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01x49 - Milford Goes to the Dogs

Posted: 08/01/23 10:41
by bunniefuu
♪ Earth needed help and they answered the call ♪

♪ No rescue too big, no hero too small ♪

♪ Recruits come to learn from the best of the best ♪

♪ They'll be Rescue Bots too, if they pass the test ♪

♪ Rescue Bots Academy roll to the rescue! ♪

♪ Roll to the rescue! Save the day ♪

♪ For you and me, roll to the rescue ♪

♪ Hot Shot, Whirl, Hoist, Medix, and Wedge ♪

♪ Their teamwork, together, will give 'em the edge ♪

♪ Rescue Bots Academy roll to the rescue ♪

♪ Roll, roll, roll! Roll out! ♪

Can you pass me a number three sonic wrench please, Heatwave?

Thank you, Cody.

Your help working on these small circuits in invaluable.

As you see, with hands my size--

[yelling] Cody, this is Hoist!

Please respond! Over.

I can hear you, Hoist. No need to shout.

Aww. That's disappointing.

I was trying to make a new Comms System that humans can't hear.

I based it on some Earth tech I found.

I call them Talkie-Squawkies.

But I can hear you because I'm standing right next to you.

Maybe you should try sending a message from somewhere else?

Hmmm. Good point Cody.

Come in, Whirl! I need you to send a test message to Cody.

Come on, Cody. Let's continue our system check elsewhere.

Come in, Whirl.

Heatwave and Cody. Come in Heatwave and-- oh.

Um, Hoist, I'm not sure the test works

if they're actually in the same room as me.

We'll be in my office.


Ah. Peace at last.

Testing! Heatwave and Cody, come in! This is Medix.

Ugh. We can hear you!

Um, actually Heatwave, I didn't hear anything that time.

-Hmmm. -It works!

Now we'll be able to use these Talkie-Squawkies

on missions in Milford to help us avoid human detection!

Maybe. When they've been properly tested

and our recruits have been trained to use them.

New things must be treated with extra care.

You really shouldn't be in Botform

this close to Milford. You might be seen.

Relax, Heatwave chose today for this mission

because it's so quiet.

All the humans

are at the Milford Founders Festival Show in the Arena.

I heard they play the Milford Anthem to fireworks at the end!

I want to see that.

And we will. From a safe distance.

That was the last one. Good work.

Now it's time to return to the Academy and--

-[barking] -Hot Shot?

Relax. The cars are gone.

The people must be at the Show.

Besides, how often do we get to play with puppies?



I believe the correct term is "fetch!"

These pups are amazing.

It doesn't matter where the stick goes...


They always seem to find it.

We should get back to base.

Okay-okay. Wait wait-wait-wait... one second.

Aw! Told ya! Amazing!

We will be late.

Okay. See ya Shep.

See ya Lou.

[Hoist] Testing! Hot Shot and Wedge! Come in! Testing.

-We can hear you Hoist. -[dogs barking]

Oh! Hold on, Hoist.

There seems to be a disturbance at the Milford Hill farm.

Maybe we should go and investigate.

I could do with your help back here, Hot Shot.

I want to spend the whole morning

running tests over the Academy speaker system.

The whole morning?

Hand me that Walkie-Talkie- Squawkie thingamabot!

Hot Shot, it is vital that you investigate.

In fact it's so important,

that I shall send your fellow students to help.


Take all the time you need.

You can continue testing these things tomorrow.

Or possibly next month.

They seem to have calmed down.

I wonder what spooked them?

Hello, Shep.

There's the farm.

[gasp] The farmer's back!

I guess he didn't go to the Founder's Show.

We need to warn Hot Shot and Wedge.

I'll use my Talkie-Squawkie System.

I didn't think Heatwave wanted us using that in the field

until it'd been properly tested.

He'd understand! This is an emergency.

Wow, those pups can find that stick anywhere.

Watch out Hot Shot, there's a human approaching right now!


[animal sounds]

Oh no! Wedge! Shut the...

...gate! [sighs]

I really shouldn't have left that open.



[whispers] That was close.

We need to get those dogs back

before the farmer realizes they're missing.

I don't see how we can, the dogs ran towards Milford.

Milford is quiet today because of the Festival.

And we've got my new Talkie-Squawkies!

So we can warn each other before any humans see us.

Rescue Bot Recruits, roll out!

We need to move quickly.

Once the Festival Show ends,

the crowds will empty out of the stadium and fill the streets.

But it will take hours to search the city.

We'll have a better chance if we split up.

Wedge and I know what the puppies look like

so we should each lead a team.

And remember to use your Talkie- Squawkies to stay in touch.


[angry growling, barking]


I saw a police show once where an officer tried

to think like the person they were trying to find.

So... if you guys were a dog, where would you go?

Hm... Is there a squeaky toy store in Milford?

-[gasp] -[barking]

Hey, they remember me.

Oh, smart doggies. I'm pleased to see you guys.

We should let the others know we found them.

Wedge, Medix, this is Hoist.

We've located the missing dogs.

Hey, come back!

Uh, scratch that. We did have them.

Hmmm, you don't think...

No time for thinking, Whirl!

We have to catch those pups!

[barking, squealing]

We're chasing them down Main Street!

Gah! If they didn't keep running down alleyways,

we could use our vehicle forms!

They're way faster than us.

There's no way we'll catch them before-

Do you mind, Hoist? The Gloombot commentary is not helping.


Whoa. Shh. Nobody spook them.

-I'll let the others know. -Hoist, wait!

I think it's the Talkie-Squawkies

that are upsetting them.

Whirl, that's highly unlikely.

Wedge, Medix, we've located...



Where are the dogs? I thought you had them?

They ran off again.

It looks like my new Comms system is the problem.

I guess this is why Heatwave said

it's important to be careful when trying new things.

Come on, they can't have gone far.

And we know how to stop them from running away this time.


[dogs squealing]

Okay. All we have to do now,

is stay off Hoist's dog-scaring devices

and take them back to the farm. But...

Does anyone know where we are?

[all] Hmmm...

We were running around so much, I lost track.

It's okay, we can just use our regular comms system

to contact the Academy and call a GroundBridge.

Actually uh we can't.

I had to disconnect our old system to test the new one.

I have to be back at the Academy to reactivate it.

So, how do we find our way home?

[crowd noise]

We must act quickly. That's the Milford anthem.

It's the cue for the fireworks

and the end of the Festival Show!

I'm sorry, I should have been more careful

with my new Talkie-Squawkies.

It's my fault we don't know the way home.

Don't worry. We might not know the way,

but I know someone who does!

[all] Huh?

Shep, Lou...

-Fetch the stick! -[bark]

Rescue Bot Recruits! Roll out!


Don't lose them!


[laughing] That's it, boys! Find the stick.

We're losing them! Transform!


We did it, we got them home!

I can't wait to tell Heatwave.


Oh, right. Maybe I'll tell him in person.

So you were right, Heatwave.

I should have been more careful with my system.

Then you all learned a valuable lesson.

But I'm interested, Hoist.

What human tech did you base your Talkie-Squawkies on?

This. A device that makes a sound

outside the range of human hearing.

Hoist, that's a dog whistle.

So, that's why all the dogs got excitable.

-Ow! That's loud! -Cut it out!

[laughing] Looks like that's not just a dog whistle.

It's a Bot whistle too!

