01x05 - Whirl'd View

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Transformers: Rescue Bots Academy". Aired: January 5, 2019 – June 5, 2021.*
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School is in session at the Transformers: Rescue Bots Academy, and Griffin Rock's heroes Heatwave the Fire-Bot, Chase the Police-Bot, Blades the Copter-Bot, and Boulder the Construction-Bot are back and ready to train a new batch of recruits.
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01x05 - Whirl'd View

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Earth needed help and they answered the call ♪

♪ No rescue too big, no hero too small ♪

♪ Recruits come to learn from the best of the best ♪

♪ They'll be Rescue Bots too, if they pass the test ♪

♪ Rescue Bots Academy roll to the rescue! ♪

♪ Roll to the rescue! Save the day ♪

♪ For you and me, roll to the rescue ♪

♪ Hot Shot, Whirl, Hoist, Medix, and Wedge ♪

♪ Their teamwork, together, will give 'em the edge ♪

♪ Rescue Bots Academy roll to the rescue ♪

♪ Roll, roll, roll! Roll out! ♪

Cube master Hot Shot dominates the court

with another amazing win!

Go, Hot Shot.

-Go, Hot Shot. Go Hot Shot! -[Chase] Hot Shot.

Hot Shot? Hot Shot!

Whoa! Huh? Who's daydreaming? I'm not daydreaming.

Are your audio sensors defective?

Or perhaps you are in involuntary stasis?

Chase just asked you what rescue bot police code is.

Oh! Um... a traffic violation?

That's what you always guess.

It's gotta be right sometime.

Ooh ooh! Code is a diamond heist in progress,

with multiple suspects.

What if there's only one suspect?

[both] Code point !

Let's turn to rescue bot police code :

Cat up a tree.

: Bird up a tree.

: Bot up a tree.

And the unusual but still possible :

Tree up a tree.

Isn't police class fun?

If you know the rules, you'll always have the tools!

I think Chase knows every rule ever.

And it looks like he's planning on teaching them all...


Ahhh, we've been sitting here so long

my joints are rusting over.

Code : Missing hiker.

Perhaps all these codes would be easier to learn in the field.

Yeah! Like a training mission!

I'm not certain you are ready for that.

Anything could happen.

An earthquake, a typhoon.

You forgetting what code signals a stray dog in a civic center.

Code . [giggles]

Who could forget that?

And wouldn't you prefer to learn

from the safety of this well appointed room?

C'mon, professor.

Heatwave lets us practice real rescues all the time!

Perhaps I could set up a simple training exercise for you.

-As long as you follow the rules. -[all cheer]

I am glad you share my enthusiasm for obedience.

Today you will practice a search and rescue scenario.

Five hikers are stranded in the forest

and where are you going, Hot Shot?

To get the hikers?

Not before we review the procedure for a code .

Rule one is... Yes, Whirl?

Examine the terrain, look for clues, talk to any witnesses?

Correct. Though that's actually rule one, two and three.

What about rule four? Hoist?

Find hikers, bring back hikers?

That is the ultimate goal of the mission.

But rule four is ensure you have correct supplies.

Do you each have a compass?

-Yep! -Huh?


Perhaps I should accompany you on this exercise.

That's okay!

Part of learning is trying things ourselves.

Very well. Are there any questions?


Apparently not.

Paying attention to detail is a great rule.

Then we'll be able to find our way back.

That's a big boulder. That's an oak tree...

-[thud] -And that's my foot.

Oops. Sorry, Wedge.

This appears to be the mission spot.

-But where are the hikers? -There!

Those look more like barrels than hikers to me.

They're pretend hikers.

We just need to use our imaginations.


We're stuck in quicksand!

My shoelace is caught in my belt buckle!

We should start our rescue

by moving in ever-widening concentric circles.

Or we could just go get the barrels!

Sorry, hikers.

But in a real rescue, it won't be that simple.

You never know what could happen.

An avalanche, a tiger...

An avalanche of tigers!

That's why it's super important

to practice following the rules, like Chase said.

Who's with me?

Hmm... aha!

Uhh... why walk around a lake,

when you can walk over it?

Who said anything about walking?

This first responder is gonna be the first responder.

Unless a hovercraft beats ya to it!

Ah, yeah!

Where did you last see these hikers?

[bird tweets]

Tweet, tweet, huh?

Sounds like you're hiding something.

Mission accomplished. Nice!

-Got my hiker! -Too easy!

Where's Whirl?

"X" marks the spot!

What's Whirl doing now?

Being illogical. Why continue to follow procedure

when we completed the mission by not following it?

We can't leave without her.

But we can have fun while we wait!

May I be of assistance, Hot Shot?

It's a human game Cody taught me, tag!

-You're it. -I'm what?

-It. Run! -What?

Uh, why are we running?

I don't know. But it sure is fun!

Hey! Wait for... it!

Hi, hiker friends! I'm here to rescue you.

What's that, sir?

The sky's getting dark.

Yeah, I noticed that too.

We might be in for a snow storm.

Rescue us, Whirl!

Never fear! I'll save you.

Rescue bot reg , complete your mission.

But reg is never leave a bot behind.

I just have to find where they all are first.

Eww. What is this stuff?

Whoa... uh... ooof!

Because I do not like it.

Ah, "snow." a common Earth phenomenon

of water vapor frozen into ice crystals.

That's a lot of words to say cold and annoying.

-Whoaaa! -[gasps]

Hey! Where'd he go? Hot Shot!

-Whoaaa! -[thud]

-[all groaning] -That was unexpected.

I hope Whirl's okay out there in this snow stuff.

Ugh. Can we have this talk

when you're not sitting on my servos?

Aghhh, we should really get back.

Excellent idea, Hoist. Which way is back?

Ugh, I can't see any botprints in this snow.

Think, Whirl. What would Chase do?

[gasp] Police rule two-- look for a clue!

A broken branch! [gasps]

And those bushes have been trampled by someone

who doesn't look where they're going.

Like... Hot Shot!

Police rules! [laughs] What can't they do?

Can't... go... forward!

Which means it's time to go up.


Okay, adding "impossible to climb"

to the list of things I don't like about snow.

Perhaps can use our comms to signal for help.

-[beeps] -Come in Chase? Whirl?

-Anybody? -Perhaps not!

Anyone remember what Chase said to do in this kind of emergency?

Don't waste your one-a-day vehicle form on a hovercraft

when being a jet would be so much more useful!

Hey, there's a thought. Can you hover out of here?

-Did it work? -[Medix muffled] That would be a no.

My friends must be out here somewhere.

Let's see. Snow... more snow!

Wow, there's a lot of snow!

And there's Hoist and some more snow and... wait!

Hoist? And Hot Shot! Wedge! Medix!

Whirl! You found us!

You do realize now you're stuck down here too, right?

You're forgetting police rule four!


My compass says the Groundbridge portal is this way!

That's great, Whirl! How do we go that way?

We've tried everything!

And by everything, I mean turning into a hovercraft.

First, we need to clear a path.

-Way to go, Whirl! -Yes!

Thanks, I am on fire today.

[Wedge] Don't suppose you have an idea how to get past that?

Sure do! Rescue bot rule :

Use what you got!


Uh... are those still hikers?

They're a sled! Kinda. Like humans ride on snow!

Hop on!

You want us to get on that?


So... much... fun! Woo-hoo!

Hey, I found something I like about snow!

Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?

I thought you liked going fast?

I do. When I'm the one steering.

And using the brakes!

You know, I may have forgotten to add those. [nervous chuckle]

It's okay. Rule , remember?

Use what you got. Everybody, lean back.

That'll slow us down.

Not... uh... cool, guys!

Not cool!

[Medix] Brace for impact!


Welcome back, recruits.

Chase! Are we glad to see you?

Yes. The answer's yes. So glad.

You almost broke rescue bot police code !

Traffic violation?

Correct, Hot Shot.

I knew it!

I see you completed your mission.

Congratulations, recruits.

Technically, Whirl is the only one

you should be congratulating.

We might have saved the hikers, but she saved us.

Aw. It's the police codes you guys should thank.

Then I expect you'll want to get straight back

to the briefing room to carry on your lesson?

Warm classroom. No snow.

Why are we still standing out here?

Oh dear. They forgot the hikers.

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