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Classmates (2023)

Posted: 08/06/23 15:45
by bunniefuu
- Mom, have you seen my hat?

I'm running late.

- Did you

check your closet,

far left, upper shelf?

- How do you know where

everything is?

- The real question is,

how did you lose such

a ridiculous hat?

- Ridiculous.

Wait till you hear how

much they pay me.

- When you work until?

- 11.

They close.

- Well, do not wake me up, okay?

Should have packed weeks ago.

- Oh, come on.

Who's gonna fold my socks

in those weird little

origami shapes?

- Well, you

know I can't sleep

unless you're sleeping too.

- Perfect.

It'll be the OG duo getting

your baby ready for West Fern.

- All right, baby, well,

be ready 5:00 AM sharp.

- All right, have to go.

I need this last paycheck.

Love you.

- All right,

here we go, cuddle again.

Meat Sleeves.


There we go.

- All right, can we get a Meat

Sleeve between Portia and I?

Oh, social media team

will love this.

Here we go.

Right between us.

Oh, that's so good.

There you go.

That is great.

- What are you doing?

- Oh, TikTok team's gonna

animate the Meat Sleeve,

you know, make it twerk.

Woo, woo, woo.

Or say who got the juice?

- You're so silly.

- No, not that, this party.

- Oh, well, it's a big day,

tomorrow my daughter

goes to West Fern,

the same elite institution where

I invented the Meat Sleeve.


The only freezer snack to melt

roast beef inside tortillas.

- Oh, so smart.

- Okay, but when you

throw a party for someone,

you usually tell them,

or at least invite them.

- I just figured you'd

hear the music.

You know, it's a surprise.

And our partners

from China in town,

and we needed something

to welcome them so.

- Oh, wait.

- That is great.

- I was practicing.

- Yeah, that is great, Portia.

And definitely not

r*cist at all.

So first you make me

go to West Fern

and then you throw me a party,

but it's actually just

an excuse for you

to kiss up to your

foreign investors.

- No, no way.

Look, this is all for you.

- Clear.

- Obviously.

- Bell, come on.

I couldn't be more proud

of you, sweetie.

- No, you're proud of yourself

for having a daughter

at West Fern.

I should not have even

gotten in with my grades.

- Wait, we talked about this,

the board took our philanthropy

under consideration.

- What philanthropy?

Giving NFTs to Orphans

isn't charity.

- How was I supposed to know

they didn't have smartphones?

Look, we both agreed that

the board of directors

would look favorably

upon West Fern

and then one day the Meat

Sleeve empire would be yours.

- Agreed?

We agreed?

I, I've gone along with

your plan for this long

because well, I'm a

rather apathetic person

and I have a brand to protect

and I've never had a choice.

Let's not pretend I chose

West Fern, this party,

or really anything to

do with my future.

- Oh, honey, come on.

- You should go back

to your party

because Portia's birthday

is in a few weeks

and she's gonna turn 26

and then she'll be

too old for you.

Right, Leo?

- Bell.


- I want my money.

- Calm down, okay?

- Right now.

- Everything's under

control right.

- Right now.

- Is it easier to clean

knowing it's your last day?

- Honestly?

Yes, I'm sorry.

- It makes sense that

you're leaving me

to die in the Titanic.

- Ooh, the ironies

not lost on me.

- And of all places

you're going to West Fern,

I mean that schools for

actual geniuses.

Meanwhile, I will still

be here in this hell hole

serving entrees that are

as tasteless as the decor.

Do you know how lucky you are?

- Lucky?

I worked two part-time jobs.

Three, if you count,

tutoring a football player

who thought Joe Rogan

was in Senate.

I spent weekends training

for cross country,

a sport I picked

because it's literally running

away from your hometown.

And in the process,

I ditched any semblance

of a social life

just to pad my college


God, I had to take

my cousin to prom.

- What a sweetie.

- I don't need your pity.

Even after all that,

with two scholarships

and a state grant,

I'll be paying off loans

till my mid 70's.

But I'm 1% closer to running

a Fortune 500 company.

A dream I'm already


not likely to achieve

because I'm a woman.

But yes, I'm very lucky.

- Speaking of Fortune 500,

isn't Annabella French

going to West Fern?

- Yeah, she's the

only other person

from my school who got in.

- Do you know her?

- No.

I don't think she's spoken

to me in four years.

- Her dad is the guy who

paid a hundred million

to be the first civilian

in a fart in space, right?

- Yeah.

- That's cool.

Well maybe you and the

nepo baby will hit it off.

- Come on, she's gotten


she's wanted since birth.

And I'm stuck with my

uncle's 2002 laptop

that has a virus

called Halle Berry

"Swordfish" Scene Dot Vid.

We have nothing in common.

I was valedictorian.

Annabella claimed she

had a learning disability

so she could take tests

at Dave & Busters.

I won best dressed, Annabella

went through a juggalo phase.

I sang "Rolling in the

Deep" for the talent show.

Annabella recited

original poetry

that just ended up being

Jaden Smith Tweets.

- How can mirrors be real

if our eyes aren't real?

- I've never even eaten

the Meat Sleeve.

- Her Instagram

is just a bunch of pictures

of smiling dogs.

- Yeah, she's a troll.

- Okay, well it's better than

not having an account at all.

- I told you future employers

look at your social media.

So I hope that beer pong pic

from sophomore year

was worth it.

- You know, I don't know why

Annabella never talked to you.

I mean, you seem like

so much fun.

- You're gonna need new

shelving for these books.

I'll order it.

- No, you don't need to

spend any more money.

I'm fine.

- Honey, I picked up

overtime just for this.

Now listen, you are the

family's first college student

and I need you to be as

comfortable as possible.

- I'm so sorry.

- Don't be.

These were a gift for

my dad's girlfriend

and I hated them, so thank you.

- Well, what in the

world was that?

- Annabella French.

She lives on my floor.

- Queen Meat Sleeves?

- Yeah.

- That's good, right?

You got a friend nearby friend.

- Friend?


She's such a-

- Raury Sanders, college is

a fresh start for everyone.

Do you know how nice it would be

if you just march

right over there

and ask her if she

needs anything?

You are right next

door, young lady.

- No way.

I don't even know her at all.

- Well, you never know

when you might make

a lifelong friend.

- Everyone stay calm.

We have a lot of clean

drinking water for now.

I know how to survive.

I was at Fyre Fest.

Stay calm!

It's gonna be fine!

- Whoa, whoa, oh

wow, yeah, yeah,

so that was exciting.

- Yeah, I heard the fire alarm

gets pulled like once a week.

- Please tell me that you were

run for the exit every time.

You never know there might

be a real fire.

- Yes, Mom, I promise I will

run when there's a real fire.

The FBI deals with pulled

fire alarms?

- Yeah, well maybe they've

had enough.

- Oh good.

I need my sleep because this

week I'm finding a new job.

I'm betting lots of businesses

hirer around the school year.

- I know how hard you work.

I wish I could have

made it easier for you.

- Honestly, I wouldn't

trade my life

for all the money in the world.

I love you and I've always

known how much you love me.

- All right, all right,

all right.

Well it's not like I'm

not gonna call you

every five minutes.

You deserve this.

- Jello.

Oh, sorry, I didn't

mean to scare you.

I say jello instead of hello.

It's my little joke.

I never would've done it if

I knew it would scare you.

- No, it's fine.

I'm just not used to

the silence yet.

- Soon the

sounds of college

will ring loudly through

the halls.

Enjoy the quiet while you can.

Are you getting service here?

- It's spotty.

- Yeah, things have been

buggy since the outage.

- Mm-hmm.

- Oh.

I skipped a whole step here.

I'm the floor's RA.

My name is Perry Gomez,

but everyone calls me Eggs.

- Eggs?

- Yeah, it's a long story.

Actually, it's not,

it's super short.

People think I smell like eggs.

It's probably a genetic

thing or diet.

I've embraced it.

I'm a survivor.

I'm gonna make it.

I will survive.

Keep on surviving.

- Good for you.


- Yeah, thank you.

So I'm just here for

a little head count.

A little late because of

that old fire alarm thing.


I suspect the girl with the

side pony in room 223 pulled it.

Side ponies are shady as hell.

- Uh, uh, so do you need

anything from me or?

- Nope.

Just a big smile for your

first day of college tomorrow.

Let me see it.

All the way.


There it is.

My work here is done.

Well if you need anything

or have any questions,

I'm right at the

end of the hall.

Just yell Eggs and

I'll scramble.

Get it?

- Yeah.

- It's an egg pun.

- Yeah.

- Oh, and the cafeteria's

open till 11:00 PM

if you need a little

late night snack.

I don't know I winked,

that made it weird.

Okay, sleep well, Annabella.

- Thanks.

- That rhymes.

- How long has that been out?

- I don't know.

It's my first day.

- Oh.

I think something in the

salad just moved.

- Yeah.

- Are you guys also too

excited to sleep?

- No, I just took an Ambien,

I'm waiting for it to kick in.

- And I work here.

- Oh, just, just kicked in.

- Hey, um, do you think

you could help me

k*ll whatever's in the salad?

- Yeah, why not?

- Perfect, I'll get the knife.

Stay right there.

Psst, hey, it's the food guy.

I got you a seat, come on.

- I'll just go over there.

- My name's

Arnold, by the way.

- Hey everybody.

Welcome class of 2027.

- That's us.

- I am Dean Cain and okay,

let's just get all the

laughing out right now.

My first name's really Steven,

so although I am a Dean

Cain here at work,

I am not a Superman yet.

Not yet.

And no, I can't set any of

you up with Terry Hatcher,

so don't even ask.

Forget about it.

See "The Sopranos"?

Forget about it.

All right, with tat

out of the way,

I know we all had a

very exciting start

with the power outage yesterday,

which I am told was a thwarted

foreign computer hack.

That's just like the 1994

Sandra Bullock movie,

"The Net" where she was

att*cked by the internet.

It's not a bad little thriller.

It's a little dated

now, you know.

Strangely, it has Dennis

Miller in it.

What's he doing there?

Dennis Miller.

But I'm here to bring some

energy back to this campus

and I'm going to say West Fern

is ready for the future

of our country.

We are all still waiting though,

to get fully back on line,

so please excuse the delay

and just hang with us.

We're gonna work this

thing out together.

Before we leave you though,

just on a personal note,

I just want you to treat

this day with the respect

and solemnity that it deserves

because this is the first

day of the rest of your,

excuse me.

The first day of the


The first day of the

rest of your lives.

- So we're like friends

now, right?

- Uh, I think there's a

problem with my schedule.

- I know mine too.

8:00 AM on Fridays, they

want me to die?

- No, I mean like, this

isn't my schedule.

I didn't sign up for any

of these classes.

- Oh yeah, look, there's

just a bunch of numbers

where your name should be.

- I'm gonna go find the dean.

- Annabella French.

- Oh, excuse me.

- Oh, and how can I help you?

- Um, it seems that I maybe

got the wrong schedule.

- Alrighty, well, let's

just take a look here.


I know that we're still

fixing the hack,

but I was told that everything

was correct and double checked.

- I can promise you

that's not right.

I mean, there's not

even a name on it.

- Oh yeah, that does look weird.

Okay, so why don't you email

my office with your student ID?

I will personally make sure

that this thing gets fixed.

I'm told that we will have

our email back up and running

in five working days.

- Five days?

- Uh-huh.

- No way, it's the first

week of classes.

What am I supposed to do?

- Well, first of all,

please stop yelling.

Just calm down.

It's been a really busy

first week.

And you know, the computer

hacks and all that stuff,

it's really hard.

Also, we're pretty lazy,

so we will get to it.

You have my word,

which has been very strong

since I stopped drinking.

- Hey, honey.

- Have you brutally m*rder*d

any endangered species yet?

- No, Bell.

We're still on the flight

to Mozambique.

That happened once and

honestly who even need rhinos?


I wanted to talk to

you real quick

because I spoke with

Dean Cain this morning

and he assured me that your

schedule is, how do I put this?

Catered to your needs.

- Catered to my needs.

- Yes.

You know, with your

strengths in mind.

We have done a lot

for this school.

I don't wanna say that they

owe me, but they owe me.

- Right.

- Yeah, happy to do

it for you though.

Listen, I'm gonna get

some shuteye, okay?

We land in a few hours, but

you have a great first day.

- Okay.

- Jesus Christ, Amancio.

I said, no cleaning your

g*n on the jet.

- And what do I expect of you

beyond just your attention

in class?

I expect your passion.

Each one of you has

already proven

you're among the top 5% of

West Fern's freshman class,

but brains will only

get you so far.

Only the strong will survive.

And so I ask, how many of you

will I be seeing at the

optional group discussion

at the end of the day?


- A lot of people think

Donkey Kong.

They're wrong.

You pick Yoshi.

Everyone knows that

at this point.

It's easier to move around when

you're a smaller character.

Whether you're Toadstool.

- What might we use to

solve something like this?

How about you, miss,

you wanna take a shot?

- Me?

- Yes, you.

What would you use to

solve a problem like this?

- To solve it?

- Yes, that would be the goal

in advanced physics class.

- Advanced physics, right?

Okay, so do all problems really

need to be solved though?

I mean, it's always a

letdown, you know?

Don't let it ruin what

you've got going.

It's like Jared Leto

making music.

- Okay, my young philosopher,

let's get to the answer.

- Um, the, the chain rule.

- Chain rule.

That is a good guess.

Even if it is just the words

written on the board

behind me here.

You know, in the future

it might be easier

just to admit you don't

know something.

Even if it is something

basic for an advanced class.

Does anyone else wanna

give it a shot?

- Hey!

My Greek myth professor

looks very much like a duck,

which is gonna make it

hard for me to focus

because I love ducks.

What's wrong?

- I'm in all these classes that

I can't even believe exist.

Next, I'm scheduled

for something

called Advanced Connect Four.

And I've had no bars all day,

I can't even email the school.

- Girl, you are way too

stressed out for day one.

Chill out and come with

me at the bookstore.

Come on.

Okay, last one.

Where do you think cinema is?

- I have to buy "Gone Girl".

What does that have to do

with the business degree?

- Listen, I mean, all

my classes seem normal.

I don't know what to tell you.

Oh, there it is.

- I don't even know why

I'm buying these books.

- You know, most people

would be thrilled

to be taking it easy, okay?

This is one of the hardest

schools in the country.

I honestly wish my classes

were a little easier.

- Well, I didn't come

to West Fern for this.

- Total is $220.56.

Are you paying with

student funds?

- I think I have enough.

I'm waiting on a check

from my old job.

- I can look it up.

- Oh.

- You have $35,000 available.

- What?

- $35,000?

- Uh, can't be.

- Says right here,

$35,000, Annabella French.

- Oh, that's a mistake.

That's not me.

- Sure does look like you.

- Whoa, rich girl.

- No, no, I went to school

with Annabella.

That's not right.

And my schedule's wrong.

Oh, wait a sec.

- I get it you're undercover

bossing me.

Very humble.

- Give me back the card.

Um, I have 40 bucks.

What will that get me?

- Um.

This one.

- Thanks.

- Mm-hmm.

- Hey, I don't know why

you hide that you're rich.

If I was rich, I would

literally tell everybody.

- I'm not Annabella French,

but it does all make sense now.

- Dollars and cents,

you're basically a Hadid.


- Yeah, bye, bye.

- Hello.

- Jesus.

- Did you design this place

or did you just say Ikea

into the mirror three times

and everything just appeared.

- Give this to me.

- Oh.

- All right, Annabella

or whatever you want

to call yourself.

Kappa Tau Phi throwing

a house party tonight,

so I'll just leave

the address here.

See you at 10:00.

It's okay that you're rich.

- What have you done?

Is this some type of

prank the 1% pulls?

- Oh, I had nothing

to do with this.

I knew something was actually

wrong though

when all my professors

were actual doctors,

not like Dr. Oz doctors.

- Wait, what?

- They think I'm you.

And I'm pretty sure I

went to all your classes.

By the way, what is your major?

Solving the matrix?

- How do you know it was me?

- When they called me Raury

when I got kicked outta

the massage center.

- There's a massage center?

- Yeah, it's right next

to the boba place,

which is apparently another

spot that you cannot get into.

- Boba?

I love boba.

- Yeah, you and me both.

I hear they have fire

strawberry tea.

- Really?

Wait, get out of my room.

I'm emailing Dean Cain to

reverse whatever this is.

- It was probably the hack.

I mean, I bet we're not

the only mix up.

- Well, the only one

I care about.

Isn't this

something your dad can fix?

- Technically, yes.

- Then what are you waiting for?

This has to be the freaky

Friday for you.

I mean, you're one

of us normies now.

- Well, I was thinking,

what if we just waited out?

I mean, the internet is

all messed up anyway.

No one's gonna get your email.

Why don't we just have fun

with it for a few days?

- Oh, so you're an

insane person.

Good to know.

I'm just saying let's not do

anything about it right now

and then come next

Monday you're you again.

- That's the stupidest

thing I've ever heard.

- Is it though?

I mean, you get to live

like a rich college student

experiencing what it's like

to have your last name

on a building.

Boba is just the start.

- And what do you get

out of all this?

- Honestly, I'm not sure.

But today was the first time

that people expected

more from me.

Actually, it was the first time

that anybody expected

anything from me

because nobody saw me

as Meat Sleeves's girl.

It was exhilarating

to be invisible.

- Invisible?

- Yeah.

- That's a very cool way

of describing me.

- Oh, come on, you

know what I meant?

- I do know what you meant.

And that's why you're

the last person on Earth,

I'd wanna trade places with.

I'm not pretending to be some

self-centered spoiled brat

just because it makes

you feel human.

- Do you have student loans?

- Oh, so now you're gonna

poor shame me?

- What if I paid your student

loans for the semester?

- What are you talking about?

- The entire semester

zero balance.

It's better than whatever job

you're gonna be shoehorning

into your schedule.

You'll be taking my stupid

classes, exploiting

my privilege.

You can use my student credit.

I'll give you my credit card.

Hell, you can even drive my car.

- For a week?

- One week.

Consider it an experiment.

- I mean, was anybody

suspicious today?

A teacher or anybody?

- No, not really.

- If we get busted, we'll

both be expelled

and I actually want to be here.

- Okay, then I will email

Dean Cain today,

that way when the internet

is back up,

it goes to the top of the list,

you have literally

nothing to lose.

- And then you pay for the loan?

- End of the week.

Direct deposit, or Venmo,

or Sephora gift cards.

Whatever you want.

Except you literally

cannot tell anyone.

No parents, no friends, no one.

That's technically cheating.

- Okay.

This is the stupidest thing

I've ever done in

my entire life.

- Wish I could say the same.

Can you believe this

was ever a thing?

In my defense it was the

first time that I was drunk.

- Do you have somewhere

else to be?

- First give me your phone.

I'll put my number in.

Okay, starting today you are

officially Annabella French,

sole heir to the Meat Sleeves's

kingdom and I am Raury,

God, what is your last name?

- Sanders.

- Oh, Raury Sanders.

- Look at you, girl.

- Hey.

- This party is just

getting started.

Let's stay for like 20

minutes and then leave.

- Arnold Krabble.

Ms. Annabella French.

- Thank you.

- So how are you rich anyways?

Old money, new money, Dogecoin?

- Uh, my dad owns Meat Sleeves.

- He owns Meat Sleeves?

I had six for lunch.

You're like American royalty.

- Oh, not really.

- What's your favorite flavor?

- Of Meat Sleeve?

- Yeah.

- Cheese.

- Cheese and what?

- Cheese and rice.

- Cheese and rice?

I don't know if I've

heard of that one before.

- Oh, it's, it's a test flavor.

- Holy shit, you get

unreleased Meat Sleeves.

You're like the Willy

Wonka of roast beef.

Mine's grape.

Two, please.

- Thank you.

- And just like that

we're besties,

which is actually great news

because I know everybody

we need to be friends with.

- Hmm.

- Yeah, I used to sneak into

these places all the time

when I was in high school.

You see that girl

in the green top?

- Mm-hmm.

- That's Lucy Peenobottom.

Her grandfather invented

the earplug.

- Earplug?

That's wild.

- Crazy rich.

And that girl she's talking

to, that's Fritzy Gats.

Her mom coined the

phrase #winetime.

- That's a thing?

- Yeah, and now every time

some basic bitch wears

it on a t-shirt,

she gets like four bucks.

She's also a flat-earther.

And that is Diana Clorox.

- Her parents own Clorox.

- Oh, they're pediatricians.

I think that's just a

common German name.

- Ooh.

- Hey.

- Whoa shit.

Where the, did you come from?

That's crazy.

Hey, listen, while you're here,

I'm trying to find Alyssa.

Y'all seen her?

- Sorry, I don't know Alyssa.

- Me neither, man.

- You don't?

You serious?

If you don't know

Alyssa, how are you here?

Yo, yo, yo, they don't

know Alyssa.

Are you guys cops?

- What?

- You look like cops.

You specifically look

like a narc.

- I'm not a narc.

- You'd legally have to

tell me that you are.

That's the law.

My dad's a lawyer, so I know.

He'll sue the shit outta you.

He wants sued Hawaiian Bread

for having too many carbs.

Took him to court.

- Please, excuse Griff.

He's been drinking

on an empty brain.

You know what?

I heard they're playing

flip cup inside.

- Bro, flip cup.

All right.

Later narcs.

- I'm sorry, that

guy's a d*ck wad.

My name's Brooks.

- Arnold Krabble.

Annabella French.

Meat Sleeves.

- You guys freshman?

- Is it that obvious?

- No, it's just, I'd

remember you.

Have you been here long?

- We just got here.

- Oh, well I hope you didn't

have to wait in line long,

school's got these really

strict rules,

so now we gotta throw

parties at our own houses.

- Are you Kappa Tau Pi?

- Yeah.

- Huh.

- And now we got these guest

lists regulated by the school.

- Really?

I mean, what would happen

if you caught someone

like sneaking in?

- Oh school suspends you

for like three months.

Oh no.

I can get you some water.

One of the few perks

of being in the frat

is I get to cut the line.

- Uh, yeah, she'd love that.

And can you get me another beer?

Oh, uh, do you have asthma?

'Cause I have an Adderall,

if that would help.

- Hi, Raury Sanders.

Okay, wow.

- Oh, hey.

Is everything cool?

- I've never been rejected

from a party before.

- Oh, I'm sorry.

I can ask Arnold to let you.

- Are you kidding me?

I don't wanna go to this shit.

Your name is already paying off.

- Great.

- I'm gonna go

get my dorm together.

Have fun.

Also definitely cover

your drink.

Bye, Annabella.

- Annabella.

Hey, Annabella, it's Eggs.

Annabella French.

Beep, beep, beep, beep.

Hey, hey, hey, hey you.

Might have to get those

ears checked.

Campus clinic's open 24 hours.

- Sorry, I'm

just in my head.

That's all.

- Sounds like a great

place to visit.

Get in loser, we're

going to class.

- What?

- Hop in, shotgun's all yours.

- It's fine.

I'm just gonna walk.

- Ms. French, I was

sent a cart request

from administration because

of your shin splints.

So let's get going.

- I don't have those.

I'm, I'm gonna walk.

- Come on, I'm already out

and I have to go there anyway.

And you're running late.

- Okay.

- All hands and feet inside

the vehicle.

Where we're going we don't

need roads or seat belts.

Hang on.


So I'm not supposed

to say anything,

but the school told me

how important your dad is.

He's a pretty big deal.

- That's what I've been told.

- I'm a huge Meat Sleeves

fan and a marketing major.

So you know, a connection

like this

is what makes West Fern the

greatest school on the planet.

It's my resume.

My number's on there too.

You can call me whenever.

I'll bring the car to

you wherever you are.

Anytime, seriously.

You know what, actually,

let me just put my number

in your phone for you.

- Oh, I'm fine.

- No seriously.

Let me take it.

- Okay.

- Mush, mush, here

we go.

Precious cargo everyone.

That's you.


Here's your stop.

Remember to leave me a four

star review.

I'm just kidding, there

are no reviews.


- Hey, is this intro

to "Ice Age"?

- Yeah, yeah.

I love these movies.

Yeah, we're doing

the sequels next.

Can't wait.

- And the American

Meteorology Center agreed.

They found that the resulting

anomalies were most negative

in the Caspian Sea

and most positive

in the blah, blah, blah, blah,

blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

More things you'll

never fully grasp.

I may as well be speaking


And now you're falling

asleep, Annabella.

You're falling


What they discovered was

the greenhouse gas levels

continued to rise, reaching

an 800,000 year peak.

And in turn, radiative forcing

also hit record levels.

All of these measurements

are due exclusively

to human activity.

- More like corporate sabotage.

- Who said that?

Okay, great.

If you want to contribute,

I mean, you're more than

welcome to elaborate.

- I mean, for years we

were told to drive a Prius

and conserve water by

taking three minute showers.

But the damage done by

industrial pollution

and waste is so severe,

there's nothing any

of us could do

to stop the destruction

of the planet.

It's the inevitable

conclusion to capitalism.

- Fantastic.

That's great.

I feel like we're gonna

have a lot of fun

in this class this year.

Unfortunately, we're

out of time,

so please try to bring

this vibe back

when I see you all

again on Thursday.

Thank you.

- Hey, hey!


Um you're Annabella

French, right?

- Uh, yeah.

Yes, it's, yes.

- I mean, we heard rumors

you were here,

but without a TikTok account,

we didn't know if we'd

ever find you.

- There's like no pictures

of you on the internet.

- I guess I like being


- Very Kristen Stewart of you.

- Well, uh, we are

hosting a freshman banquet

on Thursday night and we

would love for you to attend.

- We're Chi Thetas the

longest running

and most prestigious

sorority here at West Fern.

We went viral last year.

- Yeah, one of our junior girls

actually dressed up a sexy

Stone Cold for Halloween

and Barstool posted

a picture so.

- Cool.

- Great, we'll put you

down for Thursday night.

- Oh, oh, I'm not sure I can.

- Were you just talking

to Chi Thetas?

- I think so.

- Amazing.

Man, their

hair is so nice.

What are you doing right now?

- I have to go back and

buy those books.

- That's boring.

- Why, what are you doing?

- A funnel cake truck's

parked outside my dorm.

I was gonna get three of 'em

and watch public freakouts

on YouTube.

- That sounds wonderful.

You know what?

Get six and use my card.

I'll meet you after.

- Now this is college.

- This guy bothering you?

- Yeah, they

got turned off.

- They had all summer

to fix this thing.

What'd you want?

- Uh, the fruit snacks.

- Here you go.

- Wow, that's a pretty

great life hack.

- Socialism at its best.

I'm Russ by the way.

- Anna, and I'm Raury.

Raury Sanders.

- It's nice to meet

you, Raury Sanders.

- Mm-hmm.

- If you wind up wanting

a Three Musketeers,

I'll be right over there.

This thing took like $20

from me last semester

so I'm still on house money.

- Cool.

- Annabella, right?

- What?

- It's Brooks from the party.

- Oh, that's right.

Uh, hi.

Good to see you again.

- You on "Supermarket Sweep"?

- Oh no, I'm just buying

stuff for my whole family.

We're Mormon.

- That's very nice of you.

Oh, you know, I was

hoping I'd run into you.

Found out we have

a mutual friend.

- Really?


- Joey Green.

- Oh wow, Joey Green.

Yes, love him.

- Her.

- Her, her.

- Crazy what happened to her.

- The craziest, right?

- Yeah, when she called

me, I couldn't believe it.

- Same.

- Tragic.

- Yeah, I was shocked

to hear that she.

- Crashed her car.

- Crashed her car.

- Into a tree.

- Into a tree.

It's just, she loves trees.

- Are you going to the

Chi Theta banquet?

I heard you were going.

- Uh, I'm not really sure.

- Oh, please do.

Those things are the worst

and I thought maybe we could

hide from everyone together.

- That's very presumptuous

that you think I wanna

hide with you.

- You've been here

like two days,

you already have someone

else to hide with?

- Oh, college moves fast, dude.

- Wait, is he who you're

shopping for?

- Oh, he'll never know.

He's already hiding and

he's very good at it.

- All right.

I found the West Fern

crest you wanted.

Honestly, I didn't even

know we had these.

You're 18, right?

'Cause it comes with

real swords.

- Who is Joey Green?

- Joey Green sucks.

As a kid her family

used to vacation with us

at the same time in

Maui every summer

and one year she pooped

in the pool.

They had to spend five

days draining it.

Ruined the entire vacation.

Now she just posts

inspirational quotes every day

on Facebook about being Irish.


- This guy I meant he

says you both know her.

- Text me these things,

I'll answer fast.

- This this nice.

You do all these?

- Uh, yeah, it's a

hobby or whatever.

- Wow.

These are all actually

really good.

Why aren't you an art major?

- Because I'm next in line

to rule the Meat Sleeves's


You know that.

My future isn't up to me.

- Isn't that what

college is for?

To figure out your future.

- What do your parents do?

- Uh, well my dad died

when I was little

and my mom is a security guard.

She actually worked one of

your dad's parties once.

She was pretty impressed.

- Yeah, he spares no expense

on parties, just on parenting.

So how's being me?

- I can't believe how

much free time you have.

I mean the fact that you

have the day off tomorrow

is like mind blowing.

- Yeah.

Coasting by doesn't

get enough credit.

- How about you?

- Jury is still out.

I have not understood a

thing in any of your classes,

but I'm trying so that's good.

- Wait, I have art

history tomorrow.

You'll love that.

- Art history?

Do you paint too?

- Uh, no, I haven't even

picked up a paintbrush before.

But I needed an elective.

I do watch Bob Ross to

go to sleep though.

- Well I don't

think you'll need Bob tonight

after all that shopping.

Oh, don't worry,

I like when anyone is

spending my dad's money.

- So I was wondering,

I might go to the Chi

Theta banquet tomorrow

and I need a dress.

Do you have anything

I could borrow?

- Wow, look at you, a

sorority function.

Not something the real

Annabella French would do,

but what do I know?

I'm just Raury Sanders.

Let's see.

Too conservative.

Too cheugy.

Too Grimes.

Wait, I like this.

What are you doing tonight?

- We don't even have fake IDs.

What are we doing here?

- Dive bars are easy

just do what I said.

- Um, sir.

- Back of the line.

- Okay.

- Come on, you got this.

- So I think we're

on Han's list.

- Excuse me.

- Our names are on Han's List.

- What are you guys

talking about?

Who's Hans?

- Full name Han Shake.

- Listen, any friend of

Hans is a friend of mine.

Let's get you ladies at table.

Come on.

- That was so cringe.

- Oh, we are just

getting started.

The dude was literally like,

hey you and you were like ew.

- Oh geez, I'm sorry.

- No, I love it, you're

in savage.

- There's a Covered Wagon here.

- What's a Covered Wagon?

- Oh my god, you've never

been a Covered Wagon Buffet?

- Uh-uh.

- Now it's time for me

to teach you some shit.

Come on.

I am so glad you have

the day off.

- Well I have class

in two hours.

- Don't worry, you can ditch.

I'll just-

- No, no, no,

I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go.

It's, um, it's art history

class anyway

so it's probably an experience

that I will never get

to have again.

- Today was super fun.

Thanks for making me go out.

- No, thank you.

I have never had a fried

turkey dumpling before.

So you kind of changed my life.

- Did you even know who

I was before all this?

- Uh, before I became you?

- Yeah.

- I knew who you were.

You were valedictorian

and the girl that took

her cousin to prom.

- Yeah, nailed it.

- Yeah, hard to forget.

- I mean, we had PE junior year

and you acted like you

didn't even know I existed.

- Did you ever say

anything to me?

- No.

- Well then I guess we have

something in common after all.

- Oh, there she is.

I figured you went for

a jog or something,

but smells like you've

been working in a brewery

that serves only

blommin' onions.

- Is there a, a problem?

- Oh yeah, the WiFi's

still shot,

but our savior here

Rudolph from campus IT,

says, "It's all tied

to your connection."

I hope it's okay that I let in.

- We were testing speeds

in the truck

and we realized that your room

was the closest to the

building signal.

It's our best chance

at actual diagnostics.

Do you mind if I ask

you a few questions?

- No.

- Okay, then what is

your full name?

- It's Annabella French.

- Huh, huh, that's the problem.

- The, a, a problem?

- Yeah, it's just your account

it seems to be in a,

in a man's name.

What's your dad's name?

- My dad's name?

- Yeah, your dad.

What's his name?

- Oh, make sure it looks

like a tortilla

and it spelled H-A-R-R-Y French.

Yes, okay?

- His name is Harry.

- Harry French.

Yep, that's what I have here.

- Great, well how long until

we're back up and running?

- I'll get back to you.

- Okay, well goodbye.

Another man running

outta my life.

Oh, before I forget,

whoop, here is my resume.

Just in case you lost

the other one.

Okay, I'll let you review that.

Okay, goodnight.

Have a good one.

Oh, sorry.


They're always hard for me.


- Wave function collapse.

- That is correct, Ms. Sanders.

- Okay.

Let's see.

- I can help you.

I know.

- How much for these?

- How quickly you learn.

- I had a good teacher.

- There's a rally

tomorrow night.

We're protesting West

Fern taking money

from environmentally

evil companies.

We're talking companies

who are single handedly

k*lling off tens of

thousands of fish.

- Oh man, I'll definitely

be there.

I'm a big fan of fish.


- That's so great.

It means a lot to me.

- Sorry.

I have to take this,

but I'll see you there.

- Yeah.

- Hi.

- Bell, are you free?

- Last time I said yes

to that question

I ended up getting stuck

cleaning your hair plugs

with a toothbrush

so excuse me if I'm

overthinking my answer.

- So listen, I talked with

Dean Cain this morning

and he would like you to stop

by his office and say hello.

Okay, just put a face

with the name.

- Can't

I just call him?

- No, no, he needs you to

sign something in person.

So just swing by.

Do me the favor, okay?

- Well I'm really super

busy today, so I don't-

- Thank you.

I have to go, sweetheart.

I love you.

I will let them know

you're stopping by.

- Why are you wearing that?

- I can't be seen with

you right now.

The block is too hot.

- What are you talking about?

- You have to go see Dean Cain.

- Wait, I do or you do?

- You do.

- So Annabella or Raury?

- Annabella?

- Me?

- Sort of, but yes.

You have to go.

- I'm out.

- Come on.

- Not a chance.

- You said that our pictures

are swapped in the system anyway

so it doesn't even matter.

- Says the girl dressed

like three kids

stacked on top of each other.

I had to lie to some my

IT guy this morning too.

Everyone is gonna catch on.

- Everything is gonna be fine.

It's already Wednesday.

We are more than halfway there.

- Annabella, we are done.

I have a Meat Sleeve tattoo!

Did you know that?

My mom's gonna k*ll me.

- 10 Months?

- Huh?

- You're stuck with

it for 10 months.

It's ephemeral, it's temporary.

- Oh my God, I'm so

happy to hear that.


Great, okay.

But still I'm not gonna

get arrested

just so you can live

out your weird obsession

you have with my life.

- Obsession

with your life.

You're joining a sorority,

you're going on shopping sprees.

You're basically a real

housewife of West Fern.

Look at your fancy sunglasses.

You've used my last name

more than I ever, ever have.

- Yes, it's fun having

unlimited resources.

And we had a great time

last night, I'll admit it,

but there's no way

I'm going in there

and lying to Dean Cain's face.

- Just be vague and walk out.

My dad says, "You just

have to sign something."

You totally got this.

I mean, I even went over your

suspicious physics professor.

- A professor was suspicious.

Oh, that's it, game over.

Do you know how much trouble

I'll be in if I get caught?

- Not as much trouble

as credit card fraud.

- Excuse me.

- You've had no problem using

my credit card all week.

That's literally a felony.

- How dare you.

- Raury, we had a deal.

Let's just finish this out.

- I'll go see the dean,

but after Friday I never

wanna see you again.

- Ow.

- Ah, Annabella, I'm so happy

you were able to swing by.

You know, we have a

relatively small student body,

but it's rare that

I get a chance

to meet one-on-one

with a student.

Particularly a student

who is so esteemed.

- Ah, well, uh, my dad said,

"You wanted to see

me and here I am."

- You know, I am just so

impressed with your father.

He's like a real life

Scrooge McDuck.

Just diving in those


Diving in the.

You're kidding?

You don't know "DuckTales".

I Googled it, there was

a recent reboot.

You gotta know "DuckTales".

- Uh, he said, "I needed

to sign something."

- Oh yeah, just real quick,

I'm actually supposed to see

your father this weekend.

We're gonna discuss

a big donation

he's making to our cafeteria.

He is so generous.

- Yeah, I, I bet he


- And if you could

just reassure him

that we're in the clear.

The FBI totally buying all

that foreign hack stuff.

- Oh yeah.

- It's gonna be fixed

by this weekend.

You know, I'm really sorry

that I just didn't cover

my tracks better.

I still don't know how I

managed to turn the power off

to the entire school,

but I did.

But anyway, we're all good now.

- Well, I'm sure he'll

be happy to hear that.

- Ah, found it.

- Ah, great.

- This is now the only

evidence of your admission.

I'm going to replace the old

one when the system relaunches.

And it's not gonna say anything

about the fencing team.

- Fencing team?

- Yeah, it'll look like

you tried it out

and you know it didn't get in.

Something like that.


Thank you.

Signed, sealed, and delivered.

And if you could apologize

to your father

for any stress that

I may have caused.

And Annabella, if you need

anything, anything at all,

you know, I basically sleep

in this office.

Actually, I do sleep

in this office.

I sleep right there.

Just until January when

the mediation starts.

- Thank you.

- Thanks, Annabella.


- Ladies night.

You two got any plans?

Wanna hang out?

I've got some limited

edition Oreos.

No pressure.

They don't expire for

like six months.

Whoa, mama.

Someone going to the Met Gala.

What's her problem?

Oh, before I forget.

Got this for you.

- I, I got it, Eggs.

- Great, I'll just

keep this one.

Okay, okay.

- Thank you so much.

It really means a lot.

Your support is all we have.

Hey, I'm so happy you came.

- I wouldn't miss this

for the world.

- We're waiting on a few

more people to show up

and then we'll head

over to Chi Theta.

- Chi Theta?

- Yeah, yeah, there's a,

there's a big banquet

there tonight.

And well, I figured

West Fern has to listen

if we take it to their

beloved little sorority girls.

- I think that's a

really great idea.

- Let's go.

All right, make sure you

guys have a sign.

We've come here tonight to

make Dean Cain and West Fern

accountable for their actions.

- Yeah.

- The special interest

groups that line the pockets

of our administration

has done enough damage

to our planet and our college.

- Yeah.

- The time for action is now.

The blood is on their hands.

- Yeah.

- The blood is on their hands!

- The blood

is on their hands!

The blood is on their hands,

the blood is on their hands!

The blood is on their hands!

- Tell 'em they're

like real swords.

- Yeah, but like very

little swords.

- Is that crest on

your wall now?

- Oh, yeah, I'm in too deep.

I had to hang it up.

I mean, when I saw

it on the website,

I thought it was like

a paperweight.

I didn't think it was

gonna weigh 50 pounds.

- Well, I think that thing

makes you the dragon queen.

- Ugh.

It's already very embarrassing

that you saw me at

my lowest point.

- All right, we're out.

- This banquet's

not over yet.

- Bye.


- Bye.

I don't get it, how are

you guys in a fraternity?

Seem to.

- What's smart?

- Yeah.

- I get it.

But honestly, not everybody

joins a frat to party.

I'm the philanthropy chair.

It's the only place

where I can get a budget

to locally make a difference.

- Who got the juice?

- But yeah, don't get me wrong,

I'm surrounded by idiots.

- They're harmless.

- Well, I hope you end

up joining Theta.

They're our sister sorority,

so that means we'd be spending

a lot of time together.

I mean, you already

know what it's like

to have a bunch of brothers

and sisters.

- What?

- You know, being

Mormon and all.

- Oh yes. I am a hundred

percent Mormon.

Yeah, definitely Mormon.

Yeah, thank you for

remembering that.

I mean-

- Guys, um,

I was just informed that

there is someone at this party

that has less than 4,000

followers on Instagram.

And I'm not trying to shame

anyone, um, but please leave.

Thank you.

- Can we please get outta here?

- Oh, absolutely.

- Save our oceans!

- Save our oceans!

- Save our oceans!

- Save our oceans!

- Make them pay!

- Make them pay!

- Make them pay!

- Make them pay!

- We want justice!

- We want-

- You doing anything tomorrow?

- Uh, no, it's actually

my last day

before things get really

busy again so I'm free.

- Well, we're doing

a big brother event

down at Keeler Elementary

and we could use some

help if you're down.

- Sounds good for sure.

- And dinner with me afterwards.

- Hmm, nah, I'm sorry, I

have to clean my crest.

It' takes six to seven

hours, okay?

- Yeah, it doesn't surprise me.

- You ever have imposter


- What's that?

- The feeling that you don't

truly deserve to be somewhere,

like a fraud.

And if people find out the

truth they'll hate you.

- Not really.

Honestly, I sort of

feel the opposite.

I think I know what I'm doing

and everybody else is the fraud.

Does that make me a psychopath?

- No, makes you a white


- Down with West Fern!

- Down with West Fern!

- Down with West Fern!

- Down with West Fern!

- Save our oceans!

- Save our oceans!

- What is this?

- We've come here tonight

in front of our school's

most elite club of the 1%,

without any response from Dean

Cain and his deep pockets.

We want answers and

we want them now!

- Yeah!

- We want our school to

reject the blood money

that pollutes our oceans

and wildlife.

- Who are these poor people?

- We care about our environment

while trust fund babies

like you, turn a blind eye.

And with that in mind,

these are the names

of the worst offenders

here at West Fern.

These companies and

their donations

have directly resulted in the

death of fish, whales, sharks,

and the most innocent creatures

of the animal kingdom,


We love seahorses!

- We love seahorses!

We love seahorses!

- Plexico Oil!

- Boo!

- Discount Foods International.

- Boo!

- Bubble Zing

Energy Drink!

- Boo!

- And the evil empire

of Meat Sleeves!

- Boo!

- Yeah!

- Down with West Fern!

- Down with West Fern!

- Down with West Fern!

- Down with West Fern!

- Down with West Fern

- Down with West Fern!

- Down with West Fern!

- Down with West Fern!

- This is all your

fault, you idiot!

- Me, it's not my fault

that your new friends

are clubbing baby seals.

- Shit, come on.

What the hell were you doing?

- I was saving you.

- When did you become

Greta Thunberg?

- Probably around the same time

that you thought it would

be a good idea

to make out with some

random frat boy

while pretending to be me.

Which by the way seems

highly problematic.

- Well, I'm sorry.

I know it's hard for

you to see anybody

do something their daddy

didn't tell them to do.

- You know what?

At least I know who I am.

You on the other hand

have zero clue.

Ironically, you pretend to

hate my dad, the rich assh*le,

but actually you wanna

be him so badly.

- I do not wanna be your dad.

You think I wanna cheat to

get my kid into college?

- What?

- Fencing really?

- What are you talking about?

- Don't act dumb.

You stole someone's spot!

Someone was rejected

because of you.

- Fencing.

Oh wow.

- We're staying in this room

until we get an email

response back from the school.

They should be responding

any moment.

- Not if I didn't send it.

- You didn't send the email.

- Raury, hold on.

- You liar.

- This is the first

time in my life

where I've had some control.

I can actually be an artist.

- This has nothing to

do with me, Annabella.

- Yes it does, Raury.

- This is so messed up.

I mean, you're insane.

- Okay, I, I will, I will

pay for next semester too.

I will pay for all four

years of college.

- Oh no, you're not used

to hearing this,

but you cannot pay your

way out of this!

- I will set you up with

the most amazing

Meat Sleeves's position

after graduation.

I'll take care of it all

and then you'll be set

for life, okay?

- No, I'm sending the email now.

- No, no, Raury, hold on.

- Annabella, move!

- Let's talk about this.

- Get out of my way!

- I'm so much stronger than you!

- Annabella French?

- Yes.

- Now tell me what the

hell is going on?

- Well, she asked me-

- When I got into this school

my dad was like-

- Right, but I didn't wanna.

- Shut up!

I'm gonna make this

very easy for you.

Are you Annabella French?

- I'm Raury Sanders.

- I'm actually Annabella French.

- Right.

k*ll her.

- Wait, what, what are

you talking about?

- k*ll her?

- He hasn't paid so you die.

- Who didn't pay you?

Why, why are you going

to k*ll me?

- Everybody just calm down.

I mean, we can talk this out.

- Her owes me 120,000

bucks so now I take action.

- Please, please don't k*ll me.

My dad will give you

whatever you want.

- Yeah.

- 120 that's nothing.

I mean, he has that.

- Not a chance.

- No, he don't.

Your father is broke.

- That's not possible.

- Yeah, I, I mean she

has at least $35,000

in her student account.

I mean the, the, the

cars, the houses,

I mean, I'm pretty sure

you guys have a boat.

He's a millionaire.

- Her dad's been living off

a debt and corporate crime

for like a decade.

Every dollar he has

is owed or stolen.

He's a pyramid scheme

Netflix documentary

just waiting to happen.

He's as much of a

fraud as you are.

Just get it done.

And don't k*ll her on campus.

- No, no, no, guys, you

don't have to do this.

- I'm going to die.

I can't believe I'm

going to die.

- No, Annabella!



- Let's go!

- Those were real.

- Where did you park my car?

- Oh, I think over there.

- You think?

- I'm sorry.

I didn't think we'd be

running for our lives.

- Great, okay, where is it?

- Oh, oh, right there.

There it is.

Do you see them?

- You need to wash the road.

- No shit, John Wick.

I think you slowed them down

'cause you shanked them.

I can't believe this.

- We need a plan.

We can never go back

to the dorms.

I've listened to enough

true crime podcasts

to know this ends poorly.

How far is Mexico?

- Shut up!

My God how much worse could

you possibly make this?

- This isn't my fault,

you heard them.

- We need to

go to the cops.

- And say what?

That we switched to identities

and now gangsters are

trying to k*ll me

because my dad's a scammer.

- Yes, Annabella that's

exactly what we say.

Literally word for word.

Oh, and also add the fact

that you're trying to

use me human blackmail!

- I'm so dead.

Eventually they are going

to find me and.

Did you just throw the keys?

- Yes!

- Run!

Are we still on campus?

- Why did I throw the keys?

- I don't know why.

- Get down there!

- Now it works.



- How did you do that?

- Physics.

- Split up.

Find them!

I hate puppets.


You idiots, find me

those two girls

before I k*lled them myself!

I hate g*dd*mn puppets!

- They're going to k*ll us!

- I know that, Annabella!

- Do you think my dad's

actually broke?

- What, I don't see why that's

very important right now!

- It's just that when I

actually think about it,

it makes total sense.

I mean, Meat Sleeves taste

like sweaty headbands

and he was always flying in

these sketchy foreign investors.

- Why are we talking about this?

We are literally running

for our lives.

I bet they're right behind us.

- This one time you

bought my mom a race horse

and he said, "That she

could only keep it

if the Celtics won by

four and a half points."

- Please stop talking.

- So much of my identity has

been wrapped up in being rich.

I mean, it's the only

reason why people like me.

- That's not true.

You're fun, you're

nice, and you mean well.

And as for yourself when you

mind your mind to something

you can do anything.

- That's actually really

nice of you to say.

- I can't believe I'm

feeling bad for you.

There's no service.

Dean Cain!

Where are you?

- Open up!

Open up, open up!

- Ooh, I have bars.

- Okay, call 911.

- The police?

- Yes, we don't have

any other choice.

Just do it.

- Okay.

- Oh, come on on!

- Wait, wait, I have an idea.

Okay, okay.

- Ah, oh, thank God-

- Hello.

you're not those protesters.

- Hello.

- What is the matter,

Ms. French?

- She's Ms. French.

I'm Raury Sanders.

There's K*llers after us!

Just please let us in.

- She's right, everything

she's saying is right.

Please just help us.

- Girls look, just slow down.

Let me help you before

we do anything though,

do you know what "DuckTales" is?

- What?

- Really?

- She didn't know what

"DuckTales" was.

I think that's weird.

- I honestly have no idea

what you're talking about.

- Are you serious?

What is the matter with

your generation?

You're all obsessed

with the "Goofy Movie".

It's really not as good

as you think it is.

- We want the French girl, Dean.

- Oh gosh, what's going

on, Annabella?

- It's actually her.

She's Annabella French.

- Wait, you're Annabella French?

- Yes, that is what we

have been saying.

- And they wanna k*ll you?

- My dad owes the money.

He's apparently bankrupt

or something.

- Your dad is broke?

- Yes, I guess so.

- Hurry up or else I'll have

to k*ll all three of you.

- Okay.

- Oh my god.

- Okay, yeah, we gotta

hand you over.

- Are you serious right now?

- Yeah, it's our only choice.

- He's trying to k*ll me.

What are you saying?

- I'm sorry but I'm

an administrator,

I'm trained in risk assessment.

There's only one of you,

three of us shouldn't die.

They're asking asking for you,

you should take the fall.

And now that I know that

your father is broke,

it's unfortunate, but

it's the only way out.

- What is wrong with you?

- You have until three.

- One-

- Stop counting.

You can have her.

- No!

- Annabella, you called me.

Thank God when I

took your phone,

I made it so I could

track you 24/7.

So where to?

I got room in the back.

- I got lucky, I followed

someone in.

They were not wrong

about the strawberry tea.

- Now don't think I

haven't had one of these

every day for the

past four weeks.

School is so

nervous I'm gonna sue,

they give me a ton of meal

credits and VIP access.

So how was your first week?

- It was fine.

Community college is

just more my speed

and it's technically

where I should have been

in the first place so.

- And you're an art major.

- With a physics minor.

I somehow am a natural.

- So how's your dad doing?

- Oh, you didn't hear?

He sold his life rights.

- He did?

- Yeah.

- And look who they got

to play him in the movie.

- Oh, it really is

a small world.

- Um, everything of my

dad's got repossessed.

There's tax fraud, credit

fraud, and fraud fraud.

So I've been living with my mom,

which is actually kind of nice.

- Good.

How are you though?

- You know, I was always

uncomfortable with being rich

so finding out that we

weren't actually rich

was kind of a relief.

The attention sucks.

But when everybody found out

that I didn't know anything

about the fencing stuff,

it got a lot easier.

Plus someone more

deserving got my spot here,

so that was good.

- Good.

- How's being Raury again?

- Stressful.

That economics class is like

way harder than I thought.

- I told you.

- Yeah, it sucks.

And Brooks and I went

on a date last week.

- Oh yeah?

- Yeah.

But I think we're just friends.

I mean, I don't time between

waiting tables and tutoring.

I think I'm gonna cherish as

much alone time as I can get.

How are you and Russ?

- Oh, it's coming along.

When everything came out, he

was actually super supportive.

I think it turns him on

that I'm rebelling

against privilege.

Oh, thanks for the

recommendation by the way.

- You know you didn't

have to take all the blame

with school, and the cops,

and the credit card company.

You really painted

me to be a victim,

which isn't completely true.

- The whole thing was

my idea period.

I was an idiot.

Plus I've never

had any real financial

responsibility before

so having to pay the

whole thing off

is actually kind of

helping me in a weird way.

- Well, I'm considering

this whole experience

to be a positive thing

'cause I made a new friend

and that new friend is

pretty good with swords.

- Sais.

Going to China

with my dad on business trips

finally paid off.

Oh I, I painted you something.

- Annabella.

I love this.

- It's nothing.

- No, it's something.

Thank you.

- Please hang it next

to the crest.

- Oh, you got it.

- Okay.

All right, should we

go to this party?

I'm starving.

Should I wear this

hat to the part?

- Yes, I do have friends

after all.

And they were all here.

Okay Mom, I have to

use the bathroom.

I'll call you back.

I'm so sorry.