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01x35 - Tyrannosaurus Wrecked

Posted: 08/01/23 10:42
by bunniefuu
♪ Earth needed help and they answered the call ♪

♪ No rescue too big, no hero too small ♪

♪ Recruits come to learn from the best of the best ♪

♪ They'll be Rescue Bots too, if they pass the test ♪

♪ Rescue Bots Academy roll to the rescue! ♪

♪ Roll to the rescue! Save the day ♪

♪ For you and me, roll to the rescue ♪

♪ Hot Shot, Whirl, Hoist, Medix, and Wedge ♪

♪ Their teamwork, together, will give 'em the edge ♪

♪ Rescue Bots Academy roll to the rescue ♪

♪ Roll, roll, roll! Roll out! ♪

Guess what? We've got a new teacher joining the academy.

How amazing is that-- so amazing, right?

Whoa. That is big news!

-Who's our new teacher? -Ooohhh...

I was so excited when Heatwave told me, I forgot to ask!

I hope it's Bumblebee!

It's gotta be Optimus Prime!

Could be my Uncle Ratchet.

-Wait. The Ratchet? -Mm-hmm.

That's important information.

-He's your uncle? -Whoa!

There's lots of Bots in my family.

Great Aunt Apex...

Grandpa Torque-Steer... Second Cousin Wrench...

Did I ever tell you about the time

he used a sprocket spanner on a titanium bolt?

Ha ha! Ah, good times.

Let's go meet the new teach!

-Alright! -Yay!

[Heatwave] Good morning, recruits.

I'm guessing by the fact you're early to class,

you've heard we have a new teacher starting today.

-Windblade! -Arcee?

Please be Bumblebee. Please be Bumblebee!

Not Second Cousin Wrench?

What? Er, no.

It's Grimlock.


Whoa... who now?

Grimlock! Y'know... one of Bee's best friends...

Strong, brave, great bot to have your back!

I've got his collector card.

So... where is he?

[heavy footsteps]

Are puddles 'sposta do that?



[all cheer] Yeah!

They're all yours, Grim.

Our new teacher's a Dinobot?

-You didn't mention that part! -Yeah. Cool, huh?

No. Not cool. Not cool at all.

Hey recruits. I'm Grimlock.

Who's ready to smash some metal?


My job is to stop the bad guys.

Especially big, dangerous ones.

But sir, you're huge.

I mean, taking on bad guys

is no problem for a Dinobot, but what about us?

Size isn't the same as strength. I'll show you.

Wedge, right? C'mere.

[effort grunt]

Oof! Awesome!

See? I used surprise not size.

And a little thing I call style.

Woo hoo! Oh yeah!

Not too bad. You got potential.

You hear that? I got potenti--

-[swoosh, thud] -Oof!

Bonus lesson:

Save the victory dance for the locker room.

Did you see how he slammed me

with just his tail? Wham!

You weren't the only thing he slammed. Look!


I see why Grimlock is a legend.

Among bots and cleaning staff.

He's so funny. Look!

[Whirl] He's making everything bounce. Ha-ha!

You! What do you do if you meet an Insecticon in a dark alley?


Need more info, huh? Good call.

The alley's a dead end. It's a stormy night.

What. Do. You. Do? [roar]

Pssst. Hoist. You still with us?

More of a claws-on bot, huh?

Come on down.

Okay. I'll be the Insecticon.

Ready? I'm coming at you!


Whoa! Aaahhh!

Sure. Sometimes running away is a good plan.

Lesson two. Vehicle mode chase.

Here are the rules: catch me if you can.

Take one and pass 'em down.

Decals? Noble.

Even better. Bubble shields.

[Grimlock] Just press it to turn it on.

-Whoa! -Remember,

extra points for style. You ready?

[engines rev]

I got him. I got him.


I don't got him. Sorry!


Bad guy getting away over here!


-What? -Unfortunate.

-Ahhhhh! -[boink]

You're supposed to catch me, not each other!

To be one step ahead you gotta think ahead!

Am I gonna go this way? Or this way?

-Or that way? -[gasp]

Heh heh heh!

Best. Lesson. Ever!

Nice first day, Grimlock.

Gotta admit, I was nervous.

Me? A teacher? But they're good kids.

Uh, I think one of 'em cut class.

Yay high. Blue. Doesn't talk much.

Hoist? Strange.

He's never missed a lesson before.

I'll see if I can get to the bottom of it.

Hey, Hoist! Missed you in class--

Stop! Don't get any closer.

I have... Rust Rot!

Oh no! What's Rust Rot?

It's a super contagious and completely

not-made-up Cybertronian disease.

That does not...

...sound good. Or look good.

I can't come to class. Maybe ever again.

-[clink] -Get back, Chief.

Hoist has... "Rust Rot".

I see.

-[gasp] -Looks like a miracle cure.

You're good to go to class, Hoist. Unless there's some...

Other reason you think you shouldn't?

-[heavy footsteps] -[gasp]

Hoist! Glad you're back.

You're just in time for my stories about

the baddest, scariest Dinobots ever!

Like Underbite.

That is one mean Chompazoid!

He was all... Raaahhhh...

...Rooaaaahhh... Rroooaarrrr...


Then Scowl-- He was more of a hench-bot.

Liked smashing stuff.

But what Dinobot doesn't?

Hoist? Where'd he go now?

-Hoist? -Hey.

I was just... looking for...

...a tape measure... case I need to... measure something.

Like the tape measure you're holding in your hand?

Ummm... Yeah.

Just like this one. Ha ha. Thanks, Medix.


Okay. Something is seriously wrong with Hoist.

And it's up to us to figure out what!


Huh? How'd that happen?

Better get some more supplies.

Hoist. What's going on?

We're kinda worried about you.

-Uhh... -And don't say it's Rust Rot,

or a lost tape measure! We mean what's really wrong.


I'm scared of Dinobots, okay?

Like, really scared. Even of the little ones.

And Grimlock's a really, really big one!

-But Coach Grimlock is cool! -So?

Dinobots like to squish whole buildings

-and use them as slippers! -You've seen that?

Well, no.

But a friend of a construction bot's cousin did!

I believe Coach Grimlock is only a threat to gym equipment.


See? I knew you'd laugh at me.

That's why I didn't say anything.

We're not laughing at you, Hoist.

Yeah! We're all scared of something.

-Right. -Sometimes I imagine

going into a test unprepared.

It sends a chill through my servos.

And I'm scared of losing.

Seriously. Terrified.

Not a fan of heights.

-Spaghetti. -Huh?

It's like a million tiny snakes.

With tomatoes! Gah!

Wow. I thought it was just me who got scared of stuff.

You're not alone! And even better...

We're gonna help you get over your Dinobot fear.


Try to imagine whale song.

That's relaxing.

[high pitched screech]

All you have to remember is

don't take a Dinobot by surprise.

They smash first, ask questions later.

-Ugh! -Not helping, Medix.

Okay, let's work on intimidating the enemy.

Start with your deepest, angriest roar...


-[gasp] -Huh?

-[purring] -It's a cat.

Get it off! Get it off!

A Dinobot afraid of an eensie-weensie-kitty-cat?

I guess everyone really is scared of something!

We better help him!


Hmmm. [effort grunt]

[Grimlock] Get it off! Get it off!


Here, kitty-kitty!

Aw, did the big bot scare you?

Why didn't you do that before?

Uhhh... Catch a cat?

No, I mean, that was some fast thinkin'

-rescue work against a fierce beast! -[yowls]

But he's itty-bitty and you're huge!

He's cute and you're terrifying.

Oops. Did I say that out loud?

Mr. Pettypaws...

Out for another adventure, huh?

Let's go home.

Ugh. Cats.

Fluffy balls of horror!

What? There's nothing to be ashamed about.

Being brave means being scared,

and doing the right thing anyway.

Like Hoist did! He thinks I'm scary!

But he still came to class

and helped this terrifying Dino out.

I got pretty big teeth, don't I?

Or is it the tail? It's the tail, isn't it?

It's both. And the overall...

[nervous chuckle] "bigness..."

But, thanks to my friends help--

nothing I can't work through.
