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01x26 - Screen Time

Posted: 08/01/23 10:32
by bunniefuu
♪ Earth needed help and they answered the call ♪

♪ No rescue too big, no hero too small ♪

♪ Recruits come to learn from the best of the best ♪

♪ They'll be Rescue Bots too, if they pass the test ♪

♪ Rescue Bots Academy roll to the rescue! ♪

♪ Roll to the rescue! Save the day ♪

♪ For you and me, roll to the rescue ♪

♪ Hot Shot, Whirl, Hoist, Medix, and Wedge ♪

♪ Their teamwork, together, will give 'em the edge ♪

♪ Rescue Bots Academy roll to the rescue ♪

♪ Roll, roll, roll! Roll out! ♪

-[upbeat music] -[Boulder] Today Recruits,

we're going to continue our work on understanding

-Earth culture. -Great!

Can we learn about Groundhog Day first?

-Does each animal get a day? -Actually,

This lesson is about humans and electronics.

More specifically, what humans call

"Smart Phones."


As you can see from these pictures,

smart phones are culturally very important to humans,

as more and more own and rely on them.

What sort of things do they do?

Lots of things. They're a phone.

They have a camera for taking pictures of oneself,

called "selfies." And they can send text messages.

As well as humorous iconography called "emojis."

Most confounding. A "selfie"?

Why would I take a picture of myself?

-Because it's awesome! -[snap]

-[shutter snapping] -And texting?

Wouldn't it be easier to just talk to the person?

I know they seem rudimentary to us,

but humans love them.

And this is Earth Studies, so...

Familiarize yourself with the device.

But please, do it on your own time.

Not in class, or during training.

-That won't be hard! -Yeah! If you ask me,

these things should be called "dumb phones."

Boom! Awesome.

Hey guys, check this out!

[laughs] I'll just...

[funky electronic music]

Ha! I didn't know it played music.

-That's cool! -[funky electronic music]

-[electro music] -Ha ha ha!

-[bash] -Whoa!

Ha ha!

What's up Medix? You keep staring at that phone.

I decided to test the texting application

-and Wedge has not responded. -That's odd.

-He texted me back. -[gasp]

Why didn't Boulder say these things had games in them too?

This is fun.

-[bing] -Wedge, how do you get past level three?

All the blue diamonds, then the white squares

-and then the red hearts. -Got it.

There will be times on rescues, Recruits,

when all the traditional methods we teach you will fail.

And that's why it's important that you remember

what I'm about to tell you.


Ha ha ha!


-[beep] -Ha, ha ha!

Did you all understand that?

-Ha ha ha -Yes sir!


Excellent. Then let's put theory into practice.

Okay, Recruits. Just as we learned in class.

Roll to the rescue!

What? Wait, what are we doing?

[Heatwave] Chuck was hurt while spelunking

You must get him to the top of the mountain

as quickly as you can.

Right, but which way is out?

And what did we learn in class again?

I don't know, I wasn't listening.

-Oh no. -[all] Uh-oh.

Hashtag "Relax guys!"

Let's just follow standard rescue protocols.

Heatwave said to get him to the top of the mountain,

so logic dictates we go up.

See? Logic.

I mean, it's not like we go down, is it?

Wait here, Chuck. We'll have you out in a jiffy.

[stealthy music]

-Grrr, it's a dead-end. -No biggie.

We just stick the plan and try another.

Be right with you Buddy!

[Wedge] Ugghh! Another dead-end!


[action music]


What do we do now? Clock's ticking

and we've tried every tunnel leading up!

Maybe it's a trick?

[Heatwave] I assure you, it's no trick.

Just do what I taught you in class.

Wh-what did he teach us?

Couldn't give us a hint, could you sir?

Time's up. The hint you asked for, Hot Shot,

was that if the obvious fails,

-try the unexpected. -Oh, right.

Nah, still don't get it.

You tried every tunnel going up.

But you needed to go down to get out of the mountain.

Ugh, of course.

I thought you all told me you were listening.

I don't think they've been listening to anyone today.

I've just inspected the Academy,

and none of your tasks are finished.

-Really? -[all clammoring]

The medical bay isn't organized,

the garden is only half trimmed

and as for cleaning the Action Matrix?

-[crash] -Awww...

I'm very disappointed, Recruits.

That was embarrassing. I feel bad.

It was only a SIM! We'll ace the next one.

She's talking about Boulder.

He told us not to use the phones during schooltime but,

we couldn't help ourselves.

We should make a pact. No more phones

until we've finished our chores and caught up on our studies.

[all] Agreed.

When are the Recruits next visiting Griffin Rock?

-I'm not sure, Wes. Why? -I've got a Junior First

Responder test coming up and,

I would love for Wedge to help.

Right now, I'm working on hiking and orienteering.

And it would be way more fun with a buddy!

You're all alone out there? I hope you told your parents

-where you were going. -I did.

Hang on a second. I'll check Wedge's schedule for you.

-[bang] -[thud]

Hey, where am... Hmm?

-[crackle] -[rumble]

Phew, that was close.

Recruits, we have an emergency. It's Wes.

We were talking on the phone, and then he disappeared.

He's in the woods on Griffin Rock and he's all alone.

I've called his dad, and the chief of police.

But you guys can get there faster.

Don't worry, Cody. We'll find him.

Wes! Wes! Can you hear me?

Too bad Wes dropped his phone.

We could've just called him and asked where he is.

Wait, that's it! His phone!

Whirl. Cody tried calling it and Wes isn't answering.

That doesn't stop it from ringing!

She's right! We can use his phone like a beacon

to locate him! That is, we could if we hadn't

all left our phones back at the Academy.

Well, this is awkward.

-[phone ringing] -I hear it! It's this way.

[ringing continues]

Here's Wes's phone.

-But where's Wes? -[all calling out]

[Wes] I'm in here!

I'll dig him out. You guys watch the hillside above us.

I don't like the look of these loose rocks.

The hillside appears stable, Wedge.

Great! Wedge has got this.

C'mon everyone. Let's get a selfie of Wes's rescue.

Say "scraplets!"

-Aw, Hoist, you blinked. -Then take another.


Oh no!

Wedge, thank goodness you're okay!

No thanks to you guys.

You all need to put the phones away and focus.

Protocol says we dig, but Wedge can't because

removing rock will weaken the hill and it'll collapse.

Is there another way in?

According to my maps, this is the only entrance.

So, what are we expected to do?

"Expected." Hot Shot, that's it!

It's like Heatwave taught us.

When the usual protocols fail,

you try the un-expected!

You mean like sing a song?

What? That'd be unexpected.

In the SIM, the answer to going up

was to go down first.

So the way to safely dig Wes out is to--

Build up the hillside first! Whirl, that's genius!

Okay team, let's roll!

[engine revs]

[action music]

[blast, splash]

That ice should keep the rocks from falling.

The hillside looks stable.


What were you doing up here all alone, Wes?

A rescuer never goes on a mission alone.

-That's rule number ! -I know, Whirl.

I wanna be a rescuer so badly. And then,

I'm the one who ends up needing rescuing! So embarrassing.

We all make mistakes, Wes. The trick is to learn from them.

I'll tell you what I did learn: Look up from my phone!

I wasn't paying attention and look what happened!

I think that's a lesson we could all learn from.

[sirens approaching]

Looks like your ride home is coming, kid.

See you soon.

Oh! And Wes,

I'd be honored to help you with your first responder test.

You will? Thank you. I'll text you.

I'd like that. Hashtag.

You do know that's not how you use a hashtag?

Did you understand Earth's fascination with these devices?

On one hand, if it wasn't for smartphones

we wouldn't have found Wes. But on the other,

he was only in trouble because he was absorbed in his phone.

So, it seems phones are a useful tool if used responsibly.

I, for one, will be glad to unplug!

-Same here! -Uh-huh.

-Mm-hmm! -Totes-magotes!

Um. I only seem to have four phones?

-[ping] -[gasps]

Hashtag "Oops"?

