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01x16 - Little Bot Peep

Posted: 08/01/23 10:24
by bunniefuu
♪ Earth needed help and they answered the call ♪

♪ No rescue too big, no hero too small ♪

♪ Recruits come to learn from the best of the best ♪

♪ They'll be Rescue Bots too, if they pass the test ♪

♪ Rescue Bots Academy roll to the rescue! ♪

♪ Roll to the rescue! Save the day ♪

♪ For you and me, roll to the rescue ♪

♪ Hot Shot, Whirl, Hoist, Medix, and Wedge ♪

♪ Their teamwork, together, will give 'em the edge ♪

♪ Rescue Bots Academy roll to the rescue ♪

♪ Roll, roll, roll! Roll out! ♪

-[Hoist] Whoa! -[all cheering]

[chuckles] Hoist the hero. How 'bout that?

Aw, c'mon guys, I don't know if I was a hero.

No, the data is quite clear Hoist!

You were responsible for:

Eighty-four percent of the success of that rescue mission!

Really? That much? Are you sure?

Are you kidding? Remember that amazing part

with your tow-line hauling up all that weight?

And the way you used your winch-whips, like lassos!

Yeah, Hoist. You were definitely MVP on that mission.

-A true hero. -[beeps]

Hold up recruits-- message coming through from the Academy.

Okay, we're on it.

On what? Another mission?

Oh boy, I can't wait to be the hero! I mean--

part of this great team again.

-We're gonna rock! -Yeah!

Hmm... it is another mission Hoist,

but, looks like you took a hit on that last one.


Your arm's damaged. You better sit this one out.

Just to be on the safe side.

What? But I just got good at this!

Oh, tough break, buddy.

So, what's the new mission, Boulder?

Some sheep have strayed near the edge of a cliff,

they need to be rounded up and moved to safety.


I could round up those fluffy little guys in no time!

Those lassos would be useful...

And the sheep are just over there.

[clack, clack]

-Uh oh. -[whispers] Hey what was that?

Nothing! I can't miss out on the chance to be the hero again.

You sure you'll be ok, Hoist?

For sheep? Totally! And I can rest later.


I guess that will work. Good luck recruits.

I'll be watching your progress from back at the Academy.

[all cheer]

[sheep bleating]

Okay. Rounding up a bunch of sheep shouldn't be too hard.

Hang on Hot Shot. Sheep are kinda jumpy.

We gotta be careful not to startle them.

Whirl is correct, but I have done some research,

and apparently, humans use dogs to round up sheep.

Dogs? How does that help?

Dogs are fast and quiet,

and humans whistle at them to tell them what to do.

I'm fastest, so I will be the dog.

And you can all whistle to me.

-[engine roars] -[sheep baaing]

So we're supposed to whistle at him now?

I guess?

[all whistling]

Are you whistling to go left or right?

[sheep bleating]

[all continue whistling]

Guys? Guys!

I think I've got a better idea.

-[engine revving] -[sheep baaing]

Nice plan, Hot Shot.

And it'll work if we just stay--

-[loud clanging] -[hooves stampeding]

-[both yell] -[thud]


Aw Hoist, we almost had 'em!

Sorry... [sigh]


It's okay, but maybe Professor Boulder was right.

And you do need to go back to the Academy 'til you're better?

Oh, that was just a little twinge. I'm fine!

-[beep] -Uh, hello?

You're not fine.

You need to head back to base right now.


[sighs] Okay...

But-- I'll be back to help in no time!

No rush, we can manage. Right, guys?

-Sure! -Totally!




Are you sure I need time in my stasis-pod?

I'm sure. If a bot isn't fully healed,

going out on a mission could make him even worse.

And even put the mission itself in danger!


Hmm. There's no way I need that long.

Just five minutes and I'll be good as new!

-[baaing] -[Boulder] Okay, recruits,

I shouldn't have sent Hoist back into action before he was ready.

Now that the sheep are scattered,

you need to split up and bring them back to the main pen.

-Okay! -Cool!



I knew it!

I haven't been in here anywhere near as long as Boulder said!

And I feel great!

[sheep baaing]

-Yeah! -[sheep bleats]

-[bleats] -Ohhh....

[angry bleat]

-[sheep baas] -Whoa!

Medix is having trouble.

Good thing I'm a hundred percent better now!

-I can help! -[clanging]

What? No!

Hmm. Wait here, Patch.

I think there's another sheep in there!

Ok, Patch. If I just fire one of my winch whips around that tree,

I can block your path.

[clang, whirr]

-[loud clanging] -Whoa!

-Gah! -[bang]

-Oh, my. -[nervous laugh]

You realize the mission is to catch sheep, not yourself?

Um, I guess I wasn't quite better after all!

-[clack, whirr] -Ahhhh!

[laughs nervously]

-[thud] -[sheep baa]

You need to stay in your pod long enough this time, ok?

Absolutely. I will!

I'll stay in there for exactly the right amount of time.

You don't need to worry!


And if I subtract the time I've already been in,

then this is exactly the right amount!

-[sheep baaing] -Move along there, fluffballs!

Come along now, this way!

Turn, you little woolly wanderers!

[Hot Shot] That a-way, sheepies!

[action music]

[Wedge] Gotcha!

[all cheer]

[sheep baas]

Professor Boulder was right! I feel much better!

Just hope I haven't missed the action.

-[clang, whirr] -What? No!

Oh! Come on!

Huh. That was probably the last shake.

Huh? No way my leg now! Oof!

[clunk, clack]

There. I'm sure that's it now.

I'm ready for action! Heroic action.


[Whirl whispers] That's it. Stay there, fluff-ball.

We will do nothing to startle you.

Hey! Hey!

[all] Shh!



Wow. Looks like Hoist is gonna herd that sheep all the way.

Maybe he's gonna be a hero after all!

-[whoosh] -[stealthy music]

Way to go, Hoist! You've got this!

This is just like this morning's mission!

I'm gonna be the hero again!

-I knew I didn't need to stay in stasis-- -[clank, bang]

No, no, not now! This can't be happening!


Not far to go, gotta hold it in, just--

Gotta... whoa! Uh, what?

I wasn't supposed to transform!

-Whoa! -[baa]

-[engine revving] -Whoa! Look out!

-[crash] -[sheep bleating]

What? No!

[all gasp]

No, come back!

[tires screeching]

-Uh oh! -[gasps]


[all] Hoist!

Are you ok?

Yeah, I'm fine. I just didn't wanna miss out on the fun.

But instead of helping, I've ruined the rescue...


[sheep bleating]

Hey, it could've happened to any of us.

But, like Professor Boulder always says:

"A damaged bot is a dangerous bot."

And damaged bots need to stay in stasis,

or they never get better.

Right! And while you do that,

we'll catch all those sheep. Again.




So. How do you feel?

Good as new! You were right.

Taking a good long rest and repair has fully rejuvenated me.


Missing out on that rescue was tough, I get that.

-But a damaged bot... a dangerous bot.

I understand that now.

Oh, man.

Who knew sheep had so much energy?

Considerably more than my research had led me to believe.

Shepherding is a whole lot tougher than they say.

I can hardly walk!

Yeah, I've got grass jammed in joints

I didn't even know I had!

Looks to me, like you four,

need to spend time in your stasis pods, now.

But there's still one sheep left that we couldn't catch!

If we're in stasis, who's going to catch it?

-I wonder. -Huh?

Go get 'em, hero!


[action music]

-[bleating] -Okay, Patch.

Get ready for Hoist at the top of his game!



