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01x40 - Dig Fest

Posted: 08/01/23 11:05
by bunniefuu
♪ Earth needed help and they answered the call ♪

♪ No rescue too big, no hero too small ♪

♪ Recruits come to learn from the best of the best ♪

♪ They'll be Rescue Bots too, if they pass the test ♪

♪ Rescue Bots Academy roll to the rescue! ♪

♪ Roll to the rescue! Save the day ♪

♪ For you and me, roll to the rescue ♪

♪ Hot Shot, Whirl, Hoist, Medix, and Wedge ♪

♪ Their teamwork, together, will give 'em the edge ♪

♪ Rescue Bots Academy roll to the rescue ♪

♪ Roll, roll, roll! Roll out! ♪

Do you go crazy for construction vehicles?

Do you dig diggers? Then get yourself down to

Dig Fest! Just outside of Milford!

Dig Fest, not just a whoa,

it's a whoooaaaa--

That's better. I could hardly hear myself think.

-Whoaaa! -Ugh.

I thought I'd lost this! It's my old scrapbook,

full of all my best Cube wins back on Cybertron.

You know, I kind of forget how famous you were.

One day, I'm going to take you guys to a game

and introduce you to the crowd.

Erm, thanks Hot Shot, but all those lights?

All those screaming fans? It's not really my thing.

Ah, you know Wedge.

He doesn't even like having his picture taken.

'Cause some of us don't care about the fame.

What matters is that we get the job done.

But, if we get famous on top of that, it's a win-win.

Right, Chief?

I have a mission for you.

If you're not too busy being famous?

[Heatwave] Recruits, what you see

is a top secret communications satellite.

Boulder helped develop it with the Griffin Rock space team.

Boulder filled that thing with so much Cybertron tech

it could almost enroll at the academy.

And that's the problem.

'Cause we don't have a big enough classroom?

Earlier today the satellite was coming in for maintenance,

but three pieces broke off during re-entry

into the Earth's atmosphere.

[Whirl] Looks like they landed out in the desert!

-Near Milford! -Your mission is to rescue

the pieces before the Cybertron tech is discovered by humans.

-We can do that! -No problem!

I'm counting on you. Recruits,

roll to the rescue!

[engines revving]

According to calculations, those pieces of satellite

-fell somewhere around here. -I can't see anything.

Let's do a search on foot while there's no humans around.

And I can use this scanner I made.

It detects any Cybertron tech in the area.

Erm, aren't we Cybertron tech?

Oops! Ha ha! Right.

I'll just adjust the sensitivity settings and...

Bingo! There.

That's a piece of satellite alright!

Nice going, Hoist!

Yeah, well personally, I like to rely on

my finely tuned instincts.

These eyes are better than any homemade scanning de--

-Whoa! -[thud]

[laughter] Don't know about the eyes,

but you did find a piece of satellite.


Hey, Medix. What are those weird lights?

Hm. It appears to be...

Dig Fest.

That dreadful noisy thing that was on the television.

No way? We're near Dig Fest?

We should totally check it out!

You know... for strategic research purposes.

Or we could stay focused on the mission.

There's still one more piece of satellite to find, remember?

Yeah, but what if it landed near that arena?

If it did, with so many humans inside,

there'd be not a moment to lose.

So what are we waiting for? Let's go!


Wow! This place is awesome!

Which is weird, 'cause usually construction vehicles are

kinda boring. No offense, Wedge.

None taken. Can we please just find

the missing piece of satellite and get out of here?

Psst, you guys! Over here!

No sign of any Cybertron tech here.

That's it then, we're leaving.

[Announcer] Now don't you go anywhere, Dig fans!

Because right now it's the all-digging,

all-dancing Dig Display team!



Construction vehicles dancing?

Man we gotta see this!

Guys, focus.

We've got a job to do, remember? Now let's go.

By my analysis, a few more minutes won't hurt.


Wuh-oh! Is it me or is that digger

dancing kinda funny?

That's not dancing, it's out of control!

[gasp] It could crash into the humans!

We gotta do something!



Need... more... power!

[crowd gasping]

-[thud] -[cheering]


Holy smokes, did you see that?

I think he just defied every law of physics.

Not bad.

Phew! That was a close one.

Whoever you are buddy, I wanna shake your hand.

Oh, uh, listen--

it-it was nothing.

[Announcer] Whoa, slow your roll there, fella!

I'm sure everyone here wants to meet

the amazing driver of this skip-loader!

-Ain't that right, folks? -Uh oh.

Wedge is going to so not like being the center of attention.

That's the least of his worries!

What if they realize he doesn't have a driver?

I was just doing what any other driver would do.

I'm just glad no one got hurt.

You're not the first driver who is a little publicity shy,

But at least tell us your name

for when folks want an autograph.

An autograph? Me?

It's-- it's Wedge. My name's Wedge.

You hear that folks?

Give it up for the new mystery star of Dig Fest...


[cheering] Wedge! Wedge! Wedge!

Is it just me or is Wedge starting to enjoy this?

Hey, I'm picking up Cybertron tech.

And it's... uh oh.

-Not good. -Where is it?

I can't see a piece of satellite.

No? Try looking in the arena!

[Whirl] Uh-oh.

Okay, the good news is the crowd hasn't seen it yet.

The bad news is we're gonna need Wedge's bucket

-to dig it out. -I'm on it!

Hey Wedge, listen up.

We've found what we're looking for an it's in the arena.

-[static crackling] -Maybe he just didn't hear you.

But we need to get his attention quickly!

And I've got an idea.

[effort grunts]

[struggle groans]

Come on Wedge, look this way!

Now Wedge,

how about you take part in the next event?

The every-digger-for-himself,

-Freestyle Showdown! -[cheering]

-[struggling] -Has he... seen... the flags?

-I'm not sure. -[all] Whoa. Whoa. Whoa!

Wait, you mean me?

Doing freestyle? In front of the whole crowd?

Ha! He'll never do it.

-Bring it on. -What?

-[all] What? -[thud]

Way to go, Wedge!

The rules are simple.

Each driver has to perform tricks until asked to leave.

Last vehicle in the arena wins!

Man, these guys look good.

In three, two, one...


[engines revving]

-[thud] -[effort grunt]

[Hot Shot] Now what do we do?

They're gonna see that Cybertron tech for sure!

-[gasps] -[Announcer] Holy dump trucks,

did you folks see that? Wedge just did a barrel roll

right over his competitors!

Oh, no! Number is trying it and--

Boom! He's bitten the dust.

Look at Wedge go! Who does he think he is?

-Hot Shot? -Should I be offended by that?

[Announcer] Number is on two wheels!

I don't know how anyone can beat--

Oh, no, I spoke too soon!

So that's goodnight competitor Number !

This is too close!

Mission failure absolutely imminent!

[Announcer] And there are just two vehicles left...

and right now it's neck and neck! Or is it?

Because it looks like Wedge is going for the big one!

He is! It's a triple-backwards,

bucket-flip somersault and...

-Oh my. -[gasps]


-[all] Oof! -[thud]

-[Announcer] Wipe-Out! -Ouch.

And the winner is-- Number !

I can't see Wedge! Where is he?

-He landed really hard. -I'm going out there.

Wait, here he comes!

Well I hope you're pleased with yourself, Wedge.

I can't believe that you forgot the mission.

And ignored all of our attempts at communication!

Guys! I think maybe we should ask Wedge if he's okay first?

Thank you, Hoist. I'm fine.


Wedge is percent A-Okay.

But how? That totally not cool wipe-out had to hurt?

It would have... if I didn't know what I was doing.

I did hear your call about the missing piece of satellite.

And saw you waving that flag.

You crashed on purpose!

I figured it was the only way to get close enough

to that piece of the satellite without the humans noticing.

[all at once] Sweet! Whoa! Most impressive.

[crowd cheering]

I can't believe you turned your back on all that fame.

When it came down to it, we got the job done.

That's better than seeing my face on any big screen.

That's our Wedge, alright.

Besides, I can always get the trophy next year.

-[Medix] What? -[Hoist] N-next year?

-[Whirl] Wha...? -[Hot Shot] Oh Primus!
