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01x13 - Blame Game

Posted: 08/01/23 10:20
by bunniefuu
♪ Earth needed help and they answered the call ♪

♪ No rescue too big, no hero too small ♪

♪ Recruits come to learn from the best of the best ♪

♪ They'll be Rescue Bots too, if they pass the test ♪

♪ Rescue Bots Academy roll to the rescue! ♪

♪ Roll to the rescue! Save the day ♪

♪ For you and me, roll to the rescue ♪

♪ Hot Shot, Whirl, Hoist, Medix, and Wedge ♪

♪ Their teamwork, together, will give 'em the edge ♪

♪ Rescue Bots Academy roll to the rescue ♪

♪ Roll, roll, roll! Roll out! ♪



-[splat] -Whoa!

Oops! I thought that adhesive would stabilize the bridge,

not wash it away!

[engine roars]


Come on guys, remember what's at stake here! [grunts]

You mean the lives of everyone on this bridge?

This being a simulation, there technically are no lives.

[Whirl] Tell that to Chuck!

Gah! Arrrgh!

What's at stake is our field trip to Cybertron!

If we mess up, we won't get to see the cube playoffs!

Can we forget about games and focus on the rescue?

Forget about cube?

Do you have space barnacles in your circuits?

-[Whirl] Hot Shot! -Whoa! [grunts]

-[whoosh] -Whoa!


-[thud] -Whoa!

Grrr, I'm stuck!

Just try shaking yourself loose.

I don't think that is a logical solution.

Why not?


-Uh-oh! -[bang]

Ow! Huh?

-[crash] -Whoa!

[coughs] Because of that.


What happened?

You've excelled at simulations like this before.

Hotshot decided to let go of the overpass!

Hoist is the one that glued you to the rocks!

Only because I was hit by a flying car!

Why didn't you warn me, Medix?

Perhaps because I was busy trying to actually

accomplish a rescue?

I knew we should have spent more time studying bridge rescues.

Huh! All the studying in the universe won't help

if someone won't focus!

Hey, I did my part on the team!

I should still get to go to the game!

If anyone should go, it's me!

-That's not fair! -Please!

Nobody's going to the game.

Wait! But they--

There's a human saying: When you point a finger at someone else,

three fingers point back at you.

Rescue work is about responsibility, not blame.

Maybe some chores will help you remember

you're in this together.

-This is all your fault! -I heard that.


Wedge, you can start by cleaning in here.

Medix, I want you to repair Chuck.

Bonjour! Aloha!

The Academy needs a top to bottom dusting.

Whirl, Hoist? You're on it.

And Hot Shot... you come with me.

Somehow you always seem to be at the center of emergencies.

So this is the perfect place for you...

The emergency center.

All calls for help come in here.

These monitors show where the problem is.

I'll be gone for a bit,

but if a rescue request comes in while I'm away--

You want me to take care of it?

I want you to tell Boulder. Understand?

Yes, Chief.

I understand I'm stuck here when I should be on Cybertron.

Thanks a lot, team.


And Hot Shot wins the cube championship!

That's a million lightyears away!

[moans] I am sooooooo bored...

-[loud bang] -[tires screeching]

[horn toots]



-Sorry! -[crash]


-[tree creaks] -Uh-oh!

[Jerry] Help! I need help!

This is Hot Shot. I mean, emergency dispatch, go ahead!

This is Jerry in Griffin Rock. I need urgent assistance.

Help will be right there!

Boulder! Emergency in Griffin Rock!


Boulder, come in!

Huh. Guess he's busy.

So, who else can help?


We'll have these cleaned up in no time!

Now that we know "dusting" means taking the dust off

instead of putting it on.

Yeah. Shouldn't this really be called "un-dusting?"

-[whoosh] -What's that?

It sounds like the Groundbridge.

Hot Shot? Whoa!

How did you get the Groundbridge working?

Heatwave left it on. So I'm taking care

of a little emergency on Griffin Rock.

-Great! I'll get the team! -No thanks.

This time, nobody's blaming me for messing up the rescue!

Don't worry, I'll be back before you can say awesome sauce.

[engine roars]

Awesome sauce?


[tires screech]

You're not Heatwave, or Boulder.

They're busy, so you get me!

Okay. Um, who are you?

Hot Shot. Heatwave didn't mention me?


Wow. That hurts a little.

Ok, so... What's the emergency?

[loud creak]

That... is a big tree.

-[crackle] -[action music]

-[whoosh] -[applause]

I've got this.

It's just like the bridge rescue we practiced today.

Anyone wanna get a photo?

That was amazing, Hit Show.

Uh, it's Hot Shot, actually.

So, now what do you do?

Easy. Next, my teammates attach cables and... [groans]

What's wrong Hot Shoes? Should I call the Rescue Bots?

It's Hot Shot! And I'm a Rescue Bot in training.

I got this. Sorta.

Can't this wait until I'm done fixing Chuck?

He looks fine to me.

♪ Daisy, daisy, give me your answer do ♪

Guys, this is serious. Hot Shot went on a rescue by himself.

Typical Hot Shot. He'll probably mess it up,

just like in practice.

Yeah. It's his fault!

My fault?

His fault. His fault.

[high pitch] Her fault. His fault. My fault.


I guess pointing fingers at each other is pretty silly.

Thanks for reminding us, Chuck.

-Please leave a five star review. -[electricity crackles]

Hot Shot has gotten us out of trouble

as many times as he's put us in it.

There's no "I" in team,

but there's three of them in responsibility!

I don't even know what that means.

But I do know that when we work together,

we get the job done.

Rescue Bots recruits, roll out!

C'mon Hot Shot, you can do this. You can do this.

Maybe you can't do this!

Whirl! You came to help me?

Nope. We came to help you!

-[engines roar] -[action music]

Is your body malfunctioning in any way after your accident?

I'm fine. It's my truck that needs a doctor.

-[ping] -[groans]

Where is everyone, Chuck?

-It's all his fault! [clang] -Hmm.

[engine revs]


[all] Yeah!

You guys were awesome!

If you could'a done it like that in the simulation,

we'd all be at the cube game right now!

[all groan]

Kidding! Thanks for coming to help me.

I couldn't have done it without you.

Why did Jerry keep calling you Hot Sauce?

I have no idea.

Nice job fixing the truck, Medix!

It was easier than fixing Chuck! Less talkative too.

I wish you could have seen the look on your face

before we got there.

Yeah! It was just like that!

-[Heatwave] Ahem. -Uh-oh.

I was just speaking with Boulder.

Apparently, you five decided

to go off on a rescue on your own.

That's not true, Sir.

It was me that didn't follow emergency protocol.

I wanted to prove that this morning's mess up

was their fault, not mine!

The rest of the team only left the Academy to come rescue me.

So what you're saying is that the responsibility

for what happened is all yours?

Yes, sir.

It's mine too. I didn't report Hot Shot

the moment I knew he'd left the base.

By that rationale, I also share blame.

So do I.


Okay, fine.

I guess maybe I'm a little at fault too.

I see. So, you all claim responsibility

for your part in today's events?

[all agree]

Then I think you understand teamwork after all.

It was still wrong of you to go on a rescue without telling us--

but, your honesty has earned you the right

to go to the cube game.

-What? No way! - [all cheer]

After you finish cleaning the Academy from top to bottom.

Tough. But fair.
