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01x04 - Tough Luck Chuck

Posted: 08/01/23 10:12
by bunniefuu
♪ Earth needed help and they answered the call ♪

♪ No rescue too big, no hero too small ♪

♪ Recruits come to learn from the best of the best ♪

♪ They'll be Rescue Bots too, if they pass the test ♪

♪ Rescue Bots Academy roll to the rescue! ♪

♪ Roll to the rescue! Save the day ♪

♪ For you and me, roll to the rescue ♪

♪ Hot Shot, Whirl, Hoist, Medix, and Wedge ♪

♪ Their teamwork, together, will give 'em the edge ♪

♪ Rescue Bots Academy roll to the rescue ♪

♪ Roll, roll, roll! Roll out! ♪


Follow me, team! The rescue site is two minutes away.

So we know where we're going,

but not what the rescue is?

I believe that was Heatwave's plan--

to make sure we are prepared for anything.

And we'll show him we are!

Or, will be, once we get there.

Which is taking forever!

Come on, guys, pick a lane!

Sorry, Hot Shot. We have to travel in formation.

And at the approved speed.

Not only Heatwave's orders, but also a very good idea.

I know, but he wants us to think for ourselves, too, right?

Hey! A short cut! See ya there!

Woo-hoo! Oh yeah!

Um... where's this rescue exactly?

Ha, ha, see ya there!

I'll still be first... Whoa!

Look out!

Hot Shot, don't hit the...

Too late.

[Heatwave] Simulation failed.

I know we're still learning and all, but...

We're not supposed to run someone over

on the way to a rescue, are we?

It wasn't fair! He came out of nowhere!

Good thing it was Tough Luck Chuck and not a real human.

[Heatwave] But it could have been.

That's the point of the exercise.

Next time it might not be our test robot

who steps in front of you.

We're sorry we let you down, professor Heatwave, sir.

Or more specifically, that one of us did.

Today, Hot Shot taught us a valuable lesson.

I did? Oh yeah!

Uh huh!

What not to do.

On a rescue, saving humans is the first priority.

So you have to be ready to do whatever it takes to help them.

This is what it means to be a rescue bot.

Yes! Serve, save, and protect!

Not necessarily in that order.

[robotic voice] Cross at the green. Not in between.

That's why we call him Tough Luck Chuck.

Cross at the green. Not in between.

It appears he took some minor damage.

I am fine. I am fiiine!

Sure you are, Chuck.

I think he needs to be reset.

Hold still, buddy. Uh... there.

[splutters] Buckle up for safety. I'm fine!

Uh oh. His "off" switch is broken.

Several new parts may be required.

Which professor Boulder will have to build

before I can install them.

We can't let him wander around until then.

Somebody's going to have to watch him.

Hot Shot. Thanks for volunteering.

What? Why me?

It's not my fault he... Well, yes it is, but still!

I'll check on you both later.

Right now, I'm needed in Milford.

Have fun!

[Chuck's circuits crackle and fizz]

Hmm... so, what do feel like doing, Chuck?

Don't run with scissors!

[video game beeps]

Huh? Hey, Chuck!

Hold on! Where do you think you're going?

Always look both ways!


Do you know all the other fun things I could be doing now?

Playing cube. Helping Hoist test new tech.

Not watching you.


[exaggerated laugh]

Ha! Chuck, that's great!

-[laughing continues] -What's so funny?

Chuck! He's hilarious.

I'm having a total blast with him.

But he's just sitting there.

I know, right?

He even sits funny!

You should really spend some time with him!

Like... now, even.

I mean... I guess I could let you watch him for a while.

I don't know. I was doing some rescue research, and...

You can do that anytime! All you have to do

is make sure he doesn't... [gasps] Chuck!

Where'd he go? Aw, you let him get away!

Me? He was your job!

[gasps] Poor Chuck. What if something happens to him?

[gasps] Like he falls into a trash compactor.

Only it has sharks inside it...

With lava breath. And laser eyes!

I... don't think that could happen.

Not on my watch. Let's go!

He has to be in one of these rooms.

Start looking.


-Whoa! -Ahh!

He's not here. Come on.


Where could he be?

There's no way he can get out of the training center.

-Is there? -I don't think so, but...

[knocking on glass]



Hey, Hot Shot. Lose something?

Chuck! I'm so glad you found him before the sharks did.

Yeah! In fact, you're having such a great time

hanging out together, I'll just leave you to it!

Uh, no thanks!

-I'm kinda busy and... -[thud]


Helmets are always a good idea!

Oh no, Heatwave's coming back!

[sing song voice] He's not gonna be happy!

-Chuck! Come back, Chuck! -Up here, buddy!


Tell me when it's over.

I'm here with those parts you wanted, Boulder.

-Meet you in the lab. -[crashing]


[all sigh with relief]

Quick, we have to get him.

-Chuck! -Don't do it!

Tough Luck Chuck? More like tough luck for us.

I hope he stays safe, wherever he is.

Wherever he is?

But, what if he's somewhere with humans?

Humans who find him,

discover he's made from cybertronian technology...

And realize we're aliens!

The next thing you know the whole planet

is posting online theories about us,

and hunting us with pitchforks, and...

Yeah, that's bad and all, but what really worries me,

is if Heatwave finds out.

We have to find out where he went.

Check the controls on the bridge.

-It's set for Milford. -Great.

Now we'll get kicked out of Rescue Bots Academy for sure.


We're all in this together now.

We have to go get Chuck back!

-To do that... -We'll need a teacher!

Can't we... jump start it or something?

[gasps] Yes!

I saw a show on human TV

where this police officer starts a car

with just chewing gum and a paper clip!

So all we need is chewing gum!

And... a paper clip!

Good idea, Whirl! But, um...

Sounds like we better get a teacher.

No way! That means I'll have to tell Heatwave what happened!

[sighs] Chuck was your responsibility.


-You did what? -[loud banging]

It was an accident! It could have happened to anybody.

Anybody who was put in charge of watching him...

...which was you!

But there's no time for lectures now.

We have to get Chuck back.

[dramatic action music]

[Heatwave] We'll split up.

Don't do anything that might make the humans think

you're not just vehicles.

Bad enough Chuck's out there...

I just hope nobody's seen him yet.

You and me both.

Recruits, roll to the rescue!

Yes! Sorry. I love when he says that.

[screeching tires]

You don't need to follow me.

I made the mistake, I can fix it.

Okay. Prove it.

[whirring helicopter]

Rogue robot spotted!

He's in the parking lot of a supermarket.

-Two blocks east. -I'm on it!

Slow down!


[screeching tires]

Take it easy.

Got him!

[Heatwave] Look out!


Always secure your oxygen mask before helping...


Come on. We need to get Chuck home

before more people show up.

All fixed. New parts, reset, and...

Turned off, I hope.

He's either coming to tell me that I did a good job...

...or to finish that lecture.

Both. You accomplished your mission: retrieving Chuck.

Good work.

But you're not exactly a hero.

I know. I put a human in danger,

which is pretty much the opposite

of what a rescue bot was supposed to do.

But I saved the human, too. That's a good thing, right?

Yeah, except that you saved him from you.

Which you did really well!

I'm sorry, Heatwave.

Next time you tell me to do something

like slow down, or watch Chuck,

I'll do it.

Hmm. Sounds like you learned something after all.

Hello... did I miss anything?
