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07x16 - The Dark Hours

Posted: 07/31/23 07:10
by bunniefuu


Got 'em.

Okay. Waste him.


Hey, Jim, look!

We better get to a phone.

-Sam- , -Sam- , Code .

-L- , roger.

-L- , -L- with -L- .

-L- .

Avenue and North Broadway.


Found this about
ten feet away from the body.

No g*n on Joe?

No, sir.

Looks like his.

It's been fired.

Probably used this to k*ll him.

Charley, you're in charge here.

I want this whole area covered.

I know how you feel, Lieutenant.

I doubt that.


He's alive!

Get this crate moving!

What's going on?

Hey, what's going on?

Why the siren?

I don't know how, Lieutenant,
but he's breathing.

What are his chances?

All I can tell you,
he's going to surgery

as quick as
we can get him there.



You're doing fine, Mr. Mannix.

Hang in there.

A couple of your friends
want to look in on you.

I can allow them just a minute.

Don't expect too much.

We have to take
our miracles one at a time.

Can you hear me, Joe?

Do you know who did it?

Can you tell us anything?

There's something I can do, Joe?

A girl?

Are you telling us a girl
is involved in what happened?

I'm sorry.

Your minute's up.


Mr. Mannix?
That's right.

My name is Karen Winslow.

I'd like to hire you.

And to do what?

Well, a man's been following me,

and I want you to find out who
he is and stop him if you can.

Why not go to the police?

I already did, this afternoon.

Well, he disappeared
until they were gone.

Now he's back?

Yes. He followed my taxi.

Mr. Mannix, I don't mind
telling you that I'm frightened.

Miss Winslow.

I'm Joe Mannix.


I'm so glad to see you.

Well, now, that's not
usually included in my fee.

Except the man
that's been following me

is sitting at
the end of the bar,

so I thought perhaps
it would be better

if we made it look like a date.

Of course.

Now, uh, why don't we sit down

and take a look
at your friend, huh?

That's quite a man
to have following you.

Do you know him?

Does the name Johnny Sands
mean anything to you?


He's an enforcer.

You know what an enforcer is?

It's a paid k*ller.


He works for a man
named Al Kordic.

What is it?

I... I mean,
I just can't believe it.

Why would Al have a man
like that following me?


Well, now,
if you're that chummy,

I can think of a lot of reasons.

Our relationship is
strictly professional.

I work for him.


Tell me about it.

I can't.

Miss Winslow,
I usually don't take a case

unless I know at least as much
about it as my client does.

I'm really sorry I dragged you

all the way out here,
Mr. Mannix.

There's obviously been
some terrible mistake.

I mean, if Johnny Sands
works for Al,

then I'm sure I'm not
in any trouble at all.


Yeah, I'm glad; glad to hear it.

Now, uh,
why don't we have dinner

and then
I'll see you home, okay?


I'd ask you in
for a nightcap, but I...

But a girl who kisses
on the first date

has to draw the line somewhere.

Will you send me a bill
for your time?

You just paid it.

Thank you.

Good night.

Stay down.

Joe, I know what I'm asking,

but you're the only one
that can help us.

Somebody tried to k*ll you,

and they're liable to try again,
unless we can catch them first.

Peggy's been through
every record in your office.

You said there was a girl
involved with what happened.

She must have a name.



Karen what?

I'm sorry, Lieutenant,
that'd better be all for now.

What about the girl, Joe?

Later, Lieutenant.

He got away.

Are you all right?

Oh, I wouldn't do that.

Uh, give the police a chance.

They may be able
to lift a fingerprint.

I don't want the police.

I don't understand.

Now, some clown comes in here,

turns your apartment

tries to k*ll you,
and you say no police.


Look, I hired
a private detective, all right?

Oh, you unhired me
just before dinner.


I told you
I'm working for Al Kordic.

Karen, now I might be
able to help you,

but I've got to know
what you're doing for him.

I'm writing a book.

Karen Winslow--
you're the writer?


"As told to..."?
That Karen Winslow?

You got it.

Look, Al was very close
to his father

and he was terribly distressed
when Vince Kordic was k*lled,

SO... as sort of a memorial,

he wanted a book
about his father's life,

but I promised him
that no one would know about it

until he gave the word.

The Don, huh?

That ought to be some book.

How are you going to write it,
with a submachine g*n?

It's a family portrait.

It's about their private lives.

Vincent Kordic:
philanthropist, businessman,

all-around beautiful
human being.

Oh, damn!

Why would anybody want
to do that?

Why... why would they want
to ruin my film?

What was on it?

Oh, the Kordic lifestyle:

the house, the grounds,
Al showing off a racing stable.

Were those
all the pictures you took,

the ones that are in the camera?

No, I have another roll
in my bag.

I was going to drop it off
at the lab,

and then when I realized
I was being followed,

I just never made it.

Tell me about
the pictures in your bag.

Well... they were
all taken yesterday,

on a tour
of the family businesses:

a commercial laundry, auto
sales, a couple of restaurants.

They're even opening
a private medical center.

Yeah, dirty money sometimes has
its clean uses.

I don't understand.

In this whole apartment,
there's nothing worth stealing

except my camera,
and he leaves that.

But exposed the film.

Yeah, why?

Well, let's see
if we can find out.

Grab your bag.

I've got a friend
whose darkroom we can borrow.

All you're going
to see are teeth.

Al's a confirmed smiler.

When were these taken?

Uh, yesterday morning

between : and : .

In this one, taken of him
in front of the used car lot,

his wristwatch shows : .

Two... oh, right, I forgot.

Uh, that was taken after lunch.

We were on our way
out to the Valley

to see that new medical center.

And just you and Al--
no one else, huh?


As a matter of fact, it did
kind of come out of the blue.

He called and said, uh,

"How about taking
those pictures today?"

That could explain why the film
in your camera was exposed.


So that your body
wouldn't be found in a room

with a camera full
of snapshots of Al Kordic.

I think that that burglary
at your place

was just window dressing.

It was supposed to look

as if you had been k*lled
by a prowler.

But Al couldn't have had
anything to do with that.

Somebody did.


Sorry to disturb you, Art.

I hope so.

Do you know what time it is?

I, uh, I need some information.

And, naturally, it can't wait.

What do you know
about Al Kordic?

Is there any heat on him?


Yeah, lots.


What about Kordic?

What's the charge?


Who's dead?

Uh, Regina Kordic.

His stepmother.

Her body was found in the trunk
of her car tonight.

When was she k*lled?

Do you know yet?

Yesterday afternoon,
according to the M.E.

Well, at least we've got
some complicated answers

to a simple question:
why you're a clay pigeon.

You mean because of
what happened to Regina Kordic?


B-But how does that involve me?

Well, to begin with, let's
suppose Al didn't k*ll her.

He couldn't have-- he was
with me all day yesterday.

Exactly, but maybe
he wasn't supposed to be.

If Al's innocent

but a second party wanted
to pin Regina's m*rder on him,

he'd have to get rid
of you and your pictures.

I'm his alibi.


And that second party
doesn't want Al to have one.

I don't understand.

Why did Al have
Johnny Sands follow me?

He must have gotten wind
of some trouble

and he wanted to make sure
his alibi was safe.


What now?

Well, I think
for a couple of days,

it's best if no one knows
where you are.

The guest room is on the left,

the extra toothbrush is in
the medicine cabinet, and, uh,

a nightgown in the closet.

I gather
all your clients aren't men.

Not all.

Hm. You must enjoy your work.

There are times
I enjoy it more than others.

Where are you going?

Downstairs, my office.

I want to put
these pictures in the safe.

They are your life insurance.


I wouldn't do that, Mannix.

You stay open nights?

Business must be lousy.

Okay, Sands, you're in.

What do you want?

The girl.

What girl?

Your date.

Karen Winslow.

Al wants to see her.

I don't blame him.

She's very pretty.

Where is she?

Isn't she home?


Where does that go?

My apartment.

Let's have a look.


Maybe you brought her back here.

You two looked pretty cozy
at that restaurant.

Check 'em out.




She's not here.

Where do you think
we should look?

I've been trying to tell you.

I hardly know the lady.

Maybe you'd better try
and sell that to Al.

He said not to come back
without her.

Says he doesn't know
where the girl is.


Listen, Mannix,
I'm going to level with you.

This city's in for a bloodbath.

Six months ago,
my old man was hit.

Yeah, I know.

Matt Brandon put out
that contract.

What makes you think that?

Who else?

And now he's trying to frame me
for the sh**ting of Regina.

It's incredible.

Everybody knows how much
you cared for your stepmother.

I guess it's no secret
I really hated her.

I lay you odds she helped
set up my old man

for Brandon's soldiers.

But I didn't k*ll her.

That makes you
a pretty lucky guy, Al,

having an airtight alibi.

Karen Winslow
and the pictures she took

on the day Regina was being hit.

Where is she?

I wish I knew.

Mannix, I don't like being
holed up on this scow.

I mean, hiding from the cops?

And even if you've had
the girl and the pictures,

how could you prove you didn't
put out the contract on Regina?

Well, let the DA's Office
prove that I did.

If they want to take
a cheap shot, they're welcome.

Look, if I really
wanted her k*lled,

I'd have done it myself,

for the pleasure of it.

Now, what do you say, Joe?

Last time.

Where is she?

Like I said, Al,

I don't know.

{monitor beeping erratically

He'll need another transfusion
right away.

Yes, Doctor.

Welcome back.

We almost lost you last night.

Must see Lieutenant Malcolm.

I didn't quite catch that.

Must see...

Lieutenant Malcolm.

This afternoon.




I want to hold on
to the progress you've made.

Call me if there's any change.

Yes, Doctor.

Mannix, remember me?


Matt Brandon.

Very good.

Looks like they didn't shake
all your marbles loose.

I, uh, don't remember
you calling for an appointment.

Well, the front door was open.

I just walked in.

Looks like you've been talking
to my old friend, Al Kordic.

Yeah, we had a nice chat.

What did you talk about?

Al thinks, uh,
one of your soldiers

planted that b*mb
in his father's car.

He also thinks you're trying to
frame him for Regina's m*rder.

Yeah, I know.

I got a call last night

with a warning about Al.

You know he's put
out a contract on me?

I'd say that you've got
a big problem with Al.

That's why I'm here, Mannix.

I want you to cool him down.



Tell him I've got his alibi.

She's all right.

We took her last night,

when Johnny Sands
was hassling you down here.

Listen, you tell Al
he can have her back

if he plays it my way.

Or there goes his witness.

How do I know you haven't
already k*lled her?

That's very good.


Put her on.


Joe, is that you?

Are you all right?

Yes, I'm fine, but they--

All right, you talked to her.


Now good luck with Al.

Better luck
than you had last night.

Where do I find him?

All I know is he's on a boat.

Try slip , Marina del Sol.

He's clean.

So you suddenly remembered
where you hid the girl, right?


But I know who's got her.

How'd you find
your way back here?

A tip.

From your friend Matt Brandon.

Oh, some friend.

Well, maybe you've got it
figured wrong, Al.

He knows you're here.

All it would take is a swimmer
with a plastic b*mb,

and, uh... good-bye, Al.

What's he want?

He wants to give
you back your alibi.

The girl?

You mean,
Brandon's got the girl?

That's right.


What's it gonna cost me,
couple of arms and legs?

He wants you off his back.

He says he didn't k*ll
your father or your stepmother.

This is how he proves it.

It's too easy, Al.

You thinking again, huh, Johnny?

What else?

A meeting
between you and Brandon.

To sign a peace treaty.

Yeah, who sets that up?

A neutral party.



But you better make sure
I don't get myself blown up.

Flowers for Mr. Mannix.

I'll see that he gets them.

Oh, uh... I hope
the get well card works.

Aren't these lovely, Mr. Mannix?

They were left for you
at the nurse's station.

You should've seen the way
the police examined them.

Took the root ball
right out of the pot.

Shall we see who sent them?


What is it, Mr. Mannix?

Don't open it.



You were lucky, Joe.

You could've left the hospital
a lot sooner than you expected.

Now, could you clue me in?

What's going on?


all together...

You got to do better
than almost, Joe.

Somebody's taken a couple
of runs at k*lling you.

Pick up...

Matt Brandon.


Bring him here...

Is he in on this?

Have to...

talk to him.

What about the girl?

You've been trying to tell us
something about a girl.

Get Brandon.

You got him.


Hello, Al.

Long time, Matt.




When do I get the girl?

You don't.


The girl was only part
of the alibi package.

Just to keep everybody honest...

the rest of it
is in this envelope.

What is it?

Pictures of you,
taken by Karen Winslow,

that weren't ruined last night.

Now, if you want the police
to believe you,

I'll have to show those
to Lieutenant Malcolm.

Especially the one of you

standing in front
of the used car lot.

Your wristwatch shows
the exact time and date,

which proves you couldn't
have k*lled your stepmother.

All you need is
for Karen Winslow

to testify
she took the pictures.


Sell it to Malcolm.

What about the girl?

No one said what I came to hear.

You're hearing it, Matt.

I was wrong about you.

You knew about the boat.

You could have sent an army.

I didn't k*ll the Don.

We were competitors,
but I respected your father.


I believe you.

Girl will be
at your office in an hour.

I'll be waiting.

You're on.

Mr. Mannix...

is there anything I can do?

Let me talk to him alone, Art.

I'll be right outside.

The girl?

She's okay.

Where is she?

Well, she's not at your office.

I'd say that's a break for her.

I had one of my boys stake out
your place the other night.

Saw a couple of guys
dragging you out of there.

Your deal with Al still stand?

Soon as I find out
who gets the Winslow dame.

Lieutenant Malcolm.

You're kidding.

Stick out my neck like that?

You bring her here.

I'll clear it with Malcolm.


Your word's
always been good, Mannix.

Joe, what are
you up to with Brandon?

Stopping some k*lling maybe.


Not sure.

Can't get a handle
on the last piece of the puzzle.

Something's missing.


Something I did.



girl will be here soon.

Karen Winslow.

Make sure she's safe.


Hold on. He just came in.



Brandon left
the hospital a few minutes ago.

What about Mannix?

Blue's still all over him.

Okay, you've been hanging
around there long enough.

Brandon may be on his way here.

Johnny, we've blown this thing.

If Al finds out
you set him up, we're dead.

We should be a long way from
here by now and traveling fast.

Listen, Brandon's got that girl

stashed in a house
across the street.

Sooner or later,
he's gonna have to move her.

And when he does,
one b*llet shuts her mouth,

and we pick up all the marbles.

But what about
that missing picture?

The one with the wristwatch?

That's all the alibi Al needs.

About that missing picture...

Mannix had it at the garage.

I saw him show it to Al.

Now he goes back to his office,
you two guys nab him,

put a slug in him
and take the pictures.

Only, one picture
happens to be missing.

So, where is it?
What happened to it?

Maybe he took it to the cops.

Then why are they still
looking for Al?

That picture
would have cleared him.

No way.

So, where is it?

I think Mannix wasn't
taking any chances.

Just in case somebody got to him
after the meeting,

he slipped that picture out of
the envelope and got rid of it.


I went back and checked.

There's a mailbox
right outside of the garage.

You think
he mailed that picture to Al

before he had the girl
in the clear?

No, stupid!

He mailed it to himself.

That picture was his hole card.

He wasn't about to let anybody
take it away from him.

So, it's probably still back
at his office,

because he's been
in the hospital.


Hey, Johnny,
Brandon just drove up.

He's come to get the girl.

We're back in business.

Come on.

Out the back way.

Where are we going?

Mannix's office,
to look at the mail.

Make sure that girl
doesn't testify at Al's trial.

Matt, take cover!

Go! I'll cover you!

I don't know about this plan
of yours, Mannix,

for keeping everybody honest.

Where are the pictures

if you didn't give them
to Lieutenant Malcolm?

The night they shot me,
they took the pictures.

Well, that's why
they're still after me.

I'm all that's left
of Al's alibi.


Except what?

...there's one picture
they didn't get.

Get Lieutenant Malcolm.

He's right outside.

Now, wait a minute.

Now, I don't get busted
for anything, right?

That was the agreement.



Come in, Lieutenant.

What is it, Joe?

My office.

What about it?


I mailed it to myself.

The picture Karen took.

Get it.

Got it.



Let's go, lady.

You're coming with us.


That's why.

You can talk.

Come on, doll.


Okay, baby, tell 'em
they play it cool,

or you're dead.

What's your hurry, Johnny?

Joe, you would've been
proud of Peggy.

The way she broke away from
those two clowns was beautiful.

I taught her everything
she knows.

But why was Johnny Sands
trying to k*ll me?

I thought Al sent him
to protect me.

So did Al,
but Johnny was ambitious.

He wanted to wind up in charge
of the whole operation.

So he k*lled the Don.

He knew that Al would blame
Matt Brandon,

and he framed Al
for his stepmother's m*rder.

Would've worked, too,

if it hadn't been
for your pictures.

I was writing the wrong book.

I'll drop you off
at home, Miss Winslow.

Thank you.

You know what the Chinese say:

You saved my life,
now you're responsible for it.

I always try and take care
of my responsibilities.

I know.

I've seen your guest closet.