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01x45 - Bee Prepared

Posted: 08/01/23 11:45
by bunniefuu
♪ Earth needed help and they answered the call ♪

♪ No rescue too big, no hero too small ♪

♪ Recruits come to learn from the best of the best ♪

♪ They'll be Rescue Bots too, if they pass the test ♪

♪ Rescue Bots Academy roll to the rescue! ♪

♪ Roll to the rescue! Save the day ♪

♪ For you and me, roll to the rescue ♪

♪ Hot Shot, Whirl, Hoist, Medix, and Wedge ♪

♪ Their teamwork, together, will give 'em the edge ♪

♪ Rescue Bots Academy roll to the rescue ♪

♪ Roll, roll, roll! Roll out! ♪


[Hot Shot] Oops, careful!

Thanks for the help, guys.

Blades has been on me to tidy my space

in the student lounge.

Doesn't "help" imply you carry stuff too?

Somebody needs to see where we're going.

Most thoughtful.

So, where are we taking this junk anyway?

It's not junk. It's treasure.

You never know when you'll need an inflatable palm tree,

[Hot Shot] or a monkey that tells you the time!

[mechanical voice] It's time for...


-[plonk] -Ugh, like Whirl said. Junk.

How 'bout in here? Last time I looked,

-this room was empty. -No! Wait!

-You can't go in there. -Why not?

Because! It's full of...

uh, extremely dangerous...

eh... totally toxic...


[sighs] Ugh, fine.

I guess you were going to see it sooner or later.


-Oh my. -Woooow.

I knew Bumblebee was your favorite RescueBot,

but this?

You think it's a little over the top?

-Of course not. -Not at all.


[Hot Shot] It's way over the top.

Hey, isn't that the Sigma?

Come on!

-[wobbling] -[thud]

Don't listen to them, they're just jealous.

Everyone knows you're the best.



Just in time!

[Blades] Say hello to your new guest teacher for the day.

And my bestest old buddy--


No way!

Hey everybody!

Beeblebum? Er, I mean--

[clears throat] Bumblebee?

It's an honor to meet you, sir.

-It's Wedge, right? -You know my name?

-It's great to meet you. -[awkward laugh]

It's meet to great you too, sir.

Uh, eh, I mean...

[chuckle] I know what you mean.

Don't worry!

Just a little slip of the voice modulator.

I'm sure you'll impress him later!

I really hope so.

Can you believe it? A lesson with the Bee himself!

And knowing Bumblebee,

it'll be the coolest rescue sim ever.

Recruits! Today we're going to cover

one of the most important things in Rescue Bot training.

-[whisper] Told you. -In fact,

today is what I like to call...

-Here it comes! -[Bumblebee] Maintenance Day.

Huh? M-m-main-what day?

It's all about preparation. Overhauling Cool Tools.

Re-fueling Energon. And first up,

checking for rust.

So, grab some equipment

and let's get to work!

Rust... checks? [sigh]

Seriously, how am I going to impress

Bumblebee doing rust checks?

[Wedge] It's the least heroic thing ever!

Check all the nooks and crannies.

-That's the trick. -A trick? You're right.

What if this Maintenance Day stuff

-is just a trick? -[scanner beeping]

Aw man! Not another rust spot!

Don't worry, Hot Shot. Rusts spots are like

rescue missions. They'll always show up,

you've just gotta know where to look.

Hear that? Rescues.

You've just gotta know where to look.

And that means what, exactly?

It means, what he really wants us to do,

-is go look for a rescue. -Everyone, listen up.

Blades and I are heading in to Griffin Rock

to pick up supplies for later in the lesson.

You guys stay here and keep going.

-I'll be back. -In to town?

Don't you get it?

Bee's only going so he can watch us

get out there and find a rescue mission!

Have you got rust in your audio circuits?

Bumblebee clearly said stay and do maintenance.

That's just what he wanted you to hear.

But I'm going to do what he wants us to do.

I can't believe it, there's so much to catch up on!

Like how Chase is funnier...

Boulder's had a new paint job... and Heatwave...

Well, Heatwave's still Heatwave.

You're doing a great job with these recruits.

[Bumblebee] And hopefully I can make them ready for any rescue.

Don't worry Bee, I'm on it.

[Wedge] If only I could find someone that needs rescuing.

Wait! That old lady!

Hello there, Ma'am. I see you're trying to cross

this busy and dangerous road.

-[laughter] -What?

[engine revving]

-Stop! -[car screeching]

Helpless old lady who needs

my assistance, coming through!

But I didn't want to cross the road!

I was waiting for my son!

[car honking]

-[gasps] -[thud]

[van screeching]

-Stay out of the road! -[splash]

Uh. Sorry everyone. My bad!

Can I please go now?




Now this is more like it.

Just the place to find a real rescue.

-[meow] -But instead, there's just you.

Which would be great, if you were stuck in the tree.

-[yowl] -Wait! I didn't mean--

-[meow] -[thud]

It's good that you're not stuck in a tree!

You scared away my cat!

Don't worry, sir! I'll get it!

-[laughter] -Whooooaaa!






Come on Wedge, you can do this!

If you can just find a good rescue!

[Therese] It's a disaster!

How are we ever going to save it?

Someone needs saving!

We can still rescue it, honey.

-All we need to do is-- -Call a Rescue Recruit!

Don't worry folks! Wedge is here!

-Who needs saving? -Our daughter.

Is she stuck down a well? Lost in the woods?

It's her birthday. She's having a costume party.

But the clown we ordered never showed up.

-What? -But a show by a real life

Rescue Bot Recruit? That would totally save the day!

-You can juggle, right? -Oh, honey!

I bet he can even ride a unicycle!

I... what? It's too small.

-He's right. -[sigh]

This is way more your size!

The kids will be so excited!


Mommy, where's the clown?

Forget the clown! Mom's got something better.

[Therese] So please welcome... the awesome...

the amazing... Wedge!

-[cheering] -A Rescue Bot?

[Medix] Medix to Wedge, do you read me?

-Hey Medix, wassup? -Where are you?

You're way behind on your maintenance!

Uh... [clears throat] I'm a little busy right now!


[Wedge] Oh no.

Hey, Bumblebee! Come back!


-Whoa... Whoa... Ahhh! -[splat]

-Best. Clown. Ever! -[cheering]


-Yes, sir! -Yes!

Yup. That's what good maintenance feels like.

[Wedge] Sorry I'm late, sir.

I was just... [panting]

checking my levels of.. uh...

-Whipped cream? -...Energon.

[Bumblebee] After all that maintenance,

I think you guys have earned a sim rescue.

Finally! A chance to impress!

At the top of this mountain,

are hikers trapped on a rope bridge.

[Bumblebee] Your mission is to get them to safety.

Your time starts now!

Okay, let's think. Wheels are no good in snow.

So Hot Shot and Whirl, you go on ahead.

You got it!

[blades whirring]

Okay guys... visors down.

And let's go.

Wait. I can't see.

-[squeaking] -My visor's dirty!

Because you missed lesson three

of Maintenance Day: "Visor Cleaning".


Well at leas this one seems-- [pow]

[laughing] And lesson four:

"Overhauling Cool-Tools".

Uh, listen, why don't you guys go ahead?

I'll bring up the rear.


You sound a little rusty.

-Me? Nah. -[thud]

I'm fine. Go!

Save the climbers! Hurry!


Oh boy! This is going to take all five of us.

I hear you Hot Shot but, where's Wedge?

[struggle grunts]

Checking... Energon levels.


Perhaps Maintenance Day wasn't so pointless after all.

[Bumblebee] I'm glad you finally realize it.

Bumblebee? [creaking] Uhh!

Sorry. My Energon level's a little low.

Is that because instead of doing maintenance

you were busy helping old ladies cross the road?

And that cat. Wow, could it move!

You saw that? I was trying to impress you.

Truly impressive rescues are only possible

if you look after the tools of the job.


Now, what do you say you get prepared

and show me what you can really do?

Okay team, the sim is reset,

and with everyone prepared, including Wedge,

you should save these climbers in no time.

Speaking of Wedge, where is he?

Come on guys! I found a safe way up the mountain!

-Let's go! -Wow.

-Prepared and enthusiastic? -He keeps this up,

he'll get his own "Heroes of Cybertron" card.
