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01x21 - Dog Stray Afternoon

Posted: 08/01/23 10:31
by bunniefuu
♪ Earth needed help and they answered the call ♪

♪ No rescue too big, no hero too small ♪

♪ Recruits come to learn from the best of the best ♪

♪ They'll be Rescue Bots too, if they pass the test ♪

♪ Rescue Bots Academy roll to the rescue! ♪

♪ Roll to the rescue! Save the day ♪

♪ For you and me, roll to the rescue ♪

♪ Hot Shot, Whirl, Hoist, Medix, and Wedge ♪

♪ Their teamwork, together, will give 'em the edge ♪

♪ Rescue Bots Academy roll to the rescue ♪

♪ Roll, roll, roll! Roll out! ♪

-Hey! -[Whirl laughs]

Welcome back, Recruits. A snowy rescue is never easy.

You've earned a break.

Thank you, Heatwave, sir.

Those poor hikers. That blizzard came out of nowhere!

Yeah, a total white-out!

Indeed. My visor vision

was reduced to a mere percent!


Good thing there was a super team

of Rescue Bot Recruits nearby, huh guys?

-Yeah! -That's right!


-True dat! -[dog barks]

Who said that?

-It's... a dog. -[dog barks]

He must have followed us back through the Groundbridge.

Are you lost, little fella?


Ha-ha! We'll take care of you.

Uh... you are aware of

Academy rule B subsection C:

"No Pets Allowed" right?

Sure, but...

There's gotta be some exceptions! I mean...

How can you say no to this adorable face?

The little guy looks cold and hungry too!

But the penalty for breaking a rule

is to sit out on multiple rescues!

We'll only keep him here for a little while.

Our teachers won't even have to know.

Normally, I would point out the foolishness

of such misguided logic. However,

this canine is incredibly cute.

-Woof! -[Whirl] Awww!

He must want to go back to the snow to play!

I've got a better idea!

Go get it, Speedy!

Speedy? No.

We can't call him that.

-Why not? He is speedy. -[Hoist] Psst! Guys!

I think we can come up with a better name.

[Hoist] Guys! [ahem] Blades!

[Hoist] [ahem] Blades!

You feelin' okay, Hoist?

[ahem] Blades!

That cough does sound odd. Let me have a look.

I didn't know there was a cube game scheduled today.

Ohhhh. [cough] Blades. Got it.

Ha-ha. Uhhhh...

Practice makes perfect, right?

Oh, so just a small game?

We thought we'd, uh, train with a tiny Cube,

to, uh, improve our hand-eye coordination.


Better keep practicing. [chuckles]



Look, he wants to go outside.

Wow. You got the digging thing down.

-Good boy, "Scoop". -Wait, Scoop?

-What's wrong with Scoop? -Indeed.

He does excel at earth excavation.

No way! Scoop isn't even a name!

Actually, I know a couple of Scoops.

Aaah! Professor Boulder!

Who's right here... Hi.

What are all these holes for?

Uhhh...we thought it was

time to plant some trees, sir.

Good thinking, recruits.

The courtyard could use more plant life.

I'll put in a request.

Has anyone considered the name "Close Call"?

[woof woof]


Having four legs really pays off, huh, "Bouncy"?

Yeah, no. We're not calling him "Bouncy."

I concur with Hot Shot. We can come up with a better name.

-I think "Schnoodles" agrees. -Ugh. "Schnoodles"?

-[all] No way! -Aw.

I thought it was cute.


I've got it! I've thought of the perfect name.

We shall call him...


Why anything else? He is a dog,

so there would be no confusion. It makes perfect sense!


Ah. I believe he's trying to communicate with me.

-[woof] -Yeah,

to tell you "Dog" is a horrible name.


[Wedge] Woo-woo-woo! Woo-hoof!

That was the best circuit time yet, guys. Woo-hoo!

Good to see you getting some extra training

in during your downtime, Recruits. That's dedication!

-[woof] -Umm... what was that?

Hoist has been making odd noises all day, sir.

Perhaps he is due for a check up.

-Whuu-uff! -Hmmm.


A new sound! I shall try to decode its meaning.

It means he's sad, Medix.

But why? We've been having so much fun.

-[alarm sounding] -[bark]


He really likes our rescue alarm. Stay here, buddy!

[Hoist] Schnoodles! Come back!

-Excellent response time recru- -[woof]

-Huh? -[woof, woof]

What was that?

It appeared to be a dog, Sir.

And there better be a good explanation for that

when we get back. Now,

We have a situation at the Griffin Rock Water Park.

It's closed for the season, but a maintenance worker

fell in while painting one of the slides.

Your mission is to get him out.

Rescue Bot Recruits...

[all] roll to the rescue!

[action music]

Here's the plan: Save the human, then find our dog!

Whoa, no way we can fit in that thing.

Exactly. Our best option

is to cut out the section that the worker is trapped in.

Is there another way where we don't wreck the slide?

I am afraid not.

-[woof, woof] -Hey!

You found us! Good boy!

Sorry, buddy. Not really the time to play tug-of-w*r.

I don't think he wants to play.

I think he wants to help!


It looks like he wants you to drop your hook down the slide,

so you can pull the worker out.

He said that? My translation was:

"Jelly bean, flip-flop, candlewick!"

Uh, I'd keep practicing.


[Whirl] I think he's letting us know the human has the line!

Yeah! I feel a tug!

Thanks! I was freezing in there.

-[woof woof] -Aw, good boy! Excellent work, dog!

A bot's best friend!

I think we all agree that Schnoodles

should be an honorary Rescue Bot Recruit!

-[woof] -Now that I can translate.

-"Don't call me Schnoodles." -[woof]

[Whirl] We're really sorry we kept Bouncy a secret

-from you, Professor Heatwave. -Scoop just followed us home.

He was lost! We had to keep him.

And Speedy really helped on the rescue.

Schnoodles is part of our team, now, sir.

Wait. Is there one dog, or four?

-Just the one, sir. -Well,

I can tell you've all bonded with this little guy,

but what if he's already part of someone else's family?

Did any of you think of checking his collar

for contact information?

[sigh] Sir,

We know that the punishment for keeping a pet

in the Academy is to sit out rescues.

But would you allow us to go on one more mission first?

To reunite this special dog with his owner?

A worthy mission indeed.

The I.D tag has a Griffin Rock phone number. Let's call it!

Hello? Murphy residence.

-[woof woof] -What's Heatwave doing with you?

-[all] Heatwave? -Oh, my husband Frank

named him after his favorite Rescue Bot.

Good choice.

But why isn't he with Frank?

They went hiking this morning.

In fact, my husband should've been home by now.

Wait... we did rescue everyone

-from that blizzard, right? -[woof]

That sounds like a no.

C'mon little Heatwave. Show us where Mr. Murphy is!

-[woof] -[engines rev]

[Medix] How clever! He's using his sense of smell to guide us!

This must be Mr. Murphy's backpack.

-But where is he? -[man] Help!

Go find him, boy!

[engines roar]



Rescue Bot Recruits here to help, sir. Are you okay?

I sprained my ankle, but I feel better now that you're here.

I got a all turned around in the blizzard.

I lost my backpack, my phone,

then I fell over this rock.

Heatwave was with me for a bit, but he ran off.

He came to find us!

Yeah! To let us know we missed you

-when we rescued everyone else. -Aw!

Good boy Heatwave!

Hang on, Mr. Murphy. I'll get you to a doctor.

Bye 'much-cuter-than-the-other' Heatwave!

Good boy!

Come back and visit soon! Woof!

I can't believe we didn't realize Heatwave the dog

followed us back here cause he needed our help!

-He was one smart pup! -[sigh]

-I miss having a pet. -[Heatwave] You won't have to.

Is that fish for us?

But what about Academy Rule B Subsection--

I've decided to make an exception.

Just this once.

So what will he call her?

Looks like a "Schnoodles" to me.

Hmm... Schnoodles.

-Yeah! -I'll buy that.

Sure, why not.

Blub-blub. I'm merely confirming with the fish

-that it likes its new name. -And?

-[blub] -Most definitely!

[all laugh]

-Woo-hoo! -Yeah!
