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20x08 - Bubble Trouble

Posted: 08/01/23 16:08
by bunniefuu

Well, well, if it ain't
our landlord, Mr. Flint.

Cut the soft soap.
I just came to inform you

you'll have to vacate
at the end of the month,

when your lease expires.

Because I made a deal

with the Pinch Penny Market

at three times
the rent you're paying me.

But we've been here years.

Oh, he's only joking, ain't you?


Oh, oh. My lumbago.


Oh, get me a plaster
for my back.

Get him a plaster.


Bend over.
I... I can't.


Hurry up, don't take all day.

Here we are, fellows.

All right, take that.

There you are, pal.

Take it off!
It's burning!

It's burning!
I'll get it off.

Hold still there.
Hold still there.



Trying to boil me alive, huh?

You did this on purpose.

I'll have the law on you.

I'll have you run out of town.

Amos. Amos, I've been looking
all over for you, Amos...

What are you following me for,
you old hag?

I told you
to pack up and get out.

I'm through with you.

I'm giving you the air.

I'm tired of looking
at an old hag like you.

Now, years is enough.

I'll fix you too.

You haven't heard
the very last of me yet.

You'll regret this.


I'll bet that miser eats
rusty nails for breakfast.

Ever since I've become old
and lost my beauty,

he's threatened
to run out on me.

And now he's done it.

Oh, what will I do?

We have a spare room
in the back.

And you're welcome to it.

Thank you.

Bless you, boys.

Poor woman.

It's tough to get old.



Hold it. Hold it.
I got it.

MOE: What is it?
A terrific idea.

If we can discover a vitamin
to make old people young,

we'll become rich and famous.

It's tremendous.
It's colossal.

It's putrid.

Then what are we stalling for?
Get busy.


After you, doctor.


After you, doctor.

Why certainly, professor.





You put in too much.

What's the idea of hitting me
with that pestle?

You're lucky I didn't hit you
with the mortar.


The mortar the merrier.


Put that pestle down, man.


Here's the mixer.

Coming up.


Get set.


Ooh, excuse me.


Hey, it's generating.



Hey, hey, break it up.

Let's give it some air.

On the fire.

Get me that.


What's the matter with you?
Cut it out, will you?

Come on.
Hurry up.


More H O.

I've got it.


I think it's out fellas.

Hold everything.
I'll take a look.





Oh, boy, this time
I'm sure we've got it.

And remove the pestle

and release
the fountain of youth.



It's stuck.
Oh, step aside, nitwit.

Hold the mortar.


We're ready to try it.


I refuse
to be the guinea pig again.

Okay, kid, okay.

All you have to do is smell it.




All right,
we'll call Mrs. Flint.

♪ Oh, Mrs. Flint ♪

♪ Flint ♪
♪ Flint ♪

Open your mouth.
And close your eyes.

We're going
to give you a big surprise.

Uh, well...


Beep, beep, beep.


I haven't felt like this since...


Goodness knows when.



I feel giddy.

I actually feel young.

You are. You are.




Boys, we did it.
We did it.

Our fountain of youth invention
will make us rich.

We can buy our own building now.

Come right over here and look.

If I hadn't seen it
with my own eyes,

I'd never believe it.

I'm young again!




She's gorgeous.

May I have this dance?




Do you mind if I cut in?


Do you mind if I cut in?


Say, you're not a bad dancer.

Oh, I'm from Missouri.
We're waltzing.

Yes, sir, what can I do for you?

I want some bubble gum.

Yes, sir.

There we are.

That will be five cents.

Thank you.


Hey, fellas.

Oh, boy, a skyrocket.

No, no, no. It's a cake I baked
to celebrate my re-birth.

How do you like it?
Oh, that's terrific.

Let's have a slice.
Oh, no.

It has to be decorated
with marshmallows.

I'll get the marshmallows.

Uh, marshmallows.

Oh, marshmallows.
Here's one that's open.

Oh, heavens, my roast.

Don't worry,
we'll drape the cake.

No, thanks, you take it.

Get out of here.

Here's the marshmallows.
All right.

Has marshmallows got pits?

No, they're empty
like your skull.

Drape that cake.
I'll bring the dishes.

All right.

All right.



The marshmallows
are a little stale.

We got 'em in fresh yesterday.

Could be.

This reminds me
of filet of sole.

And heel.

Oh, what do you call this cake?

Marshmallow jumbo.

Tastes more
like marshmallow gumbo.













Where are those scalawags?

What's all the racket, Amos?

Why, I... Serena.

Why... Serena,
you're young and beautiful.

How did you do it?

We discovered
the fountain of youth.

We can make old people young.


Make me young.
Make me young.

I'll... I'll give you
this store for nothing.

I've got a deed right here
in my pocket.

I'll sign it right over to you.

That's fair enough.
Get busy, boys.

Now, wait a minute, Flint.

We don't know how this stuff
is going to work on a man.

You can't back down
on your bargain.

It'll work.
It worked on Serena.


Beep, beep, beep.

I feel funny,
awful funny.

I'm starting
to feel young already. Ha.

I'm turning younger
every second.

My blood is boiling
like a geyser.

Even my muscles seem
to be growing.

I feel as strong as an elephant.


I feel like a changed man.

I feel like I could tear
the building apart.




You dirty double-crossing rats.

So you made a monkey
out of me, eh?

Why, I'll tear you apart.


Open up there.

Let me in.




What happened, Larry?

Go on. Say it.

Hey, get a bottle
of smelling salts.

All right, kid.



What's the idea
of kicking me, you back-biter?

Honest, M-M-Moe,
I d-d-didn't d-d-do it.

You didn't kick me
when you were sta...?

Oh, I suppose he did it.

I ought to punch you right...


I've got you.

Easy, now.
Take it easy.

Let me go. Let me go.

Take it easy. Whoa.


I'll flatten
your head like a pancake.






Oh, get up.


Moe, your head
is as flat as a pancake.

But you look better that way.

Do something.
Get me out of this.

All right, hold still.


There you are.
Now, put your head down there

and I'll iron it out.

Put it right down there.

There you are.

That looks swell.
How do you like that?

Oh, those bells.

Well, it's a good thing
I brought...


Hey, fellas,
the chloroform knocked him cold.


I got an idea.
This guy will make us rich.

We'll put it in a cage
and exhibit

the only talking gorilla
in captivity.

Hey, it would be better
with two talking gorillas.

Yeah, but where
are we going to get...?

No. Moe, that look in your eye.
I ain't no gorilla.

Not yet. Wait till I get
the fountain of youth.

Now, wait a minute... No.

It's great being a gorilla.

You don't have
to pay income tax.

I don't care. Let me go.

Let go of me.
I don't want to be a gorilla.

Wait a minute.
Now, don't get excited.

All you have to do is open
your mouth and say, "Ah".


I didn't...


Beep, beep, beep.



