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01x30 - Who's Teaching Who?

Posted: 08/01/23 11:07
by bunniefuu
♪ Earth needed help and they answered the call ♪

♪ No rescue too big, no hero too small ♪

♪ Recruits come to learn from the best of the best ♪

♪ They'll be Rescue Bots too, if they pass the test ♪

♪ Rescue Bots Academy roll to the rescue! ♪

♪ Roll to the rescue! Save the day ♪

♪ For you and me, roll to the rescue ♪

♪ Hot Shot, Whirl, Hoist, Medix, and Wedge ♪

♪ Their teamwork, together, will give 'em the edge ♪

♪ Rescue Bots Academy roll to the rescue ♪

♪ Roll, roll, roll! Roll out! ♪


[propellers sputtering]

Mayday, mayday. Engine failure.

I've got no thrust. Maydaaayyy!


We call this rescue "Amazon Plane Peril".

So that's avalanche, alligator, altitude sickness, and Amazon.

Wow! Who knew there were so many ways

for humans to get in trouble! -And that's just the A's.

But what happens next?

You can't leave us hanging!

What's more important

is discussing the various rescue options.

Cody has a list we can review in detail.

Ugh. Isn't there a more fun way to learn?

I drew pictures of the lesson. That was fun.

-Oh cute! Is that a bird? -No, it's the plane!

We don't need drawings or lectures,

not when we've read the course book three times.

Right guys?

Two times then?

Tell me you at least read the book.

Ugh, I tried.

It was soooo boring!

Unlike this. Watch.

[Hot Shot] Wow.

-[Medix] Remarkable. -[Wedge] Ahh.

Oh it is a plane!

Now that's the kind of teaching we need! Take note, Chief.

If you think you can lead a better class than us,

why don't you be the teachers today?

-What? -How?

-Who would we teach? -Us. As of now,

Cody and I are your students.

Awesome! This is going to be great!

Get ready to learn and have fun doing it!

[Hot Shot] When confronted by obstacles,

a smart Recruit will use both their skills

and the objects around them to complete the rescue.

I will now demonstrate.

Hang on Chuck, I'm coming!

-[splash] -[thud]


[effort grunts]

See? Easy peasy!

-Aaahhhh! -[thud]

-Gah. -Nice use of the ground there.

-Was that part of the lesson? -[groan]

[Whirl] Time for tips on when to transform

and how to do it safely.

By Professor Teacher Whirl. That's me.

I'm not really a professor. But I sound good, right?

Tip number one!

Make sure there's enough room to change.

Yes, Recruit Microwave? I'm in character,

and I decided that my teacher is bad at names.

What if you're in a cramped space?

Or there's a crowd of human onlookers taking pictures

-with their phones? -Great question, Recruit Cody.

Why do you remember his name?

Don't question the method, Heatpad.

Now where was I? Ah!

To answer the first question...

[Whirl] It reminds me of the time on Griffin Rock when I got stuck

-behind an ice cream truck. -What's going on?

The Recruits are teaching us today.

Learn anything good yet?

How to make a Cybertronian fall asleep.

-Anyway, the point is-- -[bell rings]

Aw, we're out of time!

I think we can all agree

we learned a valuable lesson here today.

Teaching's way harder than it looks.

At least you did better than Hot Shot.

Hey! Actually...

Yeah. That's fair.

So who's next, Professors?

-♪♪ -[Cody] Looks complicated.

But a hundred percent safe.

Medix here will pretend to be a human driver.

He'll drive along the road, following all these

freshly painted warning signs. Come to a safe stop,

avoiding a collision with Professor Chuck.

I've accounted for every kind of road hazard.


-Except one. -[thunder crashing]

-The weather. -This is perfect.

Gotta expect the unexpected.

Ready Professor Medix? Drive!

[engine revving]


Okay Medix, take a hard right at the 'No Entry' sign.

Which one is the 'No Entry' sign?

Uh oh! Waaa-oh! Whoa!


Huh. Looks like today,

he's Good Luck Chuck.

-[clang] -[thud]

This rescue algorithm will get your minds into gear.

You should be able to solve it in minutes.

[clock ticking]


Oh! Ahhh.

Ha ha ha.

-[thud] -Heh!

Uh, Medix? Can you give us a clue?

Keep reading. You'll find the answer in the book.

-Eventually. -[bell rings]

But... But... The answer was right there in the book!

Face it. People like reading,

just not long, dry, boring manuals.

Time to "bone" up on human first aid.

Get it?

Hold on, Chuck. I haven't even examined you yet.

Let's test your reflexes.


-[thud] -Looks like they work.

Chuck! Wait!

We're really not great at the teacher thing, huh?

[alarm wailing]

Rockslide in Griffin Rock. We need to clear the road

-so nobody gets hurt. -Finally! Let's go Recruits.

This is a real rescue mission, not a student exercise.

Technically you're the students.

-And we're the teachers! -They do have a point.

Hmm. Very well.

But as your students, we'll be coming with you.

To learn from your "expertise".

I find taking notes helps.

[engines revving]


[Hot Shot] We've gotta get this rescue right.

Our teaching has been a disaster.

What do you mean our teaching?

I found my class quite informative.

Come on team, no bickering now.

We need to show the teachers what we can really do!


-First lesson, don't look down. -Up isn't much better.

By my calculations, any loud noise

could bring down those boulders.

Not much room for vehicle modes here.

We better block off the road and make a traffic detour.

Way ahead of you!

Great! Now let's secure the rocks on that mountain

then repair the road!

-[effort grunts] -Ha ha!

-Not bad. -Don't look now team,

but I think our students are smiling!

-We've got this all under control-- -[honking]

-[beeping] -Hey! What's the hold up?



So sorry sir, but you need to be quiet.

Otherwise the whole mountain could come down.

But we've set up a great detour.

I'm late enough as it is.

Don't worry, I'm a great driver.

-I can make it past. -[gasps]

Stop! Jerry, wait!



Oh no. Whirl! Can you pull him up in Copter mode?

No... There's not enough room to transform!

Maybe I can get close enough to pull him back.

-[dramatic music] -[gasp]

Hot Shot, you're only making it worse!

What should we do?

When conventional rescue methods fail,

it's time for unconventional.


[effort grunts]

The rubber tires and tree bark

are stopping the van from sliding.

We need to wet the road!

Trust me, when you're driving over water

everything slides!

Did somebody call for a rainmaker?

Good idea, you two! Okay, try again.

[effort grunts]


It's not moving quick enough.

We need something more slippery than water.

Something like... [gasp]

-Ice! -Good idea.

Whirl, let's get frosty.


It's working! Everyone, pull!

[effort grunts]

[effort noises]


Still falling, still falling, and...



Nice work today, team.


Batter up, Heatwave.

-[thud] -Whoa!

Talk about unconventional! Our teachers are the best!

I'm sorry, I should've listened to you Hot Potato.

No juice pop is worth this kind of danger.

Not even grape!

[all together] Awesome! Yeah! That's how it's done!

-[beep] -Wuh-oh!

That was one amazing rescue.

Where did you guys learn all that?

Actually, we learned it from you.

But our lessons were a disaster.

Unconventional, yes.

But you can learn something from anyone.

As long as you're willing to listen.

I'm so ready to be a student again!

-Teaching is hard! -Tell us about it.

We'll be way better students in the future.

-We promise. -Exactly.

This time we'll all read the manual four times!

Or... At least once.
