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08x20 - Bird of Prey: Part 1

Posted: 07/31/23 07:29
by bunniefuu



Welcome to San Leone,
Senor Mannix.

From the United States, huh?

You're a long way from home.

Here you are, Senor. La Punta.

Thank you. Oh, I may be getting
an important phone call.

I'd appreciate it if you'd
put it through right away.

Of course, sir.

When that phone call comes...

tell me.


Senor Mannix?

That's right.

You placed an advertisement
in El Tiempo

about three days ago?

That's right.

And you still wish to locate

a certain Victor Valdek?

That's why I'm here.

And it's worth a lot of money?

How much is a lot of money?

Eight thousand pesos.

Well, I'll have to talk to my
client in the United States.

Eight thousand,
or I know nothing.

All right, where do we meet?

You know where
the Casa Boria is?

No idea.

It's the big house on the hill.

Anyone can direct you there.

I work there.

My name is Carlo Boldesca.

Meet me there at : .

And Senor...

bring the money.


You talk too much.

Who are you?

Tell him who we are.

We're from
the telephone company.


Oh, excuse me.

Do you know where I can find
Carlo Boldesca?


May I help you?

I hope so.

Does a Carlo Boldesca work here?

Yes, he does.
He's the porter.

But it's his day off.

Well, that's strange.

He told me to meet him
here at : .

Well, I'm afraid
you're out of luck.

On Carlo's days off,
he usually gets drunk.

Well, if you don't mind
I'll just wait a little while.

I wouldn't.

When Carlo is drunk,
he's usually totally drunk.

Oh, maybe you'd do me a favor.

Would you tell him I was here?
My name is Mannix.

Tell him that I'm still
interested in his friend,

and that the price is all right.

I'll tell him tomorrow.

And maybe you know this friend
of his. Victor Valdek?

No, I don't.

Anybody else here
that might know him?

I'm afraid not.

What is this place? A museum?

No, this is the home
of Count Alessandro Boria.

The Borias
are an old colonial family.

This used to be the Count's
summer home before his...

fortunes changed.

Are you a relative
of the Count's?

No. I'm Adrianna Medova.

I'm employed here, like Carlo.

But not as a porter.

Well, that painting
is interesting.

Very strong, almost cruel.

Not at all
like what I'd expect you to do.

Good day, Mr. Mannix.

He was just here.


He was asking
for Carlo Boldesca.

Did you tell him?


He seemed to accept it?

But he said Carlo
was a friend of Victor.

Now how could Carlo
even know about Victor?

It doesn't matter how he knows.
I've sent him away.

Which reminds me...

you should be looking
for a new porter.

I will be so glad when
this is all over.

It won't be much longer,
my dear.

Nearly all the arrangements
are made.

And forget about Carlo.

He won't be talking to Mannix.

I've sent him on a trip,
my dear.

On a little trip.

Senor Mannix?


Will you come with me, please?

When I take you there,
you will see.



Your passport, please.

You're used to dealing
with the police.

That's right.

And you don't ask
why you're here.

Oh, I figure you'll get around
to telling me, Inspector.


There's a dead man down there.

Somebody stabbed him

and threw him over the edge.

My men found this in his pocket.

Did you place
that advertisement?

That's right.

And somebody contacted you?

At my hotel.

Did he identify himself?

Yes. Carlo Boldesca.

And he said he knew
the whereabouts

of this Victor Valdek?



I made an appointment
to meet him at :

up at the Casa Boria.

He never kept the appointment.


He got stabbed
a little first, huh?

If you think I k*lled him,

arrest me.


I don't think you k*lled him,

but I'm interested in this man
you advertised for.

What do you know
about this Victor Valdek?

I'm a private investigator.

A law firm in the United States
sent me out here.

They have a client
that wants him found.

For a crime?

No, just the opposite.

About three years ago,
this client's son cracked up

in a light plane
back in the mountains.

A man, later identified
as Victor Valdek,

carried him
for two days to a farm.

Without Valdek
he would have died.

My client owes him
a debt of gratitude.

And I supposed
to believe this story?

Why not?

People do crack up in planes.

And what happens
if you find this Valdek?

A reward.

He dragged a wealthy man's son
out of a wrecked plane...

saved his life.

And now my men
drag a man up the hill...

much too late to save his life.

Professionally, Mr. Mannix,

what's your opinion
about the connection

between the two events?

Is there a connection,

Who knows?

My men will take you
to your hotel.

Inspector Varga here.

Luis, tell Cassana to forget

about the arrival
of the president.

I want to keep an eye
on someone else...

a new arrival in San Leone.

Excuse me, is Rosa in?

She's in the kitchen.


Come in.

My God.

Joe Mannix.
Hello, Rosa.

After ten years.


Come, come, sit down.

Tell me, what are you doing
this side of the equator?

I'm on a job.

You know, you haven't changed
much at all, Rosa.

Well, my bank balance is bigger,

but then again, so am I.

Now, tell me about the job.

What do you know about a girl
named Adrianna Medova?

She works up at the Casa Boria.

Not much.

She keeps to herself.

Do you want
some information on her?

I'll find out.

Now, is there anything else,

or shall we play
a little backgammon?

There is something else.

Isn't there always?

Rosa, if you wanted a job done

on this island,
who would you go to?

What kind of a job?


How long has he been here?

Um, Bernard is jealous,

but he's honest
and a pretty good lawyer.

Five minutes.

Is it on business?

Bernard, Joe is an old friend

from Los Angeles
in the United States.

I know where Los Angeles is.

Is anyone else here?


Now, stop being a fool,
Bernard, and run along.

The police are interested
in someone in here.

It's not you,

it's not me, so it must be you.

I'm here on a legitimate job.

He wants a list
of the local K*llers.

You call that legitimate?

I'm not interested
in hiring 'em.

How do you know
the police are interested in me?

He works for Inspector Varga.

New man.

Name's Cassana.

I can't talk now;
I'm going into town.

You, uh, mind if I go along?

Suppose not.

Do you know what I do
for a living?

Yes, you're a detective.

How do you know that?

I was told.

But you're not a real detective.

Well, real enough.

You know, there's something
I don't quite understand.

I came here to do
a very simple job,

yet it seems to be getting
more complicated every minute.

The only reason
I want to find Victor Valdek

is to give him
some reward money.

You wouldn't think
I'd have much trouble

doing a simple job like that,
would you?

What sort of trouble
are you having?

Well, Carlo Boldesca--
he knew I was here.

Somebody knifed him.

Well, I could tell you
as much about Victor Valdek

as Carlo could.

Then, you do know Valdek?


If you'd told me
why you wanted to find Valdek,

I would have helped you when you
first came to the Casa Boria.

You told me you didn't know him.

Oh, he's not a man
I find it easy to talk about.

It never is, about a man
that you were once in love with.

Where is he now?

He was k*lled two years ago
in the earthquake.

He's buried there.


In Mirava, on the other side
of the island.

Did he have any relatives?

On the mainland, yes,
but none here.


I'll, uh...

have to check out his death
for my client.

I hope you understand.

Then will you go back
to the United States?

If I'm satisfied he's dead, yes.

Oh, uh, where can I find
the mayor's office?

Right up those steps, senor.

Thank you.

Mr. Mayor.


Sorry to disturb you.

Oh, it's all right.

It's hopeless anyway.

I'll never win.

Later, gentlemen, later.

My name is Mannix.

I'm a private investigator
from the United States.

I'd like some information

about a man who was k*lled
in the earthquake.

Sit down, senor.

Thank you.

Who was the man k*lled?

Victor Valdek.


Uh, pour yourself some wine.

The worst damage
was to the hotel.

The whole building collapsed.

Were there many k*lled?



half past : , January .

Here it is.

They found the bodies
in the ruins.

Five of them were local people,

the other three
from the mainland--

A man and two women.

They were all identified.

Uh, here we are.

Victor Valdek.

He was the man
from the mainland.

Who identified him?

Crespi, I guess.

Who's Crespi?

The stonemason and tile maker.

He pulled most of the bodies out
of the hotel.

Where can I find him?

Uh, he looks after
the Monument of the Revolution.

Today I've got him scrubbing
the graffiti off the tiles

in case the president
drops in on us.

With him, you never know.


Oh, one more thing-- does it say
there where Valdek is buried?

Local cemetery.

And I'll also want
a photograph of the grave.


Well, my client
in the United States

will want some sort of proof.

Zimmer, over at the café,
will do it for you.

Thank you.

Mr. Crespi?


What can I do for you?

A fellow named Zimmer,
down at the café,

took this photograph of one of
your headstones at the cemetery.

Do you remember
this Victor Valdek?

The earthquake.

We carried him out of the hotel.


Pablo and me.

Who's Pablo?

My assistant Pablo Cerva.



You see this?

This is my work--
a laborer's-- but wait.

Pablo's work.

The primera class-- first class.

Am I correct?

Ah, it's very nice.



What was he like?



Smashed up.

They all were.

How did they identify him?

Papers in his wallet
and a letter.

A letter?

From a woman.

Do you happen to remember
this woman's name?

Hmm, no...
but, but she wrote back

and she sent money
for his funeral.

Well, thank you very much.

That's all right.


I remember.

The woman's name was Adrianna.



Who did this?


Pablo's favorite.

You came here in broad daylight?

Why not?
I was anxious to see you.

But you know you're not supposed
to come so early.

It's just not wise.


you worry too much.


Carlo Boldesca has been k*lled.

The porter?


Did you have anything
to do with it?

As if I would use a knife.

Well, then who?

Who indeed? Who would want to
k*ll a harmless little porter?

I have no idea.

Oh, God.

How much longer
is this going on?

Adrianna, darling,
if you can have patience

for a few more days,
this will all be over.

We'll be finished
with this kind of life,

with this country,

with the whole affair.



...| promise you that.

Mr. Mannix!

You found Valdek, huh?

Yes, I did.

Dead, no?

Who did you have
follow me to Mirava,

Lieutenant Cassana?

That wasn't necessary.

I telephoned the mayor.


I thought you might be
interested in seeing this.

What is it?

A file.

On Valdek?

Read it.
It's fascinating.

Interesting man, huh?

A m*rder*r, a thief, a forger.

Name it-- Valdek was it.

Even a hero.

No mug shot.


He was a very elusive man,

and he seemed to inspire loyalty
in everybody he worked with.

No one ever betrayed him.

Not even a woman?

Not even a woman.

Well, it's, uh...

not gonna be easy telling
my client the truth.

Well, you did your job.

So it seems.

And now I can go back

to making this island safe
for our beloved president.

Have a good trip.

Why did you come?
We were not to meet

until Saturday at Orfeo's.

It's dangerous for you to be
here. Well, you know, Count,

we artists like to see
our work once it's finished.

And you approve
of your work, of course, then?

Yes, as a matter of fact,

I'm a very talented man.

Let's hope you're
as talented with a r*fle.

I suggest you hold
this handkerchief to that cut.

I shouldn't like
my furnishings to be soiled.

I, uh...

I take it you're... Count Boria.



Perhaps you'll explain

what you're doing in my house,
Mr. Mannix?

Let him do his explaining
to the police.

Oh, later, if necessary, Major.

At the moment, I'm interested
in Mr. Mannix's story.

Well, |, uh...

I was here looking
at your paintings. I...

I sat down for a moment. I...

guess I fell asleep.


Well, how did you hurt
your head?

Somebody hit me.


Oh, no.

No, this is what hit you.

When I came in here,
you were lying right here.

Obviously, this fell
and struck you.

Major, would you
look over the premises

and reassure Mr. Mannix
that there's no one else here?

You should be searching him.

I do not think Mr. Mannix
came here to steal.

Do you mind if I have a look
at the other room, Count?

Not at all.

Who painted this picture?

A young woman named
Adrianna Medova.

But, of course, you've met her.


She, uh, hasn't signed it yet.


Excuse me.


Thank you, Major.

Muller has checked
everywhere. No one.

Maybe it was just a bad dream.



Good night, Mr. Mannix.

And do be careful
leaving my house.

I should not like you
to have a second accident.

Good night, Count.
Good night.

I, uh, went to Mirava.

Did you find what you wanted?


But it wasn't what I expected.

I don't understand.

Don't you think it's about time
to be honest with me?


I've already told you
everything I can.

Why are you so anxious
for me to believe

that Victor Valdek is dead?

He is dead.

I think he's alive. I think
he's on this island, and...

I think you know that.

Victor is dead.

What I'd really like to know is
what hold Victor has over you.


According to the police files--
a m*rder*r, a thief, a forger.

Why should you want
to help a man like that?

I think you're into something
a lot deeper than you realize.

Now, Boldesca was k*lled
just because

he wanted to talk to me
about Victor Valdek.

That's a lie.


I would like to help you.

I am not in need of your help.

Victor is dead
and that's all I know.


Oh? Why?
I got a present for you.

Going-away present.


From you?

No, I'm only the delivery boy.

Big ones?


Dollars or pesos?


How many?

I'd say at least .

I'd k*ll you for half that.

Half? A quarter.

Uh, who's so generous to me?

Well, unfortunately,
they didn't tell me that.

They tell me nothing.

Uh, any message with the money?


One to the mainland and one
first-class to Los Angeles.

If you want my advice,
be smart, use them.

Oh, uh...

what if I decide to stay?

How tough are you?


Czerny needs exercise.

Do me a favor,
use the tickets, huh?

Well, I guess I'd better
start packing. We'll help.

We'll even put you on the
plane, right, Czerny? Right.




Just my luck.

The day the President of the
Republic is coming to San Leone,

and I have
to visit my wife's family.

When's he coming?


There's a real man, Senor.

A true friend of the people.

You were leaving
on the afternoon plane.

My travel plans seem
to get a lot

of circulation
around San Leone.

What happened?

The plane left without me.

I don't understand.

Stop the act.

You can give this back
to whoever it came from.

Tell him
I'm not for sale this week.

And you can tell him
I intend to stay

until I find out
what's going on around here.

Stay where you are.

Where did you get $ , ?

Uh, how do you know about that?

Mannix gave it to me.


What does it matter?

Where did you get it?

From Count Boria.

Mannix was making him nervous.

Things are bad enough right now

without some outsider

So, the count asked me
to get rid of him.

What are you going
to do about him now?

Well, that is for the count
to decide.

All I know is, there cannot be
any more mistakes.

No more mistakes
at a time like this.

If you'd have asked me,
I could have told you

he is not a man you can buy.


No, I would say that, uh,
this Mannix--

He's more... more of a saint.

No one is a saint.

But he has one thing
that you will never have.

Oh. What is that?


Pride in himself.

You-- all your pride is
in your work.


Tell me one thing.

This Mannix--

Are you going to see him again?

I don't know.

Because it might be dangerous.

For me?

For Mannix.

I lied to you.

Right from the beginning,

and now I want you
to know the truth.

When you gave back his money,
I learned a lot about you.

His money?



You're finally admitting
he's alive, huh?


I only wanted to put him
in touch with my client.

Uh, nobody had to lie to me,
or try and pay me off.

I know that. That's why
I'm talking to you now.

Long ago, on the mainland,
Victor k*lled a man.

It was in self-defense,
but he couldn't prove it,

so, he had to hide
from the police.

In Mirava,
when the earthquake came,

he saw a chance
to bury Victor Valdek forever.

The dead man's body
was unrecognizable.

When did Victor Valdek
come here?

Three months ago.
He wanted to leave the country,

and he didn't have the money,
so I took him to Count Boria.

The count is helping him?


In a few days,
Victor will be gone.

To a new life.

Please, just go away
and forget about him.

He once did a good service

for the son of the man
who hired you.

Couldn't you just let him
stay buried?

Does he know
you're here with me now?


Where is he?

What name is he using?

I can't tell you that.

Not without his permission.

What is he to you?

He's my husband.

Look, I don't care
what he's done.

I love him.

I live for the day that he won't
have to visit me in the dark,

that we could walk down
any street together

without fear...
in another country.

What about the porter, uh,
Carlo Boldesca?

Why did Victor k*ll him?

He didn't.


Just what is the count's
interest in him?

He believes Victor
to be a great painter.

A genius, he thinks.

He's the only other man
who knows

that Victor's still alive.

The, uh, porter knew.

Cost him his life.

Start the engine.

Help me.

Get down!

Hey, Mannix,
the next one is for the girl!

Step aboard, Mr. Mannix.

Still here, Mr. Mannix?

I like it here.

All right, Czerny.

Not in the face, idiot.

Pick him up.

With us,
it's strictly business, friend.

Why didn't you leave?
You had the money.

You'd never understand.

No, I guess not.


You set me up beautifully.

No, I didn't, I swear.

You're hurt.

Joe, what happened?

I'll need a place, Rosa.

Of course. How long?

I don't know.

Now, Rosa, if somebody said
they'd meet you at Orfeo's,

where would you go?

Well, it's a theater.

In the casino.


Where is he?

He was supposed
to be here at : .

Don't worry. He'll be here.

He's too undisciplined,
and I don't like it.

Everything has to be exact,

split-second timing.

Of course, that's the difference
between him and me.

I'm a soldier,
and he's civilian rabble.

Don't worry.

I have to worry!

Is he reliable?

His type?

Do you think I'm a fool?

Would I risk everything
if he were not to be trusted?

Look, on Sunday he will do
what he's being paid for.

Then he'll disappear
for a few days.

The island will be overrun

with police reinforcements
from the mainland.

Then everything will depend
upon how fast

our people
in the capital can act,

how quickly
we can seize control.

The general's ready
to take over.


When we have power,
then Valdek will be free

to leave the country
as I promised him.

And if they cut him down,

so what?


I understand.

Mannix hasn't left the island.

Where is he?

From what I've just been told,
he may be here.

He is an extremely
obstinate person.

Let's go.


It's a good thing you saw him.

Mm. Not so good for him.