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07x15 - Race Against Time: Part 2

Posted: 07/31/23 07:08
by bunniefuu
A little late to be
taking his pulse, isn't it?

The paper said he was k*lled.

Because that's what
they were told.

he'd still be a target.

Mr. Cramer, this is Joe Mannix.

Joe was in Korea at the time
Victor Lucas came in

with the UN Peacekeeping Force.

Victor Lucas?

You knew Victor Lucas?


Yes, uh, he was the most
inspiring man I ever met.

He must be returned
to the head of my government,

Mr. Mannix,
to end military rule.

I thought it would reassure
Cramer to meet you in person,

Joe, before you got started.

Hold it, Hank.

Before I got started doing what?

You heard what Cramer said.

Yes, he said
that Victor Lucas was dying.

Unless he has a very specialized
heart operation.

As far as we know,
there's only one man around

capable of performing it.

No, the whole thing's
quite impossible.

Yes, you've told me that.

All right, go ahead,
say it's a matter of nerve.

You said that, Doctor, I didn't.

Say it's nerve,
and I can tell you

it takes more nerve
to plow into a man's chest,

to lay his heart bare,
to work with it

as if it weren't his one,
sole, pulsing hold on life.

But that's my field.

This is my territory.

You can't expect me
to suddenly turn into some...

out of an lan Fleming novel.

They're only asking you
to be a doctor...

...and save a man's life
we both know is worth saving.

A wind-up razor.

Dual purpose, you might say.

At least we consider it a rather
secure place for a pacemaker.

For, uh, closer shaves.

My personal feeling

is that their interests
must lie elsewhere

than in just beetles and bugs.

Then, obviously,
what's called for

is a more thorough questioning.

Bring them in.


Run it.

Hang on.

Over there.

The two Americans are connected
with the movement.

They must be.

Yes, of course.

But the vital question is, how?

For what purpose?

This is Dr. Considine.

Victor Lucas.

Doctor, I hardly know
what to say.

That kind of dedication is
very rare indeed these days.

Well, I think you ought
to know that I...

I balked every step of the way.

I would have done exactly
the same in your shoes.

This is the operating room?


You must be joking.

Not at all.

It is a room.

With ample space, as you see.

But... where are the facilities,

the... the equipment,
the... the proper lighting?

No, not proper-- essential.

Have you ever, in your career
as a cardiac surgeon, operated

without a defibrillator,
an electrocardiographic monitor,

at least a fluoroscope?

No, I can't say that I have.

Then how on earth
do you expect me to?

You're Myles Considine.

I'm not.

Oh, it's impossible. No, no.

Dr. Considine.

Doctor, Doctor,
please listen to me.

We do have some items.

Yes, I know.
We've done the best we could.

All we could.

I'm aware of that,
but under the circumstances...

For what it's worth,
Doctor... Victor.

I simply want you to know
I don't expect...


Get him back to his bed!

I'll be all right.

It'll go away.

That was foolish, Victor.

He insisted he had to tell you
not to worry.

If you felt the operation
couldn't be done,

he'd understand.

How soon can you get
that... place ready?

It's ready.

Just waiting for him
to stabilize.

Bring your instruments
and the pacemaker.

We'll begin sterilizing.

He'll need a couple of men.

I'll need a miracle.

You'll need more than that, Doc.

Somebody picked the lock
and smashed the pacemaker.

Someone here doesn't want
Victor Lucas to make it.

That someone seems to have
accomplished his purpose.

There's no other way?

I'm afraid not.

Dr. Considine,

he's stable now.

You can start
the operation anytime.

Is something wrong?

It's been smashed.

I think more than shock,

what I feel most is sadness.

The possibility that someone...

one of us-- has done this.

Right now, Victor,
think of all the others--

Not just here
but all over the country--

Who believe in you.

Yes, there is another pacemaker
in the country--

Several, in fact.

I know there's one
at the National Hospital.

Well, what are we waiting for?

Might as well ask the military
to give it to us.

Like every other institution,

the hospital is

And even if it weren't, how
could you make the trip in time?

A plane could do it.

Is there a place a plane
could land near the hospital?

No, not without being seen.

Joe, Michael.

Victor, you're supposed
to stay quiet.

Mr. Lucas, I told you to rest.

Now, either you follow
my instructions

or I won't be responsible.

You have to be a great surgeon.

It certainly isn't
your bedside manner.

Joe... as you well remember
from our Korean days,

a helicopter can land
almost anywhere.

Too bad we don't happen
to have one.

In that case, Michael,
we simply have to borrow one.

What kind of a roof does
that hospital have?


Why couldn't
a helicopter land there

and take off there
with the new pacemaker?

You think you can simply walk in
and pick up that device?

We'll worry about that later.

Now, how about the helicopter?

Try, Michael.

Have Raoul radio the request.

We enter here-- door
from roof, past patients' rooms,

door to inside staircase here,

superintendent's desk
near the elevators.

Now, our destination:

three floors below.

Straight ahead off the elevator,
first corridor, we turn left.

First door on the left--
Cardiology Section.

Lower drawer of this cabinet--

That's where they kept
the pacemaker-- in a gray box.

With luck, we could do it.

Michael, you can't go.

He was on the staff
of that hospital for ten years.

The minute he'd walk in,
someone would recognize him.

You're out, Michael, sorry.

But you'll need somebody
familiar with hospital routine,

someone who can pass for a
doctor if it becomes necessary.

Yes, yes, I got that.

Go on.

Is that about the helicopter?


But something
that might cheer you up.

It seems we have an ally
in the hospital.

Have they contacted him?

They're trying to.

At the moment, they don't know
exactly who it is.

Sometimes secrecy works
against us.

I take it they don't even know
if he's on the night shift.

Not so far, no.


It's all academic anyway, unless
there's a helicopter, and soon.

In a few more hours it won't
matter to Victor Lucas

whether it gets here or not.

It'll be too late.

If it isn't already,
seeing you've...

just lost your guide.

I've never been inside
that hospital,

but if it's a question of you
trying this thing alone...

Mr. Mannix, you'll need
somebody a bit younger

in case of trouble.


Signal from the pilot.

He wants
the landing area lighted.

Al right.

I'll go with you.

If I don't know my way
around a cardiology section

by this time, I...
I guess I never will know.

Doc, you're a man of surprises.

Well, it's a question
of priorities.

The sooner
this business is over,

the sooner
I'll be back where I belong.

Above the hospital,
you'll stand a better chance

if you can arrive
during the change of shifts,

just that much commotion
to cover your action.

That is, if you can make it
by exactly : .

: it is.


your waiter knew nothing.

He was an expendable cell.

But where are they?

They can't stay hidden forever.

They can't stay
unrecognized forever.

Those photographs
will be given top priority.

I intend to show them
to the entire country

by way of the regular
government telecast tonight.

Very good. Compulsory viewing.

That way they'll get
the widest possible circulation.

You'd better hurry.

We're talking about tonight's
telecast, : sharp.

It's a little before : .

I think we'll make it all right.

We're almost there.

There it is.

seconds till : .

Close enough for you?

Our special
alert bulletin... Good evening. with a matter...

...of extreme importance
to each and every one of you.

It concerns two men,
Americans... Watch this.

...who have entered this country
for the commission of acts

deliberately designed
to strike at the very heart

and welfare of your government.

Their immediate apprehension

is, therefore, demanded.

We shall show you photographs
of these men and ask

that you direct toward them your
most concentrated attention.

First, as they departed

the National Air Terminal
yesterday morning.

Search your memory.

You may have seen them.

Be alert.

Identify yourself.

Dr. Breem, night superintendent.

Hagger, Internal Security.

There's a matter
of some emergency here.

Dismiss them.
They're to make no comments,

do nothing to alter the routine.

We want as little disturbance
as possible.

Go on with your work.

Disturbance enough,
arriving like this.

But we had no choice.

I don't understand.

Why wasn't the hospital alerted?

This is very irregular.

One reason, Doctor,
was to make sure

a certain patient of yours
wasn't also alerted.

What do you mean?

We have every reason to believe

that a man
in your cardiology section,

posing as a patient,
is actually a member

of the Victor Lucas organization

and intends to plant a b*mb
here in your hospital.

...identified as
Dr. Joseph McAdams... A b*mb?!

I have papers here
to identify him

and a warrant for his arrest.

Height-- six-foot-one.

approximately pounds.

Complexion-- dark...

You understand, of course,
that under these circumstances,

I have to check
with Internal Security.

Height-- five feet...

I am Internal Security.

... to pounds.

We couldn't hear
your objections clearly.

I'm only going by regulations.

And you've satisfied them.

Now, if you'll direct us to your
Cardiology Department, Doctor?

Are you certain
you want to be responsible

for delaying us any longer?

Very well, sir.

We present
the pictures a final time,

directing all viewers...

Sorry I'm a little late, Doctor.


...and reminding
you that these men

may very well be
in your immediate vicinity.

As stated,
they have already been engaged

in the brutal, violent,
callous m*rder

of two of your government's
most devoted public servants

while the latter were performing
in the line of duty.

We repeat: This is a call
for action from all citizens,

and any persons sighting
these men is bound by law

to report such sighting at once.

It's right around the corner.

Thank you, Doctor.
We'll take it from here.

But you can do one more thing.

Keep your outside phone open, in
case Security wants to reach us.


If no police are at
hand, go to your nearest phone.

You forgot the charts again.
Call your precinct station.

I'm sorry. I'll go get them.
Or notify your local branch

of Internal Security,

announcing your call
as priority emergency...

you will summon the assistance

of other citizens at the scene

to join you
in apprehending these men.

Dr. Joseph McAdams, but the name
is undoubtedly an alias...

Doctor, Internal Security.

We're interested
in a patient of yours.

approximately pounds.

Uh... well, yes.

Yes, of course.

Complexion-- dark...

If I can be of any help.

They have already been engaged

in the brutal, violent,
callous m*rder

of two of your government's
most devoted...

Well, if, uh,
you'll just give me a minute

to get my assistant
to take over here...

Cabinet, lower drawer.

It's not here.

They keep it in the grey box.
It's got to be here someplace.

Did you see the rest
of that government telecast?

I was occupied, as you saw.

I just saw the end of it
down in Ward Two.

You know those two wanted men?


Well, the quick look I had--
they could have been doubles

for those two men
that made the emergency landing.

You know,
from Internal Security.

How could that be?

That's my patient.



Hello. Colonel DuPar?


Internal Security.

Night superintendent
of the hospital.

What do you...?

How dare you call me
at this hour!

What is your name again?

Dr. Breem, sir.

I must apologize,
but I have to have confirmation

concerning two men.

They're here now.

They say
they're from Internal Security.

They came in by helicopter.

By helicopter?

Two men from my office?

Say they're
from Internal Security.

Hagger? Hagger?

There is no Hagger
in Internal Security!

Give me that!

This is Ernestine Waldo.

Go on.

You did see the government
telecast, didn't you?

All right, all right.

Just describe them to me.

We've got them!

Hold them there.

All right, we'll hold them
till your men get here.

Operator, get the guards

They're in Cardiology.
Get them!

They must have taken it
out of here.

That's it.

Let's go.



Come on, come on, come on.

Get out of the way.

Get out of the way!

Go on!

Let's go!

Hold it!

Lose the g*n.

I'll take that.

The pacemaker!

Hold it!

Throw the g*n over the rail.

Guards, both details!

Do you have them?

Somebody, report in!

Charles, you get him out of here
no matter what happens!

The door's locked!

Of course it's locked!
I locked it.

You saw them take it?

Two men. They're here now.

I'll get back to you, Doctor.


They stole the pacemaker.

We've wondered why
we've heard so little action

from Victor Lucas lately.

It's his heart.

For whom else would they go
to such trouble?



We've lost them
on the radar screen.

They must have dropped
to tree level.

Their course until then?

Uh, north by northeast.

Well, aren't you going
to do something?

I want an immediate

of aerial reconnaissance
in the northeastern sectors.

Well, if you heard
what she said, then do it!

Well, at least give me credit
for one thing.

Of course, Albert.

I've got a man
in their camp right now.

He can do more than all
your reconnaissance planes.

What are you made of, Doctor?

A night like that,

and your hands
don't even tremble.

I expect them to stay that way,
so don't worry about anything.

All right?

Such a small sting
for such a deep cut.

The surgery's quite minor,
Mr. Lucas.

A simple matter

of planting the pacemaker
just under the skin there.

A nice new pocket for my watch.

That's about it.

But not all of it.

Well, there is some connecting
up to be done, of course,

but then, that's my specialty.

Connecting up?

Doctor, I do have
a certain vested interest.

Tell me.

Very well.

Using a stylet,

we shall internally run the wire
up into the jugular,

downward again
through that vein

to the tricuspid valve,

then into the right ventricle
of the heart,

where it will, as we say,
capture and do its job--

regulating the heart action,

so there'll be no more
sudden drop-offs in pace,

no more seizures,
no more collapses.

You can do all that
without seeing inside?

Well, let's say
it would be more...

customary to have the use
of a fluoroscope.

I'll let you relax for a moment
in good company.

How is he, Doc?

Oh, he's...

He's in good enough shape,

Coffee, Doctor?

Yeah, I could use some.

It'll take a minute or two
for the Novocain to work.

More coffee, Mr. Mannix?

Yeah, thank you.


I thought we'd borrowed these
some time ago.

So, you see, Doctor,
we're not completely unequipped.

Yes. I'm sorry.

It's the best we could find.

Well, a small hole
in a rubber glove

should be the least
of our concerns.

Oh, Raoul, um, we stirred up
Internal Security pretty good.

Maybe you'd better stick close
to the radio

and find out
what they're up to, huh?

All right, Mr. Mannix,
wherever I'm needed most.

What do you feel?

You could be walking
over my chest

with spiked shoes, Doctor.

I wouldn't even know it.

Then I'd say
we're about ready to begin.

Pulse , .


Mr. Lucas,

we have a nice start
on your pocket.

Pulse steady.




Sorry, Doctor.

Tunneling through
the subcutaneous tissue now.

Retractor, please.

I-I believe I told you,
we don't...

We have none.

Another hemostat, then!

Now, if you don't mind!

You must remember, Doctor,

we mountain people

do march a little more slowly.

Doctor, there's a slight
dropping off.

You are with us,
aren't you, Dr. Turman?

Yes, of course.

The pocket's ready now.

Pulse below and dropping!



Looks like you're
on your own, Doc.

He can't help you;
he's been drugged.

Pulse is regular now.

Just before we started...

the coffee he had,
that was yours.

He drank your coffee by mistake.

It was drugged so you'd
botch up the operation.

Tough break, Eric.

At least you tried your best.

What are you talking about?

You poured the coffee
for Dr. Considine.

I saw you.


I poured yours, too.

That's all I did.

I remember now.

Paul took that cup of coffee
to the doctor.


Stay where you are.

Victor Lucas is an enemy
of the state.

Let him die.

And his traitors with him.

Working with the wire now.

It's into the jugular.


Sounds as if I could swear
to it, doesn't it?

Pulse approaching .

Mustn't drop below that.



Into the ventricle.

We hope.

Of course there's one way
to find out

if it's right
where it should be.

If it captures.

What if it doesn't?

When we get to it.

I'm connecting now.

Pulse is quickening, Doctor.


Almost regular.

Volume is good.

The rate is ,

and holding there.

The watch is ticking, Mr. Lucas.

Thank you.

End of the silence, Victor.

They'll be hearing from you now.

I'd like to see you
when I can, Doctor.

As soon
as I've finished closing.

What is it?

I wanted to know how soon
Victor will be able to travel.


It's a radio report
from one of our stations.

Government planes were spotted
scouting the area

just south of here.

Now, if they get any closer,
we'll have to run for it.

The timing wouldn't
be exactly perfect.

It would have to be done.

Then there's your own situation,

yours and the doctor's.

Your flight home.

What about it?

The plane for America
leaves at noon.

Your pictures
have been placed everywhere.

All exits from the country
are being watched

on a -hour basis.

It's a question now of getting
you safely onto the plane.

Yeah, I can see where
that might be a problem.

From the beginning, we tried
to think ahead to this moment,

in case things went wrong.

Well, things went right, mostly.

You've given me
a new life, Doctor.

My only hope is that
we can help you and Joe

to keep yours.

You must know
how grateful we are.

You, uh, mentioned a plan.

Yes, here it is.

Your passport, Mr. Higby,
and yours, Reverend.

Our plan.

Well, you've got six minutes.

Be careful.








Excuse me.

Albert, they...

Get a doctor!

Fellow countrymen,

after too long
a time of silence,

this is Victor Lucas
speaking to you.

It is with the greatest joy,
the greatest hope that I do so.

Today, we are obliged
to move to new quarters.

Tomorrow, perhaps,
we shall be somewhere else.

But no matter.

From now on, wherever we go,
it will be ever closer...

ever close to that day
of liberation

for which we all long.

In place of tyranny,
we shall know freedom again.

In place of savagery,
humanity and decency.

There is much to be done,

but with your support,
it shall be done.

You will be hearing
from us soon, and often,

as we shall expect word
from you.

Until then,

God speed.