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01x27 - Space Case

Posted: 08/01/23 10:38
by bunniefuu
♪ Earth needed help and they answered the call ♪

♪ No rescue too big, no hero too small ♪

♪ Recruits come to learn from the best of the best ♪

♪ They'll be Rescue Bots too, if they pass the test ♪

♪ Rescue Bots Academy roll to the rescue! ♪

♪ Roll to the rescue! Save the day ♪

♪ For you and me, roll to the rescue ♪

♪ Hot Shot, Whirl, Hoist, Medix, and Wedge ♪

♪ Their teamwork, together, will give 'em the edge ♪

♪ Rescue Bots Academy roll to the rescue ♪

♪ Roll, roll, roll! Roll out! ♪

[action music plays]

Um, Professor Heatwave...

Maybe we can just go along for part of the trip?

Ah, yeah... space travel doesn't really work that way.

But we could help with the mission!

We could hand you tools!

Or get you snacks! If you ate.

Look. Someday you'll go up in the Sigma with us.

But not this time. The mission's too risky.

We love risky missions!

Providing they have a probable outcome of success.

The Asgard Space Station lost power.

We'll be replacing its cables.

On the outside of the ship.

We're ready to try a space walk, sir.

It's the "try" part I'm worried about.

One wrong step and you'll drift off into space forever.

Sorry. There's no room for error.

It's just too dangerous for unseasoned recruits.

But what if something goes wrong and you need our help?

[chuckle] We'll be sure to let you know.

In the meantime, think of it as a learning opportunity.

You can watch on the monitors.

[Heatwave] See how each Bot contributes

to the mission in their own way.

Yeah... not quite as exciting as blasting into space.

Stay here, keep an eye on things.

If an emergency comes up call Chief Burns in Griffin Rock.

[engine roaring]

[sigh] Oh well. Next time.

And we're supposed to be learning what, exactly?

This isn't learning! It's just rubbing it in

that the Rescue Bots wouldn't bring us along!

C'mon. Let's go throw the lobbing ball around.

Uh, let me know if anything educational happens.

Wait for us!

Hoist and I had plans to go online

and do some collecting for our Earth museum.

[giggle] On the internet, no one knows you're an alien robot!

Your username might be a tip off.

Alien Robot ?

There were already ten others!

[sighs] Ah well.

I can use the time to reorganize my files.

Haven't done it since yesterday.

[alarm beeps]

The landing alert?

For a risky mission, that didn't take long.

[engine roaring]

What's going on?

Maybe we should take a look inside.

But--Where are the Rescue Bots?

We better search the ship.

Shouldn't we call Chief Burns before we do anything?

Those were Heatwave's instructions.

Right. You call him while we look around.

Stasis pods are empty.

The controls are on auto-pilot.

That's how it flew here without 'em.

Rest of the ship's empty too.

Our teachers must have gotten into trouble!

But they said they'd send us a message if they needed our help.

Maybe the ship is the message...

Letting us know they're in danger!

But what kind? A black hole, random asteroids... Aliens!

I mean, bad aliens.

Very odd. Chief Burns answered,

but said he was not available. Then he beeped at me.

Rather rudely, I might add.

That may have been his voicemail.

Either way, it's clearly up to us.

Our teachers need our help.

But even if they do, how do we find them to help?

There! That's the location the Rescue Bots sent the ship from.

They wouldn't have left that map on the computer

unless they wanted us to see it.

And use it to bring the Sigma back to save them!

Heatwave told us to stay in the Academy

and keep an eye on things.

[sigh] Fine!

But I'm letting our teachers know this wasn't my idea.

Okay then! Let's fly!

Um... anybody know how we launch this thing?

Heatwave always drives from the big chair.

Hmmm. [whistling]


What are you doing? I'm piloting the ship!

Look, I'm the obvious choice,

because I can actually fly.

-So can Whirl. -Ahem.

You two fly yourselves.

I know how to fly ships.

I just gotta figure out which of these buttons starts the--

Try this one!

[all] Whoa!

Uh... guys? Hate to tell you, but...

The co-ordinates must have been erased when we launched!

So... we don't know where we need to go?

This is your fault, Hot Shot.

Don't blame me! At least I got us launched!

Of all the impatient bots I've ever met--

Well, you're the one who wanted to pilot the--

Guys! We're out here for a reason, remember?

We'll never save our teachers by arguing!

We need to work together

and figure out how to get back on course.

I believe this instruction manual might help.

-You had that all along? -There's a manual!?

Ahem. If I can have a little quiet,

I'll be able to find out how to retrieve the coordinates.


-[beeping] -[all] Whoa!

Don't everybody thank me at once.

Okay, I'll go first. Thanks Medix!

Wedge, your turn!

Um... I know the blue dot is us and the X is where we're going,

but does anybody know what these things are?

I'm guessing maybe... Those?

-What does the book say? -Incoming Objects... Here,

Station one, engage emergency shields.

That's the... red switch at station one.

Red switch... shields are on!

Next, we override the coordinates at station two...

Station two. That's me!

Find the blue disengage button...

-Disengage... Disengage... Got it! -Wait!

While simultaneously locking guidance system

-at station three! -[alarm beeping]

Ready Hoist? One, two, three...!

-[both] Locked! Disengaged! -All right.

Step three. Start evasive maneuver.

-But it doesn't say how. -Evasive maneuver?

That, I know.

Everyone... sit down and hang on!



Re-engaging auto-pilot.

Good work, team! We did it!

All I did press a button a couple of times.

There are no small jobs. Just... small buttons. [thud]

Right. It took all of us, working together.

So... does that mean we can take turns in the chair?

Maybe on the way back.

I can't wait to tell Professor Heatwave

what a great job we did!

It looks like you won't have to!

Sigma, calling Heatwave, Heatwave, come in!

Are they okay?

Zoom in a little more.

Why aren't they answering?

[distorted static]

[sigh] Thank Primus! You made it!

[all] Yes!

And I'd like to go on record, Professor Heatwave,

as saying that I was against disobeying orders.

Well in this case, I'm glad you did.

Uh, I am as well, sir. In fact... overjoyed.

Now bring the Sigma a little closer,

and release the tractor winch.

Yes sir! Um... tractor winch button? Anybody?

-What does it look like? -[Wedge] No idea.

Who has the manual?

-I got it! -[all] Nnnooo!

What? I told you I had it.

[Hoist] We're in position. Hold it steady, bridge.

Steady and ready, Freddie!

Um, I know your name's not Freddie,

but just go with the rhyme, okay?

Affirmative... Betty.

Position locked, Hoist.

You sure you're up for this?

I could go out there too, you know.

Yeah but I've got built in steering, see?

My sonic blasters!


Rescuing our teachers has gotta be worth extra credit, right?

Let's wait on that until we're actually in the ship.

Yay, Rescue Bot Recruits!

[Hot Shot] Targets recovered, Wedge. Reel us in.

Not bad, Recruit.

Once we finished our repairs,

the space station started rotating again.

We hadn't counted on that.

We were stuck outside and couldn't reach the Sigma.

But I could still control it remotely.

So I figured the best thing was to send the ship home,

-as a message. -I knew it!

We weren't sure you'd figure it out,

or how to get the ship here.

Not everybody was sure you wanted us to.

But, once we all agreed and put our heads together--

We did it as a team!

You did a fine job.

We'll take it one mission at a time, sir.

And now that we all know our jobs,

it'll be a lot easier next time.

Dangling in space all that time took a little bit out of us.

We're going to hit the stasis pods on the way back.

So... does that mean--

Take us home, team.

[Hot Shot] Don't worry, everybody. I got this.

[all] Nnnoooooooo!
