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07x24 - The Ragged Edge

Posted: 07/31/23 07:15
by bunniefuu
You've got a John Moore
registered here.

If you say so.
What room?

. That way.

{man muttering

Joe! What happened to you?

We've been looking
for you for weeks!

I'm fine, I'm okay,
I'm, uh, no,

just leave me, alone...
oh, Art.

Watch out.

That arm looks
like a pincushion.

I'm okay.

We'll get you some help.

Help... help... no...

Come on.

Come on, Mannix.

Mannix, let's go. Come on.

Come on... come on...

That's all right.

We won't need those.

Joe, I'm sorry, we're going
to have to take you in.

No, Art, I...
I don't have anything on me.

I-I'm clean, Art.

This isn't for possession.

When you slugged
Sergeant Lancaster,

he fell and hit his head.

He's in pretty bad shape.

I hit Jim Lancaster?

Yeah, you, uh, tried
to make a buy last week.

Lancaster busted you,
you... you hit him.

He may not make it, Joe.

Well, his heart's
not too erratic.

Hasn't been on the stuff
too long, I'd say.

But it's all through his system.

You mean he's an addict?

He's an addict.

Did you book him?

I will, Mr. Harrelson.

Look, I'm responsible
to the DA in this matter.

as*ault on a police officer
with attempt to m*rder.

And it could be m*rder One
before morning!

Now, what are you waiting for?

I said I'd book him, and I will,
but he's a friend of mine.

I want to see
what can be done for him.

If you want to report me
for that, feel free.

Ah, don't be
ridiculous, Lieutenant.

It's just that I'm getting a lot
of heat on the Lancaster matter,

so we want
to move on it fast, okay?

As fast as we can,
Mr. Harrelson.

Joe, you didn't do this
to yourself.

How did it happen?

You, uh, remember Bobby Bolin,
about a year ago?

Yeah. You helped send him up.

He died in Q,
a couple of months ago.

His, uh...

...his brother Pete, uh,
and another guy, jumped me.

I... I woke up... a mountain cabin.

I don't know
how long it's been.

Peggy reported you missing
days ago.


Well, uh, each...

each... each day,
they put a needle in my arm,

two, three times a day.

And, uh...

...Pete told me why.


said... "Mannix, uh..."

"My brother's dead and...

"so are you,

only you're going the hard way."


They threw me
back on the street.

That's where
I've been ever since.

Doc, what can you do for him?

Well, give him more sedation.

But it won't help him much.


I can do it myself, Art.

I can kick it bone-dry.



No, I didn't mean to do it!

I didn't mean to hurt... oh, no.

No, I didn't mean to do it!

Oh... oh, no! No... oh.. oh...

Give me the keys.

Over there.

You're not going to get
very far, Mannix.

Not in that.

When they find it,
I won't be in it.

What about my g*n?



Don't ever do that again,
will you?

Sammy, I've got money.
You holding?

I'm fresh out, honest!

I'm looking myself.


I can't tell you.


I've been told.

Everybody's been told.

Told what?

You're poison, Joe,
to anybody helps you.

Hey, Sammy...
don't play, I'm sick!

Okay, Joe... Okay.

Listen... you know m1ngo?

Little guy...?
Yeah, yeah.

He's a pusher.

Yeah, I heard about him.

Goes into Carey's Bar
every night about : .

Plays pool.

But, Joe...

you never heard it from me.

I never saw you, Sammy.

Hey, m1ngo...

Hey, you're Mannix, right?

The private eye
who's on the hype?

Let's talk business, huh?

Come on, beat it.

Come on, look...
I know you're holding.

I got a lot of loot.
I'm fat.

I'll pay anything you want.

Ain't got nothing, Mannix.

Street's dry for you.

Hey, what're
you talking about, m1ngo?

The word's out.

Who put it out?

I don't ask, just listen,
so beat it!

Hey, man, I'm strung out.

You know what I need.
You-you can help me.

Mannix, the cops've
been here already.

They'll be back!
I don't care! get what I need or
I'll tell 'em what goes on here!

It could mean my neck.

Nobody's supposed to help you.

I don't care! They don't
have to know it's for me.

Cost you double.

In advance.


Where can I wait?

Through that door,

downstairs in the basement.

I think he's ready.

Did you bring the stuff?

No, Mr. Mannix.


But we have a car outside,

and we can take you to someone

who will give you
what you're after.

I, uh, I made a deal
to get it right here.

I'm afraid that's not possible.

But you can come with us
if you like... or not.

I don't think you
understand, Mr. Mannix.

My client doesn't
want your money.

He wants to give you
this-- and more--

In return for a favor.

What's the favor?

Oh, it's a very simple one.

My client would like you
to k*ll Lieutenant Malcolm.


You stuff it!

It's quite necessary
that he be eliminated.

Imperative, in fact.

You see, it has to do with
a shipment of heroin

that Lieutenant Malcolm
intercepted at the docks

a few months ago...

I believe you were instrumental
in helping him do it.

Well, that was
my client's shipment.

Overzealous policemen
are bad for business.

I think you can understand that

activity like that
has to be discouraged.

Why, you...

Tell your gorillas to take me
back where they found me.

Be reasonable, Mr. Mannix.

My... my client just might
find a place for you

within the organization.


all of your needs
would be looked after.

Forget it.


Interview's over.

Let him go.

He didn't even make it
to the elevator.


Let me have it.

When the job is done.

Lieutenant Malcolm, please.


Art, Joe.

Joe, where are you?

Art, listen to me.

I want to give myself up...

but only to you.

Joe, every unit in the
department is looking for you.

You need help.

Alone, Art!

Okay. Where?

The... the-the...

...the bridge at Ballona Creek,
uh, near the marina.

Al right.

Uh... : .
Can you make it by then?

I'll be there, Art.



No stakeouts...

or I won't show.

I'll be alone.

Your own g*n, Mannix.

We took it from your office.

And, uh...

one b*llet.

Make it count.

And remember, Mannix:

The world is dry unless
you get the job done.


They bought it, huh?

So far.

I hope you haven't
forgotten how to miss.

I hope you haven't forgotten
how to swim.

Uh, Peggy...

if you hear from Joe,
would you let me know?

Or let somebody know?

The sooner we find him,
the sooner we can help him.

I understand.

Mr. Mannix's office.

Oh, hi, Vivian.

What is it?


Oh, no.

Something wrong?

They just found Art Malcolm's
body in Ballona Creek.


Joe didn't do it.

Joe couldn't have done it!

I wouldn't bet on it.

You don't look the type.

What's a "type"?

Where am I?

You're in my house.

The guest room.


What do I call you?

Lorna will do.

Hey, uh...

...these are my pajamas, Lorna.

We thought you'd
be more comfortable

with some of your
own things around.

Your breakfast.


Well, I'm not sure
I said good morning.

Good morning.



Oh. Well, well.

This is very nice.

He'll be glad to hear that.


The man who pays the rent.

Who's he?

You'll meet him.

You're still not the type.

Well, let me tell you something.

I can take it or leave it alone.

That's not what it says
in the paper.


How's our, uh... guest?

Fine, now.

Coffee smells good.

You did very well
last night, Mannix.

Did ?


I have a simpler job
for you today.

I'm not using a g*n again.

No, no, no g*ns.

What's the job?

Well, you're going to meet a man
and arrange a purchase for me.

Why me?

Well, there are several reasons.

you cannot be connected
with me in any way.

you are now not only
a fugitive, but a m*rder*r.

And three: I have your g*n,

which even an amateur
ballistics man

could match with the b*llet
that k*lled Lieutenant Malcolm.

So you see, you are
the perfect go-between.


Who do I meet?

His name is, um... Mr. Green.

That's the address.

And you'll, uh...

use the blue sedan out in front.

You will tell Mr. Green...

the offer is three million.

Three million?

That sounds like pure H.

There's no way that much stuff
could be brought in these days.

Not after that bust.

There's just too much security.

You know, you're right.

It's not being brought in,
it's already here.

Now you can leave.

What do I get
out of all of this?

What you need...

whenever you need it.

More coffee, darling?

No. No, thanks.

How is it you always look like
sunshine in the morning, hmm?

Because you give me enough time.

Whatever it is, it works.

Frank, there's something
about him.


It doesn't feel right.

You know, Lorna, I'm not stupid.

I wouldn't trust any junkie.

And Mannix, well, you know,
he's not a permanent addition.

When he's finished
with this job...

he's finished.




Mr. Green!

Mr. Green?

Freeze, Mannix.

All right, hands up
against the rail.

Art Malcolm got a call last
night, just before he left.

The switchboard operator
said it might be you.

I didn't call anybody
last night.

What are you doing here?

Meet a guy.


I got a message for him.

What kind of message?

Come on, Joe, it's okay.

I'm Mr. Green.

You're Green?

That's right.

You're in this deal?

From the top.

Now what's the message?

Three mill.

It's not enough.

That's all I was told.

Well, you just go running back
to your boss

and tell him that we've been
offered four.


Uh, you just tell him
that five will take it.

The deadline is : p.m.

One minute more,
and the stuff's gone.


Unless we tell him otherwise.


I'll tell him.


would you like me to have Peggy
send flowers to Art's funeral?

I knew he wasn't smart enough to
handle a deal like that alone.

Yeah, but he's got great hands.

He lifted that shipment
of heroin

from the police property room

and left you pounds
of powdered chalk.

Any thoughts on who gave
Fletcher the idea?

Eh, probably know tonight.

Who am I working for?
Did you find out?

Frank Marr out of Reno.

We had a run-in
a couple of years ago.

But he's never been
on the books.

He's cagey.

How about the girl?

Lorna Wilder.

Any record?

No. Just a beautiful girl.


I'd begun to worry about you.

Yeah, well, uh...

a little complication.


They want more money.

Frank's not gonna like that.

Yeah, well, I guess
I better tell him.

Is he in?

He went out.
He'll be back in a little while.



Yeah, I guess
I'm a little uptight, maybe.


You have enough time.

Yeah, thanks.

Oh, you are beautiful.


It's like seeing
a different man.

Does it do that much for you?

It sure helps.

No drinks, right after...

Uh, maybe later.

Ordinarily, I don't like
to drink alone.

Ah, you're not alone.

Where'd you go after you left
the warehouse?


You put extra miles on
the car.

You checked the mileage.

While you were inside.

Oh, is that part
of your job, too?

Everything's part of my job.


Well, uh...

I had a little trouble finding
the place,

and then I took a couple
of little detours

to make sure nobody was
following me.

I used to be a private eye.


And now you have a new one.

A most unusual one.

I don't follow.

You're hooked on powdered sugar.

That's what I just gave you.

You wouldn't get two steps.

Frank, there's trouble.

Mannix blew it?

The price has gone up.

Fix me a drink, honey.

All right, what happened?

The deal is still up for grabs.

They've had an offer
of... four million.

From whom?

A third party.

What third party?

Mr. Green didn't say.

Mr. Green did say that, uh...
five million would take it.

You think it's a bluff?

He wasn't nervous.

When are you due back?

: .

I'll have the money
for you at : .

Lorna, where's the bag?

In the closet.


Oh, uh, by the way...

did you know Mr. Green?

His name is Fletcher.

He's a police sergeant.

Well, sooner or later,
if the price is right,

everyone goes on the pad,
right, Mannix?


Anything I can do?

No, you're doing it, sunshine.

I still don't like
to drink alone.



Very dry.

It is.

I suppose you're wondering

why the subject of powdered
sugar never came up.

The, uh, thought crossed
my mind.


What now?

Right from the beginning,

I knew there was
something about you.

"Strength” would be
one word for it.

I suspected
you weren't hooked on anything.

Why didn't you tell Frank?

I did at first.

He wouldn't listen.

So I started doing
some thinking for myself.


About what?


You went through that whole act

pretending to be a junkie,

You even k*lled one
of your best friends.

You had to have something
in mind.

Did you, uh, come up
with any answers?


$ million worth.

Well, I'm greedy, too.

And as long as we have
that in common,

it makes sense to share
the money, doesn't it?

You could have shared it
with Frank.

When I said "share,”
I meant divide.

Frank doesn't divide.

Frank parcels out.

I've had six good years
with Frank.

I'm just not sure how many more
he's planning on.

The bills from the beauty salon
are getting bigger every year.

I think
he's beginning to notice.

Then Frank is a fool.

You must have had a plan
to get away with the money.

I did.

We do it my way now, right?

I never argue
with a beautiful woman.

You may need this.

Now, uh...
just what is your plan?

I bought two...

in case the powdered sugar
bought me a partner.

A switch.

What's in it?

Paper, but not the kind
you can spend.



What's that?

Your plane ticket to Acapulco.

I'll be waiting for you
when you land.

First class.

Is there any other way to go?

Hello, baby.

Hi, sunshine.

Everything go all right?
It's all there.

You can fix me that drink now.

Hey, something wrong?

I'm not sure if I locked
the back door.

Well, you better make sure.

Uh, Mannix, uh... are you
certain you're up to this?

Except for one thing.

What's that?

Is that all there's
gonna be in it for me,

a fix when I need it?

Well, I wouldn't worry
about that.

You'll be in on the payoff.

Listen, I really appreciate
what you've been doing.

Believe me.


Frank! I think
I saw someone outside.

You, too, Mannix, come on.
Let's go.

Keep your eye on that.

Nothing, sir.

No one.

I was sure.

Oh, I'm sorry, Frank.

Hey, come on.

Mannix, you take the suitcase
into the warehouse

and make the exchange.

Walters, you go in with him.

I'll be outside with some help,

in case anything
should go wrong.

What could go wrong?

Well, Mr. Green and his partner
may have cooked up a plan

to keep both the money
and the shipment.

They are, after all, thieves.

All right, get moving.


Oh, it's you.

I, uh, thought
maybe they came early.

You said : .

They'll be here at : .

Yeah, yeah.
We got plenty of time.

Not you, Sergeant.

Hold it!

The money before you take
the stuff!

Just a minute.
Got to check it out.



Hold it!

I want to see the cash first.

It's all here.

Open it up.
I want to see it anyway.

Move! Move!

Police! Freeze!

What's your hurry, Frank?

Back from the grave,
huh, Lieutenant?

Take care of him.

Take care of him.

Well, he's alive.

Get him to a hospital.

I don't want you
to die on us, Harrelson,

till you see what the inside
of a cell looks like.

Watch your step, Lieutenant.

Over there.

Yeah, the stuff's in here, Art.

It's amazing
what some people will do

for a case full
of yesterday's newspapers.

Yeah, the girl's got the money.

She was supposed
to meet me in Acapulco.

She's at the airport.
We've had her covered.

Attention, all passengers

for Flight .

TGA passengers for this flight
may now board

at Gate Number Five.



Well, I'm glad to see you.

Well, we got away with it.


Now, if you give me
your ticket,

I'll arrange so we can
be on the same flight.

Joe, listen, I...

Lorna, the ticket.


That's a long way from Acapulco.

I would have been
in touch with you.

Oh, I'm sure.

Lorna, this is
Lieutenant Malcolm.

We've been working on
the case together

along with my secretary,
a doctor

and several interested people.

I thought
I had you figured, Joe.

I thought anyone
with your intelligence

knew the value of money.

Some kinds of money.