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08x07 - A Small Favor for an Old Friend

Posted: 07/31/23 07:19
by bunniefuu

We're all set, Mr. Vanaman.

Hello, Endicott.

Angel, why don't you get aboard?


Keep me company.


Birds were born to fly, not men.

Do you smell anything burning?

San Francisco Control Tower,
San Francisco Control Tower,

this is Citation Ten
Uncle Charlie.

I smell something burning.

I think I may have
a baggage compartment fire.

I'm going aft to take a look.

Citation Ten Uncle Charlie,

San Francisco Control
standing by.


Watch the store.

He's passing , .

Hey, he's off the screen.


Hi, Peggy.

Nice to be home.

Let me know when you decide
to say hello, huh?


It's about Harry Endicott.

This was five days ago.

You were in the Sierras.

I couldn't reach you.

This came last week.

It's from Harry.

"Joe, I think I'm into something
way over my head.

"I'm leaving
for Acapulco tonight,

"returning day after tomorrow.

"If there's trouble,
I may need your help.

Thanks, Harry."”

This was mailed
the day before he was k*lled.

Peggy, call Kit Endicott.

Tell her I'm on my way up, huh?

Joe, I called her
when I read about it.

The phone number's
been disconnected.

And the apartment manager
said the Endicotts

haven't lived there for months.

They split up.

Did he have any idea
where she went?


And San Francisco information
doesn't have a number on her.


Harry used to hang out
at a place called, uh,

the Butler's Pantry.

Maybe they know something.



Hello, Art.

What do you say, Joe?

Three days in a row--
we should be flattered.

You must like the way
Dotty builds drinks.

Irish rocks, Dotty.

Three days in a row?

What are you talking about?

What I'm talking about, Joe,

is that you don't come in here
for months at a time,

and suddenly, you're here
three days in a row.

Look, Art, you got to cut down
on the sauce.

I wasn't in here yesterday
or the day before.

Sure, Joe.

Hey, come to think of it,
I haven't been here for...

oh, at least a year.

If you say so, Joe.

Irish rocks.

Thank you.

Say, Art, I'm looking
for Kit Endicott.

I heard she and Harry split up.

You're asking me?

Yeah, last time I talked
to him about six weeks ago,

he didn't say anything about it.

Six weeks ago?


I just heard about the accident
this morning.

I was up at Twin Valley Lake.

You've been where?

The Sierras.

For the past three weeks.

Sure, Joe-- Twin Valley Lake.

Yeah, what about Kit?

Haven't got a clue.

You have any idea
what Harry was up to?

Uh, was he in any trouble?

When wasn't he in trouble?

That was a lousy trick, Joe.

You could have at least called.

Do we know each other?

I waited an hour and a half
last night.

Well, I'm sorry about that.

It won't happen again.

You bet it won't.

Don't call me; I'll call you.

Hey, Art, uh...

maybe you can tell me
what that was all about, huh?

Off the top of my head,

I'd say that was a lady
you stood up last night.

I never saw
the lady before in my life.

Okay, Joe.

Like I told you,
whatever you say.

Freshen his drink.

Hey, Joe.

If you weren't
in here yesterday,

how did I get your key?

My key?

To your apartment.

Mr. Mannix?

I got your message.

That dishwasher
that was on the fritz--

Somebody broke
a whiskey bottle in it.

Great big chunks of glass
all over the bottom.

That's why it wouldn't work.

Boy, that must have been
some party.


You'll live.

Who are you?

The name is Shaeffer.

Carl Shaeffer.

I'm pretty sure I saw the man
who did all this.

Big black gentleman.

He had an attaché case,

so maybe he found

whatever he was looking for.

I suppose you were
just passing by?

I'm with the Aviation
Underwriters of America.

We're carrying
most of the coverage

on Harry Endicott's aircraft.

I heard you and Endicott
were old wartime buddies.

Yeah, Korea.

When my company stands
to take a $ , loss

for an airplane
that exploded in mid-air,

we'd like to know
how it happened, and why.

Sounds reasonable.

If the insured was involved
in illegal activities,

the claim could be invalidated.

That, Mr. Shaeffer,

sounds like a threat.

A fact, Mr. Mannix.

Read it in paragraph two-A
of the policy.

Harry Endicott was flying a man
named Angel Moreno to Acapulco.

Angel Moreno was employed

by a man named Andrew Vanaman.

Andrew Vanaman is, reputedly,

a syndicate executive.

Very big.

Vanaman has a chauffeur,

looks amazingly like

that black gentleman
I saw downstairs.

Now look, Shaeffer,

I know as much
about Harry Endicott's business

as I know about why my name

is splattered
all over this apartment.

Now for the past three weeks,
I was up in the Sierras

at Twin Valley Lake.

And, of course,
at that remote place,

nobody saw you
in those three weeks?

That's right.

Speaking of three weeks,

I have a friend in the
California Department of State.

Just about three weeks ago,

the articles of incorporation

of the Endicott Air Charter
Company were amended.

The secretary-treasurer
was named

Joseph Mannix.

I heard you were asking
about Harry Endicott's wife.

She's staying at an apartment
in Pacific Heights.

The Shoreham.


Hello, Kit.


Come on in.

Uh, can I get you anything, Joe?

You want coffee or a drink
or something?

No, thanks.


didn't hear about Harry
until just this morning.

Was he in some kind of trouble?

I hadn't talked with him
in more than two months.


just what happened
between you two?

One blonde too many.

Good, old,
loyal friend Joe, huh?

You know,
if this hadn't happened,

and Harry called on you
for help,

I'll bet you'd have just
come running, wouldn't you?

He would have done
the same for me.

Harry never did anything
in his life

for anybody but Harry.

That time he pulled you
out of the burning half-track,

he did it to prove
he was the better man.

You didn't know your old friend.

You just didn't know him at all.

Kit, he's dead.

Then there's nothing more
for you to do,

so you can go back
to Los Angeles.


Would you have any idea

why someone would set up
an apartment

to make it look
as though it were mine?

No, I don't know why.

But he's dead, Joe.

It just doesn't matter any more.

Go home.

I think I'll
stick around a while, Kit.

I want to know
who Art Butler saw yesterday.

It certainly wasn't me.

Anyway, if you think
of something,

give me a call.

I'm sure I'm in the book.

Uh, Mr. Mannix.

That's right.

Mr. V. would like to see you.

Who's he?

Mr. Vanaman.

I'm afraid I don't know him.

I wouldn't say
that matters exactly.



Sit down, Mannix.

Get him a drink.

Fresh martinis?

Beats old ones.

How do you like the place?

I'm impressed.

Now, that's Anita's doing.

She decorated the whole place.

She's a very classy lady.

Also makes a great martini.

Well, that's her thing.

Antique stuff, you know,
Chippendale desks,

Queen Anne chairs,
Governor Winthrop whatevers.

You know, my old man came
from Portugal.

I was born here in North Beach.

You know, I never tasted a steak
until I was years old.

I stole a T-bone right
out of a restaurant kitchen.

You know, I worked hard
for all this, Mannix.

I fought for it.

I fight to keep it,

and nobody's going
to steal anything from me.

I'm still impressed.

What's the point?

The other night,
with my own eyes,

I saw Angel Moreno get
into Harry Endicott's plane,

and with my own eyes,
I saw that plane take off.

You with me so far?

I'm trying my best.

Yeah, all of a sudden
poor Harry and poor Angel

are at the bottom of that bay.

Want to know something, Mannix?

That case that was attached
to Angel's wrist,

it's not on the plane anymore.

Now, how could you know that?

It was found
in your apartment, empty.

What was in it
before it was empty?

Dollars, lots of them.

A million and a half.

You know, it wasn't a bad plan.

I figure a switch came

between the ramp and the runway.

Angel was probably in on it.

He had to be. Yeah.

I guess the cases were switched
at the end of the runway, right?



How about some air?

Yeah, that's how it was done,
all right.

When the delivery was made
and the case was opened,

instead of finding a million
and a half dollars

in hundred dollar bills,

they'd find old newspapers
and magazines.

Since I gave the case to Angel,
he couldn't have done it,

and Harry couldn't have done it,
but you, you went out

to the end of the runway
before the plane took off.

You switched cases with Angel.

I'll bet the b*mb was
in the case you gave Angel,

or you planted it
someplace else.

However you did it,

like I said before,
it wasn't a bad plan.

That wasn't a bad double cross
you pulled on Angel and Harry.

Honey, what's that, you know,

when somebody gets
something they don't expect

and yet they deserve?

Poetic justice.

That's it, poetic justice.

That's what you're gonna get,

poetic justice and a lot of it.

I wasn't even there.
You were there!

I saw you there
on the flight line

before the plane took off.

I said to Harry, "Hey,

who was that guy in the blue
coveralls and the dark glasses?"

He said, "That's my new partner,
Joe Mannix."

Look, Mannix, I'll tell you,
I admire a guy with ambition,

but a million
and a half dollars worth?

Come on,
that's too much ambition.

If I had the money,
it would be pretty stupid of me

to sit around and wait for you
to find me.

You'd be stupid not
to sit around.

Look, Mannix, I'll tell you
what I'll do.

You come up with the dough,

we'll forget
the whole scam. Okay?

What do I have to do
to convince you you're wrong?

Mannix, the money.

One more for the road,
Mr. Mannix?

Hand it over, Mannix,
before you run out of road.

One thing I'll say
for you, Mannix.

You tell a fascinating story.

But you're not buying?

Three weeks in the Sierras?

Not a living soul
seeing you there?

Letters from Harry Endicott?

I know what it sounds like.

Did you know Endicott
had no life insurance?

Maybe he didn't believe in it.

Just shows you how wrong he was.

I'm trying to make the point

that this would seem
to rule out Mrs. Endicott.

Rule her out from what?

Mannix, the plane was destroyed

by an expl*sive device.

A heavily-insured wife
is a prime suspect.


So we're back to square one: me.

I said this would seem
to rule out Mrs. Endicott.

Look, a third man
was at the airport.

We'll call him Mr. X.

Now, why isn't it possible
that Mrs. Endicott,

bitter and humiliated,
hooked up with this Mr. X,

and together they planned and
carried out the double-cross?

Why would Harry
identify me to Vanaman?

He was in trouble.

He needed your name to keep him
out of a six-foot hole.

It is possible, you know.

The problem is:
how do we get Mrs. Endicott

to reveal Mr. X's real identity?

What you mean is,
how do I get her to reveal it.

I guess that is what I mean.

And suppose she's not involved
and I can't clear myself.

What happens then?

Well, then you'll have a choice:

me, which eventually
also means the law,

or Andrew Vanaman.

A rock and a hard place, huh?

You don't care how you save
your company , , do you?

Uh, oh, in case
you're interested,

I'm on my way to see Art Butler.

I'd like to find out

who he's been talking to
the past few days.


Take the rear elevator.

I guess Mr. V
just doesn't trust you.

Stay with that red cab.



Hello, Mannix.

Don't you ever wear that coat?


Uh, not now.
I'm looking for someone.

Mr. V says
you're not cooperating.

He'd like us to show you how.

Into the car, please.

I'll talk to him later.

Get into the car.

Your choice:
with or without a hole in you.

Come on! Come on!



Is there any other way
he can get out of here?

Not without us seeing him.

Go around.

Got you.

Okay, baby.

Hey, what is this?
"What is this?"

She leaves the twins at home--
still in diapers--

And you ask, "What is this?"

That's it, baby, the party's
over. You're going home.

Uh, nice meeting you.


I thought we'd keep
our date after all.

Now, about standing you up
the other day...

You better let me out of here.

Not till you tell me
what it's all about.

It was a joke.

A practical joke, he said.

Who said?
Art Butler.

He said you'd be in
in a couple of days.

Would I play this joke?

So I did.

Did he say why
he was playing the joke?


Harry Endicott's wife
came in just about then.

His wife?

The one he split up with.

She came in to meet Harry.

Art Butler around?

Haven't seen him all day.

Irish, rocks?

No. Where is he?

Didn't say.

He's probably on a fishing trip,
in the Sierras.

I've been looking
for you, Mannix.

Come on.

I have a friend at the branch
of Northern Bay Trust

where Harry Endicott
had an account.

It may be slightly unethical,
but he let me see

some of Endicott's
recent canceled checks.

Lombard Photographers.

So he had a few pictures taken.

Passport pictures.

Okay, so he was going abroad.

Endicott's passport
was renewed last year;

he wouldn't need another one
for a little while.

You get new passport photos for
only one reason: a hew passport.

Harry didn't need a new one.

That's right.

Unless he was
using a different name.

You learn fast, Mannix.

Oh, yeah, I'm a real fast study.

You know what I think?

I think your good friend
Harry Endicott is still alive.

And I think you know
where he is.

I can help you, Mannix,
if you'll let me.

Straight into
a five-to-life rap.

Not if you find Endicott for us.

Every man for himself, huh?

Come on, Mannix.

Why do you think
you're walking around loose?

You're the decoy.

We're figuring on you taking us
to Endicott or the money,

whichever comes first.

I don't particularly care which.

You're all heart, Shaeffer.

I know.

All right, you were set up.

Well, maybe so.

It's happened
to a lot smarter guys.


How much time do I have?

How much time do you need?

Maybe a day or...

Take two.


Oh, just so you know
where you stand,

I also have a friend at the FAA.

He let me borrow some of these.

That parachute harness was found

early this morning on the beach
near Pillar Point.

He really set you up,
your old buddy.


Pigeon of the year.

You were with Harry last week.

You told me you hadn't
seen him for months!

All right, I lied.


He's alive, isn't he?

Isn't he?!

Yes, he's alive.

Joe, I swear to you,
I didn't know anything about it

until Harry called me
the day after the crash.

I had to lie to you.

He made me promise.

What'd he say?

That you'd be showing up,

and that he was going to leave
the country as soon as he could.

He... he wants me
to go with him.

He still loves me, Joe.

And what about you, Kit?

Well, I...

I told him I'd think about it.

But no.

I'm going to need
your help, Kit.

Now, Harry was still
over the coast

when he radioed
that he was in trouble.

Now, the way I figured it,

he set the a*t*matic pilot
on climb,

and then he bailed out
just before the plane exploded--

With Angel Moreno still in it.

Angel was probably already dead.

Harry would have had to k*ll him
to get that attache case.


did Harry say where he was?

He called a little while ago.

He said I'm to be
at a phone booth

near the Palace of Fine Arts
at exactly : this afternoon.

But I'm not going.

Well, I'm afraid you are.

And I'm going with you.

Harry set me up.

Joe, let him go.
Let him have the money.

Kit, Harry k*lled a man.

He said I'm to take
the : ferry to Alcatraz.

And then I'm supposed to sort of
drift away from the tour

and meet him at the north side
of the island.

That's it?

That's all he told me.

Hard to believe
he'll just be there waiting.

He will, though, Joe.

He really trusts me.


I'd better call Shaeffer
and let him know.

Joe, after that,

after you tell him
where Harry is,

can we leave then?

I'm sorry.

You got to show up.

So do I.


I thought you said Shaeffer
had them on a leash.

Looks like the leash broke.

You disappoint me, Mannix.

I had a hunch you were mixed up
in this, Mrs. Endicott.

You made a deal with that
insurance man, didn't you?

Frisk him.

Turn around.

What do you do when it rains?

He's clean.

All right, now we walk
nice and easy to my car.

And cough up that money--
and I mean right now.

I can't get to it yet.


do you think
Mrs. Endicott's pretty?

Not bad.

Do you think you could fix it
so she doesn't look so pretty?

Any time you say, Mr. V.


I thought you'd see it my way.

All right, let's go.

No, Joe.

We don't have a choice, Kit.

They'll k*ll him.

k*ll him? k*ll who?

Of course.

You're talking about Harry,
aren't you?

Yes, Mrs. Endicott,
we certainly will k*ll him.

After we get my money.

Let's go.

I'll drive.

I... I couldn't stop.

She... she ran
right in front of me.





Drinks are on me, Joe.

No, thanks, Harry.

I make a great martini.

Almost as good as that, uh,
Japanese kid at the Marunouchi.

Remember him?
I remember.

Yeah, what was his name?

Uh, Toya, Toya, uh, uh, uh...

Toshida, yeah.

Uh, Tooshi, we called him.


His martinis
went down like powder.

Three of them,
the whole city of Tokyo

was just one small village.


You're making
a big mistake, Joe.

Won't be the first.

To friendship.


Harry, why'd you do it?

Oh, come on, Joe.

Why do you think I did it?

Time, buddy, time.

Nearly five whole days.

While they were all chasing
you around for the money,

they stopped thinking about me.

I was dead.

Worked out beautifully.

I'm taking you back, Harry.

You owe me a favor, Joe.

I'm collecting.

You already collected.

The slate's clean.

You mean that, don't you?

m*rder is against the rules,

Where's Kit?

She won't be here.

Yeah, well, I...
figured it was even money.

She's dead.

That's a bad joke, Joe.

No joke, Harry.

She was trying to get here
ahead of Vanaman.

You sure you don't want this?

That's all you can say?

What do you want me to say?

Nothing, I guess.

Let's go, Harry.

Joe, tonight at : ,
right out there,

there's going to be a freighter,
the Star of Tripoli.

Now, she's headed south--
Venezuela, Brazil.

She's sending a dinghy
to pick me up.

You can join me.

Some crisp, green cash
for walking-around money.

Say, a quarter
of a million dollars.

Okay, half a million.

Let's go, Harry.

I should have remembered.

You're straight.

Well, we can't all be perfect.




We found Art Butler

trying to board a plane
for Mexico City.

He had $ , on him.

Butler was the man

who impersonated you
at the airport.

He talked a blue streak.

You're in the clear.


In the clear.