about a baby
who will probably not survive

because of your f*cking experiments.

Without our "f*cking experiments",

there may not have been a baby
to begin with.

Are you kidding me?

Listen, you're only seeing
what went wrong with Antigone,

but you have no idea
what great leap forward we made.

Thanks to her, Itax's discoveries
will maybe eradicate genetic diseases

like cystic fibrosis, myopathy.

I'm sorry for this poor little girl,

but you can't make an omelet
without breaking eggs.

When eggs are human babies,
I don't want to eat omelets.

This wannabe wizard makes me sick.

You are sick.

- No, it's an image.
- Ah.

To think I can't keep him in detention!

Mr. Moretti has a scientific thinking
solely based on logic.

You're not gonna defend him, are you?

I am merely stating facts.

If giving up one life saves thousands,
it could seem like a logical choice.

Life is not math, Astrid.

I do not understand that expression.

Come, we're gonna interview
Antigone's parents.

At first, Dino Moretti guaranteed us.

Itax had authorisation
from the ethics committee

to make changes on Antigone's embryo.

We should have been more vigilant,
but we had so much hope.

It was our last and only chance
to have a child, you know?

When it started going awry,
you were trapped.

There were some complications.

We couldn't report an action
we were complicit of.

I'm sorry to ask,
but where were you last night?

Here. We haven't moved.

There are cameras everywhere here.
It should be easy to check.

Another thing:

if I could,
I'd have k*lled those Itax bastards,

and I'd be proud of it.

I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that.

Astrid, come.

Do you get it, Astrid?
I'm sorry, but life is not math.

Yes. I get it.

Antigone is not a number.
Antigone is a baby.

Life is not math.

It is William.


Astrid, hello.
Could you come to the workshop, please?


I did not plan to go to
the social aptitude group today.

Yes, I know.

But I think it'd be a good thing
for you to come see us.



- Alright.
- Yes, I'll wait.


I have to go to the social aptitude group.

Do you need a ride?

I will take bus . It is non-stop.


I kept looking into
Philippe Marchand's disease,

Müller ataxia.

I got a copy of his medical record
and Nico was right.

At , Marchand was heavily affected,
and his doctors declared him doomed.

Then, all of a sudden, nothing.

What do you mean?

Nothing? Like cured?

The only thing I found is a trip.
Marchand went to China, sick.

He went off the grid for two years
and when he came back, no disease at all.

He modified his genes,
like they did with little Antigone?

Antigone was a fetus when they did it.

I can't imagine that working for an adult,
much less years ago.

I found something strange
while inspecting the Marchand's finances.

The son, Sacha,

signed a sale agreement a week ago
for an apartment worth € , .

But he's broke, and he's not supposed
to know about his father's wealth.


- Well, it's too late to interview him.
- He's still under watch.

- Great. We'll summon him tomorrow.
- Yes, first thing.

Ah! You're here.

Listen Astrid, I didn't know
how to tell you on the phone,

but we have, let's say,
an unexpected guest.

The closest star from the sun is
Proxima Centauri, in the Centaurus galaxy.

How close is it?

He came here right after school.
I don't think his uncle knows.

He asked for you.

What's a light-year?

It's the distance that
light travels in a year.

It doesn't look like it,
but light moves very fast.

Astrid, did you know
Alice is an astronomer?

- Yes.
- She knows a lot of things.

Niels, why did you come here?

I kept my promise.

You told me not to
come to your house unannounced.

- This is not your house here.
- That is true.

However, you came here without notice.

Does your uncle know you are here?

Then your presence here
is unconventional and unlawful.

Don't scold him too much, Astrid.

I am not capable of
apprehending unexpected events.


take your bag.

See you, Niels.

See you, bye.

Go first.

See you.

- Goodbye.
- Goodbye.

It is wrong.

- Hi.
- I already told you.

I cannot interact
with interlocutors of his age.

They are too unpredictable. Like you.

So I thought that maybe
you would know what to do.

Niels, kiddo, I'm gonna get you home, ok?

That's not my home there.

It is his uncle's.

Niels. Come on, let's go.

Come on!

That's right.

The sheet.

Do you know my sister well?

Your sister?

Ah, your sister is my best friend, yeah.

Why doesn't she like me?


Niels, listen.

It's not that she doesn't like you.
She likes you a lot, your sister.

But she needs time.

She's kinda different, you know?

Yes, I know she's different.
She's better than all other grown-ups.

I totally agree with you on that, yeah.

But that also means she's more delicate.

So she needs time to accept new things.

And you're new in her life.

Like daddy.

Ah Niels!
Where were you? We were worried sick.

You scared us, you fool. Go see your aunt.

Thank you for bringing him back.

- It's okay.
- We don't know what to do.

His mother's in jail,
he's away from his brother.

It's hard on him.

Of course I know all that.

I realize that living with retirees
is no fun for someone his age,

but we manage.

If he weren't with us,
he'd have to go back to a foster home.

Of course.

Isn't there anything he likes?

Some times when he thinks
about something else?

Well, the only moments are
when he visits Miss Nielsen.

Okay, if you need anything, just call me.

- Goodbye.
- Goodbye, sir.

Yes Nico?

the team I sent to watch Sacha called.

He's not home. He vanished.


Dr. Fournier.

Hello. Yes. Good evening.


Dr. Fournier, good evening.

I think I solved
the main question of this case.

But I will need your help.

But it's already pm!

Mrs. Fournier won't appreciate me going to
the MLI at this hour of the night.

- : pm, ah!
- Ah, indeed.

Listen, if you want, we could meet
tomorrow first thing in the morning.

Absolutely not.

I think it is an element
of utmost importance

that needs to be taken care of,
putting everything else aside.

My days are full with you.

Thank you.

Well then go ahead, I'm listening.

Don't move Pépette.

- Pépette.
- No, I'm not talking to you.

Go on, Astrid.

- Hi.
- Hi.

- Hello Commander.
- Hi.

I managed to find traces from
the victim's trip to China years ago.

- Great.
- Look.

He didn't travel alone.

On the same date, there was a
visa application for one Henriette Lacks.

Are you sure they were together?

Not quite.

But at the same time,
Marchand wired her € ,

under the name of Isaac Laquedem.

At least she can tell us
how Marchand came back totally cured.

She lives in the US, I'm waiting for
her call to set up a video call.

Hold on, Philippe Marchand went to China
years ago for his treatment.

And years is exactly
Sacha's age, right?

So this Henriette could be Sacha's mother.
Biologically, at least.

- Meanwhile, Sacha remains untraceable.
- Shit!

I kept searching.

Last month, he contacted a lab
specialized in paternity testing.

He had doubts about his father?

It seems so, because he sent DNA samples.

Starts to look like a motive, doesn't it?

It depends. Is he his son?

We don't know because the lab
sent back results

telling him they were void.

They said he made a mistake
with the samples.

Apparently, both samples
came from the same person,

they have the same genetic fingerprint.

The samples do not belong
to the same person.

- Hello.
- Hello.

The genetic fingerprints are identical

because Sacha is not
Philippe Marchand's son.

He is his twin.

- What the hell?
- It is not hell.

It is a twin.

Philippe Marchand's twin.

The one who left his genetic fingerprints
on the m*rder w*apon is Sacha.

It doesn't add up.
They're not the same age.

He's a biological twin, not a genetic one.

To be direct, Sacha is neither
Philippe Marchand's son nor his twin.

He's his clone.

- Is that possible?
- It's in no way impossible.

A clone is not a lookalike.

Because when cloning,
only half of the DNA is copied.

So, cloned cows don't have the same spots

and cloned humans could be
the total opposite of the initial subject.

So physically, it could work.

And scientifically?

Time-wise, Sacha's birth is
five years after Dolly the sheep.

we knew how to clone humans then.

Ethically, it's another story,

and historically, there's no record
but it's a credible theory.

It's totally crazy!

On the contrary, it is logical.

More logical than
a twin that does not exist.

How did you get to this idea?

The file, Captain Perran, the file.

What caught my attention in the file of
the search at Philippe Marchand's house,

is not the DNA collected.

It is the DNA not collected.

There was DNA from Marchand,
his wife, his twin,

but not Sacha, although he lives there.


The only rational explanation
is that he was the twin.

Then I called Dr. Fournier
to support my theory.

A clone.

He has a dog.

And we confirmed it by taking fingerprints
on several objects belonging to Sacha.

- Do you realize what this means?
- Yes.

Sacha is evidence
of a crime committed years ago.

- He cannot be sealed.
- It's not any crime.

The bill on bioethics classified
human cloning as a crime against humanity.

Morally, Sacha's very existence
is extremely problematic.

Sacha was not created, he was duplicated.

From the cell of another human.
It's unbelievable.

We need to find him.

Urgently. Give it your all.

"Give it your all".

- I'll handle the DA.
- Okay.

- Commander?
- Yes?

The call with Henriette Lacks
is in five minutes.

- It seems she's the surrogate mother.
- Let's go.

I just carried a baby for someone.

I know surrogacy is illegal in France,

but you won't put me in jail for that,

Did you know
the child you were carrying was...


Philippe Marchand was an active member
of the transhumanism community.

He met with a Chinese scientist
who worked on a cloning project.

Something that could save his life.

Are you saying this baby's purpose
was just to save Philippe?

At first, yes.

The plan was to harvest stem cells
from several vital organs

to inject them into his body.

And what happened?

Philippe was in awe of this baby.

He gave him a name.


He wanted to keep him close.

It's his problem now.

It's his problem indeed.

Did someone else know about
this trip to China and this project?

I don't know.

Yes, there was this guy
who joined him there.

A relative of Philippe Marchand

who was very interested in the story.

An Italian
who always wears tailored suits.

Are you moving out, Mr. Moretti?

The executive board wants to avoid
a scandal after Philippe's death.

I serve as a fuse, but that's the job.

I have one last question.

Could you tell me more about Sacha?

Sacha is Philippe's son.
He will inherit some of his fortune.

What more can I say
that you don't know yet?

Tell me about China.

You know, don't you?

How could I not follow Philippe
to the end of the earth.

He made the impossible possible.

At first,
he wanted to use a baby as medicine.

Kinda creepy, no?

When the child was born,
Philippe took a liking to him.

He really saw him as a son.

A special son,

but a son nonetheless.

He wanted to protect him so he separated
his private and professional life.

That was your last question, thanks.

Did Sacha know?

Do you think Sacha did this to Philippe?

I won't know
if you don't tell me the truth.

The cloning technique was in its infancy
when he was conceived.

Everything went well at first,
but a year ago,

Sacha had a kidney problem.

When he went to see a doctor,
it turned out to be much worse.



All of his organs
are failing him one after the other.

Like Dolly the sheep,

Sacha is an imperfect being.

And that's how you make an omelet
without breaking eggs, huh?

Ah, Mr. Moretti!

I personally transferred your file
to the service responsible.

There's no statute of limitations
for what you've done, It's too severe.

You will go to prison
for what you did to Sacha,

to Antigone and her family,

and you will never come near
another research facility again.

Good day, Mr. Moretti.

Sacha is sick?

How could we have missed this?
We checked hospitals though, right?

Maybe he doesn't want to be cured.

Wait, I think I've got something.

I read that his girlfriend was a nurse
in a Palliative care service.


right here.

I already told your colleagues,
I don't know where Sacha is.


we know.

We know Sacha is sick.

Is that how you met him?

He came into the service
where I work almost a year ago.

He had a strong cancer,
but he refused to be treated.

Have you ever seen someone like him?

Someone his age who knows he's gonna die
and is not afraid?

You fell in love with him?

Of course I fell in love with him.

He was so strong.

But time flew.

Our love is like a sh**ting star.

We knew we wouldn't have long,
so we went all out from the beginning.

Where is he?

He only asked me
to make it so he doesn't suffer.

And to help him enjoy life
as long as possible.

So that's what I did,
for as long as I could.


where is Sacha?

- Astrid.
- Oh, Miss Nielsen.

Hello, sir.

Hello, Niels.

I know I repeatedly objected
to unpredictable events

and I realize that my presence here
fits the criteria.


I thought it would be important
to give you this.

- A pencil.
- No, it's my pencil.

It is not your pencil, Niels.

It is dad's pencil.

Your dad.

Our dad.

I'll leave you two alone for a minute
and tell my wife you're here.

She'll be delighted.

Let's sit on the bench.

Can you tell me about it?

It is an HB pencil.

No, not about the pencil. About dad.


His name was Angus Nielsen.

You look a little like him.

Will Camille be in trouble?

Maybe not,

if you tell me everything.

When I caught this shit,

my dad, I mean Philippe, was overwhelmed.

That's when he told me the truth
about his job, his fortune, everything.

He also told me
he wanted to heal me with Itax.

But I refused.

I don't want to gain one year
only to spend it on a hospital bed.

That's when I learned the truth
about what I am.


what happened?

I told Camille.

She didn't believe me at first.

Then she was the one
insisting on a paternity test.

She took the samples.

When the results came back,
she was knocked out.

- Did Camille k*ll your father?
- He was not my father!

He was my brother,

my double, I don't know.


- Did Camille k*ll him?
- Of course not.

But she wanted to.

She sent him anonymous messages
to a phone she mailed him.

Then she set up a meeting at the park,
without my knowledge.

But you heard him getting up at night
so you followed him?

When I got there, they were together.

She was screaming at him,

she had a knife.

She threatened to expose the truth.

At one point,
he pried the knife from her hand.

He wanted to hurt her.

I couldn't let that happen.

That's when...

I grabbed the knife and I...

Goddammit, Sacha.

- Six stabs is not self-defense.
- But I lost it.

He used me to heal himself
and I'm the one dying?

I regretted it instantly.

In the end, he was my father.

But now it's too late.

If you regretted it,
why didn't you tell the truth?

I don't have long to live,

I didn't want to spend that time in jail.

I don't know
how I could miss his sickness.

Camille helped him hold on.

You couldn't have known.

What's gonna happen to him now?

In his condition, he will avoid jail time.

Yes, Astrid?

I'm on my way.

Thank you.

Thank you for taking the time to see me,

because I'm really worried about Niels.

He wallows in silence
and he seems unhappy at home.

We need to do something.

Niels is not speaking currently.

Does that mean he is unhappy?

Not at the moment, no.

I like not speaking.

I like silence.

I do not understand your worry.

Does this mean that,

if Niels

were to spend time here,

he would be happier?

Oh yes, I'm pretty sure of it.

Can we try?

Niels? Can you show us your drawing?


- It's nice.
- It's nice. Are they cats?
