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14x10 - 8 Chefs Compete

Posted: 08/01/23 07:56
by bunniefuu
Previously on Hell's Kitchen One rubber snake?
After a couple of good scares I am literally gonna have a mental breakdown.

Let's go, guys.

The chefs' adaptability and creativity were tested as they attempted to make tasty dishes with exotic proteins.

I'm just happy we're not playing with tarantulas right now.

What do you know about alligator, Meghan?
Guest judges Jon Shook and Vinny Dotolo were impressed with T's alligator tacos.

- For me, it had great flavor.

- Good job.

Unfortunately, Christine's marinated ostrich with orzo came up a little short.

It was a little bland for me.

With solid showings from Milly's blackened alligator with grits You have the right direction.

And Nick's spiced elk with parsnip puree Think it's actually really beautiful the way that it's presented.

The pressure was on Randy, whose ostrich burger That really looks like crap.

But Even though it looked like doo - Yeah.

- Tasted great.

Clinched the victory for the men.

Great job.

Men win.

Later during Chef Ramsay's performance evaluations Sit down, please.

The chefs were asked From top to bottom, how would you rank your team?
And two chefs sank to the bottom.


- And - Randy.

Chef Ramsay then challenged them to make three dishes.

You've both got 30 minutes.

The loser will be going home.

- Let's go.

- Come on, Randy.

Under immense pressure, Christine and Randy cooked for their survival in Hell's Kitchen.

You got this, Randy.

They each had highs Ah, Lobster's poached beautifully.

You've nailed that.

And lows.

You're missing the tomato confit.

You've got this halibut that's just disintegrated.

And Chef Ramsay was forced to make a difficult decision.

This is so tough.

In the end, it was Christine.

Who said good-bye to her chance of becoming Head Chef at Caesars Atlantic City.

And now the continuation of Hell's Kitchen.

Get out of here.


All right, Randy, you did it.

Good job, Randy.

Those are highlight moments of Randy's life.

I am whoo-hooing inside.

And you thought getting shot at was hard.

Man, that was frickin' just crazy.


is getting real.

At this point, the only way you can get to black is if you go as a team.

And I think if you forget that, you're in trouble.

Here you have to earn your leadership.

I disagree.

Leaders take what they want.

I like where your head's at.

My head's always there.

It's a competition, and I'm ready to just lights out.

I mean, it's it's go time.

I've been called every [Bleep]

name in the book.

Yeah, Meghan, this is a competition.

Yeah, I know.

If we don't hate each other, then there's a problem.

After a night of big talk and little sleep No.

It's too early.

I can't do this.

I need to sleep.

The chefs are up early Does anyone else want coffee?
But not earlier than Chef Ramsay.

Good morning, this is Nick.

Nick, there is something very important going on in the dining room.

I need all of you to get down here urgently.

- Yes, Chef.

- Hurry up.

- Thank you.

- Go! Whenever Chef Ramsay calls, it's got to be something big.

What the hell?
There's an audience out there.

I'm hearing a band.

I'm hearing kids cheering.

No telling what's gonna happen in Hell's Kitchen.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my gosh.

There's a pep rally going on out here.

That trombone guy.

I just graduated high school, like, four years ago, so it just brings back some really awesome memories.

_ _ _ They really put on a show for us.

They got the coyote out there.

I mean, they got it all the way up.

If you couldn't feel that energy, you wasn't alive in that room.

Coyotes, let's fight.



Calabasas High School, I love your energy.

That was brilliant.


Great job.

Calabasas High School is here today for their pep rally.

And their homecoming dinner dance is tomorrow night, right here in Hell's Kitchen.


Your challenge today is to prepare a phenomenal tasting menu for their homecoming dinner.

- Understood?
- Yes, Chef.

I loved homecoming.

I was in the band.

I did pep rallies.

I was on the dance committee.

See you tomorrow.

I'm really, really excited about this.

Now, these three are the Calabasas High School homecoming committee.

- Over here we have Abigail.

- Hi.

Max and Georgia.

They are gonna be judging your next challenge.

This year, our theme is Mardi Gras Southern food, definitely cajun influence.

I want to see, like, a lot of colors, 'cause Mardi Gras is really fun and bright.



Being stationed in Louisiana for as many years as I was, I've been wanting to cook cajun and creole since I got here.

So for today's challenge, you'll have 35 minutes to prepare one seafood appetizer, one chicken entrée, one beef entrée.

Your 35 minutes starts now.

Let's go, guys.

In today's homecoming dinner menu challenge, the teams have just 35 minutes Lobster's coming through.

To prepare and plate three cajun-inspired dishes.

I know we're doing different dishes, but we're still a team, okay?

Heard that.

A seafood appetizer, a chicken entrée, and a beef entrée.

High school friendly.

Yeah, it's a little little twist on surf and turf.

The homecoming committee will then determine the winning dishes to feature on tomorrow night's menu.

Look, there's original creole spices here.

Taste that, and you get the flavor profile from that.

Today, Alison and myself decided to do a classic Southern cuisine The grits are over here.

Shrimp and grits.

- Are you gonna poach it?
- Yeah, I'll figure it out.

High school kids, as long as it looks good and has a lot of meat, a lot of grease, it works.

Always a hit with the teenagers.

That looks pretty.

I'm stepping my game up.

You can't just say, "okay, we're cooking for kids, and then fry everything.

So I made this pasta, which is what kids like to eat, but then I made it from scratch.

Ladies, 20 minutes to go.

Oy vey.

To make a fettuccine in 35 minutes, it's a little risky.

Is that pasta water right there boiling?
Yeah, I'm gonna put it on the side for you.

Thank you very much.

What are you thinking, Randy?
I'm doing blackened chicken pasta.

You have to cook for your clientele.

You know, I got two girls still in high school, and teenagers love the cajun food, so I'm really confident about my dish.

- Is that your pasta right now?
- Yeah.

It's delicious.


I love New Orleans.

Do we have any more bells?
I know what these kids are looking for.

They want color, so I was like, red and yellow bells.

It's gonna look pretty.

And then I decided to go with okra, 'cause that's green.

It's like Mardi Gras on a plate.

All right, super colorful.

- Five minutes to go, guys.

- Yes, Chef.

Thank you, Chef.

Let's go, boys.

Finish strong! - Nick, you're good, right?
- Yes, sir.

Me and Nick, we're making a chicken-fried steak with lobster gravy.

It's comfort food.

These kids are gonna eat it up.

Let that steep in there.

I mean, I'm making a bechamel, and you [Bleep]

throw ham on it.




Josh is very amped up all the time.

- I need that plate, Nick.

- Right here.

It's right here.

Bring it over.

Bring it over.

However, stern is different than being rude.

We'll finish with a little lime zest, Josh.

I would do lemon.

I would do lemon.

Dude, I don't then, know what But we're still a team, and I don't want to start a fight.

Damn, Milly, that looks good, brother.

- Here are your potatoes.

- [Bleep]


Five, four Right behind, right behind.

Three, two Come on, come on, come on.


And serve.

All right, guys.

Let's rock! - Let's go! - Come on! Okay, let's begin with the two appetizers.

One from the red team, one from the blue team, please.

- Thank you.

- Come on, Milly.

Yeah, baby.

I'm going up against T and Alison.

My background is Southern cuisine, and every dish that I ever put out, they always say it tastes like they were on bourbon street.

Describe your appetizer.

What you guys have here is jalapeño grits finished with some cheddar cheese and just a little lobster on top.

Wow, so grits with a bit of heat.

Yes, Chef.

- Gordon) How is it, Abigail?
- It's good.

- It's good?
- Mm-hmm.

- Yeah, and the grits?
- It's really good.

- Yeah?

- Mm-hmm.

Georgia, my darling.

I loved the shrimp, the sauce.

It was really good.

Max, how does that taste?
I like the presentation, but I think the grits are a little watery.

And I think it's a little bit salty.


What a shame.


that salty [Bleep]


My dish was delicious.

Milly, describe your appetizer, please.

What we have here, we have stuffed shrimp.

They are stuffed with crabmeat and lobster meat.

- Deep fried.

- And underneath?
Mascarpone and parmesan, so like an Alfredo, creole risotto.

Max, how was that for you, sir?
I think it's really crispy.

I really like that.

It doesn't wow me, though.

Max is not holding no punches.

He's talking like, you know, Chef Ramsay Jr.

or something.

Abigail, how's that, darling?
I like the texture.

Like, it was good.

I would order that at a restaurant.

That was so good.

- Thank you.

- Thank you, Georgia.

Our panel, I'd like to choose.

Let's start off with you first, Georgia.

- I choose the blue team's dish.

- Blue team.

- Yeah! - Thank you, Georgia.


I like the presentation of the red team more, but I think execution, I think the blue team.

- Thank you.

- Thank you, Max.


I'm gonna go with blue.

- Thank you.

- Thank you, Abigail.


Great job.

Great start.

Great start.

I'm ecstatic.

The kids, they know what they're talking about.

So boom, here we go.

We're starting off strong.

- Blue team.

- Yes, Chef.

Early lead.

One, nothing.

Next up, please, the chicken entrée.

Let's go.

Go get them, Randy.

Randy's one of the best in the challenges.

But when you go up against Meghan, you need to knock it out of the park.

Meghan, please describe the dish.

I made a fresh chive fettuccine and a cream sauce with some andouille sausage.

And is the pasta made from scratch?
- Yes.

- Oh, wow.


- What's this on top?
- It's fried eggplant skin.

See, that's something, like, I've never seen before, and that's what I'm looking for.

It's visually very nice.

- Very good.

- Thank you.

Max, how Michelin stars do you have now?
Not as many as you.


Wow, Anthony Bourdain out there.

I mean, wow.

I'm impressed.


I mean, it wasn't that spicy, but that was, like, amazing.

It's very colorful, which is what I asked for.

I would say the only thing maybe the sauce didn't add anything to it.


Please, Randy, describe your dish.

Yes, Chef.

What we have here is a blackened chicken pasta.


Did you make the pasta?
No, Chef, I just used the fettuccine we have.


Max, how was that for you?
I don't taste any seasoning, and I think it's not as light as the red team's dish.

Thank you.

- I definitely would like something lighter.

- Damn.

Georgia, how was that for you, my darling?
I thought that was so good.

I love the flavor of the sauce.

If you had to choose a chicken dish, is it from the red team or the blue team?
I'll have to go with the blue team.


Red team.

- Max?
- Red team.


Red team, well done.

Meghan, great job.

With the score tied going into the final round One, one.

Let's go.

It's down to the beef dish.

It now comes down to Josh and Nick's chicken-fried steak versus Michelle's steak au poivre.



Certainly colorful.

We have not won one, two, three, four challenges in a row.

So I'm just hoping Michelle's steak is gonna blow these high school kids' minds.

Okay, Josh, describe your dish, please.

Chef, here we have a chicken-fried filet mignon with a little creole seasoning.

Why would you make chicken-fried steak with filet?
It's such a great cut of meat.

Abigail, how is that?
I like that you guys did, like, chicken-fried steak, 'cause that's different.

You guys did good.


I thought that you guys cooked that really well.

It was delicious.

Thank you.

I think it's very creative.

I just think when you fry something and you put a heavy sauce on it, it's not crispy anymore.

Hmm, interesting.

All right, Michelle, describe the dish, please.

I have a filet beef au poivre with sautéed okra, a red pepper coulis, and a yellow bell pepper coulis.

- This is this is filet?
- Yes.

- Ooh, okay.

- Wow.

I'm sorry, we used a filet as well.

Just letting you know.

Yeah, but you deep-fried it.

Mine is a lot more elegant than theirs, so I'm praying that they decide to choose my dish.

- The steak is very good - Thanks.

But the okra is over-seasoned.



Georgia, how was that for you?
I love the simple elegance with just the steak.

I like the way that looks.

It was delicious.


Abigail, it looks simple.

Did it deliver in flavor?
It tasted good and definitely, like, it had a little kick to it, which was nice.


It's one, one.

One to the red team, one to the blue team.

It's down to the beef dish.

Is it the beef from the red, or is it the beef from the blue?

I like the flavor of both, but presentation and everything, I would go with the red team.


Good job.

Sorry, red team, I'm gonna have to go with blue team.

- Thank you.

- Thank you, Abigail.

It all comes down to this.

The steak is better on the red team, and I like the imagination from the blue team.

Tough decision.

It's your call.

It's In today's homecoming tasting menu challenge, the score is tied it's down to the beef dish.

And it's up to the toughest critic of the trio, Max It's your call.

To determine the winning team.

It's I got to go with the blue team.

- Thank you.

- Yeah! - Thank you.

- Thank you, guys.

Good job, Nick.

Whoo! We did it again as a team, y'all.

Congratulations, blue team.

Five in a row.

I'm loving it.

Red team, close.

It's that over-seasoned okra.

It's just too much.

Blue team, well done.

Thank you, Chef.

You're on a roll.

- Yes, Chef.

- Wow.

For your reward, I actually asked the students to come up with something creative.


Something that they would enjoy.

And this is what they came up with.

You'll be spending the afternoon with sword-wielding, swashbuckling pirates - No.

That's so cool.

- That's awesome.

At a pirate-themed dinner adventure.

I've never done anything like that.

You're in for a treat.

This is a blast.

Trust me.

- Wow.

- Wow.

Get up to the dorms and get ready for your swashbuckling day.

- Thank you, Chef.

- All right.

Thank you, Chef.

- Good job, y'all.

- Good job.

Thanks, Chef.

Arrrn't you glad we won?
Arrr! Ladies, your punishment will begin with rearranging this entire dining room for the big homecoming dinner dance tomorrow night.

The committee will supervise.

And because it's a Mardi Gras theme, I want you to provide each guest with a bead necklace.

Unfortunately, all the beads are loose.

You'll have to string all those necklaces together.

There are 200 guests, so a lot of work.

Losing is one thing Yeah.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

All right, cool.

Right there.

Right there.

But you have to listen to high school kids.


I changed my mind.

Just a little bit back just this way.

That has to move up a little bit more.


Just a little bit more.

It's like, just s*ab me in the eyeballs.

- And then move this one - No, no.

No, no, no.

I don't want to move these ones.

- Tell us when to stop.

- No, no, no.

- Move?
- Yes.


Uh, there we go.

There we go, yeah.

No, no, no.

That's I changed my mind.

And then the first one right there.



No, no, no.

You got to move those back.

These [Bleep]


You happy?
For now.

You never know.

Arrr! Pirates.

Right this way, you scurvy dogs! What a motley crew we have here.

- Arrr! - What's this?

Oh, yeah.


Our own private show with some gypsy girls.

We got the whole building to ourself.

We got pirates sword fighting.

Do it for the gypsies! Gypsy women and all types of scallywags.

These pirates are awesome.

Set him on fire! Finish him! Randy's so excited.

I mean, he loves it.

He's smiling.

He's "yah, yah.

" Uncle Randy! Finish him! Ahh! Oh, yeah.

Ahh! - That was awesome.

- That was awesome.

Thank you.

Well, I used to be, like, the dance committee in high school too - Really?
- So I've done I've actually done a Mardi Gras dance.

- You know what you're doing.

- Yeah.

Michelle is trying to be friends with them high school kids.

I was, like, the decorating queen in high school.

It's annoying! I'm on the same level as you guys.

We have two different color centerpieces, so let's try to mix it up a little bit.

T, did you hear that?
T, did you hear that?
Yeah, did you?
Michelle just needs to shut the [Bleep]


That's it.

She's so worried about what I'm doing I was just making sure you heard, T.

I did.

It's embarrassing.

Like, worry about what's going on in Michelle's world.

Leave me the [Bleep]


I am clearly irritated at this.

Please stop pointing me out.

Do not call my name for the rest of the day.

I was just making sure you heard.

- I [Bleep]

heard it.

- Dude.

It's a small-ass dining room.

I [Bleep]

heard it.

She's getting wound up for no reason.

So we're gonna set the tables like a normal dining room.

Why don't you just do beads with Meghan and let us finish this?
No, you're not gonna pass me off on no beads.

Do I look like the bead fairy?
Well, if you're gonna get pissy because we're just trying to communicate Just be quiet.

Well, you just be quiet.


Just shut up, Michelle.


Stop [Bleep]

telling me to shut up, T, or I'm gonna hit you over the [Bleep]


Oy vey.

It's a new day in Hell's Kitchen, and with the dining room setup complete for tonight's high school homecoming dinner, the red team prepares for service.

What are you doing?
It goes smaller to one.

I know that, but I started at nine and came down.

- I'm coming down.

- Oh.

I thought you I thought you were, like I thought you were going up.


She just she's aggravating.

Like, it's just it's stupid.

- Please.

- The machine is backwards.

I know.


I didn't know if you knew.

She doesn't know how to talk to people.

And I'm just over it.

Meghan, please.

We're gonna be fine tonight.

We just got to get through it.

Let's send a girl home.

How you doing, Milly?
- Good.

- Nick, you're good?
- What?
- You good?

What the [Bleep]

kind of answer is that?
I said yeah.

What the [Bleep]

do you want?
Josh and I had a bromance for a while, but now that there's less cooks in the kitchen and less voices, we're not even on the same page.

I'm on chapter 33.

He's been stuck on chapter one, the first sentence.

Just say, "yeah, I'm good.

" I said yes.

Shut up.

Driving me nuts.

Let's go, ladies, please.

Guys, let's go.

Line up, please.

Gentlemen, how was the pirate adventure?
- Josh, was it fun?
- I had a blast, Chef.

It was nice to feel like a kid again.


Ladies, great job, by the way.

That dining room looks incredible.


How was that committee?
T, tell me about it.

Chef, they're definitely a special group of young people.

Ah, you're being polite.

Tell me the real deal.

You wanted to wring their neck, right?

Tonight, for the first time, we are doing an amazing high school homecoming.

If ever there was a time when communication and timing was important, it is tonight.

- Make sense?
- Yes, Chef.

Get on your stations.

Get organized.

Let's go.

Come on, boys.

We know what we got to do.

- Okay, Marino.

- Si, Chef?
Open Hell's Kitchen for Calabasas High School homecoming.


This is so pretty.

For tonight's special dinner service, Hell's Kitchen is hosting a high school homecoming dinner for 120 hungry teenagers.

How do I look?
For the Mardi Gras-themed festivities, in addition to serving the winning dishes from yesterday's challenge, Chef Ramsay has also added a gourmet pork slider appetizer and a pan-seared blackened snapper entrée to the menu.

Here we go.

Hands on deck, everybody.

I have six covers, table two risotto, two sliders.

Entrée two pasta, two filet, two meat loaf, yes?
- Yes, Chef.

- Let's go.

Meghan, one minute out, I need to drop the lobster tail.

- Yes, drop the lobster tail.

- Heard.

I'm dropping lobster tails right now.

I'm on fish tonight, and I'm feeling very confident.

I'm putting everything into it tonight: Heart, soul, guts, brain, everything.

I'm definitely not gonna let Chef Ramsay down tonight.

So it's three, two risotto, yes?
Yes, Chef.

Chef, I need yeah, watch your butter first.

Chef, I need one more order of shrimp, please.





What the hell?
Oh, my God.



That's on fire right now.

Oh, my God.

I [Bleep]

set the whole flattop on fire.

I can't believe it.

I am just completely embarrassed.

Don't don't blow it.

Just let it go.

You're putting more on top.

Please, let it go.

- Whew.

- Okay, watch that, okay?
- All right, heard, Chef.

- T, get a grip a little bit.

Butter's boiling all over the [Bleep]


- I've never evacuated this place due to fire - Chef, heard.

And I'm not gonna start.

- Just stay composure, yes?
- Heard, Chef.



Let's go.

Yes, Chef.



While T tries to keep the red kitchen from going up in flames Hey.

First table, two shrimp Louie, two capellini, - two risotto.

- Yes, Chef.

The men are ready to start their first order of the night.

Two risotto, two capellini?
- Yeah.

- Let's go.

Let's go.

I'm gonna be at my best tonight.

And if something goes wrong, I have to step up and take over.

Tonight is the night that I shine.

How long on the two risottos?
Yeah, I need 30 seconds.

From the get-go, Josh is very, very flustered.

- Listen.

- I'm walking risottos, yeah?
- Right now.

- No, give it - No, it's good.

- It's wine.

Tastes like wine, right?
White wine?


What's he on?
Hey, hey, all of you, taste that.

Hurry up! Hurry up! They're 17 years of age.

What's the one thing you can taste there instantly?
- White wine, Chef.

- Thank you.

What can you taste in there?
Little bit of wine, Chef.

It's like an alcoholic [Bleep]


It's full of white wine! What, are you trying to get them drunk?
I apologize, Chef.

Please taste every single step of the way.

I taste I taste everything ten times.

Hey, so you tasted the white wine ten times?
Young man, you must be drunk then.

No, Chef.

I will get better, Chef.

While Josh focuses on delivering a nonalcoholic risotto, over in the red kitchen - Walking capellini, slider - Yes.


Meghan, shrimp are up.

Let me know when you're ready to walk, okay?
Walking to the pass right now.

The women hurry to deliver their first appetizers to the pass.

- Where's the shrimp?
- Coming right to the pass with shrimp.

Let's go.

Where's the sliders?
Two sliders on fire right now.

I got it.

I got it.

But one item is missing.

Look at me.

- You've got to talk.

- Yes, Chef.

Shrimp's there.

Risotto's there.

Sliders are nowhere.

- Why aren't we talking?
- Sorry, Chef.

Give me one minute, and I'll have these up.

I haven't got one minute.

Michelle, your station is sinking, and we need to work together as a team.

Let me just help you a little bit.

Give me one.

Alison ugh.

- That's it.


- That doesn't - that doesn't go on there.

- Oh, [Bleep]


This goes on there.

This girl isn't helping me at all.

- Oh, my God.

Ah! - All right, I'm moving.

If you're gonna do it, don't make a [Bleep]

mess out of it.

Ugh! I'm very particular about the way that I do things.

I'm not gonna put out food that's not perfect.

- Come on, guys.

- Two sliders.

Behind you.



Here you go, Chef.

Nice and hot.


With Michelle's perfect sliders delivered, the women's first appetizers are ready.


Meanwhile, in the blue kitchen - Josh! - Right now, Chef.

Right now.

Josh is finally delivering his refired risotto.

Go please, James.

But Chef Ramsay is still waiting for Capellini! - Right now, Chef.

- Right now, Chef.

Go! Run! Come on! Speed up, Milly.

- It's raw.

- Yeah?
Hey, hey, all of you, when capellini stands out like that, what does that mean?
- It's undercooked, Chef.

- It's raw.

It's raw.

That's right.

It's [Bleep]


I can [Bleep]

snap it.

I can snap it still into little bits.

- Get a grip! - Yes, Chef.

- Got two capellinis working right now.

- Dropping right now.

Josh wants so desperately to be the leader of this team.

He keeps preaching and yelling and saying things during dinner service, but he's not actually doing any of those things.

- Keep it up, guys.

- Come on.

Let's go! Keep the momentum up.

- Keep talking to me.

- How long?
Where's the capellini?
Capellini now, yeah?
- Two capellinis right now.

- Right now.

Let's go! Come on, please.

- Walking?
- Walking.

Come on, blue team.

Come on, guys, we got this.

Let's go, boys.

To your left, Chef.

It's 20 minutes into the Calabasas High School homecoming dinner service.


When capellini stands out like that, what does that mean?
- It's undercooked, Chef.

- It's raw.

It's raw.

That's right.



And Josh's failure on the appetizer station Has the blue team stuck on their very first ticket.

- Where's the capellini?
- Walking! - Come on, blue team.

- Come on, guys, we got this.

Let's go, boys.

To your left, Chef.

Send that, please, James.

With Josh finally getting on track with his capellini - Bon appétit.

Thank you for your patience.

- Thank you.

_ Appetizers are now rapidly leaving both kitchens.

Two Louies done.

Working sliders hard.

Last table.

- Keep it going, yes?
- Yes, Chef.

- Go, go, go, go, go.

- Walking two sliders, Chef.

Walking sliders to the pass.

And with both teams now communicating, the last of the appetizers make their way to the appreciative high schoolers.

It's well worth the wait.

Put everything away that we don't need already.

Clean up a little bit.


Start over.

With all the appetizers delivered - Milly, you ready?
- Yes, Chef.

Both teams are ready to jump onto entrées.

Is that oven on high, Milly?
Yes, 500, Chef.

- Are you ready, yes?
- Yes, Chef.

Is that stove on or off?
It's on, Chef.

It's definitely on, yes?
- Warm.


- You sure?
Feel the heat there.

That stove's not on.

All of you, come over here.

That's not on there, guys.


It's off.

The stove Oh, my God.


Yo, Milly, what the [Bleep]

is wrong with you?
This should be easy.

Up is off.

- All these all these were on.

All these were on.

The flattop needs time to get hot.

This is the first ticket, and it sucks to be this far behind.

Hey, guys, you have to watch.

- Check the heat.

- Check the [Bleep]


It's like a high school home ec class in here.

That was very embarrassing.

My stove wasn't hot, so now I got to keep calm and just pump it out.

So how long for the snapper?
I got five minutes.

I'm gonna pump them in the oven, and then I'm gonna bring them out and kiss them, Chef.

While Milly works to make up lost time on the fish station Milly, you have two more snapper right away after that, okay?
- Heard.

- I got four right here all done.


Over in the red kitchen So No, you could stay over there.

Okay, fine.


Michelle and Meghan are butting heads on the meat station.

Don't get [Bleep]

with me, Michelle.

I'm not.

I'm not.

I'm just getting thrown around the kitchen right now because I go from working apps to garnish, when I was assigned to the meat station.

He put me on the meat station, so I feel like listen, he put me on the meat station, so I feel like I should be over there.

I shouldn't be helping you.

I already have this organized.

Now I'm working the garnish station instead of working the meat station.

Meghan, listen, I can't just jump over here because I got assigned to the meat station.

No, little one, stay over there.

Meghan can be really rude during dinner service.

She can be a bitch, but she doesn't like it when people do that to her.

- You got it?
- I got it! While Meghan and Michelle continue to bicker, over in the blue kitchen How long on those two snapper?
- Walking in 30 seconds.

- Heard.

Milly's snapper is making its way up to the pass for Chef Ramsay's approval.

Walking to the pass.

It's not cooked, James.

Close the [Bleep]

hey, hey, hey, all of you, come here.

- Just touch that.

- [Bleep]


Yes, all of you.

Touch it.

It's still raw.


Give me that.

Put them in the oven.

- Can I take these to the oven?
- I got them, I got them.

Milly started from behind.

The flattop was cold.

He wasn't prepared, and that's why he sent out raw snapper.

- Lift it up.

- Yes, Chef! Why is this taking so long?
I'm starving.

- Let's go! Keep talking.

- Heard, give me one second.

Milly dropped the ball, but I didn't want to frustrate him because we need to get this ticket out.

Let's go, Milly.

- Got to bounce back, baby.

- Heard.

Are you okay?
Can I walk the garnish, Milly?

I'm good on my snappers now.



Walking garnish.

I made one mistake.

It cost us two minutes.

That's all I had to do.

I pulled two more pieces of fish out of the oven.


- Wow.


- Thank you.

You nailed it.

Nothing but perfection.

With Milly's successful comeback on snapper boosting his confidence, back in the red kitchen Megs, how does that look?
T is concerned about her snapper.

Just flip them, and then they have to go, like they have to go longer.

- Minute and a half?
- Flip them.


Tonight I think it's a pretty simplified menu, but I've never worked with red snappers before.

- All right, ladies - Yes, Chef?
Four filet, one pasta, one snapper, yes?
- Yes, Chef.

- Let's go.

You have four snappers all day.

We're picking up two going with two pasta, two filet.



Chef, can I go on this snapper?
- It a little too dark?
- No, too dark.

Too dark?


- Is that for this order?
- Yes.

- You better [Bleep]

hurry up.

- Heard.

Cooking fish is very delicate.

You have to have lots of finesse.

If you [Bleep]

it up, you [Bleep]

it up.

- Timing is of the essence.

- Chef, heard.

While T starts over on the fish I'm not sending overcooked food.

- Yes, Chef.

- Heard, Chef.

Back in the blue kitchen I thought there was lobster in here.

Randy's chicken-fried steak gravy is missing a crucial ingredient.

- Hey, who brought this sauce up?
- Yes, Chef.

- Too much, Chef?
- No.

Just no what?
There's no lobster?
Randy, was there lobster in that big pot?
- Yes.


- Is there lobster in there?
- Hey, look - Yes, there's lobster in there.

Hey, young man.


That's what you brought me.

That's what you brought me.

Is it?
"Is it?
" This is this is where it's so stupid.

This is we're prepared to [Bleep]

each other.

That's I just said there's no lobster in there.

"Is it?
" - Randy - I just It was there, but it has to be hot.

- Let's go.


Recover! - Heat it up right now.

Randy is dragging ass.

He's bringing down the team.

Get a pan hot, add your lobster, and that's it.

Chef is always right.

He's always right.

- Just recover and go.

- It's hot.

It's hot.

Not the question of hot.

There's no lobster in there.

End of story.

- Yes, Chef.

- Stop [Bleep]

your knickers.

- I need lobster.

- Yes, Chef.

Understand, deal with it - Yes, Chef.

- And shut the [Bleep]


- Yes, Chef.

- Oh, my.



While Randy heats up lobster for the gravy I'm walking with two snapper.

T delivers her refired snapper.


And Alison Five pasta all day.

Has decided to help expedite the orders.

Hey, Michelle, you have five all day.

- You heard?
- I got it.

I heard you the first time.

Alison is running around calling "all day," which means everything we need for the ticket's on the board, but I just need to know what the ticket is.

Six pastas all day.

Eight meat loaf all day.

T, you have 16 filets all day.

Alison, stop saying the words "all day.

" Six snappers all day.

T, you have six filet all day.

She has six snappers all day.

"You need six all day.

You need two all day.

" Oh, my God, stop it.

I'm tired of hearing Alison's voice.

All day.

All day.

All day.

All day.

I hear you.

I get it.

Shut the [Bleep]


She's just repeating "all day.

" Hey, you have six all day.

Two, two, two.

Alison, Alison, we know the all day, right?
Okay, go ahead.

Two filet, two pasta, two meat loaf followed by two meat loaf, two filet, two pasta.

All day.

While the red team is working on all of their tickets, in the blue kitchen Last ticket, guys.

Finish strong, please.

Nick is concerned about getting out the final ticket.

I need two snapper, two pasta, two filet immediately.

Two snapper, two pasta, two filet! - My filet is ready! - How long, two pasta?
- Huh?
- How long?
I am not confident in Randy.

His eyes are glazed over.

He doesn't you can see there's nothing going on in that brain of his.

- How long?
- Two or three?
- I need two right now.

- Two.

Two pastas right now, Randy.

That's it.

- How long for two?
- I heard three.

I'm sorry.

How long on two pasta?
Come on, Randy.

Randy, focus.

It's two hours into Hell's Kitchen's first ever Mardi Gras-themed homecoming dinner.

- How long?
- Two or three?
- I need two right now.

- Two.

Two pastas right now, Randy.

That's it.

And with the blue team rushing to complete their last ticket - How long for two?
- I heard three.

I'm sorry.

How long on two pasta?
Come on, Randy.

Randy, focus.

All eyes are on Randy.

- Are you ready with pasta?
- Yeah, those are ready.

- You ready?
- Walking pasta now.

- Heard.

- Walking garnish.

- Okay, James.

Last table.

- Yep.


The men have delivered their last entrées of the night.

Go jog, please.

And the women All right, guys.

We got this, guys.

Are hurrying to do the same.

Can I walk with garnish?
Walk with garnish in 30 seconds, please.

Walking garnish 30 seconds.

We're almost done, so let's tag-team these plates and get these b*tches up out of here.

- Red team - Yes, Chef?
That's it.

Last table.

Let's go.

- Garnish up.

- Perfect.

I want to just finish strong.

I mean, the food looks great.

Yeah, that's lovely.

With the women delivering their final entrées, both teams have successfully completed dinner service.

This is delicious.

All righty.

Good job.

- That's it?
- Yes.

Board is clear.

Yay! We finished dinner service.

Desserts are in the oven?
Yeah, I'm about to put the other pan in.

It was not perfect, but it was good.

It feels amazing.


yeah, guys.

Hey, let's clean.

Let's clean down, okay?

Clean up.

Oh, my God, tonight's service was a little rough, but we finished, and I'm feeling relieved.

Let's be honest, it wasn't a perfect service, but at least both kitchens completed.

But there is one kitchen that had the edge.

And the winning team is the red team.


Good job.

Men, come to a consensus on which two people should be put up for elimination.

How do you make the blue team stronger?
Head upstairs.

The blue team will get our [Bleep]

together when the weakest players are voted out.

Whoever makes the most mistakes has to be put up, and it's clear to me who should go home.

I'm putting up Josh and Randy.

We have to go throughout all ten services.

You have to.

It's tonight's service.

It can't be all ten services.

He asked us the weakest link.

What's gonna make us stronger?

I'm going Josh and Randy.

I'm gonna have to disagree with that.

I have to go Nick and Randy.

I thought Nick did a good job.

It's garnish.

It's the easiest station in the [Bleep]


What are you talking about?
He said make your team the strongest.

You two are the weakest links.

Time, communication, knowledge, and perseverance, that's what we need most.

Yeah, I stick with my two votes.

So you think that you're better than me?
- 100% yes.

- Wow.

That's crazy.


Good for you.

What that's not it's not about being personal.

No, no, no.

No, no, no, no.

I just that's okay.

Good for you.

That's crazy.



Good for you.

- Why do you have to say - Yeah, that's crazy.

- What is that crazy?
- 'Cause I you have your I mean, it's you.

I don't think you would have but that's okay.

Nick, no way.

You are not as strong as me.

I'm the heavyweight, and I'm not going down from a lightweight.

Chef said do what you have to do to make your team stronger.

If I go home tonight and Nick stays, he will not give you what I will give you.

What are you talking about?
Nick, he's a Suzy homemaker.

You're a d*ck! Chefs take control and lead, and Nick hasn't done that.

You don't know how to respect people.

You don't have the balls to take over.

- Josh - And if you think you can run Stop [Bleep]

talking over me, Josh! You're a [Bleep]

d*ck! He wants to cover his ass every night.

That's not true.

He's trying to ride this competition, and I see right through it.

I've had enough of it, and I'm letting it out now because now's the time.

Yeah, save your ass.

Now's the time.

You don't have the heart or the balls to be a chef.

You gone make our team stronger.

- You are you're ridiculous.

- Fact.


All right, can we just vote and tell Josh to shut up?
'Cause I've heard enough.

I'm done.

After a narrow defeat to the women, the men were asked to nominate two chefs for elimination.

Blue team, it wasn't bad.

It just wasn't good enough.

Nick, blue team's first nominee and why?
Our first nominee, Chef, is Randy.

Randy was on apps tonight, and he got us off to a really rocky start.

Blue team's second nominee and why?
Our second nominee, Chef, is Josh.

He started the night tonight, and it was off to a slow start.

Randy, Josh, step forward.

Randy, why should you stay in Hell's Kitchen?
I think I've improved the most.

I think I have the most to improve.

I can't cook as many dishes as they can, but I think I cook better dishes than they can.

Josh, why should you stay in Hell's Kitchen?
This is all I have.

I try every night to make sure my team is successful.

You have cooks, you have line cooks, and you have Suzy homemaker chef, and I am a chef.

Maybe behind me, Chef.


I don't think Nick has what it takes to cook on a line, Chef.

Nick has not been tested the way I've been tested, Chef.

I've come back stronger and harder every time.

At times, there was no one leading that kitchen tonight.

My decision is Randy.

Back in line.

Josh, take your jacket off.

Yes, Chef.

You're joining the red team.




Meghan, make space for Josh because you're going to the blue team.



Hey, guys.

How are you?
- Meghan - Yes, Chef?
The blue team is lacking leadership, but I'm hoping that you can whip them into shape.

Get out of here.


This is crazy.

But Chef Ramsay knows I'm a leader.

He brought me to the red team to lead them.

So I'm coming.

I'm coming hard.

We don't need Meghan on our team.

I'm gonna be able to step up as the leader without her.

I have full confidence in myself and that this is finally my time to shine.

Now that Meghan's gone, I'm gonna take my team to victory.

So it's all good.

The red team now has a new leader, and it's right here.

This is like a blessing in disguise.

I'm gonna step up as the leader for the red team, and I'm gonna take advantage of it all the way.

This was the first time I've seen Josh and Randy perform that poorly, so I decided to give them a second chance.

Hopefully having new teammates will ensure it never happens again.

Next time on Hell's Kitchen I want to take a picture of this it's so nice.

When The Nanny's Fran Drescher arrives at Hell's Kitchen for a special event What in the [Bleep]

is going on?
Oh, it's getting crazy in the kitchen.

Will the red team need parental supervision to complete service?
T, you know how to cook the salmon, right?
I got it.

Michelle, when are you gonna put your steaks in?
Who's cooking them?
I think she can cook a New York strip.

Thank you, Chef.

I say we just go grab a chef's coat and go back there and help.

And when Randy thinks he's been sabotaged by his teammates Who got the plates out?
- What are you talking about?
- No one's trying to sabotage you.

Will he crack?
- Anything you want to tell me?
- No.

And will his teammates survive the former army ranger's rampage?
He's losing it in front of our eyes.

All next time I got along with everybody until now.

I just want to wring their necks.

- Trust me.

I will do it.

- Come on, Randy.

- Come on, man.

- Seriously?
On a cutthroat episode It'll be an easy k*ll.

Of Hell's Kitchen.