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01x17 - Live Performance Show #5

Posted: 07/30/23 17:52
by bunniefuu
Tonight I want to give thanks to the
man who helped me save my life.

I want to thank my mom and dad.

You adopted me when I was
and I love you guys.

Thank you so much.

I'm so very thankful for my
beautiful daughter, rowan.

I hope she loves
the song tonight.

I'm dedicating it to her.

We wouldn't be here without you
and we appreciate everything

you've done for us.

We thank you and we love you.

Tonight I want to thank my mom.

You've given up
everything for me.

I love you and I appreciate you.

I'm thankful for God, for him
guiding me through my life and

always being that strong foundation
I needed to get through.

A special shout out to team astro and
all my astronauts throughout the world.

Much love.

I want to give thanks to
my best friend shelby.

Shell-shell, you mean
the world to me.

, I love you.

Tonight I'm going to sing
a song for my mother.

She did everything for me.

She's the reason I'm here today.

Tonight, it's the x factor
Thanksgiving special.

And after the drama of last week
-- I really don't want to perform.

I don't like your
attitude right now.

-- The stakes have
never been higher.

Tonight's theme is they're
going to dedicate the song to

somebody who's made a difference
in their life and who they want

to thank, but it's
still a competition.

This time -- tonight it
gets really personal.

There are going to
be lots of tears.

We're going to see a whole
'nother level of performances.

These contestants are going to
pour their hearts out to America.

This is all the contestants'

opportunity to truly connect.

This is the week
of giving thanks.

Now we get to see them
for who they really are.

Welcome to Thanksgiving
week on the x factor.

Ladies and gentlemen,
I'm Steve Jones.

And you're very, very sweet.

important or inspirational
in their lives.

Coming up -- the final nine
perform for your votes.

But the pressure this week is
immense, because not one, but

two acts will be going home.

I know.


Here we go.

Please welcome the four people who are
always inspirational to the acts --

it's the x factor judges.

™?Ain't no Mountain
high enough ♪

Nothing can keep me ♪

Keep me from you ♪

Ain't no Mountain high enough ♪

Nothing can keep me ♪

Keep me from you ♪

L.A. reid.

Nicole scherzinger.

Paula Abdul.

And Mr. Simon cowell.

™?Nothing can keep me ♪

Keep me from you ♪

okay, coming up, the
final nine sing for a place on next

week's show.

Only seven will make it.

Here's how it's going to work.

The act receiving the lowest
votes from you at home will

automatically leave the
competition tomorrow night.

The two acts with the next
lowest votes will then sing for

survival and one more will go
home, so your votes are more

important than ever this week.

As always, if you want to vote for
any of the acts using Twitter, go to

Com to learn how.

And you guys are not shy about
telling the world what you think

of the show on Twitter.

Use the hashtag #xfactor.

Give them your best shot.

Leave me out of it.

L.A. reid, last week
there was intense stuff.

How did you deal with
astro-gate this week?

It was a very tough
week for him.

This is a kid who comes from a
very tough background, and the

way he handled it is the way
he was taught to handle it.

This week we've had
a lot of words.

I expect a turnaround today.

Simon, we're giving
thanks this week.

What are you thankful for?

Um, I'm thankful -- um, I'm thankful
for the talent I've been given.

Why are you being
booed for that?

I don't know.

This is my first-ever time in
-- Simon, Simon, Simon, Simon!

You're first time in
America for Thanksgiving?

Just to let everyone know, I haven't
been invited to anyone's home yet.

Simon, I'll come
hang out with you.

Just me and you.

Yeah, but he asked everyone what's
the menu and maybe I'll come.

I'd like a menu choice.

I'd like to choose the best one.

The best of luck this evening.

Enjoy it.

Enjoy it, guys.

As we were just saying, last
week was a crazy roller-coaster

ride for some of the acts,
especially the results show.

This week it's going to be even
tougher to stay in the competition.

The theme is giving thanks.

First up, it's
Colorado's Rachel crow.

She's dedicating her performance to
her family right after the break.

See you in a bit.

Welcome back to Thanksgiving
week on the x factor.

The theme is giving thanks.

We start with the girls and their
mentor, who is Simon cowell.


Representing Colorado
is Rachel crow.

Tonight I'm thanking my m and
dad for adopting me, for all

the sacrifices they've made.

The song is dedicated
to her family.

We chose a song which was
inspirational rather than sad,

because it's an
inspirational story.

Rachel was born to a mother who
was addicted to crack cocaine.

When we met with the social
worker, she shared with us that

Rachel had suffered abuse
and trauma and ended up at

children's hospital, and she
also was in a crack house and

was born dependent on crack.

So we didn't really know how to
handle that or what that was

going to be like, but once we met
her, we knew we were -- absolutely.

The first time I met Rachel,
she -- she crawled across the

floor and climbed up on
my knee and smiled away.

And it's like take
me home, you know.

So she kind of
picked us, you know.

I have two granddaughters, Rachel and
Hanna, and they both were adopted.

Rachel, going through the abuse
and neglect, I don't believe if

Barb and Kelly had adopted her
she would have ever survived.

I feel so lucky because
anyone could have adopted me,

but with my mom and my dad and my sister,
I'm loved, and a really good family.

I thank my mom every day and my dad
every day that they adopted me.

I'm so proud of Rachel, that she
stands up on the stage, and

I just think that's
my baby up there.

I still see her as that
little baby, you know.

She's still my baby.

Mom, dad, I love you guys and
I wanted to thank you so much

for all you've done for me and
for adopting me and making me

the person I am today.

This song is for you.

™?They said you wouldn't
make it so far ♪

And ever since they said it it's been hard ♪

But never mind that night you had to cry ♪

'Cause you had never let it go inside ♪

You can never give up ♪

You can reach your goals ♪

Just talk to your soul and say ♪

♪I can ♪

♪I will ♪

I know my dreams are real ♪

I'll stand ♪

I'll dance ♪

♪ I'll grow real
soon and that is why I believe ♪

♪Yeah ♪

♪ Your goals are
just a thing in your soul, uh-huh ♪

♪ And you know that
your moves will let them show ♪

You keep creating pictures in your mind ♪

♪ So just believe
they will come true in time ♪

It will be fine ♪

Leave all of your cares and stress behind ♪

♪I can ♪

♪I will ♪

I know my dreams are real ♪

I'll stand ♪

I'll dance ♪

♪ I'll grow real
soon and that is why I believe ♪

Never mind what people say ♪

Hold your head high and turn away ♪

♪ With all our
hopes and dreams I will believe ♪

I will believe ♪

♪Oh ♪

♪I can ♪

♪I will ♪

I'll stand ♪

I'll dance ♪

♪ I'll grow real
soon and that is why I believe ♪

That is why I believe ♪


Rachel, you did it again.

Thank you.

I wanted to be critical.

I came out wanting
to be the mean guy.

Then you did that
and shut me down.

I really loved it.

Thank you.

I really loved it.

Congratulations to you.

Oh, Rachel.

You've made a
believer out of me.

And I'm sure you've made a believer
out of everyone in America.

Thank you.

You're such an inspiration.

You're such an inspiration to so
many people who come from maybe

a similar story to you.

And you are such a bright light.

Thank you for that.

Thank you so much.

Thank you.

Sweetheart, if anyone ever
questions if there are angels

that exist on earth
living, it is you.

It is you.

Thank you.

No, thank you, Rachel.

You opened up the show
tonight in such a grand way.

Your vocals were spot on.

You hit all the high notes.

You are magnificent.

Thank you.

And you look adorable.

I love it.

Thank you.

Good job.

I know Simon likes
my dress, too.

Love it.

You know, I said this is
not a night to be sad.

It's a night to be thankful.

And, you know, I said this
when I first met you, Rachel.

We were wondering whether we
should drop the age down to

being the lowest, and you are
part of the reason why we were

so right to do this.

Because that was great
vocal, great performance.

Enjoy the night.

Thank you, Simon.

I love you.


To vote for Rachel crow,
call - -the-xf- .

That's - - - .

If you're a verizon subscriber,
you can text the word "vote" to

from your wireless phone.

To vote online or to learn how
to vote using Twitter, go to

thexfactorusa.Com, but don't try
and vote 'til the end of the show.

And remember, all of tonight's
music is available to download.

Just go to thexfactorusa.Com.


Thank you.

And I want to tell all the kids out there
that you really can, because I did.


Coming up -- Maryland's Marcus canty
dedicates his song to the woman

who has always been
his biggest fan.

We'll be right back.

Give me a hug.

Welcome back to Thanksgiving
week on the x factor.

Up next, the first of the boys.

Here's L.A. reid.

Yes, sir.

From bowie, Maryland,
this is Marcus canty.

I'm giving thanks this week to
my mom, Darlene Michelle canty.

Me and my mom have a very
tight, close relationship.

I talk to Marcus on the phone
two or three times a day.

Yes, my brother
is a mommy's boy.

Number one mother's boy.

The thanks that he's giving his
mother this week are very sincere.

My mom lived so that her
kids can have a better life.

Being a single parent,
raising the two kids, I just

promised myself I was going to be
the best mother on this earth.

My mom used to walk a half
mile each day in order f my

sister to go to school and
me to go to the baby-sitter.

She didn't have a car.

I remember when he was little, it
was the dead of winter in d.C.

It was so cold.

I had him in the
stroller packed him.

I had his sister.

We're walking to the bus station
and I'm singing songs to them.

She used to sing to us just
to keep the positive energy.

Now I understand where I get
my positive energy from.

Marcus didn't grow up in
the best neighborhood.

We had a couple murders
on our street.

My mom didn't want me to succumb to
the environment I was living in.

She made huge sacrifices for
me to go to private school.

Right in his last year of
High School, I lost my job.

She was trying to figure out
how to get me through school,

the lights were going
to get turned off.

I didn't have the
money at the time.

No matter how hard it got, she
found a way to make it happen.

I don't care if I had
to work a hundred jobs.

I would have done that.

She always acted like
superwoman to me.

Tonight is all about my mom.

I love my mom more
than life itself.

To hear a young man applying
those things to life, that just

means the world to me.

It means I did my job.

Ma, I love you.

Thank you for being so strong, and thank
you for being the woman that you are.


You taught me everything and

everything you've given me ♪

I always keep it inside ♪

You're the driving force in my life ♪

♪ There isn't
anything or anyone that I can be ♪

And it just wouldn't be right ♪

And if I didn't have you by my side ♪

♪ You were there
for me to love and care for me ♪

When skies were gray ♪

♪ You'll always be
there in my life for all times ♪

Mama, mama, you know I love you ♪

Oh, you know I love you ♪

Mama, mama, you're the queen of my heart ♪

Your love is like tears from the stars ♪

Mama, I just want you to know ♪

Lovin' you is like food to my soul ♪

Never gonna go a day without you ♪

Fills me up just thinking about you ♪

I'll never go a day without you ♪

I said I'll never go a day without my mama ♪

Mama, you know I love you ♪

♪Mama ♪

You're the queen of my heart ♪

Your love is like tears from the stars ♪

Mama, I just want you to know ♪

Mama, I just want you to know ♪

Lovin' you is like to my soul ♪

Marcus, Marcus, Marcus, honey,
you know you're making

all the other sons out there
look bad tonight, okay?

That was so beautiful
and so precious.

And mama canty, mama Marcus,
I know you must be so proud.

And he's livin' a dream.

Enjoy this.

Thank you for that performance.

It was so honest.

You didn't overdo anything.

You just sang from your heart.

Thank you, Nicole.

You did.

Marcus, every single performance
you give is top-notch.

But tonight especially, the
passion and the connection, God

bless your mom for being here.

Thank you, Paula.

You did it again, Marcus.

Marcus, um, I'm gonna
be honest with you.

So far -- that doesn't mean it's
going to be bad when I say it's

going to be honest.

You know, you've had a kind of what I
call yo-yo ride so far, up and down.

We went from last week where you were
lying on the floor looking up skirts.

Stop it.

Tonight, for the first time,
I actually felt a connection

with you and the song.

And I know this is for your mom,
but what your mom wants, you

want for this competition to
change your life, and I think

you put yourself back in
the competition tonight.

I do.

So a few little -- you know what,
I know some great singers.

I've worked with
some great singers.

You are as great as any great
singer I have ever worked with.

Including the guy that wrote the
song, babyface, and the group

that sang it, boyz ii men.

You're top-notch, my man.

You really are great.

Thank you.

I mean, the dream
comments, the dream mum.

How did you feel?

It's crazy.

I want to give -- I picked
this song for my mom.

I couldn't -- I couldn't
stop the tears.

Why should you?

She's an amazing woman.

Well done.


To vote for Marcus canty,
call - -the-xf- .

That's - - - .

Or text "vote" to .

To vote online or to learn how to vote
using Twitter, go to thexfactorusa.Com.

Voting will stay open for
two hours after the show.

Well done, Marcus.

Up next, it's Melanie amaro
from sunrise, Florida.

Tonight she's dedicating her
performance to the biggest

inspiration in her life.

Melanie right after the break.

Welcome back to the x factor.

We are live in Los Angeles!

A very exciting evening.

It's Thanksgiving week.

The acts are all dedicating their songs
to what has inspired them the most.

Next to perform is the
second of the girls.



Get ready.

From Florida, representing
Florida, Melanie amaro.

This week I'm giving thanks to
God and what he's done for me.

Why did you pick the lord?

Because I think everyone once
in my life has let me down and

he's the only one who
hasn't let me down.

I was born in Florida, but I was
taken over to the Virgin Islands

to live with my grandparents.

It was hard for us to provide
financially for the kids.

It was heartbreaking.

I cry myself to sleep
a lot at night.

Being away from my parents
felt like they didn't want me.

Did I do something wrong?

You don't want to
take care of me?

That's when I had to
really lean on God.

If I can't reach my mom or I
can't reach whoever, you know, I

just -- I get on my knees
and I start talking to him.

I missed a lot of her growing up, you
know, and I do feel guilty sometimes.

But when Melanie came back to live
with me, it s a burden lifted.

I was really, really happy.

It was a big transition moving from
the Virgin Islands to Florida.

I was a girl with an accent.

Nobody seemed to understand
me when I was speaking.

God really helped me
with that transition.

A year and a half ago I was
invited to come and sing at our

church, and just the atmosphere
of that church was like I found

where I want to call my home.

When Melanie is singing,
she is connected with God.

She has such a relationship and
a love for God that if you're a

spiritual person, you're
going to sense it.

This was the perfect chance to take
somebody who means a lot to her life.

I encouraged her.

The challenge was what song.

We came up with an interesting
idea, and this is a great moment

for her to do a song like this.

I'm dedicating this song to
God for all he's done for me

because he's the greatest.


I am a Mountain ♪

I am a tall tree ♪

I am a swift wind ♪

Sweepin' the country ♪

I am a river ♪

Down in the valley ♪

Oh, I am a vision ♪

And I can see clearly ♪

If anybody asks you who I am ♪

♪ Just stand up tall,
look them in the face and say ♪

I'm that star up in the sky ♪

I'm that Mountain peak up high ♪

Hey, I made it ♪

I'm the world's greatest ♪

I'm that little bit of hope ♪

When my back's against the ropes ♪

I can feel it ♪

I'm the world's greatest ♪

I am a giant ♪

I am an eagle ♪

Oh, I am a lion ♪

Down in the jungle ♪

I am a marchin' band ♪

I am the people ♪

Oh, I am the helping hand ♪

And he is the hero ♪

If anybody asks me who I am ♪

♪ I'll stand up tall
and look them in the face and say ♪

♪Yeah ♪

I'm that star up in the sky ♪

♪Yeah ♪

I'm that Mountain peak up high ♪

That Mountain peak up high ♪

Hey, I made it ♪

I'm the world's greatest ♪

♪Oh, yeah ♪

I'm that little bit of hope ♪

That little bit of hope ♪

When my back's against the ropes ♪

I can feel it ♪

I'm the world's greatest ♪

Come on now ♪

♪Oh ♪

That Mountain peak up high ♪

♪Yeah ♪

I'm the world's greatest ♪

Yeah, yeah ♪

I'm that little bit of hope ♪

When my back's against the ropes ♪

I can feel it ♪

Yeah, yeah ♪

I'm theworld's greatest ♪

I'm the world's ♪

I'm the greatest ♪

Can you feel it ♪

He's the greatest ♪

He's the greatest ♪

♪Oh ♪

He's the world's greatest ♪

♪Yes ♪

girl, what am I supposed to say?

I'm supposed to criticize that?

God is good.

Melanie, that was really good.

You look great
tonight, by the way.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

I cannot tell you how good it feels
to be here tonight on this stage.

Thank you so much for
bringing me back, Simon.

You have no idea what
this means to me.

Oh, my goodness.

You know what I'm going to say,
the one thing I'm going to

say to you, that person that's
talking right now, I'm so glad

that person came
in here tonight.

Because I feel you.

Great job.

The trip I've been on in my
life, being back and forth from

the Virgin Islands to here, back
to the Virgin Islands, never

getting to see my mother, my
father all the time, living with

my grandparents, this
is really Melanie.

This is me.

This is Melanie.

Oh, I love this.

This is me.

I dream of this
moment all my life.


I love you, honey.

What have you got
to say, Nicole?

Melanie, you are so courageous.

Can I just give you a hug.

Can I give you a hug?

Paula, Paula.

Melanie, Melanie, sweetheart,
I have waited week after week

for the vulnerability of who you
are to come out, and it came out.

The best advice I could ever
give you is what we just saw is

what makes people fall
in love with you.

Always show that vulnerability.

You did a beautiful job.

Thank you, Paula.


Can I say something real quick?

You are such an amazing singer.

No disrespect to the amazing
choir, but you don't need that.

You don't need that.

Thank you, Paula.


You don't need that.

Actually, Paula, I think it was
appropriate that we did that tonight.

You saw that she
sings in church.

It was right to have a choir on.

Silly criticism.

Always stand apart
then, Melanie.

Stand apart.

Oh, shut up.

I'm very, very proud of you,
what you did tonight,

particularly what you just said.

But please can I say to the
people at home who are voting,

two people are going
to go home tomorrow.

Please don't let Melanie be one
of them, because we need this

girl in the competition.

Thank you.

Melanie, you were
outstanding tonight.


If you want to vote for Melanie
amaro, call - -the-xf- .

That's - - - .

Or text "vote" to .

Message and data
rates may apply.

To vote online or to learn how to vote
using Twitter, go to thexfactorusa.Com.

Well done, Melanie.


Coming up next, it's Chris rene
from Santa Cruz, California.

He's giving thanks to the one person
who quite literally saved his life.

That's Chris when we come back.

♪™? : : : : Welcome back to the x factor.

Tomorrow the results.

Two acts will go home.

Check this out.

Bruno Mars will be here
with his latest single.

Also, Kelly clarkson
will be performing live.

That's going to be a lot of fun.

Plus, we'll see the final nine in the
exclusive Pepsi choice performance.

Back to tonight.

Next to perform for your
votes, one of the boys.

L.A. reid.


And this is my guy, Chris rene.

I have six months
clean and sober.

This week I'm giving
thanks to Tim.

He's the counselor at my
rehab and he saved my life.

I remember being there at rehab.

Some days were really hard.

When Chris arrived at rehab,
it was like a show.

It was like mentally, physically,
in each way he was broken.

And that's what
methamphetamine will do.

I think one of the worst
nightmares a parent can have is

to watch their child going down the
wrong path and knowing you're helpless.

That's real devastating thing
about addiction, is that this

person you're in love with starts to
kind of die while they're still alive.

A few months ago I was
driving my car loaded.

And I got into a
horrible car crash.

I ended up wrapping
my car around a tree.

I flew out of the car.

I almost died.

I went in a taxi straight from the
hospital to the rehab where I met Tim.

Chris was ready to
get clean and sober.

He didn't know how he was
going to, but he was ready.

Treatment and recovery are not
easy, but he put his all into it.

I had to look at myself and
what I'd done to my family.

I'd hurt them unimaginably.

We were surprised as he started to heal,
because Chris started to come out.

It was amazing because he started
to sing and joke and smile.

We had hope.

If there were any contestant on
this entire show that's maybe

the most thankful, I'm going
to say it's Chris rene.

Tim saw through the
mask I was wearing.

He told me how to
be a better man.

I'll always be there for Chris.

He's really a good kid, and
he's hard not to live.

Tim, thank you from the
bottom of my heart.

Thank you.

I was at the lowest part of my life,
and Tim helped me through it.

He gave me strength to hold
on, to keep staying strong.

Tim helped shape me into
the person I am today.

™?When I find myself
in times of trouble ♪

Mother Mary comes to me ♪

Speaki words of wisdom ♪

Let it be ♪

And in my hour of darkness ♪

She is standing right in front of me ♪

Speaking words of wisdom ♪

Let it be ♪

Let it be ♪

Let it be ♪

Let it be ♪

Let it be ♪

Whisper words of wisdom ♪

Let it be ♪

And when the broken-hearted people ♪

Living in the world agree ♪

There will be an answer ♪

Let it be ♪

Though they may be parted ♪

There's still a chance that they will see ♪

There will be an answer ♪

Let it be ♪

Let it be ♪

Let it be ♪

Let it be ♪

Let it be ♪

Whisper words of wisdom ♪

Let it be ♪

if you know
the song you can sing along

open my mind with
the spoken words

♪Ah, yay, yay ♪

Ah, yay, yay♪

Sing along,verybody ♪

Ah, yay, yay ♪

Ah, yay, yay ♪

Yay, yay, yay ♪

hey, look how powerful is
the music is you write.

Look how powerful it is.

I believe, I believe I just --
to me you're such an example,

such a blessing in
this competition.

I'm so grateful
that we have you.

Thank you, Nicole.

We're all grateful to have you.

I just want to say, you know,
it's so nice to hear you get

back to where we fell in love
with you in the first place.

So heartwarming, and I want to tell you
thank you so much for your dedication.

Thank Tim.

Thank all the sponsors and all
the counselors that are saving

lives and shaping
futures forever.

God bless you.

God bless them.

I love you.

You did an amazing job.

God bless, Paula.

Love you, too.

Chris, I have to be honest.

I didn't think the
first song worked.

Then, then, thank God, you went
back into the second song so you

reminded everyone why we liked
you so much in the first place.

Chris, I've got to
say this to you.

Not many people would have the guts
to just admit what happened to you.

Because what I think you've just
done there is that you may have

helped thousands of people who
are in the same place to show

that with courage and with guts
that you can turn your life

around, and I really hope America
supports you tonight and

keeps you in this competition.

I really do.

Thank you.

Chris, you have a
word on your arm.

You have a tattoo.

It says believe.

Well, guess what?

I believe in you.

Thank you, L.A.

Are you happy?


I feel great.

Thank you, Steve.


Well done, well done.

To vote for Chris rene,
call - -the-xf- .

That's - - - .

Or text "vote" to .

To vote online or to learn how
to vote using Twitter, go to

thexfactorusa.Com, but you can't
do anything until the end of the

show, so hang tight.

Shout out to my sister in
Detroit and Elijah, Ryan and

Melissa, I love you guys.

Up next after the break,
it's lakoda rayne.

Don't go anywhere.

Welcome back to Thanksgiving
week on the x factor.

There's just one group
left in the competition.

They're mentored by Paula Abdul.

I am so grateful to be able
to come to work every day and

experience these lovely ladies.

They inspire me, and thank you,
America, for loving them.

It's lakoda rayne.

We all have different paths that we've
taken to get us where we are now.

It's really important to think
about why am I who I am.

So why did you guys pick
this song this week?

We wanted to give thanks to the
people who have shaped us in

to who we are today.

I like that.

This week the girls want to
give special thanks to the

important ones in their life that
have made such a difference.

I'm extremely
thankful for my dad.

We were pretty financially
unstable when I was younger.

When the electricity would get
cut, my dad would pull out a

tent and he would say
we're going camping!

It takes an incredible person to be
able to, like -- we never give up.

Just keep on going.

It's not about the money.

This is about living your dream.

One person here has really influenced
me has been my boyfriend, Michael.

People said it
will never happen.

I gave it up.

I don't believe I'm here.

You deserve it.

I love you.

Michael made me believe
in myself again.

This week I'm going to
be thanking my dad.

My dad's biggest dream is to
have his own restaurant, but he

did take the money for the
restaurant and he spent it to

make my dream come true.

To watch her do her best and work so
hard, I can't be any more proud of her.

This week I want to be
giving thanks to my grandma.

First time you got up here,
you must have been terrified.

Ever since I was a little
girl and started singing, she

was the one always
supporting me.

She'll be strong and true to her, and
she has -- oh, grammy, don't cry.

She's the reason why I'm here.

She's very special.

And watching her perform on stage tonight
is the culmination of everything.

™?You're on the phone
with your girlfriend ♪

She's upset ♪

♪ She's going off
about something that you said ♪

She doesn't get your humor like I do ♪

I'm in my room ♪

It's a typical Tuesday night ♪

♪ I'm listening to
the kind of music she doesn't like ♪

And she'll never know your story like I do ♪

But she wears short skirts ♪

I wear t-shirts ♪

♪ She's cheer
Captain and I'm on the bleachers ♪

Dreaming about the day when

you wake up and find what you're looking
for has been here the whole time ♪

♪ If you could see
that I'm the one who understands you ♪

Been here all along so why can't you see ♪

You belong with me ♪

You belong with me ♪

♪ Oh, I remember
you were driving to my house ♪

In the middle of the night ♪

I'm the one who makes you laugh ♪

When you know you're about to cry ♪

I know your favorite songs ♪

And you tell me about your dreams ♪

Think I know where you belong ♪

Think I know it's with me ♪

♪ Can't you see that
I'm the one who understands you ♪

Been here all along so why can't you see ♪

You belong with me ♪

♪Yeah ♪

Standing by you waiting at your back door ♪

All this time ♪

How could you not know, baby ♪

You belong with me ♪

You belong with me ♪

You belong with me ♪

Have you ever thought just maybe ♪

You belong with me ♪

You belong with me ♪

all right, lakoda.

You know, last week was the week
that I thought you had returned

to the competition.

This week you actually managed
to drum up some excitement.

That was pretty good.

And I was completely prepared to not
like it, but again, you disarmed me.


Girls, you looked,
you sounded amazing.

I loved the song choice.

I felt like I was
watching you in concert.

Thank you, Nicole.

Hold your horses, honey.

This is by far your best
performance so far.

I'm not going to say the vocals
were perfect, because there was

a lot of running around, but in
terms of the kind of group you

should be, the kind of record
you should be making, I think

that the more you sing, the more
America will get to know you.

I can say firsthand, you are
four really sweet girls.

I genuinely wish two people
weren't going home tomorrow.

The sky is the limit.

The sky is the limit.

You're grateful.

You are amazing.

I am so proud.

Thank you.

Come on, girls.

Fabulous, fabulous.

To vote for lakoda rayne,
call - -the-xf- .

That's - - - .

Or text "vote" to .

To vote online or to learn how
to vote using Twitter, go to

thexfactorusa.Com, but voting doesn't
open 'til the end of the show.

And you can follow the progress of
your favorite contestant each week.

All of their live performances are available
to download at thexfactorusa.Com.

Well done, girls.

Well done.

After the break -- coming
up, it's Leroy bell.

Welcome back to Thanksgiving
week on the x factor.


Up next, the first
of the over s.

Nicole scherzinger.

Representing Seattle,
Washington, I'm so proud.

This is Leroy bell.

This week I'm giving
thanks to my mom, Janice.

Everybody thinks their mom is the greatest,
but I know my mom's the greatest.

His mother holds a very, very
special place in his heart.

It's probably part of the
reason he's here today.

I grew up in a
really big family.

I had five other siblings.

You can't raise six kids
without being a strong person.

I think I had a special Bond
just because I'm the first born.

When I was in my teens, it
finally hit me that music is

what I want to do for
the rest of my life.

She boug him a guitar amp.

He was he can stat stick.

I came home from school
and there it was.

I was like wow.

From that day on, I knew my mother
wanted me to follow my dream.

I was behind me %.

My mom passed away almost
two years this January.

And that was devastating.

My mom was more
than just my mom.

She was my friend.

You know, I could tell
her almost anything.

I'd never seen him cry.

When I did see him break down,
you knew it was just breaking,

you know, him apart.

She was the only one
that was always there.

I miss her.

Yeah, I miss her.

My mom was one of the reasons I
tried out for x factor because

she saw me struggling
in the music business.

She didn't believe in giving up.

This is a dream she had for me and now
I'm here close to within realizing that.

Leroy chose his song this week and
he chose the absolute perfect song.

It's got to have the sincerity.

It's got to have the intensity.

Tonight my mom and I are going
to be together one more time.

I'm going to sing
this song for her.

™?Spend all your time waiting ♪

For that second chance ♪

For a break that would make it okay ♪

There's always some reason ♪

To feel not good enough ♪

And it's hard at the end of the day ♪

In the arms of the angel ♪

Fly away from here ♪

From this dark cold hotel room ♪

And the endlessness that you fear ♪

You are pulled from the wreckage ♪

Of your silent reverie ♪

You're in the arms of the angel ♪

May you find ♪

Some comfort here ♪

In the arms of the angel ♪

Fly away from here ♪

From this dark cold hotel room ♪

And the endlessness that you fear ♪

You are pulled from the wreckage ♪

Of your silent reverie ♪

Oh, you're in the arms of the angel ♪

May you find ♪

May you find some ♪

Comfort here ♪

all right, Leroy.

Listen, that was really good.

I loved the message.

I have to be honest.

And tell you that to me
it wasn't your very best.

It was good.

It wasn't your very best.

It was heartfelt for sure,
but not your very best.

I could not disagree
with you more, L.A.

I finally feel that there was so
much passion and connection that

it is the most beautiful
performance you've ever given,

and it's because you
were so connected to it.

And God bless you for that.

God bless you.

Thank you.

Um, you know, I have a lot of respect for l.
A. And that's why

I wanted him on the show,
because, you know, like me, he

works for record labels, so
normally I agree with him.

Not tonight.

This is the first time, Leroy, I
actually feel that you meant every word.

I got to know you more.

I thought it was a fantastic
tribute to your mom.

I thought it was
a great version.

And I think you really
made your mark this week.


This is your moment.

I told you I wanted it to be
your moment with this song, and

I asked you to just let
go and to not hold back.

And that's exactly what you did.

And I just want you
to enjoy this moment.

I know that your mom is shining
down on you right now.

Thank you.

Finally, you have won
Simon cowell over.

He sees the light.

How does that feel?

It feels wonderful.

It was amazing.

It was absolutely amazing.

It felt like a song you
were singing for your mum.

I was singing for my mom.



Well done, well done.

To vote for Leroy bell,
call - -the-xf- .

That's - - - .

Or text "vote" to .

To vote online or to learn how to vote
using Twitter, go to thexfactorusa.Com.

Calls are toll-free from
landlines and you can call as

often as you like from
landlines and sms.

Up next, it's the
next of the boys.

He had a very rocky time.

Tonight, he's performing to
win back his supporters.

Can he do it?

It's astro when we come back.

Welcome back to Thanksgiving
week on the x factor.

All night you've been having
your say on Twitter about

everything to do with the show.

This should be interesting.

Let's take a look at some
of your tweets, shall we?

Hi, Simon, can you come over
to my house for Thanksgiving?

I'm way cuter than Steve Jones.

Ha, ha.

Well, that's no picture
in my defense.

Is it a guy or a girl?

We don't know at this point.

Let's be clear on that.

It's probably a guy.

We'll bring some friends.

There you go.

If you bring friends, you've got
Simon cowell for Thanksgiving.

The next one says, I swear, L.A.

Be looking like he
has on lipstick.


L.A., I'm coming to you.

Are you wearing lipstick?

I promise you, I am not, sir.

Wait a minute.

You were totally
wearing lipstick.

I can see from here.

I just have nice lips.

What can I say?

He just have lovely lips.

Keep those comments coming.

We love them.


Coming up, the final boy, L.A.


From Brooklyn, show
some love to astro.

This week I want to show my supporters
since the incident last week.

Rachel crow.

I really appreciate my
supporters now more than ever.

They're the reason I'm here.

Last week was a difficult
and trying moment.

Astro's sorry because he gave
his fans and viewers the

impression that he'd given up.

When I found out I was in the bottom
two, I was just kind of disappointed.

The pressure is on for
astro and Stacy Francis.

They must now sing for survival.

Think about how frustrated you
would be if you'd taken your

time to write these songs, yet
you end up in the bottom two.

I could have handled it better.

I wanted to leave because I felt
like people wasn't getting me.

I didn't know how to
control my emotion.

I really don't want to perform.

I feel it's unnecessary.

Astro, you came out and you act
a little bit like a quitter.

Congratulations, astro.

We'll see you next week.

Last week astro felt he
didn't have any supporters.

For the first time in
his life he felt alone.

He felt hurt.

He reacted because he was hurt.

Is that really so unforgiveable?

The minute he got behind the
computer, he was expecting hate.

He was expecting abandonment.

People just tell
me don't give up.

He got so much support, it
actually showed him you can make

mistakes and we're
still here for you.

When I hear astro, I feel really proud
because I think he's really talented.

I'm going to always be
his biggest supporter.

That's my son.

It knows a lot knowing people are
behind me a hundred percent.

I'm sorry.

As long as I have my true fans
with me, then I'm straight

because they're the only
reason I'm still here.

They vote for me every week, and
I really appreciate it now more

than ever, so this
song is for them.

No tensions this week.

I'm .

is the new .

What you want me to do?

I'm sorry.

I'm from Brooklyn.


Show me what you got x factor.

Show me what you got team astro.

Tonight is the night
I got a feeling.

Where my astronauts
in the building.

Hands up.

Now wave, wave, wave.

Come on.

Spazzed out but I'm back again.

Got my head in the right place.

I'm back to win.

You know me.

I od aed on beats.

Real deep.

Style neat.

Young mc.

Get on stage, act
dumb like last week.

Shame on me.

Put the blame on me.

Color me bad.

Still I could never be corny.

Luckily got my team
astro reppin' me.

Don't mess with me.

I always got a supporter
right next to me.

I let my fans go.

When I feel bitter, when on
my pc Twitter had me smiling.

Team astro we at , .

Hey, hey.

Show me what you got, x factor.

Show me what you
got, team astro.

Tonight is the night.

I got a feeling.

Where my astronauts
in the building.

Hands up now.

Wave, wave.

I'm seeing astronauts

And I'm cocky so they're the
only reason I'm still here.

The web going crazy.

Bloggers hate me.

But astronauts here
so can't faze me.

Colorado, new Jersey, Alabama.

Did I mention NY,
Brooklyn, stand up.

Washington, Kansas, Florida,
Canada, South, west, north, east

Africa, London, england, new
Zealand, South America, Ireland,

Thailand, my fan base is wide we
taking over, from places I can't

pronounce like nova scotia.

Show me what you got, x factor.

Show me what you
got, team astro.

I got a feeling my
astronauts in the building.

Hands up and wave, wave.

One more time for me.

Show me what you got, x factor.

Show me what you
got, team astro.

Tonight is the night,
I got a feeling.

Where my astronauts
in the building.

Hands up and wave,
wave, wave, wave.


Sorry, sorry.

Before y'all start talking, I just
want to say last week I had a moment.

You know, it got over
my head a little bit.

I could have handled
myself better.

And I -- to team astro and all
the astronauts across the world,

but mostly hip hop, I'll
never let you down again.

I'm very proud of you, astro.

Thank you, thank you.

You said that you're
taking over in your rap.

I want you moving forward, because I
believe in you and you are a champion.

To never expectnd always
to remain grateful.

This week is for you.

It's about giving thanks.

Always remain grateful, because that's
what's going to take you all the way.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Astro, can I be an astronaut?

Sure, sure.

Thank you.

I got to tell you, you are
well on your way to becoming

prolific, and I mean
that from my heart.

Thank you.

Last week I saw a young man
who was seemingly in trouble.

I never felt that you
were ever irreverent.

I know how important and
devoted you are to your music.

Anyone that's hating on you,
they just must be perfect.

I don't know about you.

I don't know anyone who's
perfect, including the guy.


I'll be an astronaut and the
first to send you up to space.

As long as I can see astro.

Astro, I admire you, I do.

Because we all have tantrums.

I think you find it hard
to express yourself.

You and I had a conversation with LA.
The day after.

You knew you did wrong.

But you know what?

The music business needs

I don't want everyone -- I don't
like everybody just to toe the line.

I like people who
are passionate.

I do think, L.A.
, for the week, it wasn't the perfect song.

But in terms of showcasing your
talent, I can't fault that.

Thank you, sir.

Thank you.

Well, I think that you
did the necessary thing.

You humbled yourself.

You've apologized.

And then you came out
and you performed.

And you did a great job.

That's all I can really ask.

For you to be a gentleman.

And it's going to be tough
going forward, right?

We don't know what obstacles are
there, but as long as you keep a

good head on your shoulder and always
give your very best, you'll be fine.

Thank you, thank you.

Thank you, L.A.

To vote for astro,
call - -the-xf- .

That's - - - .

Or text "vote" to .

To vote online or to learn how to vote
using Twitter, go to thexfactorusa.Com.

Well done, sir.

Back in the game.

After the break, from chino
valley, Arizona, it's drew.

She's performing for her closest
friend when we come back.

Welcome back to Thanksgiving
week on the x factor.

Tomorrow night we'll find out who
you put through to next week

and who will have to
sing for survival.

If last week was anything to go by,
who knows what's going to happen.

Also tomorrow, incredible performances
from Kelly clarkson and Bruno Mars.

And the final nine will be
taking to the stage with the

Pepsi choice performance
created by you at home.

That's all tomorrow,
Wednesday , : central.


There's one more singer
from the girls to perform.

Simon cowell.


Representing chino valley,
Arizona, it's drew.

Tonight I'm dedicating my song
to give thanks to my best

friend in the whole
world, shelby.

She has been there by my side since
all the way back in second grade.

I was the girl who cared
about what everybody thinks.

When somebody would say something I
didn't like, I would get angry about it.

Shelby is the kind of girl
like who cares, drew.

Seriously, who cares.

I had to tell her,
just be yourself.

Be drew.

If they don't like you,
too bad for them.

I think drew struggles with the
same thing all -year-old

girls struggle with, being
accepted, her appearance.

She's not a dancer.

She's not athletic.

She did do basketball one year
and they were like grateful she

didn't come back.

No, that's not true.

That's true.

Shelby has been the one that will
come in and just, drew, this is it.

This is who you are.

They laugh it off
and it's all good.

I've seen them grow from
little, little girls to being

more involved with makeup and
hair and something doesn't look

good on one, they'll
tell each other.

They try to help each other out.

It's a good thing to have
a good friend like that.

You're so cute.

Me and shelby have gone through
loser status together.

But I pull shelby up.

I tell drew she's beautiful
just the way she is.

She helped me to realize the
dorkier and more being myself I

am, the more people
will actually like me.

When a friend sticks by you in
the good and the bad, that's

a true friend and we all
need friends like that.

My song is for you and I'm doing
"skyscraper" because that's our song.

I'm so thankful for you.

Thank you.

Thank you so much for
being my best friend.

I hope you love this song
that I'm dedicating to you.


Skies are crying ♪

I am watching ♪

Catching teardrops in my hands ♪

Only silence ♪

As it's ending ♪

Like we never had a chance ♪

Do you have to make me feel like ♪

There's nothing left of me ♪

You can take everything I have ♪

And you can break everything I am ♪

Like I'm made of glass ♪

Like I'm made of paper ♪

So go on and try to tear me down ♪

And I will be raising from the ground ♪

Like a skyscraper ♪

Like a skyscraper ♪

Go run, run, run ♪

I'm gonna stay right here ♪

Watch you disappear ♪

♪Yeah, ♪

Go, run, run, run ♪

'Cause it's a long way down ♪

And I am closer to the clouds up here ♪

you can
take everything I have ♪

And you can break everything I am ♪

Like I'm made of glass ♪

Like I'm made of paper ♪

And go on and try to tear me down ♪

I will be rising from the ground ♪

Like a skyscraper ♪

Like a skyscraper ♪

Skies are crying ♪

I am watching ♪

Catching teardrops in my hands ♪

hi, drew.


So my comments this week, I'm
going to have to direct them to

your mentor, because I --
I -- again, I'm sorry.

You know you're great.

I take issue with the fact that
you are -- how old are you?


You're doing songs for
people that are .

Why are you doing songs
that are so old?

You're so young.

I don't understand your
collection of material.

You don't do age-appropriate music,
and I don't understand it.

L.A., this song actually means a lot
to me no matter -- I'm sure it does.

That's not the point.

-- How old I am.

It goes out to every girl
who felt the way I felt.

Everyone needs a best friend.

And everyone needs
somebody like shelby.

And I don't every girl
or every guy knows that.

And I feel like a song means
that much to me that it's going

out to everyone who's felt worthless
or felt like they're not good enough.

I respect that.

I completely respect that.

I'm not -- I'm not debating you.

I'm talk -- this is, again,
directed to your mentor who I'm

sure either assisted
or chose the song.

I just didn't think it
was a great choice.

Thank you, L.A.

Let's hear from Nicole.

You're a beautiful,
beautiful girl.

And I'm so happy that you dedicated
this song to such a special friend.

I hope that more people out
there have little shelbys in

their lives, little angels.

And I'm happy.

It felt like you rocked
it out more this week.

I'm not frustrated this week.

I connected.

Thank you, Nicole.

Drew, everybody needs a friend.

You're a lovely friend
to dedicate that song.

And it is a young artist who actually
sings it, and that's demi lovato.

And I will say this.

I loved when the tempo picked
up, because I felt you really

got into it, and that's what
I loved about the song.

Thank you, thank you.

Drew, I'm -- I'm
very proud of you.

And, L.A., yeah, I'm going
to direct this at you.

I am sick to death of your
pointless, stupid criticisms.

It's not my fault you guys have
a limited vocabulary of music.

This is unfounded.

It is inaccurate.

This is a young girl's song.

You are talking complete and
utter rubbish, and I am getting

really tired of you not giving
this girl the right criticism

because I know that she
deserves a shot on this show.

You're trying to make people
feel that she's worthless.

She's not.


She's doing the right thing.

I think the real point here is --
guys -- you can give it, but you

can't take it.

I can take it, L.A.

We're going to have to move on.

I can take it when
it means something.

This is a young girl's song.

Got to move on, Simon.

Thank you, guys.

We have to stop
right now, please.



All right?

To vote for drew,
call - -the-xf- .

That's - - - .

If you're a verizon subscriber,
you can text the word "vote" to

from your wireless phone.

To vote online or to learn how to vote
using Twitter, go to thexfactorusa.Com.

But don't vote until
the end of the show.

Well done, drew.

That was a toughie.

Up next, from Columbus,
Ohio, it's Josh krajcik.

Welcome back to the x factor.

It's Thanksgiving week.

The acts are all singing for people
who have been inspirational to them.

And if you like what you're
hearing and want a copy for

yourself, you can download all of tonight's
performances at thexfactorusa.Com.

Right now here's the final
performer of the night.

It's the last of the over s.

Nicole scherzinger.

Representing Columbus, Ohio, I am so
proud to introduce Mr. Josh krajcik.

This week I'm dedicating my song
to my -year-old daughter, rowan.

Without her I wouldn't be
singing today, and I may have

given up on my dream completely.

I was when I had rowan.

She's just such a
wonderful child.

My dad's one of the
best fathers out there.

But it's so cool that he can
also be one of my best friends.

I'm really lucky.

Josh fell in love as a teenager.

He fell pretty hard, and things
sometimes don't work out.

When you lose your first love,
you feel like you've just

fallen off the
edge of the world.

I fell into a very dark place.

His smile was gone.

It was probably the most helpless I've
ever felt not being able to help my son.

I wouldn't want to wish
that hell on anyone.

My drive for being a
musician faltered.

I remember a time I saw rowan playing the
piano and I saw a piece of me in her.

Something inside me clicked.

To hell with this pain.

That means nothing.

I have my daughter rowan
and it's about her.

And I said to myself, I've got
to make a change, because I need

to show her having a dream and
striving for it is worth it.

What's the story behind
this song for you?

I've been playing this song,
oh, probably her whole life.

Josh chose a song that's
very close to his heart.

The song shows how hard it is to be
away and be working and not see her.

My dad is definitely
one of my heroes.

Seeing my father living out his dream
has showed me that anything's possible.

The whole reason I'm here
doing this is for her.

I hope that she watches and
says, wow, that's my dad!

You know, and if I can accomplish that,
then I think I can accomplish anything.


♪Childhood livin' ♪ :

♪Is easy to do ♪

The things that you wanted ♪

I bought them for you ♪

Wild horses ♪

Couldn't drag me away ♪

Oh, wild horses ♪

Couldn't drag me away ♪

I watched you suffer ♪

A dull aching pain ♪

Now you decided ♪

To show me the same ♪

Wild horses ♪

Couldn't drag me away ♪

Wild horses ♪

Couldn't drag me away ♪

Wild, wild horses ♪

We'll ride them someday ♪


You know what, Josh?

You have the right
amount of everything.

You have the right
amount of passion.

You have the right authenticity.

You're clearly lovable.

You chose the right song.

You have everything it takes
to win this competition.


It's such a pleasure
and honor knowing you.

I've got to tell you something.

All I ever ask and want is for
you contestants to be bigger

than the songs that you sing,
and you are larger than life.

This is going to be so hard.

Oh, my God.

You're great.

Josh, you know what?

That's what it's all about.

It's just about --

it's about a great, great song.

A great voice.

And you meant every word you sing, you
sang, and I have to say this, Nicole.

I've given you a bit of a hard
time over the last few weeks.

You've done an
outstanding job tonight.


I'm so proud.

Thank you, Simon.

I'm very grateful for you.

I don't -- I'm just
so -- I'm sorry.

Beyond this competition, I
strongly believe that your music

can change the world.

I do.

Thank you, Nicole.

I want to thank you.

I appreciate you so much for
the musician that you are.

That was breathtaking.

Thank you.

Thank you, Nicole.

I just want to say one thing.

I've been meaning to say this.

I want to thank the audience and the
people back home that support me.

Without you guys, like my
daughter, you inspire me.

You inspire me to be here.

Thank you.

Well done, Josh.

To vote for Josh krajcik,
call - -the-xf- .

That's - - -
or text "vote" to .

To vote online or to learn how to vote
using Twitter, go to thexfactorusa.Com.

So nine acts have sung.

Only seven can go through.

It's time to decide.

Here's another look at
all their performances.

And voting is now open.

As always, these are numbers, not
or , so please dial carefully.

Don't waste your votes
by getting it wrong.

Voting will stay open for
two hours after the show.

The contestants need
every vote they can get.

On a personal note, guys,
it's been a special night.

Thank you so much.

Outstanding, all of you.

We'll get the results
tomorrow night.

Seven acts will go through to
next week, but two will go home.

Two will go home.

Thanks so much for watching.

We'll see you tomorrow,
: , central.

Good night.